EFAP #196 - Talking about the end of Phase 4, the end of EFAP year 4 and the SDCC trailers

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i did improve it though by adding the gas mask and coloring it in that's what it needed and it's good that you just recognize it as sonic that's important well what else could one possibly imagine it is i mean there's i mean i think when it was first made it reminded me of the guy from home movies i forget his name um guy from home movies yeah let me uh images i will show you do you remember home movie no i'm not even sure you were talking about it is this a program yeah it's an old tv show oh i saw some people mentioning that on twitter yeah does he have a name for me his name is uh i probably know it [Music] brendan's brendan i think he's his name brendan small wait really that's his name yeah brandon smalls the name of the guy who made uh metallocalypse i think well what's interesting is that brendan small plays brendan small oh i see ah yes it's three brendan small and lauren bouchard is there a brendan lodge by any chance there might be but perhaps it's just a humble family yeah no no son no no little brendan little brendan's small the smallest of the little bread the smallest of the tiny ones the most minuscule of the teensy-weensy they're all like very long thanks for calling me dad i really appreciate that um oh hey what are you some people in chat how you doing that that's great well it just so happens i mean we're here it's true we might as we might as well have a podcast have a little bit of everything chat everything's as it is we can have a really definitely a little chat we won't go on and on about these whatever no no no no no i have a small chat and then a large chat would you tell you what oh oh we're gonna have a big one and a small one um i think we could just mix a bunch of both together that seems to be what we kind of did for the past four years well i'm gonna tell you right off the bat some of these will be very small chats so oh will they big ones will be necessary i think i think so um before i guess once we give a moment for people to file in i can tell you which of the two tricks we'll give the list of trailers right and then i'll tell you which ones i think will be the small chats not that it's bad if they aren't i think you're just gonna say which will be good i was like oh yeah of course a short list none of them no they'll they'll all be [ __ ] the point is that um two in particular stand out as being or our chat will be short i agree not even not even by our standards but by normal person standards and i would argue it's not even to do with their length necessarily because there is one that's pretty short that i think we'll probably talk about for much longer we shall um because you're right we should let people pour in to give them a chance what is like a race yeah let me see let me go to the youtube here now that my recommendeds are ruined yay oh actually they look pretty good i uh that is very interesting you made me watch uh one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven jesus christ you made me watch 11 trailers and what wait someone said is this an effect for the trailers because the show isn't out for like three weeks like yeah it says in the title it's about the trailers how do they it's fine they're probably talking about she-hulk because she's she's she's the face elk is what we'll call it that that's that's the first one you made me watch because i did not do this voluntarily well yeah that's probably worth mentioning you uh you just do you watch trailers much not at all really no i'm gonna be honest i just don't watch them no every once in a while i might watch a video game trailer however movie trailers and show trail i i do not watch them is there a reason for this because they are full of lies they're full of lies movie trailers are the modern day equivalent of if croatia's attacks the persians a mighty empire will fall and you're like wow that's not helpful go away i mean yeah well did you watch the game trailer back in the day no i don't think i did i legit just don't watch trailers i'm not interested in them i am totally cool going into a movie i'm this way with games for the most part to a slightly lesser degree but i'm fine with just oh this is coming out all right we'll see what that's like when it's released and i can purchase it or watch it and it comes out and i watch it and it's got all the stuff in it and i don't have these expectations built up and i'm not taking advantage of and my hopes and dreams aren't crushed as much and uh things are great would you not say nothing against people who really like trailers aren't they advertisements though they're trying to get you to watch their their ads yeah that's essentially what um i mean like trailers are they're commercials these are commercials to get you excited in order to get you to watch something or buy something which is in and of itself not bad at all i just feel like especially in terms of the quality shall we say of a lot of the things that we've been watching recently yes i just have their ability to sucker people in and lure them in it's like i'm looking at these trailers with this knowledge of watching these shows that we watch whether it's the falcon of winter soldier whether it's kenobi whether it's all these movies multiverse of madness i know that you guys are untalented losers so these just like these trailers they don't have any like you can't wow me i guess because i know you're trying to wow me but not in the sense you know i shook david copperfield's hand once i went to vegas and i went on stage and he did his big magic thing and it was i went there to be amazed that was the point there was no misunderstanding of what was going to happen right um and it was incredible i was legitimately impressed i and technically i guess he was it was he it's deception not not you know nudge nudge wink wink you know magic that sort of thing but these feel just like the scummy version of that you think you think marvel will not amaze you but yet will try and claim that they're definitely gonna if mar if any of these i will leave the door open to the possibility that some of these products will amaze me however not in the way that i wish to be amazed wait some people saying like they should link the stream live before it happens more often did i do that i didn't mean to do that i never do that i always just go live i don't recall you did that we usually like a couple people have said like oh it was nice to see that you put the link out first it's like i didn't i didn't think i did yeah i did i didn't mean to i'm afraid um i'm sorry we just that's just not how we roll you know we just go boom talking about something you you are you in or are you out that we gobbling you okay that's what that's called officially uh i loved it when um green goblin stood up and said it's goblin time i remember that yeah that's what i thought was my favorite part i was i was shown i witnessed a clip this morning thanks to fringy actually of matt smith at some kind of comic-con thing probably the sdcc one right and then and then this kid just just comes up and he's like um mr smith yeah he's like it's morphing time this is like oh okay it shows that the stream is wait but we're live it says 255 waiting yeah wait what playback kind of it shows the right thumbnail what's going on i'm not actually playing like i yeah i was i was wondering i i didn't say anything because i figured you guys were talking it's like oh so the stream is working maybe it's a problem for me but no oh and ads playing now i'm very very very very confused i like the idea though that we've had chat there and i just assumed they were live but apparently they wouldn't well now that was missed now for all of the means in chat you've got an extra 10 minutes of gold when this gets re-uploaded to look forward to a good 250 people are privy to chatterings mostly mine that others will not get and i thought they were pretty good so yeah you take that and you cherish it that would be a race now wouldn't it forever all the stuff that was in that chat well i guess it'll be on our screen i thought that was good stuff it'll be on moolah it'll be saved i just realized because oh yeah on the re-upload do not you worry chat it will be saved oh yeah it'll be there hey how are you doing this channel if you want to get that we already should hello we said a bunch of things i don't know how much of it needs repeating but you know the the main point was just hi the three of us here are just going to chat about things things related point was welcome to hell yeah well because i saw loads of people being like they better cover the trailers and i was like we never covered well i guess we did well well you know in my head and i was like i guess we could there's a lot of them so we can make a whole episode out of this especially because there's loads of meta things to talk about with a lot of these subjects um the announcements and everything the the pipeline oh definitely yeah because you know to give people a set this is this is what we will be going through this is what i forced uh fringing rags to be aware of at least even though i'm pretty sure he was aware of them all anyway because you're a trailer person aren't you you watch them you're like i do watch trailers yeah we were kind of talking about the nature of trailers i do uh they are ads for the thing and they are meant to be like please check out thing out but at the same time they often are lies um and hype generators of our lives well because you'll have there's constructed in the way that especially after moon night and after um i wonder if there's something in particular that probably kenobi kenobi and moon night in particular stand out as oh you lied to me this isn't at all what you sort of maybe led us to believe this might be yeah it's um there's a there's a fine line right if you're making a trailer it's gonna be hard to create something that's two minutes long that is going to be a good representation of what the film is going to be you know like it's um it's kind of tough you're translating two to you know depending on the tv show like six hours of content into two minutes maybe the key is to not try too hard which i feel like these trailers are crying they're probably very hard absolutely that like works and figures out exactly like the pacing and the timing and like what music trailers were developed in a laboratory probably probably and and i mean i i i probably would develop them in a laboratory if i was like dealing with this level of money yeah if you were only invested in money and not in like creativity you know the narrative direct yeah however um i guess with all that said we could go what i was going down the list or we could yeah whatever what we've got for you today chad we're going to talk about uh she hulk attorney at law right that's woohoo black panther whacka nada forever and then i am groot and then actually there's there's someone else there's a few other little little surprises along the way probably um chasm all right people been people talking about that chasm uh black adam rhyming there kind of when you when you pronounce it all wrong um uh we're gonna we're gonna let everyone know you know current up-to-date thoughts on the ol andor because that's actually on its way out i mean it's close anyway and then of course uh the ranks of power and uh house the dragon and dungeons are dragons which to me is kind of interesting as a little triplet this like oh look at fantasy look at this it's okay in terms of funding i guess um wasn't sandman another thing like that's kind of like a big deal uh i guess so i got no context for sandman really at all so i just uh i was curious if like yeah if i didn't really have oh and then john wickful that's that's the idea we got right you know and that's uh yeah quite a list so um what i'll do because these trailers are a bit mean and they don't let you uh or at least you know i could show them on screen but in the form of pausing uh because we're going to be careful right with copytisms yeah i want to be able to maintain this stream yeah we are you know we had some dramatic news we're coming to the end of phase four and we all saw it coming because storyline wise it really does kind of make sense to wrap up here you know fall love and thunder you saw that and you're like oh yeah this is sort of the end of a phase isn't it um is that wait is it is that the time the end is uh wakanda forever is the last one in phase four when i'm pretty sure before like last week phase four went up to fantastic four they've changed their minds like that's what's happened they've changed their minds it's a completeness they changed like after the fact they've created new phases like now and a new saga or whatever maybe because like facebook because the focus testing group got back to them they looked through the data and they re-analyzed the human expressions and money potential and they decided all right so actually what we're going to do is we're going to do this and that's why they did it and there's probably very little other reason oh it's a course correction i think yeah i think it's um i think they know that the response to phase four has not been that great um so they're they're kind of doing of course correct i wonder if they've gotten a little bit i don't think what if they get a little bit frustrated because they're like wait why does everyone like praise this [ __ ] when it comes out but then everyone's saying that it sucks overall it doesn't make sense because they have no ability to understand how like maybe art works or actual emotions work kind of well i mean that's our theory right like none of this uh it has any staying power it all just gets flushed out straight away yeah pretty much but like it's made now to be discarded once it's it oh it did its thing we could move on it doesn't have any lasting legacy there's no maybe it's best that people just stop talking about it after it's made us the money and we just move on the less people remember it the less we have to worry about because when you look back it's like everyone's just unequivocally everyone's pretty much on board saying phase two was easily better than phase four and like oh i wonder sometimes oh i wonder sometimes how much people remember what's even in phase two and i don't mean that to say that the the stuff is bad but just literally do you remember the story of phase two if one was to call it that um i think a lot of people might be like uh it's the one it's uh which one was that that was i got to age of ultron dude i could picture them saying well it's iron man 2 it's uh you'd be like no no that's not right buddy try again and yeah and then i could see them being like oh well ant-man right that face and then people go who technically yeah oh yeah can we actually highlight the fact that ant-man is about to get his third movie and uh let's just say there are other superheroes in the landscape right now who uh who aren't doing as good they cut not like we don't we don't even talk about superman that's what it feels like for water brothers right now yeah it's it's and i mean even in that landscape right you're gonna get a second shazam movie before you even get like another superman film and you're gonna have three movies in what you could call the pocket universe of shazam like because that's what black adam is right like it's an extension he is he's like shazam's main enemy so yeah that's insane like shazam has just been reliable for them probably and they're just like well just keep going i guess he's like the ant-man of the dc side didn't he what do you mean by that that they asked what you actually did mean by that this this franchise is just going on while they're trying to figure everything out they're just like oh well and then we just like take a wider view and it's like [ __ ] there's a lot of that compared to everything else it's um i'm not sure like how they make their choices when it comes to cause like they're making a blue beetle movie and like that could be cool but i don't know how many people know who blue beetle is you know like it's like they've they're making movies relatively obscure characters meanwhile like uh a lot of the their main heroes are just kind of languishing it's it's really um odd i don't think it's like bad necessarily no you know whatever works works but like it's just bizarre because these are supposed to be like home runs you know like you get a superman movie out and you're fine but then they gave it to somebody who uh you know like it's yeah i don't know like it's it's so it's so bizarre the structure of the dceu is like non-existent that i mean this implying that the mcu's got a really sound structure you know informing like the stories that they're telling is this the most united united universe that i've ever seen really it's just everyone's just putting their own things out there with no level of i guess they just don't have anyone who says no you can't do that i get yeah i guess that's the problem no one says no well it seems like kevin feige is the one who makes the decisions on that but i don't think kevin feige is really a storyteller like he's a producer no sorry i click because a producer can be a storyteller in his case i think that his approach is that he has high concepts or like characters and projects that he'll line up but as for like any story overarching or even like getting into the real intricate details of any given film like i don't think he's i don't know how does he come up with those ideas well he probably is too busy and it's not like it's not necessarily his job to do that but it should be somebody's job and i feel like there's nobody doing that there's no one guy that you go to who knows where everybody is at every point in time and what stories are happening who like you ask hey can i do this and then he says yes or no not based on what will make lots of money but based on the integrity yes everyone together does this build a lasting legacy for our company that is more than just a number well yeah well it's funny to compare them as well because we think marvel is an incoherent mess but at the same time they can pretend like everything is lined up well dc i don't even know that they can do that they're just like i don't even think they're trying to anymore the power of apathy you just don't have to you throw in a reference every once in a while just say like the book of ashanti and everyone's some people be like oh yeah see it's a cinematic universe they're wrenching the thing doesn't even make sense like why would you say that we'll get this yeah why would he even say that anyway like surely he understands what she means for this this is just we'll get to all of it it's going to be great but i yeah the the state uh the current state i think it's a lot more um apparent at this point that there's this panicking going on than um would have been previously realized because i think a lot of people will watch these shows like the disney plus ones and just be like man a marvelous just they just know what they're doing everything's great yeah some people but like having knowledge like no way home was originally supposed to come out before multiverse of madness which would [ __ ] everything up in terms of what everything happened like how everything goes down and what everyone has to say about everything in all of this like you just be like that already the fact that guardians 3 was supposed to be before both of them right or close to it well i i think guardians was never like on their timeline but i think it would be safe to say that guardians 3 would be out by now it should have been phase 4 yeah yeah like the suicide squad got made when that would have been guardians three pretty much so yeah it's safe to say that that would have been made by now and like the only conclusion anyone's reaching is like wait did you just cut off phase four you just like [ __ ] it and yeah they absolutely they absolutely did like phase four used to extend beyond uh wakanda forever it used to include up to yeah it seems like that they would like to try and be like phase four is the phase between arc phase arcs if you will but it's not it's part of this arc they're saying it's part of the multiverse sagas so they're even admitting like it's part of this this arc i mean you're right face phase four is like what is the overarching story of phase four like phase one is always so avengers well they just have nothing to do with each other really if someone would be like oh it's laying the groundwork for the multiverse it's like did chongqing like what was shongxi about with relation to that it was just kind of like its own thing hey the rings are centered you know i have a message the rings are sending a message oh yeah that's that's right at the end of the film the legend of the ten rings will be revealed in the next film like whenever we learn what the ten rings are in that film mark brown level how could you do it tonight had nothing to do with any anything like moon knight was and that's i guess that's fine you can have story i mean like look at comic books right not all comic book stories are like leading some crazy multiverse you have like individual stories but the problem is that the stories that are seemingly meant to be leading to something i don't i don't see the direction really i just don't see it because there probably wasn't one they're like figuring it out which is why it seems like it's like get excited for phase five which is just may have meant something at some point but at this point just seems like an arbitrary line you drew where it could have been anywhere um because nobody knows what the hell's going on in this phase nor do the people writing it which by the way if you guys remember it wasn't long after black widow came out that we got like more and more information on how it was made and i wasn't that was it 13 days the script was made in or something like that something like that some abnormally short time it shows well yeah i was going to say information has now been confirmed at least on on multiverse awareness that uh waldron was brought in to replace the writer oh yeah uh michael waldron's a writer so he was brought in to replace uh someone very arbitrarily and quickly like they apparently called him they're just like can you do it if you can do it do it his job was to make a script multiverse a madness that like he was just completely divorced from whatever they had working for them at the time which is all stuff you can find as well the original story that they were gonna do which involved you know mordo from the first film a lot more it ended with scarlet witch becoming evil um it was about nightmare and uh schumacher they were like the main baddies and it was still gonna i think the american chavez are still supposed to be introduced in it but you know it's just a very very different film he was brought in and uh the first two weeks he spends right in the film third week they're just like we're doing it we're starting it up and they start filming so he's still not finished but you know they are and apparently like not long into it could even be days or maybe weeks uh covet hits and so they have to stop and they stop in the sense of it's scrapped like the entire thing is just gone um and so like up to this point when you when you're learning about this you're like two weeks you know 14 days before they start filming not great not great at all but then you find out worse than that that the project was scrapped and then he was contacted to say that they managed to find a way you know to deal with filming with covid and so they starting up and it's like oh well you know we need a script it's just like go and he's the the point i'm trying to make is that he was writing it like from the moment they were filming it um and and the the funny quote you can get about this is uh you have him saying when they got to the illuminati that he has no idea what's going to happen next beyond act two in the film he just doesn't have any [ __ ] clue what's happening the [ __ ] writer that's a great sign when the writer doesn't even know where the story is going while they're making it oh they're actively producing it yeah um and this is quote from him where he says uh ultimately it's just a matter of me not knowing what to do with the script which that's bad considering that you need to make a script that's not the kind of thing you want to hear from your writer like especially is so low in the list of priorities it really is and this is not how you make films i'm i'm sorry this is not how you make movies like fallout mission impossible fallout was this strange anomaly that like managed to come together while they didn't fully know what that story was going to be like for every missionary possible well they yeah of course and i'm sure that there was much more priority on the storytelling anyway while they were trying to figure it out whereas here it's like yeah i don't know you can't this is not especially when you're trying to write something that's meant to be setting up future films and stories like come on you can't make films like that so wasn't you guys i think it's interesting too is you said 13 days to write the script for black widow right yeah we hear that we're like holy [ __ ] that's like really really short and another part of me is like well if you took you and maybe a few other people who were talented and locked them in a room for 13 days and they focused 100 on writing out a script and double checking and everything you think man you could probably come up with an amazing story if you really spent that time and you had the talent and you just totally focused 13 days is a long time to work on a project you know i would want a lot more than that but sure yeah like there are plenty of writers out there who i think are reliable enough to be able to actually pull that off and i think that's why this has ended up this way there are people like industry veterans that probably can churn out like a decent story in that amount of time and then they're just like we need everything to be done the quickest way possible and i think other like production elements i don't know they get respected to to have more time while writing is like you know to be fair writing can just be done on the fly can't it and then the writer is like yeah i guess so people will buy it anyway the the story the writing is the story no yeah it's insane because uh you know they'll they'll know like oh if we're filming in a city escape we need like all the the props to be given the time to set up we need time to get there we need this that like all these things are concrete while like i i genuinely think some people are probably like you know uh three weeks zero weeks what's the difference just you know make a story whatever they say stuff that goes thing as long as it looks good so chop chop with those props get on with assuming we use drops a lot of it will be cgi because we can't put like a paper boat down a stream we have to cgi that there's a there's a lot of that uh that just it's depressing to think about but even then there's probably stuff we don't know about about how like they they're told as you know props and sfx people that you need to do xyz uh and then they're just like how do we do that we don't have the time or resources to be able to do and it's just like well then tell the cg people to do it or something like that go down to the dungeon go down to the cgi dungeon go and tell them that to add something else to their list before we free them i open the door to the dungeon and out of pure instinct one of them tries to run away up and falls to the ground it's just like i'm imagining in my have you guys seen the road yes yeah you probably know what i'm thinking about um that's the cgi editing dungeon at disney where he's like well did you you know did you put the you know thing on the thing and do this and do that yes please we worked all night please food rations we need sustenance of some kind i think there's another aspect when the show's done when you have like a group of people making a set it's all very physical everyone gets to see it at the time like the actors appreciated the director will appreciate that they will be seen doing it sort of thing meanwhile like a cg guy is just in a literal dungeon on a computer and so he could be there for like a million years he could come out they'll be like oh hey you know larry and he's like were you yeah like anybody even though he's got like the beard what year is it sort of thing and then they'll look at his work and they'll be like i don't know some thousands of guys probably did that please let my family go such a [ __ ] the mouse goes oh no you have to make she-hulk and that's going to be another thing that they're going to try and move around uh you know the the the the as the next phase comes in because it's all very it like it feels like it all reacts to current time stuff and so they'll just be like how do we solve this problem of looking like [ __ ] and it's like maybe don't stress the cg artists so and then we're like no no i mean like an answer that we can actually do like well less cg intensive projects and those be like no no i mean an answer we can actually do well yeah cause i mean she-hulk conceptually seems like it was probably never like you know what i mean you you need a full cg character who looks pretty human-like for like three or four hours and you need to do that in like a year it's it seems like conceptually it was probably not the best idea um or maybe not conceptually but just from a production standpoint maybe like it needs to be a movie the whole the whole thing because i guess we could maybe i don't know if we'll segue that into it because it's her first movie but i presume that that's what we're doing let's do this the concept being that this is a character who's supposed to be blending in with the real world so to speak and yet every time i look at her i just don't believe you already that's a really tough i think it's i think it's a mixed bag there are some shots where it looks all right and then there are some shots where it looks real wonky i'm not sure if um i can understand saying that but at the same time i wonder if it's just the wonky ones that make the fine ones look better because of the fact that they're less wonky like ultimately um if it were all the best shots what would i say and i feel like i'd still say like this looks a bit awkward and drank um yeah i think um well so something that i think often betrays like you know cgi's animation like when something looks it's usually that everything looks a little too floaty i think that's usually the problem more so than something looking too weighty or anything yeah you got that really unconvincing not because of like the texture work or anything but just because the characters not moving in a way that feels right the layers don't quite move together the just a little bit jank you know a little bit unnatural like oh the the this like in the last episode of kenobi you had the little little critter and it had the pack on it and the pack and the critter were not moving at the same like trajectory and yeah it was like two layers that didn't quite match each other and i'm like oh that's like and i could see that being a nightmare level of work that some [ __ ] suit was probably like get that done in the afternoon yeah and it's like this is not something i can do in that amount of time it's like oh come on dude 189 you have six and then he goes to talk to the next person they would definitely do that meme yeah the villains always do that me something that i found interesting is that um a lot of people have referenced corridor digital talked about it and were sort of running through they're like okay so like there's youtube compression that makes it look worse which is true and um oh well you know like because he's like uh um you look at hulk he doesn't look as much like a human so it's less likely to slip into the uncanny valley he's got like more visible textures that kind of make it feel more tangible like stubble and and wrinkles and stuff like that where she doesn't think it's like all of these are like fine points to bring up for why it doesn't work but it doesn't address the fact that people have an instinctually negative reaction at least a decent amount of people have had an instinctually like you you can't really rationalize that away you know i would imagine that in some cases youtube compression might help you because if it sort of makes everything look a bit worse it sort of tends like it's probably harder to spot bad cgi if you're watching a video at 144p 4k that's true yeah yeah well yeah it's it's um someone in chat said they're basically saying you're wrong to find uncanny i don't think there no that i think the way that i would explain it is they're explaining why it's uncanny but it doesn't rectify the fact that it is for a lot of people like it does it doesn't help um you're kind of like explaining because like you're you're explaining why it's not working without really providing an alternative of it working and and you chose to do this like that's the important part of the conversation you chose to make this show you chose to take on something else you could have well you could have done something with you know i guess you could have done you're a disney you could have done anything else um never before has a company been more able to do anything else well if anybody could do it it would be disney but yeah yeah but maybe maybe it's just like a challenge that like the show wouldn't need like an extra year like in post-production to really yeah i don't know it's it's interesting it wasn't a great idea but genuinely from disney standpoint is that even worth it like what would it do and it's like it'll make everyone say that she looks a lot better it's like [ __ ] just throw it out well yeah because enough people are gonna watch it anyway and then that's where the benefit of people forgetting actually works like is it like you know that this can be watched it can maybe provide some extra subscribers i don't even know if that will be a thing but whatever um and then you know give it a a few months and people would be like well would she hulk about again and you'd be like [Music] yeah because uh this is the thing before we even get into what the trailer has in it uh the worry with this was immediately like man g-hulk already huh haven't we got like some hulk stories to tell anymore i guess now well my first uh you say that my first note about she-hulk attorney at law is hulk teaching she-hulk about being green and living that way could be interesting but we'll probably get 10 minutes of that and then we rush off to plot stuff um i would i would wager that it's like a flashback episode like it'll be it'll be an episode and he won't be in it much like he'll be in that episode maybe he'll pop up every now and then and oh yeah i don't thought they're going to be sparing with him showing up just because i think the costs probably it's probably expensive yeah exactly and to be honest i'm surprised we even got a hulk i'm surprised they didn't just done with the using mark ruffalo um well yeah right because that's again you've you've accepted another cast here because you've got to do that too to just give you an idea right like at the end of shanghai because i know i can't remember if we we did talk about this thing when we covered the film right the mark ruffalo shows up yeah he shows up as non-hulk which is like kind of like wait what i thought um and so do hopefully this show will make it clear what the [ __ ] is going on like because i thought the whole idea was he comboed and he's permanently professor hulk but i guess not i figured but no you can just have the best of both worlds which by the way yeah like this was my primary issue when i saw this was like oh man we've just we've just given up on making hulk banner like this difficult subject because even ragnarok seemed to keep it going to some degree try to add some fun yeah it's it's the cool part of the concept of hulk the docile scientists who like if if anything goes a little too wrong everybody around him is in great danger it's um it's it's it's like that's just really potent for storytelling yeah and they just kind of like gave it up they got rid of it it's like making a story about dr jekyll and mr hyde and then he's like hi i'm i'm doctor and i'm just things are i i figured it out yeah i figured it out yeah oh cool yeah and you're like oh so what do we have left for you you know it's like i guess you're still part of the team i know friends about it do you know about it rags the cut scene from infinity war to actually bring all of like actually explain this uh at least professor holly i don't think so he's fighting fighting um giant monster guy which they do in the film and then they have like a conversation where they basically agree to like live and let live like actually work together when you watch infinity war it makes it makes a lot more sense that that was in there basically because like it feels like this is the payoff we're waiting for that um you'll become hulk inside veronica and so it's like this armored hulk at least temporarily which would be really cool visually but um actually what happened was that one of the producers were like yeah but it would be better for marketing like if we have this wouldn't it be cool if it was a surprising end game it's like yeah that is cool that's how we tell stories that's how we make these decisions really weirdly something i've noticed in these interviews like apparently recently audiences that will transmit into well money over screens give you example rags like apparent the russo brothers said that john favreau apparently was like opposed to tony dying in end game and said like oh you can't do that that'll like devastate people it's like well that's because that's john favreau and he's a fool sure like john favreau is one of the most like he he he has a lot of big high profile like pro yeah he makes a [ __ ] sort of money for these corporations absolutely but like the way that they make these decisions is so odd like it's so not rooted in in thinking about like what makes sense narratively so yeah so little of it is not meta yeah exactly um yeah and as for speaking john favreau i was just gonna say real quick like i think if you rewound enough years his reputation is top-notch it is like going down the tubes with uh i would yeah yms covering lion king is making it impossibly difficult not to be like incredibly hypocritical both seasons of yeah i was going to say like obviously anybody who watches efap's coverage of mando we are dramatically unimpressed with anybody who wrote on that show and is proud of that show i'm pretty sure you had like some level of a hand in boba fett right i think so i think he was executive producer and uh yeah so you know having made iron man and um some other fun stuff only goes so far especially because that that old adage you're only good as your latest stuff right something like that yeah um yeah he was vaguely familiar with it something like that it was an exa book above effect was created by john fabro he was one of the executive producers yeah around uh dave filoni robert rodriguez kathleen kennedy and colin wilson hey kathleen here's your explanation for why it's [ __ ] well yeah and you know if if now they say like oh uh you know this next project doesn't matter what it is is helmed entirely written directed by john favre i'd be like okay so it's gonna be bad i don't i'd like to believe he's still capable of pushing out something because like uh you watch the production of iron man that is one passionate artist trying to make something work i don't know if at this point you sort of just going with the motions what happened to you yeah because like it's really it may sound harsh but just watching the behind the scenes for the lion king seriously what happened to him um what a shame but you know anyway so the uh this is coming back to the hulk this is what i was annoyed at i was i was like all of that struggle because i think avengers really [ __ ] set the bar to be too high that no other like i think that's a the hulk's best film the fact that there's the whole expression for sure we bring him in as being terrifying in the scene with black widow but the he reveals to us almost like i've got all this fully under control you really think i don't like i've been doing this for a bazillion years and i enjoy the fact that you're all lying to me all the time like you all treat me via x-way try and make it sound like someone else be just like you know you're all judging me you're all on eggshells around me all the time it was one of the reasons why you like hanging out with tony so much he's like the first person who treated him like a normal person and as the film progresses everyone does have the shifty eyes here and there and as the audience i think you're even sort of just like he is the hulk so yeah they're probably gonna do that pay off at some point and then everyone like is fighting you got the influence from the mind stone and it starts to uh the stress levels are pushed up and up and up and then the place gets hit with the explosive and he's like struggling on the floor while his skin is starting to go green you're like oh [ __ ] and they make that a horror scene well yeah while black widow is like trapped under debris as well and he's just rage it's not like he wants to kill her personally he's just angry which is the hulk uh you know i don't i don't mean that to appeal to a source i just mean that that's what we've the sport's been set in the mcu at that point even you know considering the incredible hulk as a film um and yeah and then you know it's it's about that film just says as long as we direct his rage vaguely he can be incredibly beneficial it's like good that's a good start now where are we going and that feels like the last time we had a really coherent sort of uh storyline for him yeah and i think um i think we mentioned it before but um i think edward norton would have fought harder for hulk yeah he would have fought harder for that character to be like more of a presence whereas what happened was he essentially just became like a secondary character yeah he's the off forgotten avenger yeah no i think even endgame kind of like admitted that when they have their shot of thor iron man and cap it's like there was another one guys yeah it was hulk was part of it too but i guess like i guess mark ruffalo's like chill with it he's just goes like and that's that's fine i guess for like in terms of like he doesn't you know it's just lame that hulk kind of there's so many great stories that you can tell with that character and i kind of get the sense that this is probably the end for him oh yeah there's people who are saying that he's gonna die in this show i don't think he's gonna die i feel like he's gonna die i didn't think she'll kind of take over i would i would expect him to get farmed for what he's doing right now which is that he just shows up and people go ooh hulk that's it yeah he's more of a plot device than a character and he's sort of been that way for a couple movies you know how this trailer literally starts with him going like i'm gonna scare you to wake up you feel the dirty feelings of rage i'm just like man we really did make it a joke didn't we like well seriously at look all right i am glad sometimes on twitter i saw her on twitter uh like 100 000 plus likes on a tweet that was just pointing out how categorically downgraded hulk has been yeah where he was i mean and we were all just getting done talking about how thor's been categorically [ __ ] completely it's just nice that people have recognized at least hulk it's like what happened to you well it's kind of funny if you look at them right like which is worse right now who's in a worse state hulk or thor would you say i thought hulk is just like thin the thor is damaged wow all right hulk has been hulk has been able to sort of come out on top in this partially because of a lack of screen time which is it seems to be amazing it's a blessing in disguise yeah yeah whereas thor has just been completely he already had a pretty tumultuous path and then love and thunder hits and you're just like there's just you're just a shell of a thing of a creature it's like what even are you well yeah how do you say that they've repeated as well i always felt they would do that because like you want a lasting thing from the snaps so it means something forever but at the same time they want their hulk back so exactly yeah we don't want him with a you know bad arm [ __ ] that it's like i assumed it would just get better eventually i don't know i i thought it might i thought i thought it would be scarred permanently it would always have like that market i would settle for that eventually yeah that's what i assume they're going for we've abandoned that it's abandoned yeah yeah maybe they forgot endgame happened well because if you don't for if you don't know uh rags because i've seen screenshots of it so i guess it's confirmed at this point but uh they get into a car crash he hits his head uh as banner and he starts bleeding she's got a cut on her arm his head like rests on her arm temporarily his blood goes into her blood she becomes she-hulk that's how that's how it works i think uh in the comics it was an emergency blood transfusion because she got into a car crash and like that was the only thing they could do to save her life which i think is more interesting as a choice like in order to save your life i'm going to commit you in a sense to like this which you might yeah i i take issues slightly right with both for the wider implications you know bruce has to choose give her a blood transfusion now to save her but you don't know what that's going to do to her uh or let it die like i think that's way more interesting um how does hulk bleed so is banner yeah but i banno shot himself in the mouth and the other guy spit it out so this is a problem well there's a couple of problems like first of all why is he banner and not hulk i wonder if they'll explain that secondly does the hulk can the hulk come back out and if not like so he was just easy could have died there i guess but then the hulk is back here so i don't know how anything is even aware of their flashback when they just and they know each other from that i got no clue uh exactly what what they're planning obviously it doesn't necessarily not make any sense at all yet but we end up saying that a lot when we watch these trailers um but also just that if giving even a bit of your blood to someone can make them a hulk quote unquote which uh this show was confirmed but i wish it hadn't the it just makes you bigger stronger faster more durable more endurance but it makes you green i think there's plenty of people on earth will be like yeah i'll take it well it's kind of the um because from what i understand kind of like the shtick with she-hulk is that she likes being like a hulk yeah like she finds it really cool and empowering and the thing is is as presented here like yeah it's it seems like a categorical improvement like you can just on a whim become like stronger and and faster and like yeah it seems like that whereas in the case of hulk traditionally it's like well it's kind of like a curse really a horrible horrible case that it's not you like it's it's used to be treated yeah yeah it was treated with a lot of like fear and like oh [ __ ] like this is really bad it was which means why they start off the trailer with a joke so this was fringing just brought up like there is a line that joss whedon put into avengers where bruce admits to trying to kill himself because of this yeah that's not a joke like this that's like oh [ __ ] yeah and he tried to help other people he was good until you dragged me back into the spring oh god best hulk movie ever and it'll never be that way again not fair um and yeah so like that that's all gone and it has greater implications when you remove that because why hasn't uh bruce looked into this if it can do this yeah he's a scientist like well this is this is like character crap that gets in the way of a story that we want to tell them because yeah uh this is all gonna be fun and games but it's like dude you're holding on to what could be the greatest cure for everything ever i don't know what it means to be a hulk exactly but it does seem as though it's hoarding that well look around you the [ __ ] if everyone knew that doctor strange had access at one point to a book that could do anything for anyone ever and then thor is like oh yeah eternity he's like no what no what's that and he's like oh uh nothing nothing at all it was just a crazy fever dream and i don't even know if it really happened do you guys know jade was a thought i need that scene where everyone comes to the schwarma place and just talks about absolute insane antics they've been on just like what have you been up to is like you know wanda she [ __ ] tried to kill everything like everything everything you know i wanted kids because like shanghai is there and he's like you guys are not gonna be able to beat my story i've got like this giant ghostly demon creature from another dimension and then the other person's like yeah well you know whole multiverse so does your story really beat mine and he's like i guess not yeah okay i have got some notes for she-hulk here we i guess maybe if we're going to go through these these ended up being in sort of chronological order but yeah if we need commentary i've i've got uh some stuff because we we're talking about hulk and his slide into irrelevancy yeah and because my second note is she's just going to be better than him in every way she's more agile very much she's just better than him all the tests he gives her nails yeah he's jealous that she nails the entire test instantly and he's even sad because it means he can't spend more time with her which is just like oh but that's character crap that gets in the way of the story we want to tell well yeah imagine he was more of a ruthless trainer like he was like this is no [ __ ] joke like you you have the kind of power that if used improperly can hurt people and like you know that it worked out for me basically because of miracles sequentially this is nothing to take lightly this is not a joke that we start the show trailer with this is very serious that's why we're on this deserted island or whatever so that if you hulk out you don't kill anyone it would seem that the tone for this show was like very common well yeah like because he's like are you feeling any rage and she's like no normal rage it's like he even though one of the times where you were forced to rage out you killed a bunch of people uh yeah i guess he's just gotten over that yeah we everyone seems like they don't age of ultron is a bad movie but that is a pretty good part of that movie is a good part of that movie because you remember when bad movies used to have good things in them yeah i remember that that was not that was nice um the third note i have is that breaking the fourth wall and acknowledging it is really odd she does that in the comics so i'm assuming they're gonna try and bring it to the screen i don't know how well this is going to work out well it doesn't happen again in the trailer i don't think it does it does once it does yeah yeah okay okay um i'm i'm imagining it's probably going to happen pretty often actually um that seems true which is well it i mean yes it's it's it's it's neutral it's it's nothing like it's it could be good or bad depending on how you use these tools because like yeah you know uh is basically doing it in um house of cards that was uh a really cool flourish because uh i think people would contextualize it as he's he like he is breaking the fourth wall in the sense that he believes he has an audience and he's talking to it but a lot of the time it can just be interpreted as he wants to it's like a personal journal in a sense um because i get the impression that this is gonna again look all right yeah she-hulk did it first there's that's the acknowledgement that it seems like you have to make sure so that nobody thinks that you're saying that they stole it from deadpool um deadpool the film did come out before this show and it's like the film that was making fun of superhero films um and i think deadpool has the advantage of it wasn't actually part of like the mcu this is so it's like you're kind of poking fun at something that you're a part of and like partly propagating you know yeah like when deadpool's making fun of superhero films it's kind of like amusing in that film because it's like so much clearly like this film exists in reaction to like the trends of superhero stuff whereas this is like the marvel thing another marvel thing for a service that they want you to subscribe to so like i'm not sure how much the meta will like aid in these fourth war breaks but i guess we'll have to see and i will admit this is unfair but like ryan reynolds has been almost doing it well before even deadpool i don't mean the character devil i even mean like what feels like fourth wall breaks like he's constantly meta-referencing it's what people get pissed off by as well with him but i don't know yeah exactly wade wilson as a character and uh the stuff that he did it all felt like it fit a lot more than what i think this might do but i'll happily give it a shot you know let's see what they can do with that exactly yeah it might not be terrible um yeah i i was kind of thrown by the the quote being a hulk asks for balance just the i guess we've already skipped to the idea that a hulk is a thing as opposed to a little bit a little it's not it's not as bad as thought at all like i i can understand why this could this could happen a lot more easily but um because it's like a genetic thing that happens and then you go green and strong and it's like because yeah did they give a reason for why he was cold hulk in uh in the original film sorry i don't know well i cannot remember yeah either way just because he's talking right like he's a hulking mass right yeah like this you can kind of infer why that would have happened it just you know i i would have been curious just because like it's um [Music] a hulk you know just it just feels so casual and just like wait can are we at the point where we think that maybe we could create more of them uh i don't know i guess i guess the category seems to follow at this point now i i it makes more sense to me that hulk would be a category compared to thor like thor is a guy's name whereas like i don't think is that he's been going by hulk as the name of his alter ego big green guy for so long and the second this happens like you are a hulk as opposed to you have you know that's where his brain would go first as opposed to you have because she's not even you know she's not even huge if you know what i mean she's she's big in the same way someone would say that there's a darkness inside of you or something like that that's fine uh yeah my next note is uh that i i wonder how i guess you go ahead and you finish the well uh because the the nature of the trailer right like we were talking about how it's it seems like we we don't know if it'll be a flight it's kind of reminds me of uh boba fett we were trying to we were trying to figure out will it be a flashback or the opening of an episode that he escapes the sarlacc pit will they not show it at all i think we opted that we would i can't remember what we said we would do but um i can't remember this what we said we'd do yeah this show it could be that it starts that she's doing lawyer stuff and then it's like how did this all happen and then we go do [Music] this is gonna be a show about a lawyer in the mcu that's like there's a lot and seemingly specifically oriented around superhero related like law cases that's a great idea and i have no confidence that they're going to experience interesting aspects of it my next pair of notes back to back i imagine there will be very little actual legal stuff in this show instead yeah it'll be bad cgi in action scenes and yeah so because a lot of people are saying dead evil so the thing with dead evil is that usually what is more so a thing with him is how does his secret identity how does his like superhero stuff how does that like factor into whatever he's like working on right now as a case so like it's a little bit different i guess in terms of the exploration here it's more so like what are the legal implications of like superheroes um i've said it a few times because i think it's a clear example of this what if you had a case where a guy killed someone and he claims it was in self-defense but he's got like super soldier serum in him so it's like well what what does reasonable fear for your life mean if like you're super duper strong like how do we how do we how do we um make determinations about like your like your intentions what you could reasonably do or uh or what you reasonably thought if like you're not quite a normal person like there's something really cool there that you could explore um i don't think they will i don't think they'll they'll explore like the interesting legal ramifications that may come from like just normal things happening but like with superheroes and superhuman people um like involved i mean yeah because it uh you get a sense maybe for a moment like oh we doing world building it's like not really it's just like container for allowing she-hulk to happen you know she's an attorney at law that's going to be the thing and like they you know they show an example in the trailer she's probably doing a case for like five seconds with like actual lawyers speak they probably got one guy to just be like say this this and then you know suddenly an enemy bursts in the room and she has to beat them with her she-hulk powers like right yeah and i bet you they won't be like you know what i think we're gonna have to like restart this court case like we need to restart like we have to do it over again this is like a massive interruption you know if you want to um reference a little bit further on but like [ __ ] me the whole like the idea in this storyline that they've made seem like it's gonna be a big portion of it maybe it is that she'll be representing abomination uh yeah which she shouldn't be able to do no and they the but the show mentions it in the trailer and they just move past it that's a conflict of interest and they're just like oh yeah whatever it's like no not whatever that's a big deal but we don't care like it's all going to be just for jokes i don't know yeah it's not fair because like this this [ __ ] this is the kind of repercussions you should have had with the accords like as soon as anything like that was being done it's like oh this will have ripple effects and like th this is those little line where it's like you know more and more superheroes are showing up and it's just like wait is that how we're doing it now they're just they're just around [ __ ] it we're not gonna and like nobody seems to like care anymore like imagine if you were going into court and like the lawyer who's opposite you is like a superhero like you know what i mean like could you imagine if they're like you know what i feel like very intimidated like i don't like this um and then try and see like if that can help that's what i mean not exploring any like interesting aspects of like this character existing well maybe we will you know what maybe maybe maybe a couple little mentions of it here and there just sprinkled in without any actual work towards exploring them will probably be enough and then they'll be like yep we tackled that we have i mean the the next note i have is that there's a there's a part in the trailer where she says that there's a conflict of interest because like the oh sorry i guess you didn't hear that part where we talked about that yep are you [ __ ] with me nope we just talked about all of that damn it um but yeah lamp shading it would be the conclusion on that one which is not going to change [ __ ] about how badly made me he's not going to like that yeah i didn't it's really annoying like no it's fine he's just hand waving it's fine don't worry about it uh the i've got yeah we we sort of touched on it earlier i i'm kind of shocked that they referenced the book of is it vishanti or ashanti vishanti i'm kind of shocked they referenced the book of vishanti yeah doesn't even make sense like wong knows it's destroyed why would she be doing things by the book of the destroyed book she's probably never heard of and also she's a lawyer so of course she's talking about the law like what i was gonna say i would i would have talked to straight away that that's just a line that can't make any sense why are they treating wong like he's an alien who only knows about sorcery it's like you know he's a guy he's he lives yeah like this he's not stupid he's like oh yeah we do things by the book and he's like oh yes the book of fishanti a book that nobody could access and was recently destroyed forever why even make the joke and it's like well because there's because that's a that's that was in his movie book following on jokes she says no i mean the book of american laws like it's a really awkward quirky thing that she doesn't know how to call it surely in law school there's some sort of a code i was like she was so blindsided by such a stupid thing that like when she said we're doing things like she thought that he like understood that what she meant was doing things according to the law like yeah like this guy's dumb supreme's really stupid that's not good meant to be dumb at all like he's pretty smart yeah wong is always but he is in a marvel well except for that time when he like basically admitted to wonder that there was another like source for the dark old powers there's a lot of dumb [ __ ] he did in multiverse amanda's thinking about it yeah this is unless they reference it better is that true is this set during the wait that doesn't make that white how does that make sense though if this is if bruce had his arm in a sling yeah this is post end game because he's got this has to be the first end game yeah yeah um um i have no more notes for she-hulk attorney at law well i mean really do you not you have nothing to say about dead evil i i i don't know much about daredevil as a character i i assume that's him with the two sticks at the end but his involvement in this show i assume yeah of course i'm worried i'm worried about everything but they're doing for that character going forward um apparently his involvement in the show is not small either oh really yeah oh um i get some so like when when we we see him jumping in and he's he looks like he's wearing something that's approximating like the original yellow suit and when i see that and it's like yeah and you'll have the red suit in your show because merchandise oh my god like you just start thinking about the implications do you think that a blind superhero cares that much about the color of his shirt i guess i guess he probably would if it's to blend in and be dark oh i mean it's it's all it's all part of a look right yes it's all beautiful as well right like there's a lot behind it yeah yeah there's there's a lot informing it um but i guess like devil red daredevil red sort of makes you know yeah um um i'm sure charlie cox is just like woohoo dead devil's coming back like the problem is you're not being handled by the same people which i i i i'm pretty sure i imagine he's like aware of that i i um i guess the hope will be that even amidst like the the structure of the mc he'll be able to fight for that character i hope sorry man this shot she looks like she's been dragged in photoshop just extended up you know what i mean oh yeah i know what you mean it looks yeah it's just [Music] oh he looks great either rolling around wow he's doing some crazy jumps like i'm i'm not sure that he should be doing any crazy like ten foot high that again like he does like sort of swinging around with his um like his batons he uses them to like swing around stuff in the comics so maybe that's what they're doing can he beat her does he have any possible way of defeating her no no he's a normal guy like he's just a regular person no there's no way okay because so he he's normal except for his like super sense of yeah which is like the thing that he basically developed uh after he was blinded to help him see things but i mean there's downsides to that he can't see screens for instance it's like it's uh there are a lot of ways that it's an improvement but there are these sort of small like caveats as well because how as as uh frank miller said how many superheroes are defined by what they can't do daredevil is [ __ ] awesome and i so worry about what they've got to do with them i wonder if yeah i imagine so um it's gonna be anything significant or if they're just gonna try and keep it really low because they don't know what they're doing with daredevil yet probably that would be my guess that like you think they were testing the waters with them in spider-man [Music] um i think that they always knew that bringing him back would be like a smart idea um because it's it was the show that everybody liked like it was the netflix show that everybody liked um and dead evil is a relatively known character so like it was probably always inevitable but as for like an 18 episode television show i don't know that that was like you know what i mean like they might not have known and and so then you have like that writing style of just like you don't i don't know you don't know where it's going so i guess just take it easy but then again nobody really writes that way in the mcu so who knows what they're gonna do you know the whole like we're starting up a division you're gonna be the face of it i wonder if the as the plot goes on it'll be more of a she realizes it's not at all for her talents it's just a pr thing well i mean you'd figure that she would kind of clue that as a possibility straight away right she's like i just think that maybe that'll be a payoff right that she eventually wins a really difficult case and they're like you know what you are good at your job wow she is a good lawyer in that one like the scene in the trailer she has like a corner office which means that she's probably like doing quite well with that firm yeah theoretically it could be almost like a semi-symbolic sort of well you're the face of us here you go he's a nice office but she didn't do anything maybe she limits like oh i'm i'm trapped in this golden cage you know i just like one nice office i wonder if the ark will actually be like not as because even that feels like a little bit too much right i i wonder if the arc is as simple as i was self-conscious about being she-hulk but now i like being she-hulk like i wonder if it's gonna be that simple i'm almost certain that if i was gonna gamble that's probably what i would go with because that because i mean he's got parts in the trailer where she seems to be walking around kind of like nervously but then you've got like parts where she's going to these galas like getting a whole bunch of photos taken over and yeah i get the impression that that might be like the arc it seems like a very timely message you know like the the don't be ashamed of who you are and i think that disney will definitely lean into that and to the point where it'll be the primary aspect of you know you could i i guess i know that earlier i was saying that i think maybe like from a production standpoint the project wasn't super like feasible but as for the character i think that there's plenty you can do with the concept absolutely i i don't know that i find it as like innately interesting as hulk but i think that it's got a lot of potential especially yeah especially if you explore the legal aspects of like the marvel universe and how things would change based on superheroes yeah it's not it's not like a doom concept at all i think that you can do it not at all i i do think it will be a a world-building disaster though probably as pro and see things do um and we'll sort of get into this a little bit with another uh trailer that we watched but legal politics and office that sort of stuff you it's it really benefits greatly from being you being talented at it you know it's it's one of those it's really bad if it's done well and you have to put a lot of work into it and you know the legal system is complicated and there's a lot going on and you have a lot of competition and you will be compared to a lot of things so uh who knows yeah i just feel like they're sending them they're setting themselves up for doing something they can't handle much like another project that we will talk about as we get there oh yes another quote from from the trailer i thought was weird was um miss would like so wong says miss walters we we answer to a higher power i don't have no idea what he's talking about yeah and then he says no there's always some universe ending multiverse cataclysm it's kind of it's kind of boring i don't really care at this point um but yeah the higher power thing i assumed that he meant just like magic in general but like as he got he would have in less context than her for dealing with all of this right he's what's he gonna what's he gonna tell her like oh i don't know like you should i'm trying to envision what that scene could even be about i guess just be careful i don't know i i could imagine that that line might even be a trailer line it seems like his thing is with abomination like that's what wong is up to he's dealing with abomination stuff and so maybe he brings that case to her i don't know when he says the edge of a precipice he could be referring to just like public relations for uh i was about to say mutants uh special people yeah i don't know is this so many now the uh what are they referred to them as like eccentric superheroes or something enhanced individuals oh is that yeah okay um but yeah that's that's where we're at there's just stuff going on all over the place at all times i'm surprised the planet is still intact yeah at this point that there's even an economy like a functioning yeah yeah how can a civilization exist with all of these things happening in the but we're never gonna explore that and whenever could you imagine if one of the cases that she'd like imagine if there was a case or or something where like she hulk essentially there's like some hyper prejudice law that like gets evoked um that is like curtailing you know the rights of like people who've got superpowers and even like even like the most mundane of abilities but like that gives the government like this insane amount of power to like you know persecute uh like superhero people and then she's like no i don't like this like i'm gonna take this on and try and could you imagine if you explored like the real legal ramifications of like superheroes in there and or like imagine if she had a case that related to the accords could you imagine that that's never gonna happen we forgot about the accords very well it's funny we say we've got the blip has been forgotten so yeah it caused being forgotten i don't know someone lost their house or something because of shenanigans during the blip when they disappeared and she's trying to help them like get their home yeah the bank said oh you don't have any income in the last five years and they're like yeah yeah i just blocked away for five years and then they're like aren't you like isn't your brother falcon and she's okay it's just it would be cool if we did that but i get the impression will be a lot more shallow than that which is absolutely like i said they'll probably pay lip service to it a couple times and that'll be it that'll be enough and the important part would be it doesn't need to be shallow because it's a comedy that's a stupid way of thinking about it you can still be a comedy and meaningfully explore these topics yeah especially after you know we're off the heels of love and thunder and the comedy drama the failure to distinguish between the two and separate them it's kind of like ugh get away from well yeah so i guess doing another thing to say is uh um uh what what is what are you each feeling about even watching it at all if we end up watching it of course watch it with y'all but i don't personally care uh i don't have any particular interest in the show um daredevil is a reason why i want to see it i also want to see it out of curiosity just in general i don't know why there is one i guess we'll give it a look we'll give it a watch then in a sense this could end up being one of the less conventional shows that they make and that alone might be like hmm what does that look like when i i mean i say really but i don't know well i guess we'll we'll go through it oh my god they're getting longer now it's amazing oh i don't think half an hour each yeah they're like not that well i mean then again the hour-long ones often had episodes that were like 30 minutes so i don't even know what that means really i think it's like a half hour show so it might be shorter so i would say that out of all the trailers we're going to look at is the one that i had the most to say about you well so this is i think you're probably right yeah actually i was just speaking for myself i don't know you guys oh i was looking through my notes and it had the most uh sort of written out notes a lot of it we just naturally touched upon but i think that is yeah i think so i think you might be right beca well maybe maybe there'll be something to say about like black adam or shazam we'll see um next up is black panther wakanda forever which wakanda forever before we even knew anything about this film we knew it was having a real bad production time yeah certainly it's funny to say right i'm like the script was having just like really really a marvel a new marvel thing the script is having trouble it's like yeah i know right we're at the point where they're writing it for the first like lines of the script while filming is there anything worse than that like i don't know really film that's what i'm saying what happened with mom is the they had the three or two weeks which is three weeks which was shortened to two weeks and then it got scrapped and then they just had to write it as they were filming so so they essentially told the production team was told you're going to film here here and here and these sorts of scenes get started on those we'll write why this is happening here i think so i think that at this point they have pieces and then dialogue is mainly what the writer is supposed to do that's insane it really insane like they knew that they were going to have an illuminati battle but as for how they got there exactly yeah that out later which uh it's amusing to listen to them talk about like their fun fun ideas with the illuminati when like to this day people don't even know if they were supposed to be portrayed as good or evil which uh i think they were supposed to be good is just incompetent yep i think so so um as if you're gonna try and evoke like the the wisdom of charles xavier also being like no he's evil though nice so anyway yeah uh this what kind of forever this film broad strokes we assume it's its main goal is to try and you know move on from well appreciate but move on from the in-universe death of t'challa to charlo because they made the decision pretty much instantly they weren't going to recast him uh that was probably the correct move i don't know i think i i i i wonder um i wonder if there's because it's kind of like it's it's the difficulty of you may want to keep the character like keep the character around and keep telling stories with the character but at the same time i think i think i think with regards to the film anyway a lot of it is tethered to chadwick boseman and so like in that sense it's kind of like tr it's tricky i think i'm not sure what i would do if i was given the choice like whether to recast the character or um or have the character have the mantle moved on to like and then just sort of yeah i i don't know i'm not sure what i would do um the i guess the first thing we have to get out of the way of course if we don't like it we will be racist uh now we said that i think it's very strange that this trailer is i don't know it's an odd one it's an odd trailer but i think i think it's like it's it's kind of like the first half is more of a it's almost like a eulogy almost yeah i assume yeah a lot of it is probably scenes from the funeral that will probably be near the beginning of the plot line and then the second half is is kind of like oh but we this is still a trailer that needs to market like the like we can actually play pretty much shoving all the marketing stuff typically that you need yeah i would argue what this trailer benefits from is limited dialogue and so we get to absolutely i think we don't get dialogue like halfway through yeah and you know the she-hulk trailer a lot of the criticism comes from the dialogue it's like oh look at this tony or look at what they why would they say this or what does this mean but this trailer is more so we just get to think about what the events might be yeah well and i mean i guess in in in terms of like what those events might be this feels like another film that's gonna cause damage world building wise because oh there was an ancient civilization like underwater another one just never got involved in anything like oh i've got that on my notes i already since massive world building issues i wrote down i mean of course it's atlantis right places uh i think they've changed the name it's now named after like an aztec city because like it's it's much more like mesoamerican influence now than than i think it is in the comics which is kind i think that's cool i like it too i really think that uh there's a really cool aesthetic there yeah yeah that we don't see often and i do have a note saying people writing whales what is this avatar [ __ ] well it looked like uh neymar's throne was like megalodon jaws which is kind of cool yeah well so this is that like that's all i have for it right it's kind of cool visually but as for like any speculation i don't i don't know anything about neymar really or like atlantis and anything yeah in relation to what kinda it's all very um like this this could all just be anything i don't know what we're dealing with like yeah it's not very substantive um it's very much you know we're specifically trying to put out a vibe uh i guess it seems like the broad strokes is wakanda's going to go to war with uh i guess we'll just keep calling them atlanteans like until no exactly and meanwhile we'll be figuring out who's gonna take on the mantle and it's probably shuri though maybe that'll change now um it wouldn't surprise me if that changed now well what's the yeah because i thought it was we know because of matter of information right like what's gonna happen um i i well i don't think we know i think it's just that like there's a reason to believe that it i because i think this it's imbaku right winston duke that that that might be the guy though admittedly i always figured it made a bit more sense because i thought based on civil war that black panther and king were not the same thing right there was the king and then there was a black panther and in the case of t'challa it ended up that he was both and so like part of my thinking there was well so it could be anyone it's like what about lupita nuongo's like character she was like a fighter like she could be black panther and then maybe shuri takes on like the mantle of queen or something afterward right like another part of the confusion is the um how the succession works and and the trial by combat stuff like so yeah are we doing that again or are they gonna throw that out because it was crazy i don't think i don't think we're going to do that again um that was such a huge mistake like uh uh queen queen um uh uh angela bassett like that she's just gonna be the queen now like she will be the head of staff yeah i doubt she won a [ __ ] trial by combat to do so like i uh or that she'll be challenged yeah it's probably just yeah she's just a discussion you know exactly um but you know the end of this movie is probably going to be like a new uh leader and i wonder how they'll be picked is it just a political thing or is it more than that is it going to be they got to fight who knows that's the thing who knows exactly how they pick the leader and you know of course nameless one of like the oldest marvel characters isn't he he is one of the oldest i think i don't think he he predates aquaman am i he might i i'm pretty sure that he is like he's much older than like captain america and stuff i think gary said oh wait no sorry not captain america he's i think he is older than captain america though neymar is 1939 [ __ ] captain america was like 1940 wasn't he so he might actually be older yeah who's the first character first appearance was in 1941 yeah i was so it wasn't i think marvel because marvel like formed because there were different companies before and then then marvel came about so like it's hard i'm not sure i don't know everyone's saying uh he's older than aquaman wait neymar was the first really so literally the first ever marvel issue oh okay wow that's neat yeah it says that the human torch is popularly considered to be the first ever marvel superhero uh the first debut was in marvel comics number one 1939. it says that um it says that neymar debuted in that one i think okay so they're kind of joint are they or maybe yeah suppose which one was in the panel first i i think that probably yeah [Music] some of these notes are just observations that are odd um it's strange that we see someone wearing elephant tusks as earrings uh that just strikes me as an odd thing uh it is weird it's i'm i'll i'll just say this it's weird to see an umbilical cord in a disney trailer yeah i mean you know it's probably allowed by the senses i it seems odd what's the i have a feeling that yeah it's the i don't know if you know the answer is what's the dealio with with neymar is he because like the he's an anti-hero i think i don't mean that i meant like species because there's like the blue people but i'm guessing the blue people a lot i think i'm the worst i think he's a mutant right isn't neymar a mutant i don't know i think i think he is um what does it say on leo wikipedia it says that he's an atlantean mute human mutant hybrid hmm he can walk in both worlds oh yeah i mean i mean we see him do that in the trailer right like yeah he's uh he's like aquaman i get well aquaman's like neymar rather which by the way namor is a better name than aquaman of course it's a better name than that is absolutely a better name aquaman is almost like part of the just meme quality of it uh someone posted this which i do not like oh yeah that's the um that's the controversy that happened they promoted the film's trailer on chadwick boseman's twitter account which is not the first time we've had this happen it's really yeah yeah it's really like i don't like it yeah um they've done stuff with stan lee's uh twitter account right yeah yeah the nfts wasn't it oh god see that to me is worse of course yeah because like at least this is added to him yeah like it's because i mean the film's probably gonna be dedicated i mean almost certainly dedicated to him yeah um i think that this will probably have among the worst combat uh because they have to try and account for tribal level weaponries and spears and things while also there was some pretty crazy technology that we saw as well in terms of ships flying around and guns and stuff so i imagine the action they're not going to be able to take into account these different things in the fights we'll have similar problems that the first one had yeah this is the thing the first one one of the most overrated films in like history the reality is that like like wakanda and black panther it's a really cool high concept um it's a challenging one though like from a world building perspective there's a lot i'm trying to account for it's really cool though um yeah it's just absolutely really it's it's hidden i mean it's it's the same here like like there's a lot of stuff visually that i like here of of like all of the like absolutely sort of uh designs and stuff featuring in the atlanteans and i mean on on a surface level i like a good amount of the wakanda stuff visually uh yes i think a lot of work went into making this look very visually appealing and interesting more so than probably for any of these other trailers i might even say it's got more of a yeah it's got more of a unique look to it yeah um is this trailer feels less cringe it looks like there's some level of caring that went into this i think so i i i think um i think when given given the nature of like this film the fact that you're trying to make a film that follows on from a character who is played by a great actor and like a character who and an actor who's very associated with that character in popular culture it's like and and then to have to try and like make this film after that yeah it's probably like a really big challenge that demands a level of care i guess how much what's that have we had something similar to this since um carrie fisher died i guess mom's a similar example i suppose this is obvious yeah that's another way to do it to take previously filmed scenes and chop them into a new movie which i still don't feel comfortable about yeah i think the rise of skywalker did it the wrong way just flat out the wrong way and um well we hypothesized will there is a skywalker open with leia's funeral she has died in between movies well it would have been an excuse to run a funeral for all three of them at the grand funeral about the heroes of you know but no they don't do that yeah because han's a loser luke yeah yeah the uh you know the that portion of this movie is probably going to be like really good i can't see how they would screw that up but uh i agree with this probably not be very dialogue heavy that'll be the thing that will probably derail the film um yeah the atlanteans and all that [ __ ] coming in is gonna go oh it'll be crap yeah yeah um but i i do think yeah the funerary aspect of it there is a level of meta reverence that they recognize and know that they need to treat well which i'm sure right but yeah absolutely yeah it was probably their friend like they they would have known him so i imagine like i said this looks like they care this is the trailer that looks like they care also somebody just mentioned it in chat and i just want to bolster it because they said tlj still has the best layer death scene but then they had to marry poppins it all up i remember thinking in the cinema there is a chance here that that was it for leia she got [ __ ] killed by her son and it's so sudden and she's out of the [ __ ] trilogy already and that there's balls to that decision um kind of but then but then but then the seed happened that when i washed it with a friend he [ __ ] lost his mind believe that was happening it was a scene that split a lot of people some people thought it was incredible some people thought it was nothing and then some people thought it was the most hilarious [ __ ] they'd ever seen i think that was i was just in shock like what am i watching what's yeah i think what is happening i think that would have been my reaction as well like what yeah same feeling i had when i walked out of the theater just confusion what was that oh and that's funny to remember that scene is where akbar died but like nobody cares you see the you know like the little red arrows like there he goes bye bye doodles bye uh where are you so yeah i don't really have his mind no i don't either like this is the shortest for me um i have it looks like cute short animations for kids and it will likely have the best dialogue in the recent mcu oh wait what prime group oh i wasn't i was talking about i was going to say like yeah depending on what we get from like a second trailer i could be interested to give it a shot but uh i'm just i don't know that it's going to survive the craziness of being in this is phase this is still phase four right in hell this is the end of phase four yeah and i mean it makes sense right because dr doom is gonna we all you all know about that right like doctor doom is gonna be in this film when you say you older forever yeah yeah trying to be where uh dr doom is on his way we we've been saying it for a long time they're going to pick one of them fantastic for doctor doom yeah yes okay that's right the guy where there's a big old cape and tip plates like a person it was always going to be him galactus mufasto or neymar that was the four that i thought about we're doing neymar and doctor doom okay and dr doom is like insanely smart and he has lightning powers he's like one of the big bads he's he's like one of the people's absolute favorites to the point where if they [ __ ] him up people are going to be pissed and they probably will gosh i had no idea that he was so up there well so for me it was fun because the first time i encountered him i thought he was goofy as [ __ ] and then i was like oh he's kind of cool though and he grew on me completely which i think he did with everyone he's such a like yeah he's so eccentric um yeah he's usually got a fantastic voice whenever there's like a audio version of him or whatever but then he's also just incredibly threatening he's got a very unique look like and the fact that yeah he got he's intelligent he's usually the leader behind some big horrible event for heroes to have to deal with i think that's the uh that's like what his involvement will be probably is that i think i think it's like the the the speculation or at this point perhaps even like confirmation will be like post credit scene and he's like behind the scenes okay make stuff happen um yeah which yeah but as for like where any of that goes i guess we'll have to see well yeah because like do we have time for something like this if we're going to be doing secret wars i mean we'll get to that we're going to talk about it but you know what what does it mean to have an individual villain when you're doing like all the multiverses crashing when tang seems to be the big bad or so funny it's crazy he's been introduced fully and you'd be like so what is what's kang's motivation like no clue i don't even know if that guy will ever be seen again the one we saw in loki i guess not presumably probably not not maybe someone else uh yeah and then there's the the shot of like new black panther who dat and it's like well i suppose that could be anybody probably sure yeah and that that's that's wakanda as you said there's just less for us to say about this one i think that's expected because of the way they've done this trailer um yeah probably testing the water see what people think about this so far well the next trailer will probably be a much more conventional trailer if that would be my guess though we are not quite done with wakanda oh okay because this this has gone around quite a bit so i was just gonna this is the expected uh plot line and it's curious to see how much do we believe this matches with the the trailer i guess we got lake bell plays a scientist who's an original character she and her team searching for vibranium in the ocean which is strange because i thought they had like remember their mind for vibranium it was absolutely [ __ ] gigantic almost yeah the idea that they're like we're searching for more of it in the oceans like okay that's fine all right that's fine yeah but this would not be wakandan's right this would be like other countries how could they go out there yeah oh that's interesting because i thought right i guess that the comet then wouldn't have crashed solely in wakanda it's like there's other bits well maybe there were fragments that got blossomed into space and rain back down must be i guess if vibranium is that tough maybe you could say it's just that it's just stayed together also riri williams is going to be iron heart right yes yeah so that's that'll be that's phase five yeah the show i think is coming out next year okay but neymar is awakened and kills her team neymar asks wakanda for help but they turn him down to charlotte passes away from sickness gonna be awkward to try and sort of make that i think we're just gonna have to yeah accept that it was a it was a very sick sickness that they just couldn't cure neymar wants to kill riri but wakanda protects her ruby's first suit is made out of cast very similar to doctor strange having to protect america chavez from wanda yeah but uh riri's first suit i like that this is said so casually it's like riri's first iron man suit basically is made of cars but when she gets so wakanda she gets one made out of vibraniums like i think they're gonna actually gonna do the thing where they give her an incredible iron man suit like immediately and not even her own thing which does that not undermine her like just a bit doesn't even get a super cool suit someone else makes it for her just a bit it reminds me of the captain falcon suit with like it's not even like doesn't even cover his all of his parts you know and it's just like do you want a suit we can make you a superhero suit go nuts there you go it's made out of indestructible metal maybe she'll get to go to a laboratory and design her own vibranium suit maybe that'll be yeah just basically shortcutting the character while getting the you know a little bit of character development yeah what a rush you know like packing in an ironman origin movie into a different movie yeah okay um so the war between wakanda and atlantis shuri's mom passes away and parts of wakanda are flooded which matches the trailer jury makes an artificial flower to gain black panther powers which means they are committing to the whole killmonger destroyed their entire crop i guess which is so [ __ ] stupid um i will always hate the fact that's just another example they've got this this flower you crush up into a goo you drink it and you become like hyper powerful and just like guys yeah like and you think of the applications for this and it's like no culturally you're only allowed if you're a black panther it's like oh yeah between that and vibranium jesus you guys did you guys cheat on the civilization start yeah all the bonus resources or whatever uh she expects t'challa but meets killmonger she goes to the ancestral plane why the [ __ ] would she meet kill why would you be there oh you're oh so [ __ ] inappropriate i i really don't like how much people like killmonger oh monger said he was going to kill children yep it's like do you remember that in bioshock infinite the um the vox populi leader she's like i'm going to kill fink but i'm also going to kill his kid yeah yeah she's evil yeah yeah and it inflates her being evil like she is evil yeah they seem to be aware of that in bioshock infinite in black panther they were like you know it's complicated and it's like not really but okay so he helps her become the new black panther and she makes her own black panther suit which is just like killmonger helps shuri become black panther okay that's why gold embellishments on it in honor of killmonger i don't know does this not sound good big war between the two nations sure he defeats neymar but doesn't kill him oh yeah there's no way they'd kill neymar in the [ __ ] this movie he's going to be around for a while baku is the new king of wakanda while shuri is the black panther akia tells shuri that she has a son from t'challa that's the end um does she not know that i'm guessing that's going to be right at the end why would jury know that necessarily like is she like she's how does that work does she like does she not know she's pregnant or however curious t'challa's sister um he's talking about lapida nuongo's character who she is like the girlfriend yeah she was like black panther oh i i misread the sentence niki i thought i read this as nikia was telling shuri something that about that's what confused me that's what confused me right okay yeah all right i gotcha yeah and this is this is the thing is post credits they filmed a post-credit scene with a stand-in for dr doom which is thought to be the one who sent lake bell's team to cause some crazy shenanigans i guess which yeah i guess gets him in he wants to visit him maybe that'll be part of the phase five big bad i think that'll be them setting it up yeah that'll be their logic see it is the end of phase four dr doom but no fantastic four is in phase six so that doesn't i don't know what the [ __ ] they're doing i don't think they know what they're changing whatever they want yeah yeah who knows what would actually happen with that especially with how these films seem to get made who knows that they don't they might not even know they could just be hedging their best bets it's like well that sounds like something we could do with later all right pencil that in the phase five is a mess it's like we haven't even started facebook yeah this four is a mess so yeah um i am groot i'll probably that'll probably be fun probably it'll probably be cute and fun nice and simple can't see them ruining everything with that should be fine as well so it might be a little bit more creative and inventive you'd hope so yeah um yeah yeah i'm uh i'm groot we'll be cute i'm sure it'll be very cute hopefully this will be the least offensive thing that they ever make at this point i would wager so and so with those sort of said and done it's just this image to have a little chat about the state apparent slate of phase but because yeah what we've just seen was the end of phase four and then this is phase five starting of course yeah and i don't know i don't know if they're going to try and make it so that you know black panther ends with some kind of thing that makes us feel like oh yes that was the end of a phase i i don't know i don't even know how you would do that well when it was filmed it probably wasn't the end of the phase so i don't you know i don't know well that's why i think that that doctor doom after credits could legit be the way they're like see this was great right that's the end of phase four woohoo doctor doom is here look at those projects so first up ant-man of the wasp quad tobadia which we've known is coming for a while uh i don't know what to even like so yeah do we know about this it's uh kang is in it yeah he's gonna be the bad guy um i think they also expect murdock as well that's what we've heard yeah yeah um and more quantum realm stuff i guess so michelle how are you also the quantum realm they're planning on michael douglas will die in this one which it's like cookie time with that i suppose but that's fine yeah i guess um it makes i think it makes a lot of sense narratively to use that at some point the guy is probably like i'm i'm done now it's fine i'm surprised he's still still going with like ant-man on the wall yeah um does this count as a trilogy or does it count as now because he's got ant-man ant-man and the wasp ant-man and the wasp quantomania you know what i mean i feel like that's trilogy well it almost feels like it's um one movie and then two movies in a trilogy kind of yeah but um you know the what did we think of ant-man on the wasp we all saw that right no i did see it i saw it and i just don't like remember that's the the because people say thought to is the one it's like no it turns out it's actually happening the wasps because it's so forgetful you forgot you even like it's a film in the mcu no i saw it like i i remember things occurring like bits and pieces oh i just don't laurence fishburn is in it yeah goliath ghost that's the name of the girl right yeah yeah and i remember just she has she yeah she's got quantum dis dismanglement and then and then michelle pfeiffer has quantum overmanglemen and they they do the flumes and then she's back to normal or whatever and it was like oh great that's that that's a payoff i guess you're describing that and i just do not remember any of this i remember that they say quantum a million times over and they think it's really funny when it's just like nothing makes sense nothing at all um and you know we're gonna get way more of that uh oh yeah it's called quantomania for christ's sake like i imagine this do you think this film's gonna be consequenceless like basically what feels like it'll be consequential right because kang's in it i don't know i don't know if it'll just be a variant of kang they defeat i'm stuck yeah i don't know i think it could go either way i think they could just they could go either way that probably would be i could see it being inconsequential but also consequential i could see one of them yeah yeah like kang does something on the quantum level realm that actually turns out it changes everything but it's another one of those something happened all along in the background sorts of things and because we know that they're not ready to like i think the snap was almost like you guys are not ready to commit to big things in the universe actually so i bet they're hesitant to do something like that again it would probably be a very light-hearted and easy-going film i would imagine then again maybe they'll go a little bit harder because i mean we haven't mentioned the synopsis right that apparently scott doesn't care about his family even though that's like [Music] what is the the the quick version of that he's he's writing he's written a book and it's gotten some praise and so he's too busy promoting it to care about his family yeah even though like his whole motivation in terms of undoing the snap was to bring back like that's some [ __ ] and wasn't he like in prison and stuff because his family and everything remember he lost like five years with his daughter um like he's he's he's not he's not going off doing all this stuff you know like he's he's spending time with his family yeah i don't have to deal with [ __ ] what's your name telling him like you need to be a better dad shut up no because she's gonna be uh she's a superhero yeah oh yeah the daughter will be she's like purple right yeah whatever yeah everyone could be superheroes um and yeah that being the premise is not enticing to begin it's like ooh bad start yeah and then what's next up secret invasion the nick fury show yeah which is supposed to be about what that there are there are scrolls scrubs and infiltrated earth governments and stuff how um how is that not gonna have huge ripple effects well so in the comic it's one of the bigger like stories from what i understand like it had big consequences so i don't know about this show and how meaningful it will be surely they would have given up at this point to the idea like someone's like okay so it turns out everyone in the white house is actually a scroll and someone goes well wait how does that play into what we're just like don't that's our story okay you can tell your memories good guys so like i guess these will be the evil squirrels i thought it was um just those scrolls were good guys the ones that came out i can't remember how explicit they were in captain marvel but i think the idea is that not all skrulls are good guys oh well i mean i figured you'd have some bad guy scrolls yeah i suppose the funny part is that they were incorporating earth compared to any other planet you know because they wanted to get it with the most important let's settle here um well i guess somehow inexplicably it seems to survive everything so maybe it is yeah the universe but with the secret because the funny thing about captain marvel i think is that it's so badly written that they did come across as bad guys those scrolls if you remember how it all goes absolutely until the film said no no they're good they knocked her out completely evil kidnapped her and probed her memories to find what they wanted and when she woke up they give her all those like stupidly suspicious lines instead of just being honest evil messages then they try to kill her by shooting her with guns it's yeah that was uh that was pretty stupid for someone you need one of these bad guys he's really bad captain with like do we think black widow uh thor love and thunder and mom are in a different class compared to captain america it feels like it i think i think captain model had enough meh in it that it it actually does sail above those three i think captain marvel is still in that old school kind of tier bad movie yeah it was like the worst of the old school badge yes and now we've graduated into the into phase whatever we are in with bad whatevers and it's just badness on a different level where nothing works we wish for mediocre waste of time if only yeah we uh we're dealing with something a thor loving thunder and an mom especially gosh darn cause i don't know what it is for some reason i feel like i'm more forgiving to black widow maybe it's just because of the fact that i'm further away from it time wise it could just be it uh so yeah secret invasion don't know what the [ __ ] gonna be dealing with just nick fury scrolls and probably incredibly horrible world building repercussions but probably let's be honest that is the least of their care like world building is just out they don't care anymore oh yeah it's it's going to be miserable in all of these world building is going to be a catastrophe uh it's like that's just like a given whether it's star wars or mcu it's too many people doing their own things and world buildings just just write it off uh someone in chat did say that 2019 is so old school and it's weird because it feels so true it does feel old 2019 is just it was only three years ago but it feels like we've crossed a line like it's just a different era of we're bad we were just like bad guys we were different men back then things were different we had hope back then and now we're just angry old men sitting on our porches man damashi you used to tell stories with characters in it me shut up grandpa tang loki season 5 is out yeah next up is the one good one hopefully guardians of the galaxy vol 3. all that's been said about this so far is it's the last adventure with the team that we see right now it's going to be a lot darker than the others and uh james gunn has said not that this necessarily means anything but he's like this this this script this one oh this one's a big one it's a banger and like the crew the [ __ ] see this trailer like there isn't one yet right there oh okay okay comic-con thing but not publicly yeah because what we what we had trailers for was phase four this is all phase five now so this isn't i gotcha yeah i think this is is this the last thing that we're like legitimately looking forward to this is this i would say it's the last thing i think it's the last thing that i think has a chance of being good is it the last thing you care about hmm i think i don't care about spider-man i got superheroes quite quite i care quite a bit about stories being told in this way and so i can see my like you know like daredevil i could see myself caring about that i could see myself caring about captain america new world order if they had like a good trailer i could be like you know what maybe maybe agatha i don't give a [ __ ] we'll get there actually one by one so this does feel like a bit of a stepping off point almost um i think we've got guardians and like i think it's because it feels like spider-man is still one of the newer editions like the old school ones this is the end almost to the current state and he's going to be the only thing once guardians of the galaxy 3 is done and if james gunn isn't returning to do any marvel projects like that's it that era is over yeah there's nothing left until civil war i think so yeah yeah even then he was sort of a relative latecomer compared to a lot you know the older first i get first-gen or whatever characters and yeah we've we've reached that point where it's just almost like a fresh new cycle we're getting closer and closer with every day yeah i mean i feel it systematically torn down each of the bigger pillars that held up the mcu at least to a lot of people who look similar to yes what we liked about it even even if it was stuff we thought was flawed like still stuff was like yeah you know that part of it's pretty good again the fact that like scott lang is not someone that i'm particularly in love with as a character i think he's he's pretty cool the fact that all i know about ant-man and the water quantum mania is that they've assassinated him it's like really really that's like the only thing i know it's all you need to know um so yeah guardians three i will likely get excited for that um there was there is a there's like a sneak peek thing that you can find but there's no official trailer being launched just just to clarify um they'll probably release that at some point right i imagine there'll be like a proper trailer like at the end of the year maybe next year uh what i the other thing i do know is the this one's supposed to flesh out rockets history um which is that oh wow very much something that we'll be into like if especially if it's good which i do i i can't see james gunn [ __ ] this up i mean you know [ __ ] mark my words right but the uh i i have a feeling that he cares a lot about this and he gets to have his trilogy complete so why not you know yeah complete it um i i yeah i just i do hope it's good uh i think that we're guaranteed drax is gonna die i wouldn't be surprised if starlord died to be honest with you i wouldn't be surprised i think yeah i think the one i think uh hmm i think those are probably the two that i would assume will die i find rocket might die i would i was going to say rocket is safe i would put him in a safe category myself but um obviously i don't know when his backstory that leads me to believe that this might be like cause the end i think he almost feels yeah i think that he is because if you want to do stuff with him into the future he is a character you can do a great deal with there's a lot of potential for him he has a he has a back story he's very comedic the he's just a great character i think that they will save him to keep you know to go forwards with and it will be drax and star-lord who uh die in this one to like to conclude their stories officially the people who are confused drax is like a guarantee because dave batista said he's done yeah after this one yeah uh which makes you think whenever a person's like i am out it's narrative opportunity to kill them because it's really sad and you want to grab that while you can sort of thing you know it could be that he goes i found my family they're not dead turns out by everyone like that could be it i doubt it though i doubt it oh i don't think james gonna do that he won't do no uh i think he's gonna die he'll probably have a really heroic death i'm sure i'm i'm looking forward to this will be the last gasp of like remember what you enjoyed about the mcu i feel like that's that's what we'll get from this movie doing this with tracks you never thought you'd say it but it the mcu dies with drags it's the last flicker of hope yeah because this sound this isn't all of phase five right like this is just what i'm playing all of it oh this is everything but they could be more interesting no more uh no phase six is the one that has a lot of like blank things on the uh on the slate that we don't know about i'm surprised we get a whole phase without um a spider-man movie um we'll remember spider-man is like co with sony so like there's a little yeah they gotta really they figure that out yet yeah well because well i guess what i'm saying then is we could expect one to just drop in at some point then yeah cause i'm because i guess i'm sitting here it's like deadpool three it's happening we know that's happening uh right but we got nothing uh and also there was that armor wars the don cheadle war machine show that's just like absent totally oh yeah what happened to that don cheaters happening it's gonna be a somewhere maybe if you zoom in you can see it now um before me and friends say anything rags what do you think of the upcoming television show on disney plus echo i have no idea what that is most people don't do we legitimately have no i just think of the arcane character i just don't i don't know anything about echo i guess i shouldn't even know that much about it because this would be knowledge you may get from having seen the hawkeye tv show um you wanna have you go you'll probably got better information than i do on this one for you i don't really i don't know much about her she's uh is she deaf that's her thing she's deaf yeah so yeah she's was she a villain or just an anti-hero or like a mercenary in in hawkeye i kind of remember obviously she was like an antagonist turned like protagonist or something yeah this is definitely one of those like wait what why why would why the [ __ ] of all the people that give a tv show what it is one of the ones where it is like really okay like yeah fine i guess um i think kingpin so is this like a low level sort of thing yeah i think i figured well they introduced a course that you know the thing that actually controls the fate of the world or whatever the freemasons are actually really stuck ritual to yang i am i would expect this show to do worse than miss marvel to be honest with you which by the way probably is probably something anything about people would be like what did you guys think of that just be like that didn't even didn't watch it don't know anything about it i have no clue if it's good or bad i i don't know anything about miss marvel all you need to know rags is there's a is she a teenage girl yeah yeah she's got big old powers and uh at the end she swaps places with captain marvel uh and that's i guess to tie into the marvels yeah how do you swap i don't she like i don't know she just sort of swaps places and captain marvel is like in her house and that's like the post-credits scene and also now she's a mutant or maybe maybe yeah is marvel doing something with the the mutants what's their plan there i i heard recently that there's contract stuff that is um causing them to not do anything with the mutants until like 2025 i don't know if that's true but like something to do with contractual obligations to actors part of the fox x-men films the like in order to use certain characters they would have to like bring back old actors or pay them or something and so yeah interesting something like that i have no idea what the problem is will the will the original x-men movies will they be same actors but different universe right that's what they want they want new people um and like a fresh start yeah you know connected to the fox ones i had a feeling they would want to do their own thing yeah so so that seems to be the thing but as for like i i'm yeah i don't know what what's going on there i mean deadpool is a mutant and they're making deadpool 3. that's like actively happening so i wonder if that film's going to be like even in the mcu really how how can this even pretend to be coherent yeah i was about to say like just don't even worry about it it just doesn't make sense anyway i guess i think because i i really like deadpool 1 and 2. like i like the deadpool movies um i hear good things yeah i like them deadpool 3 could be really cool if it was like actually like if it was the real meta right where deadpool like stumbles into the mcu and makes like just tears it to shreds or something or maybe they will do like a deadpool kills the like marvel universe like they've done before in the comics but it's like an alternate universe like he goes on the multiverse um oh deadpool's not a mutant right he's mutate which is a difference yeah fringy you can't confuse the two rookie mistake it's just cause deadpool is so closely tied to x-men like this it's yeah i wonder if they're gonna have josh brolin as cable if they would do that again yeah i don't know that's interesting uh there's a there's i'm sure there's a meta joke to be made about that yeah i'm sure there is you sound like that guy that's probably just me that is a joke that great not as fun as uh the joke where he tries to do the move from x-men origins wolverine where he blocks all the bullets but they just go into him and he's like yes they are they're very fast so loki's season two master our wakanda spears what is that even going to be about i don't know he's everything is on the table i feel like this is where we're going to get a huge amount of our king stuff and i assume quantum mania will act as almost like a soft introduction to the world of loki maybe yeah maybe the after credits in quantum mini will have loki in it we thought we defeated kang but nope king turns out wrote him so i don't know maybe oh sorry i i almost to take this back i'm pretty sure daredevil and kingpin are like both going to be an echo so i guess that's like relevant yeah but yeah loki season 2 um yeah i don't [ __ ] know i don't care um the end of loki season one was like everyone's forgotten who loki is and kang is like ruling in charge of everything yeah and the tva is still a thing question mark i don't know some form they exist who knows to what degree that actually but imaginable the potential what videos will loki watch that'll give him a character rock this season he like watches phase four and he just kills himself i'm out catch the laser thing i'm gonna let myself get munched on by alioth wasn't that numb that was one of the the first things in phase four right loki it's one of the earliest was pretty early on yeah oh man remember those really setting this up for things to come was it one division was what was first yeah one division was first and it was black widow but yeah ended up being one division in fact i think falcon went to soldiers meant to come out before one division two so yeah uh i don't know what the [ __ ] look season two is gonna be about we'll see we'll get a trailer and it'll be amazing we'll maybe make owen wilson say wow i don't know then we got the marvels which again that used to be captain marvel 2 right yeah then we just shoved a whole bunch of people into it and i guess they're going to try and make a story yeah i don't know who the marbles are or anything about uh captain marvel miss marvel and moniker rambo they're gonna they're gonna use their collective undisclosed power levels to destroy some enemy i guess i'm sure they'll do great gonna be hard to follow uh we just got nothing in terms of storyline for that one yet so i'm sure it'll be really popular everyone's gonna love it everyone will love the marbles they will be the best ever then comes blade and the first thing everyone has to say is what's the age raid he's playing blade that's really cool he's a really good actress and that's that'll be great the best thing we can go draw from this so far it's the best thing we can draw from a lot of these projects the actually i don't recognize i don't recognize the name what would i know him from he uh have you seen moonlight no i have not have you seen did you definitely didn't watch luke cage he was in luke cage um he was in house of cards for a while by time he went to the house of cards for a few seasons yeah um oh i didn't see that yeah i think he just hasn't seen all the stuff he's in that's fair enough oh the green book yeah the green book i don't think right saw that oh i never saw that jesus he's just in movies i haven't seen for whatever reason i just haven't you're avoiding him he's so cruel but you'll watch blade won't you i will abso i i will watch blade because i'm curious i'll definitely watch that and i think what will happen is people will look back on the older blades and be like man we were so lucky to get those probably we probably will say that i i need to i've seen pieces of blade i haven't sat down and watched it that'll be an interesting i've always loved blade one and two they are [ __ ] nuts as movies uh wesley snipes is like perfect casting the mcu doesn't exist without blade yeah it's a stepping stone it's a huge huge foundational movie blade but i meant more so even just like culturally yeah culturally but i mean i don't think marvel exists without blade i think it saved them from bankruptcy is blade the first modern superhero movie it it is actually before x-men there was blade yeah there were there were superhero movies before then but it feels like the first of that era well yeah i mean we had the superman and batman films but yeah blade was like the first of the like modern superhero movie for x-men is blade x-men and spider-man are like seen as the really a different era to this era doing anything yeah the kind of superhero movies you'd watch on tv yeah if you can see uh next up we got we have iron heart can you see that little little icon behind the name is we see that like a heart you see that in the iron yeah yeah we see it in the trailer for wakanda forever um getting forged so obviously yeah it's definitely going to be started up in that iron heart the story of the next iron man because we need my man back come on he's cool and i want to see what her car suit looks like yeah i just oh god there's so many good ways to handle it i just hope they don't fall into all the pitfalls that we would expect them to um i don't want to listen to how evil and [ __ ] uh tony is you know and how much better he's gonna be better yeah and i i get the same vibes from captain america new world order i'm like don't just don't don't don't you don't have to [ __ ] on things to make yourself better you could just be good well speaking of what being good agatha coven of chaos possibly being that makes me think of multiverse of madness which most exciting projects in phase five had to check for a second why what do you mean no just why why why this why agatha television show because kevin if i don't know i guess i got enough kind of uh this and echo seem like outliers yeah uh because blade is like oh i might not have expected this but i see why you know but agatha i guess there was enough really positive reception to the character and people really wanted you know that they decided to make a show of it which is interesting that you know that's how probably things are done but huh i mean it'll i mean it'll probably be terrible it'll do magic tisms and nothing will make sense and do you think this will be who was the chick from um uh one division who got the superpowers by passing through the wall monica what do you think oh yeah monica rambo will she be an agatha covenant chaos cause she's all that all that she was in one division four was to get the powers so that she could be doing the captain marvel cosmic stuff i guess so is she one of the marvels yeah okay i think i said that earlier i just i'm just trying to remember because i was just going through a lot of properties a lot of names yeah there's too many too many yeah like i don't like i never heard about echo until he started this and i hear about names and people and groups of superheroes and comic books and like i just it's familiarized with it really it is it is legitimately getting tough to follow yeah um so i have no i don't think anyone knows anything about agatha as a show it's happening excited um next would be next daredevil born again uh i'm gonna go pee but if you wanna bring you take the let's have a little chat with rags about this one well i was actually gonna say i need to pee as well um okay so i'll just have a challenge i'll just be a second though i'm a quick peer so from what i understand daredevil born again let's bring about charlotte cox vincent and ofrio and may well be bringing back many of the cast members from the netflix series and will be 18 episodes long far and away the longest of these marvel disney plush shows um as for which we haven't talked about yet will the netflix daredevil show be in canon in the mcu it seems like the answer will be er which i guess is like you know like at least they're honest that there's no interest in like having anything make sense or connect together anymore so funny the whole stick of the mcu is that everything is interconnected and it's a big cohesive story and yet like especially as a face for onward we've abandoned all of that the only interconnectedness is characters show up every now and then as for like broad story arcs or meaningful world building the more relevant parts of what you could do that are really cool with the shed universe gone as for this show from what i understand the original writers for daredevil some of them are involved in echo but not this show i don't think the writers who working on this have like a big track record at all um i don't know that there would be any reason to assume that this show will be able to delve into the more mature subject matter of daredevil stories um i i i i get so nervous thinking about this one like i get really nervous thinking about what they're gonna if you would told me like three or four years ago yeah dad was finally gonna get like some mainstream acknowledgement in like the mcu that would have made me really happy now it's it's like a monkey's poor it's not what i wanted like and i i don't know i just yeah i get super worried um about it i guess we'll have to see i am back and i think this is an odd name uh so why why do you think that well i think the reason is because a lot of people i think you might think oh but it is appropriate of course but i what's interesting is he's catholic right yes daredevil yeah he is i don't think in catholicism you have you are born again i think that's part of the thing so that's so this is the reason why that name upsets me uh born again is um an arc um from the comics it is rightly and widely regarded to be like one of the best comic book story lines like ever oh it's really great and meaningful um for that character um and it's like super important in terms of understanding who he is and season three of the show is kind of like um it's kind of like an adaptation of born again it doesn't pull a lot of things directly from the comics but there's like certain imagery like in terms of like the story it's kind of got a lot of parallels with the comic um so you've done that already uh so when i see dead evil born again to me it's like that's just there's no meaning behind it other than disney plus like it's not a meaningful name for the show it's just hey that was in the name of a comic and like he's born again on disney plus in the mcu so that'll work like it's not meaningful you know um yeah i i i yeah it's it's it kind of bugs me and it's almost like to pretend as though you didn't already kind of do that um your mic is sort of robot every once in a while and we lose some stuff so no um well hopefully most of that came through in terms of the explanation um so yeah i'm i'm i'm super nervous about that but i mean obviously i'll be watching that but uh yeah uh just gets me nervous i think i think my big concern is um what what is the willingness of the disneyland [Music] yeah we didn't get like any of that no i just come back and all of that's coming through on the stream so i was listening to it i it didn't it did just now it started coming oh it came through okay interesting i guess it's a discordism all right carry on maybe um what was that what i was gonna i was saying um i wonder how willing they're gonna be to delve into the darker aspects of the character or even just stuff that's a little bit more mature like one of my favorite scenes in um in in the show is from season one it's when matt's talking to his uh pastor and they're basically having a conversation about the nature of evil and pastors explaining that um that like he [Music] in terms of like belief in the devil the existence of the devil he talks about how he he gives an anecdote about a story when he he went on like uh some sort of mission or whatever to um uh and and that there was like this man who did these vile things and he talks about how in him he saw the devil like he sees the devil in um in people like that's the manifestation of the devil um the reason why matt's talking to him is because he is struggling with the decision of whether he should kill uh wilson fisk um and of course obviously he's naturally concerned about this right because anything to do with this involves like his mortal soul um you know like he's he's uh and and so that the nature of the conversation is like you could kill him but like at what cost to you um is that like the right you know these sorts of conversations about right or wrong morality not only through like just a general framework but also through the framework of his religion it's it's really great content um sorry i say pastor priest yeah um there's there's a lot of like great material there and um i don't know that it's necessarily going to be in this show because it's maybe it's a little too complex and mature you know like it's not we don't we don't care about that we don't have time for that between our mandatory action scenes and of course in the case of um in the case of this show the bar has been set for action you know like you can't be [ __ ] around with dead evil dead evil is like known for the action scenes um they'll probably get flight if they don't have a one shot yeah um but bars been set really high the first season had like a great one shot where he's in a hallway it's like a very down and dirty fight where they're getting tired throwing [ __ ] at each other like they're getting worn down over the course of the fight the second one is much more um complex it's like him going down a set of stairs using like a chain um and like a gun tied to his hand and and there's lots of like pretty cool cuts in there and then the third one is like a 12 minute long extended sequence uh one it's yeah it's 12 minutes it's like starting with a fight scene um and then there's a conversation in the jail that turns into a riot and then it ends with um matt having to escape from a prison riot it's [ __ ] awesome um and yeah i i don't know like they they imagine you'd be worried the the mcu has almost pretty much with maybe a couple well recently certainly consistently the action has been all terrible across like pretty much all disney stuff being star wars they can't handle any of it yeah they do not know how to write that as a thing it's you'll just get bat woman level nonsense which of course that's something dad ever often has to account for as guns of course that's like the first thing that you learn to account for is oh yeah guns exist i should deal with that well it's the reason why a lot of the fights and data will take place in close spaces um you you set things in enclosed spaces it just makes it easier to account for guns yeah absolutely maybe they'll just point at him without shooting and they'll run towards him so that he can disarm him that will be that'll be a lot easier it's just not at all theoretical anymore we used to you know almost doomsay about how disney would ruin day devils don't worry about it but i was like well let's we're on the way we're on the precipice we're on the edge of the precipice of the edge and so the crevice the reaction like the fact that it's got that many episodes is like oh wow that's weirdly reassuring compared to how it usually goes but that doesn't say anything for what will be in these episodes and you know what are predictions based on history and we're not doing great if we're going to pull elements of the original story how do we justify kingpin and daredevil seemingly not being that involved in what's going on with him when he's like his art enemy i don't know we'll see yeah because they wouldn't want to re uh decanonize the show where they like kind of pretend it exists but do whatever they want i think yeah i'm not gonna be happy about but in a sense it means that the show is safe it's like in a little little cubby hole yeah because some people want to bring up like didn't defenders do damage and it's like even that it's separated to a degree yeah um yeah and it wasn't like the the original three seasons were perfect um everyone always likes to bring up the hand obviously every time um as far as i'm aware the girl played a lecture or a lecture has been confirmed right or something like that i don't think so i don't know that the lecture is going to be in this i thought i saw something about that but yeah um we could get that we could get the hand we could get and and depending on how well it does we may get uh jessica jones back or something i i see yeah that's that's another huge wild card he got two seasons uh his own [ __ ] disappeared not very good punish your dad lost i don't know i i don't know if they would is like blade it's like can they handle that in the current mcu i don't think so punisher blade and deadpool all of them require deadpool a bit more it's just that tier above in terms of rating and i guess they don't want to i don't know they don't seem to want to do that though i think deadpool is meant to be r-rated well i think it's separate enough would you remember you know once upon a time they said uh multiples of madness was going to be like higher rated and scary and horror and stuff yeah yeah it's yeah and then it just turned into safe sludge pretty much yeah i mean a few creepy visuals but that was really as far as they went with it like detonating black bolts head was even to me i was just like oh wow there it goes yeah you know that all right like blood comes out of his nose like a bit much and i think that's indicative of where we think the marvel universe is the fact that that makes me go like wow you guys did that and it's pretty tame for what it could have been absolutely yes uh daredevil you will be watching with great interest and uh i think the entire world will be very [ __ ] unhappy if they make this the same way they've made all their other shows which by the way it seems public sentiment is pretty much on board with the idea now that all the disney plush shows feel the same they're just these things that bump out so you better it's kind of star wars is kind of the same way where that interesting thing you think it'll be about it's not it's super generic every [ __ ] time but everything doesn't mean oh they could do this and that nope it'll nope they no they won't doesn't doesn't mean that there won't be that show one at some point in the future where they actually go we're not going to do it that way and maybe that'll be daredevil who knows i mean there's so much between now and then there is yeah i mean this is i mean daredevil it says spring 2024 so we still oh wow we got another year and a half or so and then we got captain america new world order do we know anything about this uh don't well it's just we know that it's gonna be um uh sam going on uh his adventures i don't know about if there's bucky or like what it's about or villains or anything at all though uh there's quite a while well that's the thing in it it's gonna be uh taking on from falcon women's soldier which was [ __ ] nightmare yeah sorry i rewatched um yeah birds elope with the sun made the big sort of like the four hour sort of condensed efap of that and i was listening through it that show's bad it's sort of it gets under the radar in the memory like a lot of things do but man that show was pretty catastrophic i'm still in terms of like it's morality systems and what they did the characters kind of amazing because we took almost like the 11 hours to go through that entire show i just we talked about this it's like a duck it's 11 hours or so you know watch birds the four-hour sort of condensed version there's a reason why we hate sam wilson yeah they ruined him but they they did a lot of damage to a bunch of people in that show and i think that the passion it took to sort of go through that that's going to just wane as as more stuff comes out you know like i can't see us doing something like that for she-hulk i think the the best you'll get probably is a a couple of hours talking about it if that happens i don't even know i don't know anymore what characters are there left to be invested in it the new characters are meant to replace the old ones but they haven't really yeah the old ones were not replaced they were not in any meaningful way they're just the ones we have now which is not the best one for replacement uh like oh yeah it's just this is what we got we don't have the old ones we got these to the to the end of this phase with thunderbolts yeah which for those who don't know is a collection of criminals right which uh yeah to be comprised right now if all we know is at least walker is in there um uh walker zemo elena i think those are like the oh i'm sure they're gonna go on some mission i guess and do things but well walker's great and unfortunately i don't want to see any more of zemo because i don't want him to be ruined about what they're gonna do to him yeah i'm pretty sure that they'll [ __ ] up walker as well the second they portray him again he's gonna be evil or yeah they'll forget what they managed to do with him either accidentally or intentionally whatever that was yeah like someone just said walker's an anti-hero now it's like they'll probably make him that yeah yeah i mean he's just a a really morally upstanding great guy it's funny when you say like a team that's comprised of zemo elena and walker i'd be like what the [ __ ] team is that like wha those three people do not like at all share i wouldn't even say that it's two to one in terms of like good or whatever it's like all three of them very different what's their common goal or thread they're going with that i don't know i have no idea so yeah phase five looking to be is you know like the highlight will be guardians more than likely but daredevil will be something to really keep an eye on and then there's curiosities here and there yeah but otherwise it's just that sludge pipe that's large pipeline is there they're building it out they're trucking ahead and that i mean i guess we should pull up the phase well we don't need to pull up a picture really but the phase six one what do we know about phase six it's just the avengers movies fantastic four uh and then yeah two avengers movies and then a bunch of other projects that we don't know anything about yet like they're gonna be two avengers movies like you're gonna even be like in a year damn yeah it's the avengers the kang dynasty not a very good name uh an avenger wars secret wars which is like big comic story line it's like the multiverse yeah yeah you'd ex i think that that'll be cranking everything to just absolute 11's everywhere like we'll yeah every cameo we could possibly imagine every every possibility i wouldn't be surprised if you see a robert downey jr and if it's going to be chaos there's going to be so much crap in that movie chaos and pain and we're just gonna we're going to talk about how do you remember when it was like six of them they just they they defended a city and that was it that was nice that was nice when they defended the city and we knew who they were yeah now it's just 37 people and you know there'll be some interdimensional mega multi it's just incomprehensible incomprehensible mm-hmm baseball's done wonders for our expectations this is the the multiverse saga isn't it [ __ ] [ __ ] excuse to put in anything we want yeah kind of yeah so the the next thing in line for marvel right now is uh wait what is it again is it black there's an axe right oh right yeah she helped she helped the show that is the next thing hopefully they don't have any willed ending [ __ ] stakes in that but you might be nice seems like wong is just sort of like going everywhere i'll be that'd be kind of funny he's going to have racked up more appearances soon than like most of them i think i think so like i think legitimately that list of appearances is quite long he's been in like seven movies i think long man which uh takes us to now talking about the other lads what's up over on the dc side of things uh not much we've got shazam fury of the gods yeah oh my goodness wow my first my first note it oh dang someone's at the door i'll be right back that's pressed on yeah um obviously you and i've seen shazam right yes um yeah uh i thought it was worse than everyone told me it was oh yeah it's got tons of plot problems everybody loved it every problem yeah people i remember people saying they just like the fact that it's it's um you know wholesome and unhappy yeah which people said that about aquaman too yeah it's uh it's just funny because like i think zack snyder's put everyone in a pivotal funk in the dc we're just like enough with the rain enough with the shadows uh this uh flank shot looks really wonky yeah like it just doesn't look right i just the standard sort of looks composited i don't know what it is about things anymore but it's yeah it's so we kind of mentioned this earlier at the beginning of the stream but just how much reliance there feels like there is now on just or maybe market share is what i should say for characters and just like shazam has got like a huge chunk of it and why it's like well he was popped out around about the time they still had big plans for everything to work out uh yeah and then it didn't he did though he's fine he's going on adventures yeah people like him he's nice and secluded even though there's like some references here and there but uh yeah this one uh what is the plot that the the daughters of atlas one because they think he's stolen power or something yeah even though he actually had it given to him by the wizard guy um yeah yeah there's not i really don't have much to say it's like it looks very generic normal hero movie like it's not going to be anything groundbreaking or earth-shattering i think that's the best i can hope for is that it just comes out people go yeah about that i liked it yeah and then that's that i guess you got the family dynamic right all of his uh family doing superhero shenanigans as well though i you gotta imagine that they still want to focus in on shazam right so they're probably not gonna be that important yeah you gotta wonder like we're gonna get a lot of characterization for these guys or no i doubt it i doubt i i'm at especially if you've got like multiple villains as well because you got like helen mirren lucy lou like so that's that's multiple villains i guess two right and they go they all got different powers right um well it looks like they're all flying though so i guess they can all fly i thought that only uh only um what was his name his friend like is the the guy who was tagged along the whole time i thought only he could fly but i guess they all can i guess so yeah yeah because i guess they figured that it's hard to justify them all getting around and going on adventures together if only two of them can fly and the rest have to walk out just talking about shazam yeah yeah what are some of your thoughts raggle well my i um i got a quick start my is my sister and she was dropping some stuff off we've got a i got my both my sisters are in town and one of them has a dog and one of them has a cat and both of their birthdays coincide very very close to one another so while they're in town tomorrow for lunch we're having like a birthday for the cat and the dog and all the families going over for lunch and this cute thing but um i have a great old time as for shazam fury of the gods my first note is what the [ __ ] is even the world building in the dc eu now no idea i i just don't know what the building is that they make toys of batman a murderer i just have no clue what's happening or what can happen is there any reason why i guess i'll have to explain why because they they directly reference like batman and you know the aquaman that's a flash so i think what they're doing is they're like probably playing very they're not saying much about the broader universe until they make the flash which is like the reset movie based on everything that we've heard about that film it seems to be the reset movie that creates their new timeline that they want to move forward with it seems to me if you ask the people who make this is it sitting directly across from all the zack snyder movies and stuff they'd probably be like yeah nice i just think they'd be like you know like this very middle good i'm gonna be like those rumors exist and that's really swell and almost yeah i'm glad that zach had his vision and did it yeah yeah great um my second note is the scale of the threat seems global and world ending how very fresh and interesting and yet nobody else is going to show up i imagine no of course not that's my last question about oh man where are they going to be they're fighting because we've got a whole world of superheroes yeah we got wonder woman the flash superman batman batman aquaman beastmaker question mark i don't know yeah that's well the suicide squad all those guys yeah um they're i think in the trailer i assume that they had the theme in the trailer of everybody can be worthy so we'll see how that because i haven't seen shazam but i thought that was like the lesson of shazam one maybe they're building on it done maybe it's done again i think we've already established that being worthy is when someone whispers a spell to a magic hammer so it's a pretty pretty easy i suppose and i don't have much else to say i i just none of the by the way in all of these trailers none of the humor works for me not a single one not a single one never cracked a smile same houses or just like yeah like yes i've seen the fast and furious movies and it's about family it's like oh my god what are we doing yeah that meme was relevant well like [ __ ] a year ago maybe maybe more well i guess they shot the film a year ago and they were like hopefully people are still talking about family like and that was a straight he thought that was a strong enough meme to put it in the trailer yeah in the film and in the trailer i suppose they put in the trailer because it'd be even older by the time the the movie comes out so at least now it can be like you you you hear the joke the first of the trailer okay that's why you don't find it the fun of the movie notice that there were some people sitting on a park bench behind them it's like you guys thought shazam with some lady in a like bronze armor like gold armor just chilling out over there do you not care no in this world that's totally normal yeah you see everyone can be worthy so you just don't question it yeah i think the best thing this movie can do is just come out people go yeah yeah that was fun and then that's it and he'll get a third movie in a couple years because it's just reliable probably because it'll probably not like it'll it'll make its money yeah probably probably be a modest someone chat said they should have invested in morbius memes and ironically yes that those were more long-lived i feel than the family thing and it comes across as almost like meta in a baby didn't exist yet well it did but they hadn't seen it yet morbid time yeah but we we just went over that a guy said to matt smith it's morbid time and it was cringe so i don't think it's as rich an idea as you think it is morbid time that's what makes it so rich it's like a richness you know no no thor love and thunder was nothing but actual jokes that why that's why it was so funny and hilarious from end to end we were just crying hey we said we didn't even know if those were jokes we try to figure it out we don't know that's how clever it is it's so double meaning and it's oh wow multi-faceted writing it's tiger's speciality so yeah this is a movie i don't think it'll mean much of anything for dc going forward they'll just release probably not probably not not until i guess that flash movie that's when they really want to lock stuff in maybe uh maybe be very careful on who they hire to play their main superheroes anybody like that god they must be so like on edge about who they even hire anymore oh [ __ ] this is like the fourth time yeah like it's derailed oh yeah uh you know zachary levi is nice and reliant uh which takes us to black adam black adam yes um what what what is there to say about black adam other than i don't think that gimmick is as interesting as they think it is feels old as [ __ ] like our hero doesn't play by the rules wow um you you told me to watch two trailers he sent me the black atom number two before the number one which is fine uh i my black adam two number of trailer number two i have two notes born out of rage nice and edgy and this is so generic i have nothing to say yeah and then i watched the second black adam trailer which for me is that was the first well for me it was the second you watch the number one and so i just wrote it in afterwards i have i have no commentary on it well it's just like it's just the first they're the same it just feels to me like that they're marketing the whole thing on the idea of like what if a superhero wasn't like i ain't gonna kill nobody and i'm just confused i'm like what do you mean we've had that for a while a long time yeah i i don't know why that's interesting really at all and i don't know um it's gonna be tough for the rock to convince me without me sort of smoking that he's like this very serious very straightforward sort of character who's gonna deal with the situation as he needs to deal with it not by anyone's rule i'd be like do the face do the eyebrow the thing i saw i saw that movie with the did you see the disaster movie he was in what was it called that he was like a helicopter pilot and andreas yeah san andreas what a what a film show what an amazing rampage even better so i'm way more interested go on a rock arc in pierce brosnan's doctor fate um just because i want to know what dr fate's gonna get up to and they should make a doctor fate movie that would have been cool especially because he's just got so much more presence and it's been a while since i've seen him do anything so i'm just like what are you what are you up to buddy i do rather like to me that's already more interesting you want to see this dude go on adventures or do you want to see look i'm not like i'm not like other heroes this is what it is and then it exploded and he was okay yeah what what i don't know i don't get the construction of a lot of stuff these days for stuff like that it's like imagine he grabs a rocket explodes flashes everywhere that's the end it's like that was never gonna happen this film is very orange is it now have you noticed that this film is super orange it reminds me of if you watch the michael bay transformers films everybody in those films is orange like it's so orange um it's just so orange it's very deserty you know it felt like it was very deserty it's not even that specifically it's just that's like super orange [Music] what is um what is dr fate's powers he's like he's kind uh maybe this might piss people off he's kind of like doctor strange he's like the magic guy that's like his powers um it's it's the helm specifically i'm pretty sure that gives him like the powers but like the helm is kind of a double-edged sword like it has like a consciousness of its own i believe and then he has to like contend with that doctor's arrangement more opi all right apparently i got it right okay yeah he's about bringing balance someone said order magic i don't know what that means yeah it's all about order like he's about restoring order to the world so it's like very active eu good luck yeah they're bringing in a doctor no i don't think so it's probably probably not what's his role in the comics is he like a 50 50 kind of guy i think he's like he's got uh a sort of code in a way that he operates that should be understandable to everybody and that sometimes brings him into conflict with the heroes okay i think that's that's his nature well yeah that's the element i'm more interested in than black adam who like i said all i know about him is he's an angry man who says you know what i'm gonna kill some people sometimes there's the i think each trailer had one the whole but heroes don't kill people and then there's that pause and then he says it's so lame so laid um are we pretending as though you imagine who kills people in the dc eu are we pretending that the first like three phases of marvel didn't have people getting killed a lot exactly just because they didn't like point it out you know like i just killed a man because i am not quite your i'm not your dad's superhero okay it's just and it's also yeah it seems like um one of the other things that the film wants to do is establish the justice society of america like that's what they're building up here this is hulk man right yeah this is hawk man like adam smasher as well cyclone yeah people think that the whole killing thing yeah they think it's really edgy but they don't remember man race bannon was he was plugging people in johnny quest way back in the 50s and 60s or whenever that show was man it's you're not new and you're not special especially dceu i feel like it was pretty illustrated well when iron man lands in that area and he just [ __ ] uppercuts a man into a wall just that man is shoots the lasers at the same sites blows them up yeah that see you needed some character to be like i thought heroes did kill people and then he's like i am iron man i kill people i think i think it's more unusual for them to have a zero like tolerance of killing that that is the unusual that is more it is actually stick to it like spider-man for instance like yes it's almost yeah it's batman when they they that's what people like know about them so yeah just really really odd as someone who doesn't know much of anything about black adam i'm just like it really does feel like i'm special compared to everyone else you're like why and he's like this reason you're like oh it's a big cringe you're an angsty antihero who's insanely powerful i'm being played by the rock which i'm not convinced by i'm happy to give him a shot you know just but yeah i don't know about that it's odd i'll have to get over that initial hump he's getting paid a lot of money for this movie i'm sure they're hoping that he will that he will help save the dc yeah i wouldn't be surprised if marvel asked him to [ __ ] turn up or something maybe do you think there's like an idea of like we can't do that people might get confused maybe and also just time and and like scheduling you want somebody who's going to be available yeah because but he's just such a he's a box office draw right so you want to grab all those types because knowing that um you got lucy lou and helen mirren in it's just like oh yeah it's just like eventually every actor you've ever known they will turn up in either dc or marvel that's just this one highlighted doomer says um phase five better have more shang qi in black widow i'm curious why you said that i think because he doesn't think those movies are good and he is sarcasm then again uh it will definitely have more of both of those characters because elena does she adopt the name blackwood or she just i say adopt she was a black widow so i don't know oh whatever i'm sure there'll be a part in this film where he's he's like i'm so so evil and edgy and then someone's like i'm inspired by you and he's like oh my god i'm conflicted because i'm more of a people they don't get back up when i blow up stuff look at this as well this shot someone's blown up behind him but he's just like i even looking i don't even care it's just like come on we we've made fun of this for the past like decade he's like really close to it but whatever it's fine would be cool to look at the explosion yeah why not appreciate your work i mean that is his work i don't know uh so yeah excitement through the roof of black adam can't wait i was you know i was waiting for anybody to say they wouldn't but it seems like everyone's in agreement so yeah everyone absolutely yes black adam all right i can't wait till he goes and punches the man i'm like that's it for the dc it's like it's all shazam stuff yeah what the [ __ ] is going on guys like what what's happened to everything else and it's just like wait we haven't we haven't figured it out well because i still got aquaman 2 and flash and batgirl yeah we'll find out eventually i don't know um and so yeah we you know we talked about marvel stuff for like a million years because there's a bazillion things dc that's it that's all i have we'll talk about it more as time goes on it's funny because people like are you continuing the dc arc or not it's like we are still nowhere near falling behind it don't worry like we're catching up quote unquote with a dcr would take like yeah very quick amount of time um meme is currently helping me with something else so don't you worry the the the the dc arc will continue it's a hilarious little series to to look at because it's like marvel's you know falling the [ __ ] apart but dc is this one that's like it was just falling apart from the get-go and it's just constantly hobbling along and you're just like look at him go what is he gonna do next there's some guy following behind it picking up all the pieces and trying to slow them back on like to actually sew them back onto the train he's got a needle it's like this is all you got no hammer no nails try and thread them back on and he's moving and shedding parts he's trying his hardest yeah like he finally gets it on then the engine falls out and he's like wha really yep so next up will be the the next thing in line for the old star war which would be andor which is what uh end of end of next month's like a month from now yeah something like that uh you know the the little series that's been made fun of ever since it was announced because it's just like harkness like who the [ __ ] asked for this however once you were delivered things that you may have asked for like kenobi or maybe even boba fett or maybe even mandalore in season two plenty of people would have asked for that you realize like man let's check out some stuff we didn't ask for let's see let's see how that looks and uh i would go as far as saying andor from the trailer looks like the best of all the shows visually uh already yeah that's one of my notes it looks very expensive looks very good essentially i'm pretty sure it is very expensive right like uh this thing probably is that's the most they're spending on a show i want to say yes um but i don't know amanda was like 100 million right yes but um isn't because the part of what was going to make andol really expensive too is that more episodes that and uh this has been going now for a really long time right like production it's been in production for a while yeah this um the longer it takes to get it out you know the the more money it ends up costing in a lot of ways right for investments and returns and different people in different smoky rooms being like hey where's this show your promise dish in the cgi basements we're whipping them as hard as we can it will be done i promise yeah um what is this about like uh build up to rogue one i think is the idea with this show right which is interesting because that's okay yeah supposed to be a thing to go before a new hope so maybe they'll make a thing to go before this too maybe everyone's favorite character cassian andor will be fleshed out presumably all right hopefully he goes to tatooine yeah yeah i hope he goes to the cantina and listens to the music so this is part of the hope for andor is that it it seems like the show that has the most potential to not get involved with all of the regular star wars stuff instead and i say that as if i don't want what i do want is to be in the star wars world just not with very specific things like oh look it's yoda oh look it's it's a galaxy yeah look at it seeing shots of just a civilization on a planet that i don't recognize it's like oh cool star wars stuff in the way that i want to see it not hooray a new place i think we felt that way when we were watching the trailer for kenobi we're just like oh look it's like a car sent type place we were excited to go to halo in mandalorian yeah um yeah all right or was that the boba fett shirt that was boba fett that was good yeah but at the same time it was we we had like more approval in that moment than like basically everything five minutes of star wars content in years yeah this um looks like it's gonna be regarding empire times uh obviously but like what i mean by that is actual like we're seeing the empire rule will be involved in their little board meetings which i'm like that could be interesting it could be um i highly based off the track record that we have i think that one of my notes is this that just i think the empire will just sort of betray to be portrayed as cartoonishly evil for no purpose or goal without any people behind it it's all just cartoonishly evil villainy and they'll be extremely incompetent at doing everything they do and they're not ever going to explore any of this in any meaningful way it'll just be like that's kind of a lot of it's it seems like there's a whole lot of empire pov shots and like that scenes about the empire or empire offices and stuff that makes me wonder um like this is kind of the thing andor is like the one that i'm looking at going huh as opposed to uh like you know it didn't used to be like that like for a while i didn't care at all about andor but after how horrible everything's been and then you see this trailer it's like well no that's not bad it's maybe maybe the people who made this which are very much different than the people who made kenobi boba fett different yeah you could have a chance here for a story could be you know i feel like there's more chance here than there was there will be for like mando season three which people are already going through the roof [ __ ] hype over which is like god damn it guys once again because the trailer for that isn't out out yet is it no no it was shown and i've seen uh the the the flumpy version of it um and there's already plenty of cameos from people we know from like [ __ ] mando season two and one great yeah and it's just like yeah it's gonna be the same [ __ ] a great list of characters they're all so oh yeah wonderful i care about all of them but they're well written you know this show is how long is the show i think it's twelve thirteen second twelve four yeah so that's i i know how this sounds like that's a good sign because that's that's long enough that it feels like content it makes that long because they they had stuff to put in there not because they were forced to be that long like six episodes for kenobi is just like are so [ __ ] obvious you were a movie that was stretched into as much as they could possibly muster but this this and it took everybody a month to figure that out yeah but they did it and it felt empty vapid wandering and meandering hopefully this means that they actually do have a sort of story they could tell yeah how many episodes do you need ah not 13 or so all right that's actually like us potentially this could be something interesting however i will wait until that happens because i just have no confidence whatsoever in star wars as thunder just mentioned 24 episodes for andal what the [ __ ] is the most obscure character ever it's like yup here you go two seasons off you go it's like guaranteed that's right yeah it's crazy i don't know how these decisions get made or why it's so bizarre the fact that obi-wan and boba fett get thrown in the trash while they focus like what if this show is good i'll be like why what why wouldn't you put all the eggs in the kenobi basket why would you put them in the andor basket [Laughter] 24 episodes imagine they had confirmed that for obi-wan we to be fair we probably like jesus christ what the [ __ ] is he going to get up to in 24 episodes oh my god but i mean you know it's going to tour the galaxy well yeah because it looks like there's they're going to try and go for some political intrigue maybe with this as well that there's uh yeah there's some lady character who's maybe empire adjacent but rebel affiliation isn't laura from kenobi was she in this trailer or am i just no i don't think so um well could she be dead by now oh is this happen this happens after this is i think five years before a new hope before rogue one yeah wow once at the same time but yeah all right um holla oh yeah of course uh stalin's guard's in this i was like yay yeah look at you i wonder what you'll be up to how will they ruin you the fact that we know that someone can act is in this okay that's something it's true i mean even mcgregor can act but and he did he did yeah sometimes it were parts and it made me sad maybe very very sad so yeah visually this thing looks like the most expensive of all the disney star wars stuff outside of the movies which looks at it yeah and um we've got a longer story and it's based on stuff that's not it's not as rigid you can do whatever the [ __ ] you want with cassie and andor really nobody's gonna care so maybe that kind of freedom will be just what they need to make something that we can go you know chat that wasn't [ __ ] it wasn't [ __ ] but uh i wouldn't be surprised never do anything unsafe with boba fett look how that turned out yeah um but i wouldn't be surprised if we watched like episode one we're like that was okay then episode two were like oof rickety an episode through like uh we've been down this road yeah it is a familiar path we've tread um but i will be interested to check this out uh what are you guys interest levels at i'm interested i'm checking in i'm interested we'll give it a shot we'll give it a chance how you feeling about andor because like part of what i find amusing about this is that it was forever considered something to ignore and avoid but i think like i said just because how bad everything is it could be that maybe this one isn't cringe i don't know do you like the setting interested skipping skipping no why bother zero pass don't care i feel nothing else too late but i am curious i'm bored odd nope meh wait how many of you would check it out if we said we fully recommend it out of curiosity yeah yeah if we came back after two episodes and said hey they're these are actually pretty darn good they're worth the watch this is the kind of star wars concert we've been asking for actually asking for for years now i finally decided to do it i'd watch you watch it we may have something like that set up that's the thing i don't know if i'd want to recommend this show until i see the full season just so that i'm not like tricked or something [ __ ] happens or it's just like ruins everything i don't even know i'm saying this at all as though this will be in any way like good yeah we'll see we will see because i'm i'm i'm curious i want to see what the most expensive disney show has to actually give me yeah which uh which takes us over to a different ip one that we oh yeah barely discussed at all in terms of new things um i know a lot of people want to want to know what we think about all of this stuff uh good old lord of the rings the rings of power the the the fated television show that basically everybody's already written off is like this will be [ __ ] um it doesn't help it's surrounded by a matter of everybody promoting it in ways that are just frustrating or um yeah rapid or anti-tolkien um insanely commercialized it's just the soul has been completely ripped out of it um this is product this is this is skinwalker product yeah it's it's just it's every if it's all the the bill of everything else this happens to all the rings is next and it's just it's the what's neat about this the first time it seems that the fan base is like okay you've touched you got your sticky fingers on everything you haven't touched the lord of the rings cake that is beautiful stay away from it as being its own yeah you're over there being special stay away stay away from the third age stay away from the things that we like man that is a that is a well maintained pile of helmets that's my first note my first note is a massive pile of helmets out here like what why what's this so what's going on here to make it that rounded like you that takes some time yeah someone really felt passionate about making sure that i mean if that thing is helmets through and through i'm just gosh why did you pile them here yeah who that's actually yeah now i'm thinking like why would anyone take the time to do that with just helmets was there these are dead soldiers would you not like and look there's no like battle it's just maybe it's a vision an empty field maybe it's just a forest and this massive insane pile of helmets and like i guess something bad happened something bad yeah well maybe it's a ritual thing everyone has to toss their helmet over there whenever they die which then you have to go get yours and you're like oh this is a small i need a medium my second note is you can't put a boat in the water you have to cgi it well to be fair they've only got a huge budget so what do you expect like they can pay more cg people because i'm like man i so much of what makes the lord of the rings timeless is that it's practical i mean was more thoughtful in its use of cgi because it uses plenty of oh yeah it's just it does yes it doesn't try to it doesn't lean on it too heavily it's like yeah we're going to make chainmail we're going to give all this armor we're going to make these sets we're going to go to these places we're going to have all these props and these we're going to do this perspective is this the one that has the t-shirt like amma t-shirt oh yeah that's one of the things people were favorably comparing um house of the dragon with this the house of dragon looks like they took more care but who knows at this point until we get a good look doesn't it didn't this season well hey a lot of cg artists would have been paid so that's that's a decent chunk of the budget gone going in the rations in the dungeon i'm almost more interested in like the matter of this event than the thing itself just because of what this represents like it's it's the first of the ruination that will probably happen of of lord the rings the first because you know like star wars is this it's hard to say like oh yeah i love star wars when the vast majority of star wars is not the ot yeah but yeah what are you referring to with lord the rings most people will be thinking about peter jackson's trilogy a [ __ ] ton think about the books this is the first like the hobbit kind of is there [Laughter] people aren't upset at the hobbit they're just like yeah the hobbit movies happened whatever they will their their their reputation will go up when this comes out uh i guarantee it yeah perhaps we judged you harshly little bilbo those memes are probably being written right now ahead of time ready to just like post on day one so yeah um you know this will happen and then this is this they're planning five seasons of this [ __ ] right yes they've already planned out five seasons yeah by the time if the fifth one really does roll out like we're just like oh [ __ ] go away and then you know who knows what else they'll try imagine they like they try to [ __ ] remake lord the rings trilogy or something that would be like the worst ever decision the sun's on the left and the shadows are on the left uh it's a vision it'll be my answer for anything it's just strange it just well for me it's strange this is lady henry i've known him forever it's just like this sort of stand up and sketch comedian i'm just like why why lenny henry but okay oh i don't recognize him um yeah uh obviously this is going to be all kind of like like i don't even know what the plot of this thing is going to be but apparently if i wanted to know i could have found out most of it by now it's a lot of it is uh leaked in some ways and others i uh i don't know how to how to properly explain my stake in all of this it's like ice like i said i see it as just i'm hoping it's the one that doesn't get to get away with it basically you don't get to [ __ ] all over a thing and just keep going there's going to be enough fan outcry this time that's all i hope comes from this it'll be amazon's big million gajillion dollar gamble that did not pay off yeah cause like tlj uh and game of thrones season eight those are the two big ones that happened i'm hoping this is like another one where we all get to instead of [ __ ] around and being like no actually multiple madness is a great film we can actually be like yeah that was very bad and we don't appreciate that don't do that could you give a [ __ ] next time please could you care yeah and not just throw money at things and pander going from uh you know like down votes and [ __ ] on like the trailers and commentary and all those people spamming quotes from tolkien about what evil is um it's it's really got like a a mainstream negative response which is common um for like a project like this which is i guess that in and of itself is kind of interesting yeah and like they've i think the rest of the people have the same thing as well like a wide scale broad negative reaction um yeah so here's the possible trailer that's probably most frustrating actually were they dare to dare to [ __ ] write his name well so one of the weirdest parts is that they're launching the show on the day of his death i know it's so what is that that that that's an uncanny coincidence if well doesn't it feel like that can't be a coincidence and then if it's not a coincidence why would they do that it's just like just seems rude you would hang you surely they know that and if it was it's not a coincidence because they could like you they know well because they would not date yeah yeah you could you could set it on his birthday that might be [Music] so in this well yeah because the one everyone always wants to connect it to is uh let the past die kill it if you have to from kylo this uh one of these trailers has him say something like um you have to move on from the past or you'll die with it or something like that [Applause] she's like [ __ ] off i'll die with it then this is like it's really hard not to choose yes really hard not to read into lines like that you're like why would you you chose to put that in the trailer really hmm they need to make a two towers remake that's the two corporations and it's amazon and disney and their two evil black towers one with a smile on it and the other with a mouse mouse is yeah there's like two eyes at it because yeah this isn't going to help amazon's rep not that it's doing great anyway like for amazon prime specifically all of their shows jeff bezos was really like passionate about getting to make a lot of the ring show for like amazon prime yeah but wasn't the passion behind it he's had a quote ruse like we need our game of thrones all right i'm sure i'm sure that there is that right for like the attitude of we need something that'll be people want to be on prime and watch prime stuff if jeff bezos really said we need our game of thrones then something like a bit of a monkey's paw wish right there it's like you very well might just get your game of thrones oh yeah except it's all season eight for you oh yeah so this this guy there was there was the assumption especially with the way the trailer shot that this is sauron um but gary and several others said it's definitely not sauron from their information this this is someone else uh person doesn't exactly look super intimidating though when they're clearly like the way the trailer goes this is a this is a villainous character gonna be our bad guy maybe i don't know interesting to cast eminem it's the it's a radical choice but not one that you know this takes place in the star wars universe there's no rails oh go back um this struck me as odd i almost made a comment on it where the two dwarves are talking and it cuts away for just a moment at this yeah this guy on the left his reaction they kept that in and i'm like that's weird that you kept that in it just seems like us he's just like oh this phil told that joke again it's really weird as well have you noticed the whole um you have galadriel and then the way they say it and this is galadriel a lot of weird pronunciation uh stuff going on here and there just just it's it's mostly something that that'll probably be fine um ultimately but i worry about uh how anything out of step will just immediately be like but then hey i'll say that about bile boo bae guys well look if they pronounced like dexter that's dexter jets does name wrong if you were to return this dollars i would be outraged derek jeter uh yeah is this the trailer isn't the one where the the dialogue exchange was uh you have not seen what i have seen i i have seen stuff it's like yes but you you have not seen what i have seen well what is that and that was like a journal trailer as well yeah we're gonna be here all day talking about music even cut out to emphasize that and it's like this conversation is kind of weird um i have a note here that says it seems like it's trying too hard to be cinematic and grand like its presentation is getting in the way of what it actually is because at the same time it still comes across as extremely generic fantasy oh yeah and the um i just feel like this doesn't have an identity to it it feels like there's going to be an infection of the meta knowledge being that sauron will be treated as though we know about his future uh and his effects in lord the rings meanwhile like the i don't know that uh i'm already thrown by like how how this this is like this this is kind of like the sauron prequel and it's like uh-huh the guy you like from the other stuff yep oh no she's in the closet not in this show um so yeah uh this this is one where um i probably would be on board with it with it if everyone was like let's all skip it feel something like stay away from it that's weird because there's a part of me that i feel like it's big that i kind of i almost have this like i need to see it i need to know when i say let's all i'm referring to like everybody who is involved with like sort of media commentary as a sort of like boycott but i think that the the option to opt for is to be like no watch it dissect it and talk about what they've done be it good or bad uh i feel like it will be weighed in one particular direction discover the legend discover the legend it's so [ __ ] like this looks like a mobile game ad yeah discover the legend warriors of corth real colon [Music] the reckoning that forged the rings try as you might you ain't ever gonna be able to get to their heights that trilogy is done and it's done forever it's in stone no one can [ __ ] with it you know the opening uh the opening [Music] uh theme this music the opening music of lord of the rings was i think it was old foundations of stone i'm not sure though or maybe that's the opening of two towers not sure i gotta go back and double check i wonder that's another big parrot oh he's gone oh he's back we're good but that's another big pair of shoes that this show has to fill is the music yeah good luck like really good like [ __ ] awesome these things right you understand there's so much [ __ ] coming out all at once yeah that's pretty close actually wait does that mean and or she hulk and rings of power are all gonna be at the same time seems that way good god yeah it's not really fair is it a bit cruel um to make us watch all these things also yeah i don't know you guys but it's about wrong i i think he looks worse than he does in the the original trilogy but that could be my type of bias i don't know i'd have to maybe looks i mean it looks good but that's the bell wrong yep that's him so it's done like in the same [ __ ] way as uh you know any any cameo like a character cameo just like you like the bell right yeah yes we do do we need the balrog backstory why is he so angry why is he living in wario why does he really hate wizards we'll see legend before he was his ruin was smote upon the mountain side yeah we uh we are we spend much more time talking about the thing itself than the things around it how it's promoted or what things have been leaked like we still talk about that stuff but we just do it really compared so you know we'll wait for this to come out have a little look-see and let you guys know what what we think of it not looking forward to sure it'll be great no mo it'll be great it'll be very diverse and they're going to have all of the action that you could ever ask for and galadriel is going to kick some serious butt she's going to show them what she's going to do great so don't you worry which brings us to our next fantasy thing uh this one i guess i'm curious what what thoughts even were had by the two of you theoretically with this dungeons and dragons no the house of the dragon that was to the drone [Music] i've got nothing really i have very little um i thought the targaryens were white i think i think that's that's getting changed for this now the uh i can't i wouldn't be able to cite you specifics but i'm pretty sure yeah the the targaryens are supposed to be all white uh my limited knowledge of game of thrones which is very limited that is it's just uh something i recall seeing odd all right uh next note is uh that this is really the only substantive note i have is i imagine any actual political intrigue and good writing will be terrible since writing that sort of multi-layered drama is likely quite difficult um this is a show that requires very good writers and this kind of thing the thing that people are declaring it already is on the comments this is a really really difficult thing to write there's a lot of characters interacting with a lot of characters and there's rules and systems and you have to have the logistics of how things happen it's a lot to juggle really if your show's going to press that as a big thing can you do it probably not so that's actually uh pretty much all i've got to say about this as well it seems like they've this trailer is about as good as it can be they're offering you the there's going to be all kinds of political intrigue backstabbing and and succession and and throne dealings with some fun fantasy of dragons involved and backstabbing and stuff like all the things you like from what you liked in game of thrones but like yeah they're just gonna have to you're gonna have to prove yourself show you have to have someone write this [ __ ] that's uh competent i really have no problem with the trailer it's fine i have uh the other two things i have stop saying iron throne and i don't care hey but that's like the whole appeal okay i don't know a lot it's just like i just stopped saying that we stopped saying iron throne like come up with another like another title for it so you don't have to keep saying iron throne the metal throne the iron throat yes i know it's yeah we get it it is interesting that like game of thrones is just in terms of mainstream relevance has like lost so much of it but still something right it's still something it's just it's interesting that's all look like something when did they decide to make the show was it before season eight was finished or after at one point there was like five different potential ideas and they've there's this mysterious pilot that got made for a different show that got axed completely that cost like a [ __ ] ton naomi watts was like the main character or something fun to know what happened with that but yeah uh well they made fringy golem yeah little green goblin frankie likes this goo oh huh how's the dragon don't care i don't care yeah i don't care either but i'll possibly i think this is one i'm not going to watch until a couple of episodes are out and people have said it's good okay um okay and i'll just update you guys with like oh it was uh i'll watch it with you would you really want to want to do that would you really then again i didn't want to watch i didn't want to i didn't want to watch 12 trailers before this ephat but here we are so i i'll do it for the people i'm interested in matt smith it's always nice to see him around see what he's up to yeah i noticed him in there yeah he's a good actor you know he's everyone else hopefully he can move past morbius while we try to talk about his game of thrones show yeah uh whoever sits on the iron throne can they morbid the hardest i have to say they're not called dragons they're called morphins i would even say this trailer tries to bank on him quite a bit obviously they've hired him for his star power but it's kind of interesting because i'm not even sure what pushed him to star power if you discounted doctor who which i know you shouldn't it's just the was there anything else that sort of made people deal with it i mean traumatogenesis was like a pretty great role for him oh you know wasn't he in like downton abbey or some was it some other thing the the royals or something something to do with something like that he was in like a show for that obviously he's famous for mobius as well yeah oh the crown is that what he was in maybe that helped out too genesis [Laughter] yeah i really have nothing much else to say and we'll see what happens when this thing comes out it's got a lot to prove because people are still pretty upset with the last time they saw stuff to do with this which uh yeah that gets us to dungeons and dragons which i had no idea was even the thing wait did you skip over before i'm with what did you skip over john wick 4 no oh okay i was just curious if you're going in order i had to get up for a second i just wanted to make sure and dragons yeah i figured to put these three together because fantasy that makes sense yeah that's double checking which again i think i did mention it indeed kind of neat the such high budget actor-filled things are being made for fantasy it's just that will any of them be good you know my first uh comment here is it's the quote here's the thing we're a team of thieves my comment is and i already know the vibe of this trailer yeah edit i was right yeah it's it feels like tongue-in-cheek we're gonna have some fun but maybe some serious things may happen all right nothing serious will happen someone will probably die or be at risk of dying at one point and for a few seconds it'll be serious mild like it's mild apparel i mean if funnily enough because i'm completely disconnected from dungeons dragons but like the idea of a team of thieves steal a thing to give it to someone else and that thing should never have gone to that person and now horrible things are happening i was like that's it that could be a campaign yeah it just seems that because i have i've rock music which i'm like um this is my other thing is this is going to be magic [ __ ] the movie yes um i have any potent let's see let me scroll any potential cool stuff will be drowned out by chaos and insanity on the screen yeah there's gonna be a lot of things that look oh wow isn't that crazy it's gonna be drowned out by all of the other crazy [ __ ] that's happening and it's all just gonna be chaos nonsense this um this shot right here just makes me think like how many [ __ ] cities and worlds get designed every single day by everyone all over the world for all these different projects it's just yeah infinitely for everything as well not even just cities obviously like creatures and vehicles weapons every single day there's probably thousands getting tuned out by everyone all over the world working hard hopefully they get paid because remember like when you see like behind the scenes stuff concept for even someone just like general grievous and you'll see like there's like a hundred different versions you're like man all that's just like lost to time pretty much hopefully he's put in some books somewhere you know and sold yeah it's called something graveyard of what could have been so then the the dragon turns up and spews tar and everybody so that was mean that was mean yeah flies away yeah because i'm just not into d d at all so this the funny enough a lot of people get the thinking about the jeremy irons movie like almost straight away and it's just like i think they've made several [ __ ] movies after that so don't worry but uh what's interesting is that dnd is now in a place where it wasn't back then it's become kind of mainstream uh d d is a thing that's got a lot of popularity to it there's a great deal of like it's it's a very strong presence in popular culture and instead of this it doesn't seem like it's leaning heavy into that idea it's just it just seems like it seems like action generic fantasy yeah it just doesn't seem to have like it has any sort of an identity to it it's just funny as well because you assume like well this is bigger budget right so the script and it's like no don't bet anything no we don't no yeah it's tour [ __ ] well you're going to get a nice spider crawling up a tree there you go you're going to get a some good cgi and some crazy chris pine and michelle rodriguez because i guess they were interested in doing a d movie [Music] i will say i enjoy him in pretty much everything he's in so he's got charisma so maybe maybe he'll be worth it alone but yeah i just i don't think d d fans are at all uh like watching this trailer and thinking oh yeah i think it's more so like um seriously though i hadn't heard of this [ __ ] at all was this like known neither ryan i didn't know that this was happening i only heard it because someone that i watch casually who talks about uh tabletop role playing games he was told to watch it and he said wow this is [ __ ] yeah i wouldn't dude that would surprise me at all that a d d fan would think this is awful there's probably loads of [ __ ] in here that's all wrong because the core of what a d campaign and this goes for pathfinder and all the other ones is that you generally will have your players three four maybe five players who have a character and they sort of have a mission to do they have a thing to do and it centers around how are you going to go about doing that how are you going to get all the clues how are you going to fight the battles what you know what will your character do what will your class do you each bring something to your team's arsenal of abilities and stuff you have your stats and you try and work within your stats like see this the door that looks neat that's like that could be a cool spell where you like fall into the ground and then you appear somewhere else was like things like that are just it's not going to matter no but it doesn't seem like it has a d identity to it because d d is a thing i'm saying it too much now it sounds bad but it kind of has has a structure and a sort of formula in this i don't know if this doesn't give me that vibe of what it is players going on this campaign or this mission yeah it just feels like it'll be random magical well just stuff it's just me things [ __ ] the movie yeah the acting will probably be fine throughout and chris pine will be charismatic and it will cost a lot of money and it will probably lose money probably yeah i don't know if there's much it seems like an expensive project that probably isn't going to have that much reach yeah i don't see what about this like ooh look a mimic because like yeah you're not going to go see the movie because of that you know it doesn't have that i just i don't know someone who likes these kinds of games there's nothing about this that says this is that kind of game you're grounded oh nice you know yes he's uh you're pulling them people to watch it right maybe yeah i don't know this came out of nowhere it's just like oh okay if you if you wanna you go right ahead i guess you know one thing i thought they were gonna do was he chris pine's got his little talky talky over isn't this a quirky fun adventure we're having and he said we're gonna need some things strength and then he shows a guy or whatever and then i thought he would do like like intelligence charisma wisdom dexterity like he would do all the stats that your characters have and each of the characters would kind of be like someone who's really big on that stat so you for agility you'd have like the rogue who's jumping around and doing stuff and for intelligence you'd have the bookworm or the scholar whatever wisdom you have this old sorcerer man for charisma you'd have the bard who's smooth talking and can get him in and out you know that's what i thought they were gonna do was like oh this is this is fun they're really leaning into the game and then they're like no they just do something else i'm like oh [ __ ] that yeah i just i i hate knowing exactly what a trailer will be in the first five seconds oh this is as bad as i thought it'd be it's moving no one's gonna see this and it's gonna lose money and maybe it'll be remade to be forgotten as well yeah this doesn't have any identity there's so much [ __ ] happening like how can you latch onto anything this phone is not gonna be one that breathes it's gonna be it's gonna try to be super funny and it's not gonna be there's gonna be nothing funny about this because they clearly are trying for that angle but nothing's gonna be funny in this and it's just gonna it's gonna be a wisp of smoke and it's just gonna dissipate it will be empty vapors it will be but a dream no one will remember all the cgi artists and their dungeons and dragons getting the rations for doing all of this stuff i mean dungeons and dragons does sum up the cg experience doesn't it sit in the dungeon anime dragon that's about it so yeah that's the coverage of that um leaving only one more and the one that i have to like controversially sit in loads of conversations where everyone's like yeah john wick four i'm just like um okay i don't know yeah so here it is yeah for those who are not familiar with our takes on this john wick one [ __ ] great cool liked it nice love john wick one stomach two oh no this is bad you got a bad case of sequellitis you you've you're trying to regenerate a story because you haven't got one to tell and yeah you accentuate a lot of elements so the character with a lot more grounded now he's like a lot more of a superhero and uh and you're really leaning into just in isn't it fun when we shoot people and he reloads and then shoots them again or punches them and then jumps into him and reloads while he's like falling over them and shoots them and and also all of that is worse too yeah they just everything just keeps getting worse um john mc2 was really bad and frustrating john mc3 was really bad and frustrating and uh yep two movies were [ __ ] john mc4 it's just the same like this trailer's just like yep so expect the same we got a bunch of new people that you like who are famous for doing some action [ __ ] in other movies he's going to fight and kill them i guess like yep that's what we do gianna reeves is going to say yeah and that'll be that um it's not going to deliver it well he's not going to deliver the one word actor we just have to i think i think everyone's on board with that now oh you know we throw in the cabinet oh he's such a great guy he's like absolutely absolutely he's a gem of a human being i hope he lives a long and fruitful life it'll be a sad dark day when he passes away he's not a good actor um i have three notes for john wick four um the first one is arrow lady should be dead that makes no sense i'm sad that we're seeing [ __ ] like that already like like oh look these are the ones she fights with a bow and arrow a closed cardboard like what the f that's there's a reason that people don't do that it was like okay so she dies all right like okay yeah instantly like the first little action bit is like this is dumb this is so stupid that's not what john wick want with john mc1 wasn't stupid they put a lot of work in effort this part here yeah that guy like what are those guys on the right doing they're doing that thing that stormtroopers have to do where it's like oh act like you're totally incapacitated [Music] my second note is uh is about the sword and the gun clip when john wick and that other guy had a sword in one hand and a gun in the other and they were shooting at each other often many many many times this one here yeah i think yeah it's this one and they shoot each other many many many times but they don't hit each other well because they're wearing the bulletproof suits ranks it doesn't matter if they hit each other i [ __ ] yeah that's why they put their arms up so you can't can't get it i hate it it's it's like these assassins don't even go to their [ __ ] jobs they just use incredible sci-fi tech that makes it so they can't be killed well yeah because why would putting you like the bullet would just move you know what i mean like if you put your hand up it's like if i hold a blanket that's bulletproof like the blanket will just fly up and the bullet will go straight you know like why don't we hold it up if i wear the bulletproof blanket it's like batwoman we talked about the bat one with her her bulletproof cape if i have a blanket that's legitimately bulletproof and i put it over me and i have someone shoot me i'm gonna have a horrific day i'm it's like someone's hitting me with a hammer over and over and over again that blanket's not helping much is the implication here that he actually manages to block a bullet or two with his sword are they actually doing the deadpool thing but for real they're on the backhand so they're getting double damage double double defense against the bullet and it's like john wick's whole thing was how efficient and he was in john wick one he was head shotting everybody so it doesn't matter if he has a suit or not shoot him in the head you're john wick that's what you do or it's what you used to do oh so someone said those suits are real so what what we're specifically referring to is what rags just went through like there's no impact anymore the bullets just stop existing the second they hit the suits in these they don't work they can't work as much as they would like them i think everybody knows right if somebody wears a bulletproof vest and gets shot they're still gonna be really hurt yeah i've always appreciated it and it definitely depends it's like if you wear um sorry i don't know you're gonna notice right you're going to know well yeah yeah because you have soft body armor and hard body armor but if you're wearing just like clothes and you tell me it's bulletproof but that's all it does like it'll stop the bullet from penetrating the actual material i'm like okay i'll buy it but when you get hit by that you're gonna be just like yeah this massive blindness is massive this massive amount of energy in a small area just got pinpoint this supersonic piece of metal slammed into your body good it didn't go through it it's not going to cut through your body but you are going to be on the ground having a horrible you're going to be incapacitated it's what's going to happen and like it's like people it's like people have accepted now that that's just yeah that's the john wick thing he's like watch the first one he didn't need a [ __ ] bulletproof suit because he was really good at his job that was the point but now he can like [ __ ] up completely and it doesn't matter because there you go lawrence fishburn's like hey buddy i've got your new bulletproof suit um and you might be like why are you complaining about that because that's mainly going to be the movie that's all it is the story will be [ __ ] it always is except again for the first one having a lot of potential with what story they were telling but it's mainly just to connect a bunch of action scenes and the action scenes are going to be reliant on john just not being able to be hurt or if he is it's always just temporary then he goes to some doctor person and it's all fine i cannot [ __ ] believe there are four john wick movies absolutely [ __ ] insane they should have stopped at one but there we are in the vein of what we were talking about my third and final comment is a little thing i wrote down i worry that they'll try to overdo the melee combat in strange niche weapons for the sake of variety when it would make no sense whatsoever yeah i think that is absolutely where that's that almost i think they think that that's what they're supposed to do at this point like we've got to find new ways to have people kill each other yeah if you're an assassin in this world and you have x amount of hours in your day to practice and get proficient you're going to do that with a gun you're going to do that with something that's all it's such it's already such a huge force multiplier that you don't have to learn swordsmanship or like rely on the other person having a sword or something because somebody just point at you with a gun and you're dead and all that sword fighting's gonna count for nothing it's it's i ugh oh and that's someone bad [ __ ] he is shot while wearing his bulletproof regular vest in the first one and it hurts like yeah because so i mean the first one first one is weirdly grounded compared to the second and third they just go off the rails like look he's got a nunchuck here you haven't seen him use one of them before excited just like okay sure because that's what it is and i hope people are really going to be honest about this eventually where it's like nobody actually cares about john wick as a character or story they just want to see him kill people and you might be like well why do you watch james bond isn't it the same thing the ethan hunt isn't that the same thing i'd be like nah i think there's a lot more meaningful [ __ ] going on in those uh than john wick has going on right now exactly and there's no reason why you can't have meaningful [ __ ] going on but they just keep on going everything gets extended and expanded this world is way bigger than you ever thought there's way more people you've never heard of that are the most important players in this universe and he's going to kill every one of them okay um i do not know if metal has any intentions to go over this film with more than than a forge but i'm sure he's got his eyes on it he's essentially our john wick person at this point if we've all got a john wick purse [Music] no time to die was very meaningful well that's the thing i i thought that movie was [ __ ] but uh i don't know i doesn't mean like fallout was great and hopefully that next mission impossible is great i'm sorry um and that about does it yeah thank you so much for this this trailer madly then you all got to listen to all of our thoughts on upcoming things as you can see judging from the way everything was timed up we're we're forever sad but still keeping an eye on the mcu a lot of a lot of flames to do with that you know thinking about it uh dc is more of a joke to us um like a like you you think like isn't the mcu a joke it's like well it's more sad that the mcu we're constantly sad about how everything's gone but dc we were never really you know what was the good dc film it's like where we thought it might have been wonder woman or matter of fact oh man of steel was amazing yeah that did so we've got no base light at all but uh just keeping an eye on it and then yeah the rest of the stuff is just sort of new things coming out gradually and so what you can expect is that there may be minis for andor there may be minis for she-hulk there may not be anything for either of them there may be coverage of all different kinds of things like some of the stuff you saw today i i could imagine we'd do an efab on john mc4 depending on if you guys are up for seeing it um it could be one yeah i doubt we'll have any coverage of the first three the dungeons and dragons movie maybe in conjunction with the dungeons and dragon arc because there's loads of those films and apparently they're all horrible the point is we ain't promising [ __ ] yeah with this stuff it's uh i don't know how everything's gonna roll out um but we are getting very this is episode 196 now for us [ __ ] crazy is that yes this is 196. seven eight nine hey we're getting close to quite a benchmark number i'd say so uh for those who are unaware 27th that's when that's happening we're uh and you know who knows what we'll we'll end up covering another another just crazy crazy day uh by the time we hit that there won't be any episodes of and or out or rings of power but there might be one for she-hulk right yeah i think so so we might have a little uh a little talk i don't know you have a title mauler what are you talking about that is in the title oh yeah but i couldn't i hadn't it wasn't on my screen okay i can't just read whatever i want whenever i want i'll be nuts um but yeah i don't know plenty to look forward to right that's the theme of the trailers we just watched is through literally anything that you're lying oh yeah someone did mention it's like oh nothing for games it's like well scoring um i'm like a listener that'll probably be cool yeah um you got ragnarok right that's what yours yeah i'll be definitely interested in that that's not even that long from now right no i think it's uh october hmm yeah oh and then you know november oh and october will mean is it full of the house of fashion will be out this year i think sorry is there anything you'll need it's precious [ __ ] oasis in this scene in this desert of crap it's not sand coming up to the oasis except mike flanagan will say it's great until the ending and we'll say that's fine that's fine let's give me everything you have to get yeah hopefully that comes out plenty of fun things will happen around halloween time as well you know um at least there's a zootopia spin-off coming yeah there you go there you go i have no idea i have not seen zootopia if you can believe it um i think i have not in a while yeah i have so well i suppose what we'll do now is have a little look-see of them and their messages that have come in while we've been talking about all these things see what the crowd have to say about all these wonderful projects i'm gonna go ahead and guess they're about as excited as we were if not less so you got i have been floating for 10 minutes this must be a reference to how i somehow managed to say that it was the episode was on the way before actually going live never again shall i do that what a horrible mistake i don't actually mind doing it really also hyrax hello wings quote of the day i really wanted to get that surgery man i wanted it so [ __ ] bad dog whimpers for pity that's the most famous quote i know that one yeah that's uh top tier it's one of the best ones ever it's it's a very emotional thing it is it's very emotional in a very yeah you get a deep dive uh highlight from the recent fringy stream imagine how cringe it would be if shadow the hedgehog's dad was called doom wait he is yeah i i joked that um we're talking about like how names in context in and out of context they can be different levels of cringe or different levels of cool and i said like dr doom evokes quite a cool thing for a lot of people but if with zero context i'm pretty sure we'll talk about how lame that name is like because it's most of the character we think of if we're praising it and i said like it sounds like something you'd name like shadow's dad turns out shadow's dad surname is doom um so that's hilarious and i'm very glad that they chose the correct surname when they were writing who his dad would be um he has the yeah his name is black doom the creator and biological father his brother is oh i i wasn't prepared i wasn't prepared all right we've established that shadow shadow's father is black doom his brother it's in quotes his brother is eclipse the darkling oh my god stop it why can't he just have a little brother called dave heaven you know like you see shadow the hedgehog is the end result of project shadow an effort to create the ultimate life form ultimate life form is in capital letters by the way of course it is why wouldn't it ultimate life form beautiful let me just read you the next sentence created by professor gerald see god forbid a normal name professor gerald in his efforts to find a cure to a rare disease known as nids in ids that was affecting his granddaughter maria robotnik shadow was gifted robotnik shadow was gifted with the powers of the alien black doom through that entity's blood after the project was forcibly shut down by the government shut this you making hedgehogs in here you make an ultimate headshot the evil headshot or cutting you're cutting the funding what you can't cut my funding back to formula after the project was forcibly shut down by the government shadow was put into stasis for 50 years and then awakened by dr eggman gerald's grandson to help him take over the world neat uh mauler noah caldwell gervais made a four-hour video about from software games it's horrific please do some kind of response he needs to be stopped four hours i don't i don't think i got stuff i gotta do um he's welcome to have silly opinions okay we should all be allowed silly opinions um yeah we should yeah you know hey why don't why don't you uh do a response you know maybe uh yeah fringy yeah uh no i'm not interested no give it a shot no all right today's animal of the day is the carrot caracal caracal i assume this house oh caracal yay yeah it's like the little it's like a little lynx like uh like a big cat with the things on his ears he's cool he's got the things on his ears flopping around yeah i hope he's doing all right i think that i hope he's not upset about the emcee how about the caracals don't know what's happening to the mcu um stitch and adam need to be straightened out they keep bad straw manning consistency no way home beginning third is bad because it's consistency focused equal consistency equals bad what yeah you might have to read that again no way home beginning third is bad because it's consistency focused but it's like the worst well not maybe not the worst there's a lot of garbage in the first third for i wouldn't call it consistency focused at all unless what we need do they mean like expositional and it's not interesting to watch because it's more so setting everything up is that what they mean because i i'm always very exhausted when people say like oh yes we should make everything make sense that's going to be exciting as if like you can't do it interesting and that's my problem not yours like i said i have no problem with trying to make a scene interesting while also static rules um but i don't know i don't know sich and adam uh have interesting perspectives on media and they they follow my assumption that when you primarily focus on politics uh you end up saying some stuff about media that's um you know you know i don't know i haven't said anything i just yeah just my thoughts be wandering uh now all the buzz has gone down i think invincible is pretty neat it has problems but i enjoyed it overall also high racks oh hello pretty neat huh all right [ __ ] now i'm gonna start a media podcast they should totally do that and uh and then invite me on every time they have a bad opinion all right but i can't go on every episode that would be ridiculous hey y'all any advice for aspiring fantasy writers i thought i'd ask since you seem to share my appreciation for well-done character work thanks for all the great shows something that's fantasy in particular sure yeah yeah keep everything like low with magic grounded yeah i think that's probably the way to go because like this dungeons and dragons movie it's like i said it's gonna be magic [ __ ] the movie and you'll just do you just how is this world function with all of this magic everywhere and all these spells and just this insane power there it's madness um i don't know i guess some i assume that you asked specifically for um fantasy for a reason but i don't know what to say apart from that that's fantasy specific um i guess draw inspiration from really good things but change it up in a way that makes yours unique um a lot of even bad fantasies can have neat elements to them so mix and match and change and warp things and twist it into something not twist in a bad way but you know draw from inspiration and make it your own yeah uh come up with some neat ideas that maybe no one else has done but yeah characters will be big when it comes to fantasy stuff as they are in many things characters are still king yeah there's so many ways to um almost begin the the embers of your story in that you could be like you're just thinking of a payoff or you're thinking of a world you just want to see and see everyone in all you think of one character you really like and you want to see them do certain things it really depends on you what what do you want and then obviously uh the second you commit to anything that's pretty much how our writing advice would probably go for like page one it's just like whenever you've committed to anything everything else now has to react to that having existed and can't contradict it that's sort of careful you commit to yeah it goes into the overpowered magic stuff it's just like don't if you're gonna commit to this idea that you could do this you could this and you got spellcasters everywhere and they're doing this and doing that it's like man like that's that's a huge element of the world that you can't really escape from it's gonna have a lot of crazy implications kind of highlighting how stories get broken in the first place that some guy is like i'm only ever going to have them float a pencil that's as far as it's ever going to go as far as their magic can go they'll use it in those really subtle and interesting ways but i think a big payoff near the end will be one person manages to pick up like a table and that's incredibly impressive that they have that kind of power and he's like a special kind of guy um and then you know 10 years later he's really popular and some new guy comes in to write and he's like he's going to pick up a spaceship like oh uh you don't really do that uh because and he's like nobody will be really cool this is morse magic than we've ever seen before it's gonna be incredible cause people liked it when you picked up the table is a big payoff so imagine what they'll think when he picks up the whole house wow when he pulls the moon into the ocean it'll be so cool he's gonna hold the whole solar system in his hand because it's cool so hey you know that kind of advice but also expand your mind go crazy i have all kinds of stuff yeah subtle allegory more yeah you can't imagine what i'm applying that to everything basically the only magic carpenter i can think of is jesus yeah finally caught up started mid-september 2021 and had had a blast thank you for showing me how to think more about the media i enjoy instead of clapping at every spectacle also high rags hello hey glad you've had fun with it we uh we here always love to have new people jump along see what they have to say about this that and the other hopefully you find our breakdowns entertaining as well as insightful that is the hope so thank you very much for sharing that uh please read the pokedex entries for frost lass frost last could you spell that for me please i will post it for you and i will hope that this isn't some kind of creature that freezes people to death but and then it like breaks them into pieces and eats the pieces and absorbs the soul that sort of thing all right let's go to scroll down bulbapedia.net all right and did they pokedex entries for frostlines i'm looking for someone here that's particularly oh my goodness oh here it is here we go something happened around sun and moon where i don't know if there's something in the water over there nintendo hq or there was a gas leak i don't know what it was okay when it finds humans or pokemon it likes it freezes them and takes them to its chilly den where they become decorations great just great oh that was the sun that was the sun entry the moon entry is very distinct the soul of a woman lost on a snowy mountain possessed an icicle becoming this pokemon the food it most relishes is the souls of men so it's literally what i worried it would be exactly what i worried it would be okay well you know this okay um the because there's ultrasound and ultra moon and these are both pretty creepy it freezes hikers who have come to climb snowy mountains and carries them back to its home it only goes after men it thinks are handsome oh man and be ugly yeah yeah that's the better even the first sentence is like all right like to to help them right it's home to thaw them out or no i don't think so but uh ultra moon says it's said that on nights of terrible blizzards it comes down to human settlements if you hear it knocking at your door do not open it okay i'm not gonna it's not friendly it's all friendly yeah it brings frozen prey back to its layer and neatly lines them up um legends archaic says a pokemon inhabited by the soul of a woman who died bearing a grudge in the snowy mountains legends of frostlast placing deathly curses on misbehaving men send shivers down my spine so it's a [ __ ] ghost witch and it curses people and it freezes them and it ugh yay pokemans this next one says face what happened with pokemon yeah phase one is still the best phase overall it might be oh you got avengers in there and iron man uh and i remember cap being pretty solid foreign i'm making a video on light year and i figured out chris evans is just doing his cab voice but then deepens his voice for popular buzz phrases i hate it yeah i don't think uh talking about a movie that came and went pretty cool yeah i don't think i'm ever gonna see light yeah i don't think i wanna um hey we won't see a light year in a long time that's true so thor had to stop gore from opening the door and after thor beat gore he crawled on the floor to get to the door everybody do the dinosaur everybody do the dinosaur that's um not ice age three yeah remember that how many of those are there two people have said no two people said in chat that uh pokemon's always been that way it's always been dark they said drowsy steals children and cubone wears its mother's skull i feel i don't know i feel like because i was around for the first gen stuff and it never seemed that way also you know i maybe where's his mother's skull collectively a hell of a lot less scary than what you just described about that that dude in the yeah his favorite food is men's souls and stuff like water it freezes you and it brings you back to its place and that you just stay there as decoration like i don't know it feels that i don't know i feel it's a step different i feel it's a step up [Music] back to back it did get worse nah it's always been that dark i don't know it feels like it's gotten darker yeah i think it's i think it's categorically gotten darker there's no [ __ ] way uh it's always been like that you might be able to find one or two references but we're seeing them all over the place now kind of nuts it's always about eating people's souls and stuff i'm concerned quantum mania will assassinate scotland's character apparently he's too busy with his book to spend time with his daughter am i alone yeah that's that's [ __ ] and it's gonna be really annoying so woohoo ant-man quantomania more like sonic mania whoa nice i i like sonic is good or bad i assume it's bad uh i have no idea but i think you're probably right about the whole like when you bet on sonic as a content you're more likely to hit bad than good i think i'm gonna upset some sonic fans your irl pokemon of the day is the dragon headed caterpillar also high rags hello oh because that's just because we've got to do it that way because i have fun because i enjoy it that's why this is a very interesting creature let me get you a picture here i totally agree that it's a irl pokemon look at that thing yeah oh you're looking at it good it's yeah it's uh very interesting dragon headed caterpillar that i wonder what it that should have inspired a pokemon to be honest with you what what is this critter that you've got pulled up he's a dragon headed caterpillar athen awesome looking caterpillar yeah he looks like rayquaza maybe rayquaza is inspired by this yeah i was thinking that what does it turn into what does it look like after it becomes a butterfly i don't know uh dragon had a caterpillar butterfly because the is butterfly dragon hit uh i'll get back to you on that can we look forward to any the boys season three coverage or are we past the point of caring uh rags and free definitely i don't care and i cared enough to just find out what happens in it and complain to bringing in a all for like 10 minutes and then never talk about it again so probably not no unfortunately do you guys think mr nimbus will still control the police in wakanda forever knowing how the mcu treats continuity i'm worried who's mr nimbus mr nimbus am i missing a reference i don't know who that is is he like a cloud person personal clown sorry [Music] oh it's a rick and morty reference because oh yeah because he's like the he's like an aquaman type oh yeah that's right i remember yes he will be in wakanda forever i'm pretty sure uh james gunn for booster gold movie it probably would have been that alternate timeline where james gum would have actually become one of the like most influential creators of the mcu and that oh isn't rooster gold is dc no i know i'm what i'm saying is just the the the thought because we were talking about it at this point it's just like he was meant to be the producer of the cosmic side at one point if that timeline had come true we probably would be dealing with a lot more quality controlled mcu stuff but too late for that now uh but maybe that will mean that we get some pretty cool dc stuff who knows i liked the suicide squad you know what about pacemaker well you know the suicide squad we already gave a five so it's not like it was the most amazing thing in the world yeah but yeah we'll see hello efap crew well actually before you move on i i found the what the butterfly that the dragon headed caterpillar turns into um uh this yeah you sound unimpressed yeah i kind of am it's all right i guess with a caterpillar like that it would you know i guess i was expecting [Music] generally the caterpillar becomes the beautiful butterfly right and now it's like the incredible caterpillar becomes that's an all right better play yeah uh hello efap crew is there ever a time you feel you were too cynical or that others were too cynical yeah probably i don't know i don't know what examples i come up with exactly uh too cynical what do you call too cynical is that what they're saying i guess perhaps i treated you too harshly basically right like you were cynical with the overly negative about something that you eventually realize was you know had more value than you first gave it um most of the time we overshoot don't we like in a positive way rather than a negative way i think typically yeah we're like no no no this could be good because of these reasons and then we're like oh i mean it's not often that something is pretty cynical i went into the page for a pretty cynical i was about to say that's sort of the standout example of the other way um generally things do not get better on re-watches if we didn't already kind of know it uh sometimes we go into stuff and we're like oh yeah it's probably definitely got some huge issues and then we see it and we're like yeah we were right but it's rare that we're surprised that things are better than we thought i think in a meaningful you know in a big way maybe we would too believe it or not with phase five oh yeah maybe it will be really good maybe they'll be the best avengers movies ever making them maybe they're in the same year because they like shot them and produced them back to back and they're just releasing them oh can you imagine making two of those at once all right i think they made infinity war and end game back to back production production-wise like they they did it all in one run i think so with reshoots and stuff but yeah i think that was back-to-back for like eight nine months huh you did that with lord of the rings they did lord of the rings was like 14 hundreds did them all back to back and then they staggered the releases in the movies watch the noble six ghost of reach teaser trailer bro why what on stream yeah why is it is it because it's really good it's a halo thing i guess because noble six goes to reach but i'm just i don't know i get i just don't care about noble six you know like i feel like we got that story um are they just asking to watch like one of the trailers for halo reach is that what they're asking yeah i don't know what is it called uh noble sex ghost of reach that didn't sound like a trailer actually that sounds like no well they called it a teaser trailer so so i guess this is some kind of a show or i have no it's like a yeah it looks like a cgi sort of thing here oh people are saying it's a fan thing okay all right what was the question can you read that question again watch it go watch it it's kind of a funny way to do it go watch this wow see this is part of the problem right this is your monkey's boy your heart strikes to watch it and you might not be getting what you wanted i just was skipping and listening a bit like it looks fine for what i i'd expect it looks fine uh it looks so don't have your friend kevin do your voice for your rooting oh voice actors do work like that so it's not just something anyone could do it makes me laugh i'm sure they tried their best but that's what is this what you wanted i don't know i hope this isn't what you wanted but it's i was like it's only a minute i'll just post it here for later and you could skip to the part where they start talking it's bad you just clearly tell they just they just had some guy do it and he's like this is just probably your friend isn't it your friend didn't do a good job should i voice acting is really important like i couldn't do a a lot of voices i'm not a voice actor really so oh uh phase four is about family dom and brian drift in and steal the millennium falcon and save iron man from the bat cave and gather forces to save rey and steal all the latium on the ferengi home world the fringy home world no oh okay and yeah i was about to say the fringing home world what that's just earth nate that's confirmed yeah that was never in doubt you'd understand every last piece of anything getting confirmed is very important the law right is all going on sure it's confirmed um the dnd trailer was the best one from sdcc lol i don't even know what i'd say the best trailer was the house of dragon i guess like it's it's as good as it could possibly be but i just don't trust it yeah of course like the other stuff uh but the dnd trailer i don't know i just it just felt super super generic to me yeah [Music] i want a booster gold trilogy the first movie focusing on what it means to be a hero second building his relationship with blue beetle two and two and three losing blue beetle and learning how to accept his death well oh that's not happening looks a bit sorry booster gold now that phase four is over you can watch fx's legion nah i've heard of it is that a movie tv show is that on like amazon or something uh whoa if it's fx it'd be on disney plus right ah okay um i have heard legion's good i just i have but i'm interested uh muller i understand if you want to prevent spoilers but thoughts on the end to better call soul season six episode nine it was interesting but thought it skipped over some details is that nippy is that that episode number nine um i enjoyed it i don't feel very passionate about it at all i think people are incorrect when they say it was nothing however i can understand why people have said that and that show should be careful to make sure it has a point to to to make with with how many episodes it's got left i'm sure it'll be fine oh nippy is episode 10 remember which one what happened in episode nine um yeah i'm i'm really not someone you're going to want to get the commentary of medical soul from i just my passion levels are so low on it it's uh what i can do i would say it's good show you guys check it out but um yeah that's a it's a rare overview i'm just like hmm i'll check out the last three episodes don't worry i'll mention what i thought of the finale at some point probably after it is uh i will defend nippy to my grave yeah i mean i was surprised that so many people were upset with nippy and uh you know i think that i think i think they need to calm down and maybe complain when the whole season's done maybe if if there's not much going on at that point that's that's the time we could be like why did they spend so much time on nippy okay um the institutions of movie makers and gamed envelopers or game developers is simply disappointing these days i don't know what the in ignorance maybe or what happened to the days when people work to make good movies and games just to make good movies and games there's still lots of good games coming out there are yeah it's i mean we we doing gloom a lot but in terms of the amount of content that you have at your disposal as a gamer it's never been better honestly i mean especially as older stuff remains playable in a variety of ways with you know double a and indie stuff all over the place i mean you've got the cream of the crop to pick from and yet it feels less reliable that good things will come out yeah way better the games are doing way better than [ __ ] movies uh it's remarkably telling that any mcu film not banking on nostalgia gets outsold by top gun and aquaman any mcu film is not banking on nostalgia i mean multiverse tried to bank i guess just saying no way home but spider-man would have always made more than like top gun and spider-man and i i feel like dog strange was still kind of trying to use yeah no that does put into perspective though aquaman is more successful than doctor strange in the multiverse of madness and made more money yeah so i can't believe things are crazy yeah they're both [ __ ] question for the efap crew my screenwriting professor told me once that the most important aspect of an adaptation is to maintain the tone of the source material agree if disagree what do you think is more important disagreement um disagree i'll go with spirit before tone but i would agree that that's pretty broad yeah it is it is broad and if the most important say the most important part of making an adaptation it's to write something good it's always going to be to write something good well yeah because that's an odd way to phrase it like what's the most important thing about making an adaptation it's like well why like an adaptation specifically what about making an adaptation require something different from like are they talking about accuracy yeah i don't it's like you see what i mean so in my head i'm fighting between as faithful as you can be or as good as you can be because those are two different things but when you're saying what is the important aspect of an adaptation as opposed to a good story yeah because a good adaptation might mean that you're 100 faithful it just depends on how you categorize what makes a good adaptation i guess um because you know some people have already said like respect the original and it's like what if the original is like really bad and everyone knows what i mean what if you respect it and you're just not talented yeah what if you you can have yeah you can have a great deal of respect for something but you're just really bad at writing stories and making like what exactly like what good is it doing you to be respectful if you if what does that translate to meaningfully a lot of the time well written does translate into people being like you were respectful but it also can't so you know the different scenarios it's not intrinsic it's not necessarily if it's not necessarily then it means it must be something more important someone said why are you adapting something bad if it's bad just make a reboot or a new version it's like a great high concept i don't want to type i just i don't have to provide a justification it's it's the hypothetical if someone's doing that and it's a bad thing should they adapt it faithfully probably not i guess that's the thing is like surely good advice is something that's actually usable whereas like ah let me let me retain the tone what does that mean like you know what is that a what does that mean well it's [ __ ] but i have the same problem it's more like reliable more actionable i suppose a reboot is an adaptation in a sense yeah i'd say it is it's based on the original material so was watching age of ultron with a friend the other day and at some point i just said man isn't it sad that we're hoping avengers 5 be a bare minimum of quality of age of ultron ain't that something yeah cause ultron age of ultron is [ __ ] you probably won't even get that though no because age of ultron has some decent character work but you know between strong dialogue yeah what happened to the dialogue it's gotten so much worse pain is better it really has gotten way worse exactly no one talks like a person would talk to another person well i mean there was a in doctor strange you remember when like wanda shows up at the comitage and then doctor strange yeah he's like you're justifiably angry uh you've had to make sacrifices and then she's like yeah i've had to make sacrifices you don't know anything about sacrifices it's like what the what is this like you know what i mean like this is the conversation you're not talking to each other what you said has nothing to do with yes it's speaking at one another in this weird flimpy way probably is chopped up there was a longer conversation where it did make sense because don't speak to me about sacrifice what all he said was she's so hilarious as well don't speak to me dr strange who sacrificed his life thousands of times to stop dormammu and who sacrificed his life again to save the universe yep it's vision sacrifice more so than yours anyway like vision okay but she's mad though okay she's very upset and yet none of her plan has anything to do with reuniting with vision or her parents or you know somebody that she actually knows and for years rather than three days i'd be curious if michael waldron even knows who these characters are like did he watch one division even because they referenced it in that a little bit at least oh well um cute little little i think shiba you knew thank you very much super sticker oh nice when you fought so loud everyone's head explodes sad face that's pretty bad yeah i wouldn't want to be around that a lot of moral implications they should probably just you know live alone far away from society if that's a risk what would you do what would you do if um classic scenario you're in an uh an elevator with one other person and you fought what do you do you have to write are we including the head exploding thing or just no no no no no just okay scenario when you're in an elevator with someone else and you fight what do you do just write it out well hold up but i think there's a very important question asked here which is is it audible or silent no it's it's silent but i mean they can smell it yeah just whatever no [ __ ] it gaslight him look at him like well well it's funny that you say that right because i remember i was a jerking family guy when peter is in an elevator the guy next to him just starts sniffing and peter's like um it was you that's a good joke i don't think the only way that if if it is if it is audible though you're just gonna have to you just just roll with it you're like oh ho ho don't go down to the taco bell on the second and main because i think that's the best you can do yeah you have to be looking at all those yeah it looks like that bean burrito is coming back to haunt me oh something like that or you could be like a more more animated cartoon animated cartoon that's a stupid sense it's more cartoon references you could be like homer open the lift door and escape and then slide down the side of the power flare to get away yeah well this is my floor see you tomorrow just say just someone said just say did someone step on a frog wow i never heard that one that's a bit incense too do frogs make farting noises when you step on i've never stepped on a frog i've made sure not to because we have lots and lots of toads here that come out at night i think there's a difference between a toad and a frog ranks correct there is they're not in much the same way that i don't want to step on one i don't want to step on the other frogs are really cool like it's you know we mean we move about them a lot but frogs are really nifty critters oh fringy speaking of your love of uh animals i found a uh meme i want to show you i think you really like it uh yeah i i i may well i think you just might i liked it but it's gotta load up i have a lot of memes in my folder it takes a while for it starts with the old ones up top so that's oh i got the last two oh both of these are they're similar but we were talking about lord of the rings a little bit so you can go ahead and put that in there why is it not sending there we go yeah i've seen that one before [Laughter] and if you have the one that you'll like it's just yeah there was a little bit of writing there yeah um you know how canaries were historically brought into coal mines because of the mine was full of carbon monoxide the canary would die first and the miners were um [Music] uh the miners would be able to escape before they died too this is a canary resuscitator when miners notice the canary getting sick with carbon monoxide poisoning they can close the circular hat so no more gas gets into the canary cage and open the valve on that oxygen tank to keep the canary breathing in other words they made a space suit for birds by immediately giving the canary access to clean air they save it from the poison the bird lives to be clear this is not for economic purposes this was specifically created because the miners felt bad and wanted to save it oh man is that true it looks like it hey it looks like something that because i'm looking at the construction of it and it looks rudimentary enough to where like someone could make that tell me that a bunch of coal miners just made that to make sure that their bird would be safe yeah yeah that's that's nice i i always felt really bad for like the whole canary in a coal mine it's like damn that poor canary we're made for a good tune of phrase what was the joke in simpsons with a canary in the coal mine i don't remember i wasn't in the coal mine it was when they were digging to uh to save bart from the well wasn't it again i don't remember damn all right let me see if i can find it that's okay let's press onward marvel doesn't want any solo hulk story since universal still has the license to be fair we're not asking for solo hulk stories just good hulk stories yeah you can tell his story while he's in something else okay this means they just outright killed hulk it's just bruce and strong bruce now there's no compromise you can just change and be the same yes the hulk is dead on a character you you saw pieces of and a lot of in ragnarok he got killed and nobody cries for him little clown boy is an actual like in a series as of today hell of a boss season two episode one little clown boy are they saying that it's an actual insult in that show or maybe i don't know little clown boy i love it okay well what's interesting is that if you google little clown boy the first like thing proper that pops up is tone of lock little clown boys [Laughter] i can't wait to see more of she-hulk's feet bursting from her shoes how embarrassing someone you just want to see your feet alrighty fair enough how long do copyright claims usually take to get resolved for you guys paramount is holding on to me for halo video for the full 30 days my vids average like 20 views i really don't understand i don't think they care how many views anyone gets it's uh they just want to grab it up um yeah a lot of stuff you have to write out the full 30 days they're changing that though i think they're making it towards just a week thank goodness god forbid an actual really good change anyone see the new b and bh movie pretty good b-n-b-h who dat with that bnbh movie b-n-b-h heroes just to be clear could you just b n b no n and oh i didn't know there was one neither did i and i haven't seen it it's a it is beavis and butthead do the universe neat um are you tell the difference between someone get offended for the sake of it and someone who is genuinely upset by something you said just curious how do you tell the difference i don't know what context matters i guess like i suppose yeah it's gonna be how genuine you think their response is because it could be that they're trying to gain something else by pretending to be offended uh or it could be that they're just really upset with you saying the thing kinda i don't think there's a really consistent way to discover i am obsessed with your star wars video essays they're awesome do you have plans to cover the prequels and ot or as force awakens the last video essay no i'd like to do stuff on them someday but um i just don't know when exactly any of those kinds of projects gonna happen but uh thanks for saying thank you would you consider doing a breakdown of nope i'm interested to hear your guys thoughts on it and themes which could seem ham-fisted i am on the fence i didn't intend to see it this jordan peele's new movie he's um he's the guy who made get out and us uh get out was cool and then you think about it and then us was just awful and nope i mean nope it's been out for a little bit now and i've not really heard many people talking about it like in terms of it being good or bad i think capital opinions thought it was bad what is that oh my god believe in lord jesus christ and you will be saved all right i can't choose what i believe unfortunately um so that's that's an issue that should have been addressed in the planning stages of the universe is if belief is the what's required for salvation maybe you should have made belief something have a little bit more can we just skip to where everyone has salvation prefer that no we couldn't have done that damn it that would have been that would have been insane i'm a bit of a rule breaker i'm a maverick absolute madness absolute madness you can't just do that oh dear devil at least deadpool will be undisneyed that true why what do you mean i don't know what do they mean what does it mean for deadpool to be undisneyed i i have no idea hmm hulk should be the very last thing to happen all his stories happen because of the conflict of two personalities you can't do them anymore yeah it's slow yeah it's done now skipped over i'm just not that interested in professor hulk didn't you make sense to me hulk was a distinct personality so like i guess he's dead like bruce killed him he rags look he did it murderer no no i meant that he did a biden moment because i i talked about that for a while just about a minute ago what's here's what's weird is that i don't remember you neither of you are listening to me that's great hey chad at least you guys listen to me are you sure you talked about that oh yeah i was surprised i was waiting for you to talk about it but he didn't say anything at least that bruce killed hulk did you say that hey chad yes or no did i talk for a while about talking about the hulk being dead because uh bruce and bruce now has this dude do you know what i'll just go back to the super chat that prompted it if you want okay that would make me feel better some people are saying no yeah apparently it's kind of weird that a lot of people are good how could there possibly be a 50 50 disagreement on chat what is going on i'm calling gaslighting on this one this isn't this is f this isn't farting in an elevator this this is a way different um yeah goddamn people saying it's more than a minute ago as well oh that's just a saying i don't know how long ago we got exactly like a literal amount of time probably like five all right well you know what five minutes ago is a little while ago in any case let's we can move on no i just want to make sure because i don't want r rags is only by moments to be pointed out it'll be unfair yeah it's fine it's it's not a big deal it happens it happens it's fine i don't i'm not gonna hold it against you or anything i don't want you to be bullied this was more of like a mario kart moment i was so engrossed in my race that i didn't i just didn't it didn't get through i was too busy trying to get ninth place instead of 10th out of 12. i'm very good at this game um yeah i've only played like 400 hours remember the little clown boy super chat about it being spotted in some tv show the one right before that was this means they outright killed hulk it's just bruce and strong bruce now there's no compromise i read all that out and then talked about it for a while and nobody said anything okay that's yeah i don't know what happened there because i totally agree yeah like that it's it's um it's not it's like they don't even fully understand like who they're um like like the nature of who hulk and bruce are like his characters and different people he refers to him as the other guy yeah yeah which but he's he's that's awkward best we best avoid remembering that because uh yeah they need to accept they've murdered someone but that's yeah let's let's live hulk and by live and let live i mean kill you um everyone who said that it was a falsehood uh ban them thunder please ban them all permanently uh and if they've if they've got any kind of membership ban them more than permanently if you can find a way to do that permanent plus i think there's a there's an option we'll find a way to mark them as gnomes like instead of members they get turned into gnomes and they've got like a little like a little gnome hat a little gnome avatar but this would support the theory that all of this is just in my head and i'm in an insane asylum or something it's all in your head luigi it's in your imagination there's no such thing as the mushroom kingdom i'm a plumber you've been riding off of me and my money for years you're a useless cup luigi i don't mean supporting you because you're my brother but mario what about the princess she's real that was a dead hooker luigi you were on mushrooms what about toad what about toad luigi that wasn't a talking mushroom that was my [ __ ] luigi that was i got another hulk one the reason why hulk has been set aside is because universal owned the rights disney can't do a hulk centric movie can only be part of an ensemble again him not having his own movie does not mean you have to make him [ __ ] yeah we can make him work when he's just in other people's movies absolutely good look at avengers this is like luke skywalker yeah look at him he's neat lord longbong of mewbrington abbey is there any good chance a kong fap of peter jackson's long gong when there's less going on it'd be a movie fap for the ages ps oh well wax these scritches for the good point hello you might have you wish one day you might or have you i think so i think it was pretty good no i've been i've been pretty good that's good i'm just wondering stuff and yeah i think i'm doing pretty good i don't want to let it slip you know you got to keep up those good healthy habits yeah of being nice and kind to people and yeah i you know i i think there's on the horizon there's a good chance someday yes a long kong fap why not having encountered several hackers in games lately i would like to know your opinion on hacking in games atm dealing with a lot of wall hacks and speed hacks in dvd what's the opinion to have like in multiplayer games is really [ __ ] yeah um is maybe the difficult question is is there ever a time where those hacks are chill and cool and fun it's like i guess locally when you just sort of experimenting but to try and enter a competitive friends environment is [ __ ] yeah yeah just undermines the whole point which is a somewhat level playing field depending on what type of game or possibly a completely level playing field being undermined by stuff beyond the parameters of the game just cheating like yeah yeah i have no sympathy for cheaters ban them destroy their accounts they've made a series of decisions that led to they're ruining everything really hurting the experience for everyone else i have no sympathy for cheaters whatsoever have you cheat you're gone period no warnings you know exactly what you're doing cheating isn't some new foreign concept that you're ignorant of uh [Music] man remember yinson's death scene in iron man 1 yeah yeah i do back when things were not [ __ ] i remember mattered yeah and we had characters going arcs and stuff she hulk's whole thing is that she's weaker than hulk but can control it and brings out the best of her versus hulk uh yeah that makes sense to me that there would be trade-offs and whatnot doesn't look like she's weaker than him in that it seems like she's just better but we'll see this you know it could just be a trailer doing its traileriness tried amnesia that motion blur nearly killed me kind of disappointing oh you should turn that off yeah i always turn off motion blur in games i i hate it always turns off whenever i get a game and it's on off it goes um sob sob high rags sob sob hello like they're crying i hope you're not sad you're right unless you're just calling me a son of a [ __ ] did an incredible hulk establish the transfer of hulk powers by blood to that scientist that was helping him mr blue his head swells from oh yeah yeah i gave up on that they just did nothing with that well that guy had special weird blood that makes him crazy and weird yeah yeah remember the post-credits scene for incredible hulk was tony setting up the avengers team he went to talk to uh um ross i guess that can't be canon anymore like well because where he's like surprised by the idea of the avengers so that doesn't make sense what happened you know he did that scene for free because he was so grateful for the opportunity for iron man that's cool no you don't do much for free anymore wait we could have created an army of hulks this entire time that might have been helpful with everything god i hate the mcu yeah like he drops his blood at everyone that thor powers them up with thor powers and it's just like whoa good luck thanos with banner and hulk they're completely separate beings but she-hulk is one person it annoys me and i haven't even read many comics i don't think it's a problem necessarily it depends on the explanation i guess in this case it's more so just why why is that how it works like just because just because bruce has got it under control wouldn't she have to do the same thing like wouldn't she have to figure it out or does she just get straight away the super duper benefits of being like cognizant while all that's going on i guess we'll find out i'm not thinking i don't think they're gonna do a good job though of course yeah uh imagine punished thor getting a robot arm from tony such rocket because he did the snap himself after eight itching slapping oh [ __ ] slapping don cheadle ducking cheese whiz joke i'm glad that people have gone to the point where the cheese whiz joke is just considered the worst [ __ ] thing like why did you do this can you remind me of that joke he said do you know what's coursing through my veins and then don chudo says cheese whiz and then thor's like kind of not happy about that it's not a good joke well yeah it's not just the joke being like kind of [ __ ] on its own it's the context is those like desperately trying to explain why he should be the one to do the snap and it relates to how he feels he failed like i remember it now yeah [ __ ] disappointing you know like what is that other than your fat how do i do that bad you saw a joss whedon movie how do i do that oh that you mean that's the well yeah the russo was like i don't know what they were thinking with that because like they've shown they can do infinity war is one of the funniest mcu movies yeah i just don't get it contemplative and also very funny because the scenes don't step on each other yeah they're not trying to be both it's like both need time there's like this buffer space that they need in between you know uh efab quote out of context of the day does elizabeth warren have telekinesis i know it is um if bruce slash hulk took drugs could it be revealed through a blood test uh what does it mean to do a drug test on the hulk like i don't yeah i don't know maybe i guess that's up to them to decide what their rules are for that like i don't know if his blood is weird or if it's easy to you know also fringy as the australian of the group do you think that the pokemon skrupi could survive your lands long enough to become drapeon uh appreciate you all massively never heard of that loser we get an image of it see if i can get one scroopy just go ruby oh here it is uh let me copy oh he seems cute even though he's you know you're a scorpi all right um i figured he might be doing all right and he evolves into a drapeon let me copy that i've seen this image i don't know if that's his three evolutions maybe oh wow all right yeah look at him go yeah i figure he'll be okay as long as he stays out of trouble he should be fine uh please get rikita for she-hulk coverage i am uh i am hopefully gonna try and see about that we might be able to get some conversations about law shoved in here and there why not in your previous efap on uh what is t love and thunder okay you wondered if the mcu should have developed the cure for cancer they have iron man 3's extremists can cure anything it was forgotten along with the rest of phase 2. is that what they say in iron man 3 i can't remember what did they say specifically like i can't i'm saying i can't remember what they said about extremists what it could do i don't know i was like some super regenerative flump could it like kill cancer though uh i think it was some some like illness help and thing yeah because yeah just the if it is that that is catastrophic for the world as well uh yeah they actually do say that it can cure cancer that's not like a comic sauce that's from the movie itself really helps them breathe fire i know it can yeah the grow back limbs thing and it's just but the thing is it was unstable right or at least yeah wow didn't seem that unstable seemed like not unstable enough for the [ __ ] creator not to take it so was it that he had a stable version or something well because some people blew up yeah but but most people didn't but i yeah i need to see the movie again to be sure about that i mean i don't think any of us are eager to rewatch iron man 3. oh really no not he not me oh no i'm the hulk now you're a hulk oh no i've got aids now you're in aids well i'd hope he doesn't have aids and they'll both be happening the hulk doesn't have aids that's not good i'm sure if he does they'll forget about it and he'll be fine this one says oh they're both lawyers uh just the one i don't think the hulk's a lawyer no he's a scientist doing science he's he's he has legal ology is what he studies in the laboratory he puts some law into a beaker and he heats it up and he measures out some justice hell yeah and he pours out some habeas corpus and mixes it in with some objections yep the original ninja costume is still the best one original ninja costume let's talk about dead evil are you talking about like that are you you mean like the uh like the man without fear the like just the black sweat suit and like you know they might be talking about the devil yeah i don't know the next one's about data awesome dear devil in phase four is genuinely the most scared i've been for a fictional character in my life in face five remember space five yeah yes well i guess he's gonna turn up in she-hulk right so yes and probably echo as well in fact i think that's yeah confirmed she-hulk's phase four right yes well it's yeah we're still on it so they're afraid for dead evil even in phase four unfortunately yeah you made it through no way home everyone i know you said for a few seconds but he made it through she-hulk looks like a misogynist's attempt at critiquing the patriarchy a misogynist attempt at critiquing the patriarchy um maybe they'll reference wouldn't generally can normally a misogynist wouldn't critique the patriarchy right is that their point that it turns out the people who are like down with the patriarchy are the ones that are actually more so sexist and is me maybe i don't know i mean all i ever got from that is it's kind of funny that the show has like the single female lawyer futurama like vibe a thing that was being made fun of like by futurama 20 years ago what do you mean you're you remember the single female lawyer joke yeah do you remember liking is i'm pretty sure is in that trailer where it's like oh yeah you know like it's uh like yeah i'm a lawyer a super demanding job like isn't that exactly what the single female lawyer joke was oh but i mean she's also a hulk right yeah i know i know well i mean of course there's that as well it's just kind of funny like it feels like there's a level of parallel to the single female lawyer joke would have been a hulk help you be a lawyer i don't i don't know that it would like i'm not sure what the benefits of that would be because yeah i watched ally mcbeal the whole thing uh there is even a plotline where she's dating robert downey jr in the show and uh he got into bad things irl and he had to be written out of the show um i think there's like a payoff where he may or may not leave her and he ends up leaving it because he had to irl because he wasn't gonna be at the show anymore i just um so when i saw that joke in futurama i just thought it was more so like your standard matte greening sort of reference um well remember the big the bigger takeaway from that was um it was not okay from the perspective of network television to have any radical change she couldn't not be a lawyer or be like she couldn't be in a relationship and not a lawyer that's not allowed by the end of it she needs to be back to single female lawyer hey man that's probably how they make stuff these days yeah hulky mcbeal hulky mcpheel uh you know what's funny the fact that power rangers still tries to keep continuity between all the shows some of them even acknowledged the previous seasons will bring them back like lord said and there's some people some people out there still like continuity okay that must be a crazy world where every week these these costume guys they beat up this monster and then they kill it but then it gets really really big and then they have to go fight it again and this happens every week and the world's just like yeah this is what happens it all tends to sort itself out so you know we just roll with it why not uh remember in sicario when punisher tried to kill an fbi agent and got a wet willy from benicio del toro in the back of a car as punishment iraq's hello um yes i do remember that that seems pretty stressful because he realizes she's uh it's well uh is she's trying to get him from he's he's the one that's like providing information i think and then he realizes she's figured that out but luckily benicio del toro is there i'll watch sicario everybody don't watch the sequel great movie i've i don't even remember much about the sequel at all i just remember that scene when he like gets he shoots the dude but he does it kind of weird where he puts like he holds a gun with one hand and pulls a trigger with a different like hand do you remember that i just remember them having him get shot in the head and it happens to be the one angle in place that wouldn't kill you it's [ __ ] absurd but whatever but that happens though sometimes i'm sure a lot of things happen sometimes hi sweet good boys finally bought a ps5 the first console i've owned since ps2 would you recommend any must plays for the platform interesting well since i could grab like some ps4 classics then right because they're all backwards i believe they are what would you go with what's the best of ps4 fringy oh [ __ ] um oh man get the shadow colossus remaster why not um well bloodborne that would probably be a good pick yeah yeah yeah you're okay with because some people really aren't okay with the 30fps and then even lower yeah you know which i understand yeah totally fine you want to talk about that for a second i will be back the problem is that there's not many games i can recommend of like playstation 4 classic that doesn't run at a [ __ ] frame rate they all do they all are 30 fps because they all understand yeah it's just console games 30 fps and that's 30 fps best case scenario that's exactly yeah they're really remembered best case scenario everything running as it should be you'll get 30 fps but if [ __ ] goes down um yeah like um i'm pretty sure that was because bloodborne would go into the like the into the the tens like it would drop into the tens category and then there was that interview where the director said oh it wasn't the director it wasn't it was the producer who's like yeah it's better for action games to be 30 fps uh shut up it's like no it's just categorically worse wrong um the ghost of tsushima would be another one i'd probably recommend yeah um 30 fps is fine the human eye sees it 24 are you memeing i think that's the mean yeah drop below 20 however well i mean i would yeah sure but like i hope you're meaning well the as the lower in frame rate you go the more you notice the missing frame rates because there's going to be more look like a slideshow well yeah mathematically if because it's measured in frames per second the less you have the more space there will be in between them that's why it's very easy to see the difference between you know 30 fps and 60 fps but it's very difficult to tell the difference between 400 and 450 before say that absolutely think it's like weird like 60 fps they find it weird to look at which i've never understood because uh because it's you're not used to it if i totally understand that because that's the place where i that i was in in one time it was bioshock the game that let you the original bioshock on the xbox 360 had a option you could have 30 fps or you could have 60 fps but it wasn't called that it was called like smooth mode or something like that and it just looked different and i and i didn't know about behind it too there's a lot of games that now let you do that they have like performance mode and fidelity mode which i'm okay with um the option but i mean as for i think it's just a matter of you do notice it even if you're even if you're not cognos like i remember i think i think it was um because call of duty's always run at 60 on consoles though i think they've gotten worse at that over the years but like on you know the older ones did um yes i don't think it's a surprise that call of duty ended up becoming like the most popular shooter among other things because of its emphasis on performance yeah battlefield would run dirty and it was the difference that you just already you could feel that there you felt it that's the thing you will feel it even if you don't fully appreciate it you're gonna feel it yeah if you don't know what it's called or why it is it's just smoother um yeah it's it's fear was really weird now playing like like if i ever played a game on i mean the last of us right like last of us two was 30 fps and it's like i don't oh i don't like like it's a big ass to make me play some at 30 fps it had better be like it's bearable if it's a game like i mean southpaw the stick of truth yes or yeah 30fps well it's because of the style of south park right i said animated but then you look at something like cuphead which is trying to it's doing the rubber hose animation like animations at 24fps cuphead is at 60. it's animated at 60. um they did all the the drawings they did 60 drawings instead of 24. um and nevertheless right regardless of what the frame rate is for the illustrations it's all about like the way that things move across the screen um and i mean in the case of south park it's not a game that requires much by way of like twitch uh you know mechanics rpg turn-based rpg it's really not that big a deal if civilization or rim world or whatever there's a lot going on and you don't get 60 fps you could deal with it yeah obviously it's not ideal but you could deal with it but man someone in chats brought up fighting games it's like there's it should be no surprise that every like fighting game ever that's competitive is it 60 fps because it's it's just it's just the case that it's better um it's and and in the case of competitive games it's it's actually like essential you want to you want to reach out as much as you're getting yeah and of course someone would be like why not 120. it's like i think 60 is a healthy middle ground yeah most people are fine enough with 60 60 is good enough pretty much every tv that anybody has is only going to display at 60 hertz anyway yeah if you want a screen with more than 60 fps it will generally be advertised as for gamers or something like that because most tv shows every once in a while every once in a while you'll see one of those shows that's running at a higher frame rate it looks strange but for the most part tv shows are w24 a lot of skype operas will because i i remember i noticed it once um there was a soap in australia called neighbors which i think even just ended after 37 years i remember that there was there was one time when i i saw it and i'm like something is different like everybody's moving not as fast as they used to like there's something that's changed and it was only once i got like a lot older that's like oh that's probably because like the frame rate that that was being displayed at changed like it was probably at 48 and then they reduced it to 24. um because of course i mean the the thing is when it comes to like film and television and everything it doesn't like 24 works there's no interactive element that is um important to maintain like you don't need to push the frame rate on um a film but on a video game you know less frames is longer time between your input being recognized on screen it's not a lot of difference but it is a difference persistently throughout the whole game um yeah yeah you'll notice that sometimes every once in a while whether it's oddly enough i think it was probably like a hallmark movie or something it just looks super smooth compared to everything else and i was saying and i want to say like i almost pointed it out it's like wow you see how smooth this is it's running at a higher frame rate than what you normally look at and i feel like i can't remember my parents even like realized it or they noticed or something it's i don't know it's not something you might even like subconsciously you might notice it but maybe you don't even think to point it out or recognize it's a weird thing especially if you're not in exactly yeah but i mean in video games it matters and it was really frustrating all those conversations about how it didn't it's like the big problem with the eighth generation they couldn't even do 1080p 30 like they couldn't even do that well hi did you recommend a bunch of ps4 games uh not really we just started talking about we talked about frame rate stuff um why am i blanking on it i should know better as well good ps4 stuff um i mean um i mean i like spider-man on ps4 sportimon uh yeah a lot of people say that that's real good i still haven't gotten around to it yet i wonder if i replay infamous second summer i might um that might be a game that i was a little bit too harsh towards because i find it frustrating that it exists but like it's probably mechanically pretty strong amnesia hell yeah go to war 2018 well i i haven't played enough of that to so i can't give that recommendation um demon souls well you can get the ps5 uh yeah but you know what horizon do people like horizon forbidden west i think everybody don't hear anything about that game neutral to good i think i've only heard about that people didn't hate yeah i know it's fine ring elden ring really uh yeah like wallowed that up yeah let me look at horizon forbidden west that game is super impressive graphically that's for sure guerrilla games they are they're really good with their tech yeah gorillas they're they're great with uh learning stuff like that i've heard that you can get them well make all kinds of stuff you guys remember the killzone 2 thing the the pre-rendered trailer for cure zone two do you remember that i believe i do where it goes under the bridge and shoots and it's um the the story behind it was that it was presented as like what the game would look like but what it actually was was like a proof of concept that was made internally by like gorilla like a video so that they were like yeah this is what we'll be trying to aim for and then sony were like you know what this is good enough to show the world um and there was no way that they were ever going to hit like what they had shown in that demo i mean kill zone 2 looks really good um but like it's uh yeah there was no way that they were going to achieve um though i guess i guess that's probably like because killzone 2 looks overall better than that that trailer like it has a better overall like look to it um like it's a lot more cohesive even if it's not as technically impressive as um as that demo um sadly the earth isn't intact the eternals made sure that dead celestial hanging out of the planet yeah people still wait for that to be addressed it won't be it won't be um look up doom's dialogue in marvel vs capcom 3. that game is my favorite depiction of marvel's characters and doom's voice performance is fantastic um let me see if i can there's probably someone who's uploaded it right dr doom dialogue marvel this is capcom 3. hmm [Music] come on x-men we got work to do i'll make you wish you were facing magneto mutant scum that voice is okay oh this is what happens when you praise something isn't this great look at this what's this you guys can listen let's just one example i guess at that time stamp i want to play marvel vs capcom 2 um that game looks really cool people saying it sounds like me making a voice hold on it's not quite [Music] his voice is yeah yeah it's like uh he tried he sounds like dark hell but oh no now that you've said that yeah he sounds just like dog elbows it does it sounds like rick moranis in a metal bucket oh it does it's been ruined i'm so sorry you need the voice from robot chicken how could you allow this to happen and i [ __ ] it up damn it what was it i it was the wife swap joke where sue storm switched play like like families with just this normal woman and it's like you know die fantastic for it not today doom then she just gets like vaporized adopted doom it was part of the show's premise what were we supposed to do oh i don't know may we not pit a housewife against the powers of doom oh under arrest in her asteroid and housewives okay uh yeah i guess he's not a very forward-thinking doctor doom is not very forward-thinking so mullet do you think they will bring back the magical wonderball in wakanda foreskin i don't think that's what it's called but uh the baby i don't i'm actually i'm not sure if they'll forget they might just forget them maybe they won't i don't know we shall see except they reckon daisy fitzroy into a good guy in burial at sea because of course they did i hate those dlcs so much dude we're way ahead of you we hate the game but yes i also hate the difference sucked uh what is bigger what is bigger a big little chungus or a little big chungus or a medium medium fungus um i'll go with little big chunkis because it's like the smallest of the big ones which i think would be bigger than the biggest of the small ones then again the medium medium chunks might be bigger i'll have the medium medium chunks with a side of fries and an extra large coca-cola would you like mayo on your medium medium chunks no all right that'll be 7 33 please pull to the first window the scrolls are not sending their best some i assume are good green people well we'll see see what they're doing with scroll see what they tell us is the truth about the scrolls uh hey guys i really want to make a defense argument for some of the not great movies you guys have covered i don't know how to get it to you in the best format for it i could do videos if needed i'm not choosing easy positions by the way well i mean it's good luck with whatever it is you're up to there's no really like there's no system for make an argument and we shall respond to it it's more of a we might see some arguments in chat maybe we'll catch a video here and there who knows yeah never know but uh good luck with whatever it is you're up to maybe you'll maybe you can make some videos for the sake of making videos that could be fun um what is the most money you'd be willing to pay the furthest debt you'd be willing to get to to get out of having relations with a sheep no one will know about the relations to get out of relations with the sheep so how much amount of debt would well what's the interest rate on that debt that might be a good question to start with why do i need more information to determine well or alternatively you know what we can just move on actually i think it's a bit of a weird question yes i'm not sure how to answer it honestly i don't think if it's like if it's like a tom nook loan then i'll take on infinite like money because i never have to pay that loan back so yeah it's not even like calling it a loan is kind of even unfair it's it's not a loan it's free money it's free money you don't have to pay it back and it literally your loan depreciates just over time because of inflation like tom nook looks a nice guy he is a nice guy i'm sick of people [ __ ] on him tom looks amazing maybe he should just [ __ ] great guys helping people out and see what they say then huh maybe like oh yeah he sometimes asks you about all that money that he gave you like if you got to pay it back that every once in a while he can inquire about it yeah it's so funny because i'm pretty sure i've seen people say see he's like an allegory for capitalism because he like owns all of the businesses like all the money busts through tom nook and it's like you know what not even true it's not true there are other the mabel sisters isn't that the name of the the clothes people there's the there's the two llamas right um there's also the the museum museum of the owl runs and there's there's the police department um we didn't ask him to build that house you don't have to pay him back i don't know what you want me to say so here's the thing you you do ask him to add to build make your house bigger that's true and in order to make your house bigger i think it's enough to say you know what can you pay off the loan first that you owe me before we before you before we get bigger again yeah and then once you pay that off i'll just make your house bigger again yeah the able sisters that's right like he i mean essentially tom nook is like working really hard to ensure that the town has all of the resources and amenities that it needs to be a fully functioning and thriving settlement yeah he's um he is a pillar of the community um can we have a video where fringy does a deep dive on the inner workings of animal crossing so the problem is that i can't i've played a decent amount of animal crossing i don't know how much i could tell you about a lot of other aspects of the game but i of course i can tell you that tom nook is um he is besmirched a lot considering that what he does is like downright generous it's like it's generous interest-free loans while he raises two kids he and and by reinvesting in the business you gain access to better like more goods yes it's it's just that you one of the best things that happens to you in that game is his story expands because every day you get more things to choose from he does the thing that you want people to do which is not just hoard the money and turn into like a tom nook version of smog like sitting on a [ __ ] pile of gold coins he reinvest that into his business that produces more goods that are accessible and available to you and infrastructure in the town like all of the money that you pay on your interest-free loans is which is free money anyway is used to reinvest into um services for the community yeah yeah hey there just supporting where i can high rags sign of peace ringy hello listen to red rising all right uh that's the book that i keep saying i might listen to or read one day you guys think i got the audio you guys have any favorite non-fiction books um uh oh i mean i've got plenty that i like i'm not sure what the favorite would be non-fiction books i've really got a picture really congratulations that's a i i find that a pretty interesting and valuable book i don't know what my favorite non-fiction book would be i am just i need to go fish out my ipad actually because yeah right now i'm kind of blanking it's probably it might be just i think it might be like a book of facts or something like that video or something similar but it's just like the book of it's like here's a whole bunch of cool things about the world and i had one that believe it or not isaac asimov wrote and it was really good um but i don't yeah i don't really i don't really read non-fiction that much i raised a decent amount of it which makes me annoyed that i can't think of anything right now well all right if so something does come to mind let me know they assassinated a cto character lol they do well they do to everybody so they'll hit some ct characters eventually uh hi raggles freckles hi how could you bully the poor innocent popcorn bucket popcorn bucket's embarrassing don't you know its purpose is to be an empty vessel waiting for x prague to enter then empty forever waiting for next product to fill it good dog it is quite the thing to go to a movie theater and be like hey you wanna spend an extra because you're because movie theater food is already grossly over you know overpriced right you want a buzz bucket of popcorn ten dollars you know it wouldn't take when it's really when it's 67 cents worth of popcorn they charge you 10 bucks for it it's highway robbery and then they say oh you want this bucket do you want this do you want this [ __ ] promotional popcorn bucket for black widow look it's got taskmaster on the other side you want to spend five or 15 more dollars whatever on this and then you say yes no you lost life failure stanley drank hulk's blood in the ed norton movie and he had a heart attack fairly certain he didn't just become a well-adjusted hulk of his own to be fair mixing blood and drinking blood very different uh so i i guess they can have their own rules for what happens when you drink the blood um but yeah like i said mixing the blood it seems to me is going to create a lot of will building questions that they're never going to address because why not why alcohol and rubbing alcohol it's just different yeah root show will peak phase four because the bar is so low well yeah and it shouldn't [ __ ] anything up so wait but then again you never know hey did you check out cuphead dlc it's a masterpiece i've been playing it it's cool but i haven't finished it yet i should busy with mario kart yes actually yeah the good vision of echo involves homelanders smashing ekko's ears leaving her bleeding on the floor and dying we can at least hope yeah i don't i don't care about echo so i don't hate her either i don't even know anything about this place i want anyone to be i don't want anyone to be tortured or whatever uh this is worse i worked out a theater the whole bag that we put in the machine cost three cents the whole the whole bag we put surely it's not that low like it's really low popcorn is popcorn is dirt cheap especially if you buy it in the cheap crap and the massive quantities that theaters do is it real is it really three cents they're making a huge profit then i know i mean i i always knew they did because like popcorn's just cheap you buy that much cheap popcorn in the bulk that they do you're paying basically nothing but three cents for that massive bag geez because i've used i had to i worked concessions um in scouts and stuff and one of the things i did was make popcorn and i was like dang it was it was virtually free so it's hard to wow that's incredible someone said so i usually pay 11 euros for imax tickets and get my suite somewhere else yeah it's tough you're asking me that's the thing movies nowadays i mean it's it's been this way for a while but cove had really sort of hyper-accelerated it i feel going to the movie theater to sit in a theater with a bunch of people sometimes who are total losers and it's like 10 12 bucks to see the movie and it's only like 90 minutes two hours a lot of the time generally like two hours and then then like the food is 10 bucks for popcorn or whatever i don't know it's just it's asking me it's asking a lot it's asking a lot there there will be some movies that i will see like i will when when avatar comes out i'm seeing that at the theater you know that's a theater movie but i feel like it's gotta be a theater movie you know for me to really want to go there uh dear frankl moleslington and schmatt the spectacle hound all right you three have been a blessing to listen to over long and otherwise dreary graveyard shifts your content resonates down the twelfth chakra of my bone chromosome bonus chromosome oh nice oh how about that good to hear hope you're doing okay right now on your theoretical graveyard shift in fact that goes for everyone out there who's currently working maybe a stack in a box or moving a thing or putting a thing in a thing maybe cutting a thing or writing a thing that's about it right that covers everything humans can do ah you know a good amount of it yeah is james gunn the only person to get a complete trilogy in a superhero universe besides sam raimi i guess well nolan uh does that count if it's not a part of anything well i guess if they count sam raimi then yeah but wow well sam raves is now part of the mcu uh the marvel sounds like a cheesy 70s stage band marvel studios the marvels is kind of like marvel's if we were if we were like a group um if we were a group of superheroes like the three of us and maybe we got a couple you know like five of us maybe i don't know i don't know if marvel's would get past the first bunch that you know we'd approve of i don't think i'd go for the marbles it's also kind of interesting that why why did captain marvel from dc uh from one not oh my god why did captain marvel from marvel win out over captain marvel from dc you know what happened um because captain shazam is captain marvel at least i i was but now he's shazam uh pick one of the following to watch on loop all of disney star wars tv shows and movies or all of marvel phase four plus tv tv shows and movies uh olive marble phase four is probably going to be shorter right she got boba mano season one and two the sequel trilogy rogue one solo is that longer or shorter than what disney's disney's probably gone yeah probably shorter one division loki hawkeye oh it's about 50 hours of content i misheard i think um i guess i was thinking something different whichever one's shorter yeah uh i'm not sure which one i'd honestly go with on that one um we'd probably have fun watching the sequels and being like that's dumb that's dumb hahaha i can't believe they did that oh look at his face yeah sure oh this this is a good meme have you guys seen anything related to like does this does this me make sense to you no it's some there was like a there was this comic where it was like when when like i don't know a woman sees a peach oh like yeah i'll leave this for some like like when when the mum sees that there's like a peach on the table oh there's still one peach left i'll save it for the kids and when the dad sees the peach it's like oh yeah i'm gonna eat that peach it's the last one left yay like as if to [ __ ] on him for like eating a peach that's sitting there and i think it was from like a cartoonist who made like a bunch of comics that were just kind of [ __ ] on men like that apparently men don't like when um when woman comes home with the shopping the man only carries one bag and the woman's carrying like 15. when he has anything he's like i could carry yeah men are the one trippers yeah absolutely what what [ __ ] family did this person come from sorry and so this is the meme daddy by peach i it's funny to me because like maybe he [ __ ] gets to have that peach [ __ ] you maybe that peach is his feet and you want to claim it you should do more to claim it than just leave it on out in the open to be eaten a guy coming home from work hungary sees a peach he's like [ __ ] it i'm having a peach it's probably working hard to keep the family going keep the family peach he just once he just wants this goddamn peach [Laughter] [Laughter] peaches have pits they don't have cores like that well i'm coming lost in this mario kart race oh no i can't scroll through twitter and race mario kart at the same time it's not it's not doable peach pits are poisonous to uh dogs i think do not let your dog eat a peach pit oh uh here it is the original comic cartoon thingy yeah the original thing oh look uh one of the many differences between me and my husband oh look the last ripe peach i'll save it for the kids they love peaches so much oh look the last ripe peach i'll use it as a special treat in my daily smoothie okay i'm going to grocery square this is an accurate depiction of our different um i don't believe you like did you well like did you grab all of them first and there was just one left and he took what was left or because i just don't believe you this just doesn't seem to be an accurate representation of what happens in the realities of most people someone said it sounds like new guy stuff and it's like yeah a little bit like it's it's yeah it's just weirdly mean like it's a weirdly meaning why did you marry him if he's such a piece of [ __ ] i think the caption for that um that uh that that that comic was um i wonder oh no i'm not sure i think it's um no i think that's a retweet yeah i don't know i don't understand like it's it's so weirdly mean-spirited you could have told him to help you instead of making a comic about it and putting that on the internet to like try and shame him and he probably wouldn't even know that you made the comics who hate you can you imagine yeah oh well anyway next super chat go well funnily enough uh one of my hard drives is like acting up and it's the one that has the source that's not good our tiles for the e5 on it so right now it's just frozen which funnily enough is just kind of how it used to look surprising to see that yeah so hopefully that's not too distracting to anybody you know what i probably shouldn't have highlighted it at all and then everything would have been fine but now i've noticed the more positive outlook is just that nothing is destroyed uh that's good very very good that would be better that's a scary thing when you're like oh like is this hard drive broken well so i i i had a scare with a hard drive fortunately it was the one it was the game one so like that was fine i can just redownload all the games oh yeah i got it it wasn't the one with all the files the images and pictures and documents oh the documents the docs yeah it was just a good reminder to back up everything on my uh my external drive yeah this week because from what i understand ssds pretty reliable uh hard drives will fail after some time like five years left the storage is getting pretty cheap too so it is give yourself some ssds it's faster they're faster and more reliable and you also have the m.2 ones as well the uh m2 drives yes do you think you're even better than those rags takes such quick pee breaks because he doesn't wash in paws i do i do i just i i just walk over i pee i wash my hands over and i i do and one of the reasons i do is because kobe did kind of get me to start washing my hands a little bit more it kind of put that into my sort of my mind so and plus especially if you're a gamer you should be washing your hands because it keeps the gamer gunk off of your mouse and keyboard and that sort of thing it it really is something you should just sort of do semi-regularly a couple times a day every once in a while just let's go wash your hands and clean your mouse pads too clean those mouse pads i like the idea of you just washing your little paws and under the water running i just i just hop on up there i got i got i can do it right there in the bathroom or go to my kitchen there's i got options bring you keep doing it from what i understand you got to work on that man oh man that's another one of my recurring the reason why i say from what i understand is to clarify that i could be totally wrong like that's the reason why there are some things conveying the information that i believe to be true or what the information i'm operating under as they say this it's like context as you say it yeah i don't see that quite the same as i see other repeated sort of statements i see that as direct information do you want to clarify straight away just this isn't yeah it's just a little message that goes to say i'm not asserting this as absolute truth and apparently i may be mistaken it's kind of like a softening of the claim that's being made for instance i'm not going to say from what i understand the sun exists like that's not it's not a statement i'm going to make i will yeah you would say like from what i understand uh uranus has four moons yeah you can't even say with that almost inquisitive and sorry interrogative inflection yeah it's gonna be like am i like you go into the statement knowing that it might be wrong and as if you're looking to be softly given the correct information as you say it yeah like if you know better you can feel free to clarify at any time i think we had talked about it earlier but there was another for one for one reason or another it came into my head recently but when we start out a sentence by saying well and then we pause and then we start it i think that's it's just become in the language a way for you to politely interrupt so that you you say well to imply that you want to say something you pause so that the other person can decide if they let you in or not kind of yeah like it's it's a it's almost like the it's it's this just emergent conversational thing that has occurred because linguistically it doesn't have any meaning i don't think to say well i think it's pure like i don't i don't think that would exist if we didn't speak orally and i think the only reason it exists in text form is because when you read it you know exactly how it sounds because a lot of people like me i don't necessarily type perfectly grammatically accurate i type as one would speak so it just makes sense what oh [ __ ] now i've got the opening um what at the very least it'll imply that it's going to be built off of what was just said i think saying wow that as well yeah like it's not usually that you go well then you talk about something completely different someone would be like wow if you want to buy some more time to figure out what you want to say um mom is the word that you want to train yourself to get off of the reason why almost as bad as like um like i'm uh i'm less cause me saying like that's i [ __ ] hate that i'm trying to sort that out um i prefer um to like even though i don't prefer um like i prefer um to like as well yeah it's it's just better um oh my god i can't because life has meanings like is comparing one thing to another this thing is like that thing or it is to express your level of fondness for something i like this and i hate that it has become this filler word that people say so often like like like like yeah like um yeah a lot of words see that was fine because i said it was like no that yeah that's fine because you're saying it's similar to other words yeah good on you mm-hmm uh and then they fall over saying rags thoughts on brandon finishing trump's wall after promising not to brandon what a world we live in oh yeah they're awesome you've been biting away from brandon brandon yeah let's go you want to wear the meme yeah that's a meme yeah do you not know about let's go brandon no i don't know really you missed that that was a big boy meme okay that was that's odd that you missed that the the let's go brandon thing i'm almost i'm almost certain you wouldn't have missed it you may have forgotten it because i was just forgotten about it everywhere yeah brandon the the context is this this like there's a bunch of people chanting at nascar um [ __ ] you biden right [ __ ] joe biden that's it yeah and then oh and then it was reported on the news that that wasn't the case was it was they were talking to her interviewing someone and he's like trying to cover for it and he wants to make it sound better than it is he says let's go was it oh no well i think the chick was the presenter and on the other side of the studio it was the guy well yeah very funny though point being they they were they were not saying let's go brandon but that was used to cover you know what i can imagine that they would say let's go and pray let's go brad nobody likes joe biden at the next car rally [Laughter] no one in that [ __ ] stadium likes you hello yeah the the border wall thing is interesting now i only have seen this picture uh so who knows if it's true i would assume that it it probably is um but i don't know who worns go brandon hello wonderful efappers my favorite part of hating tlj was finding efab thanks for all the laughs and for helping me think more critically about film and tv much love from new zealand oh it's nice hope you're doing well over there yeah howdy all how do you feel on anyone really being a part of a bad product show slash movie in the sense they were involved in this so i'm not looking forward to their work does that ever come up um and i'm never looking forward to their work i think this is a more interesting one um it's so like when i hear quotes so like michael waldron is he wrote multiverse of madness the story is his fault but when when like an actor like elizabeth olson says like really bizarre things about the morality of wonder it's like hmm i don't know how that makes me feel you know that's not a script you're not reading a script i was gonna say that you're not that wouldn't change my assumption of if she's in something she'll provide good acting you know like the right exactly um in the same way that it's like weird you're a strange person if someone said i'm the set designer from mom i'd be like oh all right yeah exactly you you take it in parts right like if somebody was part of a bad film but they wrote a great score for it um you know what's what's the uh what's the problem someone chatted said they found us through mandalorians who were the first people who thought the show was bad they could find like them just like [ __ ] yeah man there's like hardly anybody [ __ ] on mandalorian especially that first season i was going to say yeah because the there's even this applies to season two like we famously upset our audience with season two until they realized we were 100 percent correct 1000 correct one billion impromptu e-fat movies right um i can't remember why i decided that we'd record for that one um i think because we did try it season one it didn't work um but season two did i think it could have worked for season one i guess for whatever reason we weren't in the mindset for it or we were doing other stuff because we did like the first episode of season one which didn't talk much we're just like yeah then we re-watched it and we're like oh this is actually pretty bad yeah yes um that it could be something worthwhile and then yeah it all just it all went wrong aim crashing down the kang dynasty is this real it's a meme right yeah it's real what are you going to do the kang dynasty which we assume is exactly i don't know how you could beat kang um we'll find out because they will we'll fire a laser at him yeah yeah it'll be a like palpatine palpatine palpatine team palpatine uh i was just wondering if any of you guys have seen brick i think it's probably ryan johnson's best movie also high ranks hi i have not seen brick niza have i yeah me three though it's a shame because black adam is appealing for a lot of the same reasons dr doom is appealing but none of that will be explored here oh yeah i'm sure in his best [Music] black adam was a slave prior to gaining egyptian god's powers he rules his own province and believes in might makes right which contrasts him to shazam yeah he's from what i understand about black adam the thing that makes him he's like he will pretty zealously defend conduct which is like his home that's his big priority and he will do whatever he can to like to to help and protect conduct so he's not he's not selfish in that regard he's he's motivated by that goal [Music] that's the same with neymar right he'll zealously defend atlantis uh presumably i don't know anything about neymar really which regular star wars characters do you want to battle cameo in andor uh i don't know about what cameos they'll be in and or that's part of the reason why i'm kind of interested in it the less the better talking maybe i could see that maybe yeah we'll see if his we'll see if his skin walker looks any better this time around what uh what rebel people do we think we would would bail ghana maybe show up yeah maybe mon mothma maybe i imagine in fact i will say that it's probably i would say mon mothma is quite likely a contender because she's supposed to be she's like a senator who's really important in helping the rebels and supporting them so i get leia you know we might yeah [Music] doesn't visit anymore like he used to no you don't remember him sweetheart okay you forget gotten him now that's right i'm sorry i'm sorry rings of power is the biggest please don't in the history of modern tv yeah pretty much that seems to be the sentiment just just don't oh yeah just i've only announced like we've seen everyone saying this stuff we're just not going to release it yeah there you go people like you know what that was a good decision actually and they're like yeah thank you because they'd have to make four more seasons yeah it's a big commitment isn't that crazy that's such a huge commitment and the reception is so insanely negative before it's out you got to imagine that they've they've had those i guess the problem is they may well have locked things in like production and actors and all sorts of things that means that they have to do it or that it would be financially ill advised to not do it now the only positive thing i can note from lord the rings rings of power trailers and images is that most the orcs are people with practical makeup and effects not that hobbit cgi crap yeah they look good the the orcs look good yeah they do how is that ringy you have been exited exited they mean excited they must i think they've been excited for loki season two or you'll be melted no all right i don't i don't like because i want to be but i'm not can you be melted anymore because now that no oh the cbi still exists right and there's still that place at the end as far as i know yeah you could just be sent there you wouldn't get eaten by the monsters you just get sent to the planet is walder to live there is walden right in the second season or no i don't think so i think he's just moving on to star wars now what's funny is i can i can believe easily that if you said like don't you want to handle the second season of your show he'd be like hmm he does seem like that kind of person like oh man do you want to see what happens next with doctor strange do you want to maybe cover the third in his story now that you've kind of written a second he'd be like um how much how much money we talking here would fit better for magneto than professor x i think hi rags i could see i want to see him play a hero i was about to say actually yeah because that would be nice i almost casted him in my own head i was like does he suit professor x at all and it's like wait a minute it wouldn't it wouldn't be that bad to see him try and do a good guy hero type yeah he's i i i would prefer to see him play a hero if once because he is now basically the villain guy um yeah which isn't cool because now he's he's like charles dance actually same thing where he just turns mo charles dance isn't quite villain guy he's an authority figure guy he can be good or bad he's such a villain guy that far cry the series that flanderized itself into being the villain's theory had him had um like it's it's kind of a shame as well because like vas is great he's great and he was under utilized in far cry 3. um but i think it almost led to them having this sort of like weird like this this weird course correction where like far cry became the villain series where the villains were like the main attraction and the protagonists were nothing all the while ignoring that like far cry 3 has a story that is trying to tell with its main with uh jason there's a story that they're trying to tell about slipping into insanity and like you know losing yourself amidst a whole bunch of carnage and like forgetting who you are and what matters to you um whereas eventually the protagonist far cry 5 i'm pretty sure you just play like a silent protagonist it just doesn't matter um here you are oh someone just call of duty vanguard is that a pink rifle in a world war ii video game no it's purple with a holographic sight believe it or not the hollow sights are the least they they existed back then um but i mean it's the fact that it's a it's a pink anime space gun that plays techno music that the character pumps his fist to hell yeah so this is meant to be a world war two like game no this this is this game is meant to sell you [ __ ] yeah pretty much um it's it's i i don't like it what happened to just you're a normal soldier you're just a cog no one likes that boo boo you can't sell people insane amazing skins and animations and music yeah boo with your idea down uh we don't want that i have to buy things to make me feel special hey yeah we can do dance moves in the middle of this battlefield while all these people are getting gunned down and dying it's what keeps away the ptsd remember how when you died in call of duty they would have quotes that made you think yeah you remember no boring war and like the human condition and everything blame yeah that is lame compared to animes guns and dance moves and and emotes and still sick take down animations because yeah if there's one thing i think of when it comes to like world war ii it's those crazy takedown animations that they would have had i think the big thing that we've been missing so long is you know they do that goofy nonsense like oh you can pick up some intel if it were mountain dew i think that would be better like you pick up the cans and there's different collectible cans and if you get all of them you unlock like a mountain dew gun it'll tickle your innards and then maybe make that a part of the plot line mountain dew is you know there's something going on yeah yeah because of mountain dew it'll be fanta it'll be fanta because the germans didn't have coca-cola because you know the war and everything they didn't get an access couldn't get access to the the sugar and stuff so that's how fanta came into being is that true yeah so what's inside like a sweetener or something uh let me find what it is uh i just didn't know that phantom was like german i didn't know that uh yes fanta came as a result of the war uh let's see uh the smart heads of coca-cola invented fanta in germany because there was a shortage of the ingredients needed to make coke making no mention in fact the ingredients were scarce because allies had embargoed the nazis during the war i did not know that well i like fanta yeah phantom's okay um i mean as far as sodas go it's fine uh and what what does the origin of mountain dew where'd that mountain do that's mountain dew i know it used to be the tennessee bot uh tennessee bottlers barney and ally hartman developed mountain dew as a mixer in the 1940s soft drinks were sold regionally in the 30s and the hartman's had difficulty in knoxville obtaining their preferred soda to mix with liquor preferably whiskey so the two develop their own and i think mountain dew itself is a name that refers to moonshine okay and i saw someone asking about hugo boss i know about that and i know that volkswagen it means like people's vic cars like that's direct yeah and that was uh arose in the 30s but i think ibm gets off the hook because when they sold others yes it was early in the 30s or something like that so right yeah it's particularly like rim i think i think ibm is off the hook though um i think i don't know enough about the ibm earlier i think it was the early 30s when ibm did all this stuff in germany then they used those machines later for of course that ibm couldn't have known but or maybe they could i don't know probably not but fanta please review a volume of one piece per week no not even a maybe isn't like one piece been running for like 40 years 5 000 years something like that probably uh yeah i think no i think that would be literally impossible right because they probably would produce a new volume not a new volume like a new issue of one piece every week so it's like yeah you want to just keep doing that until eternity until you're dead yeah no um from the butchering of lord the rings we give you the rings of power amazon hey they got to sell it somehow personally i want you guys to react to it because there's no way i can watch this crap otherwise please react and mark rings of power we may it is one of those things that's on the it's on that level of i feel like i should be aware of it and know about it oh yeah definitely i i want to be aware of it i just don't know what i'm just awfully apathetic i just i'm i weirdly am like i just don't care about that show at all so odd it's like i've i've already written it off for something i just you know it's like yeah well maybe it'll activate your almonds when you check it out you know maybe it will it's kind of like halo right i didn't really care that that show existed like and then it came out it's like oh no yeah god that show fun fact in the old man logan comic the hulk impregnates she-hulk because she's the only woman capable of carrying his babies to term and not dying wow okay interesting following a lot of the house of dragon production progress since last april i think there's enough choices made to have it at least be decent maybe yeah i mean it could be it could be good right there's no reason to this brand new new set of people you new new new new we'll see we'll see what it does how's the dragon based on a finished georgia raman book is a good start yeah that's fair we shall see what is this some kind of dungeons and dragons i know right it's just don't expect to see it but there it is as someone who's been shot while wearing a bulletproof vest with sapi plates i can attest that it still hurts a lot yeah i have no doubt that it hurts a lot still getting shot yeah i don't know who the new dead evil writers related to get the job their work includes a pretty unknown tv show and deck the halls i am worried it's um it's a really weird thing with a lot of marvel projects is hey you you've written one movie here you get to be the lead writer of a multi-million dollar television series i don't understand it don't get it um like michael waldron only had like two writing credits before that he was an assistant on community in like the later seasons he wrote like one movie i think and one episode of rick and morty and then it's like here you go you get to be the lead writer on a massive production with tom hiddleston as your lead actor i understand i'm all a bullet resistant no vest is bulletproof did you just actually me [Laughter] um actually take this dosh and use it to buy yourself a real actual legitimately genuine lordship title it would be tempting wouldn't it it's uh lord rags lord mutually yeah yeah lord lord muesli sounds a lot like lord melbourne you can go to faulty towers and i could try and pick with your briefcase full of i guess instead of bricks it would just be full of like long stuff like just a bunch of rope i guess yeah a possible iron heart suit is in a lego set from wf yay get excited riri williams is on the way sweet digimon of the day is the kiwi bond kiwimon uh kiwimon yeah that looks about like uh yeah let me show fringy okay a picture here kiwi man [Laughter] that's cool uh picked a pick a gf cat girl cara cal sir val or finks cat america sphinx no they just said pinks oh but i don't even know how you pronounce that pinks well we talked about the caracal i don't know i guess you talk about which one's the prettiest i supposed to be the serval right because those are like spotty and they got they're kind of like like cheetah looking sort of circles and sphinxes are sphynxes are odd they're they're a strange looking strange looking critter it's weird to see him without hair you know [Music] very strange to see cats without hair if you're writing a story with magic in it set limits on what the magic does then assume everyone who can magic would be using it constantly for instance lawyer plus truth spell also high rags hello no way that would be legal though truth spell if uh if maybe they were the only ones that knew about it and they were a sneaky sneaky lawyer well i mean just as soon as they discover that it's mistrial like well that person should be in jail forever as soon as that gets discovered yeah you've that's you violated people you've got you've got the fifth amendment and i guess equivalents in other countries uh opinions on the bold illegal well yeah but they're not admissible as evidence you can use them but like you can't like they're not admissible as something you can use to like convict someone uh opinions on the bolt stump in level tumbler locks so what in the what the bolt stump in level tumbler locks yeah they're pretty good i don't know what that's referring to i'm gonna go with pretty good well maybe pretty bad neutral one of those adam kept bringing up consistency tuesday usually oh on tuesday usually in a joking way but partly because he seems salty about you molly whooping him on sunday hi frank well look he dug himself into that hole i didn't do anything he said what like how could you want consistency over an arc this is like like no no good movie exists with no character arc i think even stitch at one point was just like maybe just like no you can have movies without character rocks you're insane um i'll just see more if it's a fantasy world it may have different laws i could imagine that if like you chose to get up on the stand because of course the the nourish the whole point of going up on the stand is like you're telling the truth otherwise you've committed perjury it's like i could imagine that if in a fantasy world if you choose to go up on the stand then that would be something that might be applied but i like in terms of forcing anybody to say anything right presumably that would still not be the case like you still have the right to not say anything the right you don't have to bear witness against yourself yeah truth spell seems like it violates it violates a bunch of stuff i'm not sure well the principle exists for a good reason you you you have a right to like not you you don't have to incriminate yourself that's something that you can choose to do um yeah bear witness against yourself like in a case against yourself you know also love you guys take on matt reeves the batman do you all guys also have any opinions on his plan of the apes trilogy i like those films i remember liking him um i remember feeling there were issues but i i enjoyed the time i had so matt reeves so the question is do we like the matt reeves uh matt reeves is the batman that just came out nope and because it's somewhat planet of the apes as well like i'm just trying i heard all i guess i was just double checking when i was googling it but what was do we like because one what are our thoughts on the matt reeves planet of the apes sure what are your thoughts on matt reeves planet of the apes movies you say it like he didn't actually make planet of the apes movies and i'm serious i want to be okay he definitely did okay he did those other i have not seen them i hear some of them are pretty neat all right there you go that was your answer i like the batman how's doing [Music] the reason why the russo brothers removed the hulk scene in infinity war was because the test screening audience thought the tone was confusing ah whatever all the tones i mean if you put it in the portion of the fights with this some hope as in like when for example corvus blake glaive i think is his name he gets stabbed you know if you have that happening at the same time that hulk gets a win by doing that it's like that could that can work you can have that moment before everything starts to go to [ __ ] permanently you know damn you test audience i can't believe you didn't talk about the monsters it's the only great love story of all time lol yeah the red letter media took care of that all right they got a video talking about the monsters i guess uh also frankie please say no 10 times in a row thanks no no no no no no no no no that's ten what's fine just do it oh that was okay that was ten and i was just saying i i originally i was confused i thought you were denying that you didn't wanna do it and over and over and over again very late to the discussion but i think the astrid part of thor love and thunder was trying to make a point on trans people and dead naming seeing it they would never want to make thor dead name somebody that would but it's not a dead name it's a nickname right that's i don't like what i'm saying is it it's interpretable possibly but i doubt tyker would want to make thor the one who is arguing for dead naming i don't think he'd want to do that i don't think it was intentional i i still don't even see how it really follows it was a nickname right it was um because i said seeing his astrid is a feminine name and heimdall's son chose a masculine name i don't even know that is astrid feminine or masculine in norse and is that actually heimdall's kid's name in norse i don't know i don't know the facts on any of these and uh i don't i i think it was just like a shitty joke sorry because remember he's like i named myself after axel rose and it's like ho ho godzilla and then he's just like don't call yourself axel you got he's like shut up coley he's called himself axel leave him alone you know i don't think they meant dead naming uh like i said i just don't think taika would want to make thor a dead neymar because that's a big no-no um on the too cynical question what about machine for pigs muller i feel like you are a little closer to my position which is uh it's overly hated i think it has more to offer story and atmosphere-wise than most people think it's not a fantastic horror game but a good horror experience i'd be inclined to say sure i felt better about it when i recently played it and i it's gotta be the fact that that was when i first felt what i did about that game was back when things were better or rather i hadn't played amnesia rebirth at that point so maybe i didn't appreciate how much worse it could get you know um and i was very happy with like the soundtrack and i think it's like a little game that could in in terms of it's it's not got a lot going for it as much time production it's mainly running on a on its name but they still managed to make something out of it and i think i think i even said that would be one of my suggestions for like for it to be remade and given a bigger grander experience that explores it more thoroughly because it's um it's quite quick and simplistic not that um you could say the same for dark descent to a degree but yeah um i think i i think i was too harsh on machine for pigs at first that is probably fair uh fringy do you swallow with your eyes no all right maybe the skrulls want to invade earth because the person who genocided the most girls in history was carol danvers and earthlings wait she did she killed a lot of them she killed that spaceship sure but like that was just a portion of scrolls right i don't know yeah i guess so it is kind of funny though that was the greatest resource of all time they just don't talk about the fact that she just casually [ __ ] blew it up on her way out yeah it's whatever don't worry about it hey muller and co i recently released my first long man video four and a half hours on guild wars 2's story and the decline in expansion e5 has been a big inspiration in making this so thank you wow good stuff yeah cool uh what um yeah go ahead go ahead now the hard part is getting eyes onto it it should be suited for the efap audience so if anyone is interested search for guild wars 2 destruction of stakes and give it a watch let's see oh okay yeah uh if you're going to break down someone is because guild wars 2 stories i imagine huge ranks it's a big old chungus game it is i i it is [ __ ] i play guild wars 2 pretty a decent amount i hate the story i legitimately do not look forward to any having to play any of the story content i basically have either hatred or apathy towards all of the characters i don't want to do them there's plenty of reasons why i really like the game and played a lot but [ __ ] me i hate the story it's [ __ ] it is magic [ __ ] the game there is no stakes to anything it's an and then plot and then and then and this happens this happens this happened and it's just i hate it i [ __ ] hate the story yeah sounds like i hate having to do it because it's not fun to do that that game's strengths is not in the story missions at all and at least with one character you have to go through the story essentially to get to a lot of the areas and everything that they introduce in the the seasons in between the dlc or in the expansion packs they're great expansions but [ __ ] hell i hate having to play the story especially um going back when i played the old stuff because the game's it's gonna hit its 10-year anniversary this year i think wow and so going back to that that like the core game and like season two and three it's like man this was rough this is just [ __ ] i just want to get this over with to unlock the new places and things and zones and then i can i mean they give you plenty of goodies for doing it but jeez i hate it i hate it i hate it the story is [ __ ] and the characters are [ __ ] if anyone is interested to find out possibly why the story sucks um yeah there's a video called the destruction of stakes for guild wars 2. it's apparently a long one it's by amleth yes four and a half hours apparently yeah i haven't i haven't even gone through the new expansions content yet because i just don't want to i just don't want to i'm not interested in it and store [ __ ] if you're gonna make a story don't make it like guild wars 2. combat's great but [ __ ] me the story's bad hey guys first super chat watch fx is the old man with jeff bridges returning to acting post cancer directed by no way homes john watts good rat iraq's i i didn't even know that john watson directed it but that's kind of neat and yeah a lot of people recommended the old man i should uh get a way to check that out at some point all right this means they killed hulk there is only bruce and strong bruce now yes seems a lot of people are very uh convinced by that point which is good because maybe one day they'll address it if more and more people are aware of the fact that they [ __ ] murdered a hero without even realizing it like whoops uh prehistoric animal of the day part one and teledont intellidont i recognize that name intellidont oh i think let me take a look here oh yeah he's been walking with beasts you're talking about this guy the uh this this dude yeah look at him i don't know he looks like he could be a friend or a problem good he could be either hmm i hope he's friendly yeah that'd be nice to be nice the second is oppabinia operinia don't recognize this one it looks like uh all right let me get you a little picture of him oh he looks similar to the guys from the oh [ __ ] what were they called they're like they're in the walking monsters at the beginning he looks like a variation of them anomalocaris i think is the name which by the way what a [ __ ] cool name unless i'm mixing that up with someone else bushland adventures is way too funny yes it is too funny classic rick and morty bush land adventure and morty check it out i did some science to me portal gun now it's also a real gun i got a real gun morty why are you pointing it at my head rick uh you got to stop me all right i won't tell you about ben to go in the green cube we're going to go to bed to go to get me green cube we got to go to bendigo and morty oh rick bendigo isn't that like you know four hours away i think it was eight hours away actually oh rick isn't that eight hours away he does have that whiny kind of voice you're right i liked nope though other theatergoers were like what was the point weird pacing and switch gears mid film a lot but i was into it all right there you go uh re-watching the ot in my brain even still separates it from everything else even the prequels i think mine kind of does that a little bit kind of mine does i knew the ot back to front before the prequels even came out so it does kind of feel like it's its own own dude but uh every once in a while you know you're like you look at luke doing his hero thing and you're like damn you're gonna die you can you're gonna be pissed man you're heading toward piss hello mueller fringu and doggo hello hi alrighty well i thought what was that i didn't i didn't hear it did you hear it oh yeah but i i thought i oh my god i'm sure i did i mean chat didn't hear it either frozen in anticipation uh for some dip pokedex entries look up shuckle and dunspas so okay let's do it one time you might as well just paste it so i got them both i could type them out well shuckle is pretty straightforward right oh shuckle and dunspar done sparse and they pretty much spell as you you'd think oh yeah i got him oh shuckle i remember this one uh are we reading pokedex entries that's all it says yeah all right let me see all righty i'm just making sure that i get one generally what's the one that the x and y basically it looks like um shuckle quietly hides itself under rocks keeping its body concealed inside its hard shell while eating berries it has stored away the berries mix with its body fluids to become a juice oh so it looks like it puts berries inside of its shell and it becomes like a a juice that it eats i guess let me get you a picture of a shuckle here by the way i like this this style of um why are you not pasting copy paste there we go you know this whole it kind of has that old school style of pokemon art oh i remember him yeah yeah i don't know how to describe it but it just has that look like it's on paper in a way and the next one is done sparse i will copy an image and paste it here for you for context let me see i'm just i'm just giving these a quick skim so that we see it looks like it says yeah it's dr it's drill tipped tail is used to burrow into the ground backwards this pokemon is known to make its nest in complex shapes deep under the ground so that seems to be the general thread here it digs into the ground with its tail and makes a maze-like nest okay so yeah i mean it's you know no one's getting killed or their soul sucked out or trapped in some sort of cryo prison so yeah it's pretty nice that's nice this is like yeah lives in a hole in the ground and it's pretty uh complex down there sometimes you know if rags is arcanine what pokemon would muller and fringy be for me i'd say that muller would be a lowland executor and frankie would be gravule lowland executor he's a he's a long boy oh alolan i thought you said a lowland executor but it's uh here i'll get you a picture if it will let me post this copy and paste yeah i can see why they chose that and then fringy i can also see how they chose that it's a guru thing isn't it oh oh yeah i remember him i remember him [Music] and he's green rock bird hitting all the boxes [Laughter] look at how happy he is he's so chill i can't relate to that new rock stars has a video on suicide squad where they in chill crazy yeah that's sad and the opening line is so first off suicide squad isn't exactly a movie um what oh i'll go have a look at that maybe maybe it'll do something that'll be funny to cover at some point i don't know uh if i don't like it i don't swallow rat critic it's fair enough yeah you know can't blame a rat critic for that it's okay guys i still like doom's voice it's probably better in game play it i mean it fits with what seems to be the tone of the game it's got it's got that cartooniness to it um yeah but it wouldn't be the voice that i would use in anything other than that specific kind of scenario because it's certainly not menacing it's it's definitely cartoon villain kind of voice i prefer it in ultimate alliance his voice in that um i don't know it's just it's hard to say but it's just more of what i would have expected uh riddle me this four balls on the edge of a long nice the boys season three is pain the finale was very cringe it was it was really bad but to be fair most of the season was bad it's just that everyone apparently only decided that the last episode was bad interesting but you know take a look at the article i hate you tom nook oh no oh no this might be one that i have saved and i was gonna do so i hate you tom nook from thegamer.com by roxy hayes from september 19th 2021 this is recent um let's see to be honest i don't love everything about the game in fact there is something or someone i loathe entirely a furry little slum lord in a green shirt oh my god that's right i hate you thomas nookington better known as tom nook what is your problem apparently when you first this is bizarre yeah when you first get on the island you're a novice don't know your soft wood from your hardwood your money rock from your clay rock and is that a fossil nook knows that and takes full advantage he looks at you with those beady eyes and says go shake trees and pick up some branches make yourselves useful make yourself useful which is i mean yeah it gets you up and doing stuff and you have to learn those things so um does he offer you a warm bed after your long travels absolutely not he hands you a tent and makes you search the island for a place to put he makes you he makes you decide where to put your decide where to put your house your house [ __ ] bastard because the tent becomes your house you know what you didn't get to do in old animal crossings choose where your house was yeah where that house was is where that [ __ ] house was and if you wanted it close to the store [ __ ] you [ __ ] because you don't get a choice in old animal crossings tom nook figured you know what i can improve the services on on offer for my wonderful customers yeah for my friends this has got this has got to be a joke let me i can believe it's not unfortunately um maybe roxy hayes is a like a i don't know by the way michael jordan is apparently writing season two loki is he apparently that's what he's got listed right now i don't know if maybe it'll update and he's not right who's the real big bad of buffy season six also high rags i would say the answer to that could entail spoilers to a degree exactly sorry about you know asking the question you probably know who the contenders are you you'd know uh well did you know like uh did you know millions like drowned in china well like recently or drowned in china recently millions sure i'm i'm not sure what's referring to i'm not a loop damn um i found efab way back when i saw muller's soma review and wolf through an impromptu stream re willems versus plot holes then at tlj it came all together the williamson plotholes thing that's episode 2 of efap right it wasn't named dfab at that point but oh yeah it was like first couple yeah because the way the story goes is uh we were just hanging out and we were going to stream it and right stream wasn't working so i did it we did a video from downward thrust and jared and the following week he released that video and i was like wouldn't it be fun if we responded to it live and then the rest is history pretty much with a sultry french accent can you please say oo monami um you won't do it for me uh what is it i mean i didn't who won't want to me was that it well it's sultry unless that's your sultry voice let's okay it was then let's say that all right oh we're moving on bringing is bringing the bringing the frog bird he is not a lover do the ma do the fro of the the frog bird mating call oh oh well i figured that there would be a lot of different because of course birds have a ton of mating calls and i guess frogs might be like i don't know what a ribbet but more i guess like salt a sultry than that yeah i can't help you unfortunately i don't i don't know what the the frog bird mating call is exactly yeah what a shame hi crew yeah smiley face which movie was the most fun to take down hmm [Music] oh i thought oh out of all of them [Music] the rise of skywalker is up there that's probably it's actually yeah it we we'd all come to the conclusion already that it was god-awful so we were just there to talk about how silly everything was mauler's not going to do it i was the first one to do it thunder what is this what is this gas lighting i'm getting tonight can't believe it telling me how things are when they ain't how they is terrible um uncanny avengers 8 has the other kangs in it on it uh all right i'll be excited to see all the kangs i'm sure um ibm had no idea what germans meant when they asked for a system that can delete six million users i get it efap out of context their utters are so engorged oh i think they mean others and that's probably in someone's art like bailin probably i can understand how that came to be uh don't forget stream labs read mine at least i would read any of the ones that are coming but uh those typically because like they whichever ones have come in today i'll be able to read uh probably the beginning of the wednesday stream which we're gonna have to do another one of because we're still not quite caught up yet uh read parasect pokemon entry and ultra sun hi rags hello all right what's the pokemon name parasect he's one of the classic ones in there he is he's one of the uh the og and this will be his entry from what uh i posted it um ultra sun oh there it is ultra sun all right this is where it starts this is one of some of the [ __ ] up ones right the bug is mostly dead with the mushroom on its back having become the main body if the mushroom comes off the bug stops moving [Music] that's nice that that is hmm so uh is it what was before it it's paris and then paris becomes parasect was there a paraspore what am i huh i'm thinking of something else oh well but i remember some of these i have like really early memories of some of these original pokemon for when those they were the ones you know um good stuff my point with the truth spell was magic will change aspects of society and culture that you might be surprised by also hi to the rest of you yeah of course oh absolutely i just uh i think mean for you would hope that if as truth spell existed that you wouldn't be allowed to use it in court there would be some significant legal sort of um considerations and and consideration for yeah people's rights you have to want to be abused and can a truth spell be considered reliable if um i don't know maybe you get wonky results from minds that i have to imagine you know like it would have weird results on maybe the mentality what is the nature of uh because of course the truth spell there are people who can just like flat out make their brains that something false is true that's another yeah how does it work exactly that's how we in it was in what was the movie where she was doing at the end wonder woman was that oh god or no not man of steel sorry batman's donna justice or something where she had two crooks in her lasso and one of the guys i made them confess yeah yeah so she had two crooks in the lasso one of them was talking and he was talking to the police and they were wrapped up in the lasso and the crook said something and then the other says no no it was and then the person said oh yeah so which means that the it doesn't make you tell the truth necessarily you are forced to report what you believe to be true yes which means you could report what's technically an untruth but but you won't lie yeah oh yeah that was a huge violation of rights yeah and it's just thrown in hahaha isn't it oh yeah it's no [ __ ] she's [ __ ] wink of the camera it'd be like so long to your rights oh man anyways i started violating the united states constitution um in a comedic comic we see a passport of dr doom's country which is just a picture of him saying allow the latverian holder of this passport into your country of face or face the personal wrath of doom i like it i like that that would be his passport that's amusing the other thing you'd wonder if they would ever play into the those aspects of him or they would just play him straight i would assume they play him straight i would have yeah so he seems like when you want to play straight yeah still here after my shift at work save my day oh great thanks we're we're at six and a half hours a nice steady stream [Music] problem i have with your pokedex entry comparison is you're comparing froslass who is a ghost ice type to a dunsparce which is a normal type ghost dark and psychic types are the ones with the darker entries they chose to do that they didn't have to make them that way what do you mean like oh psychic that's inherently gonna have dark [ __ ] energy find that it consumes the souls of a man in fact it's it's favorite tree it's why it's psychic or it's it's a ghost type i'm sorry why is it that we're suggesting then that normal types can't be dark like why because then they'd be dark type mahler oh i see why can't normal types be spooky why can't they have soul-eating histories there probably is like at least one normal type pokemon that has a history like that isn't um cubone isn't he like ground or normal whatever i think so and yeah everyone was tight in him as an example of a dark story so i reject your your your statement i deride your statement handling abilities yes insect of the hour you spinolia militaris you spinolia oh my god look at this guy oh wow look at that what uh what a critter let me copy and paste here bring you like him let me take a look look at him look at him go he's cute cop i hope he's friends that's like i think it's also called the panda ant ah perfection in naming uh read lapras pokedex entry for ruby moon and ultramoon oh my goodness lapras he's one of the original 152. and this is going to be the entries for what versions again that'd be and ultramoon all right ruby moon ultramoon so rubies is people have driven lapras almost to the point of extinction in the evenings this pokemon is said to sing plaintively as it seeks what few others of its kind still remain hmm wow that is sad damn and uh moon and ultra moon yeah all right these pokemon were once near extinction due to poaching following protective regulations there is now in an over an abundance of them that's good i i don't know if you want to have an over abundance of them but like so it's you know it's better than being almost extinct let's see and ultra moon they've been so cherished that there's now an over abundance the fish pokemon population has declined in waters with too many lapras i guess that's what happens yeah yeah hmm five press lapras i got myself lost where are we dude hi muller rags and fringy just wondering if you guys talk to wolf and if you do send him a love long time fan love your work uh thank you very much we try to avoid mentioning much of whatever may or may not be going on with him because he's having having a good old fun time sort of escaped from the internet you know a place that is wonderful and filled with fresh air and nice things and grass which can be touched yes even eaten so oh yum um but yeah good stuff uh look fringy i don't know who you are but you look like a top bloke and i know this is weird to say but i feel a strong bond between us iraq's hello you got a friend fringy yeah say hi dad i'm back look at you making friends hello little happy shiba inu sticker girl love it nice dude um and finally if a child it has made friends with is bullied drampa will find the bully's house and burn it to the ground a normal type dragon type drampa ultra sun well there you go the normal ones do crazy [ __ ] too like burning down bully's houses hardcore um and yeah that means we are caught up for today's super chance oh wow how about that we are likely going to call it there but before we do it you uh you guys want to talk a little bit at all about anything you may be up to no i'm up to a little thing but i won't say what it is uh it's been really fun to make and i should hopefully have some nifty little uh little assets as well that come along with it that i can put to use hmm um just working i don't have anything yet but hopefully soon that'll be nice fair enough uh the the thing i'm working on i might um tell a bit more about it next week okay if it gets far enough that i'll start being a little bit more detailed on how it's doing and what it is um curious but yeah you know uh says it was well i mean that's that's that i suppose what a what a fun time what if that six half hours went a little faster than i ever would have expected it was a six and a half hours you know yeah kind of went kind of flew by covered so much uh one more came in asking what raid configuration do you use raid configuration i feel like that's a tech thing that i just don't i thought they were asking like maybe rage shadow legends like configuration of heroes or something no raid so raid is random array of independent disks and it's like this computer thing and you can configure them in different way it's like it's like a computer thing and i just don't know what that means i yeah i don't i'm out of loop on that one whatever the default thing is i guess i'm not real i'm just not a tech guy i don't uh i can run a computer pretty well but just for normal things uh ringy can back me up on this but warriors of virtue is a better adaptation of tolkien's work than rings of power also high ranks hello that doesn't ring a bell worries about you huh war is a virtue warrior dude it doesn't ring a bell warriors of virtue yeah that doesn't ring a bell well on that note thank you all so much for joining us we shall see you again absolutely wednesday probably the plan just do a little bit of the catching up and then um other than that you'll find me on real bbc and open bar next week good god i've got a lot of streams to do next week uh and we are closing in on the anniversary stream that will be the 27th antler is trash goodbye everyone oh my god and a stream like that madness so anyway thanks for watching thanks for the kind donations keeping us company giving us some bits and bobs to go back and forth with you have yourselves a good night now goodbye yeah boy well you know what well actually before someone just posted this jared leto has reportedly been cast as the hat box ghost in disney's haunted mansion can't wait to see him celebrate everyone go nuts i'm glad he's got something going on it's hatbox time i can't wait for us to go to the haunted house and he opens up his box he's like it's morbid time and then he the spooky ghosts come out of the box his hat box where he keeps hats you don't see many hat boxes these days those uh those aren't you have to explain to people what a hat box is like well it's a box to put your hat in so it doesn't get smooshed bye thanks for coming to efap everyone
Channel: MooLer
Views: 103,680
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: eAolZVa4xuQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 393min 22sec (23602 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 31 2022
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