Eldon Pelletier: Logger relief message

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good morning my name is eldon pelletier president of gerald pelletier inc and pelletier brothers i just want to talk a little bit about this cover 19 what it's done to our company and our employees a lot of our men have had to be laid off because of this over 19. we're trying to grow and just trying to keep the economy going we don't seem to have any help from anybody we're always on our own with what what we're doing we feel that we are pretty much like farmers we harvest trees cut what needs to be cut to make the the land better as far as tree growth and we have to deal with the mother nature the the weather uh a lot of times we have people that come in to work on the monday morning it starts raining in the afternoon uh we're told by landowners that we have to send our crews home for three or four days so things will dry up most of these people have families they need a paycheck every week and you know we feel responsible that we have to pay them so that they can keep the family with food on the table we never get any help from from anybody like a farmer or a fisherman it always seems like they're the ones that have the the benefits of the government to to get help but i've been at this for 47 years or so now and that's not one time that we've ever received anything we're not asking for handouts but i think that i feel that we should be looked at a little different than what we are it's it's a tough uh business to be in and we employ we used to employ like 80 people 80 employees now we've cut down to about 30 and we're seems like we're struggling more and more every year so i don't know where this is gonna lead to you
Channel: PLC of Maine
Views: 52,943
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _2URsQUdLJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 56sec (176 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 01 2020
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