ELECTRICAL COMPREHENSION TEST Questions & Answers! (Electrical Test PRACTICE Questions!)

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hello there it's richard mcmahon here from the psychometric testing company howtobecome.com and in this tutorial i'm going to teach you how to pass an electrical comprehension test so if you have an electrical comprehension or aptitude test coming up please make sure you stick around and watch this fully from beginning to end because i'm going to give you an explanation of the kind of questions you will have to undertake i will give you some sample questions and i will also get you to try some yourself live here on the video please also subscribe and don't forget to hit the like button because that tells me you enjoy the content and i will therefore spend more time creating it for you thank you very much okay let's get into the training so what are first of all electrical comprehension tests well an electrical comprehension test is used to assess your competence in the use of different electrical concepts now the test is usually used as part of a wider psychometric testing assessment for different kind of roles that require number one practical engineering skills and for example roles within the royal air force or the armed forces will require you to undertake an electrical test assessment number two you may have to undertake an assessment as part of a process for joining electrical engineering roles and also electrical maintenance and servicing roles too now the type of questions usually fall into the following three different categories and we're going to look at these today you have to analyze electrical circuit diagrams and answer questions related to those you have to answer questions to identify different electrical symbols and then also written test questions that are used to assess your knowledge of electrical concepts so let's take a look at some sample questions before we move on to some questions that you can try under timed conditions so here's a sample electrical comprehension test question in the following circuit if switch b closes and switch a remains open what will happen and then you are given multiple choice options a bulbs x and y will illuminate b bulb x will illuminate only c bulbs y and c will illuminate or d no bulbs will illuminate so it's saying in the following circuit if switch b closes and switch a remains as it is what will happen so if we close switch b we have that circuit now now the only one that is true i it's connected is that element there okay therefore that means that bulbs x and y only will illuminate because switch a remains open and therefore bulb zed cannot function correctly and the important thing with these questions is to always think about the location of the battery the power source which is right there on the top always focus on that part because that is an integral aspect of answering these kind of questions so we're going to look at more of those in a second and i'll get you to try some too but let's have a look at the second type of electrical aptitude test question electrical symbols identification now of course the only way that you can truly answer these is if you do know what the symbols are but if you apply a little bit of common sense and i'll show you how to do that as we progress then you can sometimes whittle the answer options down to one or two so this one is what does the following symbol represent and again you are given multiple choice options a a fuse b a resistor c a locking switch or d a battery well we've already seen what a battery is in the previous image uh the previous question so we can get rid of the battery and we know that the answer there is c which is a locking switch now an open switch as this is here prevents a current from flowing through the circuit okay so another question which is written test questions that assess your knowledge of electrical concepts current is measured in what is it a volts b amps c ohms or d watts and the correct answer is b amps now the way to get proficient in these kind of questions is to practice lots of them which is what we're going to do today so let's start working through some of them again i will give you some sample questions explain how i have reached the answers and then i'll get you to try some under timed conditions so let's go back to the analyzing electrical diagrammatic circuits so here's a question question number one in the following circuit what happens if the switch remains open and our answer options are a bulbs a and b will illuminate b ball b will illuminate only c bulb a will illuminate only or d no bobs will illuminate so the switch is remaining open as is the case there now that means that bulb b cannot operate because the switch is open therefore the circuit is not made the only part that is made is that aspect there so therefore bulb a will be the only one to illuminate the correct answer c and don't forget you have to always look at the location of the battery don't forget that that's very very important so look at the location of the switch the location of the battery and that will assist you in answering the questions so now it's your turn to have a go please put your answer to question two in the comments section below the video and we will come on and mark these every day for you now there is a timer on the right hand side once that gets down to the bottom the time has run out to answer the question so use it if you do need more time please don't be afraid to pause the video it's important that you understand the question and get the answer correct so question two in the following circuit if switch a closes and switch b remains open what will happen a bulbs x y and z will illuminate b bulb x will illuminate only c bulbs y and z will illuminate only or d no bulbs will illuminate now don't forget the location of the battery and the switches and you have the time it takes the timer to go to the bottom to put your answer in the comments section below the video here we go brilliant well done okay let's now try another electrical comprehension test type question but let's make it slightly harder this time question three in the following circuit with switch a open which bulbs are illuminated if any a bulbs x y and z will illuminate b but y will illuminate only c bulbs x and z will illuminate and d no bulbs will illuminate so the switch is remaining open there okay and that's the location of the battery that means that bulb y will not function because switch a is open therefore the circuit is not made whereas bulbs x and z will illuminate because the circuit there is made with the location of the battery so therefore the correct answer is bulbs x and z will illuminate only therefore c is the correct answer so now it's your turn to have another go please put your answer to question four in the comments section below the video for marking you have the time it takes the timer to go down if switch b remains open what will happen so switch b remains open a bulb's x y and z will illuminate bulb x will illuminate only c bulbs y and c will illuminate or d no bubbles will illuminate please put your answer in the comments section below the video here is the timer okay fantastic well done i hope you enjoy these i want to work through a couple more of these diagrammatic ones before we move on to the other two but don't forget if you are enjoying it please give the video a like i would very much appreciate your support thank you so try another one slightly harder please put your answer to question five in the comments section below the video for marking here we go in the following electrical circuit if switch a closes and switch b and c remain open what's going to happen a bulbs x y and z will illuminate b bulb x will illuminate c bulbs y and z will illuminate only and d no bobs will illuminate and you have the time it takes the timer to run down to answer the question put your answer in the comments section below the video here we go okay brilliant and if you are answering these questions within the timer you're doing a great job you're making fantastic progress so let's have a look at one that's slightly harder a little bit different this time in the following circuit how many bulbs will illuminate if switch three closes a no bombs b two bobs c one bulb d four bulbs so in the following circuit how many bulbs will illuminate if switch three closes so let's assume that's what happens switch three closes but the answer is no bombs and the reason being because at the top there switch one has to close for anything to happen to make the circuit okay it has to close to make the circuit a lot of people would get that wrong so what i want you to do is to have a go at a similar one to see whether you can work out exactly how many bulbs will illuminate so please put your answer to question seven in the comments section below the video for marking now in the following circuit the same circuit as before how many bulbs will illuminate but this time if switch is one and five clones so one and five is it a no bombs b one b c two bombs d four bulbs e5 bulbs or f six bulbs and you have the time it takes the timer to go down to answer the question put it in the comment section below make sure you double check your answer here we go okay brilliant well done so let's now move on i'll see we can get access to more of those diagrammatic ones as we work through the tutorial because they are really helpful and they are typical of the kind of questions that you will have to encounter so let's have a look at some electrical symbols identification test questions here's an example one what does the following symbol represent now most people would think no idea now the key to answering these is to look at the answer options and then use a process of m elimination a a battery be a lamp c resistor or d a circuit breaker now if i was using common sense i would say that it's not a battery because we've already seen the battery what it looks like within the diagrams could it be a lamp yes it could what about a resistor it doesn't really look like a resistor what about a circuit breaker yes it looks like a circuit breaker so you could automatically use a process of elimination and say it's unlikely to be a or c and the correct answer is actually b it is a lamp okay so now it's your turn to have a go please put your answer to question nine in the comments section below the video for marking as normal again you have a timer which of the following symbols represents a speaker is it a b c or d now use some common sense and you should be able to work out which one it is here's the timer okay great brilliant work well done try another one please put your answer to question 10 in the comments section below the video for marking here's a timer here we go which of the following symbols represents a heating element so use a process of elimination to decide which one it is a b c or d and i bet you can automatically get rid of two of them straight away so which of the following symbols represents a heating element here's a timer great stuff and just try another one for good luck please put your answer to question 11 in the comments section below the video for marking there's a timer which of the following symbols represents a variable resistor a variable resistor a b c or d and my tip for answering this is to look on the symbols and see which aspect of them looks to represent something that's variable and that will allow you to probably get rid of a couple of answer options here's a timer okay outstanding work well done now let's move on to some electrical circuit charts i want to quickly show you this and if you want to study this more just pause the video but if you understand these different symbols they will help you tremendously to pass any electrical comprehension test so as i say if you want to pause the video this gives you a breakdown of of different electronic circuit symbols okay so have a look at them you can pause the video if you want to because i'm going to move on to the next batch of questions but this is a great thing to study and to learn you don't have to know them inside out but when they do come up you'll be ah that's a transformer oh i know that's a volt meter i know that's a wall light i know that's a switch i know it's a locking switch or even there a push button switch so do learn those it wouldn't take you long to familiarize yourself with them and i think it would be a really good uh process to go through and it will help increase your scores significantly so pause it if you want to and learn them i'm going to now move on to the next questions and that is written electrical comprehension test questions the written format these are a little bit harder i believe so question 12 which type of electrical device only allows current in one direction a electron b diode c battery defuse and the correct answer is actually diode now the only way that you will get good at these is to practice lots of them because then you know there's only a specific number of questions that can be asked so now it's your turn have a go at this please put your answer to question 13 in the comments section below the video if we use some apply some common sense here you should be able to answer it here we go what is covered on wires to guard the circuit's electrical supply and provide a safety precaution to people using them a insulator b inductor c resistor or d thermistor here we go okay brilliant and like i said if you use a little bit of common sense you should be able to answer these questions try another one please put your answer to question 14 in the comments section below the video for marking here we go what does the dc stand for in the term dc electricity is it divided current b direct current c direct capacity or d diode current here's the timer brilliant well done okay now if you click the link in the top right hand corner of the video takes you through to my website howtobecome.com and you can download my comprehensive electrical comprehension test questions and answers guide it's a brilliant guide you can download it in pdf format so you can have it within your inbox within two minutes from now and you can practice loads and loads of these questions to help improve your scores i hope you've enjoyed that tutorial i love teaching you but please don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss out on any of the training videos we're uploading loads of you are passing your tests and your job interviews after using these videos which is great to see don't forget to give the video a like because then that tells me you love the content and i will create more for you put your answers in the comments section below and we'll come on here each day and mark them for you thank you for watching everybody i really appreciate it and i wish you all the best for passing your electrical comprehension and aptitude test have a brilliant day thank you
Channel: CareerVidz
Views: 39,569
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Keywords: ELECTRICAL COMPREHENSION TEST, electrical aptitude tests, electrical comprehension test questions and answers, online electrical tests, iq and aptitude tests, psychometric tests, electrical comprehension questions, How do you pass an electrical test?, basic electrical test questions, electrical tests, electrical exams, Electrical maintenance test questions, raf airman test, royal navy test, army test, electrical test practice questions, electrician test
Id: 2w9-wHdGPMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 41sec (1061 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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