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- It's exactly what I like in music. Now I'm going to have to listen to all of their stuff. - No wonder everybody likes them so much. I mean, this is great. I love getting to know good music. ♪ (hard rock music) ♪ - (FBE) So today, we're going to have you read some lyrics from top songs all by one artist, and have you tell us the meaning and what you think of them, then you'll get to listen to the songs you read and tell us your thoughts. - Oh, okay. That sounds good. I don't know anything about new music. I'm afraid I still live in the olden days. - Do I happen to know the artist? Probably not. - I'm open minded, you know, and I try to keep up with the trend, but couldn't. - I like it because I get to know the lyrics sometimes before I really know the artist, and that's cool. - A lot of times, when I get to do this, I see there's a little more depth to some of these singers that I didn't see the depth before. - (FBE) Okay, here is your first song lyric. - "No, I can't help but to hear an exchanging of words. 'What a beautiful wedding. What a beautiful wedding,' says a bridesmaid to a waiter. 'And yes, but what a shame, what a shame the poor groom's bride is a whore." - Well, it's to the point. - You'll find that out sooner or later. I mean, let the waiter mind his own business, in other words. - Even if she is one, keep it to yourself. It's a fun day. It's a happy day. - "I chimed in with a 'Haven't you people ever heard of closing the goddamn door?!' No, it's much better to face these kinds of things with a sense of poise and rationality." - Think things out. Think things thoroughly. - Eventually, time and reality will catch up with you, so it's better to face it immediately, rather than tuck it away. It's like paying taxes. (laughing) - These are very, very literate. Using big quote unquote big words, you know, and so I'm kind of impressed by that. I'm curious to see who it is. - (FBE) So here's their next song. - "'Cause it's nine in the afternoon. Your eyes are the size of the moon." - "You could 'cause you can, so you do. We're feeling so good just the way that we do, when it's nine in the afternoon." - They've just been partying through the afternoon. It's 9:00 at night, but for them, it's 9:00 in the afternoon because there's no sense of time, there's no responsibilities to go to. It's just party. - He loves her eyes and they're big as the moon. They're full of love and joy. - I don't think it has to make sense if it's expressing something that someone feels, their emotions. - "She paints her fingers with a close precision. He starts to notice empty bottles of gin and takes a moment to assess the sin she's paid for." - "Whoa, Mona Lisa, you're guaranteed to run this town. Whoa, Mona Lisa, I'd pay to see you frown." - Mona Lisa, that's what makes me thinks she could be a business woman, where she's kind of got her shit together, it looks like, but has bottles of gin under the desk. - I don't think this is necessarily a good time but it seems like she's going after something and she got it, whatever the method she was using. - You know, "I'd love to see you frown," just to let go and be real. Not just fake all the time. - Well, I like the imagery. And it's very poetic. - "Looking for the time of your life. A pretty picture but the scenery is so loud. A face like heaven, catching lightening in your nightgown." - "But back away from the water, babe, you might drown. The party isn't over tonight." - She's looking for a good time. He's looking for a good time. But the scenery's too loud for him. He likes more subtlety. - She's enjoying the beauty and how good she feels right now, but he's trying to warn her, you know, just calm down a little bit and then saying, you know, don't worry, we're going to have some more fun. - The writer is speaking to someone he or she loves, who might be feeling suicidal or sad and maybe the line is meant to convey encouragement, like don't kill yourself over this because life is ahead of you. - A lot of kids living this life, and beautiful kids, kids that have so much going for them but because all they get is money to keep them busy instead of the attention they need, or the compliments or the support, that they have no idea what they have. - "Miss Jackson, Miss Jackson, Miss Jackson, are you nasty? Are you nasty? I love her anyway." - The only Miss Jackson I would assume this is is Janet Jackson. - And she has a song where it says, "Miss Jackson." I don't know if it's exactly, "Miss Jackson, are you nasty," but there's a line in it, so everybody knew the song at the time. - Love her anyway. I mean, you gotta love her because she's very classy. She's handled a life in a fish bowl and a difficult public life in a really beautiful fashion. - He knows that she can be bad news, or even nasty, but are you nasty-- he can't help it. He's in love with her anyway. Whatever she is, he's with it. - "Sycophants on velvet sofas. Lavish mansions, vintage wine, I am so much more than royal. Snatch your chain and mace your eyes." I like that very much. (laughing) That's got a great image in my mind. - People aren't seeing who they really are. All they see is the facade or, as I call it, the unimportant things that they're surrounded with. - This person isn't just someone who's gonna sit there and kiss someone else's behind. - Maybe this person is also a rich person and saying but I'm more than that. You know, I don't care about material things. - "I'm taking back the crown. I'm all dressed up and naked. I see what's mine and take it. Finders keepers, losers weepers." - I've got all the fanciest designer stuff on, but I'm really see-through, so my inside is completely exposed. - Your emotions can be naked if-- you know, you might put on fancy clothes or any clothing just to get dressed up, but you feel naked because you feel as if everyone can read you. - I see what's mine and I want it. I'm gonna take it. You lose it, I find it. It's mine. - I am who I am. I do what I think is right for me. And I hope that you can see it, and appreciate who I am. - (FBE) Do you have any idea whose lyrics you've been reading? - No idea at all. - Nope. - I have no idea. - Not a clue. - (FBE) So these were lyrics to songs from Panic! at the Disco's repertoire. - Never heard of them. - Oh, I've heard of them. - (FBE) So Panic! at the Disco has been known to change their sound with every album. Their first album came out in 2005. They recorded their first demo while the band members were still in high school. - I think it's great. They must be talented in some way to keep everyone's interest. - It must have something going on or their lyrics must appeal to a generation. - I think the fact that they did this in high school must encourage so many young people who have dreams. It must make them feel good to know that you can start at a very young age and be successful. - (FBE) So now let's play you the songs you read. - Okay. - ♪ No, I can't help but to hear an exchanging of words ♪ - That's what I expected. It's easy to sing along. - ♪ "What a beautiful wedding," says a bridesmaid to a waiter ♪ - I like this. - You can understand the words. If I can understand the words, that's something. - ♪ I chime in with a "Haven't you people ever heard of... ♪ - This song reminds me a little of Green Day songs. - ♪ No, it's much better to face these kinds of things ♪ ♪ With a sense of poise and rationality ♪ - Wow, I liked that because it changes. It started out-- they had a cello in the background there, which is always an interesting choice. - ♪ 'Cause it's nine... ♪ - (singing along) ♪ ...in the afternoon ♪ - Totally different. Except for that voice. It's very recognizable. - ♪ We're feeling so good, just the way that we do ♪ - It's very smooth and calm and stable. - I love it. I love the... ♪ (vocalizing tune) ♪ It's got some arrangement. It's got some actual arrangements in it. - That almost, if they added in a couple more instruments, almost had-- I guess it would be early '70s or Sergeant Pepper-ish kind of energy to it. - ♪ She paints her fingers with a close precision ♪ ♪ He starts to notice empty bottles of gin ♪ - I like the rhythm on this one. It's very different. You know, three songs and every one, the cadence, it's different. - ♪ Whoa, Mona Lisa ♪ ♪ You're guaranteed to run this town ♪ ♪ Whoa, Mona Lisa ♪ - It's great. I mean, their lyrics are so good, and then they brought it alive with the music. - Yeah, I liked it. The voice is great. - It's exactly what I like in music. Now I'm going to have to listen to all of their stuff. I may have found a new band that I like. Who'd have thought? - ♪ But we're so lucky ♪ ♪ Kiss the finger and let them bow down ♪ - They definitely change it up and they do it well. - No wonder everybody likes them so much. I mean, this is great. I love getting to know good music. - ♪ Catching lightening in your nightgown ♪ - It's okay. I wouldn't be rushing out to buy the album or anything like that. - It's kind of fast. It's kind of hard to keep up with for me. - I like these lines, these last ones. About the party isn't over yet. It's such a great message. Especially for young people. - I like everything about it. I like the lyrics, now that you have them in context of the song. I like his voice. I like how they it and then they go into the next section of the song. I mean, there's nothing I don't like. - ♪ Sycophants on velvet sofas ♪ ♪ Lavish mansions, vintage wine ♪ - I think this type of song, you have to listen in person to appreciate it more. - ♪ ...back the crown ♪ - Yeah, again, it's pretty good rock. - Got a little rhythm, got a little bounce to it. - That was great. I really liked that one. - I think they're phenomenal. I'm so glad you introduced me to another good band. - Even though each song was quite a bit different, you recognize that lead singer's voice. They're good. I was impressed. - I will definitely look them up and I guess you don't buy records anymore, but I certainly would. If you gave me the CD now, I would put it in my car on the way home. - Thanks for watching us take on Panic! at the Disco on the React channel. - Don't miss out, subscribe! - If you liked this episode, then hit that Like button. - Bye-bye! - Hey, guys, I'm Katie, a React channel producer. Thank you so much for your comments requesting Panic! at the Disco. It's because of you guys we covered them, so let me know which artist you want to see next time. Thank you guys.
Channel: REACT
Views: 4,181,359
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Panic! At the Disco, Panic at the disco, Panic!, ELDERS READ PANIC! AT THE DISCO’S HIT SONGS React, Lyric Breakdown, lyric video, react, reaction, thefinebros, fine brothers, fine brothers entertainment, finebros, fine bros, FBE, laugh challenge, try not to laugh, try to watch without laughing or grinning, react gaming, kids versus food, do they know it, staff reacts
Id: TJif4R6Qbp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 22 2017
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