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[Music] foreign [Music] welcome back to a new episode of diagnose Dan today we are working on a 2016 I believe BMW X1 Diesel and the customer complaint is that the check engine light is on so let's see what's going on and let's diagnose it together [Music] so let's start up the car and let's confirm the customer complaint and the car starts right up but it looks like we don't have a check engine light right now so unfortunately no check engine light so maybe folks this customer is a liar and he wants to spend his money on us chasing a problem that's not even there well of course not yesterday when he brought this car into my shop and I thought it might be an interesting case for YouTube video I actually saw that the check engine light was on so I confirmed it myself unfortunately I can show it to you right now but you have to take my word for it in the next step let's hook up a scan tool let's see what fault codes are stored and let's take it from there so I hooked up the dongle to the car and I turned on the ignition it's a common practice I usually hook up a battery charger to the car so we don't have to worry about battery voltage while we are diagnosing the vehicle in this video we'll be using the top down Phoenix Max which I hooked up to the big screen and I can't really tell you a lot about the tool yet because it literally came in two days ago but for the ones who are interested I will keep you updated it does come with a four Channel oscilloscope which is really cool and what I can tell you is that it's the coolest looking Scandal I've ever seen in my life I scanned the entire vehicle for fault codes but of course we are really interested in what fault codes are stored in the engine computer well we actually have got eight fault codes stored in the engine computer so let's go in there let's see what fault codes are stored and let's take it from there so let's read fault codes and let me quickly go through default codes and actually six out of the eight fault codes that are stored are for the EGR valve and actually the last two that are stored are really interesting because the last two tell us and can somebody please tell me why I feel like a weatherman right now but anyway the last two fault codes for the ejar valve tell us uh exhaust gas recirculation valve mechanically faulty near open position the other fault code tells us exhaust gas recirculation valve mechanically faulty near closed position and the other interesting thing is that all fault codes are intermittent and that might explain why we don't have a check engine light right now six out of the eight fault codes that are stored are for the EGR valve the other two are for an O2 sensor and let me quickly check uh the 288b00 power management standby current violation and that's basically a parasitic draw and that's not causing her issues right now the fault codes that are stored for the EGR valve none of them are electrical faults they're all indicating there's something mechanically wrong with the EGR valve like stuck open stuck closed airflow through EGR too high too low and position faults so I really think that sometimes the ejar valve gets mechanically stuck we can do a lot of tests with the EGR valve on the car but as you know the fault is intermittent so default might not even act up so I really want to do a thorough visual inspection it might be clocked up with suit it might get stuck mechanically but the problem is it's buried way in there so what I want to do in the next step I want to take it out and do a bench test and really take a close look look at that ejar valve [Music] I removed a lot of parts from the engine and bit by bit we're getting closer to the ajar valve this is the EGR cooler and at the back on the top of it is the actual EGR valve itself so we're not there yet but we're getting close foreign now once you've reached the EGR valve so once you've created enough space it's actually not that hard to remove there are only two bolts holding it down and there are two coolant lines which I pinched off to avoid the mess but you have got to keep in mind that the two bolts holding the EGR valve down [Music] so these two are T30 security bolts so you will need a special T30 security socket with the hole in it to be able to remove those two bolts now you can clearly see that the EGR valve is quite dirty there's quite a lot of suit and carbon buildup on that shaft now what I think that happened is that every time that valve retracts it takes some suit with it in between the axle and the bore it's riding in making it harder to move over time and intermittently it might even get stuck I quickly took a look at a wiring diagram an R AGR valve is actually a five pin valve three of those pins are for the position sensor a positive a negative and a signal wire the other two wires are for the driver motor itself now what I did is I hooked up a new jaw driver to those two pins and hooked that up to a power supply which is a booster pack that way we can manually control the valve and see if it's operating as it is supposed to when I turn on the power supply and rotate this dial the jar valve should retract now when I turn the dial back to zero again the jar valve should extend again now the extension of the valve is not done by this tool it's actually done by Spring tension inside the EGR unit itself so when we apply power the jar valve retracts but when no power is applied a spring should push the valve back out again now let's turn on the power supply and let's see what happens thank you and the valve retract [Music] but it doesn't come back again that's retracted but as you can see it doesn't return to its extended position now just like we suspected there's nothing electronically wrong with our EGR valve it's just mechanically stuck because of the suit in between that axle and the shaft it's riding in just like the fault code told us now there are two ways to fix this problem one is to clean the valve but inside that bore is very hard to reach and there's always a chance we don't clean it sufficiently and we get a comeback now a new valve option two is 150 Euros now it's much more expensive just in labor time to replace it if I get a comeback so for warranty Reasons I'm gonna replace it with a brand new one well if it's your own car go ahead and try to clean it now this is a brand new HR valve and let's see how it's supposed to work let's turn on the power supply and let's rotate the dial it retracts and it extends again let's retract it and let's extend it again now to show you that the extension is bound by Spring power I'm gonna retract it remove the power and you see it comes back to its original position [Music] now although I'm not going to take the time and try to clean the old valve I do think it's pretty interesting to see what's going on on the inside so I removed these screws holding the cover down so let's remove the cover foreign made it all the way through that bore into the inside of the mechanism of the EGR valve wow just look at that all the suit made it through that shaft so if you want to clean it you've got to clean it all the way made it into the gears and to the motor just look at this wow now just for fun let's see if we can get this valve unstuck again because the fault code told us that the fault was intermittent so it shouldn't be stuck all the time well that's really pretty I don't know which way I should turn there we go wow and I've got it working again well kind of now inside the box of the New York valve was a node now on the note it says wow well first of all I don't know if you can see that but first of all it says right over here it says right in my towel isn't that the company that makes the leopard tank I guess that makes this a jar valve would have proved them but on the other side it says mounting instructions now what do technicians do when they see a note with mounting instructions exactly because sure enough we know how to tighten two bolts installing an EGR valve is easy right well wrong if you're not familiar with this type of EGR valve and you're gonna install it without reading the instructions and remember manufacturers don't put the instructions in the Box for no reason if you're going to install it without reading the instructions you're gonna need to buy a new jar valve again again just as long until you've read the instructions that a new EGR valve is actually extended a little bit too far to be able to fit into the hole it needs to go into now you can't push back on the valve because in between that valve and the motor are these little plastic gears now if you put it in the hole and bolt it down anyway you're going to crush those little plastic gears and you're going to need a new EGR valve and the new one and the new one until you realize what you've done wrong or read the instructions of course and no you won't get your money back from the supplier because they know exactly what you've done wrong now that's why in the original BMW diagnostic tester there's a special function called installation position of the EGR valve now that retracts the valve far enough to safely bolt it down now this is quite a specific special function for a limited range of vehicles so I think this is the ideal opportunity to put the Phoenix Max to the test will have the specific special function that can help us safely install our EGR valve now let's go into special functions and let's select Drive which is the engine and transmission and there are a lot of special functions in here but let's see if we can find the right one installation of the exhaust gas recirculation valve let's hit the button let's see what happens and there's some text intended purpose of this service function it's necessary when installing a jar valve to prevent damage to the EGR valve when screwing down the bolts really a lot of detailed information over here let's hit continue and let me Zoom you guys in when I hit F1 the jar valve should go into its service position so what's really closely I'm going to hit F1 oh yeah and it did it really impressive job by the top down Phoenix Max now obviously I still got to build everything back together but I'm pretty sure we solved that intermittent sticking is your valve problem now I still got an O2 sensor problem and possibly a parasitic drain because we had a fault code for it although I didn't hear the customer complain about that battery but I promise you if it's something interesting I will bring you along in my next video now a little bit of homework for you guys you can answer this question in the comment section during regeneration of the DPF should the e-jarg valve be closed or should it be open for now I really hope you enjoyed this video if you did please subscribe to my channel and when you hit the little bell you will get a notification each time I upload a new video and remember diagnose then fix it again see you next time guys well folks a quick update I took a look at the O2 sensor fault and it turned out that the O2 sensor had very high resistance within the heater circuit so it didn't heat up it didn't come in line so I had to replace it with a brand new one about the parasitic drain that has to do with an aftermarket alarm system that was fitted to the vehicle which does take some current when the car is off and the car does see it but the current is very low and the customer doesn't have any problems with it so we're not going to address that right now now I've been driving the car for about 45 minutes it's totally warmed up so let's see as you can see no fault codes stored thank you [Music] I quickly took a look at a wiring diagram and our a jar valve is actually a five pin valve three of the pins are for the position sensor so a positive a negative and a signal wire the other put the other poof in five pin valve three of those pins are for the position sensor a positive a negative and a signal wire the other two come on I quickly took [Music]
Channel: DiagnoseDan
Views: 140,783
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BMW diesel, EGR fault codes, check engine light, diagnosis, intermittent EGR valve, visual inspection, fault code insights, EGR valve installation, top down Phoenix Max, EGR valve service position, O2 sensor, parasitic drain, DPF regeneration, aftermarket alarm system, vehicle diagnostics, EGR valve cleaning, EGR valve replacement.
Id: uGs86UgLw2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 26sec (986 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 04 2022
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