Elder Shadrock: 400 Year Prophecy Explained (1619 - 2019)

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peace elder abuse my dear now represents a very important time especially for the children of Israel I'm hearing as well this 400 years when did you start first teaching about the 400 years I taught teach me the 400 years a very long time now in the late 80s I was talking to people about it and sometimes I got a lot of rude and that it happened before and it happened in Egypt and some people say well you get it from that's that's in the Bible and they would say that what happened in Egypt before and that was one of the things that sent me to put it in a book because I start putting like what happened to every country in every 400 years what they have done to the children of Israel Florida children of slavery or children of Jacob whatever we do every 400 years something happened to them they fall and it's in all my books and this one is 1990 this is 1992 you know to find rest one is 1995 here it's all end as proof when people run around now will saying it people from Africa or people from the United States I'm in saying it before and the proof is here that's a very long time yep thank you for your dedication what I wanted to ask - we talked about 400 years I see the passion that you speak about it what does it mean to you 400 years number one I'm gonna descendant of slavery and because I'm a descendant of slavery it should mean something to me especially when I know the truth when you know the truth because you have to remember what it says in the scriptures somebody was leaving or noted they were leaving and that person says I will not leave you comfortless I would send you the comforter even the Spirit of Truth we have it in this nation and that is very important for us to understand otherwise the things that we know people would pay a lot of money to know but this has not been sold for finance or funds or cash or money this is with your heart this is when you know who you are and you practice who you are that's how much it means to me it's a job it's very difficult I'm sure that a lot of people who want to kill me you want to destroy me want to get me out there away but I stand firm I do see III I know that way you speak the truth sometimes it's always hard to hear the truth is a very difficult thing it's very difficult you look at the line now you look at Christianity and even with some people that call themselves by the name we call ourselves no the truth is not with them because if you start talking black and you start talking and try female or Untied yes it's not the truth our job is to go out and teach all nations and the God of Israel was very very clear when you give instructions to women what they should do others should raise their sons and their daughters it's very very clear and up and I've done a lot of videos to show that and that's why you make it very important for this nation to stand apart from every other nation that call themselves by the name we call ourselves ok so what do you say those people that say that these 400 years already happened I just said let me tell you something Porto Rico Haiti well hey Tia Santo Domingo that would include the other country I don't want to be Brad photo Rico Santo Domingo Cuba and Jamaica first was slavery so it is not slavery in totality a slave that went to United States of America and I don't know where your questions would go but I can can tell you what it means it means that the United States of America is Egypt if you read a Bible it will tell you that you shall go into Egypt again with ships there all Egypt you did not need ships and there you will be sold for bond men and bond women and in Genesis 15 it tells you that we would be there for 400 years our fathers and our mothers spent 430 years in Egypt in the old Egypt this is the new Egypt yeah I think about that right now in terms of how do we get to the Father God the old Egypt versus the new Egypt ships you couldn't take ships to be old Egypt no they only do breed in Egypt in Egypt so no you could have right under AB dunkey you can go on a camel yes oh you could cross the Red Sea mm-hmm but when we came from Africa we came with ships and we came to the United States of America which if you look carefully at the dollar of the United States if you look carefully at this history and you find out that the openness that is an eye park now is come directly from Egypt the Masonic power that they now deal with all the time directly from Egypt it all start from the Grand Lodge of Luxor in Egypt because even Moses was there so we have to understand this is a spiritual action that has been taken in order to suppress the real people and to bring them to some sort of a if we can call it power but it's very important for us to understand the history of all this happened no one would understand that America is the new Egypt but if we read carefully and try to understand what it's and it is Egypt and right now we have a very fierce Pharaoh continue and we get into that so human difference me because another thing I've been hearing about the four hundred years in the beginning of slavery is that the difference between indentured servants and and slavery slavery in the Americas the first Africans that arrived or they indentured servants served like a new some is a difference between those two so we don't have that misconception of an indentured labor uh there was a person that was promised and a promise was never fulfilled if you from the party Caribbean like Trinidad or Guyana the engines came as indentured labourers promised that they will be Paige and then they can go back to India that never happened so what do you talk about indentured Africans or slaves they came was African they got their labor when they got here what are the indentured or not it became the same thing because the end result slavery so another 400 years what are we looking at the Maasai coming what is gonna happen in 400 years oh we're not all the time well you need to go is go on YouTube here don't Messiah coming but when the man Jesus was actually questioned he'd say he doesn't know only the father in heaven knows so some big naraba should say that they know when things have come when God is coming back when Jesus is coming we don't know that what we do know is that we have to be prepare as there's a light because number one we need to understand this is not a Christian book so there's no Veda can understand what's written there everything from Genesis to Revelation speaks about and for Israelites so if the Messiah is coming you're not coming for the world if the Messiah is coming is coming to give us more knowledge so that we can separate ourselves from the world so now that guy just took me a little bit that was that was interesting you just put out there how do you labret if you want drill but like I need for you to do some work of course okay so what are your thoughts when people say that Africans are here before 1619 yeah African soil we're here before 1619 okay if they'll say the Africans were here before or engines were here before or whoever was there before we are not interested in that the Africans that came here will not Jacob they were not the children of Jacob if they were here which so happens that people have you ever pick up the Wikipedia and read it everybody can put whatever they wanna put in there if Africans in here before that does concern us or it should not concern us we're talking strictly about the children of Israel that moved from Israel through North Africa to Africa and then came here that is the important thing not to was here before I definitely think that that's definitely misconception in terms of Africans and a total where we're different peoples but we can't we can't put Africans with us yes it is our job to teach them not to separate them if they want to join with our God we can do that but if they're just we're not indigenous to Africa that's the first thing someone might want to say that we are indigenous to Africa but we're not we have copied some of the things from Africa and it is very very clear that we're seeing what it is someone said our leader says that countries in Africa they're so wealthy but they sit on their wealth they have when Africans begin to get their independence the among the coup that you've been here every country had cook coup de tat means their leaders there and somebody below the leader want to take over and it happens all the time it's a little stable now I met good African leaders I've met Juliet Mary I have not met Kwame Nkrumah which I wanted to meet but I met Kenneth Kaunda I met them all when they visited a Guyana I talked to Fidel Castro he's not African but he looked very sympathetic in those of the world where the third world countries they were called in non-aligned countries some of them very concerned about what would happen they even mentioned why we keep talking about Africa and tribes and all that and they would mention the first and second world war that was 502 but white people don't say that they believe in tribes but it was it was the first Second World War was Fryeburg world I want to bring it back to a couple points that you said earlier you said people often mistake us for being an indigenous to Africa what do you mean by that can you expand on that look all white people are the same tribes all native Indians are never same tribes so why would all black people be the same track you know that the black people came here as slaves they came from Israel they passed through Africa they're working now people cause well in the Sahara in those days they moved to the Sahara and it came to Western Africa they came with a enriched Africa some guy Mali and the Gold Coast which is now Ghana which those are the countries that he came in and control and build those are the things that we should be concerned with because they look alike he's like Moses was called an Egyptian and Egypt was not anything to do with what I call in Egypt today Egypt is African well not Syria says that nastier he was the leader of eg but and he said when dears the light left Egypt they were black hmm suddenly that skin color change and he came back white but when they came they were not is realized there were israelis and the capital was not jerusalem the capital was Tel Aviv so that's a difference thank you for putting out that difference yep do you think that now that we're in this new Egypt that the four hundred ears will be similar to the one in the old Egypt like some sort of Exodus as a lead of this nation you have any leader in any organization the most important thing for you to do is to motivate mm-hmm but a facts speak for itself Moses he was a Prince of Egypt how did this nation start the start with blood bit fighting Moses kill him and bury him hmm then he had to run part of our history he had to spend a lot of years with scorpions and snakes desert rats and he would still looking like an Egyptian so if the children of Israel had recognized that this black man called Moses true him being inquisitive like our fathers and mothers we were always competitive you go you find it get to somewhere in the Caribbean you'll find the wantin over everybody else moses was inquisitive when you try to find out what was happening in arabic if Scott is called Moosa and he went up to speak to God as the Bible says and even the Quran while he was up there and they know he was there up there we got the tablet what the commandment when he came down let's say say the stairs he just on the second stairs and he looked down and her father's and her mother's or bill and calf and saying this is the calf that brought us out of Egypt the brat man greatest enemy is the bread man we can blame the white man or one but we don't give the white man an example that this is who we are we fight among ourselves we have the spirit of greed and division we have everything so we have no respect for any race so when you see somebody doing us something we keep blaming and blaming and blaming the white man the Chinese came after us the angels came after us everybody did but these are the same people come back and have no respect for us why you still have to go to the Korean store and they do whatever they do we go to the Indian store I went to Sint Maarten a long time ago and there with all the diamond stores were owned by Jews I go back two years after he's gone owned by he syndromes now you think that happened if we try to understand if a black man is a Christian he would have I walked down Flatbush in Brooklyn and you can count every storefront by a black man every black man is a pastor every black man is a reverend every everywhere you go with a little Church put up you don't find Aven or race is the spirit of division that had somebody that and I can't find what some job don't be to work what does he do he open my church and only do is collect the money this church does not do that no priest is allowed to collect money for themselves so the spirit of division is always gonna be here Moses came down and he saw them they were not thankful they were not thankful at all they were partying and praising they were naked yeah so you can understand yeah the old black woman you're a black man didn't make it they don't work that's how it were partying that tells you now I'm not saying that this would happen again yeah but if the Bible says the same yesterday today and tomorrow they're all the same then we have to be very conscious how we can separate ourselves because of our knowledge we be able to separate ourselves from that kind of behavior or pattern so that we don't fall into it yes because the spirit leaders stiff neck and I displayed like the overthrown betray and do whatever they could even Moses came down God gave him the power chorus says I'm a Levite just like you gotta be careful not to repeat that part of our history for sure no the bottom line is that this is a right nation to be an organization where we separate ourselves from things that we know we're conscious are well aware of so we are trying not to fall in that same category so do you think that now the four years comes to an end would that affect just the descendants of slavery or Israel or would it affect the world it's a prayer every day no Baba says that the man would hold on and the man who is a Jew and say I'm coming with you and because I heard God is with you the point is if a situation like that happened it means that they were a separation they were division in this particular person people would acknowledge and know that this man was different he's of God so I'm gonna go with this man that's what we're trying to do in this world that people would see who we are what we have I don't think anybody else have I can't say the dope but you look around and you'll see what we have you can only see two black men scrambling for power and doing everything else that is not truthful mm-hmm so and just talk about the foreigners have a one more question regards to the the 400 years it is told after the 400 years that we will come out with great substance and there's many increases to what that might be what is your take on what that great substance might be a great substance is some real knowledge that we've already acquired and you believe it's horses and donkey and fruit and money and all of that no such it's something that you can rely on for the betterment of yourself when your family not substance some people would call it like food that is what we understand to get it's not subsets like now we're gonna kill all the white man because that's what I'm here and collect all the money it's like Zimbabwe for him since the white man had all the it was called Rhodesia the white man had all the land all the land he had and when the leader I met him in Cuba we know he took over he took the land he made mistakes he should have done like what Nelson Mandela done and I'm calling their names not they're not my heroes really but they're good leaders in terms of what they did before they became leaders but then when they become leaders were totally different thing Oh Oliver Gaby had to do or what to resign after it until you would do the same as Mandela the reason why I mention in that is because you look at somebody it's a great leader but when time comes for them to lead it's totally different it is not what you expect them to do and Nelson Mandela had to work with to to to advise him how to get through into good governmental or governments or governmental structures so that the country would be in now the country because he probably foresee that the country would be corrupt in a road that not my words that's in the press that you'll being corrupt and everything will be happened so get out fast and you would still keep your good name Mozambique you didn't do that I mean Zimbabwe as leader Mugabe you didn't do that he stayed on no we got a bad name there to take back the land and the people were not trained would have been a good thing to do a good thing would have been you put one of the people to understood what a white man was doing because you just give him the land like that and he doesn't know what to do with it they give him the land you would probably plan to conjure but if you put an understudy and said this is how you do the things you're supposed to do in five years and three years you can also say it is ready then you can let the other way and go but if you don't do that we take the line and give it to the black man but what do you think he's gonna do with it she's saying we would need direction wouldn't ever obtain I said put it or we have learned a lot from Africa and that's what I'm saying now we cannot blame slavery because if we keep on breathing and and ruining our reputation by blaming slavery we wouldn't have a future because slavery have gone so long we supposed to have our independent mind of how we get through as individuals we're no longer being put in some court of a chakra cabin to breed children we don't do that but the habit is still there is that we have all the children more than don't have fathers I didn't had a father and I've seen all the time where there's no fathers on the family and we have to grow up and then do the same thing because we had no one to really teach us so when you're talking about what would happen at that time we there was a thing that saw somewhere and that the fathers fell in the little boy you should watch where he's going and her little boy children the father I'm walking in your footsteps we are the words if I'm following my father my father has to be gone in the right direction that's what it means we don't have that we have to come to a time when we can recollect our pasts but don't live on it our paths should be a bridge and after we cross over we can't build our houses on the bridge we have something here and that we in a bad state over there there is somewhere where the government is somebody's giving you assistant so you got to move from here to there some people move from here on the bridge and that's where they stay and that's what the black man cannot or depend on because if he does that we would be stagnated it means that her life would be stuck and we stopped and we can't go nowhere and her next baby you coming from a novice people with cell controllers we are old but the young man or young woman still controls us we cannot allow that to happen it should be a new thing after this year is over [Music]
Channel: Israelite Nation
Views: 124,294
Rating: 4.7498283 out of 5
Keywords: israelite, israelites, black israelites, black jews, biblical israelites, israelite nation, elder shadrock, 400 year prophecy, ancient jews, ancient israelites, black jesus, hebrew israelites, black God, bible prophecy, bible slavery
Id: Y43MmPQhpQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 29sec (1649 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 28 2019
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