Eevee - Next Generation Graphics For Blender 2.8

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Fitz yeah welcome yeah welcome to my presentation about Evie and the next-generation graphics for blender 2.8 we saw so many tagged talks in the last days and everyone afterwards was coming to me and said we need Evie would you do a presentation please quickly and so I was literally preparing this presentation at the very last minute so if there are slides that surprised me you see my face looking like what it's like going on and so I was it will try to start with a nice picture of the viewport that is currently the state of the viewport and you see so many different demos and pictures in this presentation did I just don't want to bore you and start right off so Who am I I'm Thomas Peck that's my Twitter account and the mail if you'd like to marry me I will see all of plasma solutions we do design we do off also stuff so documentation for blender and bringing out books and the neck book next book is starting to happen in I mean three months or so then I'm creating ten developer sneak peeks but I only creating them if my son is not demanding too gloomy a little lantern for him so that is not that often recently the topics of this talk what is this Evie thingy you I think you know what it is but I'm trying to give you a bit more insight into over all that then why do we need and want it which features to be support which features do we plan to support and show you some demos and screencasts Evie is the extra easy virtual environment engine which is not extra easy to say but it is written on a web page and I don't know if any of you just read that how many of you know what was easy evie cold before this slide see so that was exactly how it went with my presentation there it is developed by Clement for coal he's outside somewhere so if the hog goes well and give him a bigger bigger flowers knock knock [Music] and it draws the complete blender 2.8 viewport what that means will be explained in the presentation yeah so we got a viewport already right why do we need a new one or especially Eevee because our current viewport is based on a fixed function pipeline how many of you know what a fixed function pipeline is quite a sum maybe I should explain it it is like in the early days you had some color intensities and then you would write it into a big array and then send it to screen that was easy but it was very slow then graphics cards we're introducing optimized methods for that and then it was those methods were fixed into this GPU and so those methods could be configured but it couldn't be changed and so the shader system that came afterwards was Cape was intended to just replace those fixed functions that you only had to configure but by shaders and shaders could be anything even calculating or mining bitcoins if you apply to more and more hex has and workarounds has been introduced into planar especially the post-processing panel the post-processing panel into points a nine has features like depth of field or some fancy other stuff but the problem is that though all those features are hex and if you'd like to do those better and and even faster then this wouldn't be possible with our current architecture the electricity draw cords that we have in planar incent ancient and foremost they are performance bottlenecks so when you get many polygons and you'd like to draw all them then you would like to stuff them into one call that would be best but that is all not easily possible with our current architecture and so we need a new one so let's first see what's possible with real-time engines this one is unity and that is a new movie from a YouTube channel and will not play I've not played it completely [Music] [Music] [Music] so that's it that's a pretty cool demo and it shows pretty pretty nifty what is possible with the current shading model that we got in all our new GPUs and when you see that then this is rendered in real time I think in 30 frames per seconds on a GTX 1080 so it's a consumer card and that can render such things in real time typically I be a brand new user would react like that if he sees this in another part of the software and then it's followed by this and mostly targeted at developers and so most developers react like this and then like this but limo didn't soak limo was hiding two years in a cave and programmed so much and he came up with Eevee and we need new software technologies to implement such things because this his Eevee development was four of us forking planner and he was changing all kinds of stuff and we then had to to decide how we implement that all into our trunk so into our master blender then the 2.8 is a perfect catch for that because with blender 2.8 we said we can't rely on all this old technology we have to remove remove things we have to add new stuff and so we said there is a new abstraction layer coming for plain the 2.8 maybe for Vulcan but that is on the future horizon the abstraction layer is capable of drawing everything everything very fast and so the new minimum requirement for OpenGL OpenGL is driving or graphics graphics pipeline is now three point three core which should support be supported by all graphics cards that came out after march 2010 then they are viewport and render engines and I don't know if you try to read all the documentation that is online but I tried and it is really an overused word engine so everything is an engine and especially in planner now everything is an engine and so I'd like to explain what is this term and the viewport and render engines are completely the same in the new planner 2.8 viewport so when you are hitting f12 later on now it's not possible when you're hitting f12 then the exact same engine is rendering your your final render as the current viewport and that is a very cool feature because we then just don't have to develop two things we just have to develop one and adapted to the rendered and then an engine is drawing everything in its own way so we have a specific task like I'd like to have fancy shadows and then I develop an engine for that I'd like to have an object mode or an edit mode then I develop an engine for that and when the when the viewport for example is drawn by an engine then you can adapt other take other engines and combine them together so we can overlay for example selection outlines into your viewport and maybe you've seen some of those demos that are on YouTube where there is a cycles engine running and then a selection over overtop and all those things are possible due to those mechanics performance Optimus optimus can be done very easily when you have a engine specifically tailored for a task and so this is possible as well every engine is a black box so we give data in and you get data out and when you would like to implement a new engine then this is easily possible just rely on the on the last one and do whatever you like our plan is in blender 2.8 to have three engines the workbench engine engine will enable you to model it should do that with nice restaurant wireframes with knives wireframes eventually maybe we implement a better system with autumn Auto coloring objects or something like that but with we will definitely come to a solution that will please everyone in the modelling process the next one is the clay engine the clay engine is designed for fast sculpting and model previews and will feature a nice cavity Maps the cavity passes SSAO passes and so on the Eve Eve that's the PBR engine of blender is a high quality engine so the problem is with all those real-time engines you have to make compromise when you try to surrender graphics on screen when you are in game developer so most of the time you'd like to have 30 FPS or 60 FPS but we don't strive for this we can just take an performance it off for example 20 frames or something like that because we don't strive for real time we we strive for high quality quality very short render times and so that is our engine we have the metallic roughness workflow the PV this shader is already in 2.79 so if you used it there this will be no difference we so for real-time rendering as I said we strive for quality and have high-end features and what which features are presented by small clips that I prepared right before this presentation so I hope they will play now I will complete the task our PVR and indirect lighting where you can see it's easily is easy to switch the colors to switch between metallic and and diffuse everything is live in the viewport fast you could have clear cool layers which are specular or with a bit of rough roughness and all those things you would expect from such an engine motion blur is maybe not that good visible in this presentation in this clip but it is enabled already it is implemented and we got very nice motion blur occurs that we can tailor to your needs there that is all life in the viewport so that runs on my laptop with an one 1060 graphics card in I'd say 20 frames per seconds bloom so all all the this over done done effect in the Internet where you have those lighting lights that are blooming and I don't want to show any more it's possible and it works really cool that's a field so if you've got several objects like to stack in stack together then you can just enable that for field and you have a nice life view of this effect select an object and you've got depth of field it's this one screen space reflections which target a specific problem that you are seeing in sec so there's a part here that is occluded by geometry geometry and if you'd like to have that back then you can enable specific effects like screen space or fractions then you see that this effect is coming through together with this bloom effect it's quite nice then we got transparency and refraction just at a class shader and you're done [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you could even have some roughness in there and then some effects like frosted glass I don't know if I showed at the end but let's just play it yep so it's pretty easy [Applause] [Music] then this is volumetric lighting all real-time in the viewport but real-time that's maybe a bit too cross it's running with three frames per seconds currently so it's a lot to compute but it's looking fabulously if you render it out and one rent one frame once 1 frame needed I think 4 seconds or so so volumetric objects were just added two days ago it's limited by the bounding box of the object currently and what you can do with it is define spots in your scene where you have your volumetric effects and normally you would do this but that by enabling it in your complete scene but that is an extremely big waste of resources and so you can now do it locally and there are now smoke simulations which can be rendered just like in the OpenGL viewport with super nice shaders and I couldn't test it but I trust Claymore is who said it works so maybe you should try it and now what happens when you combine all those effects into blender and open them super nice demo scene by Glenn Mellon host then you've got this so volumetric lights means screen and space reflections everything lit up perfectly with a PBR with many PBR shaders and everything in real time [Music] [Applause] [Music] so now we're coming to the development targets and the development targets are always very interesting and at the same time very dangerous for us because when we say that this is coming then you are asking if this is coming now or in four weeks and so I can say the first half of 2018 will be focused on this subsurface scattering will be implemented maybe in the next week or in the next two so don't play me for that if it doesn't but the more set so the lazy shader compilation is currently a big problem when you load a file because when you got many shaders in there then it may be that your file loads up twenty seconds or so and then 40 seconds and then you think vendor has crashed and then it's loading 20 more so the problem is all those shaders are compiled before the user interface is react reacting again and then it's linking those all together and that takes time and with lazy shader compiling you can just open plan open plan now open the file have your user interface working again and it's one after another linking compiling and linking the shader so it's just a convenience thing first I'm calling the culling is the this for faster viewport updates because you're just discarding every object that you don't see open subdiv is super fast open subdivision my pics are that is implemented by Sergei maybe I don't know instancing you don't know what instancing is or didn't you don't you ok and here drawing is self explanatory then in the foreseeable future that is then after the first half of 2018 until 1 whenever bat render and material previews should be easy to progress crown to specular is super nice specular occlusion methods that is implemented by by acclaim oh then the viewport compositor is an amazing thing because then we could have OpenGL renderings that wear that are fed into the compositor when they are fed into the compositor you've got all your notes you've got all your effects that you can apply to them and then save them out in your pipeline so that is an amazing thing the shaded UV view is when you've got an model which is shaded in the viewport then you see all those shadings shading effects in your UV image editor and that applied on top of your drawn image that exciti materia is a long thing so we should just and parallax occlusion mapping and pixel depth of offset is just to have a super nice depth effect that is very cost effective because normally you would tessellate and then have all kind of stuff that happens on the GPU but with parallax occlusion mapping and picks it at offset you have very fine methods to to circumvent that and be faster so try it there is there are those demo files to their shows in on the webpage vendor to 2-8 and many of those Eevee features are really self-explanatory just open it the render panel will contain all the options play around with it when you've gotta crash just play Mouse thanks and always planned on that's one [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Blender
Views: 114,490
Rating: 4.9365625 out of 5
Keywords: amsterdam, 2017, talk, 3d, conference, academic, blender 3d, science, bcon17, bcon, education, presentation, blender, de balie, open source, vfx, 2.8, b3d, eevee, real time, motion blur, sss
Id: Yv9NIUCrcgc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 52sec (1252 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 16 2017
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