El Dorado Fire - 2020
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Channel: 564 Fire
Views: 410,737
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: El Dorado Fire, Fire Season 2020, Fire Season
Id: oEqYN0hsUn0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 23sec (623 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 21 2020
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Here is some amazing footage of some crews trying to keep the fire from jumping the road on a large wildfire in Southern California. As you see there is extreme fire behavior with the heavy wind and low humidity. You can see how quickly the spot fires can run. It can be very chaotic during the initial phases of a large fire like you see here but it still very impressive how they can get resources fast (watertender, heli drops etc)
Omg....it's dangerous...........it's dangerous.....