EFAP #185 - Breaking down Doctor Strange and The Multiverse of Madness w/ Nerdrotic & Meme - Part 1

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yeah um i got no idea how long this is going to take i think i said to rags like oh you know it's a two-hour movie it should be and i was like no i shouldn't even i shouldn't even it's good it's like a joke you know you uh you you have a a as a host of a podcast going through a movie you sometimes you'll feel that you'll be like i'll i'll make sure i get some notes ready chronological ones to make sure yeah you have a through line and um through line hmm yeah huh yeah wow imagine imagine having a through line a series of sequential events that occur and drive the plot forward in a meaningful interesting way that you could follow reasonably yeah great that's cool we should make a podcast where that never happens all right so that's going public beautiful oh i've seen plenty of people in the discord being partially excited for this because a lot of them like but i i thought movie was pretty good apparently they don't like it all right yeah if you like this you're wrong you can't say that you have to say it's still right but it's still because the i think they're still it doesn't surprise me at all the twist is like this move is really fun it's like yeah i know why you're saying that i know i know because that's because twitter film twitter in particular they don't actually care about writing characters they they don't they don't they say that they care but they really don't deep down and maybe i think i believe i think the more interesting question will be for as much process film is getting how many people will be talking about it in two months two weeks um you know when thor comes out how many people are still going to be talking about doctor strange well i mean who knows i guess i'm just i'm just putting it out there it's like i can cure it i can see them saying the [ __ ] v this is the only movie in the mcu the rest of them are just sludge this one had visuals i've already seen someone say this is the first one to have a visual style since guardians the galaxy and i was like wow people feel comfortable saying these things to the faces of the directors of all the other no um it is funny though because you see some people who go to the point of watching the movies in the mcu and they're like what about all these shots from all of these movies literally every single one of them and they're like shut up i don't remember doctor strange is a movie where the visuals are kind of like mind-blowing at times like i remember that being talked about when it came out people were like [ __ ] did you see the visuals in there remember when they uh when they were fighting um in the mirror when they went in the mirror to mention in new york there were tons of cool visuals there lots of cool trickery and perspective shots uh like trick you know playing around with perspective but everybody forgets that film exists and like like i've seen the screenshots eternals has got some gorgeous stuff in it right for sure so um but like nobody cares about that movie nobody remembers that movie actually came out anymore well i mean it's kind of the thing with marvel films is the half-life in terms of their relevance and discussion is so short it's the full life at this point nobody even mentions it's well that it's just it's kind of gone by the time the next project is out and the way the marvel works now there's like a new thing out every month yeah and it's mentioned only now because everybody's using that as opposed to doctor strange they're going well doctor strange is better than the eternals yes it is difficult to figure out what's on the bottom of the rug now okay we've got too many people competing to get there it's like they're all battling they are it's it has been an interesting little era right of face for because there has been very much a lot of battling for uh for that spot um wasn't say bottom of the barrel it's like it's more so under the barrel you move the barrel away and you're like what's what's what's down here hey oh they got here what the hell cockroaches that are living under the barrel when you move it yeah horribly mangled oh corpse forgot about that one oops oh my god it's uh yeah i don't know even the current um it's like it's like whenever i even think of the mc as a concept it's it's immediate like clown music in my head and i'm just like what what it used to be once upon a time it really did used to be a position of like this will be really cool i can't wait to see how it's a great idea it's a great concept for like a film series at least i think in terms of there's so much narrative potential you've got so long to work with you know you're marrying long-form storytelling strengths with blockbusters it's really cool but this is not a perfect world yeah the opposite it's the shitty this is the multiverse and it's the bad one we're throwing it away uh at the beginning of this but uh next week's efap will indeed be a moon night breakdown the finale was hilariously stupid it was it was legitimately okay so the issue is that i saw so the last three things i saw the moon night finale frangie's video on why endgame is [ __ ] and then doctor strange triple trouble wow you don't including the two movies we watched yesterday oh [ __ ] in hell jesus christ you're right uh yeah thank you god for those who wish to get watched porn excitement yes uh myself and rights were invited to a watch together of of a movie that is essentially porn with jay longbone it was a movie it was an experience that were essentially porn you will see that at some point uh on her channel presumably i normally watch porn alone but it was nice that jay longbone invited us in particular to watch it alongside we were really invested in the plot line we were just waiting for the plot we actually were getting annoyed it's like stop showing boobs i want to see the plot i don't know there was so much sex and it was it was just it was excessive um and i was very upset at that yeah and it takes a lot of sex for me to go hold on let's call him to hold it right there all right yes you you there i oh but to answer your original question which was the i don't think it was a question i think it was just just the topic of moon night's finale boy what the [ __ ] was that that was terrible yeah we'll have plenty to discuss in the moon night um let me say when when i was sold on the the premise of moon night and and you know in terms of like a more self-contained smaller steak story i was not expecting a kaiju fight in the finale all right oh man i'm looking forward to watching that oh yes oh you know yes i i said there's like a really small chance that we wouldn't be able to get through all of doctor stranger than the time limit for a stream was like i'm pretty sure we'll do it track record shows pretty sure uh moon night six episodes up an hour a piece like whoa that that that one could scared it close yeah it could but we did like falcons soldiers we might be ordering a pizza to get yeah but we'll do it we'll do it but the following week is halo which is nine episodes and aren't those like 50 minutes a piece so um that one pizza time that one's gonna be tough we might even end up having to split that in too i don't even know i'll have to see um we'll see if we can get our guests to come back the second time hey we did it for the ark with uh with this the twitch reactors didn't we oh and okay we made it together we bonded in a deep emotional way it was a journey and we made it through but at the end of the arcane ephaps we were happy that's the difference yeah um we talked about something we liked i suppose we should start with a little blurb from everybody to give a give the audience a basic understanding of their perspective of the movie as a whole i would like to go last um no therefore since it makes so much sense for me to go last considering where i am in the in our little cast here because uh numerically it just works so well so now we're thinking about who should go first and you know what should we do this for the first time ever who would like to go first i'd like to go first wow so there we are rags what did you think of doctor strange in the multiverse of madness i got my ticket i went to the theater 10 30 pm i always like to go to the last showings because generally they're not as busy and went in i could go home and just sleep or whatnot but wow what a film what a film uh it it seems like a cliche when you say people might say what do you mean it's the worst thing in the mcu you say that all the time well the answer is because that keeps happening right something can be the worst thing and then something else can dethrone it you know and be the new worst thing and it can happen multiple times so please believe me dear viewers when i say that doctor strange in the multi-verse of madness it is the worst thing in the mcu i am pretty i think i'm fairly confident in this um now one advantage however is that this is like the fourth worst thing in the mcu so i'm kind of numb to it at this point and i don't know if i could feel angry anymore but i do think this is the worst movie in the mcu um shows and everything included i guess yeah i think so loki is giving it a run for its money it's between those two it's between loki and this but i think i i think this argument can certainly be made uh it is a film the the only things that i liked about it were there were some neat visuals and some of the music was neat but apart from that uh i didn't like anything i didn't like really any of the characters the plot was an absolute mess to the point where you might even forget that there is a plot and you're just sitting there in your chair looking at a screen waiting for the next neat visual to happen because that is all that this movie has to offer i think there is no discernible at least maybe we'll explore it through the stream i could not discern a particular through line for arcs for any of these characters i could not discern a sort of theme or message it was a a jumbled gargled mess of just it's just a stew of awfulness um and i and i hate it i really do i do hate it but i just don't think i have the energy at this point to get super upset and angry at it um i just wanted someone said you guys are so miserable with your obsession with plot the first thing right criticized was characters just saying yes um so the way that my i maybe i could maybe there's a way to change this i'm not sure i don't think there is but my brain is it's not full of just these binary switches that i can manually flick on and off where i can start caring about things and stop caring about things that's not quite how the psyche functions when i'm watching a movie like because i'm not going to call this a film when i'm watching a movie like this i i just i don't have anything my brain can't latch on to anything there's nothing for me to grab onto and care about caring implies some level of investment that i have in something and when it doesn't work at a fundamental level and i feel like the people who make it don't even care and when i feel like it's it's just broken at every level there is nothing for my brain to latch onto and to care about um and i i wash my hands of that responsibility i can't do it it's there's nothing there for me to care about if all of the character if like a nuclear bomb just went off and every character died i'd just be like okay well what happens next because i just don't care fair enough who would like to go second i'll go second oh [ __ ] all right gary let's do it what we got what do you think of the movie well as as uh as the person who's totally openly anti-woke and i am freely willing to be called a misogynist because i don't give a wet kevin feige shart about anything any of this i don't know redundant yeah but uh i'm as dumb as i am i'm i'm smarter than this this i won't even call it can't be called a movie it's content or content i don't [ __ ] know uh i'm tired of sitting through these marvel uh the these projects these products and it's like over processed product that you can tell that there's a bunch of studio notes and i am a huge fan of sam raimi and i'm gonna forgive him for this i think this is at the end i'm sure you guys noticed or maybe you walked out at the end of the film it was called the kevin feige production yeah yeah that was weird at the end i thought that was newish i didn't realize if that had been done before and now everything that's happened since because i noticed it with moonlight and this and i was like i don't remember seeing this before but he's making sure we know now yeah i think it's the first movie yeah i i didn't notice it in hawkeye i noticed it in uh in moonlight and it especially made me forget how to read so i didn't i didn't yeah [Music] so i i got tickets to the three o'clock show uh and it was pretty it was pretty empty it was nice nice comfortable theater uh my wife was pissed she's usually pretty happy to go to superhero film she was checking her phone and on ebay or whatever about 10 minutes in couldn't stand the film uh it's it's a hot mess we were talking you guys were talking about through line in the beginning and i'm not saying there was a through line in this film but if there was a perceived through line it didn't go through the main character it went through wanda uh this was a follow-up to wand division which wasn't good and it wasn't a good follow-up to a not good show and it was a follow-up to a show that i don't think the filmmakers watched uh and it was just things happening it was just events happening there and i'm i'm like you guys i like characters first i i have to get invested into a character and uh you know having doctor strange not being the sorcerer as a marvel comics fan having doctor strange not be the sorcerer supreme uh when we get i guess when we get into spoilers there's one event that pissed me off the most uh which i should piss off every marvel comics fan i don't know why it's like one of the dumbest creative decisions i've seen since not putting han luke and leia together in a scene you're funny you said that i was like oh it's probably this the river was like no no he's probably talking no wait it could be one of these seven things like i'm not sure because there's so many examples give you a hint spaghetti right right oh i know you know so yeah we'll get to that yeah yeah it's it wasn't about doctor strange uh america chavez was the girl who was the key to everything her origin was i laughed out loud when they showed her origin and i was aware of it from the comics and by the way the comics have retconned that origin already so that origin doesn't exist in the comics anymore but they decided to use it in the films and you know that's what happens when there isn't a man around uh you know you get stung by a bee and you lose your moms oh i know um and then sorry it's so [ __ ] funny to me oh it was and other people laughed in the theater too it's so it is hard i think as an audience just like wait what like you like you didn't just show me that did you but again there's way more than one instance of that reaction to be had about the things they choose to have happen in this movie your power is lesbian oh total mess you could tell like half of this thing or more no 80 percent was reshot you can tell uh and it was boring it felt two hours america chavez didn't add to the movie at all wanda's whole story was illogical and uh [ __ ] uh and they they even pointed out within the film and they have no answer for it whatsoever and i predicted the end of wanda when i heard she was gonna be in the movie and i'm not the only one by the way there was like four other guys i know of who predicted that wanda would end up defeating herself at the end because we can't have doctor strange fighting a female villain uh it was the same with ragnarok so we're seeing just patterns repeat and plus i saw this movie like after i watched like right after i watched the finale of moon night so it was like moon night working on my moon night review go to doctor strange and i watched picard and it's like it's all the same thing uh yeah i really wanted to bang my head against the wall and just give it away you watched picard too oh gosh you're just in a content heaven you should be watching the halo show just to finish it all out why not why not maybe that will end it all so safe to say you don't think it's very good though i there's like a couple of scenes that like felt rainy that i was like that's cool you know when she came out of the gong stuff and if you if you'd have done more of that maybe i would have liked it but other than that it didn't look like a raimi film you guys were talking like this had a style no it didn't have a style as the marvel [ __ ] style that's a style there were parts in this where i felt the style there were there were parts i'm willing to say more visually interesting than whatever the neutral is for mcu but i don't know yeah it was i could see like the sam raimi in it yeah you know when it popped up and i was like oh that's neat and then it would just go even some choices for events like it's hard not to see an evil book and a zombie walking around and a guy hitting himself with his hands like it's hard to see all that and not see a certain other movie um yeah there was a lot of the ways the camera moved a lot of the way it was edited it was very evil dead so that was something i noticed i didn't feel remy's writing in this though uh he usually writes a lot um was the guy who wrote loki about this movie exactly that's yeah that's kind of where i was aiming i didn't believe it yeah oh yeah oh that's right i forgot and i said what are the two worst things in the mcu there you go this and loki a lot of the time your uh let's call it your influence will seep into the script just by nature of you being the one that's filming but i don't know i didn't i didn't really get the sense that i was uh seeing a script that even had his influence in it uh but we can we can go through that uh yeah well that's right they they don't really take notes from creatives and i've got an absolute confirmation of that they just don't kevin creative yes kevin's kevin feige's highway and they're just on it that's it um all right then who wishes to go third so you loved it great next i i give you these silver platters all the time without even noticing i just just works it just works uh so yeah before i even bought a ticket i was like i'm having really low expectations for well that's just the norm now i guess just having low expectations for everything media and i got my ticket and this wednesday is like yeah because nice weather outside you have a bicycle ride to the cinema i mean how bad can it be right you ride your bike to the cinema yeah yeah it's looking nice yeah it's like a nice little puff uh yeah it's like really really really chill some exercise always good and you go there and get something to drink sit your ass down in the cinema and then you start watching the things like okay there's some colors there uh we're going to this thing oh there's portals oh we're going here oh there's like uh other people oh wonder is he okay okay it's over now she killed herself or something and then i went out of the cinema i was like i feel nothing that's like this this this feeling of okay i just watched something but i i i did not gain anything from this uh and i wasn't even sure yeah it was like is it was it awful was it like uh was it just sludge and it is sludge as mcu sludge and then i rode my bicycle back do a little thinkings like there's some tissums there and there and then i arrived here started making notes for the forge that i did the next day and i started writing and then i noticed more things and it gets worse and worse and worse then i do the fortune next day find even more things while talking about it which we will probably all get into and i'm sure after that this is over there's probably going to be 10 times more things that i didn't even notice because i probably have the least contacts because i didn't watch a lot of the shows like okay before this only knew like oh neither did the people who made it don't worry yeah yeah i heard about that they watched like half the show apparently or something uh so yeah it's it's pretty awful it just gets worse the more you talk about it so yeah there you go it's awful all right between fringy and meme i'll go um so so so i was already pretty concerned about this um in the lead up um when i saw who was writing it um but you know my first because i wasn't i was trying to avoid leaks for the most part i like to go in fresh with these things um but uh my first like solid like oh scoob moment uh with how this is gonna turn out was um you know i occasionally look at like the more the trashier outlets i see what their reviews are like because i find sometimes when you look at the trashier outlets you can actually kind of tell what you're in for uh just by their reaction so ign's review of this um the thing that stood out to me was that they said this is ign by the way this is these are the people who pretty consistently have dog [ __ ] takes they said in their review which was still overall positive but they said i i just hope next time around the script is a bit tighter such biting criticism from ign can't believe it yep so i was just like okay gotta put that through the translation machine oh oh no oh no you know it just starts coming out like one of those old-timey like teleprompter thing oh no just piles of paper going up so let's just talk about what i liked first because it's going to be very brief um the um there are visuals in here i thought were nifty i think sam you know a lot of there was a lot of evil dead in this and i like evil dead i like sam raimi in general uh he's he's a pretty big inspiration for me um creatively so i i saw i saw the dna of sam raimi in here i saw some visuals in there that was just like i want to steal that at some point for something good but uh what we got was not good um there are certain ideas certain themes that if you extract them if you wash them off if you just cleanse them they might be neat elsewhere um but uh that's about it because you see movies are not visual are not just visuals they're not just ideas in isolation they're not just you know series they're just not they're not just a bunch of events stapled together they're supposed to be a a story a a a series of events that are that have a through line and characters that are actually um coherently written and consistent and um the thing i just described as what a story is which is what is important for a film this film did not have and i a lot of this is a lot of this film just felt like it was a film by the merit of it being in a theater otherwise it was a siri it was a series of images flashed in my face a lot of them infuriating um and i i kind of just left the theater completely apathetic just because i've it was just like oh yep well you know here's another marvel phase 4 product what else could i expect at this point so so that was my experience with the film nothing but praise so far i'm just curious if fringy will be the controversial yeah or something seems very divisive yeah yeah a lot of yeah and i will say because there's so many people in chat that i'm seeing it's like not only is this film not been out that long but a lot of people may not even see it because they're just waiting for us to talk about it so we will be trying to engage this weird version of spoiler mode where we only talk about what we've covered in the in the movie up to that point this whole stream will spoil the entire thing hopefully chronologically and hopefully in a way that when i summarize pieces as we go through that you will actually be horrified by the events i described much like drinker and drunk threepio were when i was telling them about some of the things that happened on open bar they didn't believe me uh you can ask as he was there some of the answers i gave they were just like why the [ __ ] would they do it that way and it's like that's a great question excellent question um anyway ringy what did you think of the multiverse of doc strange madness and the madness the madness is towers doctor strange in the multiverse of madness is nonsense it's like pure abject nonsense everybody and everything in that story comported to what scenes they wanted that seemed cool or like an idea that they wanted to follow through and and the consequence of that is that it just leaves everything in tatters i like the characters in this film i mean if we're talking about the main characters uh thoroughly obliterated um like wander man uh and doctor strange has like three or four arcs running all at once and none of them really tie together into something cohesive some of them don't even really make a lot of sense um nobody's kind of behaving as they really ought to there's like a lack of acknowledgement persistently about what is really happening uh we have to just ignore relevant questions that need to be asked of the characters because the answers are really obvious but the film isn't over yet so we can't have those um i don't really know how it's possible to have any level of investment in the magic side of the marble uni uh the mcu anymore because i don't know what anybody's capable of at any given time like what their capacity to affect the world is what abilities they have access to um i and in terms of like world building i don't know i don't know how in the world we're meant to move forward with like an understanding of the multiverse or how these universes interact with each other what like magical books or macguffins exist out there in the multiverse what they can do how these universes interact with each other um it's very much a film where i think the the things that i could praise about it are stemming from like cinematography interesting visuals um framing some parts of the soundtrack but i mean otherwise um this is a pretty textbook example of and then and then like an and then story um yeah i i don't like it [Laughter] um okay well that just leaves me uh i uh went into the old cinema um made it made a bit of a day out of it was going to go sort of shopping for some stuff do some different things [Music] before having seen it uh a parent of mine was asking you know oh is he excited i was like no oh no yeah they're like why would you what i was like well the thing is and you'd know this if you uh you tune into the old real bbc weekly on az and gary's channel we've had a few discussions here and there about potential spoilers through leaks here and there some stuff that looking back i can't believe it i remember when i first talked to you guys about the potential for let's call it the spaghetti stuff happening and um i remember being met with like a confusion and a sort of like no like thus and a lot of people in the audience were like why the hell would they do that um so yeah i i i told this parent i was like if the leaks are true then we're gonna be getting something terrible but it's okay because this is a movie and and leaks could be wrong i'll go in and i'll i'll do whatever i come out and they're like ah oh how was it and i was like so much worse than i thought it could be i didn't even think we could get to these levels but here we are um i think i put a tweet out saying i've never seen something suffocate itself with such a hatred of the concept of continuity before this film cannot for a moment like maintain anything it just shits on itself constantly it's a very strange thing to watch like every character has to keep forgetting the realities of everything they've set up be it rules from other films that they're drawing from rules from the tv shows that they've gone from rules they've made up for this film or uh rules that we've always assumed to be true that are just suddenly like no that's just not how that works uh we've definitely got a hyperspace kamikaze moment in this film possibly several we'll go over it um yeah and uh i was about halfway that's just the name for it now and uh i don't think i was even halfway through the film before i was like so this is easily one of the worst things in the mcu already this is uh catastrophic and you know i uh we went over it on our little story efab i i value continuity i think is what i said at the core and i genuinely think this is one of the biggest examples i've ever seen of a movie just being like you know what continuity is lame i'm gonna do my own thing like okay let's see how that works didn't work that's a big spoiler i suppose so yeah it looks like our cast wasn't exactly happy with it however i have seen a lot of praise for this movie a hell of a lot and for those who even agree which there's not always that many for those who even agree that it is nonsense they will describe it as like a great charm of the movie like that's [ __ ] fun guys do you not have fun i've already seen several people in chat be like oh great so the funnest movie in the mcu and they they they hate it i'm just saying you're like yeah call me just okay yeah apparently we draw fun in different ways that's all was everybody having fun with the spaghetti and all the screams as all of these i'm sure they're having fun with that yeah what about the memory screen whatever the hell that was that was fun that was dude it's non-stop it's funny if someone was like oh that part of the movie i'd be like all of it it's we got so much to talk about all of it um i don't even know how this will go in terms of a pacing for an effect because it's just it's going to take a while to talk through [ __ ] all of the things um i've also seen it was a very curious tweet um from from a creator that said one of the things he's seeing some people say is that this film was like almost impossible to follow it was crazy nonsense it was a mess he said it's the weirdest criticism because the film is quite simple and easy to follow if anything it can't even be a mess like it's not got the potential to be a mess and it had like 5 000 likes and i was like people really think that that's amazing the film can be so simple that you can't screw it up not even just that but this film is simple it's like this one i mean this is the film that blows the doors open on like the marvel universe more so than any other film has like we're talking about it only gives loki a run for its money yeah i already worry about how we're going to explain this to people who've not even seen the film because like i said i had a taster of it on open bar and they were just like bewildered it's like okay you're gonna have to just take my word for it this is what happens i don't know until you see it for yourself you might not believe it i don't i don't know um so yeah i mean there's no reason not to right you guys ready for us to just jump right into this movie no let's do it okay oh actually i i can actually buy us just a little bit of time uh so keepakins sent me a message and it is this he said that the guest paid because for those of you don't know keybins does the efap.me site which is insanely good and you should all visit it often he said the guest page has been redesigned to give each person their own page and there's also a page to show people that have come on the podcast after their video was covered in these up to 21 now so we got uh there there's aspect of those sites that have been added and you should take a look arena let me have a look here oh that looks cool 206 appearances wow that's it 29 days oh my god what's wrong with me yeah that's looking sweet uh kiwikins is a legend oh that's great effect army is continuously a source of great information for any efforts out there who are curious about whatever it may be um i believe there's a link to it in every description for all these shows so go check it out absorb the law if you wish um yeah that's pretty cool yeah i love it it looks great it's brilliant just like with links to the channels and stuff damn yeah i'm getting all your good [ __ ] changes uh good stuff so i think the plan is i'll i'll just do it the way we often do it i'll describe a scene and we will talk about it and oddly enough um i think i said this on either the discord or somewhere else or to someone but a lot of movies uh the mcu is a victim of this will eventually kick me out you know it's like it takes so much time and then i'm like oh oh you did the that sort of feeling usually a good at least 20 minutes it's like the opening scenes we've talked a lot but it's like the beginning of you setting up your continuity you may just have a character talking like you can't [ __ ] that up that'll be the you you like who can [ __ ] stuff like that up and they can usually get through quite a few scenes before it's like oh no here we go we've done the thing um yeah i was done with this movie one minute in it was uh [Laughter] from the moment you see the film start to woman and i was already frustrated i was like why the [ __ ] is this happening so yeah uh i guess we'll talk about it um it's the multiverse of madness so of course we see a uh a multiversal strange running in this mysterious world with a girl that's that's how this starts being chased by what's funny is you could call it a spaghetti monster actually but that might confuse people because we've been talking about spaghetti for a while and it refers to something very different so i'll just say a big spooky monster tentacley tendril yeah tendril describes attention there's another one later on uh this one looks like it's made of paper maybe yeah they're running from it in this crazy world and um you get a benefit when you do this with movies as far as i'm concerned when you start in the middle of the action i guess you can't do the whole like wait how are you here and it's here how did this happen wasn't there ways to prevent that from just like no no you kind of just have to go with it uh this will come up when we go to the other universes where certain things will have happened and it'll be like how did that happen that way though when we know blah blah blah and it's like this what happened that's just what happened is that you got to think of whatever way you can imagine the thing happened that's how it happens it's like okay i guess so um the first thing dr strange in this world does i i think we're going to have to call him ponytail strange so people don't get confused i think he's called defender strange he's defender strange yeah oh they called him what is strange because he talked spanish what does um defenders trying to refer to like is he his defenders the defenders were a team originally they were a team right after the avengers my favorite team growing up they and they would handle like supernatural crazy [ __ ] like this and it would be uh doctor strange namor hulk silver surfer the real valkyrie and they did later yeah and they did a run later where he's in that costume so much later so it's more of a it's a more of a modern defender uh they've basically disney marvel has skipped all the good marvel comic stuff and they're just adapting stuff from when either right before a right when they took over marvel it was 2009. so yeah this the defender strange was after marvel uh disney took over so they're just rushing to adapt all the disney stuff and there's rights issues behind that but yeah this is defender strange and it looks like it looked accurate it did well that's the interesting part of all of modern mcu it seems more than ever they're really trying to get accurate costumes in from the comics but at the same time they don't care to adapt in any kind of like they'll adapt costumes accurately but they would adapt storylines accurately good stories that defender strange was actually in would have been much more interesting than this film um yeah because i remember electro got a that flash of his his like classic costume um and you know you get lots of different i mean this film's full of references we'll get there it's fine uh so well you know what i you know i guess i could just describe the scene in full and then we'll go back through it a little bit so like they're running the creature uh stabs doctor strange and he traps it in like a rock thing for a little bit and then realizes that they're not gonna be able to get to their destination which is a book and so he has to kill the girl he's with and he says like we can't let it get your power and uh he tries and he gets movie over well i was actually gonna say this is what i mean about the fact that we're one minute in and i had so many issues i was just like there's so many things wrong that's not even that's not even all of it yeah honestly but like yeah uh he gets stabbed before he can sap her of the power and then she tries to go for the book he gets captured and then she panics well actually i shouldn't say that all i should say is she opens a portal and uh the doctor drains just before he's uh he's dead he manages to chop out the uh little tentacle grabby things so that she'll fall through the portal and he gets dragged in there as well because it's like sucks you in and then our doctor strange wakes up from what i guess we are supposed to interpret he was watching that like as a nightmare that is the scene so i i mean i'm gonna have to do this a couple of times because i'm gonna have to stop myself from talking so much but like your comments considerations what the first thing that i noticed they started spam started in spanish for one line each and then i guess they gave up and just did english again [ __ ] it's one of my biggest complaints about this film is random spanish rant no randomly let's swap languages in the middle of our conversations and sentences yeah just it's it's a real big pet peeve that they'll start in one sentence and then the other person will answer in the sentence of the the corresponding language and they'll just like swap languages in the middle of but um people who are bilingual will sometimes just oscillate between different languages but i know what you're talking about you're talking about how like you have two lines that are in that language and then it just goes back to english for the rest of it and it's like yeah it doesn't like it's not like it happens naturally it's just like a switch where all of a sudden we are now back in english mode and we continue on that point it's not like the words blend together or maybe someone says a word in the language that they're more familiar with if they're not you know it's something like that it's it's just like they they hit a tripwire and now it's english except yeah yep except if it's uh mandarin which they'll just uh just make up like they did in moon knight of gibberish you remember that right yeah i guess they subtitles for like a couple of minutes until that scene is over because there was no reason for them to change into english because it's only those two of them talking to each other that comes up late it comes up later well yeah they do reference it later so you can see this but yeah it's all for man the the comedy in this we'll go through it it's okay uh what comedy so i actually thought as well another comment on the dialogue i guess is like they're running i think what she says in spanish is the did will that kill it and then he says no um and then he said look over there or whatever points and we see a big book and then she goes the book of ashanti and i remember thinking at the time i was like you guys both know whatever that thing is so why are you saying that is it for me it's like yeah it's happening just for you yeah um also i mean oh wait that might be jumping the gun a bit i was just what is because we don't know what this place is yet that they're in like this this is what i mean we've had this problem before there are so many things to say but if you try and remember it's like would you have said them yet if you have the continuity we have up to this point so do your best everybody i don't blame you if you jump ahead sometimes it's all good now uh when i saw him throw two blue spells at this thing and it froze i was like [ __ ] hell that's powerful and very useful yeah it freezes it dead in its tracks buys them a lot of time and it's that would have been smart i just even asked did that kill it and he's like no no no uh but it clearly yeah like paused it it stunned it can you not throw another are we he's a level five sorcerer he only has six small slots of level three every day until he has to have a long rest and he has to use them sparingly that is that will become a very recurring theme throughout this film uh movie sorry about the magic and how people will not use things that are clearly very effective and then they swap to using something but counter effective i don't know what you mean um magicians in this movie are bad at being magicians obviously everybody's bad at being everyone yeah that's true that is true no one's good at even being themselves which might seem like it's not possible but somehow they found a way they found their way um so yeah i guess i'll just start saying i don't believe he would have a limit on that doctor strange has never had any limits on any of the spells he ever [ __ ] casts um even the time rewind he seemed to be able to do infinitely as long as he has the time stone like i don't though i don't know benefit the doubt you have to say he could only fire those two ice bolts just like yeah okay because all you obviously all you do is just keep firing them like why the [ __ ] wouldn't you um he also throws slicy discs uh a little bit later he did not throw them earlier why they were pretty effective because they they just totally ripped the limbs off yeah yeah they're really effective against the packages something like that happens like 20 minutes later as well it does man if i'm a now if if i was a wizard i'm not saying that i am but i'm not saying that i'm not um but if i was a wizard and i was in combat like this a lot there would be like party four or so spells that i would always just like know i'd always keep them handy in in the front of my mind i've got these things that i always know that i could kind of resort to because they're so good and i can use them a lot and yeah yeah i could make some chains and pull them or i could do this that and the other thing sure those are neat but they're not necessarily always going to be effective but some of these spells are just so ubiquitously useful i need to always be prepared to cast them they're just so great to have and um i would i would not be a good wizard in this universe apparently well how about the fact that he can tie this thing up and and keep it concealed uh which means that america could then go get the book that seems like a pretty smart way to do this i just mean from the get-go it's like all right you go get the [ __ ] book i'll just keep it tied up and then bring me the book this just seems like the second well ten seconds later she almost gets to the book while the monster is like breaking free and actually has the capacity to stop uh because i have a question and i feel it's important i've seen doctor strange once or twice before why doesn't he just use portals to get to the bookcase oh i can explain that right he doesn't have any no this guy doesn't i can tell you why he doesn't have any because we are very good faith here and we would assume that he doesn't have it because if he did have it he would obviously use that because if of course the way you're saying this is like you think that he did have that and if he did it would ruin the entire scene in fact it would ruin the entire film so why i don't even know my own name at this point i have no idea what you're talking about sorry i mean i guess is it as an assumption that he just for whatever reason doesn't have access to a slight ring so the way that we do this is just assume alternative dimension uh doctor strange defender strange as you guys mentioned uh he does not have a sling ring or cannot open portals that that's just the way it works in this particular universe is that he has freezy spells he has like like choppy discs he has like he even has a little floaty ice feed did you guys see that uh when he jumps over a ledge he doesn't use them ever again he uses them once once again really useful but doesn't use them ever again uh great job that's right zoey what a fool will it be i definitely wonder yeah what a fool it would be really bad if um if they established like doc strange like a smart guy or something because i was like obviously man um can you [ __ ] up so badly not only do things we know a strange should have and we go super good face like oh this is a different version they don't have sling rings but then they give them something that you can use that does the that is still useful and they don't it doesn't use that as well it's like well i just want to say just in case the kappa face isn't coming through strong enough a lot of people in chat are like he does have a sling ring no no he doesn't you guys are stupid you guys are just completely stupid it would ruin the whole scene if you had a sling ring and no spoilers all right no spoilers so yeah the scene's pretty bad as we've gone over already but let's get to the bigger flaws it gets in front of them and they're like oh boy what do we do now and there's this little period of a couple of seconds where this [ __ ] sorcerer who's trying to save the world as we get to understand soon enough that's a fine jump forward um yeah he actually yeah i like how your correction is like come on free i said the world it's like all of the worlds which one so uh yeah he he just like kind of watches it collect itself up and then stab him and i was just like man you probably should have done something about that but okay um that's the film you probably should have done something probably much of that in this movie a lot of just spectators sitting around oh felt like i was more of an active participant as an audience member than some of these characters and so somebody should step in and do something geez i mean i know i've got a shield and projectile blast things but i'm not going to watch them could do anything like a superhero sometime so uh defender strange is realizing that he's not going to be able to keep it controlled so he's gonna have to take america does that's who she is in america's obvious whatever uh he's gonna have to take her power from her to prevent the big spooky demon from taking it itself can anyone spot the problem um if you if like if if she dies the powers disappear right so so just kill it like gary mentioned that's the uh if so just to clarify for anyone listening right the drama here is the you can't if you take her power she dies it'll kill her as a side effect i don't know how anyone knows this because she is the only american chavez in the history of the universe which is important to restate she is the only america chavez in the history of the infinite universes she is literally the most special person in all of the mcu i mean it's more so to highlight for stuff that's plot relevant if she is the only person in the multiverse who has these abilities how does anybody know what they are in terms of like that they even exist how they operate or spells that they can use to extract that power if it's if she is the only instance of those powers ever existing and how do you know it kills her to take him nobody's ever done it maybe yeah literally it cannot be that nobody that's the funny thing right it's like no someone tried it before and i died it's like oh oh while that fits in with the logic of the film i don't think that happens in the movie this is what i'm getting at this scene already we've got so many [ __ ] issues but yeah if it's a sad reality that she has to die for you to take her powers to prevent the demon spaghetti thing from getting it just kill it not only is that way faster but it means way faster and more definitive um it it means that the demon doesn't get him so it's just yeah it's done so many powers are out of play complete because even if he gets them he's still at risk it's not like it's not like anybody's going to miss her well nobody even [ __ ] knows her except this guy so the tia two issue is the as fringing kind of just said was that if he is successful saps the power out of here she dies and then then what if he goes like well you've got a defender strange with a rotting leg that's on fire and got toxic bit in it uh who is facing a monster he cannot beat who then hopefully i guess has to open a portal he says he can use the power how the [ __ ] does he know that he could use the power she can't and she's like the origin of the power just but okay in himself by taking your power you make it so that that creature has the chance to get it from you and destroy the whole universe so why why risk that do you want the power first why not just kill it especially if what you do is going to kill her anyway you know exactly it's going to die it's but why take her power as well when if you like you can just eliminate the power's existence it's it's never going to be again to deal with we start off this movie with an incredibly intelligent character who has been established to make tough choices for the greater good of the universe and beyond making one of the dumbest non-pragmatic decisions that has absolutely no rationale behind it that ultimately could and would lead to the we got to talk about stakes with this movie because it's really kind of important and doctor strange multiverse of madness the stakes have never been higher and i don't think they could possibly get any higher we've reached maximum now we used to say this before but this is actually maximum uh yes this isn't just this isn't just the universe this is every universe that exists and it's fate and the fate of all of its denizens there cannot be more that is contained within these stakes this is all of the multiverse it's all things that are were and will be like it's the stakes are all of existence essentially in all of its forms so that means that the decisions that characters make knowing this is going to be like they're being judged on a harsher curve because the stakes are the highest they could ever possibly be i want to address someone said the idea is that he's better at magic so he can control the power he's never had this power yep the only person with it ever can't control it why the [ __ ] do you think that it's a better gamble to take it than killer miss battle no less power is going to kill her anyway if he can't control it then he's [ __ ] and al the multiverse is [ __ ] again the snake the multitude the all the multiverse everything well remember the rationale behind the choice that he makes which would have killed her anyway was in the grand scheme you know the grand calculus of the multiverse yeah so so that's the problem you run into this character has come to the conclusion that i need to do this to save the multiverse the decision he makes is going to kill her anyway but by taking her power it just it just it you're kicking the can down the road you haven't really fixed anything also apparently taking the power seems to take a while it's not like yeah it takes a while while he's trying to contain this monster he is having trouble with while being injured it's like what are you doing what is this video game animation too yeah again to restate the point the fact that he can even do this confuses me what is the nature of america's powers are they like magical i have we have to assume that they are right they're not like science based or anything they're magical well there's magic there's witchcraft i was gonna say we don't actually know what it is uh because the universe might call it whatever the [ __ ] it was no i would put it in a cosmic category which is everything else basically which is because remember remember there's witchcraft and sorcery mm-hmm totally different yeah there's different yeah there's it's it's all just it's not just magic and science yeah if someone has to come up with entirely new things sorcery has to be learned or provided through like technology like the stakes or the whatever the things they have over there then this is more likely to be mad like she's more likely to be a witch right i have no idea i i don't know i have no clue either she's she's just in this universe by virtue of her being a woman is it witchcraft um i don't know that that's i don't i don't know because the way i've heard it described is that witches use runes while [ __ ] um sorcerer's spell that's [ __ ] though because wanda didn't use runes to make the probability hacks so yeah no like it has to be more complicated than just having runes and you telling me there's not a single rune in anything sorcerers ever do i guess not all those fun little well they have rings or slings and they have those cool little images in their rings remember no runes in there all right fine fine fine no runes are not allowed and just to be clear the the the video game animation comment i made it wasn't just aesthetic it's that apparently it's like when in a video game you channel a spell and then it only happens once the once the bar is done at the end then it all happens she gets multiple times in this film she'll get the power like they start to suck it out of her but if they get interrupted all's well i don't know what i was sucking out of you during all that time when all the blue flumps were coming out of your body and into me but i guess you get them back if i get interrupted they just go back into you so it's it seems pretty binary where it's just off and on not you have a power that i could siphon part of someone by the way there were plenty of ruins in his spell with spider-man in the way home those are like runic symbols i remember saying ruins yeah i guess it was a witchcraft i just have no idea no one has any idea though the people who made this don't know we don't know no one knows um look it's worth saying that every time magic appears in the mcu i understand it progressively less like doctor strange the first one was the closest i was to understanding the magic system in this universe and even that had a load of issues in that film um um [ __ ] in this film like uh doctor strange's uh summoning beasts and all kinds of different things and i'm just and all i can think is i watched what if just the night before seeing this film and it established in that because that's supposed to be canonical right and they established that those beastial powers are only possible when you've absorbed like a bunch of beasts and stuff but now he's just pulling them out all over the place so i wha what small tid bits i've gotten are just contradicted and again there's what is the difference between witchcraft and sorcery what what's the difference between this kind of magical neck it's a big plot point in this the difference between those two we just said you're like the [ __ ] how did you yeah which one is which it's like not knowing what if it's like not knowing the difference between the dark side and the light side in a star wars movie yeah like this is important and i don't know why it is like okay so the lightning is dark gotcha i got it uh no force choking seems to be pretty dark gotcha that's bad well there are problems with these films smaller that's true it used to be a more simple time um little problems that quick dialogue could fix oh yeah yeah yeah it's that spell again i can't i only get to use it once boom it's over throw away lines throw away i have no more energy left there or just borg they've adapted yeah that would be another good choice show him exasperated throw him at his wits end going like i just i'm expended um maybe he hasn't had any sleep because they've been relentlessly pursued because he has all these crazy nightmares every night he's exhausted yeah and oh those nightmares are a window into something but oh yeah well we'll get to that i was going to say dory we're almost four minutes-ish into the film i think when that's almost done it's nice it's over so um yeah all i was gonna say was that he gets stabbed with a big [ __ ] tentacles like knife thing through directly through his heart to the point where likely severed it in half and this stuff not only like it burns you and it applies toxic or whatever the [ __ ] it's doing like it has like this black like yeah it's yeah it's like a uh what's it called when in a game where it just like the modifier the long term like modifier well that you know um so he's like dead three times over but when he is tossed to the ground luckily on this very small platform in the middle of what's essentially space but like a fantasy whatever vision we'll find out between universes all right if you were thrown off into the into the abyss you'd be [ __ ] but instead he's thrown onto the little platform and luckily for her i'm not gonna say it's impossible okay if you get stabbed to the point where your heart is cut in two i think you still have a couple seconds left at least or can have seconds left he manages to get a spell off that saves her um thing is like i said though if he'd been thrown into the abyss like a small little spaghetti monster uh we should have been [ __ ] that'd be it um seems like everyone's dumb even the monsters yeah oh yeah that happens a couple there's a nice bit of plot armor in this uh throughout but at this point it's just like what doesn't happen um yeah that that's that's all i got for the scene being [ __ ] but the whole thing is a [ __ ] mess to start with it's uh yeah and the the opening scene generally is a scene where we're just sort of waiting to learn more they're setting up the they're setting up something that we're going to visit later we are learning about the world we're learning about a character you this is the hook that you're pulling us in with i shouldn't have to be racking my brain to understand everything and questioning all of the decisions that every character is making be they human or otherworldly at this stage right like give me a break right i just sat down all bad all problem very quickly so we're talking about video game stuff did you leave like the little video game section america got there where like a whole build under the demon like goes up and there's like two platforms you can jump onto and then swing on the little pipe i was gonna mention that but i guess she gets caught any well actually you know what no she probably wouldn't have [ __ ] it yes uh like three platforms appear for her and she even uses the monster like an uncharted setback yeah she grabbed exactly which shouldn't happen the thing is stab doctor strange to the heart why isn't it grabbing her he's done toss him off the [ __ ] cliff side whatever this place is grab it also i guess you can just grab it with your hands the monster yeah yeah you can just yeah yeah i guess it's not like [ __ ] yeah it's a horrific poisonous toxin creature from another universe and it [ __ ] doctor strange up by essentially like by stabbing him i was like i ain't touching that [ __ ] that [ __ ] well she can't get anywhere near it he's wearing gloves maybe maybe in the multiverse if i would have found like some sort of weapon to assist i don't know i mean if i mean surely if food's free in most universes surely like a gun could be easily accessible in some of them no no it's free and it is free and all in our university it's not yours how strange uh so next scene is doc strange wakes up what's on uh what is framed very specifically you mentioned that he woke up from like that as a nightmare all that happened there yeah yeah we haven't obviously nothing to say yeah on that front yeah well there's a shot of uh his watch his broken watch that he's uh kept with him for a long time that'll be representative of what i assume the uh the arc they're going for is yeah we'll get one of three um or four depending on your interpretation maybe four maybe four yeah uh he's he's dressed himself up he's going to a wedding it's like oh okay uh we don't know who it is yet um he sits down and it's uh michael stillbach i think that's who pronounced his name from uh well i really liked him in boardwalk empire he was [ __ ] awesome in that uh he's relatively uh a-list actor i think to the point where he's in this movie for a minute and he got the with credit he got he did he got high billing on that film which was kind of surprising when he's in for so long it's uh was i was just like wow he because i was curious who would get it and i was just like [ __ ] he got it okay um so he's in the first doctor strange and he's like a competing surgeon uh right at the beginning he's kind of just like he's only there to kind of be like you're not as good as you think you are that sort of character um he talks to uh to doctor strange uh about some stuff um i don't know if anyone wants to talk anything about it well i think it's probably worthwhile i forgot what it was so the conversation was uh he essentially asked doctor he says to doctor strange yeah i had a pretty bad time like i think he says his dogs and also like his one of his family members had died during [Music] you know i lost uh my cats which is meant to be funny which i don't think it is i don't think that is though um because i'm changing from cat to dog and people would because yeah um and also his brother and he basically asked a pretty valid question which is the only way really really yeah yeah yeah it's unfortunate the dog strange is still under the impression that was the only way but maybe he's just telling him that to make him feel better i don't know well yeah because he says it was the only way which if there's no way there's no way when if captain marvel when she i mean if we even follow through with the whole snap and then bring everybody back when captain marvel gets there just fly that thing into outer space thanos can't stop you i think that's like i assume he's referring to an alternate way that means he doesn't have to lose his uh oh wow yeah so that guy's kind of channeling the energy that pretty much everybody in the universe should have really like really yeah he says he says uh that's a lego really for that well um uh i assume uh rags is gonna go with this don't worry i i know the dialogue so i i can i'll get it out you go for it yeah in fact you do that i'm gonna top off my drink all right uh yeah this was i had tonal whiplash in this scene in the in theater i was like what the [ __ ] um what are you trying to do with this so like he sits down and when i saw him i was like oh it's the annoying guy from the first movie and there's there's already an um an assumption that this will be kind of like oh god what's he gonna say that kind of thing he's like okay um and then we start in line with that with with uh doc strange saying he's like you know i haven't seen you in a while and he was like yeah i was busy being dead or gone for five years and i think he even has the face of like idiot like hello i've been blipped and then um and then he goes so was i and and and doctrine was like oh you know and and by the way that kind of uh cut for me in terms of a tonal change i quite like them i'm just like okay yeah this isn't a joke you know you shouldn't joke about this it's like okay no yeah okay i follow and then um you know there's like a gap and then he goes i lost both my cats and then for some reason the film thinks that's really funny and doctor strange rolls his eyes he's just like oh [ __ ] oh yeah i lost my cats like okay um that's strange we're moving back to it being funny i guess it was only for a moment there that you might have thought it was serious but actually it is just a joke then there's a pause and then and my brother now we're serious again yeah i was like okay what the [ __ ] is happening is this a joke or not and he feels like i'm i'm sorry like thank you i was it's not even about like trying to bounce the juxtaposition at that point i was just like what are you going for what is this what is going on and do you think they're gonna just move past and start forgetting the blip because there's no way it can deal with all the consequences from it oh i mean we've already kind of reached that stage we really don't care to talk about it anymore because you're right it's something that's it's it's a difficult it's it is admittedly a very difficult world building thing to grapple with especially when end game is largely responsible for establishing a lot of the world building during that period um but you can't ignore it it is the most it's the most important thing that would have happened like ever and you can't get past that then the the avengers failed absolutely mm-hmm category yeah they absolutely terrible cap is gone iron man died for nothing well because i really didn't need to if everything none of them needed to do anything yeah they did yeah uh for anybody who's just a little bit confused we'll just give you an example so like the cat's thing right someone would be like how how the [ __ ] does that matter compared to a losing a like a family member it's like okay just just imagine though that someone's telling you their losses from the blip and they explain to you that they had pets that because they were blipped they couldn't be fed and just starved to death like and you appear back in your room mostly everything's the same except you have two corpses uh from your past like two that's not an experience during corpses this is why like when he like laughed at him almost for it maybe in the sense of a facial expression not like dialogue i was just like that's strange literally uh i was just like it's it's it's just a strange thing to write that way i think it's important to highlight is that big choices and little choices that you have characters make can and inform their character so something that you you think of is just like oh that's like a little off-handed thing it's like no why would doctor strange find that funny or amusing you know what does that say about him to some extent on like even if it's a minor thing you know yeah once the guy's like oh you know i lost my brother too doctor's like oh [ __ ] okay i should take this seriously and i was like i don't know man i feel like someone losing their pets can be taken seriously but okay of course [Music] i got three cats myself you know if i disappeared then reappeared and they were all dead that would be deeply traumatic you put a lot of time and love and care into your pets you know they do a lot of research you do you [ __ ] feed them you give them love they're basically your children only they don't leave you in the end uh they just die but now they've died faster much faster than they should have you know if that would be [ __ ] traumatic so a whole would be traumatic it's just it was such a dumb decision and then like to to ramp stakes up even more and you're right in this movie like dealing with all of them well what is the next one going to be you know no idea keep going higher multiply multiverse um well one thing i'm just going to add then it's just like that conversation essentially ends with uh dr west i think is his name he says um you know yeah you're uh you know you're the best surgeon you're the best superhero but you didn't get the girl and i was like yeah what why would why would you say that after the you just had a conversation about like how what you guys have lost and how this was a tough thing for the for the world and then you're like you didn't get the girl though that sounds like such a [ __ ] it just sounds like we went from like a serious adult conversation about like the nature of all the horrific events to like schoolyard [ __ ] it's like what yeah okay and um the reason why he said that quickly that we're at christine's wedding yeah yeah that's the reveal but this is something that's really important for steven in this film i was gonna say that that's why he's saying it is it's on theme it's not about uh like good dialogue it's just he needs to say it because it's a reference for the theme uh or one of them well it's true they're trying to go for because the one of them as well as like the choices they make right in terms of the pragmatism versus principle yeah go for a gary oh and i just made me think that would have been such a better concept that if you're popping through the universe you know multiverse and you're seeing the decision aspect of it the the instead of like one right and i'll say the whole multiverse aspect of it was a [ __ ] mess but that this is where it would establish a through line like there would be a payoff for that line later which there isn't sorry spoilers there isn't a payoff for that line it just didn't get the girl damn it [ __ ] me there's there's a lot of people in chat who are like dead pests don't matter you guys uh okay that's fine you guys go right ahead with that perspective yeah that's my legitimately bizarre yeah i'm not following you on that one yeah that's uh uh she arrives wedding happens and then uh he's at the bar um and she walks over to get a drink and he says let me and he converts what i assume is her water into wine yeah wow show off i guess i don't know well like the film acknowledges it too she says um he says like you don't think that's a bit much do you and then she's like uh at my wedding no like i assume the film is acknowledging like he just turned into wine which is a very uh there are connotations to turning water into wine yeah at a wedding a little bit a lot of people are saying jesus is in chat what's that guy who's that i don't know i don't yeah i don't get it i don't think it's like it's just strange like why i just don't know why what if she's a recovering alcoholic oh yeah that yeah that's no more or less than his in line with his character at this point why not well and i hate to say it but like can you can you just convert any composition of like materials into anything else because bro that would be a great way to defeat a villain to just like tune i think i said to rags turn their stomach out into normal acid acid that you don't want to have in your stomach is turn into that hydrochloric acid or something or sulfuric bring them in acid giants what if you turn the water in like your brain into wine surely that'd kill you yeah what turned someone into a pillar of salt or something you know like yeah you could do it only if they looked at you and you told them not to um so yeah yeah there's options here strange converted into beer and thor ragnarok um but he didn't convert tea into beer he switched from a tea to a beer the beer in you know because which is its own problem because yeah i was actually gonna say to be fair i'm actually hypocritical of that scene in ragnarok 2 in terms of doctor strange is just teleporting people without even using the portals it's like wait what you can do that you know how useful that [ __ ] would be if you could do that that's what we're talking about here in terms of power levels i have no idea what magic allows someone to do at any point there doesn't seem to be any semblance someone said he's a wizard so what oh my god how do you actually watch him fight somebody and not get frustrated when he can do all this [ __ ] and doesn't use it also he could solve world hunger like with that exactly creating power like you can't this is the whole thing that effects about you can't just establish crazy [ __ ] [ __ ] and then pretend to ignore it when it doesn't benefit you for a comedy scene like you're like look how funny it is that he's giving thor the beer and you're like yeah and then you're like so can he provide infinite beer to people and you're like don't think about that that's not that's not what we're doing here we're doing a joke shut up can't help it my brain instantly goes to that because i i'm a thinking creature who has thoughts and i i can't not think of that i'm like you can create beer holy [ __ ] this whole time and is there a size limit could he have drowned thanos in a giant pineapple maybe there's just uh maybe there's just a proof limit or something it's i can create a very small amount of strong alcohol or an ocean of miller light i would drown thanos too yeah yeah any beer dying shitty beer you bastard so uh yeah you know i i'm not spending much time on it i just i was just like [ __ ] he just turned water into wide okay anyway moving on uh yeah so uh he has a little chat with all old christine and remembers her we haven't seen her since doctor strange won it's been a while uh at least i think so have we seen even flashes of her at any other point um i watched two episodes of it and i was out so yeah same um yeah so uh she says they never would have worked because he he always has to be holding the knife and that uh i think she says she's scared these these are important elements to understand yes all right we got to make sure we flag these up so that you'll understand us as we progress and i and she's like we never would have worked for for that reason he's like oh well as long as you're happy and then she's like are you happy and he's like that is uh that is a one of the the people in the arks getting kicked into uh kicked into and yeah yeah and there is even references from the first film that i will be bringing in to support their attempt at doing something here but i'm mainly going to be referencing the first film to show how much they [ __ ] up naturally and that film is a film that [ __ ] up a bunch and all this much anyway not this much uh legitimately i was kind of actually sad about this so he's talking to her and i was like paying full attention because i was like this is all about his character this is a girl that he was super interested in and he can't be with because of everything that's happened i was like good old character for superhero and then a car crash sound happens that he looks over the window and i was like oh okay yeah it honestly feels like in marvel stuff we can't really have a conversation that lasts longer than three minutes wait sometimes yeah it feels like a little bit it doesn't even end a little before that doesn't she say oh my husband is a big fan he he yeah yeah you're right because we're cutting that's setting up a joke um and not a particularly great one that's all the jokes you're agreeing but i guess the jokes are great that's the thing is just um i it would be nicer if in marvel movies we could spend a little bit longer with characters just having a conversation which is kind of funny right because loki there was like a 30 minute conversation with kang but like it's not really a conversation relaying information about world building that's in tatters i guess it's more like can we ever have a bottle episode sort of thing where we just have characters kind of explore how they feel about each other and their place in the world for an extended period of time would you we just don't seem to be very willing to do that especially not in the movies especially when this movie is one two hours long you don't have the time with all of the crazy action scenes that we're gonna have um yeah but yeah i don't know if this is right yeah i don't know this is a hot take or not but um a lot of the time in superhero stories the moments i remember aren't usually the big bombastic action scenes at least not in isolation it's more than the conversations the interactions that wow character dynamics the things that imbue the action with meaning what may well be the best scene in all of like the i mean the the conversation between dead evil and punisher like that's often cited as like one of the best scenes i guess in the marvel and i agree it's one of my favorite scenes like pertaining to superheroes often superman is him realizing he has so much power and yet he can't save his dad from his heart sort of thing it's like yeah that's not exactly an action scene is it yeah it's um and i mean like you even look at like the batman right a lot of uh a lot of the scenes that people talk about really enjoying our like the conversations between characters yeah um like scene with alfred in the hospital it's it's just because what we're getting there is we're getting we're getting information on what we're what hopefully we're really here to see right which is the cat i mean god damn like no way home right like one of the best scenes in that film is the three peters having the conversation with each other about their history and ties in hardcore with theme and i mean hell another one of the favorite scenes of everybody is just the three spider-man talking in a very fun way about their past experiences like who they fought you know we're getting to the heart of what we're kind of here for which is not like you know i can like a fight with a giant monster it's like that's really you know that's that's that's fun but i mean what's what's really going to be propelling us forward is the characters is um how they feel what they're going through how it ties into their ark and it's like we need time you know like we need time to know who these people are that i'm spending so much time with and they're not giving me that we're gonna be with this character for two hours or and it's even worse in the shows when you're gonna be with characters for whole seasons plural of television and here we are at the end of you know like season two of mando or something like that and i'm just like i don't know what you are other than a contradictive loser i there's nothing here for me to latch i don't know you and we've been with you so long when we finished out moon night i was like was it episode one and five were the only ones about like him as a person everything else was just like crazy nonsense yeah episode one made us interested and hopeful and episode five was depressing because there was legitimately great stuff there that was surrounded by crap yeah i mean even in that right we couldn't spend time on that before we had to get we we we had to get dragged back into a fight scene actually which is crazy because you'd think like wait you're complaining about that you're like yeah yeah the action scenes are often really bad particularly in disney shows the scenes are just always disney's films and shows it's all the same [ __ ] because yeah we're about to start with this one and like i remember being like all right new action scene just because the first one was [ __ ] does not mean this one will be and it starts up on literally the first action that is taken i was like what the [ __ ] i don't know if anyone else was with uh which with one which one this one with the tentacle monster so with yeah his name apparently is gargantuar but it's because i think there's rights issues with schumacher which i think is like the one that people are really excited to see so he's just sort of throwaway version oh okay yeah yeah different name for the same character i can't even remember what the rights issues are but it feels like an analytics thing like we can't have the audience feeling anything can't have them sad they need to be excited or invested you know it's there's nothing there's just there's nothing of substance here your body's just sitting there in the chair waiting for the next weird visual to happen yeah um well so uh hope too it's a freaking trope to like you have first movie uh you know hero gets girl and then they're broken up in the next one you know that happens i mean not just in marvel movies it happens in a lot of sequels a lot of sequels and you know it's it's to build that false drama there's always got to be some but usually they get back together but not really it's kind of pointless and yeah there's no through line like you you think well at this wedding we're setting up what dr strange's part in this story is and they don't his part is to to protect the girls the key to everything well his part is kind of getting dragged into it because he is in a location that puts him in close proximity to this conflict like imagine if the wedding was in barbados or something you know like it's a good thing he missed the sky being like turned backwards uh a couple of weeks ago no no no one noticed that uh um so yeah he's gonna go fight big tentacle monster and um you you can see this i'm not sure if this part of it is was released on youtube actually but um because i know that this a lot of this scene is on youtube like they put it out as like a promotional thing um so you can see a lot of this for yourself but yeah he arrives and there's some crazy [ __ ] going on and the first thing he sees is this car that's just barreling toward a lady with a baby it's like because it's been thrown and so you think to yourself what is doctor strange going to do about this the car is like about to hit this lady what do you what do you do it's like well you do a portal to like the [ __ ] sahara desert or some ship a place you know is empty and then you just the car drops down in there she's safe or you portal her out to a safe area the car drops and hits nobody they're the two things that he always does um instead and i don't know if you all remember this or not because i like i said it [ __ ] threw me out of the film i was just like i couldn't believe what i [ __ ] saw he spawns a giant cat monster face that's like half the ghost to eat the car and it happens so quickly it's insane like is that when something eats the car well so this is the thing i remember the cat thingy but that's why okay go ahead sorry because this is even though it's literally two seconds there's so much to explain giant head of a cat ghost thing to uh dude to spawn out of a portal jump up eat the car or rather bite it so that um it doesn't hit this lady but it doesn't consume the car it mainly bites it and then disappears so the car just rolls in a different direction right it avoids the lady with the baby so really bizarre [ __ ] choice from doctor strange but the more important part the eagle-eyed viewers will notice that um there was a car heading towards the uh the girl with the baby on the other street in which the car is now thrown as a result of the cat ghost head basically doctor strange as a result of this insane choice of magic just threw a car at someone else i was so like instantly i was just like the [ __ ] did i just see why did you do that but it looked cool that's probably it it didn't even it it made me confused like of all of all the brain power you could expend to solve these issues on the fly why what is that i would say that this is the first of many spells in this film where it feels like the only motive behind it was it looks cool rather than consideration for if it's the best choice to make in this situation but we'll get more of those elena yeah and he's um so that's the big point against him as a superhero you don't want to be endangering people the whole point is you're trying to save him um it was just like don't like that but luckily that totally doesn't happen again or anything in this um so we see uh the girl from from the opening scene she runs into a bus to try and i guess hide or protect herself from something that's chasing it from the way that we see it i really wonder why the hell she ran into a bus as yeah anything else like well most universes buses are free so she just hops on and all right it'll go somewhere yeah it takes it it's like uh yeah it takes her away to safety um and dr strange like this is the kind of stuff because this is how many movies we had with him now where you're just like man your powers he does a spell where it just reveals the invisible monster it's like yeah that's just something you can do okay um i have no idea if that like can you reveal anything that's invisible or i don't i don't know but yeah i don't know what he did there did he just make it seeable for everyone or did he well i guess he did because they see the thing later on but he just does it which is assuming okay you can just do that i guess the thing about these as long as they don't contradict something yeah yeah it's just that uh yeah that's that so that's barry just had it's like okay fine he then um well you know one thing i did like about it is when he reveals the creature it frowns at him i like that yeah he's like hey why'd you do that oh really the uh the monster is pretty expressive actually it is it is the one thing i really did like about it but i feel like they took notes from mike wazowski in terms of how to emerge with one eye so yeah starro yeah yeah uh dog strange then opens up the bus as it's holding it like he splits it apart i didn't even know he could do that outside of the mirror dimension thus isn't that a rule in his film well the only way you can do it if you tap into the documentation i didn't know that you could like self con self contain the mirror dimension like that you know like i didn't know that you could like how could he just be on one vehicle i thought he just disassembled it you can do in the mirror dimension i've never the idea is you can't quite do that as a sorcerer in the real world because that's a that's big boy powers yeah i figure but yeah yeah he splits it up and then we see that america's in there and like the monster's like i'm gonna get you but then he uses a part of the bus to chop off its limb and it just like cuts right through it she's like man there's a piece of doing that it does exactly what you'd expect which is like oh not only is it super effective the limit cuts off dissolves into nothing so that's even useful for cleanup and it delays the creature and stops him from attacking america for a while so there's no reason to keep doing that and at all no no because it wouldn't be as cool the second time yeah [Music] yeah because what happens instead america falls he sends the cape to go grab her and then he like closes the bus on his his tentacle if i could just pop at him i wanted to just really highlight if you can tear something apart into its component parts that's an incredible you're like a reverse james may yeah he splits it into someone's chat will get someone in chat will get that reference i got that hello yeah well you're not in chat damn yeah why do you think i'm going to show you that's not racism that's madness this is a multiverse of madness it truly is uh madness yeah because if you can tear anything into component parts like that and then convert it all into sharp weaponry to kill someone with it's just like yeah that's pretty good uh you should do that more more often i guess but anyway as fringing said he splits it apart and then puts it back together on um its tentacle after because she falls out he grabs her with his little cloak gets it to him and like those bits especially because this is the thing the only way to challenge someone like doctor strange is to make things happen quickly um you have to overwhelm them so that they just can't keep up with it like blink yes uh good good reference yes um thank you you you showed me that yeah so the yeah he's doing that and and unfortunately doctor strange is a [ __ ] idiot in this film um so he grabs her puts the cloak on uh drops the bus on tentacle creature and immediately just looks at her he's like yeah what what what's up what's going on and you might think to yourself like oh does he think he's dealt with the tentacle monster and it's like well he knows he hasn't yeah so [ __ ] heated i don't know and you might be like well as long as there's no significant repercussions it'll be fine um well it throws the bus at him because of course it does and she has to warn doctor strange that that's about to happen that's how distracted he got from just looking at her and you know it's like well wouldn't you be if it was a girl that you had a dream about and never seen before it's like i don't know man there's a giant tentacle monster in front of you i feel like that's the most distracting element yeah like i i would like my brain would be like that's weird but i'd also be like oh [ __ ] a monster yeah both of these things can happen so um that was annoying because he throws it and you get the iconic incredible visually stunning scene that everyone was wanking over on twitter for like [ __ ] weeks for some reason where he creates a saw and chops the bus in half so that the two pieces narrowly avoid him in america which with how thin that saw is pretty sure they both should have hit you even with sewing and a half but they split it apart they don't randomly just fly apart in different directions they'll just keep going forwards well i mean it's i mean maybe you should have put like what if there were people running behind you you know well so that's the big criticism they slam into several cars in the background and he doesn't seem to give a [ __ ] this fight he is not very responsible in this fight when it comes to stopping here's the thing right collateral what else could he do what else could he do with the big object heading toward him no that wasn't me that's a stupid idea why would he use that yeah i remember there was seen an infinity war the guy that was with thanos he threw like a bunch of sharp things at him and then wong opened a portal and strange opened a portal to fling it all back at him fling it all all right well here's the problem with your idea there is the that portal that's the maximum size they can do those the bus is too big there you go oh except for the last time and when the portal was like yeah oh that that's not that uh that's uh there was there was multiple sorcerers they had multiple people there but guys guys guys like in the grand calculus of the multiverse it's his first day somewhere out there right yeah yeah yeah his first day that's true um someone just highlighted why didn't he turn into butterflies like shut up shut up yeah you ruined it again why can't you just enjoy the magic of cinema yeah sir so um yeah he does the soul move and you're like well after having that moment of distraction it's good that he's now back in the game and even does his little pose like two fists he's like [ __ ] yeah and he looks at her and he's like do i know you um and doesn't look at the monster and then he gets knocked out by it yep well i mean i probably should have killed him considering how fast he was going but uh definitely should have killed him and the cloak did nothing to help him by the way a lot of the characters in this survive things that uh you have to remember the cloak is sentient it's it wants every it wants to help doctor strange in anything it does it has an awareness of its own it can move him away and out of danger it just doesn't yeah oh well um but never mind yeah so um a little bit frustrating he just keeps [ __ ] getting distracted in the middle of a fight when the giant monster is right in front of him uh not doing good for his intelligence at all uh nope but yeah he's knocked out uh what's what can happen now it's all over right it's all over well just in the nick of time wong appears and i'd have no idea did someone call him or i i don't know he must have been in the new york sanctum right because that would explain how he got there well it's just like if he's aware could he not call in help well might as well right just get you on the phone to come with us just like hey can you send like a few sorcerers we know they have plenty to spare wow yeah oh yeah it should be and you know what's so frustrating he arrives with a portal they show it closing behind yep and it's like oh boy that might be useful why don't you portal the giant [ __ ] monster into the desert what is it gonna do or teleport it in half just cut it in half with the teleporter use your portal to chop off all of its little tanks there you go two huge solutions because the funny thing is if you drop in like the center of the biggest desert ever it will probably die i'll be like what am i supposed to do here die it'll just it'll dehydrate so [ __ ] fast like assuming this thing has rules like that i don't know um so yeah wong you know you might be thinking as a listener right now so what does wong do it's like well he uses his um i don't even know the name for this weapon shad would but it's like a whip with a with a dagger on the end of it it's the scorpion yeah scorpion's kind of weapon he swings that around and you know what like to try and avoid sounding like i just [ __ ] hate the world i like i'm really happy to see wong i'm like there he is do your [ __ ] and he's courageously running in there knowing he's just trying to help people just why the [ __ ] are you using such shitty tools man you're the sorcerer's supreme apparently like wong is hyper competent uh supposed to be was daddy uses these little dinky weapons against this giant monster instead of other spells that are available to him um so yeah he just like he's just pathetic um he even tries to pull out a sword and come at it and he just gets grabbed and he's like let me go wall and it's like man i forgot we were like just in a saturday morning cartoon with the hideous horrible monsters just grab you they don't kill you they just pick you up and go why would i not throw him like that what it should have done is just bashed his head against the ground like with you know grab the tentacle and just go bang bang but yeah yeah awesome yeah but it just holds on to him and if anybody was curious like well what you know do we know the nature of this you saw one of these things just kill defender strange outright uh turns out though that's okay because defender strange isn't the main character so he's expandable yeah plot armor boy is it a problem yeah uh wong just held on for a while strange wakes back up and before american can get grabbed uh the cloak grabs her and takes her up yeah um which you might think like that's a good idea right get it out of range of the um botanical monster it's like well if you just turn a corner you'd be out of range in height and you'd be out of range of it throwing anything at you you don't have to worry yeah like if you get something thrown at you if you drop her and then she just plummets to her death you know just like maybe don't go really high up just like go somewhere else um and yeah where else the cloak tries to fly away the tentacle monster throws a motorcycle at them and it [ __ ] nails the shot the tentacle monster is bullseye i guess something to note by the way there are there are definitely civilians getting killed in the cro like this it's crushing cars it's grabbing motorcycles dudes we're driving on like people are dying just keep that in mind people are dying because of whoever summoned this monster or whoever was responsible for this monster coming into that very yeah it's very unrestrained whoever summoned it would be responsible but also the [ __ ] sorceress choosing not to use their weaponry that's actually effective against it i mean you need to account for collateral damage you know that's something that you're here on trying to save people it's funny to think that we have two probably the two best sorcerers most powerful sorcerers right there and they have so much trouble against this one random demon thing we're almost at their dumbest decision we're almost there like seconds away all right yeah but i just wanted to mention someone might be listening and be like well who cares if the motorcycle hit the cloak if she can be picked back up by the cloak does it matter it's like well she lands high up on a building the cloak somehow falls in such a way that it gets trapped underneath the motorbike under the motorcycle yeah i still don't know how that happens it is [ __ ] insane how did that even happen like you if you watch it you're just like what and it's like well because we need to keep the cloak out for a minute it's gonna it gets in the way if it stays in the fight you're like just too useful yeah he's too helpful for that cloak he's just working so hard he really is throughout the whole movie yeah yeah he's on a timer of he will be allowed back is the cloak the only character in this movie who gets out undamaged no well i just said he didn't save strange earlier for no reason oh right okay yeah even the cloak who was just the happy cloak that helps people you're happy uh strange summons a [ __ ] hatchet and chops off another limb to save wong and it's like oh wow that's useful you're doing that the best part of it is the monster doesn't notice it just is walking along and it doesn't notice at all that one of his limbs is gone and wong has dropped down listen the monster is goal oriented as should we all be uh you can't be caught up on the details of the now you have to keep your eyes focused on the future and um wong they even have a musical cue to let you know that you can calm down now we're not in the exciting part wong drops the ground it's like like like it plays chill music well long it's like you're not in the presence of a sorcerer supreme you're supposed to uh bow and he's like i know the customs and it's just like guys guys it's killing people it's not the time to discuss the decorum of your hierarchy you have things to do well i think a good example of because there are jokes and avengers right when they're like fighting in new york but the jokes are usually like tony stark is still flying towards things right like he's he's going places while he makes a joke yeah he's not joking around prevent him from saving um yeah while they're doing this little back and forth and and you're like oh it's okay though because they're both doing little hand movements like okay they're setting up a big spell this is this will be something that knocks this thing out okay at least we got that they both decide to do do you know what um if i can rewind just a little bit remember infinity war like there's a lot of things i really like in that film one of the things that pisses me off to no end is when doctor strange is fighting uh squidward um because i can't remember his name yeah he's the whole doing a portal that sends his spikes back at him it's like cool move good stuff and then uh squidward activates like he hits the head off of a fire extinguisher which blasts wong away it's like okay that's pretty clever and dog strange like in frustration and retaliation he fires like a whip crack like wrappy thing around him and pulls squidward into him and then he gets shocked that squidward is coming right into him and that [ __ ] him up in the whole fight it's like why did you do that why would you want it distance is incredibly important for you like you need it you're a sorcerer you need it because you are a gloss cannon so yeah like i always hated that he does it here he tries to attach a chain made of magic to gargantos and so does wong they don't choose to attack this thing they choose to attach chains to it now guys to something that is clearly very strong they expect from their movements to be able to with their strength alone pull it off the building it's climbing this thing is huge it is big enough to be it's big it's big it's bigger than your mom you might be impossible you may be terrified by this concept okay you may be so shocked by what i'm about to say but what happens instead is they get pulled by it whoa what excuse me you're kidding and yeah uh that was the decision that in this fight i was [ __ ] face palming i was like you serious this is like worse than the opening fight why throw sharp metal bits at it you fools open a portal they beg you to open a portal no you fail to understand it's like it's like a tony hawk's pro skater game if you do the same move multiple times you get less points so you have to vary oh yeah less points in the audience you know like if you actually wanted an answer for why they do this that is it they have to keep doing new and different spells to keep the audience through from being like oh you just did that one and one that's boring it's like things that are competent just new things that are dumb like sure new things fine whatever spectacle uh fine but do things that are new and effective yeah uh people do this all the time they they they do the thing when they're like oh you don't want new force powers you guys are boring it's like you can use the ones that are established in cool ways new ways yeah the funny thing about it is technically speaking right if telekinesis is a thing then you're like okay yeah well we've got telekinesis we need something new it's like whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa you saw force choke and you said that was a new thing that's just telekinesis yes it's squeezing someone's windpipe like why yeah you know you thought it was new yeah there are many powers that scale with creativity and telekinesis is among them it has very few limits it just depends on how creative and interesting you are if you're a boring one spiderman uses webs how boring wow he did that before um so yeah she should have been drunk they could just conjure a bunch of wine and beer and just got a drunk you know that would be a cool scene thinking about it doc strange having to battle something like this while drunk and spells are kind of fluid like he tries to spawn a sword and it's like all it's just it's a floppy sword that would be great because he could have gotten drunk at the wedding and then he he's depressed yeah he just gets [ __ ] hammered and he's got to go out and fight and that's how and then like long's like god he's drunk i gotta help him he went to the wedding he wasn't supposed to die yeah wong's just like and that yeah you're right loads of jokes can take place and by the way that's i'm pretty sure they do that in incredibles like he's like have you got a wedding it's like you know like frozone and mr incredible have good chemistry because of the fact that like they're familiar with each other while this is just bow to me no okay stella remember taking advantage of this huh uh yeah uh i think america's about to get grabbed and so doctor strange is like i know i will set the creature on fire and i was just thinking of myself like okay first of all if you think you can set things on fire yeah like okay the powers just they just keep adding to the list you're like oh you can do that that's something you can do okay um luckily for him the technical monster had not yet grabbed her because if it did he would have set her on fire uh by the way it trails up so there's no way he could have known that she wouldn't have been in the vicinity of the [ __ ] fire it doesn't do anything it goes out straight away and it just pisses off the monster but before getting to what happens next which might be the dumbest part of the whole scene i don't know it's really hard to tell at this point it's so hard to choose everyone has their favorite dumbest part it comes like a [ __ ] buffet it cuts to the wedding building and uh christine and her husband come out and the husband sees this happening and he's like oh because he's like a fan of doc strange and she's like yeah and i was like wow both of your reactions are bad neither of you should be doing that you should both be like jesus [ __ ] christ that monster's probably killed several people is currently destroying a building like i hope yeah i hope doctor strange can stop it because this is already terrible but no they're like cool fighting boys did she's like oh you yeah um yeah it's just annoying because these movies aren't strictly like that they oftentimes want you to take death seriously and take like consequences seriously it wasn't what like three minutes ago that we had someone be like i lost my brother and it's like i'm so sorry yeah lol now the big tentacle monsters destroyed a whole building that is pretty funny though it's so funny lolly lost his camera to comment on the new york uh housing and building situation it's like a monster swallowing up all the property a monster so deep ridiculous ordinance zoning and gentrification yeah yeah yeah yeah i think it's being gentrified by another dimension so the tentacle man's like [ __ ] you sorcerers and he chops off both of their little chain things now he grabs doctor strange before he can fall so he's got him but what happens to wong well let me tell you long very intelligent this is funny because like i would almost want to boot up portal to show how stupid wong is like long is really dumb which is unfortunate because i want to like wong i want to like him too uh it's tough it's tough but he is yeah this part so uh he's he's free-falling he's a terminal [ __ ] velocity headed into concrete we can't have that because this film recognizes that if you have a lot of momentum you smash into something solid it'll kill you this film is knows this okay so he opens up a portal and you're like oh wow how is he gonna solve this because he's got so much momentum i was well uh me and rags had spoken about this i think yesterday and it's like everyone in chat everyone here will be able to figure out if you put the portals like you can in the game portal right next to each other on the floor it'll send you down and all the way back up like oh that's that's a pretty cool mechanic you could do that but then maybe you're thinking well he wants to land on the ground okay and you're like all right fine if he wants to do that go down one up the other once you reach the peak of the momentum falling back up you open a pool right below you then onto the ground momentum done you're safe great what does wong do does anybody want to tell the people is like i'm i'mma open a portal on the ground here that like angles parallel to the to the ground and he flies into it he flies into a taxi yeah really hard really really hard [ __ ] he's dead um he killed himself because he's a [ __ ] idiot uh but no of course he's fighting because of plot harbor uh it's it's so annoying because there's so many cool things you could have done and they haven't done with the whole lot of cool it's not not it's so because again it's like telekinesis portal scale with your creativity there's so many cool elegant ways to express that wong is the sorcerer supreme he is very experienced he's very powerful so when he uses portals he's like the best of the best it's like fighting someone like i said like blink in a age of future past or days of future basically where you are watching someone who clearly is very experienced who has done this many times before they're like peak performing and they use portals that's what you should expect but he chooses to do some like if you're falling and you have portal powers you're just like oh this is i'm not even phased by this i'm having fun [ __ ] it because i know i could just put a portal here and there and then i'll be fine it'll be easy i mean an idea would be what if he used the portal he portaled like above the monster summoned something that he could impale its eye with and then using like his own force he like pulls it out that way so like he uses the throw and fall to get back into the fight straight away because he's that confident yeah and um i just wanted because like for people who don't know right in days of future past uh opening and in the fight later on they have a character who i'm assuming is from the comics uh cold blink who opens portals exactly the same way as doctor strange cam with his uh his sling ring and one of the cool things that happens in the film is a couple of them is that uh she portals colossus really high up and then he just is you know free falling right down into the ground and she opens up another portal on the ground and one next to a sentinel so he's like a missile going through which is in a way in a perfect world would be one of the lamer things you do because it's so obvious but it's in actuality one of the coolest things you can see being done with this in one of these kinds of movies because they never [ __ ] use it for what it can be done they only ever open up a normal portal and someone steps through you're like yeah that's that's something you can do with it yeah yeah this is like this is like i just learned portals yesterday i'm just getting used to the concept of what they're doing so i just use it for like basic travel even as powerful as it is i use it for basic traveling you know so i've not yet begun to explore the creativity that comes along with portal power and it's so unfair because you're like instead of getting the cool use of a portal he just does something that's so [ __ ] stupid he should be dead and it's like great nice moving on i guess uh the cloak escapes just yeah just yeah just got some more powers we're lying there you know move the motorcycle out of the way for some reason yeah it's just free now and um which is perfect timing because doctor strange dog strength is grabbed by it and it doesn't kill him again but by the way it saved him if he had dropped well then again i don't know if he has a sling ring but if he does why isn't he using it so i it's all uh it's so hard to understand but um the reason they had him get grabbed was because he didn't have his cloak and then they were gonna have wong save himself by killing himself obviously they didn't wanna have to deal with that with doctor strange but he doesn't have his arms freeze we can't cast any spells then the cloak gets on uh gargantua's eye which gives him the time to get them arms free along with i think america's status stepping on something to make rubble fall down um yeah i think she even uses her powers to do that yeah i was about to say she would get like this little star pattern which is not a thing she brings up to anybody ever and then they have the surprise reveal for powers later in the film so that doesn't really line up does it yeah i don't know it's uh weird that we have that here anyway uh strange then grabs a lamppost and impales gargantos in the eye with it which is just like why didn't you do that in the first place yeah or you or use the giant saw blade then you cut the butt oh yeah that would have been a good idea so um conclusion several lives lost millions in property damage and incredibly incredible reckless endangerment of not only yourself but several other civilians for no reason at all uh this is this kind of [ __ ] man like uh i was just like well hopefully the next action scene will be good i guess he saved america [ __ ] yeah and then she steals his sling ring somehow right yeah because he didn't have one he did yeah so he did have one then yeah he just didn't use it okay cool um it's really weird that she steals it and so from that you're like well she must know what it is because why else would she steal it uh which means she likely knows how to use it thanks to defender strange but she doesn't use it but you don't know how to use it jumping ahead to the end yeah yeah that's what i meant exactly because she can't use it because we see her all the way at the end that she's training to do magic stuff so she has she stole it without having any clue what to do with it and just yeah she was like okay you do wonder if that was a reshoot or dark because that doesn't seem cognitive does it it's like wait but she doesn't know how to use it but she did steal it to use it it's like okay um but anyway they're like all right talk with us and immediately the scene starts and they're in a cafe and i was like why the [ __ ] you in a cafe pizza time it doesn't make any sense it's like you would take her to camotage or sanctum sanctorum why would you all discuss in public people are saying she stole it so strange couldn't use it but one has one also what do you mean why would that why does that change anything she's running away you just run after her yeah but also wong has one so like it doesn't really do anything for you at all i don't even like i said that's a fair argument but i don't understand so now you can't use portals so i can escape you with my legs is that seriously what they think the logic of that was i thought it was she stealing it for herself it's even stupider if she was stealing it so that she can't be caught by him it's like wow talking about it i can't believe mahler's saying that minorities are pickpockets by default unbelievable [Music] i'm pretty sure marvel was saying that i'm saying that america steals money it is it is the thought that i did have where i was like oh okay marvel i don't know he's just yeah people doesn't know who's wrong his ally like all puerto ricans pockets okay fighting with strength if you just look at ron's hand you'd see the [ __ ] sling rig that's like a that's like a saying that you would use if you wanted to display your pickpocketing prowess oh yeah i could pull the sling ring off doctor strange and you're like no you couldn't that's ridiculous you know how [ __ ] difficult that would be because it's two rings that go over to the bottom of both of his main figures like you wouldn't be able to get that off he's like a wizard master surgeon who well let's really think about this how many modes of transportation does doctor strange have even if we take out portals in the cloak he can still use whips to go around he still can do those magic platforms she would know this because she worked with a very good doctor strange who was using these abilities yeah that one could fly with little frosty boots so yeah what the f none of that makes sense look i think it's better to assume she was gonna try and use it that is the most sense you can make out of that but she can't use it but she can't use it so it's yeah whatever these two people just spent ages trying to save her life and she's like can't be trusting you because you might try and take your [ __ ] that's it's one of the most it's so frustrating it makes me not like this character right off the bat well we'll see how that goes as the film progresses right it'll be great um so uh i think it's around here it might be a little bit later actually we'll wait on that so there's a great joke um i'll i'll explain it in just as much a funny way as they do uh doctor strange mentions spider-man and she's like what spider-man that he's like he she's like is he like a spider and he's like nah like a man and she's like okay i'm gonna go climb some wool shoots webs out of his butt no well maybe i don't know i haven't asked him that god i wish i knew who it was and then i could ask them but i don't i can't remember uh i don't know if it seems too harsh but i was just like man that really feels like a ten-year-old wrote that and was really proud and it's like yeah like that mauler that's the film no i think 10 year olds can do better than this i guess that is true maybe maybe that 10 year old could write better um because it does it not feel to you guys like it's it may be it's just one of those like oh that's the that's the joke you came up with it's like well if you work a bit harder on it you might be able to find something funny between you know spider-man webbing and something and i guess no way home that did some joke about this that i feel landed a decent bit better but i wouldn't know also she's it should i guess it depends or i don't know would she know about spider-man and all the multi-verses and stuff well we later find out that she's been to 72 universes yeah i mean she might have encountered a spider-man but who knows yeah if she's spending very little time in a lot of these she's getting chased across i can understand her not coming across a spider-man i guess it's just um strange in itself interesting i wanted i was curious so i went back and we're going back just a little bit the motorcycle that gets thrown i was like there was a dude on that motorcycle it was what happened i just checked he disappears he literally disappears into a tentacle no was i hope that wasn't the dawn yeah he disappears into a tentacle i'm like i had to watch it like three times to see like where did that guy go so i think he just got absorbed into the monster or absorbed into oblivion i'm not really sure but he disappears whatever the the nicest and cleanest way they can make it to get him the [ __ ] out of there it's kind of funny actually because it's like yeah what about what's the monster going to throw it's like provide him a motorcycle a guy will drive into the tentacle monster for no reason at all in iron man one when the guy got when when uh monger grabbed the motorcycle the dude flew off it as one would do when you as one would do stopped just while you're moving like 50 kilometers or 60 kilometers per hour you keep going you know the tentacle man looked down no as we find out like momentum doesn't exist in the mcu or just like conservation of it's wong he hits it's like yeah no you're good no he does a little when wong hits the um dude that is so funny the motorcycle guy is just heading straight into him oh yeah i remember in the theater he was just driving he drives down the road as this massive monster is covering mayhem and destruction and he's just like oh dude he's really late for work he really makes that's right straight into him down the street it's uh yeah that's literally what happens he's no he's got his own story it's a movie that's going to be coming out that's the end of his movie where he just charges at the moment he's like it's my time i'm going to save him at the dawn he died i'm going to do it maybe he was he was taking death like he was really depressed and he was just out for his last motorcycle drive before he kills himself because he's just horrifically depressed and he's like yes i this is this is it this is how i die yes and so he like sped up towards it he's playing like bon jovi blaze of glory someone said why does he remember peter parker or whatever it's like he doesn't remember peter parker you remember spider-man yeah remember spider-man yeah it's kind of it's kind of weird but yeah yeah that's actually what i wanted to bring up because that's the first time we hear him talk about anyone talk about spider-man after nowhere home right as far as i know him yes so i get i guess spider-man and himself are still in the avengers then like technically yeah this is part of what i'm curious about because if they all remember spider-man that means he can show up as spider-man and reveal himself to be peter parker couldn't he exactly that's what i was about to say it's like oh so that's obviously the relationship but he can his relationship with the avengers whenever he wants well also strange knows he casts the spell to do something apparently because he remembers the happenings in no way home right i have no idea what he remembers about the events of noah yeah neither do any of the writers okay that will never be answered they will i think that's that's just an interesting line to keep in mind for future spider-man movies uh depending on yeah the impression yeah the impression i'm getting from this is that he remembers his involvement in that film but he doesn't remember who he did it for so he doesn't remember who was under the mask he just remembered he did it for the person who is under the spiderman costume but he doesn't remember who it was um and wong's just kind of cool with it in general but not really but sort of yeah being the sorcerer supreme um oh you're going to cast a spell that erases everyone in the universe's memory leave me out of it and it's kind of it's interesting that the loki writer didn't bring up any of the aspects of loki at all in his in his damn movie and they only briefly mention uh no way home like twice that's a good point like loki is kind of non-essential viewing for this show all of them really nobody cares about loki yet we just shouldn't be considering what the [ __ ] happened in that it may well be one of the most well it is it definitely is because the multiverses are new right they're new because they were just released from the sacred timeline so i can understand like they he who there is a reference to multiverses and doctor strange so [ __ ] awkward because it's before multiverses could even exist because this universe is one of an infinite the thing is the age of what is correct because we see the dark dimension which is a different universe right and he and he eats universes that's his whole thing so how is there no multiverse when there's a guy out there eating universes yeah kang changed everything i have no idea no idea um so yeah part of why i was frustrated that they went to a [ __ ] cafe is because people can interrupt it and this information is going to be sensitive potentially that's just out in public and you're obviously you're superheroes who just saved the city so people are going to want to see you and literally someone walks up to them like can i take a photo and doctors like no it's like why are you here yeah you you have a sanctum she's clearly attacked by an otherworldly dimensional monster that you guys had a lot of trouble dealing with apparently so it's not it is not pete repeat it is not pizza time it is not pizza time or not um and then very casually we just establish uh that book in that opening scene they were heading toward is called the book of ashanti and it can give a sorcerer any spell they require to defeat whatever enemy they're fighting at the time wow that is convenient there's an automatic win button for anyone against anything wow that is so he's like that's [ __ ] and then wong is like it isn't and then strings like what and long says something that's so [ __ ] funny to me it's like he says nobody's ever like reached it or seen it but it is real how how why would you think the book is real oh is it because it's because you learn it when you become the sorcerer's supreme but like if you read okay so you like read ancient scrolls like there is a book it does this thing but nobody's ever seen it it's like what yeah so if someone comes up to me and they say all right you're a source for supreme you could read this scroll now and the scroll says the scroll says yeah there's this thing out there that exists what do you what do you i'm like oh but i can tell you what it does it's like how doesn't it wrong say maybe i heard it wrong but doesn't wang say well there's certain books you get when you're sorcerer's supreme and yeah look it's a real funny funny joke which doesn't make any sense at all the first movie where he's reading all the [ __ ] books yeah and like that's what he's doing the thing about the first movie is they justify that he becomes very potent very quickly because he's like he excels at whatever he puts his mind to he's obsessed he's focused that's like what he was in his surgeon job when he becomes a sorcerer he just reads every [ __ ] book the idea that dr strange failed to read something that was in the sorcerer's supreme books no yeah not gonna happen that's so weird because it shows such a dramatic misunderstanding of the character to have the writer be like yeah doctor strange he's a cool guy he doesn't read it's like no he does he would he was so lost he was reading while he was asleep yeah and he got in trouble for reading like yeah he remember he stuck he went into the library to steal books from under wong's nose to read to learn more like if there's that's what he does so yeah like it's just like this is that none of that works and then yeah just the fact that like wong is very confident this thing exists even though it it's just nobody's ever seen that no reference or reason to know anything about it or to yeah but it's just like okay so that's the thing to keep in the back of your mind everybody there is a book out there that can make it so they can defeat any enemy it's like wow and it's real okay this is a lot to drop on us it's a lot to draw about us especially after infinity war it's like man if you're telling me that if doctor stranger simply read this [ __ ] beforehand that would have been an option but uh you just didn't read the book i guess okay well the scroll whatever it was on i just don't want to use the auto win button that would be unfair towards thanos or something so uh he then wants proof she's from a different dimension and so she shows him the corpse of uh defender strange which luckily landed on the top of a building and not like in some streets where anyone can see it at least would be cool yeah or the fact that you even arrived in new york at all you know as opposed to any other place in the mo because remember you're traveling different universes on a planet period on a planet period when like 99 of what the it's more than that even isn't it like 99 of the universe is just space just empty space well there is an attempt at a sort of a justification for that later in the movie we will get there yeah there is but we can talk now so you take some corpse and this is the scene where it's basically canonized that dreams are windows into the lives of our multiversal yeah god i hope not you don't know what you've done all of the all of your dreams all your dreams are canon now um now this raises some questions what does it mean to lucid dream if your dreams are actually other people in other universes what does it mean to gain an awareness of your dreams which people absolutely do what does it mean if you have a dream let's say you're a doctor strange but in another universe dr strange came into that role before you did how do you square away those dreams in retrospect man with i had that dream where i was like a sorcerer and now i am a sorcerer huh how do you how do you square away dreams in like the paint universe which i guess we'll talk about later right well there's another question did nobody dream before loki happened yeah that's a good point loki loki problem is i think what loki wants is all time has already happened they want to have it be like that but the problem is that loki the show is the consequence of endgame which occurs at a certain point in time which is after everything that happens before that um so yeah did people have dreams before the multiverse surely they did right and think about how terrifying that would be if all of a sudden yeah all of a sudden randomly everyone when they sleep they start having these visions and they could be very lucid and yeah like how terrifying that would be for every creature to suddenly realize they'd think it would be a disease they'd they'd start checking people for [ __ ] in their brains and in their blood there's something else to consider that's a fun that's a fun idea for a story you know we you know we ask of android stream of electric sheep but i mean do sheep dream of other sheep in other universes what do you give us amoebas don't sleep that's a stupid example let's go smaller and sleep right and yeah and to go to sleep right do ants have dreams about other ant colonies and stuff in other universes yes which is everything that is a live dream and do you view these dreams as though you're a camera watching the seeds and if so why why why is this the way that it works in this reality why is the universe recognize some level of i guess specialness to like living beings to where the dreams connect them to other versions of themselves what does that mean you know and uh to capitalize on a universal gal uh how [ __ ] convenient that out of all the different multiversal people that doctor strange could dream for it was the one that he was about to meet the companion of in five minutes yeah yeah like one of them this is a one and two one i would like to yes highlight what the word infinite means yeah a number it is what we use to express like an uncountable amount um mind-bogglingly big incomprehensibly large and even further than that the whole infinite universe thing that gets brought up in stories you don't know what you're committing to when you say that you really don't okay there were so many openings in this uh content where i thought they were going to bring up something changed in the multi like there's a multiverse we didn't really we weren't aware of it until very recently something happened you know just reference the fact that they released the sacred timeline which yeah apparently that's just gonna be a closed thing in loki now well it's i mean sam raimi may well not have watched loki um but then again the writer wrote loki so yeah the writer wrote the show don't worry about it you don't have to watch the show it's not it's only like a single with your character so yeah uh it reminds me just to add on to what writes saying about infinite um christ's infinite earths when it's like they've destroyed all of the planets across the multiverse now one by one just like what do you mean now this is this is the first instance of many where guys infinite that's just a thought you have in this film there's many more instances of this yeah we're gonna get someone yeah um so yeah it's confirmed that's defender strange strange believes it and uh the first thing he says i think is like you know um bad enough a little girl has this power with the damage you can do imagine it falls into the hands of an enemy and she gives him like a oh [ __ ] you're gonna kill me look and he's like um and then one goes um little girl if you if you would come with us to camartage we can keep you safe and i was like holy [ __ ] i would get out of there [Laughter] magic land we're going to be always safe we're going to take care of you little girl don't you worry yes we'll take you to a nice safe mountain castle yes with all of the other wizard friends yeah no one else can get to you oh no no we'll just spell them away they'll never take a seat or they'll never find you i mean they'll never uh uh it's great there please get into my popping candy no windows rivers of chocolate um she's like how do i know you won't betray me like he did and i've been over this with some of you and calls uh that line really bothered me when i heard it and i finally figured out exactly why i you know what i like defender strange more than i do our strange and i think he deserves better than that he just deserves to remember his his final act the last thing that he did with his life was save her to cut the tentacles so that she could go through the portal if i can just explain the missing element of that free that enhances his heroism he saved the multiverse by doing that he did save the multiverse because the plot doesn't happen without defender strange in his final act with his dying breasts nothing happens without him he is the greatest hero that ever could have possibly existed in the film has america treat him like a villain that she hates well the whole film treats him like an [ __ ] yeah the whole film doesn't give a [ __ ] about this guy um and it's so [ __ ] strange [Music] because because yeah she says he betrayed me it's like he the action he commit is too early to say so yeah uh what happens at the end of the movie yeah that's what i'm saying like yeah oh it bothers me so but yes okay fine he betrayed me and you will won't you do strange and uh yeah i i just i was annoyed because i was like i don't i don't think i'd describe what he did as a betrayal but okay and then i got more annoyed as the film went on he clearly didn't like that this was a choice that he felt he had to make literally said he was sorry if i can just explain something because i know all of you just don't understand this nobody does especially america chavez if he doesn't kill her and her powers are then taken by the big spooky monster that then kills her by doing that she's dead so basically scenario one he kills her scenario two he dies because he didn't kill it yeah [Laughter] well i was gonna say the thing about scenario two is the whole multiverse dies two so if you're gonna pick one of these because i like a lot of people frame this as like well it's her or the multiverse like no no it's her or her and the multiverse well why do you think she'll survive when the whole multiverse is destroyed as if we eve as if we needed to sweeten the deal when we're weighing up her versus the universe it's not even fair because she's part of the multiverse yeah uh he describes it as calculus it's like i don't even know that it's just yeah it's just kind of the and he's like because he's better to come back he's tearing up when he says that to her in the opening scene because he's he's he's he's passionate about trying to make sure that he can provide marvel with something to [ __ ] use he's a good actor and and i'm just and she's that's how she remembers that moment and i was like okay fine no thanks you [ __ ] ungrateful [ __ ] but all right it's fine well look all right i i guess it's a matter of um what what is uh what is her understanding and perspective on i guess like the nature of all of this well i guess super naive she has no idea why anything is happening because she's apparently she's just not old enough to understand yeah which i think is lame as [ __ ] i'm surprised she couldn't figure out herself though i mean surely surely the anger you'd go with with this character she had to grow up very fast because her life basically got uprooted at a very early age and she's had to take care of herself for a long time right so if anything that probably would have been the angle to go with that she's like pretty um well yeah but the aware of what's going on someone just like said like she's a kid it's like yeah so the the this this isn't about whether like it's death or death she surely knows this yeah she's not like an idiot there's no there's no there's no like variable of oh well she has a naive understanding of the situation he's like well but no but it's death or death though so what what yeah and and she should know more than anyone else with her having these powers and visiting all these multiverses right she has more perspective than anybody in theory just like female loki who could teach herself at six year old she was hiding in like you know doomsdays uh but yeah she's supposed to be a hero eventually too so like it's something they should have at least wrapped up later they didn't what i think would make matters in the opening is when he starts to do the big suck on it to get the powers it shouldn't be that she's like you've betrayed me why could you do this with friend it should be like she understands because this we've reached the end point this is the only other option we have now that sort of thing like i didn't want to have i don't want all the yeah i don't want all the multiverses to end that would be a bad thing for me to want but um yeah she like i said she she sees it as betrayal even though he's he's already dying because of that leg thing would it have been better if she's like kill me tell me now and he's like no i'm not going to kill you you might have to and then he starts it up and then he gets stabbed yeah i would actually prefer that a lot there well you can immediately identify that the arc that you would do instead um because maybe there's jumping the gun but i mean she doesn't have much of one in this film um so it's like try to find ways to adjust the parameters of the story to give that character more you know and there's something maybe a little bit more interesting right that it's just like that that is her perspective is like yeah in the grand calculus yeah i'm okay with this and then maybe develop that further as time goes on yeah you know and she can't kill herself because if she like tries to jump she'll portal which will allow them out maybe yeah maybe there is an awareness right that like any time that she puts herself in a stressful situation that's going to come about anyway um imagine the last word he gave her when he got stabbed as well was like find me as in yeah like i'll always you know i'll try and help you no matter what just find me or something like that is it you know that would be kind of a neat sort of thing about because it's not necessarily true looks in an infinite universe you got some evil doctor strangers out there just one or two find a really nice me there there you go yeah i don't know i i would absolutely prefer that version because they must have talked about the reality of the situation and that if she is getting because this is a weird thing we're almost there actually so i'll wait a second in terms of because someone might it might in chap be like wait how is it the end of the multiverse like we'll get there one sec we're almost there actually and how it would be that if the powers are taken um so yeah uh he's convinced and they uh they take her over to camotage i think yeah and then um before they leave wang is like by the way did you see there were runes on that on that monster and he's like they were in the dream too like this isn't sorcery this is and witchcraft bad i just thought it was funny it was like oh okay that is that is the thing we're going with now all right this isn't men it's women [Laughter] women are forbidden to show their chi and then uh the the doctor strange is like oh man i know someone who's dealt with witches and immediately i was like wait a minute so he knows but also like no you know someone who is a witch well wait a minute yeah this is the question i was gonna ask right because that's what wong says like do we know anybody who knows anything about or has dealt with witches i think and he's like yeah and i was like so either he knows this is bad either way by the way either he knows wanda's a witch or he knows that she's battled agatha and beaten her which is it or is it both because she was just wanda with the power from the infinity stone and some chaos come on yeah because that's the thing wanda was told she was a witch in one division does that mean she didn't consider herself a witch before then even though even though iron man refers to her as a witch like twice literally when she's all i don't know anything about this and then she knows everything about it by the end of the show uh yeah so so like i think we should assume then that he he's gotten some kind of summarization of what happened in west view right so he'd know that she's a witch he'd know that she fought a witch because that's gonna be the sword will know about all this and so were the good guys it was just it was just an evil man who was currently there at the time right that sort is still good guys right rambo works for them this is all i'm for letting her go in the first place responsibility for every dead person every universe it's on her this is the thing we're almost cuz like oh yeah so i was just like yeah so doctor strange you know we'll talk about that in a second it cuts to her a good old wonder she's chilling out with her kids everything's great oh my god and she's like you know what a family can never be uh be taken away from each other that's how that works that's meant to be a theme or not i have no idea yeah it's just like okay um but then she wakes up i wasn't well that was just her dreaming that was our wander dreaming about a world where she is with her her two boys now chat you might be thinking wait a minute the two boys the two boys she made up we'll get we'll get there okay you shut up you guys you haters absolute little haters can't believe it so um yeah she's uh she's tending to a apple trees uh i think yeah yeah apples or something it's a very it's picturesque everything's very chill she's very calm she's got a little farm animals running around it's all gone yeah and the doctrine's like oh my god this is great how are you doing it's great and then she's like oh you probably want to talk about west view huh [Music] here we go here we go yeah i guess i'll just say doctor strange says well you put things right and that was never in doubt oh man why is this a problem well it means that he's known about westview for long enough that he's had time to try and arrest her or hold her responsible for what she's done and he chose not to which means he thinks that she's not really got anything to answer for in west view oh yep she because if you kidnap people and torture them but then you let them go in the end eventually after significant pushback from the world you set things right and it's fine because it's not like those people are traumatized or anything it's not like there is a level of damage that can't be undone what happened there i'll be clear about this there is an argument that i have seen batted around on twitter lots of people fighting over this scene people were not happy with my tweet about it either but they're like don't you understand he's trying to manipulate her in this scene he wants her to help so of course he's not going to [ __ ] arrest her for that and it's like ah but my main issue is that he hasn't done it at all up to this point he hasn't done anything this is the first he's talked to her about westview that's why she said what she said so clearly he didn't care that much nope and if you want to argue at that point that he's too scared of her to do anything about it and just hope she's nice that's [ __ ] pathetic that's not doctor strange that's someone different it's not doctor strange he's uh he's very much like sort of tries to take on the role of i guess the police policing magic on earth i mean damn when loki just showed up roll when loki just showed up on earth and ragnarok is immediately on it but this time around he just doesn't care like if there is one consistent thing about doctor strange is that he is very willing to take on people who are much more powerful than he is he is extremely proactive oh yeah um courageous that would be the way to describe him yeah dude his fight with thanos is like one of my favorite things he's done i really like that fight yeah but i don't know we're so i think um this might be uh well i'm i i feel like that line is marvel saying look get over it like move on moving on it's over like we're moving on don't keep talking about it don't keep bringing up west view like all right as far as we're concerned we're moving past it and to give everybody a um no idea a quick refresher she did unconscionable horrors uh in westwood she what killed what he did yeah well that's i mean yeah right because because there were kids who lived in that town and what they got locked away like and then they couldn't move they were crapping themselves and just existential just remember existential dread of knowing that there was an entity in existence that can just strip you of your capacity to choose and like apparently to puppet you for its own needs you for its own and that she got away with it you know there was no there was no there was no ramifications for it we know the world had something to say about what she had done the police turned up right at that moment we know that the writers know that there's something to be said about it because they had to write a line to try and move past it because they know that it needs to be addressed that is what all of these like oh well she didn't know oh well it's because we all know that what she did was very bad but like nobody wants to admit it because they don't want to have to deal with these difficult questions about morality in these marvel movies and shows it's like the film doesn't understand that going into this film wanda is a terrible villain who needs to be brought to justice she is already a villain yeah yes yes yeah um um but they were too afraid to do in the tv show it was such an easy fix like she wipes out sword uh like she ends up releasing the town but like reluctantly because she gets defeated by maybe vision or uh or whatever or there's a million ways you could have figured it out you have heard dude how about doctor strange turns up and defeated and or the avengers yeah no yeah you're right uh there was this closure we all desperately wanted from one division and this film [ __ ] booked it completely because this film has its own problems to set up and pay off you see it can't be dealing with someone else's problems i was going to mention too that uh he i don't even know how to how to quite quantify it exactly but there's almost infinite frustration that this is like doctor strange one is is a film that the question his big hero question is does he want to go back to being a pro surgeon man or does he want to commit to being a defender of earth which is a stressful [ __ ] job but someone's got to do it and he's like hmm and he commits to being heroes standard stuff uh ragnarok he establishes quite explicitly i keep an eye on the most dangerous elements be they from this realm or another and uh i keep an eye on them and it's just like yeah i could see him doing that he's he's a guy who just wants to be on top of everything which leads really well into infinity war with he and tony clash they're like both of us through that yeah as far as tony's concerned he's the boss of earth and he's defending it but meanwhile this other guy has developed almost in exactly the same manner is that that element where he's like he even says the line right unlike everybody else i don't work for you it's like yeah he's his own exactly which is right it's super fun to clash them and i very much enjoy their their back and forth to then have him here be like oh that westview thing yeah hey you put it right you put it right wow embarrassing just wow okay and you know what's funny is like that's not even the worst thing that's in this scene uh there's so much oh um it's funny as well because she says i made mistakes and people got hurt and he's like this fight over move it off right it's okay that's fine did you see me with the bus thing a moment ago yeah it happened don't worry about it they're just they're just pathetic little human mortal lives we don't have to concern ourselves with any of that we're we're we're higher beings yo uh he establishes like i need your help i want i want you to come and help us defend a girl who's got the power to travel through dimensions he tells her a lot and immediately it's like bro you know she's a witch and you know the person behind this is a witch and how many witches do you know one you might want to entertain the idea that the person who just enslaved a town could be behind the evil thing that's happening that if he does think she made it right so well some people some people theorize that he was aware she was evil in this scene no he's not no no absolutely because it is it is identified lighter on again jumping ahead that telling her that america was at comataj was a mistake yeah he didn't he didn't run that he just blew all the information because he's too stupid to realize the alternative scene is that you write one that is absolutely laden with subtext neither of them are telling each other the full truth about what's going on because they're both working each other for information because of course they are right like that makes sense leverage that's strange he's a super duper smart guy he's got an awareness of what's going on so he's trying to get as much information as possible without giving too much away and of course wanda is well she's got her own objectives here so she should also be very uh careful with what she does completely agree because the cool thing you can do here is that strange knows that if she is behind this he needs her not to know that he knows that like he so he needs to speak to her in a way that gets him information that doesn't give away that he's put anything together meanwhile she needs to hide that she is behind this and make sure he doesn't find out so that she can best get access to america it's like that would be an interesting scene unfortunately he just goes yeah we got the girl she travels through dimension she's a karma taj uh wanna come help us out and so it's on a platter for her it's all there everything she wants and then so what does she say well so yeah uh to clarify for anybody who's a little bit confused right so wanda's the bad guy she's behind all of this um we're about to find out her reasoning it's just that it was all along that's the nature of this conversation um unfortunately she says why don't you bring america here i can take care of her and then doc strange stops walking and then she goes oh you didn't tell me your name did you it's like how did you [ __ ] that up how did you [ __ ] that up stupiding each other and it's funny because they lampshade it she's like oh man lying you know i i can do hexes but lying is just too tough it's like you you didn't have to really lie you just he gave you everything you just said oh so what's her name that's all you had to do yeah and and yeah so the rules would have continued she would have gotten direct access to america uh but no she [ __ ] up because yeah uh she's a dumb ass and she couldn't keep anything straight like i said he handed it to her and she still [ __ ] it up it's two characters out stupiding each other yeah it's a dumb contest and then she reveals the reality around them which is not the happy little little trees with a happy little sheep um can you just go to a nice looking place i just have to have to highlight this she reveals a hellscape it looks like tailored on steroids there is like dark red mist everywhere the soil is practically blood the sun is red it's like what the [ __ ] is where is this where is this even i think the implication is that it was that forest at the end of one division but the dark hole is just oh yeah i understand what they're saying the dark hole did it it's hilarious like instead of showing like trees that have rotted away which i think is a way subtler and way more interesting thing to have done it's like a cartoon evil hell world i was expecting a shadow of the hedgehog to be there just be like yeah man this is my house my house no to be honest when i saw it in the trailer i thought it was a hell dimension they were in yeah yeah i thought it was really funny because it's just like wow you are evil this is like zod showing superman the [ __ ] mountains of skulls this is convincing this isn't helping this makes you look a little evil you know you probably should have just kept the hex up actually yeah just smiley's here because it looks yeah because she reveals she has the dark hold to him and then he's like oh that's like an evil book and it makes people evil and oh that you should have been able to figure that out yourself before you chose to read it because it is a giant book made of ash with like all these embers flying off of it it is clearly an evil book because it says evil on your cover yeah as well wanda chose to read it well so this is almost this is um yeah do we wait to tell to talk about what what what they say about wandering the darkhold and what the darkhold is doing because it's going to be a very important discussion because it's gonna it's gonna decide how a lot of people feel about a lot of things that happen in this movie so we're almost we're almost on that i think i'm just making sure we're we're not missing anything the hellscape beautiful um but holding my tongue it's been it's this is the well so that's the thing let's tell people what their motivation is she says the darkhold has shown me i can get my kids back and you might immediately be like wow what the [ __ ] does that have to do with sending tentacle monsters after an innocent little girl and like well the first thing doctor strange says is wonder you created those children with magic they aren't real and her response every mother does that every mother creates their children with magic i i so here's the thing i heard that in the theater and i was like out loud like that is not the same [Laughter] it's literally the opposite of magic it's not magic at all it's very um it really is the opposite it is a purely well-explored biological process and we know so much about it it is not magic it's frustrating i feel like you're not respecting the spirit of what he said it it's instead of addressing like the actual arguments that are happening it's like making them blurrier so the audience don't notice it it's like what are you do what i'm highlighting is they are as fake as the [ __ ] hex you just cast like they are like equal like there's no in fact you can just spawn them right now do it go ahead yeah if they are so [ __ ] real to you and so important just spawn them right now in fact make the uh the west view dome in this little field just put it in this little field don't bother anybody we'll put a fence up we'll put a warning we'll deliver food to you by throwing apples through the [ __ ] force field you'll be fine yeah also make sure the hex doesn't expand like just keep it there yep and make it go bigger if they're so [ __ ] real make them up again and chill out with them don't kill people [ __ ] this is like captain america going to tony stark and saying you created ultron with science and tony says all fathers create children with science yep excuse me what you see here like try that right like you see a bunch of like graves or dead kids like she was i tried and i just couldn't do it you know something like that um does she also say in that same sentence scene whatever that she oh she knows it's true because she dreamt about them or something so that's gonna be skipping ahead the skin so this is the thing this argument she's making it develops a little bit later there's an additional portion to it um yeah um we will we'll get to that then but right now the argument is the kids are no less real than any other [ __ ] kids because children are made by magic like you're insane you're actually crazy we are so screwed so uh she then moves into saying like if you knew there was a universe where you were happy wouldn't you want to go there and he's just like i am happy i swear and again you're like what the [ __ ] are we doing right now it's like it's on theme it's on theme the characters talk about the theme let him talk about the theme every once in a while okay oh joy okay strange um then he's like why the [ __ ] you're trying to kill like uh an innocent child and then she's like he's not a child she's a supernatural being and i'm just like wait what so like women the two children you're trying to get one of them can run at the speed of [ __ ] sound and the other one can uh use telekinesis are they not children because they have supernatural powers is that how you do this are you serious what a weird thing to like throw back at him i don't even yeah that's very strange like it's not even a matter of uh dare i say being out of character it's a weird thing to say like i just okay um yeah and then she says the thing about america chavez is she's she's got a power that can wreak havoc in our universe and many others uh we should we should stop her before that happens it's it's about calculus you know it's like oh get it he's using the thing he said in the other movie and this movie whoa and then his response was um his response is that's the logic our enemies use and i i i was already like well well no it's the logic you use sometimes yeah um specifically you the sayer of those words yeah that one is like didn't you use it with thanos and i'm i was a little bit confused because i thought that he was gonna reference something else i guess because with thanos i was like wait is she talking about iron man i think you talk about the time stone vision yeah and what we've just highlighted the problems like well many people had to die to stop thanos not just vision like yeah but she must know that she has to know there's no way nobody told her so i was just like that was and doctor strange actually died uh himself he gave himself up to hope that this would work out he left it in other people's hands which by the way is another reason why i'm not a fan of one of the many themes in this we'll get there um so i yeah i was just like that's strange but also that you know is she is she saying that it is the same for you to die to save the multiverse as it is for me to kill an innocent girl so that i can hang out with my kids yep she's saying that pretty much so yeah uh this is where i mean like we're we're how is something like 20 minutes into the movie and um it's just nothing but nonsense and we haven't even gotten to the big nonsense yet nonsense this is the prelude you can't like this is what i think whereas you're saying something like this is there's just nothing to grab on to every single thing you might have a grip on it it flips away everything like nope that was stupid every diet every line of dialogue every character every event everything that's happening my brain can't process that as a thing that would really happen i have nothing to hold on to there's nothing to grab no there's nothing to care about i have no investment uh so much catastrophic and that is what when he says that's what our enemies do then she's like you did it and that's when she says the famous trailer line i break the rules when i want my kids and that makes me the bad guy but you break it when you want to save the [ __ ] universe that makes you the good guy it's like yeah every every clear time that we have of like doctor strange breaking the rules the first one was dormammu who used the time stone to save earth and mordor got mad at him for that for some reason if i couldn't highlight it was more than earth that's the whole universe that one universal uterus yeah so he broke the rules to save the universe a rule that wouldn't have helped them it would have just cost them everything i'd love to talk to about that like you would have preferred it if you just the whole universe got destroyed for whatever reason he's not in this movie not that or at least yeah not that much um and then of course with thanos i i mean again the only way really but still he was trying to save all of like existence um yeah because you have to take his understanding of situation at that time which apparently was he thinks the only way to do it is that way yeah for whatever that's stupid but whatever yeah but still it's all in pursuit of saving the universe and he dies in that trade so he's putting all of his faith in tony you know he doesn't know if he's actually gonna come back from that but yeah you break the rules because you just want personal vindication like you just want things it's like yeah they're not comparable and yet some people actually think her line is like pretty effective a lot of people think that line is great i don't get it because they're dumb yeah he also he even says in the scene like we were at war and it's like yeah wartime uh decisions can be really complicated especially when it's the war of the universes but uh yeah you know it's fine you you got to see your kids i understand i mean after all right because we have an example wonder was not willing to trade vision vision was willing to trade himself yeah uh in order to ensure that everything went fine but she didn't make that choice steve didn't make that choice these are the consequences um yeah and so he says like so so what happens next and she's like hand over the girl at sundown or you're going to meet the scarlet witch and he's like oh and doesn't she say like is it in this scene or is it the scene after that she says i was being reasonable or something that's late that's what i mean is so much [ __ ] it doesn't surprise me at all that we've taken nearly three hours to get through 20 minutes rags might not be able to make it for this fully either no i've got a i got another two hours and then i will have to leave because of family stuff how long have you got gary had a curiosity i've got uh 20 minutes because the only thing i regret about i was just like there's probably things you wanted to talk about we haven't got there yet i can picture there's a particular scene you would really like to talk about so much though there's well there's a couple um it all happened at the illuminati like that was oh god aside from mike uh i'll i'll use the phrase was like what they did to marvel comics like it's just ab [ __ ] unforgivable well i was going to say um i'd be curious because you you said like i'm assuming you're saying like this there's no way this is the worst in the mcu but like you know how far we've gone into the into the script and how many problems there are on top of the uh the way they treat so many characters that you know the fans would [ __ ] love to see not have those things happen to them do you think there's even a chance this could be the worst thing that's come out in the mcu there's a chance i i have to think about it because we've had so much bad yeah i mean like eternals is just like [ __ ] right i don't know if any of you guys saw the eternals but it's just [ __ ] from beginning to end but it doesn't like you could forget the eternals and it wouldn't affect the marvel cinematic universe at all i disagree um all of the implications about these industrials and the creation it's [ __ ] dumb but you can just erase it from you because they're not gonna [ __ ] bring that up again like they're not like like internals two whatever the [ __ ] like that's where it'll be relevant again i can i know you mean like uh in the same way that loki gets ignored and a bunch of other things will just get ignored until some of the writers like i'll use that like slim like it it would it wouldn't affect the greater whole because i i don't think these celestials are gonna get brought up again and the eternals like the thing didn't make a ton of money so they're not gonna be in a big hurry to get make another one i don't think unless they're totally [ __ ] dumb which i guess is a possibility but yeah i have to i have to assess because like each each bad thing has done its own very unique bad thing uh loki i would agree with all of you guys has done the most damage to well until this movie until the fabric of the i mcu yeah and and i've reviewed that which means i've seen it more than once a lot more than once so sorry and yeah oh it's bad so i'm reviewing doctor strange now i've only seen it once in a theater uh once i see it again i i'll be able to assess like if it's the worst or not but it's definitely in the bottom four for sure for sure yeah i can that's for me i'm still thinking exactly what i think by the time we get to the end of summarizing the whole [ __ ] film i'll have got a solid enough position because i want to make sure because the one thing that can beat it out like loki is the whole taking free will from everybody yeah just being a reality so it's like that's a tough one to beat but there are this it gets completely contradicted in this like everything about this movie contradicts loki well it conjures everything and itself it's it's incredible the doesn't give a [ __ ] but yeah okay well uh uh with the time we have left with you i guess i'll just try and uh just keep going yeah don't let me anything up did anyone else find the transition of this scene funny as [ __ ] where the camera pans up into like the red misty sky and then wong's face just appears in the middle of it and he walks towards the camera yeah i thought it was funny as [ __ ] that was a very weird transition that i was like is he is he just here what he's like the teletubbies baby in the sun thing yeah like watching yeah that was a rainbow well i thought it might be because i was like is that supposed to be funny because i thought it was funny that's definitely a rainy ism there's there's quite a few streams oh yeah i just can't believe strange just left well yeah i mean i guess there's nothing else for him to do i don't know he's she's he's insane that's well there we go better [ __ ] off i'm not the sorcerer supreme not my problem well that was funny [Music] someone said there would be no reason for him to have talked to her about west view because he's no longer the sorcerer's superior he's like he's here now it's doctor strange he's gonna give a [ __ ] if he's the sorcerer supreme or not he's gonna take care of this [ __ ] because that's what he's invested in not his job title it's not just that lame give him back the position already come on i will say i like wong i just you know yeah this is like all the movies we haven't got a wong movie so you know i'm just saying maybe they should be maybe it wouldn't be as terrible who knows uh right so yeah the this is the quote says if wanda gets america's power she could enslave the multiverse and so those are the stakes he believes that they have to keep uh power away from wander because if they don't there's a sizable chance that the multiverse will either be enslaved or destroyed by trying to stop enslavement like oh here's your reference to wanda vision for those of you who watched it which there's a bunch of people in my theater confused as [ __ ] about a lot of this stuff uh the scarlet witch which by the way is like has nothing to do with the comics is prophesies to rule over the universe that's what the dark hole said she was more powerful than the sorcerer's supreme that's so you don't want to give her the power so that that was actually reference like that's kind of what i was missing actually because i completely forgot about that so that makes that make sense now thank you um sorry i guess the now if if this is what wong thinks maybe give captain marvel a call to be fair doctor strange said not even wong was the one that said it i would call everybody right well well i'm just i'm just highlighting on her as like the clearest example but get everybody this is the stakes these are like an this is an infinity war level it's more than infinity wards all exist as we said this is the highest the stakes can get this is as high as it gets there's no higher than this the entirety of the multiverse is at stake of being destroyed and ruled forever you gotta call in everybody um the reason why of course they don't call everybody in is because it would be a lot harder to have people be sympathetic to wander if she killed like i don't know if she killed bucky or if she killed spider-man or if she killed you know the people who we've seen long-term um but if we put her up against people who are apparently you know like basically faceless then it's a lot easier to square that away um that is why and also it's too expensive probably to get everybody in yeah you should they should have called in everybody every single person the stakes are huge yes and um we i think we also in this scene they they try to it's interesting because this film is aware that wander is a villain now it's aware that wander is this evil horrendous person but it doesn't seem to realize that this transition didn't happen in between films it there's a line saying the darkhold corrupts everything that it touches and the implication or maybe even explicitly um has explained that it's that the dark reading the dark hold is what turned one to evil except she enslaved that town and kept them enslaved before she even touched the [ __ ] book before maybe even the book arrived in the town it was so she had any awareness of the existence of her and then agatha came there are many golden arguments against this argument that uh wanda's not responsible for any of this because the dark hole is corrupted here that is not true um you'd like to believe it because it would make the film better but it's not unfortunately if uh as was just pointed out she did plenty of evil [ __ ] that relates to directly to enslavement well before she got the darkhold um if though the darkhold makes it so that like if you could help me out and be a little bit more explicit like are we suggesting it it makes it so that she doesn't care about whether or not someone dies in order for her to complete her goals is that what we could maybe conclude from the fact that she's like it's a grand calculus thing i'll kill chavez and then i can save the world like but she's not willing to um to to kill like doctor strange for example she wants to give him a chance first like oh that's nice of the dark hole they're not corrupted further than that but you know maybe this is because they're kind of friends maybe maybe that's why and then like oh well she definitely commits to killing him soon after it's like really long and after yeah but that's because of the dark hold you know making a scrub tonight you're like oh really okay okay um then maybe the fact that um she's saying that this was all about being merciful and she uses the word mercy and uh reasonable she was being reasonable yeah um i i feel like we're not quite at that scene yet but this conversation about whether or not it's corrupted her is we need those references so i think for the sake of this we're going to jump ahead just a little bit she she describes uh this so she calls herself reasonable and dark strange is like reasonable you [ __ ] send demons after this girl and then she's like that was reasonable i didn't want to come for him myself it's like wow you're an idiot do you understand that like by sending those things you killed way more people than you would have if you have no gold to kill anybody like yeah because the monsters didn't care about collateral damage and you're telling me that like she did that to be nice maybe she's just lazy well i i just want to highlight again that like that is the ineffective way of doing it but it is a nicer way of doing it as far as she's concerned and yet she is fully corrupted to the point where she's willing to enslave and kill people i'm like so this dark hold thing is pretty inconsistent huh not really corrupting her uh that much maybe it's dumb too or maybe she's just a [ __ ] evil [ __ ] and it has nothing to do with the book yep because uh you know this isn't really a spoiler we'll get into the details of it when we get there but like this film is going to end with of course she will be defeated because she is the bad guy um and it is done so in this film as it is in some films some films the villain is outright killed some films the villain realizes what they're doing is wrong this is the la well this is both but uh she yeah she realizes what she's doing is wrong it's like so the dark hole doesn't prevent that from happening character growth like it corrupts you but you can still learn and grow and become a better person this sounds like [ __ ] to me this sounds like a mechanic to have an excuse to not judge her too harshly i guess a little bit also to jump the gun the book is out of play from her perspective for half the film yeah and and at all yeah does it have a lingering corrosive effect like it takes a little while to recover from it like it's you know like you've got a cold or something that's like oh well you got it now but it'll take you a couple days to get over that one you know like get over the darkhold corruption and also oh go for it conclusion is that she's uh the the darkhold in that line exists to try and stymie the criticism that she will get as a character uh that is it ain't gonna work it doesn't work either no and like the only like i was racking my brain to find a way that they could have used the dark hole to retroactively justify one division from a writing perspective and the only thing i could think of is if they made it clear that agatha was using the dark hole to corrupt wanda over time to make her gradually more okay with the evil actions that she was being manipulated to do and then takes complete control and that's when the full corruption happens yeah that's an idea because in one division agatha didn't really do anything wanda was responsible for they didn't know what to do with her in that show they were like i had no idea no no and there's there's characters out there that corrupt people that could have been used that both of these characters have fought a nightmare mafisto a card that they could play at any point to benefit them significantly dude how cool would it be if you had a series of phase four movies and mafester was behind several of the events like because he's been built up as the main guy he's causing all of that he corrupts her he uh he makes the spell go wrong in spider-man he you know does this he does that he does devil deals like that'll be really cool as a buildup for him being the main villain yeah that's how you ramp it up it's like you basically have them fighting satan you know it's kind of [ __ ] so uh yeah i don't buy it basically the uh she's she's corrupted therefore none of this is related to like she's not accountable for any of this uh i don't i don't see how this isn't just wonders [ __ ] decisions that she's making someone highlighted as well she says this isn't like this isn't corruption i've been shown the truth yeah but i mean i guess this is probably worth noting um if you want to hold on to the claim that it is the darkhold that's corrupting her how can you praise any aspect of like character in in the film if she is for 90 of it an automaton who is entirely at the whim of like another book until she magically is choice well what what is the meaning of a choice that she makes at the end if for 90 of the film she wasn't making choices at all you know like you can't have it both ways no and what was the argument for not putting doctor strange from kevin feige's own pie hole for not put putting doctor strange into one division he would take away her agency what is supposed to be a [ __ ] um yeah uh imola was this what you were imagining you got wong in the [ __ ] teletubbies it's beautiful um so uh like like i said yeah this this is to me more so uh the dark hold like will give you a little push that's the best i can gather from this movie without uh just going by actions she does a lot of things in order to prevent herself from killing more people i don't see why she would have any limits you see a doctor strange later in the movie who's decided he's gonna start killing people and the implication again is that it's the dark hole that did that to him i think that makes this even make even less sense like all of this it's like does it just make you want to kill people because his logic was like i see lots of sad doctor strangers out there so i killed them we'll gather it's important though for me to just figure out what the hell the mechanics of the dark hold was agatha harkness evil it didn't seem like it like because she was mainly she takes other witch's powers is i guess what she does they weren't really clear on you know yeah well in in that case yeah it was necessary because she's a [ __ ] monster but it's it's so it's so strange uh just which is perfect that's definitely the word of the day yeah many reasons um yeah she tries to reason with dog strange several times too i'm just like yeah the dark hole doesn't push you that far then it makes sure you basically if there was no dark hold um all of your reasoning would line up as just as stupid as it was in one division um which is why by the way like i actually think that this one division did better for a character than this movie does because at least one division had her say when basically the one division argues that she was in denial it's really badly done but they have that moment where they're like i'm suffering your nightmares or my dreams it's horrible then she goes no no no you're happy you're happy like i tried they tried to make you think that one division was under the impr sorry wanda was under the impression that they were happy being enslaved which doesn't solve the problem you're still a horrible person for doing that by the way that's just how that works you're the idiot um but at least you have that even though there's been other examples beforehand in that show that she should have picked up this film however you know she's killing people she knows oh yeah but she wants to be with the kids there you go that never existed yes well uh so yeah uh there's this line we mentioned it earlier as the line proves that strange was an idiot for letting the information out but it also proves that the film is a [ __ ] idiot so america chavez says so the woman you went to for help is the person that's trying to kill me for my powers and you told her where i am and dog strings like shucks yeah i did they were there so the implication of that is that foolishly he is allowed wanda to now know the location of america chavez it's like first of all character this is what you can teleport out so you can leave yeah yeah very easily more importantly you have been chased across the multiverse by this woman do you think she doesn't know where you are at all times she has to know how to do and we see that she's chasing her through the dark hole she can just hone in on it wherever she wants to yeah so that how that doesn't i don't know i don't know how that doesn't even work she's like wow you told her where i am it's like she always knows where you are what do you mean that's a little point they probably should have explained like maybe she's got some spell tracker you know a little on the back of her jacket you know something i just like that concept gary i think they should have explained it's like oh man i don't know you're right you're right i'm this old and naive and it's just there you go so um yeah i guess to put us back on track of of what we almost started talking about uh so now they know the multiverse is at stake wanda's coming here full power this is terrifying all everyone basically yeah i think this was the point in the movie for me where i was just like 100 totally just checked out where i was yeah because it it feels so quick it is quick way moving very fast i know it should be because at some point it was just sitting in my seat it was like just watching things happen and it's like i don't care like what why are we here now i mean i know why we're there but just and then and then and then yeah just in the stupidity of it like we're just here now at the cat at the the castle and she's coming now and there's no time to prepare or do anything and you guys aren't calling people i'm just i'm i'm done i'm checked out done yeah just stop with the rest of the movie so i can go home pretty much someone said um did they forget that she can teleport as well does she have the power to teleport wanda i don't think she does right uh she could move through the reflections but that's it oh no no just ignore this movie i mean if they established that you can teleport before this oh um i don't think so i don't recall no i don't remember being able to teleport so that means she flew from america i was gonna say it's important that i know that she can or can't teleport wait they're saying someone said yes probably yes i'm not so to be fair i'm not talking about the comic vision she might be able to but she does it in one division no she go she goes she disappears invisible i don't think she teleports remember when she's fighting agatha she like disappears but i didn't think that was teleporting i thought that was just her going invisible and she can't make portals she needed wong for that well we'll get to that but you know you teleport from being a good character into a bad one no that's right that's true that's true well that she can't in this movie because you just brought that up she needed wong because i remember doing the fast walk but i don't think that counts i don't even know if the fast walk was a fast walk she needed um she needed wang to teleport her to the place oh that's what i'm saying this whole film falls apart if she can teleport that [ __ ] a lot of things up but i'm pretty sure she can't i think like she can do the dreamwalking thing which we'll get into but that's not teleporting that's um a bit more complicated i don't think it was turning invisible i i like who knows what she can do i was gonna say like i don't [ __ ] know if she can you'd think that would be a power she'd have well here's the thing if she if she can't uh well if we're jumping both ways she flew to the illuminati headquarters she didn't teleport there which is really stupid by the way we'll get there sorry yeah we'll get to that um all right yeah okay so uh you might be thinking to yourself did they address not calling in any superheroes well you know what my favorite one was but let's go over the easier one first actually he says all i'm gonna do call in a bunch of bug themed superheroes it's like i don't know i i was just sitting there like what are you maybe yeah spiderman you you are you joking like oh he's a bug themed superhero i was like okay yeah it's how they disrespect their own character i mean they're disrespecting doctor strange throughout this entire [ __ ] movie and then your biggest superhero ever the one that's carried your [ __ ] company for decades yeah he's just a bug superhero i don't understand he's funny he's funny haha he's bug thing bug is a funny word yeah this is what we turned into it's like uh it's [ __ ] pop vinyls and and laughing at uh yeah it's you know you don't want to make it too serious but like jesus christ what's spider-man going to do against wanda my friend he is not talking about that when he says that line he's talking about fighting these monster things he's talking to her about bringing in spider-man and he says why would i do a giant man versus tentacle boy pretty sure giant man would be able to help but no he's a bug themed superhero that's like okay i don't know and you realize like oh [ __ ] that was supposed to make the audience laugh wasn't it yeah damn but okay so there was like no laughing in my theater by the way i didn't laugh ever but even my theater full of people who clearly liked a lot of parts there was my theater i was having a grand grey time it was so good if i could just clarify by the way even if you said there's no point calling spider-man what's he going to do against wanda i'd be like [ __ ] it's the end of the multiverse you may as well let's get a [ __ ] hunter we need to stop here at all costs you understand like we should bring in [ __ ] postman pat he needs to be here too throwing mail at him i want to see that movie not to mention all of just the militaries of the world with guns no guns compound no guns you can't have guns you have better things than guns yeah like what you going to do have the reaction time to stop bullets arrows are there comes a time where you just need to throw bodies at a problem no matter yeah honestly we're getting there that's what all this is leading to i'm basically saying yeah so why don't they bring in some other people well he mentions hawkeye he's like a [ __ ] guy with a bow and arrow really you literally have a whole lobby of arches except hawkeye actually has a bit of a relationship with wanda so that might help i wanted to address it mechanically first like his abilities he's the best archer in the [ __ ] world he has the kind of technology that basically can apply to any enemies the arrows he has way better they're better than magic arrows because the magic character the magic powers don't so you got that already but then you're like yeah do you know who the one person who might actually be able to stop here is on planet earth right now because nobody knows about vision because everyone nobody cares about that until they're going to care about it whatever is clint he's the one you should probably bring in to talk you down to be like wonder your brother wouldn't want this yeah these kids they wouldn't want you know because i lost my kids in the snap and the way i handled that was not healthy yeah yes yes yes and they don't use anything no it is they don't they don't use any of it and well they that they didn't want her killing any mainline mcu heroes because then that'd be because unfortunately for some reason this isn't the point of no return um and sort of i guess a broad sort of perspective on the character but i mean if she killed spider-man like that would be that would that would be the end of like broad investment in this character so it's a lot safer to just put her again a bunch of uh nameless people and then kill a variant so that so that you can still have her be a hero and a subsequent story that's the reality of this choice and this kids is why you do indeed uh create inconsistencies like oh that laser shouldn't blow that up if it didn't blow that up and stuff but when you don't care about continuity you also miss opportunities you miss big chances to create emotional payoffs almost for free because they're all set up previously and they're there for you but because you don't care about the stuff that came before you don't even know that that's a possibility and yet completely lost its potential because they didn't even recognize that was the situation instead they have doctor strange say what am i gonna do bring it in archer with a mohawk no okay like they saved the world all together it's like he has no respect for his teammates like what a piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] that guy [ __ ] him it was annoying uh to say the least but of course yeah you can be like well fine we're not gonna bring in the bugs or the archer because you're an idiot but what about captain marvel the most powerful i just want to go through one by one to make sure people understand how this is possible because i already know someone out there is being like captain marvel she's probably busy it's like okay so doctor strange has the capacity as proven in at least no way but i think that there are other places that this is proven to open portals to wherever the person is by thinking about them we know in shanghai because of the post-credits scene that he has a direct line of communication with with her um because wong had it well so i was just clarifying that even without that right so yeah he can get to nick fury and then nick fury will get him to everyone in the cosmic side of the universe and when you tell nick fury we're dealing with a fight on earth right now that if we don't win the entire multiverse is destroyed essentially i think that might mobilize some people to help you yeah um and then you might be like well how will they get there in time don't worry baby we got portals you see captain marvel can't go to comatose because comitage is like full of stone statues oh yeah it's pretty scary you'll understand that reference in seven hours from now um so yeah obviously um as friends just highlighted sean chi is an easy [ __ ] choice he's got yeah those rings man that are like super powerful and we happen to know that wong and strange are very much aware of him and they have access to him in fact he's probably chilling in some restaurant right now he's probably available yeah you're going to want him to and then well you you you sort of die you're like no [ __ ] it every single person every single person that has an investment in the multiverse not being destroyed grab them i would take a [ __ ] bucky grab him get him with a gun him shooting at her might actually kill her but no um again in chat you might be wondering so who do they get uh it's well it's doctor strange wong yeah and the sorcerers in camartage all right who else and and a few other sorcerers from the other um sanctums in hong kong and uh london yeah they make like a big deal of yeah like six of them arrive oh look there's those guys who nobody knows but they're like powerful like they assume that they just [ __ ] die oh yeah and the minotaur yeah with the green minotaur he's just was he in another movie that i missed i don't know because he gets an odd amount of screen time which i'm fine with it's just weird it is weird because it's like well he's not from earth then from a different i i don't know it just seems odd that you're just here it's like i see a random alien and mass effect or whatever i'm like okay that's just normal but i look at you and you're like using the comics it's like i figure i just don't know who he is or where he's from here but just fine it's just yeah um and they all they all assemble to well then there's the i think that's like an enormous issue there's already been several enormous issues but the fact that they're about to defend the multiverse from destruction they don't give a [ __ ] to call anybody so dumb yeah it's my checkout point this was it in the theater in the moment um there are so many things to go through people in chat already highlighting so many things that are wrong with this scene it's tough to figure out how to because we'll talk about battle tactics we'll talk about the conversation that wander and strange have we'll talk about wanda's decisions when attacking we'll talk about their formation like i just don't know which one to go first chronologically speaking we'll probably go with their conversation because that's what happens next yeah yeah yeah so um wanda's uh arrived it's interesting i was distracted uh a big time complex artist died today i just found out george perez who drew a lot of scarlet witch through a lot of avengers out of this stuff so rest in peace dude titans he's a legend absolute [ __ ] legend so get cancer so we lost neil adams and george perez within a couple of weeks yeah what we're left with we'll never ever achieve what these guys did so yeah but uh he was absolutely like third favorite artist second favorite artist and pretty much drew every comic book when i was a kid that i loved oh yeah man uh um [ __ ] cancer as well cancer yeah um so yeah they they have a chat wong is like you know please be careful that you know this this matters quite a bit and uh up he goes and she's uh i think the first thing that he says is you are justifiably angry nah i was very annoyed to [ __ ] hear him say very annoyed justifiably angry and what you discover is he's referring specifically to what she had to do to vision and it's like what does that have to do with this yeah that was just an isolated bad thing that happened in our life she's over vision she's well i mean she doesn't she doesn't know [ __ ] i'm glad you said that i was gonna bring it up in about a couple of sentences isn't it interesting that her entire motivation has nothing to do with vision yet she will out vision's corpse to try and justify your insanity i it's strange how little vision ever comes up in this movie i i will go further i will say it's uh abject assassination of her character that all of her perfect worlds don't have vision in it after you watch one division and yeah well i think that's all you need to prove that this isn't completely incongruous with what they've established one of those people you could have called was vision you're still alive well white vision yeah nobody knows where he is gary nobody's spoken to him he's in a [ __ ] cave somewhere i don't know because the cave smearing came all over the walls his other vision didn't tell anybody about him he just left that out in the air there's nope nobody knows about that so yeah um it's actually annoying that uh her perfect world is here with the kids no vision when she can just have vision be a thing too it's infinite universes there is gotta be one where he didn't die and the kids are fine oh do you think they did that because they didn't want to you would pull back sorry presumably they didn't want to deal with paul batney being in this no that this and don't want to deal with the consequences of him possibly being there in the other multiverses when she's going ape [ __ ] and then oh well you're right actually yeah because that's the thing where he's around his vision is alive and well in all these other universes yeah he's one of the people that could probably kill him yeah yeah so yeah um absolute [ __ ] up that she doesn't even care about vision beyond saying he died and that pissed me off now i'm gonna go to other universes in which people who are previously dead are now alive that i can hang out with it's like like vision and she's like no all right it doesn't come up again creatively speaking he should have been in this film oh yeah absolutely it's like required they've been in it it's based on wanda vision so i'm gonna go one step further and i think it's they just didn't want another dude in the film that's it you know they couldn't afford him or i don't know well it could be the johnny depp stuff i could that could play into it i don't know because at that point if it was out that he had sent that message about the whole the thing with amberhead which is really funny but if if in the right context can come across as very um aggressive let's say maybe they were uh didn't paul benny at one point say that he thought like his career was over because of different controversies but then he got iron man uh to be the voice of jarvis and he was like holy [ __ ] um i think it'll be interesting to see if he gets to have more roles after what's been happening i don't know i'm not i'm out of the loop well so he's gonna is he testifying at all i don't know so he's he's tied up a little bit in the uh in the amber her johnny depp case because he had text back and forth with johnny depp about how much a horrible person she is um i think that's a win it should be a win at this point like you think public opinion but if you remember there was a time where it was kind of the reverse and that uh you know and this was all planned ahead so i don't know there could be a lot of reasons why vision's not allowed in this film uh that a meta but it's [ __ ] the film up but then again it was already [ __ ] up apparently he did not testify fair enough yeah i i i just believe it it's an agency thing like the producers who don't really give a [ __ ] about the plot are just like this little rob wanda of her agency well they said that about doctor strange is not impossible that it would have been this again i just uh whatever the [ __ ] decision was is dumb and you [ __ ] everything up by doing it yep he said he didn't want doctor strange at the end of one division because it would be just another white guy telling her what to do which is uh which everybody if you can't recognize it that's some good old-fashioned racism and sexism right there nice bundle them together package deal so how wander is quote unquote unique in the multiverse in this uh um version of the uh in uh you mean america oh no no no well there's that but then there's i'm trying not to give it away but um if we haven't already have it but uh monda's um how how wanda looked into the multiverse and saw how she was different to every other wonder in the multiverse we are almost kind of fish able to talk about we're gonna yeah it's gonna pop up the af yeah you are not wrong there are yeah i'm not even sure if he's talking about that one rags there's so much it is insane the dimensions to which this is wrong which so uh yeah so that's what he opens with you're justifiably angry [ __ ] annoying and then he says you've had to make terrible sacrifices and she cuts him off angrily and says i blew a hole through the head of the man that i loved and it meant nothing don't speak to me about sacrifices stephen dude literally died he died he so it's worse than that not only did he allow himself to be [ __ ] killed in order to try and save the universe he agrees with her he said you've had to make terrible sacrifices and then she's like actually i have made loads of sacrifices like yes yeah yeah where are you are you okay are as the the dark hold has clouded your mind brought in your brain disrupted i was so [ __ ] confused i was like why are you angry at him he just said that you did the thing and the only interpretation i can come up with that might make some sense in some distant universe is the fact that he said you've had to make terrible sacrifices and she said i had to kill him and it didn't mean anything as if to imply it was a sacrifice that didn't have any payoff if you understand what i'm saying like i know yeah so like don't speak to me about sacrament but that still doesn't really make sense does it like no because it was a sacrifice it's still a sacrifice you just yeah you just don't get what you want that's all yeah um which um yeah sucks but i mean cringy [ __ ] dialogue where he gives her everything she wants to start with which was annoying but okay and then she like spits it back and it's like ugh all right um so uh the there's one line i actually like here though kind of and i don't know if it's i'm deciding whether or not it's the performance or if it's the the writing but performance when she says um you know if you let me have it i can put you in a universe where you can be with uh christine which uh is like okay that's that's kind of like that might have him he looks like he he's kind of like like he he backs up and looks almost furious at it and i have a feeling what i gather from that is the fact that he knows that that's actually tempting yeah and that's why because his response to that is the full might of camoutash stands against you um basically it's like him switching from being like okay can we solve this too hostile the second she said that because i have a feeling that he sees it as like oh [ __ ] she could totally mind control me so i appreciate that i need i feel like a lot of that will probably stem from his performance more so than because yeah yeah if it definitely feels like he's working hard you imbue a really bad script with as much character as he can yeah well the fact that he said he wasn't even sure what the [ __ ] was going on for his character in this yeti which all things considered damn but we'll get to that uh yeah there was that and then i remember everything that happens in that it's like oh yeah so she says um i've been being reasonable at this point and then he said everything of like you've been sending monsters after the [ __ ] how's that reasonable and then she's like that was mercy to not have me come after her and again it's like okay i want to think through this for five seconds gargantos is the example we'll go with because he's in this universe meaning she could have gone after her personally he's smashing and crashing through everything to very fumbly try and pick her up but then what i'm assuming he can't stop the power himself he has to bring her to you or you have to come to him to get the power right is that how that works like do i need to explain how stupid that is as as a strategy why don't you just fly over pick her up with telekinesis sappy power and you don't have to destroy a building you don't have to throw a motorcycle doesn't it doesn't draw any attention no yeah you could even drop down and be like you have great power i can sense it are you are you okay you safe i'm i'm the scarlet witch i am maybe even introduce yourself as just wander i'm a [ __ ] hero in this universe or whatever because maybe she even says like i can tell from your signature you're not from basically end the conversation with like can i can i look after you can i take care of you especially because wanda would know at that point that she's running away from monsters that she doesn't know the context for be like i'll look after you come to my come to my nice house now just sit in this nice chair drink this nice tea it's made of candy yeah now you're asleep are you down slap you have power kill you in my dungeon nobody knows i've even done this nobody even knows who america chavez is you can bury that corpse nobody would know anything but no i will send a giant tentacle monster after you in new york city because i'm being merciful what that's what i mean like this is staggering levels of stupidity hey man i sent godzilla after you instead of detonating the nuke myself i'm being [ __ ] merciful yep oh thank you insane absolutely crazy and yeah uh that's her logic when in reality it's more so that they needed to have different villains to bait in the trailers like the creepy monsters and and they didn't want it to be over that she was going to be the bad guy because if they started with her as the bad guy like she's chasing them in that opening sequence and there's no monsters at all you can't really use them in the trailers you should be like yeah so yeah we've gotta keep the reveal that she's the villain up to about the half hour mark or something anyway we can do it but that's the justification it'll get worse by the way when you find out more about how she can use that dark holes um [Music] anything else anyone else thinking of that conversation i think that was [Music] is that what she says that she dreams of a dream dreamt about the children that's even later god damn it uh at once she ends the conversation with firing a blast directly at him but she's surprised to find there's a barrier so you know like if you wanted over confidence uh confirmation that she's willing to kill him there it is right there because she's already killed several doctor strangers at this point for all we know at least one oh yeah um and something that frustrated me immediately because because i'm like this when i'm watching movies i guess is he starts flying down and i was like bro mirror diversion mirror intervention right now what are you doing we're in the mirror dimension now what are you doing he just flies down he's like right everybody prepare the barriers what are you doing portals something oh you know what sometimes i like i think to myself like is there even a point in thinking about the portals because they just like pretend they don't have them all the time it happens in the the new star trek a lot they forget they have transporters all the time they get in the way gary we wouldn't want that they're getting in the way of us so uh yeah no portals no mirror dimension instead and this is the part where we talk about battle tactics i guess they have let's call it a third of their sorcerers trying to organize a barrier while the rest of them stand and watch yep this includes strange and wong and wong do not do any spells they're just looking so god's gonna be fine i guess they're just watching it's not there's no it's fine if things don't go our way it's really they have no investment in this happening before their eyes it's all good yes hello you're back to back they never did the mirror dimension they used the mirror dimension all right so both of you just wait okay first of all oh they didn't use it when they were supposed to but they do eventually use it but we'll get to that we're gonna we're gonna oh boy both have pieces of the truth yes you're both almost there so uh yeah um beyond frustrating watching this like you guys have the most inept [ __ ] defense ever if you have loads of sorcerers who are organizing a barrier which is apparently is a tough thing to do because wong's like you got to hold it guys you got to hold it like why haven't you got more people doing it why isn't there even two layers [ __ ] it you got loads of sorceress and is this the plan you're just going to try and maintain the barrier until she just [ __ ] leaves is that it yeah yes sir he's right it's like i'll [ __ ] it and then it's gonna go they have archers why aren't they firing and if it's like well it can't go through the barrier it's like wow you guys are just [ __ ] stupid huh with your plans like this is just what is this why do you even have arches and well yeah we're pretty chill about it until she saws fire in some bolts the thing is they don't go through you see it's a magical barrier that prevents magic from getting through it's like all right okay goodness oh thank goodness we that's important that's good i think what's funny by the way is when she fires a couple of blasts wong is like reinforce the barrier and a bunch of sorcerers just come in and start activating their barrier powers it's like why weren't you here already yeah where are you what the [ __ ] [ __ ] holding bows put those down and keep the shield up exactly feed the bones if you have the shield up and so on the subject of the archers like and hawkeye not being there like if you want if they wanted their spectacle um with the archers why not have this really cool spectacle of hawkeye literally guiding a group of archers to defend carmitage that would that that would that would put us in seats would it not probably he's a [ __ ] wrinkle he's got a mohawk no we make fun of him where are the shang chi archers where's marvel's katie she could have taken her marvel's katie could have done something here but nope so uh she's got a thing outside the box how is she i think outside the dome if you will how does she get in here what she do um he decides to mind influence one of the barrier people into being afraid and he runs away now this was not satisfying to me because that means her magic can get through the barrier which means a semi-permeable barrier and if someone was like well yeah she can get those powers through and be like so can she get telekinesis through that's not and it's like well powers were just really different than the blasts that she was making well so if you throw a projectile that's fine with me that it can block that and it and but but it can't block a mind thing but it's like but then surely it can't block telekinesis she should be able to pick people up from where she is and if she if her mind powers can get through you need to make all of your defenders aware of that well it seems that wong is aware of that he says you have to bring it up yeah fortify your mind and so people if they if that's a reality i just yeah we're [ __ ] then aren't we because um she can just make all of you afraid one by one until she just wins so um i think it's incredibly unsatisfying that the way she defeats the magic barrier is using magic i think that i guess he's like well how else you gonna do it's like i don't know [ __ ] think for five seconds i know that that's like not something you guys like to do in writing these but come on like there's got to be more things that you could do you could even like enlist get one of those [ __ ] monsters yeah get a monster and just drop it down into the to have them have them punch away drill have a dig yeah burrow underneath it sap that [ __ ] but um yeah something clever or that you know no that one my suggestions weren't even clever they were just like yeah do it that's what i'm saying i think what you just said are all the five second suggestions well you've got to think about five seconds and they're all more satisfying than her going my spells aren't working let me try my spells and she doesn't even like say to herself i need a different kind of magic to imply that there's a legit difference like that would be something something i assume that's what we're supposed to believe i just don't understand why that would mean her telekinesis wouldn't work in which case that's a way better she starts using it once the barrier goes down but i'm like well why wouldn't you be able to use that anyway it's it's at range magical casting on a person that's what the [ __ ] mind control is so how is it that that would work but the telekinesis wouldn't i don't understand that's the only reason she can even do that is because no one else is attacking her everyone is just standing there and just well yeah so something while she's doing you're right what she's doing the mind control that is the perfect time to drop literally an anvil on here why not just do that with the poor exactly strange all right [ __ ] here and just make them do magic things you know we brought up the portals again i can't let it go yeah you shouldn't let it go it's so dumb that they can never [ __ ] such a cheating tool like just use it for everything it's so good it's so useful well yeah and to be honest with you at this point they should be portaling america out as the fight starts get her out of there just because she cannot be captured you need to get her out yeah teleported a titan okay yeah why not teleport yeah it's called a wish to titan what the [ __ ] she gonna do with the vacuum of space well you see free we're not allowed to educate that because yeah we can't do that it's like superman can't just pick people up and carry him into space because that would genuinely people will say it's like they've never done that before so what makes you think it's possible it's like you know what they have done a portal to titan so we can do that do that just tight teleport them to a place that doesn't have an atmosphere like the moon we've never seen that happen before we don't know that they can do that even though they teleported from time to earth an end game yeah well that's what happened range spider-man was on titan that's why spider-man i don't know so that magic barrier that they're putting up is that only protecting the entrance because if so she could just go around the back and just blast a hole in the back of camotage and then get it that way i think you have control basically reinforce it around the whole i don't know if the implication was just that they're making a big dome around the whole place yeah i assume so at least of our concerns i don't know maybe you wonder like is how does it go down all the way that would be cool if she had a creature trying to burrow and it starts digging down but it just like it hits the bottom side of the spell barrier and it's like oh well i mean i get all right you know not unheard of but it was worth a shot yeah it's with it's worth reminding everybody as well the portals can be moved they can actively move i've seen him do this so uh you can even you don't have to you know hope she falls into one you could just move it onto it her strategy should be to steal a sling ring yeah so she can portal inside to wherever to america and then grab her that would have been the plot oh [ __ ] what if she gets a sling ring no uh she'll instead just do one one by the way one mind trick that's it one guy okay it's like one percent weaker now is that is that the threshold for you being able to get in oh well don't you remember he runs he runs into five people so there's like six down now and it's funny because long and strange just look at the gap like oh no it's like guys cast what spells yes you can do that do something it's funny um a big bolt of light comes down from her and hits the ground right and explodes everything and then a bunch of rocks are about to hit some people and doctor strange makes a shield to stop that from happening and it's like bro yes you could have made a shield to stop the ball of light you [ __ ] he could probably do a dome by himself he's super powerful well yeah uh there was a huge shield made by wong in infinity war yeah exactly massive it's yeah it's it's absolutely embarrassing and it's so quick too within like 30 seconds she just kills everyone yeah and thus begins and and you get to hear all the sorceress scream as they get like thrown off and arrows shot into them and blown up and disintegrated all of these people who are very nobly putting their lives on the line to defend the multiverse essentially sages is what these guys are like that's essentially what the sorcerers are they're super balanced altruistic people dying horrible deaths it's yeah so yeah i'm going to bolster that um you get the standard disney deaths where she like throws a big red ball down they'll go whoa and fall over and you're like oh they're probably dead then you get a more overt one where she grabs the arrows in midair and fires them all back and they impale all the people who fired them so that's a grim death yeah yeah [ __ ] up even then that's not like too bad because they're mad they're like red now and they're sticking in them and there's not like bloods flying everywhere so it's like oh they got hit with arrows i'm not even going for gore more so than just is the word grizzly is that what i'm looking for where it's just like something new i know what you mean it's like throwing someone throwing someone off a cliff for example it can you see like it's like oh that's you don't show the death yeah yeah right yeah but then we have like so for example when thanos is torturing nebula it's kind of like oh man she's just like when an actor does a really good scream it can make you really uncomfortable because you're just like yeah looks like it's [ __ ] painful um so all those deaths they're all over level i think the impaling them with all their arrows was still kind of like wow all right yeah okay but there's one and i'm pretty sure most if not all of you know what i'm gonna say next in terms of a kill she does um they all run inside because it's [ __ ] over she blows up the entire place terrified now you might imagine as with how war works a lot of people are dead there's probably some injured on the battlefield she lands heading inside and the camera like i don't i'm not sure if this was a good choice let's just put it that way there's a guy who is crawling toward the entrance screaming in pain and she [ __ ] vaporizes it you and i are thinking different things there's not even a body left to bury for that guy who had a whole life um and died because wanda's absurd motives like i i don't i i'm like yeah i don't like watching this you know like yeah i don't like seeing this uh yeah it's like i get it it's it's like that's what she would do but it's really off-putting to see this happening especially in a marvel movie no i i so this is what i would clarify when i see thanos do bad things i can at least watch it with the knowledge okay the film and also broader society recognizes that he's the villain so i can just sit there and be chill with that unfortunately because it's like oh we all agree right he's like a monster you know he's a bad guy right he's doing yeah we agree this is bad what's happening it's supposed to be seen as a very bad thing alas seems like there's a decent amount of people who are like oh yes queen slay and it's like dude like i don't know what i'm introducing like this dude is crawling he is and he gets vaporized not even a body left to bury now and i meant to feel like any level of sympathy for wonder like oh well you know your life sucks you know what that guy you don't know what his life was but he's dead now because of your stupid goals frankie you and i are kind of you're on the there's a different aspect one thing that i thought muller was going to highlight which is that when she lands and there's that that little shock wave you can see the court is rolling and tumbling yeah yeah you're right over one another and i'm like oh this is marvel it's this is getting that's kind of grim someone said so you're complaining about marvel being doc now it's like it seems like you didn't pay attention to anything anyone said but it's not about well so my main argument is um i respect the ones that have been made already but like the one i i went to first is why it made me uncomfortable was just um so you put all this effort into explaining that she's invested in doing this the quickest easiest and painless way possible to get what she wants this guy is done he's out of the fight he's if anything he's just trying to survive you don't need to do anything to him yeah yeah this is she did because she felt like it so she's cruel like yeah it's not even like i'm evil in in the execution of my goal it's like i'm going out of my way to unnecessarily slay people who wanted to stop me understand because there's a there should it's like thanos understood why people have yeah yeah that's right yeah like there was that's very famous yeah yeah like i know that you why you are dif i expect you to that's why i brought an army and um this just seems like he's going out of the way to be cruel and just terrible and just like just to make sure you understand like there she didn't check if everyone's dead and make sure like she kills this guy got that treatment because later we'll discover that her lack of investment in making sure that this place is now safe for her costs her big time but uh it's it's just it's just weird to watch that she just sees this guy screaming at page just like [ __ ] you how dare you try and stop me floor your way back to life even though you were no threat to me anymore um and just in regards to some of the content uh this isn't really a criticism as much as it is just an observation like it does get it does get quite graphic especially later in the film right to the point where i wonder how the hell did this get appreciated he's not going to be yeah that's one of the first things i said to mahler when i got back and we kind of just had a casual chat was like wow this was really testing an r rating and it's weird is that it's not like throughout it's specific things that are not necessary that they went through to show and were really uncomfortable to watch that you would think oh this is we're really getting into our territory i think it's kind of i guess i guess an aspect that's probably annoying me as well is the knowledge that for sure she will become a hero later on and it's like every time i watch that i'm just gonna be like oh yeah remember all those people you killed in karma taj like that dude who was crawling away and then you just executed him you know what i mean like i i guess i guess maybe my frustration does stem from the matter the knowledge that she will absolutely become a hero again at some stage in the future and then you kind of have to just pretend like none of this really happened you got to try and divorce it from your mind it's like well they're faceless i mean they're not faceless but like they have no names they're just like sorcerers they're not like named characters um i i think it is the matter that annoys me here it's just like a lack of full recognition of the nature of what's going on here that really bugs me just kind of it rubs me the wrong way um she walks past a flaming like half corpse by the way it's like yeah the lady who stabs the book later and things like that we're like ooh wow that's hmm so uh i think that some people are asking as well is it not possible she's trying to put him out of his misery like no watch the scene it's definitely not bad it's it's the it's i will put you into more misery she's like maybe you could have lived uh he doesn't even seem to know the nature of his position she's too far away in this mist everywhere she just gets rid of him yeah she just sees movement and annihilates cruelly is this okay for a 12 year old to watch i mean me at 12 would have been fine with this but i could see a kid getting terrified by this yeah if i was 12 watching this i would not have been okay it would bother me i liked a lot of crazy [ __ ] okay um anyway after all that death that carnage yeah all that they put her in the mirror dimension mm-hmm yeah that's like gone on this has gone [ __ ] hell young lady absolutely crazy when i saw the she was in the mirror i was like you now like i don't know guys long and strange you are in part responsible for those people they are your mentees they are you look up to your guidance along in particular knows these people probably very personally wong wong seems to care a lot about the students like that's a big aspect of him is that he cares about it needs to be that moment where he's just like overcome with the the loss was like holy [ __ ] like yeah i think that's what i mean yes there's no acknowledgement of this palmer does it like give a flying [ __ ] about her calling yeah i think yeah i think that's what i think that's what is needed is um is like an in film sort of clear like through character sort of you know just like looks or you know shots and stuff just like a clear recognition of like damn this is awful these are not just random background moocs being killed by a hero no these are very good people yeah he was writhing in pain yes wanda put him out of his misery i'm glad she's a doctor and knows that he's got no chance of living and thus [ __ ] executed and remember disintegrate him you know there's nothing left it's as though he never even exists don't give me that [ __ ] yeah no put it that's like shooting someone in the head or like dropping something huge on them so they're dead in an instant and they don't even know what happens that's that's putting something out of its misery yep erasing yourself it's like wow and remember disintegrating him from the feet down from the feet up rather yep not even with the hair feel that so that's a fun ending to have yeah as someone just beautifully put it it's a sacrifice she was willing to make yep and then in the next movie they'll just say oh well she put everything right in the end so she did put everything well i mean i mean in the end of the film they they say she did the right thing and it's like all right this film is character vomit it makes you just sick yeah so yeah yeah for those who are in chat who are following our description of the story only you must be like wait so the credit's next then she's in the mirror let's let's remind ourselves of what we were told about the mirror dimension by the ancient one one of the most powerful beings and wisest beings on earth basically the mirror dimension is used to surveil earth it's used to contain threats and you do not want to be in the mirror versus mirror dimension rather without a sling ring because that means you're trapped and uh this almost happens to caicilius who's almost as powerful as she is if not the same quick question speaking of the ancient one are there is there a multiverse's worth of ancient ones that they could talk to i dude if if if you want to like talk about all the people that they could get to help them it's just it's really like it's literally infinite i think the ancient one would be one of the number one people that you would want to seek out because of um i guess in this version him or hers knowledge of the multiverse and its implications and their understanding of it so they would be one of the first people to go to in another if you ended up in another dimension if that was to happen um if you found yourself there but potentially you'd want to explore and find the ancient one equivalent that should be one of the first questions that he asks definitely not mordo later on in the movie but i guess you'll get there um someone said [ __ ] it's not over we're not out of act one yet yeah everything dead in one of the one of them is but what about all the other it's a multiverse um so i was very happy to see her in the in the mirror dimension even though it was [ __ ] late as hell i was just like thank [ __ ] she's done even tries to like break it with her powers and it bounces around the room and almost hits her it makes funny cartoon noises and i was just like yeah so [ __ ] you yeah stay in there forever you [ __ ] and then um well she just gets out just yeah he just gets out he just cut he just gets out and you're probably thinking like well there must be some mechanic to it right like well she can travel through reflections yeah yeah and and so the way that we see this manifest is they're in this little room in the back uh and there are these two guys who are standing on puddles who get dragged in so their bodies will never be recovered they're gone forever no funeral no no burial for them like they're just standing on the puddles it's like man you guys weren't standing on those puddles you'd still be alone can we can we rewind and just say why the [ __ ] are there puddles in this room what's going on why is this the puddle room why is it puddles because even though this is the 21st [ __ ] century this castle hasn't like a proper roof or windows they could close or i don't something the most secure place that they could have brought her to america to is really leaky and open kind of yeah and lots of reflections also because yeah to travel through reflections right it's like well what reflects in a significant imagey type of way it's like well a big puddle and it's like all right we get some big puddles in this room and i feel like i'm missing something does anyone know why there are puddles in this room or is it just no reason at all there were just puddles there maybe they're just modern flowers today i don't know but it wasn't raining it wasn't really it was a sunny day like what yeah but it was raining no no it was raining and then it piles up and it takes a while for it to evaporate that's just training water magic it was funny it probably would have made more sense to have done that she said she was coming at nightfall didn't she and then she if you had done it at nightfall and then had it rain and when she just damaged parts of the castle with her attacks you have it leak in and then you got your puddles you have yeah you show you have that as your cutaway to a scene is characters walk off but the shot lingers on the floor where slowly drips are starting to create a puddle and then the audience thinks why why are you showing me this hmm and then you carry on and then it comes back later as a thing which still doesn't explain how the [ __ ] she got out of the mirror verse but at least at least we got like some level of setup and artistry that went into this if anyone's just a little bit like wait what it's like so she traveled out of the mirror verse by just touching one of the walls of it and then coming out of a puddle in in in the real world so it's funny because i completely forgot about the whole mirror verse mirror dimension thingy so it's like well that was a fancy but [ __ ] trap they had there even though i thought the whole point was that you cannot escape i suppose a funnier part of what the ancient one says about the mirror dimension is that you cannot affect the real world in the mirror dimension it's like well she does the whole point no she yeah she uh uses puddles to affect the real world it's like man it's like this isn't the mirror dimension that you put her and you put her in something else because none of this comports with what we've seen of the mirror dimension yeah well you know what responses to that she's really powerful yeah that's yeah she is okay like i guess she is i don't know very there are reflections in many things your eye has reflections yeah you crawl out of your eye yes like what yeah i guess um yeah i guess well she crawls through the gong and that doesn't look like it's got a very good amount of clear reflection so i guess you can just roll out of anything that reflects light which is basically everything she can super duper things now as well because like all of her bones and stuff are broken but they heal like she can she's so it's like man so you're not really a glass cannon anymore you're like super duper strong um all right oh yeah i forgot to mention that she got shot with a cannon and it didn't matter yeah it's one of the interesting things about the character super powerful glass cannon she's frail as any human so i guess that doesn't true anymore um by the way uh gary if you if you have to run off that's no problems i have to run off all right oh boy nice to have you four hours that's good enough we got through so much of the movie so much of it that's a lie yeah we got through hang on okay i'll get right there we got through about 30 minutes of the movie oh man um tell you what if there's anything burning you really wanted to say about the movie go ahead i desire uh the mcu is not the 616 and [ __ ] what they did to one of my favorite characters you'll get there i hated that i was i i had a little nerd rage in the theater yeah a little moment fanboy rage there it was uh [ __ ] i could not believe it uh i was just like that's how you're gonna introduce them just pop their heads off and yeah just the how that whole thing played out was uh it's really i'm glad we went over it because when i was gonna review this i was just gonna do like a freaking eight minute review i didn't want to spend a ton of time on it but i'm like oh there is so much wrong with this movie there is like way more wrong and i i would say like it is worse than captain marvel which i kind of has always been like oh yeah oh yeah movie i've seen this is way worse in so many ways oh yes i agree yeah i don't like i don't really say this [ __ ] uh i think rags's opening was like can it really be true that we're saying once again and it's like well what do you want us to do look how much we this has taken this is probably the longest ratio we have ever had for time in media versus time taken to talk about the problems of it nothing like nothing works every line of dialogue every conversation every plot development everything is wrong it's like someone hit a randomizer on a story and said [ __ ] it ship it out exactly uh what what did red letter media say about the picard show it was like they're playing a game of telephone it's like they were doing that here too yeah it's it's name damn thing and we just i just watched uh moon knight which has probably my favorite line in any marvel thing are you an egyptian superhero uh and she says i am uh i was kind of i'm disappointed we didn't get are you a multi-dimensional puerto rican lgbtqia superhero uh we didn't get that in well that's america right she's got the badge yeah and she could have said i am and that would have inspired everyone everywhere uh shane but uh maybe next time but um thank you so much for joining us gary thanks everyone yeah stay around dude see y'all bye bye on the flip side take care media movies tv show he's recently done a lot of reviews of the picard show if you have an interest in this channel the link is in the description um a lot of fun especially if you're invested in the topics it's uh i like the idea that we've we've inspired him to make a most scathing review of the film [Laughter] um i wasn't [ __ ] kidding in terms of just non-stop problems you don't even get a second to breathe in this [ __ ] film it's so fun so like funny or also sad because when i first wrote everything down it's like oh this got pretty bad then i talked about it on metro's watch oh this is even worse and now we're like four hours in it's like holy [ __ ] [ __ ] this thing this is awful what is happening i didn't even really have a chance to process it all um in in the theater i was just kind of letting it all come my way and i wasn't thinking too hard about it but even in that kind of placid state i was just like this is wrong this is wrong this is contrived this is wrong this is wrong this is contrived what the [ __ ] have you done to wonder what the [ __ ] the thing is is that we're real close to something that is like substantial in terms of an issue that is persistent throughout the movie that we've kind of alluded to that um yeah but [Music] for every one of those we will cover there will be one soon like it'll just yeah because it doesn't stop it never ends um but uh yeah she crawls out of the the gong and and then and then she's like oh you say sacrificed almost casually the gong according to the film has enough reflection in it that she can crawl out of it yeah that's that's all right they were definitely trying to evoke like japanese horror when she comes out um oh yeah definitely and i'm sure people would say like ah raymie getting his flavor in there once again i just like okay okay yeah i'm like i see that it's just like how did we get here to have this happen isn't yeah it's like it's cool and creepy sure i just i had no [ __ ] concept of this being a possibility and i never do with any [ __ ] thing that here or doctor strange do they just do things and it's like yeah that's a thing now oh [ __ ] i completely forgot the best part so uh you for anyone listening you might be like well wait where is everybody what is everyone doing right now so they're in a room with one doctor strange in america and she's coming into it and pretty much there were other guys they got sucked through puddles we don't care about them so yeah you might be like well what are they doing why why are they there shouldn't they be gone by now you you mentioned how you probably should have pulled them out ages ago but pulling out now it's like well this was a a thing for the writers to solve and this is how i presented it on open bar because i kind of enjoy doing this so they've all got sling rings she's coming they can portal away and get to safety how do you solve that as a writer as a writer what do you do to prevent them from being able to portal out with scarlet witch you know when she's in the mirror dimension what can you possibly do because that's that's when this is quote unquote solved so uh i would well they they might go and because wanda knows about the fling rings first thing first thing she does when she gets into the barrier just destroys all the fling rings instantly i wouldn't find that satisfying but i guess you could do that that's like the first idea i came up with yeah my solution is that in order to hold her in the mirror dimension they have to have to be channeling some kind of a something some magical force to help to keep her there which means that as they are doing that they cannot use their sling rings if they if they loosen up for whatever reason she's gonna be able to break out of the mirror trap um yeah i think that's that's possibility have you got anything ringing out of curiosity i don't really i am funnily enough i don't really have anything um this is a really difficult problem to solve yeah because first of all to solve it in general is tough but like to do it in a way that i think would be satisfying with what we know about how rules work in this i think it's really tough because the sling ring is just something that doctor strange always has access to there's it's so not limited in terms of its potential that it's really hard to do anything with it that reduces it and if he is successful if we argue maybe he does use it maybe he does open it up like how do we delay it's like maybe uh you know maybe maybe maybe someone suggests they should stay behind there's a bit of drama about that trying to stop her it's like no most people just go through right like i don't even know it takes a second exactly so it's just like hmm all right well you know what uh maybe i'll concede this would have been a tough one in the writers room to think about and maybe you have to rewind the film a bit more to to you know change some of the mechanics to make this more justified however this was the problem they faced in the writing room and so she's in the mirror there she is she doesn't know how she's gonna get out of it we cut to them and doctor strange says we gotta get out of here he pulls up his hand you can see the sling ring he starts opening a portal and then it fails and then his sling ring disappears ooh clever i wish to see chance reaction to this that that makes sense though because if his sling ring magically disappears for some reason he can't portal away total sense it all follows logically well so there was a little bit of red special effects on it when it disappeared so she disappeared it oh but i thought she was in the mirror dimension um shut up [Laughter] and doesn't understand the writing process oh she's phil if she can disintegrate the sling ring why doesn't she just disintegrate doctor strange and we know that she knows she can yeah we saw that poor guy get disintegrated so why doesn't she decide she tried to kill him earlier this is the the the inverse square law of uh what's it returns diminishing returns but the magic version of it you going to disintegrate them once and then you lose your power to do it again after that the audience has already seen that blame said wong still has one i'm sure he's got melted because he has to get given a different one later so yeah it's it might be one of my like most hated solutions a writer has come up to a problem ever it just disappears on his hand it's like you kidding me because some people are saying like oh like the disappearing knife it's like to be fair it was a really shitty choreography that an editor had to deal with he was like what he's got a knife to it and then they like just disappear it and he's like you really this was like the riots being like and then doctor strange tries to open a portal but his sling ring evaporates it's like should have turned into here this was planned this was this went through several phases of production you guys just decided [ __ ] it it disappears we can't let him have that i'm sorry it ruined the whole story it was definitely an oh [ __ ] it moment yeah they didn't give a [ __ ] it was like i don't know that happens and a lot of there's a lot of those in this film yeah and the sling ring is so powerful that it's like yeah of course you had to do that because you don't know how to control it you don't know what to do when you introduce that [ __ ] and doctor strange you should have been like god damn this has to require an incredible amount of concentration and skill and prowess you need to be vulnerable as you charge it up and prepare there needs to be some limit on this see i can only go someplace that i've been before or i i it takes so long or there it changes you if you go through too many times too soon or something like that but it seems to be essentially limitless well someone did just mention uh it's like well then could he get one off one of the corpses it's like well that does happen so yeah she didn't destroy all of them in the area which means she have gotten one off of the corpses oh you know what we just solved the problem maybe maybe they do go through the portal but she gets one of the sling rings or she gets someone who's alive and tells them to i i would probably prefer she doesn't know how to do it herself maybe can we limit her in some way but if she gets them to open it and then by surprise is there we find out that's mechanically maybe that's the solution time bomb like that's your that's your ticking clock right is she has a sling ring she got it from a corpse she's sort of aware of what they do she gets trapped in the mirror dimension and it takes her a while to figure it out how to make it work that's your ticking clock terrifying take for her yes because you don't know could it be a day two three we we have no clue is she gonna starve or die of thirst when you can have a scene where they've arrived through their portal they conclude she can easily use a slingering herself or at least get someone else to use one a portal could open any second now with her at it what do we do what's the plan it's like should we split it up should we go into urgency we've got a god forbid we have a sense of urgency in this film but it there's your ticking clock boom right there it's something i feel like that's it we've solved a very very difficult problem you got it yeah we did it and it only took us 10 minutes off the top of our heads and we're doing it for free you then have the problem obtaining teleports a power i mean i think the rest of the film should then have to deal with that we'll keep that as a constant this is the thing we just appreciate can we just appreciate that they got the sling ring to disappear and not lift it off the hand with telekinesis and ability that she's had since her first appearance i i i feel like one's free highlight is funnier she disintegrates his ring but not him like what are you doing and if someone wants to argue he's like well she likes him he's like [ __ ] off no she tries to kill him like three times in this scene yeah but then when we're having a fight with doctor strange she just throws him around but we're jumping the gun a bit well you know what it's fine yeah the next thing that happens is oh yeah i guess you got a bit of a bit of talk first well because she said like basically you sacrifice all those lives to keep me from my children and then of course doctor strange is like no you killed them yeah it's really awkward because it's just like why the hell would why would she say that like how does she not understand that she killed them yep what else can you say about that she's like you were the one that killed dab he's like don't use you we all knows you so then this is where her argument develops he says wanda your children don't exist and then she's like oh but they do in the other universes it's like okay so this kind of goes against what you said earlier we were like your magical nonsense children are just as meaningful as any other children because mothers make their children this way all the time now you're saying yes my ones are fake but there are other ones in other universes that are real which is like i said very different from what she said earlier but okay saying this now and then um strange asks her the most obvious and basic question because if you want to argue i just want to see my kids and anyone who prevents me from doing so i will kill i am being reasonable i just want to see my kids like all right but what about the woman that you're gonna have to deal with who is their their mother like what is your justification you crazy son of a [ __ ] that you can just kill her and this is enough it's just like um [Music] a moon knight this is an obvious question he doesn't have a response and they fight yeah like this is not something that she's considered it's one of the i think it's one of the two big of course things that they just don't ever address or talk about this the the one here being what about the wanda in the world that you invade and the second one being you understand that people from different multiverses are not the same person right well yeah it's it's the thing that you can't the problem is if you acknowledge it the absurdity of the situation becomes impossible to square away which is that of course they aren't your kids they are another version of you's children of a different version of you with a different life experience we have to tell like we have to tell people about this whenever they see luke skywalker and amando's show you're like that's not that's not the luke skywalker that's that's some different version of him from a different universe that makes no sense it's not the same one and they're like why not they're like no no no it is him and i'll watch every marvel film until i see him again so something i have i have an additional question that i would have asked wanda which is why the [ __ ] are you so intent on killing another version of yourself when you could just find a universe without where mom yeah um you know what else it's kind of funny because if i were in the room um we nobody's going to kill each other and doc strange says like so you're going to kill her i'd be like dude look at me people she's killed already like this again you know the body counts huge and then wanda could be like well they got in my way i'd be like yeah because you can't like send anyone to sleep or anything with mind control you can't you can't do anything that you can't put a big bubble around yourself and just fly to where you need to go you have to kill all these people you have to disintegrate them don't you that's just something you have to do your [ __ ] but she does she just killed a lot of people but she doesn't kill dr strange old wong she just throws them no she throws them because i doctor strange is like here snakes coming to get you that was quite funny did you like it yeah it's part of the spell you have to become the snake it makes total sense i just i was like what the [ __ ] you have to do that to do the spell yeah that makes the most sense and then just like throw strange across the room the cape doesn't help me just it gets here yeah the cape once again give a [ __ ] um and what's probably worth mentioning is uh wong is doing nothing throughout all of this yeah he's just standing there watching the snakes i don't know what the hell he's doing um oh yeah that's what you were doing just watching the snakes yes trees the audience didn't see it okay um yeah snake's dead tosses him then she grabs america and that's when wong decides to do something and then he gets thrown across the room as well yeah and then um that's when uh kazenji tries to absorb the powers and then america opens a portal behind her which is something i wander should know by now well she should know that right um well so this is the chance to account for what is the nature of her sending monsters after people does she have a camera can she see it with the dark hold well if sh wait wait sorry if she if she uh sends a monster after america and in another universe it has to be able to extract the powers right otherwise how could the powers be delivered to wander i wanted to talk about this in the first scene i was like i have to wait i feel like we've waited long enough so the idea with these monsters is hopefully that they suck the power from america and they then teleport themselves to wander to be sucked is that the idea it has to be otherwise it doesn't make any sense at all doesn't like they have to be able to travel the multiverse because she can't travel the multiverse so there's no means that she has to get those powers unless they can do it for her like but how is that a power that they have i think they yeah well the first moment you suck out all powers that someone has this is so funny because it's like how do people know that you can even do this and then how do people know that when they do it that they will have full control while america just roll over that yeah okay what what if there is a what if it is an innate attribute of these powers you kind of can't control them because the u the multiverse is so massive that the ability to choose a location that you need to go to it's just beyond a human mind yeah your mind is possible no yeah no no mind can process this yeah except for like some crazy super duper god-like figures yeah yeah or if she didn't open the portal in the in the first scene and we're supposed to assume that spaghetti monster would have yelled at her until a blue light came out of her and went into it she falls and dies and then it's like i have the power now and i know how to use it open portal hey there's wanda walks in and then he goes and then it it falls over and dies and then she's got the power that that has to be her strategy and i have no idea how she knows that any of that would work there's really no reason to think it would right because again america is the only person in the multiverse with this power so there's it would be under it there would be no evidence or information pertaining to it at all on how how it works that it can even it's a power that can even be transferred between people there'd be nothing uh blame your suggestions like i think you'll dreamwalk to that world and take the powers while the demon is america so all that highlights is that she should just be going personally every time why say these monsters if that's possible well it's not even about me it's just it's just yeah exactly there's so many reasons why this is so much stupider than just going yourself they have a throwaway line for that once they establish stream walking because i don't know that this film knew it was going to do dreamwalking in the first half when they were making this [ __ ] because um this is so awkward when mordo explains it which we're actually getting too soon um he explains it and then doctor strange no sorry america's like well then why didn't she do that before and dr strange goes because she was being reasonable it's like i'm sorry whatever that doesn't make any sense come on why why do you just saying a lie again it doesn't make it true it would be more reasonable more merciful and it would be faster like there's no reason so it's oh so bad but um yeah also there you go fringy lucid dreaming in the mcu multiverse is just accidentally dreamwalking so even if you don't have magic and you make no conscious man that's got to be terrifying i thought you had to have the dream yeah at any point you need the dark hole to do yeah yeah sorry they're specific you have to have the dark hole to do that could you imagine how terrifying that knowledge would be that at any point in time you could lose control over yourself because some person is sleeping and they accidentally have it no no there is an infinite amount of universes which means that if there's an infinite amount of different versions of you there's an infinite amount of them that are currently sleeping right now oh yeah an infinite amount of dreams which means that it would not be possible for someone to not be lucid dreaming everything that you do you see this you say the word infinite and you don't know what it means you're not ready for the implications of this well that's an infinite number practically in front of that there's an infinite a number of uh mcu universes right like where there is this doctor strange who's had this exact history and everything with thanos well maybe that's what sleepwalking is where you know that sleepwalking is where someone goes into your dream while you are dreaming so it takes over your body and you kind of swap places this is this is going places this this analogy this this joke of mine and there's never like i don't think there's ever any understanding you can have multiverses but you can say we don't know how many there are yeah we don't know if there's just another multi there's just another or if there's a hundred more or a million more or there's just an infinite amount it's just this uncountable expanse of multiverses that extends forever we don't know all that we know is that there are other universes different from ours and then you don't have to worry about making such definitive non-definitive statements well there's a reason dc started to structure their multiverse after a while like for for a little bit there were only 52 earths in their multiverse i think they've [ __ ] it recently but for a while it was just like okay you've got a cap there's 52 maybe a couple of extras in there if we're feeling frisky but otherwise 52 that's your lot we're not going to deal with infinity [ __ ] off um oh but this is uh the point when um yeah the ball opens up tackles because as the portal opens he uh he tackles her into the portal but uh then wonder like hits his cape and presumably makes it not be able to fly anymore because they just go uncontrollably tumbling through a whole bunch of multiverses best faith interpretation is she zaps it with a fireball and it it makes it so the cloak can no longer do fly yeah um now all right do you have something for us so yeah he's sapping the power from chavez and then sees doctor strange's heading to tackle her so first obvious move is just pull america away grab him no just pull america away from him let him pull whatever um if you're not gonna opt for that then obviously yeah you just you hold him in place with telekinesis just do that if you're not gonna opt for that you vaporize him you're not gonna opt for that use any of the countless spells to kill him not what you did what you did was pretty much the worst thing you could do nothing at all it's the only thing i think she could do that makes it look like she's doing something but it doesn't really have much of an effect yep um yeah nice yeah now so remember she has no control over opening the portals uh like in terms of seemingly location or the universe itself like the properties of that universe so like man real lucky that none of those portals opened up to the vacuum of space that's one you've got to save until we get to nearly the end of the film um no i don't think so because it's like the movie if you're not going to bring in that reference we can cycle back through all the examples of her using the portal after we're given the final yeah let's call it rule yeah we can see how well it actually makes any [ __ ] sense or not because um yeah wow they end up in a in a futuristic looking universe basically after traveling through a whole bunch of them yeah they're going through all of the universes they including one where they're made of paint yeah yeah they land in a place and in a put in a universe that is comprehensible to them that is very similar to our own in new york in new york places that just the astronomical unfathomable fortunateness wow i guess you know you can't talk about that yet i don't know why you you know the thing there will be people who listen to this would be like so rags didn't watch the film then it's like we gotta wait until we get to that bit of information then we can uh oh yeah that's right there's things we'll come back and talk about it later yeah for now balls are opening and they're ending up in places that aren't death so that's good we'll talk about that later uh so strange is pretty angry he's like my my cloak is [ __ ] we gotta go back open a portal and america's already explained this to him by the way she does earlier in the film but she has to explain again i have no control of that [ __ ] and he's like that's unacceptable i have to save wong and she's like well i can't do anything so awkward and then he he's sort of good it was like well i guess i couldn't really help him anyway like and that oh and an old sense of urgency pertaining to getting back to commentary to save one uh to save wong and the students is gone for the rest of the film uh really sad yeah uh they are just chilling just now maybe maybe maybe you're out there thinking well he's right he really can't do anything to her and if anything it's bad if he gets to it in any way capacity with america because you know if wanda gets america it's all over it's like well let's go through where they are exactly they they talk about how they've entered this this alternate new york city and that um they need to get access to help of some kind maybe they have to get that book of ashanti she mentioned and he's like that book's [ __ ] and she's like it's not you from the ultimate dimension the defender strange you knew about it and then he's like yeah well i don't know about it and then they both realize well wait what if this universe is strange knows about it oh let's go find him now that book means that they can defeat wanda as it's described it gives the sorcerer whatever spell they require to defeat whatever enemy they're uh dealing with so this book means she can he can save wong and the sorcerers you might think that alone then is enough to make him incredibly urgent right because for every second you don't get to that book is a second more for them getting killed and tortured so uh so you gotta be running you gotta be running everywhere yeah it doesn't disappear when you can't see her that's not how it works that's another weird thing from what we can understand all the multiverses are running in real time at similar timelines ask if that was yeah are all the multiverses synchronized time-wise i think we have to assume that the answer is yes because of course it would be awkward if you travel to a time where they you know don't have a doctor strange yet because he's still a baby or something or in the future but it's like well no it does seem a relative i think this movie would fall apart even more if it weren't that way so i guess we're supposed to think it is that way also are we talking about have we talked about the portals like all the glimpses of different universes um that we saw are we going to do that later it depends on what you want to say about it oh well i just wanted to kind of highlight that this film is called the multiverse of madness and we're teased with like universes with different geometry a cartoon universe a paint universe all of these different really creative concepts and yet all we really do in this film is just dick around and maybe three universes including the mainstream one and i'm just i want to highlight that as just a sheer lack of creativity um on the part of the writers is that we have you have a you are you're advertising a movie called multiverse of madness implying this is going to be like a we're going to be going from one universe to another and we're going to be exploring all kinds of different creative things but yep we we get like a little teaser reel for like 10 seconds and then we just stuck in that one other universe to jump in and bolster your point because i've seen a lot of people on the internet like wow so like people don't like this movie because they because it's not like marvel movies with teasers and stuff it's like it's not about teasers it's about leveraging the potential of different universes where things don't work quite the same way to do some really creative and clever stuff like i don't need references like spider-man 2099 or whatever or like any of these universes that pull directly from the comics it could just be a matter of you end up in a universe that's still medieval times and yeah your existence in this universe like that's part of the adventure yeah to actually because because of something that uh america says lighter like the clearest example that we have of leveraging that we're in universes where things don't quite work the same way is that a stop sign and a ghost sign for a pedestrian is the colors are opposite red means go and blue and green means stay like that's like the extent of leveraging that's it yeah they're like through these universes there's some neat aesthetic stuff for like the plants and stuff but like i but that's but that's all you did it's it's like uh i can't remember zero meme said it it's very comprehensible there's nothing here that's very incomprehensible all right i would also say in the universe where it's so similar to ours that we could just oh yeah this is new york we just walk down the street and they speak english and we can talk to everybody yeah there's no issues i'm also not a fan of the red green thing because it it's not the kind of change i find uh intriguing it doesn't seem intuitive at all it's like you live in a universe where there are plants all over the buildings so if anything you guys should be hyper into green being the good color exactly that's one of the reasons why it's not impossible i just it doesn't feel like it just seems like oh you did that just to be like red is green green is red alone yeah it's it's like a token we're not on kansas anymore kind of yeah you know we're not actually meaningfully doing it because imagine if they went to an earth where there were a bunch of aliens on it you know there's just aliens walking around like earth is very much integrated leverage the multiverse not for the sake of cameos and teasers and stuff but more so just leveraging universes where things just aren't quite like where things are meaningfully different and it causes challenges beyond don't walk on green because green is bad in this universe like for stop signs you know it's weird uh and it's yeah absolutely right that they just don't take advantage of uh the situation we've got here but the setting of the film yeah again i really feel squandered yeah and with what they do absolutely terrible speaking of which like we just we cut the it's not even like a normal walk it is a very slow walk america and they're gawking at the world they're like he's looking around at the whole world like whoa look at this and i'm i'm just so like dude people are different your univ all of this this world needs you as if you need this motivation on top of the fact that all of his friends are dying we know that she can find america through the multiverse no matter what and she always sends monsters after the we know they know that that's the potential and yet we're strolling through a city highly populated city knowing that a [ __ ] gargantos could drop in on us at any point and not knowing if there are even any other heroes necessarily the problem is they don't behave as though that's the reality even though this film has told us that's the reality well yeah this is one of those examples of you don't realize what you've done you are telling me something about these characters with every action that they take including a lack of urgency in a situation that demands urgency where other people are in trouble all that like the only takeaway from that is doctor strange doesn't care that much about all of the people who are getting killed and here's something that's worth thinking about as well i guess it might be jumping the gun a little bit might it be interesting to have america be like damn all of those people died like because of me and then doctor stress is like no it's not because of you it's not because of you like so that you can give her that element of her character to lead towards the ark that they wanted to tell with her which i guess we'll jump to like yeah you know um it was one of the it was one of the things that i was talking to mahler about the other night um after we were just sort of chatting about what we had just experienced um america chavez as a character seems there is never a moment i almost said this is like the inverse infinity war right where it talks about the being willing to sacrifice things for a greater good being able to let go of what you love so you can stop so you know that that's an aspect of infinity war and this film should be doing that to an even greater degree considering what the stakes are but there is and the stakes all revolve around one person's power which is connected to her life so essentially one person's life there is never a recognition in this movie that this character understands this the the massive weight the the amount of lives the uncountable amount of lives in universes that are at stake if a person gets her power she doesn't seem to grapple with this or deal with this she never well even then it's like there's never this yeah i guess at the end which is why it seems so weird how how what do you have to go through and see and witness until you say i need you to kill me i can't live like it's not worth it i need to i you need to kill me right now because if they get me if wanda gets me everything is over there's never that there's not even the thought of it there's not even that question that she asked to strange or or well they throw it in right at the end so yeah they don't even throw it in the way that you're talking about it they just throw it in exactly yeah yeah it's she just sort of like we we skip all of these steps along the way because i think a lot of people if you told them that the so you have some innate ability that is tied to your life and if one person finds you who's constantly trying to get you who has very very closely almost gotten you like twice three times now you were like we were on the brink of the destruction of the multiverse three times luckily we escaped holy [ __ ] should you be thinking [ __ ] me what will we be so lucky the next time this happens is my life worth all of this and we never have that conversation no one even brings it up to discuss and if anything the film kind of says like the the inverse is better that it's not virtuous to sacrifice yourself in a way i like the idea as well on top of the nature of their mission takes them through all these different worlds filled with so many different cultures and living people and friendly people so that she just gets more and more understanding of how much is at stake and that maybe maybe that's her arc is just coming to but i i mean that's what they think her arc is in part but it's like you really didn't have a lot of supporting material to prop it up but like that that's her arc is kind of understanding the gravity of like i guess life in general right and the the reality of like her status and maybe that's like if she does survive the film which of course she invariably does that like she becomes very dedicated to understanding her powers so well that she can continue to exist but use those powers for good and you know protect herself and then protect the multiverse i thought like that's the arc that she goes on oh and yeah we we did move past it sort of the line being said i just don't know what we can say about it uh he says why can't we just find you in this universe and have you use the power and she says i am the only me in all of the multiverse where does she exist does she exist beyond time space let's put it this way right she she's in the world with with loki and then he makes a decision to bling off or not like so he split the world into two directions in his two individual america chavez is correct yeah like how yeah i get what you mean like anyone else is splitting it will duplicate her by necessity if that well especially since that's loki establishes that's the nature of creating multiverses is choices people make that cause deviation so as long as she exists in the universe right it's always possible i mean also if you've traveled to only 72 universes i guess it's because she says she doesn't dream that's the dream because i was about to bring that up that's her evidence how sad that's how michael jackson died he was taking drugs that stopped him from dreaming because you can actually suffer from dream deprivation because the brain needs to dream in order to just flush out that it's kind of the problem with like having dreams be a mechanic is like will dreams exist in reality and like they are a biological process um of course there's a lot we don't understand about dreams but like you know our brains cause them right so yeah it is saying yeah i guess there was this not only how would she let's say you went to 72 universes how do you find one person who doesn't seem to be exactly institution or location correct like it's kind of funny actually that he's like why don't we just find you in this universe just like have you actually asked her not before this why it is that she's getting chased and not any other one yeah right i guess our question never came up whether yeah if there's another america well i was like well that america is just like she's got i i've blown my cover on that one essentially yeah they got all those people trying to stop me i'm just gonna go pick up another america with the powers and grab them that should be easy but i'll go myself instead of the monster idea i don't know what i was thinking yeah i guess wanda knows myself that she's the only one too and and strange didn't think to ask about that at any point nor did america think to bring it up kind of weird it almost feels like it might have been something they wrote in later when they were making this you're like wait a minute they can't be more than one of their otherwise this wouldn't make any [ __ ] sense yeah after that um after that uh opening sequence right you know like well damn i guess you are are you the only one because you look like the person or i don't know i don't know with the world building as it's set up here the like the only way they could even do anything close to this and would still have a bunch of problems would be if she was the only one who had these specific powers because at least you could have it be that it's i don't know some kind of mult her powers are like a multiversal energy that somehow um found that specific version but only but it you know what you know what i mean it's it's it it would be something a bit more mystical or cosmic rather than just her specifically being um unique within the multiverse which i still don't really understand how that works yeah i don't know how she even becomes to be unique does it account for all of her i don't know i guess universe is where she comes from or something i guess we'll just have to like eventually find out i suppose the problem is that like you can kick that down the road if you want but i mean like she is an incredibly important part of the plot of this story it all hinges on on her abilities like you you kind of need to answer these questions for there to be a clear understanding of what's going on um and we don't even get into why how did you come into existence have you always existed forever have you just it's an interesting one well if she's always existed how does that work when there were no other universes yeah that's what it was like loki happened and then she uh existed but why and how and where and then how would it be because like somebody in chat said like maybe that explains why there's only one of her it's like well no that would just be there should be loads of hair as soon as the multiverse is allowed right yeah is there a natural aspect that's baked into the quote-unquote fabric of every universe that it eventually produces some being that is capable of this or is there an even greater power that i know it's done but they'll they're willing to do that whenever they want is there some even greater entity that brings her into existence to serve some purpose that for whatever other reason couldn't have been done a different way you investigated here is she nexus being like wonder it's like well as it turns out there's a lot of wonders well so i don't know what but i mean there's definitely more wonders and not only are there more wonders but the wonder that we see has the abilities like she has one disabilities i guess she's not as powerful she's not the scarlet witch quote unquote she hasn't gotten the [ __ ] hat i guess but i mean but she still is right or like she at least has those powers so presumably what turns her from normal into scarlet witch in the bone division i i don't think anything does she like just always was and she just didn't understand it or something right well yeah that means that she can't be a nexus be if that means the only one again how would she be the only one how do you have only ones of anything in this world in an infinity yeah in infinite universe to further explain the thing i was mentioning about like loki is just like that guy who goes to to work late he we have the the true timeline according to tva and then the the offshoot now she has to exist in both of them because you can't pluck out everything she'd done in one of them to then move here to only being in one do you know what i mean that doesn't matter that can't make any [ __ ] sense because he's late to work and then he goes to work late and and they're like oh god she can't exist in more than one universe so now she's only in the main timeline one and you're like yeah but the one where he just went to work late she has to be erased from all of it if she's done anything and then that just turns into a different timeline again like telling me she's a nexus being therefore she's only one of hers like that's not anything that's like saying she's immune to being killed because she's immune to being killed you're just like what see the whole idea of nexus being can only really work in a finite multiverse where there's a set number and they're not just constantly spawning that would make more that would work more so but i imagine that took me a lot to think about you know perhaps a lot of people yeah but you're comparing it against loki and i'm like well so i have to you know yep so yeah that's well before you go any further i must go myself for it is six pum and i have things that i will have to do and um oh maybe i might be back while you are still discussing things it's happened before and this might be oh i mean you know a long boy so we are quite literally barely a third of the way through the film um i think you might stop at the halfway point well i mean i think it's i was kind of joking but i think this is a reasonable question we are near five hours rags has to go and that means rags is going to miss out on talking about the actual craziest [ __ ] in this film yeah because i i do kind of want to talk about this movie because it's so batshit insane um well so you want to maybe do a i don't know i guess we can discuss later well i was going to say this would for chat this would be good news and bad news good news would be that theoretically with this new plan rags would be around for uh the rest of the discussion but the bad news would mean that we'll probably end the stream here oh my god um hmm maybe well what about stupid chats well uh again like if we're gonna wait until rags comes back we may as well just maybe do it on wednesday or as part of the next lead them off on wednesday or something i don't know so we can come up with something we've got options well i'm thinking about the schedule and it's like yeah if we do part two of doctor strange next week that means moon night will have to be moved after halo tell you what um i i i really actually do have to go right now so i will bid you farewell whatever you decide on doing i will see you later chat thanks for showing up and listening to us i will catch all of you at a later time or maybe we could get a multiverse version of me and see how they fare and hopefully they're not better than me because that would be embarrassing but i will i will see you later on goodbye dude [Music] um because it means we can get gary back theoretically too right but that is true if we're only a third of the one you know like we've still got a lot that we'll need to talk about the reality is to be clear as well chat i i think it might be lopsided towards the latter end because there's stuff that we're not talking about yet that become that we we need more of the film laid out so like i don't know that it's necessarily going to be shorter in terms of how we talk about the next i was going to say the problem here is we could with rags gone go through until we hit the end of the movie the only problem is without two of the people who are part of this conversation you're not gonna get any of gary's thoughts or rags thoughts about a lot of it um it's four people bouncing off each other which by the way i'm sure we can entertain you i'm sure we can provide possibly some insights maybe but um i just i just wonder if uh why miss out on the potential um because we can only do this once really i mean because you want to watch it now yeah yeah um i mean this has been five hours hopefully those who are very invested in um in listening to this film being broken down have been quite satisfied with how we've gone over like the first 35-40 minutes in this level of detail i hope that it's been as engaging as you would want it to be um and it gives more people more time to decide if they want it to be spoiled or not it gives more like and i think it seems like people are pretty engaged um so you know um some people are still suggesting super chat i would prefer uh i i i'm relatively okay with the idea that rags misses a couple of them and then we keep the ones that relevant to him but like an entire stream's worth of of them i would rather just wait until he's available again than we do because of course i could just do it as though i stream and answer them all and then i just grab the ones for bringing rags but we i do my best to try and have them in at the same time um which means it seems like the best decision probably is to do part two next saturday um it gives everybody a a nicer night in terms of being able to do life things too because uh obviously we've been here for five hours that is long for normal people you know just yeah and um and i mean hey if you guys are if you're like man but i still got some long in me i still got some long that i need to to get tonight um i made a video called adventures end game it's terrible it's two hours long so i mean that'll bring you up to like the average length of any fab episode yeah and it's good to see that because it leads right into this movie you know in a sense you know and it's in a weird in a weirdly poetic sense it does considering that it was entirely incidental that the the video was done uh by the time that um by the time that uh this this movie came out um yeah i think i think that works out the best and so i will say um meme you want to tell people what you're up to real quick what's what's happening here if anything uh sure i don't have really much new to report um since last week just um yeah keep it on keeping on um got some ideas i'm just trying to figure out because i am trying to figure out an entirely new routine thanks to certain recent life changes so that's just thrown me through a bit of a loop but i'm hoping um very shortly i'm going to be right back into the swing of working on things and just giving you all content on both the muller channel and my own channel uh it's gonna be gonna be fun so i kind of want to make i did uh medals for john superman versus the elite and that really made me appreciate how well-written that film is and uh yeah so a large part of me wants to just make a video praising the writing in that film so we'll see what happens there i already have a bunch of notes on it so we'll see how we go uh what about you metal yeah me well if you want the the the conclusion of my thoughts of uh almost that wonder vision of uh the madness tisms uh i covered it already on my own on my lonesome on metal sports a couple of days ago that's that's already out there so if you want to watch that that's also only half as long as the stream uh yeah because this is going to be much more in depth but yeah i did that did that so you can go watch that there's gonna there's many more metal swatches i did one on the north man i did one on another thing i just forgot the name of because i'm very stupid um yeah metal swords like sorry you did one on ex machina right with uh right with ex machina with me actually that was yeah i did like three in like five days or something because i was behind on one more uh so yeah you can all watch those uh actually meme's gonna be on next week yeah under the red hood i'm gonna check that out because i i remember being pretty good but this time i'm gonna look at it critically and evenly and bad fame no i'm just kidding uh but yeah this is uh yeah metal is like my main my main thing right now that's definitely what i'm doing i'm still chopping away on that item run super cut from my stream um yeah not so just streams in general should be picking up a bit more now that not 17 movies come out that i wanted to watch so that's gonna come back as well and i think that is all right now check it out it's gotisms i would say what about you free but as was just mentioned um end game yeah that's that's out now uh and also uh thanks for all the kind words about it that's that's very nice um when you work on a big project for a long time it becomes difficult to uh you know it kind of becomes difficult to gauge i guess uh a general like how you think people are going to respond to it whether people find it worthwhile or interesting or entertaining um so it's definitely definitely happy with the response it's been it's been very nice as for what's next um i haven't decided yet i got some ideas though um yeah that's all that's all i got right now anyway i'd be working away on that same project i've been working on for a little while uh as i said to you guys that'll be not necessarily paused but delayed by kenobi coverage that comes out um that's literally going to be the update for me for a while because it takes a while for me as well basically yeah um yeah thank you so much for joining us and for watching what we'll do is uh the coming wednesday we'll read all of today's super chats with myself rags for free and we'll cover the um the previous catch-ups super chats we'll get those two done in that block um and if we manage to get a few offline ones done we may very well get to the point where we fully caught up and then how exciting um [Music] the the next saturday we'll just do the second half of this assuming we're not having an arcane situation here no hopefully not i don't want to spend three weeks i hope not i'm not there for the third week i can't miss that one and then you'll get halo the following week with guests i shall not tell you what guests but it should be an interesting stream and then we following that we'll do moon night uh that show that totally everybody really loved and watched and definitely it will definitely be discussed in over a week's time i'm sure there will be a lot of discussion still on that show and in a week even in a week people talking about you know how cool that moon 9 episode was yeah that was a really cool show i have sure do expect it to dominate discourse for even a little while longer thank you all so much for uh chatting with us donating and for uh for checking out this stream if there's anybody who maybe is new i could always imagine that maybe a a topical topic if i did say might bring in some new people and they must be so horrified to listen to people talk about like the decision to throw a magical ball at something for 10 hours well it matters okay we also talk about all the other things so i assume that it wasn't that painful if you're still here i don't know regardless it'll get picked up next week uh with the last thing we talked about basically being that they um all the red green lights they're about to bump into um uh campbell i have i have good and bad things to say about that moment we will have to wait until next week however and i'll um like i said i'll hopefully try and get uh gary back on if he's available oh that's all right too because it can be a bit trying to talk a movie we usually do that as like a meme this one it will happen like it will happen one movie that's too much to talk about and um yeah so if anybody's feeling like unconvinced that this could possibly be considered one of the worst in the mcu i would say we haven't even gone through the biggest arguments yet uh and yet we've gone through like a million arguments so it's it's it's in it's in trouble this want this movie already but hopefully i can pull it together in that last two thirds right guys yeah absolutely it's going to be super good i i swear woo hoo oh yeah we didn't even get to the free food line yeah it's all covered up all covered up all right thank you all which is in ball form so much for watching and we i'll see you on uh on wednesday bro bye bye bye i see you later
Channel: MooLer
Views: 187,056
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0huIlgn3UNo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 301min 56sec (18116 seconds)
Published: Sun May 08 2022
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