Electric Field Visualised with Semolina and caster oil

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with the apparatus here i intend to show electric fields above some warm castor oil using some semolina powder sprinkled from a pepper pot eht will be applied in this case using a whimsys machine but a van der graaf or eht power supply can be used if you want to look at these shapes you might want to try and predict what fields each of these electrodes are likely to produce all right to start with i'm going to add warm castor oil to the petri dish you can see it's nice and warm as it flows and i want to cover and just cover these parallel electrodes just to make sure that everything's right i can adjust the level using these two screws here but it is largely level so we're all ready to go i'm i'm now going to attach the crocodile clips to the electrodes so it's run from the windsurf's machine which is uh off to the right and i've got some recently dried semolina in a pepper pot and i just want a very light sprinkling on the top on the surface and we're ready to go so now i begin to wind up the windsors machine and this should produce a electric field and there you can see how the lines of semolina form between the two plates and i possibly could have put a little bit more semolina on that one but i don't want to overload the semolina i will now proceed to fill up the trays and move along one at a time the setup is very very similar but you will see the different shapes as we progress right and now we've got two point sources which i'm going to drive and very reminiscent of electric magnetic fields as they form lines between the two our third configuration and you see how the radio very tight near the single point and spread out evenly ish on the straight plate our fourth configuration and sparks too and this is our last one and i want you to pay particular attention to the different areas of the concentric circles largely no change in the center but you notice the between the center and the outer ones there is a strong field that is very uniform
Channel: David Ferguson
Views: 7,522
Rating: 4.9613528 out of 5
Keywords: Electric Field, Physics, Preparation
Id: JO_iqqAYJzY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 23sec (263 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 19 2020
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