Electric Car Took 7 Hours Instead Of 45mins! Apparently.

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hello my name is Evie and welcome back to the channel and to extra content Tuesday this one is about an article that I've been sent many times over the past few days that's in the Sun newspaper or at least on their website and it's about somebody who drives to the airport and then two weeks later after going back off holiday finds their car has got just 10 miles of range left and as it says here I flew home from a holiday to find my EV parked up with no juice left a 45 minute journey journey turned into a seven hour misery so should we go through this article and see if we can poke some holes in it I'll go quickly through the article and then I'll come back to the points I'd like to make a man flew home from holiday to find his Eevee at the airport with no battery he claims that a 45 minute Journey took into nearly seven hours from Gatwick Airport to midstone in Kent oh great the website's crashed because of so many adverts he bought his EV in January so it's obviously someone who's new to electric vehicles and decided to go to the airport in it essentially uh trip turned out to be a nightmare due to the lack of quick charging points in the UK I always like it when they use the correct linger quick charging point I checked to midst and the Gatwick was 40 miles each way give or take so we'd take the leaf on its first proper run we are taking it easy on the way up got to Gatwick with around 65 miles on the clock or the rangeometer I guess you'd call it then they went for a holiday for two week came back and found that there was just 10 miles of charge on the car instead of 65 that they left it with as expected after 12 hour flight my wife and two children were pretty touchy this was compounded when my wife logged into the app on her phone and she stepped from the plane we state that the Nissan was on was only was only had 10 miles of charge left did they not even proofreaded had only 10 miles of charge left could this be correct the couple searched for a nearby rapid charging point but the closest one was 10 miles from Gatwick airport so they had to make do with the trickle charge Point within the airport grounds excellent how long does it take to charge the car eight hours him and his wife left the car charging for three hours enough to get them to clacket Lane Services where they had rapid charging points three hours later we had 25 miles of range and were doing what's in the most effective speed along the M23 be constantly overtaker by huge lorries was pretty scary but we just made it like they've never driven on a Motorway before when they arrived at clockit Lane the services were being dismantled to move them somewhere else the mood was pretty dark at this point the engineer told us that we could use the other two charges on the other side essentially um and if the gates open you can use those charges which they did and then they eventually got home now the couple have switched to petrol BMW BMW 3 Series for longer Journeys and is not still not convinced by EVS especially for family life so should we start at the beginning they arrived at the airport with 65 miles of charge and two weeks later it had 10 miles so that's 55 miles of what I can tell is a 40 kilow hour Nissan Leaf which in Winter would probably have a 120 miles range 120 130 so that means that they've lost 40 percent ish of range by the car being sat there by itself doing nothing for two weeks now this is something which does happen it just doesn't happen with Nissan Leafs and this is this is one massive logic flaw in this whole thing which you would have thought the journalist who wrote it would have picked up within five minutes of Googling it but then it suddenly if there's no thermal battery management it has no Sentry mode equivalent which on Tesla's for example does use energy it uses the main battery to heat the battery open to run the high-powered computer if you like for the Sentry mode but the Nissan Leaf has none of that I've had two Nissan Leafs over five years I've even asked all my Twitter followers well many of whom have a Nissan Leaf and then we've all said the same thing I've left mine for weeks it's dropped maybe one percent of worse not 40. I've got a leaf and that's been set for a month again lost almost no range because there's nothing to to use what would be what 16 ish kilowatt hours worth of energy I mean 16 kilowatt hours that's that's about two days worth of the average family house you could run a house for two days on that that's a lot that's oven everything like the you could have 20 dash cams installed in that car and it wouldn't have anywhere near the effect of that I mean in fact it would probably knock two percent off the worse so this doesn't make any sense one of two things happened one they've taken here one of those Park and you know we'll drop you off at the airport thing and look after your car and they've driven it around but there's no mention of that in the article the naturally say a packed at Gatwick airport so I don't think that's the case because that would explain where the range has gone so that means the only logical conclusion left is that they've left a charge timer on or rather a pre-heat timer on because what you can do with EVS that's one benefit of them is tell them to preheat the car um on a schedule or on the app as a you know manual approach so in this case they could have set the car to let's say a preheat at 80 in the morning Monday or Friday which is when they go to work and they've left that running that is the only possible explanation to lose so much range when the car's packed up doing nothing but again it's impossible unless there's a fault for Relief to lose that so that's the first floor there if that hadn't have happened if they hadn't left that on this article would not exist but let's move on the couple searched for a nearby rapid charging point but the closest one was 10 miles from Gatwick Airport now they're new to EVS it doesn't necessarily mean they're not they said you know that map exists as a thing that lists all the charge points but Google Maps pretty much has this on there as well it's just not as EV friendly and as you can see the Big River in the middle is Gatwick Airport there is a rapid charging site at Gatwick Gatwick Airport there are seven chadamor charges rapid charges on this side that's what the leaf uses chadama seven rapid charges and even if the the other side of this massive airport it's at worst a three and a half Four Mile Drive to get to where this is and that's assuming that the the furthest car park away there could have been next after either for our lineup as you can see here all those purple dots are rapid charge points that that leaf could have used it might have even been full but rather than spend three hours on a trickle charge to then drive to clackett Lane which I'll come to in a second why not just drive to the rapid charge point maybe have to wait for half an hour for someone to move and then just go straight home logically it makes no sense the only thing that I can think that they've done is used the sat nav built into the car and said where's my nearest charge point and that would have been so out of debt and didn't include 80 of the charge points anyway it would have been no use so that could be just a little bit of Eevee naivety you know new to it as soon as someone tells you you'd never make that mistake again but they've clearly got a smartphone because they use the app so if they use the app there's a little bit of technological knowledge going on there surely you would Google well you've got three hours of charging nearest charge point it it again it just doesn't make sense I don't get people who spend tens of thousands of pounds on something and do zero research it really baffles me I mean this map it's 16 miles from the airport the northern point of the airport so even the 10 miles to the nearest rapid charge it doesn't make any sense I just there's a big piece of the puzzle that we're missing here again the that points to this article being complete and utter nonsense so let's recapture it they have an EV didn't do any research on how to use them properly they ended up draining their battery by leaving a timer on then blend the car then somehow don't know how to use Google to the point of not being able to find the rapid charging Point that's pretty pretty much let's face it next door it again it's got It's like a colander as this thing it's got so many holes in it it's all user error the reason why I'm bringing this up is because well here people sent it to me but B this is painting EVS in a very negative light this guy is no now saying to all his friends who apparently having a good laugh at his expense it says in the article oh yeah you don't want an EV it's clearly not for long Journeys it's all their fault there's no other explanation for it the charge timer not being able to search for a charge Point not being able to use the internet and then there's the quote-unquote journalist that essentially has written this article I won't say the name but I'm pretty sure it will be difficult for you to Google it yourself digital Motors reporter at the sun since October 2022 specializing in all things monitoring I'm sorry but anyone with five minutes on the internet even if they were unfamiliar with the Nissan Leaf would know that that makes no sense 10 miles from Gatwick Airport is nearest rapid charger let me just fact check that shall I excuse me sir why did you use this one here this one here this one here or this one here and then he'd gone oh no I didn't realize they were there I didn't I just used the sat nav in there all right well don't worry about it but this isn't an article we can use because factually it's a lot of well I know this war mind you having an article that says man drives to airport an electric vehicle then drives home again I don't think many people would probably read that would that this is much better and I've just had a thumb through a few of the articles that this motoring journalist has written all of which seem to come from social media there's no actual reviews or that they're all just stuff that's been on Facebook it seems first page EV Vex I'm an EV owner I can never find a charger and the cost is a joke next one Evie winter Phil new data reveals cold weather can cut battery range by up to a third next one EV Ridge I switched to an EV and hit it a 30 minute journey home took me eight hours and then of course there was the one that I've just mentioned now so yeah there seems to be a little bit of a pattern going on there with this person's fewer VVS is there no standards today I'm I'm a YouTuber the lowest of the law and the journalistic ladder I wouldn't do anything like that without checking it so is it just me what's going on again why do people buy something probably the most expensive thing they've ever bought beyond the house without doing any research whatsoever I spent two hours trying to find the best monitor before I bought that TV downstairs uh you know speakers even a mouse you know you should try and find the best one no no not with a car it's fine I'll just buy one and assume it's identical to what I've used all these years and that's that's what trips people up it is a car and to drive is pretty much the same as any automatic car in the world but there is a culture change there is some you have to put some effort in so yeah there we go please let me know if there's any TV news any article anything online that somebody has written a journalist type person that you want me to have a to have a go over at and it doesn't have to be EV negative it could be EV you know positive like electric vehicles are the best things in sliced bread and they never break down and they're really good and they're the infrastructure is great you know either side of the argument have I been harsh is this spot on what do you think has happened in this situation thousands of people will read it and yet well what does it perpetuate the myth if you will the EVS are useless I mean the infrastructure has a long way to go I've done videos about that there's a lot of things that need to be improved on but this doesn't help it's it's literally what do they call it food so anyway thank you for watching and let me know if this sort of video is fun for extra content Tuesday it's like I said just a little extra video to go with the standard video it comes out every Friday or Sunday if you're a member you also get a members live stream every uh the end of every month just for you um so if you want to pay 99b spot the channel and do that please do by clicking on the join button you can't do it on an iOS device because it's Apple uh but you can do it on anything else so thank you for watching this uh I'll see you soon
Channel: Electric Vehicle Man
Views: 34,069
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Man Airport No Charge, electric car, Cars, eleectric car, elctric car, chargin, charge a car
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 14 2023
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