EG4 6000XP All-in-one Solar System: 6,000W 120/240V Inverter and 8,000W of Solar!

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so for the last few months there's been rumors about this inverter and today it is finally released this is the new eg4 6000 XP by Lux power so it's like an 18K but smaller but it's not that expensive this is going to be competing with the LV 6548 and the 6500 ex but it has a lot of features that those do not have also the software and interface face should be better compared to those older models also it has a lower idle consumption compared to the competition one YouTuber lithium solar he got the new LV 6548 the latest version and it had 100 watt idle consumption this one is under 50 so that's going to be huge for this size of inverter next it has a split phase output you'll notice on this load center with the breaker you have a load one and a load two so you have 120 and 240 volts that means you can run 240 volt heat pumps and other loads with this unit all by itself if you tried to run a 2040 volt load with the older models you would have to buy two of them and then put them into parallel with communication now you just hook this up on your wall and you're good to go next unlike the older models this one has its own circuit breakers and this makes the installation faster and also cheaper because these are not cheap especially DC rated setable circuit breakers on older models if you had multiple units on your wall for each unit you had to buy your own t-class fuse for the battery connection or a resettable DC rated circuit breaker and then for each AC output you had to supply a circuit breaker at the load Center where you connected them all together and that costs a lot of money and you have to wire all of that stuff up yourself also it comes with the disconnect switch for the PV input so you also don't have to buy that as well so if you think about it this system is very easy to install and a lot cheaper for most people next it has Clos Loop communication with the Power Pro battery the large vertical Mount 14 KW hour or with the server rack batteries by eg4 so it comes with a cable you plug it into this unit and then you plug it into the battery and that's pretty much it with the Power Pro you have to set it up though you have to make sure that it says Lux power for the communication protocol and then you'll be good to go now the app on the phone that's used to monitor this system and control the settings you can also now do remote firmware updates you could not do that with the older models because they had a completely different system you'd have to do a serial to USB and then you'd have to connect it with a computer with a certain um operating system and then update the firmware manually on this one you can do it over Wi-Fi after you plug in the Wi-Fi dongle for some people that think of that as a security concern you you don't have to do that you don't have to update the firmware you don't have to do anything else you just do not plug in that little dongle and you'll be good to go and actually the Wi-Fi dongle is down here it's been holding it up for this whole video and it looks just like the 18K you just plug this in and then screw it in and it's waterproof there's a seal now let's talk about the basic functionality of this unit the inverter the solar charge controller and everything else first off the inverter can output 6,000 WTS but that's in a split phase configuration and it has a massive surge capacity of 12,000 Watts for 25 seconds so it's very similar to the 18K the 18K surge capacity for a highfrequency transformerless inverter is also just as massive as this relative to the size but for single phase 120 volts for each leg it can only do 3,000 Watts so this is designed to be used as a split phase inverter also this inverter has the lowest idle consumption which I mentioned earlier it's under 50 Watts but if it's connected to solar and it's charging the inverter's efficiency increases and it's only 30 Watts for idle consumption and if you have it connected to AC as a UPS backup it only uses 10 watts because it will turn off the inverter and it will only turn it on when it needs to when it needs to supplement that power also the inverter efficiency from the battery to the AC output is 93 .5% most of these size inverters is 88 to 92% so it's supposed to be the most efficient inverter in its class and the better efficiency the less batteries and solar panels you need to buy now let's talk about the solar charge controller there's two trackers or two PV inputs and each one can handle 4,000 watts so the maximum input is 8,000 watts of solar panels and that's at 480 volts maximum PV input voltage and that circuit is 99% efficient but that's pretty common for mppts now what you do need to know about the mppt is the minimum operating voltage so you need to have enough panels in series to create at least 120 volts DC for this to start charging the batteries and running the inverter with that solar power so the voltage range is 120 volts DC to 480 Vols DC they actually recommend a maximum size array of 10,000 Watts so as long as you don't exceed 480 volts DC you should be good to go and personally I recommend after wiring up lots of these systems start with a minimum of 200 volts that way in the morning in the late afternoon you have a lot more power when the sun is really low you'll keep that voltage nice and high next the AC charger or the grid input we have L1 L2 so you have to have a 120 240 volt connection like a Nema 1450 or something you can do 5,500 wats and it has a generator input so you can actually use a generator to run your loads in a bypass configuration and then from the generator to the load the inverter will supplement that power and this is the first model on the market especially of this size with that feature also the load you can actually supplement the 18K and call this a generator so you can really mix and match and connect these all together in all sorts of ways and that's a recommended configuration from the manufacturer it's designed to actually do that next it's small and it weighs only 50 lb if you compare this to a 6048 which also has a split phase output 6,000 WT inverter but it doesn't have the same surch capacity that thing is like this big and it's not as efficient and it's 72 lb so and the voltage the max input voltage of that unit is 150 volts so think about how far they've come in the last couple years it's crazy I'm not talking about Brands here I'm talking about the industry as a whole also it has safety features that no one else has GFCI and even arc fault detection on the mppt and it has its own disc connect so it should be up to code um I'm not sure if it's certified yet but I'm pretty sure they're going to be doing that they usually don't add those features unless it's actually going to be certified to that standard anyways that's enough talking let's open it up and see what inside and it's surprisingly simple there's not a whole lot to say everything is labeled we have two solar charge controllers we have the communication board with battery communication right here and then here's for the parallel communication and yeah battery connection that's [Music] it this is the same quality as the 18K internals you even have conormal coding this to direct air these massive inductors how many inductors do they have 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 is that necessary all the connections feel really good too and most of these plugs are glued down as well and I don't see anything very cheap usually you can tell instantly when something's from the cheapest Chinese Factory this one looks pretty good now the one thing I dislike is how these wires are bundled right here and how far they're going to supply these inductors for mppt circuit I think there could have been a better way this looks messy and there's possibility of heat accumulation these don't even look bundled that nicely look at all of these wires bundled with a zip tie I don't like that it doesn't look organized and I think they could have reconfigured this whole system it just looks like an afterthought I mean look at how close these are to the heat sink as well I don't like that I like no obstructions on my heat sinks and I do not like bundled wires especially when they have to go along distance if you think about how this is designed I think they were just trying to make this very small they could have opened this up and redesigned this PCB but yeah I think they were just trying to cram it all into a small spot now there is temp sensors on these heat sinks and you have a big cooling fan right here so I don't think it's going to affect performance but I just like it being better now the Moment of Truth we're going to hook it up and see if it actually works so a week ago I finished building this system I used two server rack batteries connected in a diagonal configuration with one one O gauge cable and then I added Nema 1450 extension cord a male and female so I can charge and discharge with 120 240 volts and then I also added 2,000 watts of solar panels and this system has been autonomously cycling every single day for a whole week and I'm also charging my elect elect car with it for daily driving now the first thing we want to test is the idle consumption so we're going to turn the inverter on and see how much power it draws first we're going to turn off the output we're getting 66 amps at 52.8 Vols and that's 34 Watts so that means it's in eco mode I'm going to turn the inverter off and back on again and it should go up to 50 Watts now it just switched on and we are at 1 amp so it's pulling 50 Watts and let's turn the solar back on and the grid now we're pulling almost 6 Kow from the grid if you take 5,580 and you divide it by the charging efficiency you get exactly 6,000 wats also I verified this with my Fluke meter and the same is true for the discharging efficiency so let me show you that so first we're going to turn this off and we're going to turn on the output and I have a Nema 1450 to a 650 to the Tesla charger and now we're charging with 25 amps at 240 volts and charging the Tesla is 98% of its output capacity we're pulling 6.2 KW from the battery and 2.96 KW per each leg now the efficiency figure from the battery to the AC output is off by 1% typically if I use the screen it will say that it's 95% efficient but if you measure it with a meter you'll get 93 to 94% efficiency which matches the spec sheet now if we flip the Grid on let's see what happens and now it's in bypass mode so we have 6,000 Watts going to the Tesla and then we have 1.8 Kow going into the batteries and for bypass you can do 9,000 Watts now let's flip off the load let's see what happens now the charge rate is increasing now we're charging with 5,500 W now for the whole week it's been autonomously running and what that means is if solar power is available and it reaches a certain voltage after it's been discharged it will turn itself back on again and a lot of solar generators do not have this feature except for the holis and now the ecoflow Delta Pro but even if you have a small amount of solar you can still charge an electric car with this unit it will just turn itself back on and off whenever it has power available so whether you have a 2,000 WT array or an 8,000 WT array you can still charge a Tesla and you can charge with 25 amps at the output but if you want to charge at night you can connect it to the grid as well and do the bypass mode so yeah you can do pretty much everything with this thing it's not grid interactive it doesn't back feed the Grid at all this is considered an off-grid inverter but it has autonomy features like the more expensive inverters which is really nice but yeah all the 6548 have that that's a very basic feature for all-in ones but if you are stepping up from a solar generator this can do a lot more except for the high that thing is actually pretty cool that thing can do everything that you want as well so now we're going to do some fun testing we have this cable that I built we have two heat guns and we can connect it to a single Hot Leg so we're going to see if it can actually handle that 3,000 W so first we need to turn this thing off turn off the solar Turn Off the Grid then I'm going to turn off the grid at the panel to make sure that we do not have any voltage here and then turn off the batteries we should be good and we're good either the way this looks ugly because these cables are awful I'm never buying these again now we have power now here's one heat gun and heat gun number two 3.1 Kow that's 24.8 amps so we're going to run this for a few minutes and see if it trips this does not have line balancing like the 18K it only does 3,000 WTS continuous and with my meters it says 2,979 watt we could do a heat gun in a vacuum and see if it can handle that that all right here we go yeah it seems to handle that just fine now this one measures inrush so let's see what we get no way that was 39 amps let's add the other heat gun and see how large we can get this number 48 amp now this unit does have a surge capacity of 12,000 WS but that's only for 240 volt loads when it comes to 120 volt loads single phase the maximum is 3,000 Watts there's no surge rating for a single leg um also they said in the test report the max that they could get was 28 amps and we loaded this thing down with 48 amps so it did really good but I would not depend on this if you have to run large inductive loads on a single leg if you have large inductive loads on 240 volts this should run it just fine for the next test we have a 3 horsepower 240 volt motor and the initial surge to get that thing moving is pretty excessive it's actually more than my car lift so we're going to try to run it with this inverter and see what happens so I'm going to stand behind the wall and then turn this thing on now we have power ah stupid phone meter is on here we go oh it tripped it it did not move though maybe it's improperly wired the in Rush was 65 amps and that's 15,000 Watts holy cow that is a lot of power that's crazy all right let's try it one more time everything looks good it's pretty straightforward now if the inverter circuit can't do it let's see if the grid can that will tell me if I wired it incorrectly or something else here's the grid connection and we can measure the inrush and see what we need woo 300 amps yeah it's either improperly wired or something else is going on that is ridiculous man I don't like this motor I think I'm going to find a different load this seemed smart at first but I don't like doing this yeah I'm going to find something else at least we got to test the breakers but yeah we're not testing the surge with this this is just excessive now we have four shot vacuums and these create a pretty massive surge so on one leg we're going to have these two vacuums and on the other leg we're going to have those two and we're going to flip the switch and turn them all on at the same time then we'll use our meter to measure The Surge and this is the adapter that we're using this is going to be pretty loud 55 amps 55 * 240 is 13,000 Watts let's try it again I think I can get it higher let's add some heat guns also two heat guns and four vacuums no way oh we tripped it we got 55 amps so around the same as last time with those heat guns it makes it more than 6,000 Watts continuous so that's what tripped it it wasn't the surge yeah that was 8,200 Watts actually now for the final test we're going to have two car lifts in series because it has a 240 volt surge capacity but not a singlephase and I already tried this car lift on a single phase and it did not lift so maybe putting two of these in series it will actually work now to ensure that both Motors turn on at the same time we're going to use a clamp to press the on button and then we're going to wire them up and flip it on with the breaker at the inverter and here's car lift number two the car lift number one car lift number two turn on our meter all right here we go a it tripped it and we got 60 amps it's 14,400 w let's try it again because it got really close that time now temp number two ah it tried you can hear the motor spooling up but yeah it's not going over 60 amps what a bummer so the search capacity was good and bad I did not see the 12,000 Watts for 25 seconds that they advertised so for example I was running 88,200 Watts but that was only for like 10 seconds and then it shut down so I challenge eg4 to post a video running 12,000 Watts for 25 seconds I really wanted see you guys do that but the instantaneous surge was really good but it wasn't as good as a holis so I would say it's between like an ecoflow Delta Pro and a holis it's good but it's not great now eg4 in their testing they actually told me that they have a 5 1/2 horsepower air compressor that pulls 91 amps so again I want to see that next they also said they have a 240 volt air compressor that pulls 89 amps and they can start that up just fine with this inverter now if they post a video of that with the same firmware as my model I would be very impressed now when running the inverter at 99% of its continuous output rating I could do that all day long with charging my car same with charging from the grid I could do it all day long never had a single issue also charging from the grid and from solar at the same time and waking itself up again I did it for a week every single day not a single hiccup next the software I didn't find any problems but I do not like the display interface I think it's confusing I don't like the layout and where everything is I also don't like where the error codes are and how to change the settings if you're only using this inverter with Wi-Fi with the app and you're changing the settings with the app or with your computer it's fantastic it's just as good as the 18K but when you're trying to use that screen I think it's a little confusing and I think they could have done a better job next the battery cable knockout hole if you look at it it's actually crooked it's to the left and it should actually be centered below the battery connection and they actually told me about this I didn't even notice this one but they said that for all the ones being shipped out to customers it will be centered right below the battery connection next I only have one unit I was unable to test the parallel communication capability and how it differs from an LV 6548 they said that they're going to send one out so I can test that on video and see if it's easier on the 6548 you have two serial cables and it's archaic it's ridiculous they need to have a better way of doing it so hopefully we can test out that functionality in the next video and that's all I can think of I can't think of anything else everything worked it was actually a really good unit but the biggest concern is the customer service and support from signature solar I still have people complaining complaining on the Forum about that so that's probably the biggest downside of this unit if you want to buy this unit and you don't want to go through signature solar eg4 will be selling these to current connected so you can buy it from them as well so if you want customer service and support that's very quick um I would go through them instead now this is a new product and we're not sure about the longevity and the software is new but the hardware has actually been in the field for 5 years they've actually been selling this unit in South Africa and they've made large installations small installations and actually has the lowest failure rate of any Lux power device that they've ever had and they even sent me a picture of one that has 103 megawatt hours on it but that is crazy that is a lot of megawatt hours through such a small unit holy cow they have quite a few right here here's another one with 53 megawatt hours this is a completely different system and they're using them to run well pumps and that is you know an inductive load it's a motor so that's a good sign if they have a low failure rate and that many people using them for that long that is a good sign now even though this is an eg4 product this is created by Lux power so I would compare this product to the other voltronic products and other inverter manufacturers even though all these people relabel it and you'll say oh I like sungold inverter oh I like solark at the end of the day look at the actual manufacturer that will actually determine if it's a good or bad unit um what will determine your customer service and support is which distributor you buy it through so again if you get a lux power device through current connected I don't think you can go wrong unless you get software issues cuz it's a new product but yeah we will see with in due time now keep in mind that this is not a grid interactive inverter this is offgrid specific only and if you compare this inverter to everything else on the market it blows them away especially for the feature set if we were to take from the voltronic lineup the LV 6048 which also has a 6 ,000 WT inverter and a large solar charge controller that solar charge controller maxes out what 150 volts and that thing weighs 20 more pounds has a higher idle consumption you have serial cables for parallel connection you have to update the firmware in the most Antiquated way possible and it costs more money like who in their right mind would buy that over this I don't know how voltronic will be around if Lux power starts making lots of these inverters and it seems like their older models are better than the newer ones it's like the newer ones have more problems in higher idle consumption but the Luxe powers are getting better over time but the voltronics are not I I don't know why that is also compared to Mega Revo or that waterproof one that sungold inverter cells like think about the competition for offgrid specific this thing blows them away now my question for the future from Lux power is are you guys going to make a smaller inverter you guys have the 6 Kow you've got the the 12 Kow are you going to make a 3 Kow to compete with that small yellow 3 Kow that signature solar currently sells that thing is fantastic in one of my favorite inverters of all time but if Lux power also makes a 3 Kow of that and it has the new software and interface and Wi-Fi connection that would be a full lineup that's all we would really need so hopefully they watch this video and build that that would be awesome so yeah that's pretty much all I can think of if you have any issues with this product please post it on our Forum we love to see any issues that you have so that we can try to fix them or find someone that can fix the problem so thank you so much for watching and I will see you in the next video bye
Channel: DIY Solar Power with Will Prowse
Views: 741,848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: off grid solar, will prowse, diy solar, cheap lifepo4, 6000xp, eg4, signature solar
Id: 6alau_7t5NM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 40sec (1480 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 25 2023
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