El Salvador's Nayib Bukele Claims 'Record' Re-election Victory | Vantage with Palki Sharma

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have you heard of naib buele he's El Salvador's President also known as the world's coolest dictator bukele claims he has won the election with over 85% of the vote the official results are yet to be announced but buk says he is the winner and he is quite popular in El Salvador he waged a war on gangs which turned him into a national hero since 2022 BK's government has arrested more than than 75,000 gangsters homicide levels have plummeted to an all-time low he is by far Latin America's most popular leader but there are fears of Human Rights abuses and centralization of power none of that seems to bother him though he says his next Target is fixing the economy our next report tells you all about El Salvador's Unapologetic dictator a sharp beard slicked back hair a glossy leather motorcycle jacket and a c selfie with Lionel Messi na arando bu Ortez was only 37 when he became the president of El Salvador an outsider in politics he now calls himself the world's coolest dictator bukele was born in 1981 in the capital San Salvador he is of Palestinian Heritage he joined his father's textile business but soon ditched that for politics he first served as the mayor of a San Salvador suburb then became the mayor of the capital and in 2019 he became the president he wrote the popular sentiment marketing himself as The Outsider candidate he's also a social media Wiz he takes to X formerly known as Twitter to talk to voters he posts on YouTube and Facebook unsurprisingly he's also not a fan of criticism but his fans love him the people are devoted to him he's almost a cult like personality often known as Latin America's most popular leader what makes him particularly popular is his war on gangs El Salvador has a long history of gang violence in the last 30 years it has claimed over 120,000 civilian lives when bukele took power gangs controlled 80% of the country but bukele vowed to change that in 2022 he introduced a state of emergency 75,000 gangsters were rounded up it didn't matter whether they were real or suspected all of them were sent to prison there were accusations of Human Rights abuses allegations of authoritarianism but none of that mattered to b or to the people of El Salvador that's because the country's homicide rate has plummeted it was once the most dangerous in the world now it's at its lowest level in three decades even lower than the global average we have started to defeat our biggest evil we are on the cusp of winning the war against the gangs literally it's not an exaggeration it's not a hyperbole literally we went from being the most dangerous country in the world to being the most secure in all of the Western Hemisphere but bringing gang violence under control is not the only thing that b did he also had the military stomm the parliament he replaced judges he considered hostile and oversaw the jailing of innoc people but none of that affected his reelection bid the official results are not out yet but he claims to have won with 85% of the votes a win that he calls a record in the entire Democratic history of the world in all the history of the world since the existence of democracy never has a project won with the quantity of votes that we have won literally it's the highest percentage in all of history the highest difference between first and second place in in history salvadorians may have Newfound peace all thanks to BK's Crackdown but his second term will have new hurdles like the economy he may have an overwhelming second term mandate but El Salvador's economy is fragile there is high public debt over 30% of the population lives in poverty and consumer prices are rapidly Rising salvadorians may be getting used to living without fear but if bukele doesn't act f on the economy the honeymoon period May soon come to an end from impeachments to inaugurations if it's a political story we are on the scene the race for the White House is heating up we're beating Biden how dare he say that if it's breaking news we're live with the latest coverage from the White House the state department and Capitol Hill we know the issues but above all we know the players to bring you the latest in-depth analysis on all the key stories that we're covering I'm Eric ham join me from Washington here on first post America
Channel: Firstpost
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Keywords: firstpost, vantage, palki sharma, vantage palki sharma, firstpost palki sharma, el salvador, nayib bukele, nayib bukele el salvador, el salvador president, el salvador president election, el salvador elections, elections el salvador, nayib bukele dictator, el salvador president nayib bukele, nayib bukele wins second term, nayib bukele wins, nayib bukele wins election, el salvador national election, nayib bukele reelection, el salvador nayib bukele, bukele el salvador
Id: _9tQnQFQ294
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 33sec (333 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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