Electric Logo Animation Tutorial in After Effects | Free Plugin

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In this tutorial we will create an electric logo animation in After Effects using the free saber plugin which you can download via the link in the description with that said let's jump to the tutorial first I'll create a new composition name it render it will be in 1920x1080 30 frames per second and 6 seconds for the duration click ok then drag your logo to the timeline press S on the keyboard to adjust the scale if needed I'll leave mine as it is because it is nicely in the center of the composition so once you adjust the position and the size of the logo right click on it select pre-compose I'm going to name this precomp logo and make sure move all attributes is checked then click ok now while the logo composition is highlighted go up here to layer and select auto-trace and these are the settings that I'm using to trace the outlines of the logo here if you have preview on you can see exactly what you're creating here so click OK here then press U on the keyboard and that will reveal the mask layers that have been created so 17 of them in my case and we also have the keyframes for each mask path which we don't want to see so I'm going to drag and select all the keyframes here and press delete to delete them that will declutter our future steps and make it a lot easier to work so I'm going to collapse that then open effects and presets window and search for saber then add saber effect to the logo composition that's how it looks by default until we change one setting in effect controls open customize core and set the core type to layer masks as we do that the saber is applied to the mask layers that we've created earlier and that is too intense I'll drop the core size to 1 so you can see exactly what's happening here here you have presets you can see there's a huge list and each one gives you like a different and unique look you can go through each one of these and test them out but here we are creating the electric logo that's why I'm going to select the Arc Reactor preset and you can also select the Electric preset but in my opinion Arc Reactor looks more electric so I'll choose that one I'll set glow intensity to 30 just to decrease the glow a bit then I'll set the glow color to a bit of a lighter blue so something like that and I'll leave the rest as it is now move the time indicator to the start of the timeline first I'm going to set the start size to a 0 % to create this kind of tapering I'll create a keyframe for end offset and set it to 0 % then I'll also create keyframe for mask evolution right I'll move two seconds forward then I'll set end offset to 100 I'll move to the end of the timeline set mask evolution cycles to 1 or you can set this to a higher value if you want the animation to be faster now I'll move 2 seconds back from the end of the composition that would be 4 seconds I'll create the keyframe for start offset at 0 % then move back to the end of the timeline set start offset to 100 and by doing that we get the stroke reveal at the start then we have this like constant path animation and at the end we get this out animation right and it starts from the end not from the start and that looks very very nice and after you've created the the animation you can select the logo composition so highlight it go up to edit duplicate or press Ctrl d as a shortcut I'll rename the bottom one to reflection now I'll right click on the reflection layer going to transform and select flip vertical and we don't see anything happening that is because we need to change the modes of these layers so click toggle switches and modes until you see the mode column and set both layers mode to screen and now we can see the reflection layer so I'm going to select the reflection layer and drag it down below the logo then press S on the keyboard first uncheck the uniform scaling and set the second scale value to -50 to squash and distort the reflection layer then further position it something like that now I'll press T to bring up its opacity set opacity to 50 to create some contrast between the like actual logo and the reflection then I'll search for directional blur in effects and presets add this to the reflection layer set direction angle to 90 degrees and blur length to say 50 again to further distort the reflection after doing those we can create the floor layer we can easily do that by going into the layer new solid name it floor then we're going to search for fractal noise add fractal noise to the floor layer here I'm going to set noise type to block contrast 200 brightness to -25. I'll open transform and set scale to 75 just to slightly decrease the the blocks then also complexity to 3 and that should do it now we need to place the floor below other layers like like that we need to click toggle switches and modes until we see this calling and make the flow layer 3D by checking the box here then press R for rotation on it set X rotation to 90 degrees then drag on this Z handle and bring the flow down place it in such a way that it covers the reflection layer like this then search for motion tile in effects and presets add motion tile to the floor layer check mirror edges here then increase the output width and height in such a way that we don't have any gaps in like this bottom area of the composition and after doing all those right click on the floor select pre-compose again name this floor make sure move all attribes is selected then click OK and here you can hide the visibility of the floor layer from here now we're going to create a new adjustment layer so click on the layer new adjustment layer and we're going to place this adjustment layer in between the logo and reflection layers like this then search for compound blur in effects and presets add this the adjustment layer in blur layer we're going to select the floor and as we do that we can see the the textures of our floor appearing and you can play around with the maximum blur so you can increase it or decrease it I'll leave it as a 20 because well I like the look of it we are also going to search for CC glass effect add it to the adjustment layer open surface bump map we're going to say to floor then we're going to set softness to 0 height to 5 and displacement to -200 and CC glass effect will give our floor a bit more depth and texture as you can see and that's that now we can create a new adjustment layer so layer new adjustment layer make sure it is at the top of all the layers and we're going to add directional blur to this one we're going to set direction to 90 degrees and set blur length to 500 then click toggle switches and modes until you see the modes column and set the top adjustment layers mode to lighten and that will create these horizontal rays or streaks of light that look very nice and if it is too intense you can select the adjustable layer press T for opacity and set the opacity to 50 to kind of darken down those rays and here the animation is almost done we need to add a camera now to like create the zoom in animation so we again go up to layer new camera I'm going to select the 35 millimeter preset make sure these settings are not checked and click ok now we need to make the layers 3D so click again click toggle switches and mode and we're going to make the logo layer 3D check the box reflection layer 3D check the box and the floor layer inside of this composition is already a 3D layer so all we need is check the continuously rasterize icon for the floor composition so check that one and now you move the time indicator to the start of the timeline so that the camera press P for position create a keyframe for position the city set the Z position to -2000 now I'm going to move to the end of the timeline and set it to say -1600 and that will give us the constant like slow zoom in throughout the scene and we can top this off by adding a background so again the layer new solid name it BG and place it below all other layers I'm going to search for gradient ramp in effects and presets add it to the BG layer click swap colors so the the block is at the bottom then I'll select the start color and choose something that would match the scene maybe like this dark blue click OK and here we can do the preview and that's our complete electric logo animation created in After Effects with the help of a free saber plugin I hope you enjoyed and learned something new in this tutorial thanks for watching and I'll see the next one peace out
Channel: Smertimba Graphics
Views: 118,097
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: electric logo animation tutorial in after effects, after effects tutorial, logo animation in after effects, logo animation, after effects logo animation, electric logo animation after effects, saber logo after effects, electro logo animation, electric logo animation, electric logo reveal after effects, logo reveal after effects, saber plugin, after effects logo tutorial, logo animation after effects, logo reveal, saber logo reveal, electric logo reveal, logo, intro, animation, ae
Id: l2V6G6BfoMc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 39sec (519 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 27 2022
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