Egg Roll Wrapped Pies

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foreign [Music] hey everybody it's Karen with food and family and follows just around the corner or at least it feels like it's on the way here temperatures have cooled off a little bit and I certainly hope it stays that way it has been so hot here anyway today I want to show you a little handheld dessert you don't have to have a fork a plate you can just pick it up and go so it is so easy we're using egg roll wrappers and canned pie filling you cannot get any simpler than that and I want to show you how we do it so I've got cherry pie filling here and I'm just going to dab a little bit in the middle don't overfill it because it'll be harder to close and I'm going to dab just a little bit of cream cheese on it you can put as much as you want I'm gonna put just a tad then start at the corner can you see what I'm doing and roll it up kind of get it tight tuck that corner in right there fold it over tuck that in fold it over and then start rolling now when you get to the end you've got that little triangle right there we're just going to seal it up like that and you've got a nice neat little package right there and then we're going to fry them up so let me show you how I make one more and then we're going to get these finished up and I've also got some apple that I want to make and um I think it's going to be delicious you can serve these for your holidays you can take them tailgating with you that would be very good room temperature or right out of the pan and um I think the family is going to love it why my fingers just a little bit again tuck it can you see me tuck it get all the goop off of my fingers took that side in fold it over took that in fold it over it looks like a little envelope roll it with that little corner right there and Fold It Up so let me get these finished and I'm going to come back and show you what we're going to do with our Apple okay so stay with me let's do some apple how do you feel about caramel in your apples I love it like caramel apples at the fair oh they're the best you can make them at home but there's just something about going to the fair and getting a caramel apple they're just amazing anyway we've got our apple pie filling again you know this is something it's just easy convenient to have the canned but if you want to make your own pie filling you can I like to try to show y'all what it's like to be able to make something easy and simple all right now I took my knife you saw you've been watching me and I cut up because those were like whole slices um and I don't want them a whole slice so I cut up my apples and uh so what I want to do I'm going to do this yo I'm going to add a little bit of caramel sauce too it gives you a really good caramel again it's something you can make your own or by store-bought I I choose to buy mine store-bought I don't want I want just a little bit because I'm going to use the caramel as the dipping sauce also and let's um stirred into these apples see that okay so let's take our egg roll wrapper again same thing flower side down let's put us a spoonful of Apple kind of offset it and we've got Labor Day coming up next weekend or not next weekend the next I guess it would be wouldn't it what's today yeah it would be the next and uh if you're having uh Labor Day Cook Out gathering this would be something good this would be good for um a Thanksgiving boom with the cam uh the caramel and the apples you know it's getting Apple time so we need some apple desserts right there we go and see how quick this is coming together and I've gotten a few done here and just no time at all so I'm going to finish these up and that's a little big I'm going to cut it some more I'm going to finish these up and then I'm going to get moved over to the stove and we'll get them frying up and you can see it won't take long to fry them you know just two or three minutes if that long so y'all stay with me and next time you see me we'll be at the stove and we're ready to start frying up these dessert eggrolls so all's height I'm gonna use my tongs because I don't want to get burned let's drop we're only going to do a few at a time so that way we can handle them you know we can tend two of them easier um and that way you don't have some cooking quicker than the others if you put too many in it it's really gonna um cool down the oil a lot and they'll crowd each other and you don't want that you want you all hot so it don't sit in that oil and just absorb it and be grazing I can't wait to travel one of these [Applause] all right all right I'm gonna take these up because that excess oil drain I've got a pan over here with a Rack in it [Applause] all right look at here and that's just the beginning we've got these pies all fried I'm ready to taste one I want to show you this big old tray of Pies cherries on the this side apples on this side oh my God I want to show you a couple of ways that you can do these now we're going to put out some apple on our on our plate but I'll give you another idea too if you want to do it I think it's a great idea for gifts or if you want to take some to your co-workers your neighbors I'm sure they would appreciate it if you have an elderly neighbor in your neighborhood that can't get out and would like a treat this would be the perfect thing to take to them look how many we've got that's just the Apple now I want to show you what I want to do plate up these cherry okay so what I'm thinking is would be a good idea you get these little cookie bags right they're inexpensive you can get them at the craft store uh you may can get them at Walmart I don't know you can put an apple and a cherry in this bag looky there looky there fill it up I've got some pretty little tape and you don't have to but I just think put a little colored tape on it a little tape on it you've got a nice neat little package now for the caramel because we put caramel in the apple filling but so I might like a little extra to dunk in I know I would so we've got these little bitty go cups right they're like two ounce cups let's pour a little caramel in it there you go put a lid on it there you go and you can write on what it is uh let's see where's my pen so we can put cherry an apple look at there and you've got a neat little package to give out to your friends turn it around right to your friends your neighbors and there you go so I want to try one though so we're going to put some caramel in this little Bowl right here this is with the Apple I love caramel do y'all love caramel I do so we've got the Cherry let's do this I want to put one I want one of each so I want this apple and I want this Cherry I love cherry pie too now to the Cherry we've got the cream cheese in there remember and I am going to sprinkle just a smidge of powdered sugar on top why not let's put it on both you don't want to put on all of them to begin with because it will just melt away looky there how pretty let's taste it what do you say let's taste it come on which one do we want first it's hard to decide we get our own little bowl of caramel dip um um hear that crack that caramel apple oh my gosh y'all that tastes just like a caramel apple you don't have the stick let's try the Cherry I want to try this Cherry with the cream cheese inside um [Music] now you have got to try that I'm going to cut one open because I want you to see what the inside looks like looky there that is a beautiful part thanks for joining me today and I hope you will try these little egg roll pies that I made and if you do please let me know and I appreciate all the love and support that you guys have given us and I really really enjoy being in the kitchen with you and I feel like every one of you are right here with me so thank you come join me again like share subscribe hit the notification Bell so you'll know when I post a video thanks everybody see you soon [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Karen Jones Food & Family
Views: 110,427
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wu8VU-npYbo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 16sec (856 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 05 2022
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