Electrician Reveals his MASSIVE hand tool collection...

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hello guys well it's been a while since I've done any tool related videos um but I'm all sick with covid it's a sunny day I can't go out anywhere else but I can be in my garden and you thought you know what let me have a clear out of all my tool bags because over the years as a Sparky you can probably relate to this if you've been sparking for quite a while you tend to build up quite a large tool collection and the trouble is for me now to be honest I'm not on the tools that much anymore so I've got all of these random Tools in various different tool bags and I thought let me have a good old sort out and see what I've actually got what I actually need and then maybe I can prepare some to give away to you guys on our channel members page so like And subscribe if you like tools and let's get into it so first things first I'm going to empty out my beloved tool pouch now this is the Vito pro pack tp3b I think it is over the years I've ended up using this more than a proper tool bag now all of the tools that are here are tools that I have used and loved over the years and I will leave a link in the description of the video where you can get these if you're looking to start up your own first toolkit I'll describe them for you and I'll leave Amazon links below for all of them so this is the wehar electricians spanner sorry we are electricians hammer absolutely brilliant this is the unilight head torch these are my safe style glasses which by the way you can get a chunky discount using our referral code these are the nepex uh installation pliers absolutely love these so they do cutting stripping crimping the whole lot they're like a multi-tool basically really really nice the stud buddy for those of you who've been watching the channel for ages you'll have seen me use all of these at some point and it's kind of sad that I don't get to use them much anymore my healthy pen with another level in it I don't think you can actually buy those I think they're kind of like limited edition um and my screwdrivers wise I have an absolute plethora of different screwdrivers and I'm still screwdriver neutral um so I'll talk you through the screwdrivers that I've got in a minute this is brilliant this is an insulated mirror which enables you to look under the bus bar to see if there are any um loose loose teeth in the bus bar really really good nippax Ergo strip boom absolutely love that tool um this is just a pair of Irwin grips to be honest I prefer the the other ones that I've got but these small ones do come in handy sometimes uh these are pair of croppers CK ones I've found to be among the best it's a little Stabila level these are nipex um non-vde um needle nose pliers wow they're stiff shows how how long it's been since I've used these ah these are really stiff as well these are nipex vde long nose pliers that's my q-tech um volt voltage approved voltage detector thingy and hiding in here as well there is a Klein Allen tool it's the 3x75 it's the one that you use to open up the screws and the service heads um oh and this is quite good good for reaming out those metal holes to get rid of any swarf then I've got a tracer marker discovered those recently very good got a marksman as well which are not very well designed for fitting in these pouches because they tend to get stuck there we go there's a marksman you'll see me use that before as well and my favorite knife pretty much still the Stanley sliding knife quick slide absolutely brilliant then in here I've got the nipex double jaw meter box key got a CK threading tool that is the M4 and then I've got the M 3.5 there as well kind of an Essentials kit basically for anything that you kind of would be able to do pretty much any job seed on site and it kind of gets you out of trouble um so that's everything in there then on the back I've just got a couple of rolls of tape black and white I've got a 25 mil armag accelerate hole saw in there and a posi bit a couple of bits of blue sleeving which I'll throw away so that is my tool pouch now empty I need my little blower to blow it out really let's see what else I've got in my other tool bags so this is my main tool bag which as I said has kind of ended up not really being used much and it ended up just being used to store tools uh Irwin Allen key set that comes in handy when you need Allen keys there's a bit of uh old bus bar in there which I'll probably get rid of some more white tape another Stanley quick slide this I love this is the Barco ratchet stubby screwdriver absolutely brilliant um these I basically never use um they're the kind of European style for stripping wires and I just we don't really They Don't Really suit this country to be honest they're using a lot in Germany in the Netherlands and things like that Croatia but I don't really get them to be honest I've never really gone with them let me know in the comments if you love these but I just I just never really got on with them this I've Barely Used either but it was quite clever so it's a Stanley fat Max um which is all but it folds up so it's kind of safe because there's nothing worse than cutting your hand when you shove your hand in the tool bag there's another meter box key set there but that's the nipex uh twin key I think it's called we also got a couple of stuffing glands like that it's like a fuse box one uh Tails gland and a 25 mil whisker gland some drill bits [Music] uh this is a punch down tool no brand name on there unilight pen light set of spanners which are really nice banners they're the carolus ones very good quality spanners got an old Biro uh awira cozy bit drill bit from an old nest thermostat a pair of scissors oh this is nice I like this this is the Klein knife very very nice uni like make similar ones now they are beautiful ah this is cool I like this this is a um like a measuring thingy I can't remember what you call them a meter thing basically you can use it to like measure the width of stuff externally very accurately or internally so I can like measure the insides of that for example or you can measure the depth of something like that um very cool bit of Kit I must say I don't really use it very much but sometimes it does come in handy and it's one of those things that if you're doing engineering and stuff like that it can be very useful so that was all in that side there there's a little flap here but that's not got anything in it um yeah so over to the other side we have a Barco saw a hacksaw very good miniature axle a load more screwdrivers as I say I'll talk you through four drives in a minute I've got tons of different types a nippex knife which again not really used very much to be honest most of the stuff in here is stuff that doesn't get used much these are very good these are the bit broken now but these are the uh the q-tech jump leads for doing like R1 and R2 testing and stuff that is also good a halter Force knife a bit more disposable my Leatherman oh I didn't realize I had my Leatherman still love uh love a Leatherman there we go Leatherman surge that is the ultimate multi-tool very nice uh Doncaster cables EV Ultra stripper another Marksman another cable knife um that the case for the halter Force knife a unilight USB charging cable and a emergency thingy yeah that's quite cool good for picking up like useful for picking up um you know picking up screws that you've dropped and things like that and I think it's got a light on the end as well that's quite cool um and that's pretty much it really I'm gonna empty this out now into the bin and then I'll go through all of that with you but there's even more down here as well okay so we have two empty tool bags now what's next I've got this pouch here now this is part of the sultano tool bags that they gave us and we got the sort of my racking and to be honest I've never really used it um I don't particularly like the sultimo stuff it's just not very practical it's expensive and not very practical so but in here I do have some nice goodies a tiny little hammer and then this is the main sort of my bag in which I've got a massive pair of grips these are for like panel wire very nice I did a video about those onto Sparks for Mike from um mic from loadout oh this this is that terrible uh wear a screwdriver that Corey ranted about in the video where we were doing the EV charges until midnight it's like a ratcheting screwdriver or something like that it's just it's complete gimmick very expensive [Music] um more screwdrivers a pair of Cutters from wish these are all the ones that have been stored for a while left over from Tulsa Sparks another pair of cards from wish and another pair of Cutters from wish a nice uni light there um more screwdrivers a pair of bolt cutters I think these are the ones that Corey was in a thumbnail like because I broke customer asked me to break in that one um a lump Hammer another insulated mirror a large hacksaw a pair of CK cutters my uni like SLR 1000 which is my favorite unilight product another pair of glasses this time sunglasses Stanley fat Max um uh tape measure set of bits unilight neck torch Bosch Spade bits these are brilliant set of Milwaukee drill bits uh impact rated bits lots of these bits of rubbish from sorter mode I'm gonna throw these all away a tiny little toffee Hammer some more Doncaster cables EV Ultra strippers a bush spanner and some paperwork on the end of here I've got some masking tape and some more insulation tape and then I've got a surf based box these are for the plug-in testers so surf baseball made them I think now um super rod have like bought the idea off of him and are now making them on mass but this is one of the original ones which is quite cool Instagrams box will know exactly what I'm talking about and then under the tray here we've just got some some various ratchet straps and a mask that's ironic then in addition to that I've got a tracer tape measure that they sent me um it's just a pretty standard tape measure pretty rubbishopery throw it away to be honest Barco set really really good my arm extension a rod that's really handy this is a pair of data scissors that Chile electrical gave us on the training I didn't have any so although they're a little bit of a cheap and cheerful pair I've got to hang on to those this is the ultimate in tape measures the uni light tape measure really really nice and then I'm running out of space now in here this is my testing bag so in here I've got a data tester [Music] artists and labels the Earthly kitchen clamp meter I think that's from tis set of mc4 spanners pair of nipx flash cutters very very nice and here are my grips I like these are the nipex uh cobras they're really probably the best grips out there then in my tester bag obviously I've got my tester my mega 1741 Plus I don't have the brand new one because um Wayne's putting that through its Paces at the moment so I've got all the leads and bits and pieces if you don't really want to see those I've got a Artisan electrics pad in here as well with my name on it just for writing down results and stuff proving unit Q Tech proving unit and then I've got this lovely Chauvin our new clamp meter which does both AC and DC this is useful for solar and it's got a set of probes as well with it and that is pretty much it so the question is what am I going to do with all this stuff well I'm going to have a good sort out and we're going to make a keep pile and a get rid of pile and then see what we end up with because I only need a very basic tool kit now um so I'm probably gonna set up a bag for for Wayne because he doesn't really have a tool bag I'll have my tool pouch just for basic stuff on my tester and then the rest we might give away to you guys oh but first let's talk about screwdrivers my favorite screwdrivers what are they so I've got Milwaukee I've got boddington's got weha sorry wearer I think um so I will tell you my thoughts about screwdrivers I for a while I swore by the Clinton ones I thought they were good oh we we're have always been pretty good and I can't really complain about them I do like these yellow ones however I think there are better ones out there um the Milwaukee ones are pretty lame to be honest they're just we got a free set so we've used them um uh you know bog standard fairly cheap screwdrivers there's nothing wrong with them but they're just not like amazing however these I feel like these are my favorites at the moment the boddington's ones they are just really nice the grip is just lovely and they just feel so premium so this is the velocity uh tester bag I can't remember what it's called but yeah velocity Pro gear Rogue 7.5 tester back there are some pros and cons so there's this flap which kind of protects your tester nicely so I do like that there's a little bit of space there for I've just got my like calibration kit and the notepad I'll put a pair of gloves in there and my um q-tech um proving unit then all the leads here this is what I don't like about it is that it's a bit tight for space I've got all the leads in there's no like really nice easy way to store all the leads we just kind of end up stuffing them shoving them down in there basically so that's my probably biggest negative about these you do have the pockets here as well but again they're not that big not that spacious uh you get these Pockets too but they're just pretty difficult to access feel like so you know I've got a bit of air sleeve in there that's about it really I feel like it's okay but it's not the best stuff should definitely be the possibility to create a slightly better tester bag these dividers are alterable so you can like remove them so you can kind of remove that if you want to if you've got a slightly different side side tester um so that's a way of creating a bit more space so yeah my thoughts are it's okay but quite expensive and I'm sure there are better options although I don't know what they are so I think really this bit is just designed for like screwdrivers and stuff so what I might do is just make this my main tool bag yeah I'm a bit torn about this to be honest let me know in the comments if you've got this and how you've set it up but for me it's just not ideal right so we're getting there now we've got this bad boy all lined up with everything that I basically need as a a minimalist tool pouch and what I do like about this one is it's got this clip which can actually clip onto there so you can actually if you want to clip this one onto that one there's like an add-on then basically the whole thing comes as one big tool bag but um I won't be needing it I'm just gonna use this I have now color coordinated the tools in here so all the silver ones and black ones are in there the orange ones are in there and the yellow and red ones are in there so that's looking much better I'm gonna do some posts about these because I just so rubbish um I think that this is probably going to go to Wayne he can use that for doing site visits and stuff there's a few extra little bits and pieces [Music] slightly annoying OCD triggering maybe I'll put that on the side instead because it's not the right color so here it is the finished product the tool pouch that I will be using with a nice set of screwdrivers and bits and pieces in it here is the finished product with the tech pack MCT so got my red and yellows my oranges a few little bits up there I do like this bag I think this is probably the best tool bag I've ever had to be honest it is so nice and easy to organize everything once you've got it set up as long as you keep on top of it so this theme there we go screw you've got some um my Leatherman got some spanners got some all the Silvery bits and pieces in there and then Marksman a little terminal screwdriver tape that I just need I don't know where my plug-in test is gone but that can just plug in there tape measure safe styles marker Marksman beam so here we are the finished Roundup and um I don't know if I've shown you this yet but got my mirrors in there my scissors nice plug-in tester holder um All That Jazz my nice um threaders Q-tip jump leads some sleuthing nothing in there and then in here got my shaving on the company term I think could you help me to a data tester I put the Milwaukee screwdrivers in here and then I've opened out the pack inside here so we've got all my test leads and everything and the maker in there I'm quite happy with it now right well after an hour and a half of exiting myself I'm ready to go back to bed but I've got an iced coffee and it is sunny out here so I might pop my legs in the Sun for a few minutes but I hope you've enjoyed this little tool segment I know it's rare nowadays but I appreciate your support thank you for liking and subscribing and if you're a channel member extra thanks for the personal support that you give each and every month we appreciate it either way thanks for watching and see you on the next one
Channel: Tools4Sparks
Views: 33,582
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tools4sparks, tool reviews, unboxing, tools, tool battle
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 58sec (1378 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 20 2023
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