Eidolon Hunting Beginners Guide - Warframe

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[Music] hello and welcome this is the first in a series of videos that intends to teach everything you need to know to hunt idlens from hunting your first hide ellen all the way up to doing five by threes keep in mind that these videos are not meant to be watched all at once but to practice what i'm teaching in each video one at a time this video will teach you how to capture your first idelon in order to do idleness you need to have completed the war with inquest the idol and terrorist spawns at night in the plains of idolan doesn't matter if you entered the plains before or after its night either way when it's night the terrorist will spawn and will despawn when it's day to track the cetus day night cycle you can go to the website clock of idalon.com if you are new to idyllans i advise you to use the idle and terrorist bounty from konzu on cetis it becomes available after it turns night on the planes this way you'll get other players to help you take down the terror list for hunting the terrorist any tanky warframe will do that is rhino oberon chroma harrow or wukong volt trin or limbo could also be used but they are much harder and squishy build lots of health corrosive projection will amp your damage more than any other aura mod if your polarity doesn't match or you don't have it enemy radar rifle amp steel charge or physique work too shield disruption does not work on the idleness shields so it is useless against them for weapons snipers and gun blades like lanka rubico vectice prime redeemer primor struffer are the best for idolans but for terrorist any high damage gun that can hit a small target in movement will do heck optica quartak and even some bones radiation is the most effective damage type against idolans not the status effect but the damage type itself so build 90 percent heat plus electricity mods idolins are completely immune to status effects and slash damage sucks against them so with the incredible exception of tigris prime all slash weapons suck for idleness for starters i recommend using zenuric because it's the first focus tree you should max as it's the best one in general companions don't matter too much for idolans the best sentinel is whim because of negate which prevents status effects every now and then but it's not a big deal the sentinel with the most survivability you have will do health and energy pads are very useful the archwing launcher is not needed but it's useful for travelling the planes faster the k drive launcher is also useful and much easier to obtain the notch wing the most important equipment other than a tanky warframe and gun is a good amp because damaging the idle and shields is actually one of the hardest and most important parts of hunting idleness for this you will need a good amp which i will explain in detail in another video just know that i recommend you build yourself or 2x2 or a 2x3 amp as early as you can because voidbeam and motomp suck really bad the first thing you gotta do when entering the planes is go to a high spot and look for the pillar of light marking the idol and spawn and mark it with a waypoint or if you entered planes before night do it when night falls otherwise you may have a hell of a lot of trouble finding the terrorist the second thing to do is to find and hack an idol and lure these are the lures closest to the sea to skate [Music] i'll advise you grab only one lure at first so that it charges faster i will explain lures in more detail in another video if you find any vomv lists nearby shoot them to feed them to the lure then go meet the idealen do the same with any vomvlists you find on your way to the idol and you need three to fully charge one lure upon arriving to where the idolan is you will notice its health bar appears gray and it is immune to damage that is because its shields are up and the only thing that can damage the idolan's shields is void damage from operators amps switching to operator will let you see the idle and shields in the form of a purple health bar start the boss fight by hitting the idle and shields with your ramp until you deplete them completely depending on the amp you have this may take a while reason why i advise using the terrorist bounty in public matchmaking be patient and avoid any attacks from the idol and by going into void mode if you are using the schwack prism i find it does the most damage by keeping 20 to 30 meters distance from the idolan when you finally deplete the shields the idol and will glow red for an instant indicating its shields are down at this point it's time to break the first synovia the synovias are four weak points located in the elbows and arms of the idolan these must be broken with a warframe weapon after depleting the idleness shields this is where we use our weapon with radiation damage which is the most effective damage type to break the idol and synovias or limbs as we call them if you are using a sniper rifle zooming it in all the way by pressing alt fire while aiming will buff its damage [Music] when a synovia is broken the idolan will charge and release an energy spike which is a massive attack of five pulses of 5k magnetic damage each in a 50 meter radius which can easily one-shot warframes and operators energy spike can easily be avoided by using void mode but the magnetic damage will still drain the energy from your warframe it is very important to make sure you have a charged lure within 50 meters of the idle and before breaking a synovia if you don't have a charged lure when breaking the synovia the idol and will teleport to a random location in the plains and regenerate 100 of its shields if you have a charged lure when breaking the synovia the idol and will stay in place and only regenerate 50 of its shields after the energy spike charged lures are indicated by a blue luau marker and aura on them rinse and repeat after the energy spike you must deplete the idyland's shields with your ramp again and then break another synovia you must do this four times in total you can switch between warframe and operator to see if the idolin is in shield all in breaking phase after breaking the second synovia the idol and will enrage throwing stronger and more frequent attacks at you because of this i advise you mark the idol and go find a second lure to bring to the fight after breaking the first synovia you will need two charged idol and lures to capture the terrorist if your lures die halfway through the fight it's no big deal mark the idol and go hack more just make sure you have one charged before breaking each scenovia all of the idyland's attacks can be avoided with void mode except the shock wave that pushes you back for some reason but that can be easily countered by void dashing right after it hits you after breaking the fourth and last scenovia the idol and will drop to the ground and cry for help summoning vomvlests around them which will be absorbed by the idol and to increase its health in the final stage kill these vomvalests with your amp before breaking the last synovia however make sure you have two lures with enough health to endure till the end of the fight the final stage of the fight summons many vomvlists so it should be easy to fully charge two new lures should you need to after laying on the ground for 30 seconds the idol and will stand up pooping even more vomvlests out of its butthole at this time the final phase will begin the idol and whole body will be vulnerable to damage and it can be killed use your radiation-built weapons and aim for the head after killing the idol and if two fully charged lures are attached to it it will sink into the ground and be captured the lures will explode dropping two idol and shards one warframe arcane and a bunch of sentient cores be sure to pick them up you can also kill the many vomvlists that will be around at this point to pick up even more sentient cores which can be traded for quills standing and will allow you to build a better amp and operator arcanes congratulations you have captured your first idolan unless some tips to finish this video idol and lures can be healed by trinity or oberon trinity heals better but is much squishier than oberon so pick your poison luck pins are very useful for quickly finding lures and stuff like the seaters skate even if you are an advanced player the lat pin blueprint can be bought from the tenno dojo lab for 5000 credits i will cover alec pins in depth in another video regenerating scream is the less obvious attack of the idol and to figure out when its shields are down the idolan will scream and glow blue reverting to shield phase linking all nearby vomvlests to it and slowly regenerating its shields over time the idol and will be completely immune to damage and keep regenerating its shields until all vomvlests linked to it have been killed after all vomvlests linked to the idol and have been killed its shields must be taken down again arcane nullifier which drops from the terrorist will make you immune to the energy drain from the idol and fight at max rank although k drives are slower and buggier than archwings they are much easier to obtain and will come handy for travelling long distances which is often needed when fighting idolans that's it for this video goodbye please subscribe you
Channel: Eidolon Caedus
Views: 90,037
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to, guide, tutorial, best, eidolon, tridolon, amp, operator, volt, shield, plains, 3x3
Id: kPa42CeejmQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 25 2021
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