Elder Michael Boone - 7 Last Words There’s Something About Those Hands

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[Music] won't you look down your road tell somebody it's only the beginning come on come on come on sit like you believe it it's only the beginning it may be finished but i'm not amen it's only the beginning take me to be [Music] what [Music] a friend we have in jesus [Music] oh [Music] oh i wish i had a prince church here tonight one a privilege it is to carry [Music] everything to god in prayer oh what peace [Music] is all because we do not carry yeah everything to god in prayer then my grandma used to sing another verse said we tried and temptation [Music] [Applause] anywhere [Music] wow [Music] we ought to just take it to the lord in prayer one more thing can we find one free and so fake anybody believe he's faithful tonight [Music] she jesus he knows i am every weakness we ought to just take it [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] luke 23rd chapter [Music] y'all got to forgive me i'm just a young baptist preacher with an old sanctified pentecostal soul i'm back to costo tonight [Music] luke 23rd chapter [Music] 46 verse passage reasons us and when jesus [Music] cried with a loud voice he said father into thy hands [Music] i commend my spirit and having said thus he gave up the ghosts once you look at your neighbor and tell them there's something about those hands you may be seated there's something about those hands i don't know why mark decided to put the baby boy on the end but if you help the baby boy i promise you we'll close out with a bang tonight as we look at this text as we uh penetrate the periphery of this periphery of scripture tonight as we come to one of the many climaxes of jesus life and head towards the conclusion of luke's gospel of the crucifixion story we see in this text that jesus get this now dies the same way he lives and he proves that he's completely in control when we hear him say into thy hands i commend my spirit after he intercedes for forgiveness in the first word extends salvation in the second word make sure mama is straight in the third word acknowledges and expresses abandonment in the fourth word cries out his distress in the sixth word issues a shutdown in in the in the sixth word excuse me and he now decides to put it in the father's hand in the seventh word jesus jesus jesus while on the cross never cried get this for anyone but his father and it amazes me how even on the cross in his time of despair desperation and despondency he still needs and depends on his father but here are here are us uh self-acclaimed church folks self-acclaimed soldiers in the army of the lord we claim that we got god on our side and we ain't got nothing to worry about but here we are when times get hard when the road gets rough and when the going gets tough we seem to run everywhere else but to the father and we make and take on the notion in our minds that we've got it all figured out and we think that we can handle it all on our own but we need to understand tonight that the more we try to become superman or superwoman and try to do it off of our own strength the worst that thing will get and if we don't put it in the hands of the lord we are headed for destructions and can i tell you there's gotta come a time in your life where you just gotta say lord i can't take this no more but i know you can i i i can't handle this no more but i know you can so what i'm gonna do i'm just gonna give it up i'm i'm giving you my problems i'm i'm giving you my burdens i'm giving you my sickness i'm giving you my hard-hitted child i'm giving you my nagging wife i'm giving you my trifling man i'm giving you my messed up family because i know if i try to put a hand in it any longer it's going to get worse and worse and worse and worse and i can't rely on my own strength because god it's in you that i live it's in you that i move it's in you that i have my being so i can't do nothing without you by my side grandma used to say it like this lord if you don't help me i can't stand the storm uh yes sir so you got to let it go and put it all in god's hands i surrender all that's a little bit too old school for some of y'all i surrender all to thee my blessed savior i surrender all i believe it was the florida mass choir that sung the song all in his hands i put it all in his hands whatever the problem i put it all in his hands i know that he can solve them i put it up this and that i put it on oh yes sir y'all better get off my back here i put it all in his hands he can handle it that's a fact look at somebody and tell him put it in his hands just whatever you're going through just put it in his hands put it in his hands put it in his hands first peter 5 and 7 tells us casting all of your [Music] hey care for you he says father into thy hands he says i command now the greek word for command is paradiddomay which simply means to give over into one's power or to deliver to one something to keep the saints of god this act of submission has been accurately termed as his entrance greeting to heaven displacing his spirit as a trust in the father's hands is as steal phrases it an expression of the profoundest and most blessed repose after toil in other words jesus is saying i need to give my spirit to somebody that i could fully trust oh let me say that again jesus needed to give his spirit to somebody that he can fully trust and that's why some of us that are in this building tonight and some of y'all that are watching can testify over the years you've given your heart to the wrong people you've you've given your soul to the wrong people you even given your body to the wrong person oh come on let's be real here tonight you've given your spirit to the wrong person but now after you learn from your mistakes you ought to walk up to those same people that used your heart that that messed up your soul that messed up your spirit and you know what you want to tell them thank you i can have my heart back now thank you i can have my soul back now thank you i can have my spirit back now because you just abused my spirit you after you've done what you've done to me you mean to tell me i'm gonna let you have my mind body and soul uh uh i feel like lauren hill you just lost one it's so silly how come i'll take it back i'll take my soul back and this also signifies that the soul exists apart from the body in the hands of god i'm almost done here but throughout history there have been many men that have uttered these words more notably stephen do y'all remember steven steven was the deacon slash bishop who was full of the holy ghost now in his great agony he shows us the form of this prayer when he asks the lord jesus to receive his spirit now now terence he says father into the hands i commend my spirit now he did not say i commend the holy spirit but he said i come in my spirit nor was he talking in his own divine nature but he said father and i'm closing now but he realized that he couldn't call on david he realized that he couldn't call on moses he realized that he couldn't call on abraham isaac and jacob but all he knew to call on was his father god and as i close this message tonight i just wonder is there anybody in this room tonight and is there anybody watching by way of facebook and youtube tonight that has ever been in the predicament where things got so bad that you couldn't call on mama you you couldn't call on daddy you couldn't call on your sister you couldn't call on yourself but one day while you were alone in the house you found yourself i feel good now falling down on your knees and saying father i stretch my hands to be no other help i know and with power withdraw thyself from me where shall i go won't you look at somebody and tell them just call on them call on them oh y'all ain't talking loud enough tell somebody call on them call on a win when you get sick just call on them when you're burning down just call on them when your friends are few just call on them call call on god god bless you tonight i'm gone oh oh he told me i only had 12 12 some minutes so i got the clothes here god bless y'all it's been fun but i gotta run see you later alligator after wow give me flat crocodile the clock on the wall says that's about all right but as i leave you here tonight let me suggest to you that there's something about the hands of god yeah won't you look at somebody and tell them there's something about the hands of god i'm talking about those hands that created the heavens and earth uh-huh i'm talking about those hands that reach back into nowhere and got somewhere those hands that mapped out the earth with gravel grass and the ground [Music] those same hands that created adam from the dust and even from his real yeah those same hands that took enoch those same hands i'm ready now that parted the red sea those same hands that cause mammon to fall from heaven those same hands that cause water to flow from a rock those same hands that cause the walls of jericho to fall down those same hands that caused the sun and the moon to stand still those same hands that gave hezekiah 15 more years those same hands that held a fish plate sale one day with just two fishing and follow the bread yeah you wanna tell somebody i'm in those hands yeah i can't remember that even now the commercial still comes on about an insurance company by the name of allstate and at the end of every commercial dennis hayes birthday got to tell you that with all statements you're in good hands but i beg i beg to differ tonight because when you get along in a spiritual place when you get trapped in spiritual bondage [Music] i feel my grandmother creeping up on me she would say i'm gonna leave you in the hands of the lord i got to go here tonight but before i leave you you know i'm a baptist preacher and you know one thing mark baptist preachers got to close with a story so i'm reminded of a story tonight about a little girl and her daddy who was shopping at the mall and while they were walking through the mall they happened to stop by a candace stand and the man said all candy today is free so get as much candy as you would please you know what he does sharayan she took her hand put it in the candy jar and came out with very little candy the daddy looked at her and said tried again she reached a hand back in the candy jar and still came out with very little candy the daddy said tried again she reached her hand in the candy jar and she came back with still little candy the daddy got frustrated and said baby why is it that every time you reach your hand in the candy jar you come out with little she said daddy i looked at your hands and i saw that your hands were bigger than mine and if you put your hands in the candy jar i get more candy than i could get from myself god bless your heart i feel well y'all i stay no longer with you i'm deeply sorry if i held you too long may the lord god bless you real good but i let go to my seat now i'm gonna tell somebody if you let the father put his hand in your situation he'll give you more joy that you could give yourself he'll give you more peace that you can give yourself and i just want to know is there anybody here is there anybody here is there anybody here is there anybody here is [Music] [Music] i messed up sometime but i'm still in his hand i had to cry sometime but i'm still in his hand at the little wink all night long but i'm still in his head i got to go y'all but when i was in school they taught me a song he's got the whole world in his hands yeah i might be getting too old school for some of y'all young folk but i can remember waking up early in the morning and i could hear my grandmother sing the old song [Music] mighty [Music] yay god almighty i got the clothes here but let me tell you i'm gonna go ahead and tell you he died i said then he died he died until the sun the shark he died unto the earth started shaking like a drunk man he died until the moon's blood pressure shot up sky high and went down in blood he died yeah they landed in his hand put redness in his feet put [Music] and he dropped his head in the locks of his shoulder do you believe that jesus died he died and they put him in a bar or two he stayed there all night friday i can't tell until sunday stay there all night saturday i'm trying to follow proper etiquette stand down on my side of the free day three days three days yeah if you believe that he's got his hands on you if you believe that you're in his hand open up your mouth wherever you are open up your mouth and shut oh yeah i wish i had [Music] i wish i had i wish i had i wish i had somebody [Music] i thank you that i'm in your hand if you took your hand from me i don't know where i would be i've gone y'all but i want to tell you if you put it in his hands [Music] yeah god oh yeah wow god will be not dismayed whatever be tired god god [Music] god [Music] he'll take [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] ah [Music] yes [Music] [Music] yeah thank you thank you thank you thank you [Music] i need all 1500 of your watching at home just open your mouth and say thank you come on it's good friday it's good friday look at somebody and say thank you in fact you know what we got to go home tonight so if you're watching at home and you're not by yourself grab your hands sanitizer rub it in real good and why don't you just lean over and grab your name about the hand and say neighbors y'all ain't saying that the roof look it's from my insane neighbor i don't know about you but i'm stronger i'm in the hands of the lord if that's you giving praise right now i'm in the hands of the lord i'm sorry we got to go i'm sorry church over that was the last word that was the last word but i wish promoter would just praise god tonight i said i wish somebody would praise god tonight if you're so glad he played a dead that he did not own and because he leaves we got to stop i'm sorry jaden come on somebody just tag somebody telling i'm in his hands look in the room and tell your neighbor i'm in his hands [Music] i'm in his hands wind may blow breakers made this [Music] expand all over the building [Music]
Channel: Kashawn’s Good Gospel Music And Preaching
Views: 4,161
Rating: 4.7916665 out of 5
Keywords: Preaching, Michael Boone, Good Friday, 7LastWords
Id: xRYHEo6weaY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 29sec (1769 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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