Electricity | Grade 8 Science DepEd MELC Quarter 1 Module 5 Part 1 Voltage, Current, Resistance
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: The Learning Bees
Views: 62,903
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Learning Bees, Department of Education, DepEd, MELC-Based, Most Essential Learning Competencies, Science, Grade 8, Electricity, Voltage, Current, Resistance, Coulomb, Ampere, Volt, Ohm, Ohm's Law, Electric charges, Why birds don't get electrocuted on wires, Electrons, Circuit, Georg Ohm, Electricity water analogy, Generator, Solar cells, Battery, Andre-Marie Ampere, Conductor and insulator, Ammeter, Voltmeter, Energy
Id: S7WMIF5Qfhw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 41sec (1181 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 14 2020
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