Eigenbros ep 115 - Elon Musk's Xprize

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welcome back folks so we have you here for another episode um sorry guys a little slow today because we're doing a late podcast but um guys make sure you like share comment subscribe if you haven't already uh check us out at iganbros.com i can bros on twitter i can browse on instagram i give rose2 on tick tock and then of course patrons we thank you guys once again and uh if you guys want to be patreon members just join patreon.combros yeah and uh yeah all right let's get into it yeah so as the title says we are talking about the x prize yeah yeah which is uh famous whoa actually it's not that famous i just found out about it through you yeah it's not that famous i literally just saw a podcast on the feed one day yeah for for the page for the not the patriots for the um eigenfolks watching this podcast this is a fast and loose episode because me and juan are trying to record a couple episodes because we're both going to be out of town while you're watching this yes so don't expect too high of quality here but this is more of a fast and loose episode so so just bring out your coffee you know put this on in the background and you're like okay i'm intrigued i'm here to listen or switch it off if you don't want to hear rambling with no facts really yeah or like yeah put it on in the background and just mute it yeah so it runs no but that's our um our uh youtube youtube yeah no but in all seriousness uh the x prize is uh has this touted 100 million dollar prize to capture carbon um and it's funded by elon musk and the musk foundation um and this 100 million dollar competition is the largest incentive prize in history and for basically saving the planet right there you go from from our own demise there you go uh oh and elon won't even be on snl i don't think when this episode comes out no not yet but also invest in doge no i'm just kidding oh wait he's going to be on snl tomorrow oh interesting well tomorrow when this episode releases true um well the climate he'll probably talk about the climate maybe at some point but hopefully he'll also talk about this because it's a huge prize yeah and i think it's kind of pivotal for humanity to be serious about sequestering co2 and reaching a carbon negative solution and the prize basically is looking for some kind of technology that puts us in the negative right right right negative meaning that we're we're taking away more co2 than outputting yeah into the atmosphere yeah and right now we there have been well you were kind of confused because you saw you saw him on a podcast you said well he was on a podcast with the with the foundation runner of ex of the x prize um his buddy i forget his name um but he had a podcast with him and they were basically doing it as a way to kind of promote the x prize and like to say what the criteria and stuff was it's really a loose project though it seems like they don't really have much criteria i checked the website there was a whole whole thing about it but i literally have not read anything about it and i know almost nothing about it really right but it seemed uh seems like something interesting you know if you want to just try to solve the world's problems and maybe become friends with elon in the process yeah like as far as like the as far as i know this is from their website but it says the competition begins earth day april 20 oh it began earth day april 22nd this year and it's running through for the next four years until 2025. and elon will personally hand you a 100 million dollar big check one of these um right no but he he makes the criteria kind of loosely and at least in the video he was like it's got to be do you remember the conditions yeah i think one of the criteria they were literally formulating as we were watching or elon was just figuring out what it was supposed to be right because they mentioned that you need to have a device that can get rid of one ton of co2 per year at least and i think oh no no it's uh okay no actually they finally updated the website okay it says uh that to win the prize the teams must demonstrate co2 removal at a thousand tons per year oh wow t-o-n-n-e i don't know if that's is that metric or something uh i think it's the same just fancy okay yeah all right because i've seen one kiloton per year right yeah yeah one kiloton so uh model costs at the million ton per year mega ton air quotation scale uh and present a plan to sustainably reach gigaton per year scale in the future wow in the first phase of competition teams must demonstrate the key component of their carbon removal solution at a minimum teams can submit entries across natural engineered and hybrid solutions um yeah so after one year so this is the the prize purse the 100 million prize purse will be distributed as follows after one year of competition the judges will review all the submissions received and award up to 15 milestone prizes of one million dollars each wow at the discretion of the judges these awards may be granted on a conditional basis and after four years the judges will select the winners uh 50 million paid to the single grand prize winner 30 million to be distributed amongst three runner-ups uh then x prize will also award up to 5 million dollars to student teams in the fall of 2021. damn that's huge that's pretty damn good dude that is great more than most that's more than the [ __ ] uh nobel prize i mean jesus if you're like one of the stragglers student groups yeah more than the nobel prize yes five times the amount of a nobel prize i mean probably more prestigious because like think about it you're like on on a real quest to save the planet quite literally yeah well some physicists think they are doing that [Laughter] you and i are laughing because it's like some of them do have the what is it they don't have the humility to see like yeah well that's one that's literally one of eric weinstein's uh biggest passions he says we have to get off this earth oh yeah you know and physics is the main way i'm like i don't know eric although you know that is voip that is one way yeah physics is like yeah i think this is uh uniquely um could reach phys you can reach solutions through physics but we you and i loosely discussing it we saw how inter-disciplinary this this task becomes right for the x-prize the climate change um yeah it can be pretty pretty tough but i mean an engineering background would probably be really nice yes i would imagine yeah it'd probably be the best the best thing to have in this project yeah yeah cause like uh the the most i guess the leading tech right now um is a carbon capture solution from a company in canada um is it the one that we saw in the uh video yeah yeah and this guy was it's basically just hit an array of like these fans right and then they were just sucking up like what hundreds of megatons i believe per year um and i guess elon wants maybe a single unit to be able to do one kiloton and i guess maybe that would be more viable than what the guy has yeah i don't know what his specs are for his machinery but there are groups out there that have these carbon capture uh technologies but it seems like it's not really profitable is the problem yeah so they're trying to figure out how to make it actually cheap enough to where they can you know for do this and actually get government interested in this as well so that they can actually make you know make a profitable business so they can sustain doing this but the guy claims he says what do you say like he only needs 40 000 of these operating and they could solve the uh climate problem yeah so i'm like oh yeah okay and for those of you that want to know it's a it's a company called carbon engineering um and uh maybe i can play a quick clip let's see hopefully you don't want to play no because it means that true true true yeah you don't have enough time for that so basically you can look up free think video carbon capture technology explained um and they kind of go through the little rundown but the the company essentially just says well they're working with the devil in this case of carbon tech well they're working with fossil fuel industries to to remain carbon neutral and that's kind of uh the argument is that they're working with the with the fuel companies so that they can further develop the tech so they can become better over time yeah yeah yeah it seems interesting i mean they had some nice ways of uh he had this what this this this um like recycled fuel yeah that was like it took out the carbon emission part so you can use the fuel without actually expelling any more carbon emissions into the air so it's like a zero sum or not zero sum i don't know if that's right terminology but like it's a it's it's it's a carbon neutral fuel in the sense that it doesn't add any more carbon to the atmosphere yeah so if you wanted to use that fuel then you could use that but he's saying that it's just the the amount of quantities you can get from it is not really that sustainable for our for our business true so the stuff ultimately still has to be cheaper yeah very true yeah they had uh i mean there was two things they could have done with it i think in the video they showed that there's one way they basically pump the co2 back into well you're saying for storage for storage yeah yeah so they were they were pumping the co2 into the ground to keep it captured there of course then if you have problems if that gets you know released yeah if you if you somehow get like let's say even an earthquake and then all that carbon yeah rises up then you have a problem again but yeah and one solution there is one solution and a lot of people i think kind of like poo poo that solution because like you're saying it's your the storage isn't it can come up again but then like the idea is that they store it back so they can go back into the carbon cycle but my i i think removing carbon from the atmosphere or carbon dioxide from the atmosphere is is the main goal here right yeah but i mean the reason it was going back into the into the carpet cycle specifically was because at least with the case of the guy that we're talking about what's the company called carbon carbon engineering carbon engineering he was actually having to do it to help oil companies to get more oil yeah yeah true so it was like people were a little bit annoyed by that because like you're just adding more efficiency to the oil companies which are put pumping more carbon into the atmosphere yeah and the guy's point was that he was saying that i mean yeah that's true but they're gonna basically pump that stuff anyway and the government's not taking the problem serious enough to actually make make this profitable for their business so yeah they really have no other option so they were saying that basically they had they had no other choice yeah so that's one of the biggest i guess um what would you say uh um negative negative points against that kind of thing so you really have to get politicians involved it seems yeah to make this into something or your carbon capture technology has to be so good you know that it's it's profitable even at the price it's at true which is i guess what the x prize is trying to get people to do to get i guess more clever engineering to figure out how to just capture more carbon yeah or more co2 specifically yeah and so for those of you that might be thinking oh why don't we just you know if you're thinking like an engineer you're like oh let's look at nature right yeah like how does nature do it because nature finds a way or as uh jeff goldblum so life uh wife uh finds life uh uh finds a way yeah yeah if you haven't seen jurassic park go watch it it's a beautiful movie speaking of dinosaurs this kind of goes full circle because as you know dinosaurs died for our sins oh that's who did that okay yeah well they died for us to you know commit commit to the sinful life of they literally died for us to sin for us to uh emit co2 uh levels to the way they are now but how do plants uh basically form how do they take co2 out of the air right and don't ask me that i'm no biologist uh that video that we watched too i barely remember what they did what they said true true well the the they basically take it in through photosynthesis and carbon dioxide enters through the the tiny little little like uh how would you say little mouse yeah cell walls inside of the uh the leaves and uh they break down the carbon dioxide from water and sunlight so okay the thing is imagine chloroplasts has something to do with this yes very true so they take uh co2 and h2o and they take light energy in the uv range and then pump out ch so complex carbon uh molecule and then oxygen so in nature you have this mechanism which takes co2 it gives you oxygen but this is all purely chemistry right the solution that carbon engineering also uses is technically also through chemistry but as terence and i have were discussing we're trying to see there's like ways i guess that you can you can try to um come up with solutions and i think you were you mean for neutralizing the carbon yeah yeah i couldn't really think of any great ones well the chemistry answer that he had was probably the most simple and elegant one right so and you also funny enough you also came up with the fan concept you're like yeah some of the sucking air yeah i mean but these are all like obvious solutions right yeah these are the low-hanging fruit this is why i think elon made the x prize because you can already kind of conceive of like if anybody's like what's the device i could make you're probably your first thought is going to be oh i can suck up the co2 from the atmosphere i mean it's like the number one easy answer right yeah um so i think i think elon's whole goal of this is probably to find the people who are thinking a little bit more outside the box and have some weird or clever solutions to the problem that maybe nobody would think of or you know and when you've got a 100 million dollar prize to motivate you i mean that's pretty that could be pretty uh inspiring i would hope so yeah because i mean like we discussed we made a distinction now because we're like oh they're passive are passive ways that you can capture carbon but there's also active ways sure the passive ways seem to be the most um natural but unscalable right yeah because we can think of like trees for example as the number one that you think of or like algae another one they mentioned in the video that i didn't even know was rocks apparently do it over the course of thousands of years yeah probably not really useful if you're thinking in terms of the x prize but who knows maybe you can make a super version of a rock yeah super rocks but um you know like uh the passive ones are cool and natural but probably not going to be the way to go if we want to get to a negative co2 emission so the active devices device is going to be where you have to probably put your mind towards yeah and just hopefully use not so much energy you know where your output is going to be your co2 carbon output is going to be greater in terms of energy uses versus your uh getting rid of that co2 emission so yeah but whatever it's like you gotta you gotta find probably an active way to remove yeah carbon dioxide and we thought of yeah we thought of ways that you could do this um and and ideally you would have zero like we thought about like oh you you would sometimes maybe get byproducts but the idea is that you don't want to buy products what do you mean from the process you really just want to capture the co2 because if you introduce byproducts yeah now you might be adding more problems right exactly yeah i mean ideally right but actually elon may even mention this like sure if you're gonna add byproducts or things like this then hopefully the the byproducts are much less uh of a problem than the co2 right right so if you're gonna have to do anything like that then just hopefully it's lesser of a problem than what you're trying to solve you don't want to be solving a problem to create another equally horrible or worse problem right like one issue is i mean in the world they already kind of do this but i know you kind of brought it up it was sort of like geoengineering where you like spray some kind of thing that neutralizes co2 sure like an aerosol you could think of that somehow with chemistry it recombines with the co2 and then it will rain down let's say yeah that byproduct like it neutralizes yeah yeah but i'm just having horror visions of like a new form of acid now your water is pollution polluted and [ __ ] right it sounds not like the best solution but who knows maybe i don't know there could be maybe be a way but for me i'm just my my my my uh my vision of the future for that version doesn't seem like it'd be yeah because i mean people already complain about chemtrails and whatnot right so it's like giving conspiracy theorists more reasons to uh to say yeah the government invented global warming so that they could they could pump us with co2 pellets or something they're raining nanites on us yeah yeah device tracking nanites tracking nanites whatever you want to call them like it's gonna be yeah so you you have to think about the people too um yeah uh the other thing was uh the other issue is that removing carbon the distinction here removing carbon from the ocean and then remove the carbon from the air yeah and that is i think probably the air is going to be more useful right because the whole point of carbon emissions the problem is that there's basically a blanket of co2 over in the atmosphere and the problem with that is that it's locking in heat right so like let's say the light the light from the sun is entering in to earth to earth's atmosphere but then it's getting bounced off of that co2 layer and it's just being retained in on earth yeah and then that's rising up the temperatures long story short so i don't think the the water is going to be the best way to go i think you probably want to get rid of it in the atmosphere itself yeah but maybe i mean if you can do any kind of chunk of damage of course it's probably good yeah but like and i think that's kind of what what you should hope to aim for because the removing co2 from the ocean that's a that sounds like a tough problem because if it mixes yeah yeah because water is a much more like it's just going to be tougher i think it feels tougher yeah yeah it does feel tougher but i don't know you can go like i was thinking removing acid i mean co2 from the uh from the oceans might lend towards more passive solutions because i can't think of well i can't i'm not clever enough to think of solutions that might be active that could it seems more like the conception of removing carbon from the air seems uh like a more feasible task than than the one in the water for some reason and it also seems more to attacking the actual problem right because then you're getting rid of that co2 layer of the atmosphere too yeah which is really the the critical part of the problem yeah because i mean carbon dioxide's fine we don't care about that right i mean plants take that in carbon dioxide is not going to kill you well it will kill you with enough of it but i'm saying like it's not a problem for us yeah we can breathe in some co2 and we'll be fine yeah yeah but i guess like well the planet doesn't like it yeah the planet just doesn't like it because it's heating it up mm-hmm because the planet's fine with co2 just in the proper quantities right it's to the acceleration is too fast and and if that's something that that's something that you kind of have to get your head around yeah like because a lot of people say well co2 you know you need it for the again the carbon cycle because plants yeah plants take in by the way plants this is how they form their bark yeah essentially they those are carbon molecules and which i did not know that was kind of like mind-blowing isn't that mind-blowing yeah it's like yeah i never thought about that like how does a tree grow i guess it literally is because it takes in the co2 and takes that carbon yeah those carbon molecules and creates it don't bark and [ __ ] from those things i'm like damn nature life is amazing life is truly amazing yeah i feel like any time i think about science i'm like man i feel like i'm tripping right now no i feel like no but the the the information is very much like like a sort of like a slow drip of like some kind of like how would i say this experience almost what do you mean like it's a slow drip of what's like gives me a dopamine shot like just something cool information in general oh oh of something like a fact like that yeah yeah yeah yeah where it's like dang new new information unlocked where it's like wow yeah there are certain pieces of information that are like mic drops for sure yeah yeah yeah but carbonated a lot of physics very true um i don't know if so so the idea here is that uh i was i was trying to conceive of a way to reach this uh solution yeah what i got i was like let me see chemistry is there anything that we can do that that is more clever than just hey just do chemistry yeah because that's what that's what nature does yeah um and i think we both tried to approach it trying to find ways around the chemistry because everyone's going to go through the to the chemistry um we're going to go to the people who are going to go to the fan idea yeah but they the the fan thing that that's how they uh i would say that's how they condense it remember well that's how they take it in yeah yeah yeah so all you're saying how they're gonna store it yeah how they're gonna like actually extract the co2 yeah i mean the chemistry is probably the most simple aspect though yeah yeah because nature nature does it but i'm like thinking what's like if you can think of a clever way to do this what's technology is obviously like the most um yeah but every way yeah but it might not be um energy efficient yeah and and truthfully so like i there was a i was doing like a rough calculation yeah and uh it's like 13.6 ev to like break co2 bonds i was making fun of one he was he was he was roasting me but like but not exactly for what you're saying right now but for something related to yeah the uh it takes 13.6 eb to like break the co2 bond um and i was like well like what kind of wavelength would you need to break this bond and it's about 90 nanometers to like to break right wavelength which is what there's people out there you know wavelength is inverse inversely proportional to frequency so you know of course the smaller the wavelength you have the larger the frequency which means the higher the energy so things that are higher energy you don't want to have because that interacts with their particles and like it costs a lot of energy too and that means more co2 emissions like it's it's it's counterproductive it is kind of counterproductive um and i was like well maybe you could attach solar panels and i'm like damn we're just doing what plants are doing yeah taking an interesting one there's not many club i feel like there's it's hard to feel to think of a clever solution it is i mean it's it's difficult because we're trying to circle i was trying to go around and then but i ended up circling back to what plants did so i'm like [ __ ] there's really got to be something that we don't see like maybe nature hasn't necessarily taken that path sure because maybe it's maybe it's slightly more costly than than the current process but it's enough to where maybe we could we could still afford to pay the price yeah but nature might not go that route yeah maybe so yeah should we start an eigen and eigen team next prize team hey who's in i am down like if we want to make some money if you all want to uh start be friends with elon me and terence were ideas people i mean we're not shy about it yeah yeah so like if if you all want to collaborate on um on you know brainstorming ideas and then finding like ways to crunch numbers and then figure out what works how could we do that we start like an eigen bros uh disc discord yeah i think prize discord i can browse x prize disc the first community source uh uh how would you say um likes prize yeah no community like sourced how would you say technological like discoveries okay i mean like an open source kind of like tech so then well okay so then the first steps would be what we'd have to get money to even begin to do a prototype phase right yeah so we'd have to invest heavily into or we'd have to find people who would be willing to invest let's find doge investors so we'd have to find a bunch of people who would be able to do that and we'd have the smart people too would be people yeah to come up with good ideas and to implement some of these solutions right yeah um it's probably not going to happen yeah i mean like but truthfully if you're like if uh don't get your hopes up this is a motivation for like um students and um maybe even professionals like it's harder for perfect to think of professionals doing this but i think students can do it i mean his hyperloop thing he tried doing it with that but the hyperloop oh like outsourcing that idea yeah but that that that's kind of hard to get people to take on your pet projects especially when you have no money that's another thing elon needs to realize like if he wants to get people to do things you need to give the money up front yeah you know trust somebody to do something like that or make a really simple prize where you can where you might be like okay i'll give this person a mail to start with or something well but just yeah so no good well i was gonna say you remember my idea was to just make software or something around the um the uh the the the collection the the like quant the quantifying of like co2 emission related stuff so like if you could if you could write a software that could somehow take in data for everywhere that collects co2 or for everywhere that understands how co2 is distributed in the atmosphere and write a program for that maybe that would be useful yeah and then send it to elon and then you know maybe you could help you out be like fine i'll kick you guys like twenty thousand dollars yeah i'm hoping for a bigger number than that yeah no i i said he's open to giving people money yeah trickling in yeah yeah just to make it worth its time yeah there's there's some in there's definitely some ancillary work that you can do like that's supportive in that way where yeah and i think um yeah i mean mapping like you were saying mapping co creating co2 um like you said before temperature maps or something temperature maps yeah except it's not actually temperature maps i'm just saying maybe substitute temperature for the actual co2 distribution yeah because you know uh people organic things you know they they admit they made it uh yeah but they almost they also might have enough sensors to where you can have rudimentary amounts of data true you know like you said before with weather stations you know if there's let's say if there's just one weather station per state and you at least have 50 points of data in the u.s yeah yeah that's something you know that is something that's better than nothing yeah and yeah and that yeah i mean that that's valid and the better models you can maybe extrapolate more yeah machine learning is a buzzword thing nowadays you somehow implement machine learning maybe to figure out with like population distributions like how much co2 should be in that area you know you never know yeah vector mapping exactly you just think of all the buzzwords and throw them into your project and then somehow apply them yeah no i mean like there's a yeah there's that like ancillary thing uh work that you could do and that that is like a legitimate valid like project i would say um i was trying to think of uh other things you could do like supportive tech and i couldn't think of any [Laughter] no but um but yeah the the the support role seems to be also the most i would say the most um appealing if you're like a small sort of business or if you're approaching this from like a hey this is a small team that i'm gathering yeah um because uh i guarantee you institutions are going to be going after this prize like you can't really maybe you don't think so like schools like imagine imagine researchers like with their the school's institutions going we're going after that i've not seen anybody really talking about it so i don't even know if they really care okay well here you go this is we're about to we're about to make it known yeah yeah i mean i've put it out on twitter and whatnot but i don't think people are really taking that seriously which is insane they got other [ __ ] in mind this is that's what it is i mean this is the most uh pressing matter i think yeah we haven't changed yeah yeah i saw people whining on twitter today about bitcoin or cryptocurrency being so bad for the environment and how it's just so much energy usage that's yeah that's uh causing even worse co2 emissions i'm just like okay guys but like stop whining about crypto currency people and actually solve the problem politically in an industry it's like they're we're always gonna have new things and new technologies and stuff that take up energy it's like crypto's already a thing you're not gonna ban crypto i mean you can but like it's hard to fix the actual problem yeah you know what i'm saying yeah it's really hard and difficult to control people so you have to find ways to work around people yeah so in that way like and attack problems at their source don't attack problems around these stuff that's that's a you know the peripheral things it's like i mean yeah it's like it's just like why are you attacking attacking crypto it's gonna be here to stay it's already here it's like move on and attack the actual problem of co2 emissions yeah and i mean like carbon tech i mean carbon capture technology isn't necessarily new it's been around for um i think since the 80s or 90s fighter member this correctly okay so it's been around but it just it's not really popular it hasn't really been popularized in the us um and one of those aspects is that in the us the federal government subsidizes oil to the tune of like i want to say uh billions of dollars if not more um and so the cost and elon musk has talked about this where he's in direct competition to oil so he's not shy about talking you know laying the smackdown on a big oil yeah um saying that you know if they were to meet you know in the middle in the no if they were to meet like at the true cost of everything no subsidies oil would be more expensive yeah yeah like yeah if they were priced we need oil too badly yeah so it ain't gonna happen so it's like it's he's like this is he he i mean i agree with him it's kind of egregious because like yeah like but we are at the government at least the federal government is so heavily uh invested in oil because man because of the war machine yeah but uh we just need it i mean we could i mean we could as a nation we could prioritize like i get the war machine aspect of it where you do have the oil um the necessity for oil but as a nation in terms of like economic activity we could push towards like out out uh how would you say out producing non-removable out producing uh gasoline and cars yeah you're right one but that's still like you're saying it's a push because all of our infrastructure is based off oil infrastructure and what happens when you change a whole infrastructure that's a lot of money to shell out up front yeah man so it's like we're not we don't want to spend money right no i know so as long as we have oil we want to keep it cheap and keep it keep the system going there but of course i agree with you i think that we should start rolling out more renewable uh energy um you know policy or whatever and also like supporting things that utilize renewables but the thing is reality is we're in a capitalistic society right and if the money incentive is not there yeah but that's what i'm saying and the death the existential crisis situation's not not enough not present then yeah it's like what are we gonna do well that's the thing like i think uh this is why i like um elon's approach with uh with how he he sort of developed tesla to what it is today right he he took advantage of the the subsidies that the government's put in place at least in the obama era and created tesla to be as profitable as it is today yeah but with the help of the government which is something that a lot of people for some reason say like he would be under if it wasn't for the fed the federal subsidies but i'm like that's fine a lot of businesses would be like that yeah i know i'm just like literally next yeah i'm like literally the oil industry would not be held up as much as if it wasn't for the subsidies a lot of businesses get government help so next next stupid talking point so it's like it's like yeah i mean if for me it's like if you're gonna if you're going to um i we i'm would just like to see more incentives to push to push the economy more in developing um uh renewable resources yeah yeah so yeah but cutting out the co2 emissions so you need to double you need to double up yeah and that's that's a political problem it is very we're in a very politically problematic area for like co2 yeah i mean so i'm like i keep being like okay who cares about the crypto [ __ ] like i don't give a [ __ ] who cares about you know yeah these other little problems it's like the government is really this a lot of this falls in the government right now yeah to implement policy yeah and do industry as well but then of course the government policies will affect the industry yeah so you think it's fundamentally the root is good policy yeah i think the root is political right now it's got to be political right because if people don't have the we live in a capitalistic framework if you don't have the monetary incentive as a private industry it's like you can't really blame them for doing co2 emissions because they that's what they can afford right yeah you can't afford to change all your infrastructure and things like this without any incentive yeah no i agree it's uh and you know there's sometimes people have the carbon tax you know but of course i would rather not have taxes but you know if that's what it takes sometimes you might have to do that as well it's like it's a political thing i mean that's like a weird double dip too though like a carbon tax because it's like on one hand the government's subsidizing the cost of oil but then also it's like what the [ __ ] are you doing it's like what the [ __ ] man anyway this is how things go right this is paperwork on paperwork right laws upon laws i'm just like dude this is a stack of laws so just so insane but anyway the uh yeah in terms of um more solutions um to think about like did you like try to see if like we're trying to think of the craziest things oh you mean for carbon capture yeah so going back to the carbon capture tech like yeah like what you were talking about sponges and [ __ ] yeah yeah i was thinking about the craziest thing i feel like what if what if i like it though you need that kind of brainstorming for these things you do think about the wildest thing and i said elon get away from this [Laughter] get away from this my nostrils are open [Laughter] it's a huge it's a huge net and i capture all the oh you mean a plane with the net yeah or how about this how about we bypass all that and just build a firmament like a build like a dome over cities you know what i mean like i don't think it's going to help uh the i don't think that's going to help the global warming park no well because that'll affect plants and [ __ ] still too right no i'm saying well you build a dome so that you capture like all the co2 activity from like cities oh yeah yeah yeah and just have people marinating in their own co2 and eventually we just die yeah yeah far farting is banned that's methane i don't think you have to worry about the co2 from that i thought we expelled well we maybe you do spell co2 from just breathing yeah like um i think methane is but methane is probably the main thing anyway but still it would stink up the room no but um well we can't breathe in only co2 that would result in death so yeah but what if we could build a sort of this is what makes it an interdisciplinary thing because you can think of ways to like maybe do this right like let's say you do build uh you decide to say [ __ ] it let's let's try to build some kind of thing around i don't know around city is kind of silly but um let's just say you have this like membrane or film around just the um industry then oh that's kind of fair all the factories need to be yeah yeah no i know they have these carbon capture stuff in factories and stuff but i'm thinking of like membranes that you can build this takes uh knowledge of chemistry engineering like there's so much multi-disciplinary stuff happening and i think if you had physicists on the team they could tell you oh if if something is energetically favorable to work because like if you do calculations of like what is that are you increasing entropy like you can almost do like these these modeling that we know what should work and what doesn't right and depending yeah so it's like this this is a very multi-disciplinary problem that could that could find a solution between every everybody coming together mathematicians physicists uh chemists uh maybe like politicians number one oh yeah politicians this is the positions where you have this is the [ __ ] this is the first chess piece man like this is literally we're waiting on white to move this is literally the first move yeah and we nothing else is gonna be able to happen and by the way if you um if you want to learn more about this we have a video on climate change yeah today true true yeah do you remember what what do you remember how far was that i don't know i just know it's got a it's got it's like a blue thumbnail with an indian crying okay and a seal and then a carbon co2 molecule oh interesting they're all in like the arctic or something i remember liking that thumbnail a lot when i first made it so that's why i remember it so clearly gotcha well go to that video find the crying uh you know trying indian man yes eastern asian man no he's native american oh he's in oh okay in america okay yeah find the like the environment christmas i see we'll find the native american crying and we're playing all stereotypes back though [Laughter] but find the native american crying and watch the video because it's kind of important to get a grasp at least of how climate change became politicized in the u.s yeah i thought that was a decently good video i mean it was like one of the first ones i researched for sure on yeah in an in-depth way yeah that was so really good job yeah i mean it's okay no that was great that was great because i think it could be better now but it was decent decent first pass for sure it's really good but go check that out if you haven't um already because that'll give you a good background that we don't we won't get into in this episode yeah but uh yeah you know facts on this episode yeah this is all just all spectacular droppings all like trying to figure out ways to to plug this carbon hole up yeah um yeah so like yeah the uh what about you did you what was the wildest thing that you you could i came up with yeah bro i could have come up with [ __ ] man no oh no brainstorming i mean it's it's tough i'm trying to think of active ways yeah and i got nothing really all i can think of is a stupid fan to suck up co2 and i mean you're like damn i don't know it enough i got to research i'd have to research yeah um you said uh no because you had the aerosol example that's kind of bad yeah but you're really really really really interested i didn't like that already from the beginning so um it's random but what about uh what if we what if we make yeah a sponge yeah like a sponge giant sponge this is the sponge building but i i for some reason i'm so it's so easy for me to come up with passive ones then it is active work it's not good yeah i know that's not gonna work we have if you wanna really attack the problem you gotta go with the active i think unless you're super clever with passive yeah which means a lot of research i think yeah cause you're not coming up with a really clever idea for passive unless you really got a [ __ ] yeah arsenal of research under your belt yeah like uh there's one uh one of these passive ones is called pete soil that's really good that uh pete's soil my friend told me about yeah i think it's uh called peat pizza oil or peat soil heat soil sorry soil uh yes okay um it's uh sometimes known as turf is an accumulation of partially decayed vegetation organic matter um and uh so you got your friends on this one too they want to join the again bros x prize uh that'd be cool coalition uh this is abbreviation for that exc oh that's a cool that's a cool um eigenbros x prize coalition that's a cool acronym huh nobody nobody has that acronym exc sick yeah so pete peatlands peatlands are a natural carbon sink absorbing co2 from the atmosphere and burning in the soil but according to a new study the continents paint lands are in such a dry and fragile state that could go into reverse releasing rather than absorbing common this was last year dam and that was peatlands in europe they're drying what did he say i missed that you read that kind of fast oh they basically they're saying that the peatlands they naturally soil the peat soil what's a peat soil the soil the the the peat [ __ ] damn it one's the guy who like defines the word using the same thing okay let me go back it's uh turf so it's like a partially decayed vegetable organic matter oh okay okay and so peatlands um it's just it looks like dirt p-e-a-t okay p-a-t-s sorry and uh they call them peat lands yeah um and uh the naturally form is uh uh carbon sinks absorbing co2 but uh because the car because the climate is changing they're now expelling co2 oh and so uh yeah so that's that's a no-no yeah it's a big big no-no we're unlocking new cool things and new features of the environment yeah this is the real problem right with all these kind of runaway effects it's like because you're also doing like these new things that have never occurred and you're like compounding the effects so we're like oh we got time left meanwhile like things are getting exponentially ramped up yeah yeah you're doing it like terrance's i think you did uh you did a sort of hand uh back in the napkin yeah calculation or whatever and you said that this is a linear extrapolation which is the best case i took like the most like benign version like yeah nothing changed you know no exponential effects yeah and saw like how long we would have to live for climate change just looking at the chart you know and it was like 800 to 1 200 years before all the polar ice caps are melted 800 years is the best case scenario yeah well 1 200 is the best case 1 200 okay because there's somewhere between 800 and 1200 years damn what a short ass lifetime for yeah that's not that that's what 10 generations it's not that much for 12 generations that's not that much it's really really think about it and like usually when shit's going catastrophic a few of those generations before are going to start feeling the effects right yeah so yeah i think it's more dire than we would like i mean literally the last time a climate change drastically happened the human population bottlenecked and you know with the ice age yeah yeah yeah that was ten thousand years ago true true and we and and we don't know anything about the [ __ ] happened before like what what civilization looked like before right right it's just a mess it's gone now so so that's kind of the thing like we're we have to be very very serious about uh yeah curtailing this because you know then we're gonna lose all we're gonna have we're gonna leave these megalithic structures right steel buildings right people gonna be like how do they build these things yeah there's gonna be a lot of mystery a lot of artifacts can you imagine like the magic like like how much like ancient like let's say the again the pop climate change the most catastrophic thing happens and like so the population got significantly wiped yeah and like there's like a huge genetic bottleneck and only like 10 of the population no actually 10 would be still a lot because it's a lot because seven billion people seven billion yeah that's what is that um ten divided by one hundred so that's uh ten to the seventh yeah that's um ten oh [ __ ] 10 uh 10 million yeah that means a couple million people like it's still actually that's really that's actually kind of bad if you think about it like a couple million people out of seven billion yeah damn and i could see that happening because think about it like realistically if if there was a huge cataclysmic event in the earth and they're only being seven million people across the globe yeah that's kind of scary yeah that's true and actually right now elon was talking about i think i think it was elon was it yeah i think it was elon talking about actually one of the biggest crisis we're seeing right now is actually um depopulation yeah because apparently our generation's birth rates are so low right now that we're under replacing the dying rate yeah that's what's happening people more people are dying than births happening yeah that's all that's globally yeah that's too so it's like um damn my promise is why millennials you need to give millennials [ __ ] uh real jobs out here boomers i know hey i know this is i'm very reductionist on like this like stuff but please when you start handing out pamphlets to boomers and say i think it's time to retire you know what i'm saying i think it's time to like hand over the give it up i mean like look we say if you want real solutions we say we say this all the time on our patreon and it's become kind of a joke at this point but uh our patreon listeners know very well how much we are um against a certain demographic of people we're very ageist but this is only because i think a lot of the problems come from these old [ __ ] [Laughter] the geriatrics are sure i mean the in the long story short like it's a lot of there's not enough uh new um new blood there's not enough new thinking and problems that affect us directly yeah yeah um and we're we're in an age of really where technological issues are really critical too yeah and what do you mean by that sorry i'm just taking i'm just saying like technology is a very critical part of solving a lot of our problems i think right even like climate change right right right you know because this is this this is an engineering problem right if we can make enough um uh carbon reducing you know devices let's say just like the guy has at a carbon engineering you know that could be a route to a solution yeah um you know if you have enough smart people on the problem then maybe it can get through them yeah but i guess it's why elon's trying to pump that out now with the x prize so yeah well because i mean look research and and reach research has gone research works people like like this is how we got the mrna vaccine which is a huge technological feat just right right it's kind of like this like plug-and-play tech now where it's it took 50 years to develop but it but they developed it real quick with coven and so yeah and this this is a christmas on the end tail of it's right i've developed still we came yeah the only problem is i don't like how you have to get sick though oh the second because with old vaccines i never got sick yeah i know you've mentioned that you have i have yeah for me it never happened only with the new covert vaccine have i gotten sick yeah and i'm like that kind of i mean it's a small price to pay right get me wrong but like i would like the you know the premium version where we could not get sick somehow yeah yeah that's fine i don't know if that's a result every time you get the shot or if that's only for that one mrna vaccine yeah um i think mrna vaccines well these are booster shots so the idea is the first one does you don't get sick yeah but that's because you're you're being you're you're being given your genetic code so that your body's like all right let me make antibodies yeah but the second time is to simulate an infection so your body recognizes now the mrna code and it's like oh that's a that's a bad that's a bad thing so i think that's why you get the immune response i don't remem i don't know why i got sick from a shot maybe maybe what could have happened is i had been exposed to the virus and then i got the vaccine and then it sort of circles that kind of same effect i see maybe okay yeah because maybe if you're not exposed to it the first time it doesn't feel like anything i don't know yeah i don't know if i've heard of people getting sick from old vaccines yeah so if you're uh what would you call them virologists yeah if you're a virologist or epidemiology or epidemiologist please comment below because uh we want to know this clarification but um but yeah what was i saying oh yeah yeah the cataclysmic thing oh that whole thing we need we need solutions so tell your friends tell everybody that this is you know sit them down at the table and be like this is uh they have the x prize yeah i say trying to hit up that x prize yeah yeah yeah yeah if your mom is like if you're doing a lot of work away from home or if you're doing work alone in your bedroom this yeah this uh this holiday or during the summer and your mom's like why don't you ever get out of your room it's just be like mom i'm working on the xbox gosh [Laughter] you know just to make sure that uh just let let your parents know that you're very serious about saving the planet but uh and if they're boomers they'll probably say they'll never they'll never get a job right but uh but in all seriousness um yeah if you have any ideas um yeah put them in the comments put them in the comments and if you like the idea of like starting a a disc a legitimate discord it sounds like more work for me to do though does it [Laughter] uh maybe one day maybe once yeah yeah we're open to collaboration on it at least science discord's annoying because you have to have mods and [ __ ] and i don't want to have true mods i don't want a mod that means you always have to be monitoring [ __ ] just sounds like a pain in the ass it is kind of a pain but we'll see we'll see we'll see but as i've played the i play with the idea of making a discord especially for the patron members but it just seems like an annoying annoyance [Laughter] well in any case we'll see maybe yeah in any case i think um i think it's a worthy feat get the eigenbros to a thousand dollars a month and then we'll think about doing a discord we need to do this as a career we need a conversion of 50 of our listeners yeah yeah the uh in all seriousness like please leave a comment below like you know give us any thoughts on your ideas maybe we'll pin the best ones that might seem feasible um and tell people about it because i think this is huge um and i and and if you're even starting a school like uh because i know there's an award for students yeah yeah start your own chapter at the school at the engineering club yeah and yeah for sure yeah and then dreams can come true guys and invite us on for consulting so that when you get your big paycheck right we can be a part of the picture just standing next to elon musk just being like hey yeah we got to get an elon interview one of these days i think that's our way i've had a vision lately of getting edwin on oh really i've it's just in my vision right right that's in my mental health because you're manifesting it yeah i'm trying to manifest it like that yeah yeah hey for some reason i have i have been feeling that same manifestation oh yeah in the air i have oh [ __ ] i'm like i think i think edward's feeling it too i think edwin might yeah might be i just needed some more some more energy to him [Laughter] ed please yeah yeah or if you know edwin please uh just whisper just say i can you know throw in eigen bros in the conversation like you have tourette's right and and i finally got gary vita responded me the other day cause i showed you the text yeah yeah recognition yeah i was like got him i just need him to see my the user logo yeah and then and then it's uh all down from there he's like blocked and reported but yeah um but yeah folks anyway uh yeah make sure to like comment share subscribe if you haven't already and check us out on all the socials that i can bros and that's at again bros for tick tock right eigenbros.com i can browse 2 on tick tock eigenbros on twitter igembrose on instagram and patrons once again we greatly appreciate you guys and if you guys want to join the patreon it's patreon.combros yeah just one dollar and you guys can hear us me and wanna talk about some really dumb [ __ ] yeah rambling our patreon yeah for the most part again it's kind of in the vein of this only more intimate no it's more personal it's more random even more personal stories and more random yeah for sure we'll talk about anything over there but we really do yeah but uh and you really do get more personal views on things yeah but anyway um yeah thanks for listening folks and we'll see you later
Channel: Eigenbros
Views: 695
Rating: 4.8431373 out of 5
Keywords: eigenbros, physics, science, Elon Musk, Xprize, CO2, carbon dioxide, carbon emissions, greenhouse gases, greenhouse effect, Peter Diamandis, carbon removal, carbon engineering
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 23sec (3443 seconds)
Published: Fri May 07 2021
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