EFRA 1/8th Track Euros - The MAIN A FINAL

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and it is important [Music] [Music] so for the European champion a file here 2019 from France in pole terrier bless you from Italy second it's Simon Kirsch book terrain champion from Switzerland third LSM Isaiah from Italy fourth rock rich from Germany fifth is French Oh Sisqo tyranny from Italy sick from in to haunt the Belgian ex European champion Dominick Greiner exports Hamlet 1/10 he's from Germany and starts seven his fur chairman Tony Gruber starts 8 Tom Morello from Italy is ninth and Jill Graaskamp Rita career in tenth position [Music] so [Music] that's all at the crypt anyway [Music] and cast back into the pits again or the main final doesn't anyone's called timeout so as we started which is good news so good time say thank you to our sponsors infinity and a main just time to ask to rush out mate Efrain so but let's do a start on poll some occurs which second and I said Malaysia with that's it meze OB third what pH will be fourth but because you're only fifth I've been to hunt is sick time at Greiner is seventh Tami Gruber is eighth common rola is in nine Graaskamp is in ten the European Championship a final 2019 we are underway now there's a clean start from everyone and as a immediate battle between Balestra and curse but bless with the white car curse but in the orange and yellow machine they fire themselves away and into the first course as one two three four six an affirmative person is out is a fair I've carved her Oni haunts move at one place and immediately valestra beginning to stretch out a lead from curse but they just funnel through the chicane so is a nice leaf molester a second place is here as rich third places misery forfeit speech and then don't so the Battle of look at merit is his second and third the multiple colored car Wells has got two colors orange and yellow of curse but fending off the attack of a lesser Lazaro but don't forget out ahead and pulling away is Daria for Leicester this hinders before I say and I'll fit sending tears enact a bit of a breakdown but he's getting away nicely and these two are causing a bit of a car with peach behind them in the grayish blue car so second place occurs butch again that time round drop the pretense of a second to Balestra in the lead so the switchdriver looking to catch him up but a moment away goes the less straight the current European so the current world champion lead the current European champion this variant peach and then we have gross counts a big mover content the sixth in the first four laps so good work from the Dutchman at time round between paid 15 cents per stone actually I hear that slight ease back of the lead by so I'm occurs with only a tenth of a second and very much now we've got a leader a second and they're gapping the rest of the field let's cut back one two third which is a lesson so he's got pitch really pushing him hard in the behind pitch it's Dominic growing up Ryan who won the other city firewood so way down because it was a one the second saying if I was going way down but in a much slower race the white cart is reserved for behind him is the light blue or light blue leader a machine of up th the 2010-2012 chap who's Mugen desert with the x-ray and they are getting quite close as they flip black through the chicane now around the a main term fully accounted broadcasting hairpin power up the straightway sweep to the right and in tight in the air for turns and the front the lead now 1.8 seconds of molesters and cares bush at time round both 259 Griner looking to move forward to the meat the sandwich is yeah drop back 1 2 pitch because he's got may have a an issue with his fellow German Dominic growing quite soon they've grown up hoping for a good race it's not maximum vs obviously and pains all the time they're coming into the shop sharp but ever sharpening their turn one that's turned to I suppose really good number in an American Way [Music] so the lead is now 2.1 seconds for this 15 quicker and quickly where they'll cry right the backside runners very very quickly the second part of that opening corner and I can't always confer to enjoy because it's a very difficult track to overtake on no gain you come round here is Steven by the Second Mile look gain gain gain gain gain this time didn't have to ease off to my sister back so it's fourth and fifth the other top three or gapping themselves that actually is a good lap last time round potentially sit updated a problem blessed let's drop into second place is somehow off-camera Palestra done what he can't come after tracking he dropped a second so what we need to do identify how that's happened yet so let's move forward to Palestra it's about to go start/finish line now and he is the white car he's not gone in the pits curves pit stop the pit Lester had a problem I can't believe he stopped he four seconds so don't need to stop offline that's far too quick but he had a problem was four seconds and a lap dropped in a second he now leads of course his Kerber chat cursor just pitted exactly on four and now Willie where would he come out that's lure the world-famous mechanic who mechanic and be more to World Championship victory in 2006 for the year Troy in car champion electrics and yesterday recovers from that problem but it's two second later disappeared and he now or begin a battle occurred but over the next three and a half minutes pull the next fuel stop peasant just ahead of him your Swiss reigning European champion and the white card chassis hysteria pedestrian reigning world champion of war champion one just up the road here from here need two years ago so cursed but that time round was actually five hundred second faster right at the initial speed has settled down edge back by eight hundred a second two Balestra now it's also quite noticeable Rizzo and their grinder aren't being dropped in the top four cars are covered by a grand total of three seconds unless for every time you see at top of the shot you'll be seen that slew back to his target that is simon curves which before he enlisted to the arrow at crossing four seconds just pride the pit stops but here we go picked up the pieces the italian needs to cut down the swiss driver who is nothing if not relentless almost swish position against Italian flair when you come to this racing they click-clack through the chicane again and the pace is relentless but no one has is yet to be lapped we're going to honk running in last but he isn't massively behind also about the into the wind but he's not being dropped so the first two now just edging closer bolused regained a tent near an attempt there and this time he's notably closer after a good run to the chicane fires up the straight first and second in the same shot the 3/10 days have you had dropped more by a drop by apparently going by for Lester blesses issue who's got is that one thing we do know is that getting past this turkey is not easy and if anything I think you dropped back a look at that time yep 16 1 to 16 3 so 2/10 game for Felicia blitz but another problem as a oh I said I'm so he's Italian can Patrick is beginning to bridge the gap and might make it 1 2 3 ain't putting Greiner with him so clear one two three four heat a little bit drop at the moment in fear and that was a minor error coming through the tightening part of the first corn report becomes the F per Section and that lost simon curves but in the Eleanor ins Shepherd car enough space that the white infinity of dairy Palestra gain gain gain and he picked up about a tenth of a second there and they are now as close they can really get and still be racing because there's a near effectively you start attracting the same piece of track and therefore you can't buy those Heights same turn out but less we've got a major issue now if you can't get past a pit stop house let me get past this curse that can run the line after that if they lost to P the rear end they could run the line and this is a single line track at the inside Palestra occur as butch knows what he's doing he's feeling furry air that police would be slightly quicker he nibbles at the rear of the Swiss European champion at the speeds they're doing it's a precision dance and their balancing the grip of the cars and again is that he just got so much extra turning and at the end of that sharpening ever sharpening first corner be caught a lot with it because quor'toth can plant his car in the correct part of the corner and in fact almost gains everything you kind of defeats the Melendez favor Palestra to see what cuz he's his chance now can he go really really really really quickly for two labs and therefore effectively to what we know in f1 terms as he over cut where he gets it by being faster whilst he's not stopping so he's a lot longer last times he's only two laps long I'm not sure this will miss at the end of the day this extra couple of laps enable him to someone's stop and I know it is enable him to gain enough time to get past her go Hippolyta okay so if we're done mirror pick up the car fuel goes in Wars bitter busy pit lane is not always a slow stop it to slow though I think I think he's planed very slow stop there in an i car to car the phone so this is hot weather it mat is a very quick flame by think that Palestra flame there well white will take them until he gets across the line and see what the time was but that obviously was a problematic pit stop thereafter ten minutes of running so all over and it does it again every stop and bless traded at 27 years they lost five seconds and he's chopped down to a net fit now in the lead on an alternate strategy at moment is sure cross cam so there is now not in the league's easy to get you stopped a few at this point but curves it picks up the basis let's pick up on leader yellow and orange is coming in here fancy hairpin now that's Curtis back in the lead second place is Ellis own is AO who is back by about a second point seven he's your leader let's drop back one car ash and that is the second place man that Italia a lesson Isaiah behind him is third place or at peach now police reason of charge back he's managed to get past play roller and Graaskamp in up into four this is second Isaiah and implicitly we passed by common riotous that's not gonna happen still long long way to go over 34 minutes reigned 11 minutes living it down but listen the basic that courses away through the rice curves it holding 1.8 second lead over this man and they're missing [Music] he is back to further 2.8 seconds roll up one put one behind that and bless the second behind that if listen we've got pass rather briefly let's now pull it back behind him again concurs with Tony Okada and easy one of it after that flameout issue during stop Francesca - Romi with the car that stopped on the track and lost three laps and he will now not be a European champion this year from the grinder must had a problem in his pit stop as well he's appalling way way down for Brian who is doing really well now is falling down and right to the back of the cars you haven't had a an issue [Music] the Messiah continues you shot back one car to get and that's it that's the pH car from the light kuyper let me shut play well against the track of it rising at you see himself so live 12 minutes down it'll keep hitting good news for Paris but she's got about a there's one point one second lead and what nine second lead on this era Messiah has a on put five second on pitch yeah the Lester's got into a back pass Colorado I think he's on a very different feel country but he is now something in the region of seven seconds off the lead so a great start he's going well fell off slightly and then has the flame out so probably a perfect start the blistering perfect on the other hand quite quite pollutes the pitch coming in fuel as you saw there being put down cursed to heaven their pitch comes back out again before the period Willie sleep it like cross can't really difference why she glued the front and move further forward all the way through stack goes to one wall and there to listen Isaiah now who's going more laxen curves which takes the lead pedestrians many more laps encourage which moves into third and the guy we're with and what picked up to fifth due to the stagger of the pit stops now what has happened is Felicity is running a lot longer and the interesting is he's not that far behind the Shepherd of hers but it means if anything's earlier and he does majus Ava stop soon of course this Charmander school yep this so he doesn't play so Stanton stuck for Blessed retox back behind catch the curse which will now be leading from mazaya hitch will drop off a couple of places it's the tiger of the fairest pit stops on why they are very much an interview situation interpreters in here if example common rather is running a quite a different hit stop strategy and that's pinging in quite high up now in the third place there we go [Music] look at where is it pink now comes round is pre-sentence of red and should be between the two of them the mood for one car Asha this is second of the white cars Bangalore third at the white car the top of the corner now that's it [Music] in white car and that is common rollup enjoying a slightly different experience while still don't different pits are fragile these problem is it because we obviously demands this track we have a great number of pure white boys with stickers on obviously only available can of rattle can was white and they all put sprayed up their new bodies on Monday or Tuesday or Wednesday and all that with whites we have several cars through our play white and very few cars a roll that wants to normal car playing their race paint colors in fact there's three white cars in a row came past me now which is Museo viola and Palestra who are actually 2nd 3rd and 4th of the moment and they're all in white cars and one I think rather completely waiting for pit stop at that point it's a man they were following roll up so he's stopping on five and he had two picks up in hand collection we pick up a third and five seconds of curse bridge peaches seems to drop right off the pace with last couple of service a peach that may have had a problem to eat off the pace Brian has had a problem missing today we know it had a problem before [Music] and so that might be the grinder car that's been covered yet we've lost Dominik growing up so moving back to the front of the field let's find our leader we are in he's going round the a main turnout or Indiana about to put a lap on Laura pH having already put a lap on been done so hich haven't had a problem and it's lost quite a bit of time when he will now soon be lapped by the leader Simon Kurt Busch perfect lead over unless in Isaiah though is a car and that car thought we don't for only five times 1.8 seconds and Balestra a further four three two pedestrians gaining on curves which and I think that at some point ever take credit to his pit stop and think that hers but he's gonna have to make an extra stop so it is not all done and dusted with twenty eight minutes to go that will of course require bless you not to have those two problems had early on that one folded off the track and secondly and flame out during his second pit stop the president will rejoin into third with Nazir who's in a slightly different strategy like two laps longer and if you could rate in 24th by square foot and reserve who is they tore through that embellish trees that are even at this point the four laps long we playing a lot longer per stop and other cars fly out the pitman they're always very polite indeed I was pH is wise peach Leighton true so I thought that was gonna be where thewhere didn't bitten through a stopped rather it's a good few yards ahead action to carmine starting night use a head of cares put to buy about 1.3 seconds les relieves the game but it's not a real League saying that it's not a fake clean either which makes it own a boat play the second I think if he comes in now so if unless she comes in is it a good four minute it starts up well again so he's had a good run that's been a good section of the rice for Bella straight and he'll come out again infecting now I think the pit stop in hand and you have over the course next 27 minutes as curse but now comes over in second place with a very very long running rila ahead of him and leading no idea how that's gonna wind out as problem for the eight car of Tony Gruber as well now banana it below us the curse which has a couple of seconds on the zone and the question really is is pleasure blessings right behind Messiah now so let's um let's drop back to the Museo and observe a sits down at the broadcast hair pit now that first white car with three days Vizio now it was a difficult lapkus then for Palestra he got bogged all sort by the cars lost about a second is they're getting confused just passed here in the including hairpin but if you look now it is Palestra here is the next car behind Messiah Messiah running in third blessed his fourth rival is leading this thing and I'm not only sure that's a deck could well be a genuinely could use to essentially Sorella as plain him that played with the blind areas calmly and if think he's actually generally doing what he's to his purse to all this time since dropped back down curves it takes a lead in Isaiah comes in second less tree will be third when we've actually backed having the three white cars to go to Rio with a full tank of fuel is right behind the other two so this is a genuine position for him failure is in between the two evaluated to come out in between pedestrian misses the second third and fourth white white white well done boys are running together second is reserved third Israel and fourth less retakes three Italians three white body shells and that's really great but it's a bit of a black tip to the wing of the Messiah car and roller in the middle Ferrara has a black typically is the person might even be in the box seats to to boost fuel strategy and this is why I love each long-running icy finals is suddenly a strategy suddenly it's all about it's not about pace is about tire wear it's about fuel stops is about pacing yourself about being fast the right type of the race and obviously also avoiding the potential mechanical disasters of flame out now curse but have a healthy lead over Masayo of what it's now almost four seconds that is a good lead however other cars behind the annoying different fuel strategies we've got quite stupidly this has been a good couple seconds that could cut the runs from zero effort curves which is pulling out on these three a little bit they've had some traffic issues maybe tripping over themselves as well but Lester doesn't seem to either move move Pat one car and then is the car radicalizing philosophy is all over those backside to go swimming fancy hairpin but doesn't have the method or you're getting past in and what's happening at the moment is actually giving curse words a chance to pull away as these threa scrap it occurs what's making their hay while the Sun shines is the letter takes a far too much curve an attempt to get past and drops off the bank day and these three Italians are hurting their country's challenge and I the Swiss driver to get away the curtain to stop now the current stops at this point he then drops back down - OH - cuz of a bad stop cursor a bad stop for cars but he stopped I have a 30 second stop which sounds like he may well have flamed as well that throws it all back open again soakers which has dropped back down nine seconds and you can see him running in any class as a fifth with a few stops unwind he's not really much higher than third suckers with a something on the pit stop there I assume oh this is a short probably I must have been a quick flailing get going again unless their messiah is having a problem as well if you go through another round the common rail leads Palestra is second cross-campus third and we have your leader here this is very leading and it's all about fuel trying to hear that fully but very short run time something to getting is giving it huge advantages valestra comes in Rio is still going our blesses further our bless his flame to get out let's tire change right so full tire change now for one of the cars that's not Palestra that is the roller car than a full tire tones brightly that might explain curves which is long stop curves which is long stop masking a tire change who didn't see it but curves which isn't a four-tire change on the last stop so that is why nearly 2:30 despite having it be no time so that was a very swift stop rollers four-tire change 31 6 valestra leads so that was the mystery answer didn't see the curve that stopped into the tire change of why he was a 32nd so Palestra down leaves set to pick up our leader because he is coming through the a main curve now another one the white cars me he's a second those two white cars bless tree and he leaves but it's readable to tell where everyone is as we hit the halfway mark in malaysia one else can bless trip on one set of tires it seems unlikely those have changed pretty look gonna change the all right time to change the halfway you're not gonna change you back it off currently quite a bit quicker on these old tires and curves these new tire support ends with last time to Palestra that are very eventful 23 minutes so far and he repeats another lap and those past the broadcast hairpin Braylon third with a full tire change and three seconds behind curve with missourians poor cross can't fit for those cars with white different heavens for some encouragement and it may what poor you sure they want to play Khadir so this is incredibly intriguing finally we've had so far do you think one point is gonna get rather dull just curves meet off in the distance ponts position area state but obviously within a different it's a pit stop strategies both the tire and the fuel so Palestra now has a lead is there wait for it to tick through the curves with each liter masterless lead to eight second so when he stops the fuel in a second they'll still be in the lead unless it's stopped the fuel and tires so but let's just next stop is key is a few entire stock he's heard to come out behind Herzberg she's a fuel only stop will probably stay in the lead shoots now down beneath this any second now must be think about turning left for long time discourage stop [Music] the chief Arish cars come in our tires stop being dumped while the other machines sober let's go change tires it's going to be at the end of this run as he comes into the air for turns and will sweep through the fade difficult she came at this point he's out front he's turning loud he's turning good tongue against 6/10 the car its current condition with the smaller tires is absolutely as Balestra wants and he's making absolutely hey compared occurs but in this particular run and it was like curves were just come back halogens he's about a lap ahead occurred that he said has stops a curse Burch has come out directly ahead of valestra he's has stopped ahead of him and virtual laps of him being behind the list trees on the track mentally with an empty fuel tank the bat is the man he was fighting now scored for Simon curse best part of a lap behind our curve it want to avoid getting lap for simple reason or cost of another second problem for a free card Mercer Mercer made mistake if Leslie comes in right is it tires fuel first and there's a tire stop now how quickly can they do it is it is it both it's just one site notes both sides if it might be a left side only and out he goes in the quick stop cipher let's try now especially something to say I made a mistake just prior to the stop where it occurs which is literally right behind him so that pit stop for the Palestra curse but directly behind him in first and second why Olin stopped as well so we are now running at 20 meter needs it noticeable that getting used to the new big tires is causing a problem the pedestrian curse which now pretty much similar fuel strategies and stops everything else has a chance to try and get the lead back with 18 minutes to go this is your first - you're world champion your European champion here at the 2019 European chairmanship in France brought to you by oscillation TV in association with control in associated Amer fret with our sponsors infinity and a main hobbies and we have a battle royal for first and second between the two favorites the event we've got aired area bless you from Italy and Simon curse from Switzer may've been as far apart as almost a lap they both led they folk not being leading as someone else being ahead but now they're together off 27 minutes of racing pedestrian are getting more used to the new tires cursed which I think still has a fuel disappointment may see it needs to an extra stop and that must be a massive worry for him but in pace terms now they're right together third place is comrade a fourth Missouri v its cross camp all eyes in the first and second and we run this middle part of the race and sub leakers which looking to get past him because that's he needs to find their get ahead in but if you see if I think he does have a fuel disadvantage still and I believe and he might have to stop one more time occurs but at this point just to get just visual Capps interview time just slightly being gapped I'd say by polish getting a little bit further ahead last time rally it was too tense it's time now let's look at better run-through for curse birch and the gap wars yet with nothing is 300 and second faster poor Palestra as he settles down on these new tires worried things for curse which is though he's got to get past in and it's not long before current has to peel off left let's make our attention cursed which now just fit the second let's go think he's gonna go for a fuel stop soon you can open up and see where for less truism a lot mistake on the last lap perfectly lost in 300 to the second despite many different permutations you've ended up what we've kind of hope we thought we'd get which is the two best 1/8 I see drivers the last five so four or five years in Europe finally going head-to-head for many a lab and it spurs rich who begin to think about stretching the pure and just give you an idea the last two laps between 500 and second faster for Palestra than 500 seconds faster fakirs bridge and they are dragging each other round turn always monumental before as you see when the top RC race is finally get to race each other that's when you see the real tired let's me see the real skill these cars out there tiptoeing and balancing these cars at speeds of anything up to 70 75 mph now when they're going slowly down 40 bank files and get a now Curtis comes in cannot afford any mistakes down out put a pedestrian dragons obviously I would kind of panic and grab the car put a blob so that kind of slow steady movement it's what the cars new perhaps it means that the fuel tanks don't get bubbled up and then get the fuel guns in better soakers now we'll sit down to third place for Hardware over 15 minutes to go what actually happen is how many it says one lab and Palacios not come in I think it's there at least three two laps in flesh he's not coming this is where actually get start getting problematic because Herzberg among everything else is probably gonna need to do an extra stop and that may be the difference between winning the European Championship and coming second electric as underneath us again that's three and he companies as well three of her Farzin Fletcher cousins of fuel valestra is being fueled he's down I think curves which is gonna taking the cards together colors does get its occurs what kept the lead through the pit stop the undercut worked but now three laps to choose a minute and a half so it's 45 second is that gonna be enough to eke out an extra stop not sure of it is to have a short fill the last one with the speed things up soakers which lead valestra second a students have been get a bit wider as you get both cars in the nine infinity curve this battle royal will now be joined for another all ten laps and for curtain has to fill up again valestra needs to get as close as he can and he's a pressure curse bush both for now in the meat of their second set of tires becoming a man everything is Raiola in third he's not out of this he's only 1.7 seconds back and it looks to me like purrs but she's got a little extra place here came the tenth that time round just from the fact that the cars are getting slightly more distant and definitely that was a game yep three ten to the second side curves which in this part of the track they to spend little minor and then lost a couple of tenth has the pace I hope olestra and this monumental evidence led this like a five-set tennis match is now a one you think my son's boat is at tiebreaker than someone double faults and summing Epson flights the ebb and flow on this race is fantastic monumental race so far and we've still got an hour 30 minutes then I can't call it the heat low curtain she is leading I think he's got a fuel disadvantage now if olestra knows he's got a fugitive arms he couldn t needs to run so far not even fleshy himself knows what's going on the team lap they do have headsets they can be in constant communication with their driver as they can tell him what's going on or they could guess what's going on and you would think the curse which might need to stop once more if he's very unlucky or it might just be that the lessons are much shorter fill for the last stop but that doesn't really speed up that much but it's the pickets is stopping his picking up and put it down that's the main part of the six or seven seconds it costs to stop the curse Butchie it comes round again now after pulling away quite convincingly last couple a panic slightly better that Balestra but I think it's just attempts either way unless you definite this close to this lap he's had a good run out of the hairpin and now he passed the straight use muck yet to generate scored in a second and quarter of a second when you're only you know part of a second ahead is a massive amount and say come to the chicane again into your fancy hairpin the shepherd of simon curves battalion clarity chassis of dairy open-air street so this been a good few laps with the less trees come back into it again so he's now making this lead virtually nothing when Curtis will pull in kurtal pull in when he pulls in the less he will do four laps before he pulls him and we gonna have to try and work out if that means he can skip a stop and then he can walk da now the minor error there on those minor errors and he's actually on the in lap procure that curler take the kill occurs bridge up down he's now got four laps to go as fast but don't even have a decent lead there though thanks to the mistake that police were made but he still dropped down to third it took down behind in really think there is that I think where tickets to himself just now so you might not drop Hari Ola notice a second place first and second they got a big enough gap to say first a second when they take a fuel so caress bridge and that was that one should come out with a reasonable lead but the key thing is what at what time of the club his courage would need to stop twice more we know that at what to clot was Palestra go in and Counting to buy something once more and I don't think he can its curtain protecting Castle by something behind that I think is the unless a measured car and she could do with another his pedestrian but she's stopped already so pedestrian as either had an error always stopped early and perhaps perhaps there she's decide that he can't save her stop and therefore it's sad to go on tape and more a safer strategy of not writing down so I didn't see flesh three in the pits there feed it to a 21.5 but he's a quitter pitstop would be and so her first thing that back together again bless she not going for laps longer just going to laps longer obviously the battle to save the stops not going to work so now let's make this thing a bit more even make me a bit more we're doing the same thing and first and second an L together and for Leslie perhaps possibly thinks he wants to run two laps longer and try and get hers but on the track that it urged the Ryan undercut or over cut sorry but at this point they're right together running a traffic first and second that need to tell you the distance for 35 minutes intend to go kersploosh and olestra fighting tooth and nail for the European champion 2019 trying to score points prior to going to Fontana in California for the World Championships the beginning of November illustrate world champion reigning at the moment and of course Kurds what is the reigning European champion for at least ten minutes it might be here in ten minutes they are right together if you come down to nine minutes to go and politically fastening and having third place mamrie Ola Oh around the outside thinking about it hard so we Ola is back three seconds waiting for the boat to hit each other very hard sound slightly better they're off that attempt you just have lost it in mentem and fleshly switched up his pit stop strategy decided to go on the same - curves which just take away that mean it means he rate overall always but wait any chance of running down and elope we fuel so you always know Prince you have pure a cut all look at the inside for about sharp run but you're not gonna get the drive out of there for these two drivers attempting to occupy the same piece of track really but that's why Palestra who's quicker de couple of parts of the track the slower cover pars the track that's why it's so difficult past as he's really really facing he's decided that possibly the Infiniti hairpin is very has a chance by backing the car in [Music] so in the car comes [Music] so now with Leslie now still trying to chase very very hard into some and curse rich and they drive [Music] you've got seven minutes ago curves which prom valestra occluding Clow comes over [Music] [Music] just a few seconds ago and the kind of that pits together takes it used to be evening up stop [Music] 12 yachts what [Music] so it's getting very very close now pitch so the literally now has a lead of one second from curves which to that situation with the pit stops and valestra continues going on but they are right together with just six minutes left [Music] unless your leads occurs which is second the gap now which six minutes to go is just point one point nine at one second exactly what material nine six said but Leslie looking particularly strong at the moment in one cup in the four car and the zero cup all going round but it's looking for tipping good so [Music] so five minutes to go [Music] and Palestra lanes curves much now and easy to catch him up he's better than a gap of about one second [Music] if they carry on racing round but bury adversity now looking at five minutes ago we went to the absolute final last Moses European Championship philostrate has Pertino magnificent performance over the course of the last few laps of what he's trying to most of all [Music] is win the European Championship he's got a lead of one second from Simon coca-cola who's not the thing that's gone down that time now a 10th day of it curse comes into the corners they sweep through the chicane for what would be one of the four and a half minutes to go much time left they sweep through the chicane now they dive back round and up the straight so cozily could back marking the way in the back marker who is that that is the 9 car in the way and that was the four place become reality if they've got for the fourth Kurt but now he try cut the inside of the island one two and three together tankers which get past me over others now and he's let him through and he does okay I couldn't of his last fuel stop can you make anything of it he's got three ms-dos Stoker's butch because he needs to make some time now Kurt Schmidt on the last fuel stop of the European Championship is it going to be possible for him to win the whole thing or not there they go [Music] kurz butch has to wait to see how long it is for Balestra decides a pit and the answer to that question is not very long because Phyllis tree has pitted so they have come out together Palestra pits they pit it then leaves the gap this is the gap for the last three minutes of the European Championship final [Music] first pitch is down by less than one second from Balestra this cars might even get either white nothing and both in ash there is the less trip from curse but just three minute two minutes and four isn't going to be fighting the whole way through hers but and Balestra fighting fighting fighting fighting as they drive around oh it's so close [Music] oh and they're looking very closely and it's just so much traffic in the car part of the way with Melissa where is is it just ahead of so many white cars is the other problem because lose track of which quite cars which white car and pedestrian left him right and trying to get past and not the inside now goes close Bleeker mobility right together we're down to two minutes to go on the car doors close they can pause me with 45 minutes they could barely down the traffic that's got to be a massive relief of Palestra Palestra now looking to see what he can see left right through the chicane stained slightly on curse but Kurt's gonna try something specially nice both had their last stop they've just got to make one minute forty seconds it's about six laps who will win no one knows as Bolivia now comes round with curse birch curse button oh it's so close but he can't go in there that lap but definitely again poor Palestra he's looks like he's gonna get it he's got immense main three but Curtis would never give up the gap that timeout by three tenths of a second can cares but we'll have his cars fly gone off for Less tre let's just turn move a little bit less it to Palestra now up these but this time a better lap a better lap for the earth which means he's brought it back down at six tenths the minute to go they're on the same thread in the same frame for last 20 minutes it's a remarkable event who was gonna win this one down they come and round they go and curves which push push push but he's got himself to catch up seven tenths of a second he's got three laps to do it in all this and two more but if I oversteer the curse Butch and you could see the gap went up very slightly but lest we just play sticking a car on the iron on the straight it's down to Kerr that they can he do his getting three monumental laps maybe two monumental laps actually it looks like it might favor pedestrian he may just need to do this lap and one more 24:23 no it's very very close as they get across in about 18 it's it's quite close but I think curves but may get caught it may be that Pawlenty will have a lap of honour they're right together but they've just stretched up and pleasant evening of Justin evoke breathing room just enough of space the extra time he took and out of Kurdish during the pit stops and they crossed over now as cursed but it's been caught but yes Coby caught your European champion its focus on police rigs he's got a lap of honour curtly caught by the time your European champion will be Dario Burrell astray a fantastic result he had a problem with pizza the flame out he had an accident he's fought back different rounds and a fantastic affords by ballistic seam on the rostrum what a fantastic before Dario below story what a victory great driving by the infinite rubber many commiserations to simon curves but Jill cross cam got a podium in the end fantastic husband podium raela was fourth dom was fifth Gruber was six Petrus 7th Missouri was eighth Greiner was ninth and Tyrone E was 10th what a fantastic race that was amazing
Channel: CTRL SPORT // RC Racing TV
Views: 681,611
Rating: 4.7993231 out of 5
Keywords: infinity, EFRA, A Main Hobbies
Id: gGspk2HF-OA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 19sec (2899 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 06 2019
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