Elbilmek repairing Nissan Leaf 24 kWh battery pack

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this video was brought to you by Steinberg a better world planner Mr Green Camp power and Marcus Beale yo what's up we are now back at El Bill Mech in Elias Google and yes we're doing it we're going to try to fix the battery pack of the leaf so here we have valdemai as last time and then valama you've been working on the leaf a little bit yes yeah so a little recap here this Leaf we found that that it had a somewhat significant degradation it's supposed to be maybe on this age it's supposed to be roughly 16 kilowatt hour I mean we saw roughly 12 something kilowatt hour so that's a bit low but you have found the route to the car route to the cost or yeah yeah I can I I can show you on on the on the on the pictures yeah but before we do that let me just since we have the leaf up here let's see now so um this is the first time I've seen it under here so the battery pack has been taken out and then uh yeah the battery pack was here and this just not sure what to do to show you guys but look here you know I got you know when I saw this I got some idea what am I is can you guys figure out the way to put the put in some funds here and make it active cooling yeah I think so is it possible drill some holes maybe like an inlet and then an outlet or something yeah I think so we can we can build some some fence to to pull the battery pack would it be interesting to see how efficient it will be but also of course it's a matter of cost because it takes actually a lot of time to take out the battery pack so it should be some kind of quick fix like drill it from above if it's possible and then Mount some Mount them yeah fans and then connect to 12 volt or something uh maybe just a manual switch would work actually yeah I think so yeah you can try to look at this possibility for fun yeah but okay anyway so I'm done here all right uh here's the goodie so over here we have the leaf battery pack and maybe we should just dive into it what was the problem where do you want to start uh uh we can start here that uh let me see where is those papers throw some other people oh here here this one right was it this one yeah so we've done a test with the Nissan Leaf spy and we found that that uh let me see even at uh 9.9 state of health a state of charge the cell number one is very very weak oh I never noticed that all these sells until 96 uh wait a moment I think I took the wrong papers 30. well you have so many of these windshields screenshots I mixed it up this is the right this is 24 hour 24 kilowatt hour battery state or health was 64.48 and the vixel number one at three percent of state of charge of course state of charge is very low at this point so normally you don't drive it so often to blow uh percentage but for testing purposes for us is very easy than to identify which cell is the or cells are bad in this case the number one is very there was the other one we saw earlier is that another car let me see if it's the same yeah it's the same yes exactly in the same way just a different representation yes different presentation different charge yeah the VIN number is the same yes and the kilometers are the same year oh okay so it's the same but you see now I start realizing that um the car wants to protect every cell and if one cell is weak then it needs to cut off and say okay that's the end but then all the other cells are like hey we are good we can go more so which means that that's the weak link so if you change that one it might solve the problem yeah I think it's very interesting to see uh for us and to to viewers how much effect how much bigger state of health will become if we change this oneself yeah but by the way so before that one uh you also talk to a friend who had another crazy idea yeah I talked to a friend and she had a very crazy idea uh I think he tried on his car but I'm not sure if we can do it in Norway because it's I think it's dangerous uh in it can be dangerous in some cases but he talks about cutting off temperature and sensors and unlock the temperature to the 10 degrees let me interrupt a little bit so is are these the temp sensors I heard that it was four yeah so we have on uh one here okay where are they located by the way on cell number one uh I don't know which cell number is uh this is the other one or yes yes you're right then we have uh one here and then we have one on another side uh let me see where's the last one here yes over there okay also this is by the way this is the the leaf battery pack so it consists of um well it's this box but one box contains two cells yes so I counted 48 of these boxes and 96 cells yeah you can see also here let me see where I've seen it that's 48 models okay ah modules and then this is a generic diagnostic tool yeah for any battery pack uh I don't know if it works on Old battery packs but um it works on leaf on Tesla on Kia I don't remember if we tested on and others no it's pretty cool you can see lots of information here you can see that you connect it via so you take I don't know some plugs here and then you connect it via some interface yeah you connect it right to the to the battery so you don't need to to have it connected to the car and then it goes via some Bluetooth or something like this yeah interesting but yeah so how you see the leaf battery this is the first time I've seen it I was like first thing that struck me like hey why is there so much gap between here and I was wondering what's going on in the in the battery when it gets really hot well and I was looking for where I heard that there's there's some kind of passive cooling so I was looking for some kind of air channel that passes through here as the car drives but seems like there is no passive cooling here I think that the the cooling through the maybe battery case this is maybe they call the the passive Cooling so the batteries battery cells which are located here and here I think they are cooled best but I think that it sells are in which are in the middle uh gets a very very poor Cooling and my experience is that those cells in the middle gets uh broken or lose power much much quicker and much more often than the cells in other place of the battery okay well yeah but otherwise it's just a little side step but okay back to the point again that hack you were talking about yeah he says that if we take out temperature sensors and lock the temperature to 10 degrees so we can use the the battery say we have why their capacity on the battery I mean well well you you mentioned by the way when I we talked earlier that what you do is you put the resistor there instead right yeah to school it to be 10 degrees so so to cheat the BMS yeah you have to use the resistors but uh yeah I I don't know if this is good idea and I don't recommend to do it but it was interesting to talk with and discuss with beyond what what could happen yeah I guess wait so what was the point is that when you fool the system that it's 10 degrees and then you kind of run it then we have to reset the state of health to original to 100 percent so when the temperature is not changing then the BMS is not really calculated state of health so it gives the possibility to charge and discharge the battery for a wider range whoa but that means that what you mean does it turn to 4.2 volts then at 100 uh uh I'm not sure how how much it will go but yeah battery it should be roughly there yeah it can be that it will go full uh up to 4.2 okay I don't know how good of idea it is it's it's as if you are sick and you take some painkills and keep running and then okay but that means that by doing this the YOLO trick here you might kind of run the battery great for a couple of years yeah so my friend says that he if you have a very bad battery that you I say there is no hope to to fix it so you can try to do this trick and just drive it back a battery completely to the end after two years you have to deliver the battery editor somewhere yeah okay but um yeah I think we will not go for this solution no okay and also uh yeah I will come back to why also doesn't make sense for this case but here by the way we have uh some well not new cells but secondhand cells yeah or modules brother so this is actually one module yeah this is a one module and this is not new by the way new cells would not work good on Old battery pack because it's gonna be two big difference on on capacity first of all internal resistance so so the battery pack will not function optimal so if you're replacing cells you need to find the use cells which are driven up approximately the same kilometers and have approximately same capacity as rest of the of the cells interesting so um can we look at the the work thing here so what we don't want to know now is the cost how much would it cost to replace one cell and one module actually so we're calculating that to replace one cell is going to cost 12 500. Nook and that is roughly a little bit over 1 000 Euros yeah one thousand two yeah maybe one thousand Now by today's yeah and then I see that the majority of the cost here is actually work Labor uh here under the cell yeah okay so 1800 is that before v80 yes okay so roughly 2 000 Nook for the cell oh sorry the module well actually when this is a battery cell it's actually two cells yes this is one more butter to the modulus that's correct so you see here that here the cost is kind of expensive for the car but just to show that the majority here is is for taking out the battery itself and I mean so it's taking out the battery pack and then putting it back again so if you would do the attack you will also have to lower everything and take out this one yeah so the the price for that that kind of YOLO hack would probably be 10 000 at least yeah approximately that yeah so then I guess it makes sense if money money sells here are broken because then the price for the sales will be high and then you just YOLO it and yeah live your life yeah but as we talked maybe you have to drive at the fire extinguisher yeah in some cases it gets too hot inside and the system that does not recognize it yeah it's really dangerous and we don't recommend to do this we also check another thing by the way if you buy a second hand battery pack from a salvage car it's roughly 20 000 Nook or two thousand Euros yeah but then each cell or sorry each module will then cost roughly 400 ish four yeah 400 Nook only yeah this is uh this this is this is correct so so why why are these so expensive it's a seller price you know the people are earning money they buy the battery pack splitting them in models and then the result to other people and to workshops last week yeah so it's cheaper to buy the complete pack and maybe split with a friend or friends or somebody if you have many cells which are broken all right so um so which we're gonna are we gonna try to replace them then yeah uh we're gonna try to replace the battery cell number one and uh is going to be very interesting to see how much or how better capacity is gonna be uh replacing Just One battery cell so as we know before it was missing uh for uh bricks on the dashboard dots yeah so after replacing one cell we will reset state of health to 100 so all the 12 bars will be back on the place and after test drive it will automatically calibrate again yeah ah I see yeah yeah um interesting yeah so I guess we have to come back here once you have done the repair then yeah but um by the way some more uh Leaf there is so much knowledge about Leaf here um after the the first video lots of people commented that you know this Leaf here uh is the first generation it it was supposed to be I mean it was registered in 2013 but it is actually a 2012 leaf so many people also comment is that you know when you're looking for a secondhand Leaf you can if you go to the trunk and you see this big chunk here this is actually the onboard charger yes and it's only wait and it's only 3.3 kilowatts yeah why is it so big do you have any have you seen inside this before yes uh I cannot explain why it's so big but uh but yes this is true 2012 model it's a 3.3 charger and uh from 2013 you have OBC in the front of the car and then you have a 3.3 or 6.6 kilowatts onboard charger so that means that actually if if you are just like a regular consumer and you're looking for a leaf even though it says 2013 you can just open the trunk and see if you have this big thing here if it's not there then it means it's actually the new version yes and other things you can identify with the new one this is the old one by the way is it the new version or the old one has white white-ish seats I mean they used to be white and also as the new version has black seats or black interior okay yeah then you can choose with like skin interior or yeah but but does it mean that this this white bright interior only exists in the old one yes uh-huh and the last thing in here at least you see that it has this electron okay this this what you call it uh pork break park brake switch on on 2013 model we have uh foot break okay instead of the parking brake so it means that that switch is gone in the new one yes let's go and then one last thing you can also check this is actually important for Norwegians is that under the hood uh this one does not have heat pump so it's only PTC yes only PTC uh water heater and on 2013 model you get uh Varma pump with like electric heater so actually many many things about this one here I mean it's the screams don't buy it you kind of need to identify and figure out whether it's worth it to buy it or not but another thing I Will Show You by the way if you look here this is the battery case and there's a part number on the battery case here and what you'd look for is the the last letter so if it's a a is the the the the first generation which is the 2012 and then B and C whatever was the Next Generation which has actually better battery and then if it says a three there or an e or whatever I think it was then it's the lizard battery which is a lot better so when you see the a there that also well it's kind of hard to figure now normally you can't see this one because it will be in the inside of the car right no it's not going to be visible yeah okay yeah but at least now if you see it here the a battery is also the the worst one because uh some people say that the Next Generation the B and C battery they have slightly different chemistry and I guess less cells will go bad yes from 2013 they changed something in the in the sales uh chemistry as they say so the the battery takes uh heat much better so they can survive in more warm environment yeah so um yeah what we have found out so far is that if you're looking for a car like this then stay away from this car but we are kind of gone deep already so we just had to finish this this is I think that's the plan now we're gonna yeah um yeah whatever what do we do now we have we have dug ourselves so deep now and we want to know how much capacity can we recover so yeah we will replace one cell reset the state of health and we will make the car ready for you to take on the test drive and see what's the actual range and how much battery capacity we were able to build back by replacing just one cell I can't wait to see that like how much is it yeah well can we can we recover four kilowatt hour it sounds crazy but but I mean the way it works is that we just fixed the the weak link and then suddenly yeah it'll be better hopefully hopefully yeah so yeah I think that's going to be it uh follow video coming soon this is super interesting for me and we have so many leaps out the old leaves out on the road now so it's still very interesting I think for me and for many other people who might consider buying a secondhand leaf and if they get stuck with one that they had for a long time maybe it's not too late you can recover it or you can go crazy and then go for that you know insert the steroid or the paint and then run it for two more years okay but yeah so more episodes coming up from El Bill Mac so that's gonna be it for now hope you guys enjoyed this video as always thank you for watching and talk to you later
Channel: Bjørn Nyland
Views: 46,005
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Teslabjørn, Teslabjorn, TB, Bjørn Nyland
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 17sec (1217 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 25 2023
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