Libro de Daniel: Capítulo III - El horno de fuego / Book of Daniel: Chapter III - The Fire Furnace

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[Music] Nobles of all the kingdom came to the dedication even from the distant provinces. I wonder how many slaves give their lives in the mines and in the building of this arrogance symbol, that's not counting the kingdoms that they ravaged and plundered. All that shine with no purpose at all just an idol like any other, empty inside. the moment long awaited by me and by the kingdom arrived. High priest, begin the ceremony [Music] O people of all nations and languages, this is the king’s command: When the band strikes up, you are to fall flat on the ground to worship King Nebuchadnezzar’s gold statue, anyone who refuses to obey will immediately be thrown into a flaming furnace. [cheers] [Music] Meshach, please. Fear not, Rachel. Shadrach, Abednego. We will not kneel. No way. [Music] Even if they take your lives? if that is the case, may it be by remaining faithful to the Lord, obeying his commandments. I don't want to die. neither do I, but I trust God. that's why I give myself to his will. Trust Rachel! [Music] Look! Those Hebrews whom the king put in charge of Babylonian affairs Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, they are facing the king. Meshach! God is here, Rachel. [Music] It will be as He wants. Bring them to me! [Music] why do you refuse to worship the golden statue that I set up? Our faith does not allow it, my lord. we have no intention of offending you, sovereign, but we can't do that. There is a decree, no one has the right to break it. Do you understand that if you continue to refuse you will die? [Music] I'm going to give you one more chance, maybe now you are going to be more willing, if you don't obey, you will be thrown into the fire. Tell me! What god can deliver you out of my hands? King Nebuchadnezzar, we don't need to answer that, If our God whom we serve wants it that way, he will deliver us from the furnace and from your hands. If you don't know yet sir, know now, you can be sure that we will not serve your gods, nor will we worship the golden statue that you set up. So be it. Light the furnace! And heat it seven times hotter than usual, Arioch, Nebuzaradan, Rabesares, you who are the most powerful among the men of my army, tie these three [Music] It can't end like this. [Music] They don't fear because they trust the Lord That's true faith, we were weak Jehoiachim We let our God down. What is the use of saying that we profess and at the time of proving it we cower? Take them now to the furnace. [Music] Throw them into the flames! Let them pay in the fury of the fire for their disobedience. [Music] [Music] No! Watch out! There's nothing left to do. [Music] [Music] We are not burning! [Music] What is that? Look at that. I'm not turning into fire! I'm not burning! I'm not burning! They are walking through the flames. It's not possible. The fire must have burned the ropes, but it didn't burn everything else. Abednego, look! What is going on? [Music] Didn’t we throw three tied men into the furnace? Yes, Sir So how come I'm seeing four free men walking around in the flames without any damage? [Music] [Music] there is someone else with them, looks like a god! Like a son of a god. My husband, wait! [Music] Shadrach! Meshach! Abednego! Servants of the god of the hebrews, come out and come to me. [Music] [Music] They are alive! The fire didn't even touch their hair. [Music] Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, for he sent his angel to deliver his trusting servants when they defied the king’s commandment and were willing to die rather than serve or worship any god except their own. Damned! It is undeniable that the god of the Hebrews has power. [Music] Therefore, I make this decree, that any person of any nation, language, or religion, who speaks a word against the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego shall be torn limb from limb and his house knocked into a heap of rubble. For no other God can do what this one does. [Music] "When thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee. For I am the Lord thy God, the Holy One of Israel, thy Saviour." Isaiah 43:2-3
Channel: ICT Medios
Views: 5,417,708
Rating: 4.734921 out of 5
Keywords: Biblia, Bible, Daniel, Tanaj, Church, Presbiteriana, Presbiterian, Protestant, Protestante, Evangelical, Evangélico, Old Testament, Antiguo Testamento
Id: rOriwY-UzlY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 19sec (919 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 16 2020
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