Einstein and Abdus Salam

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[Music] Albert Einstein scientist Isaac Newton Einstein matter ordinary matter matter radiation or energy for minut you be you'll be running at the speed of light which is not easy for you you know not easy for me either I know you can't do that me that's why I said it's not easy in fact it's not possible but you can atast move close to that then what I will see is your G starting to move slowly and in fact so slow that it will almost come to a stop which means also that by the time you run and you come back a lot of time will have gone by for me but almost no time for you and so when so let let let's say no I'm I'm I'm going to put you in my place I'm going to run with the speed of life like that okay so by the time I return you will be a you will be an old old woman and I'll be my young self okay so those were two very very great discoveries now what we're going to see is the movie after we see the movie I'm going to ask you what you think about it what you've learned from it and you're going to tell me what you liked what you didn't like what you understood what you didn't understand and then after that we're going to see another very big scientist ABD Salam okay the same happen down in black hole your time mov very slowly but not moving fast yeah yeah that's that's that's general relativity which we'll come to in a bit but that's also due to Einstein Albert Einstein was born in M Germany on March 14th in 1879 to Jewish parents Einstein was the oldest child and had a younger sister Albert Einstein didn't speak until he was actually 4 years old and it took him until the age of seven to stop repeating words and sentences over and over again when Albert was about five his father gave him a compass as a gift and that was when Albert Einstein fell in love with physics Einstein fell in love and was captivated by the magnets that would move inside of the compass and he often thought about this when he was older and came up with his theories of Relativity which we'll learn more about in a bit hey guess what did you know that Albert Einstein didn't really like school too much but he did really enjoy Math and Science in fact Einstein loved geometry and algebra which he actually taught himself his father owned an electronics company where Einstein learned a lot about science and of course electronics and Einstein also admitted that an important moment when he was young was reading a book about geometry when Albert Einstein was 15 years old him and his family moved to Milan in Italy when he was just 16 Albert Einstein published his first scientific paper on the force of magnetism hey guess what did you know that before becoming a physicist Albert Einstein trained to become a teacher but when he couldn't find work as a teacher Albert Einstein decided to obtain a PhD in physics in the year 1896 Albert Einstein was accepted into the Swiss Federal poly Technic School in Zurich Switzerland hey guess what Einstein actually failed the entrance exam but but they accepted him because of his remarkable math results but required that Albert also went to high school and finished his Traditional School and he obtained his degree in the year 1905 which is the same year known as Albert's year of Miracles because he published four groundbreaking papers in just one year hey guess what in 1911 he was invited to the very first ever World physics conference he was the youngest person there Albert Einstein is probably most famous for his theory of relativity and this is the formula eal mc² which was part of Einstein's general theory of relativity which he continued to work on for the next decade it was actually Albert Einstein's theory of relativity that helped scientists understand how our universe works so you need be asking what is eal NC s me I thought it was eal mc2 what's the two [Music] wait okay who's going to be the first to comment on the film tell us um what you understood from it what's it all about what thoughts crossed your mind anything so who's going to be the first I like to ask a question yeah no but first tell us about the movie I got I nothing I just want to ask something you learned nothing no I just learned that he died of heart failure the rest I you the rest okay okay so uh let let's have something from somebody else who will tell us something about this movie anything that crosses your mind anything anything anything anything sh will you are you planning to say something who come on come on come on don't be shy don't be shy okay yeah all right this movie missed a lot of information like the wives and Sons he have he the movie didn't even mention his first job which which was being a patent Club I was in the patent office there there is where he made his okay so um Albert Einstein was uh working in a patent office what is a patent a patent is yes yes is a place where you claim your ideas so that no one can no one else can steal them okay but is that a good job yes for Einstein yes for different people had different views noste liked it no but you see Einstein didn't get a job anywhere else so he said okay let me just yeah but then he started to like it actually yeah okay so now what was your question oh my question was energy is also information so gravity is pulling you down constantly it never runs out of gravity hence information is constantly being created oh let's leave information out of it that's that's a much much much much much later concept uh but you had a question about black holes yeah so black hole in black holes when you fall into black hole the time also slows down but you're not really moving very fast so okay so here is a here is something that Einstein predicted he said that suppose you're near something that's very small and something that's very heavy so if you were to take that clock back there and uh you were to put it near that heavy heavy planet or heavy star heavy Mass whatever then gravity will make that clock run slow so somebody seeing from far away we'll see it Go instead of it going tick tick tick tick it'll go tick tick pick so it will go very slow when you're near a black hole Einstein the not even light can escape a black hole and that means that a black hole is the dark totally totally black has the gas illuminate oh no no no no no no what happens is that if if those gases unless they're circling around yeah circling around that's different SC black ho but if those gases are not circling around they'll fall into the black hole and then the black hole will just eat it if you're an astronaut is 500 million light years yeah we are already inside we're not in a this is a building it's not a real black ho yeah but look at the name ah look at the name yes I I have a question hold it close to your mouth they say if you uh if you put too much M Mass into a black hole at once then it's Hawking radiation will become so strong it can push the other matter away from it so it will be a it will don't know how to hold the mic yes okay if you put too much Mass into a black wall it h Hawking radiation will become so strong it will push all the other objects away from it oh Hawking radiation Hawking radiation ha St Hawking scientist he had Polio who's polio polio is a terrible disease and and so polio is is something very bad you know so you can't walk you have to be in a wheelchair he couldn't even speak and he couldn't write and he couldn't do anything except move his head and just move a little bit of his mouth but he was he had such such a brilliant mind that he was able to do very very complicated mathematics in his head and so he he said he he was able to discover this this thing called Hawking radiation so I told you a black hole is black right but it's not really true some can be white there's a little bit of radiation leaving it and that's called Hawking radiation it's named after Hawking okay and so uh yeah if if something forms a black hole then the black hole will always emit a little bit of light AA so uh any other comments questions and yeah okay before we go on to the next movie huh B the question is how can a black wall be made oh oh that's that that's a very good question so there are two two ways in which black holes have been made one is if there's a star you know this the billions of stars up there but they but they all use up fuel when they run out of hydrogen then they start to collapse and then they collapse and collapse and and then the a black hole is it becomes a black hole which becomes in so dense so dense that the gravity is is beyond anything that you can imagine and by the way if if you fall into a black hole not only will you not get out you will break into part you you will be stretched out we go around at the speed of light you just have to wait it out it wasn't working before it takes 17 years to go to the sun 17 years to go to the sun no search uh it depends on how fast you travel uh and you said 8 minutes huh that's the speed of light so very right very correct I have a question how would a black hole be black if uh some we see color when light is bounced off of something but if the light is being absorbed by the black hole then how is it black Ah that's a very good question wouldn't it just be transparent no black is also the absence of color no uh it's it's a very good question how do you know black holes are there because they they don't emit any light how do you see them and you see them indirectly you see a black hole will attract another star to itself and the if the two move around like this you will see the bright star but you will not see the black hole so that's one way of detecting black holes the other ways sometimes what happens is that two black holes they collide with each other and when they Collide they become one black hole and then you get waves coming out s and they become huge have a question how destroy you black holes init a Hawking radiation can we use that as energy yeah they do emit black Hawking radiation but that's very very little as energy though yeah that's that's causing loss of energy yeah but is a block hole 3D or is it just like a portal like a portal ah it is 3D of course so a black hole is in 3D that's correct last question there is a black hole with three special dimensions there's a black hole type thing that comes air from it that there is a black hole thing that comes air from it what [Music] that oh there's no air in a black hole super different but it has a hole inside it doesn't have a hole inside it has a center he didn't go he didn't go to some high-i school he didn't go to Beacon House he didn't go to City school and he turned out to be so utterly brilliant that his teacher said wow wow wowc exam mathematician ramuan it's called ramanujan's problem or ABD he looked at it and he looked at it he said I can solve it and he solved it so then uh his his everybody was so impressed they said you must go and study abroad now Abdul Salam had never been abroad and he had in fact he the first time that he left his village electri M or L say for the first time in his life he saw an electric bulb Government [Music] College University of Cambridge University of Cambridge he got a first class verse in the math in the math tripos math tripos mus math PhD wowowow [Music] Pakistan govern football team py this is your job and he became the youngest professor at the at Imperial College London became a professor so he became a a full Professor the head of his group and he then started discovering one thing after the other but you know what he got the Nobel Prize for was for showing that all the that two of the basic forces of nature they are actually the same force and this was such a spectacular discovery that it just shook the world of physics which two forces the weak and the electromagnetic itic Force I a so he got the Nobel Prize in 1979 when he came here in 1989 1990 huh 1990 uh you will see that there's a Pakistani who is interviewing him and now I want you to see that and and then and then then we will have uh questions and answers after that why did took called Professor Einstein's brain ah so the question is uh why did they take out Einstein's brain because Einstein was such a genius they said there must be something in his brain which is different from that of ordinary people so they looked at it and looked and they still can't figure out why wasn't theolen I I don't know I don't the brain now be rotten oh they preserve the brain they preserve the that's a that's a good question [Music] [Music] huh he died of because he [Music] was okay let's meet ABD Salam Professor Salam sence the science science physics or mathematics sence [Music] f [Music] theory of weaken electromagnetic interactions physics f 23 extensions right-handed current right-handed currents particle radiative Corrections for [Music] en I'm let me tell you in a few words what what I asked him and which he which Abdul Salam spent a lot of time answering I said Professor Salam what will you feel if it turns out that your theory is either incomplete or wrong yeah his reply was these are two separate issues if my theory is incomplete well that's no surprise because I know it is incomplete I know that there are certain questions that it does not answer it does not say for example what would be the mass of an electron or why we have this or why we have that but if it is wrong then I'll be totally shocked and I don't think that this will be ever disproved however it is incomplete so then I said but what if he's wrong he says well then God will have lost a chance to to create something beautiful you see now now let me back back up a little bit and tell you how physicists think physicists create theories which are beautiful they're beautiful because they have so much symmetry same here as there mathematic symmetry okay good you see this is very very important yeah science is never complete it is always improving itself is becoming better and better and so Abdul Salam is perfectly correct when he says that my theory is incomplete with time it will become other people will make it better and better and so maybe you guys someday will become physicists and learn so much math and physics that you'll improve upon his theory as well okay uh what what did you not anything about this movie anything did you recognize the guy over there yeah it was [Music] you that was how do you know it wasn't my clone my dad oh yeah Dad your head are still the same do do I sound the same do I look the same [Music] no let's have a vote on this a or okay I don't very hard to say but uh who knows uh with artificial intelligence we might be able to predict what somebody looks like years and years later yeah yeah yeah okay so we're pretty much done uh any questions any comments anything you want to say no no okay good then we're done [Music] [Music] [Music] I okay teach thank you [Music] sir
Channel: The Black Hole
Views: 12,504
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Black Hole, The Black Hole Islamabad, TBH, TBH Islamabad, Education, Knowledge, Science, Art, Culture, Pervez Hoodbhoy, Dr. Pervez Hoodbhoy, Hoodbhoy, Pervez Hoodbhoy lectures, Albert Einstein, Dr. Abdus Salam, Discovery Nobel Prize, Theory of Special Relativity
Id: x9Dl54_vNA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 7sec (2347 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 06 2024
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