ELDEN RING 🔥 Attention CHEF D’OEUVRE 😍 Mon AVIS (très) personnel sans langue de bois I SANS SPOILER
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Channel: Julien Chièze
Views: 272,349
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ps5, playstation 5, trailer, bande annonce, xbox series x, julien chieze, gaming, jeux vidéo, elden ring, test, review, avis, critique, from software, elden ring difficulté, elden ring accessibility, bandai namco, gameplay, hidetaka miyazaki, ps4, xbox one, steam, pc, elden ring coop, elden ring boss, margit, pvp, elden ring goty
Id: RitaFcqB2mM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 56sec (2216 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 23 2022
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