EDWIN'S INTEGRA: Specs & Story

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[Music] [Music] [Music] hey everybody thanks for tuning in another episode this week another special guest I am proud to introduce you to the Phantom the ghost said everybody knows his name because of the car but they probably don't know Bill this is Bill Cole owner and builder of Ja Rule's or Edwin's and Tagawa and the first movie good to see you bill it's been a while good good to see you're correct it's great to connect again with you let's talk about first just the basic specs of the car is a 1996 GSR acura integra GSR with the stockton order and we did some modifications to it through new speed and through AEM but but basically the we didn't rebuild the whole engine so this I recall was cam gears and a 4 into one header kind of thing right that kind of done ok the modifications of car you had pretty much done - to follow the Honda Accord of Randy hopes yeah that's correct I went I went to Bill Newman because because I met Randy posts and Bill Newman at the super during support race for the Long Beach Grand Prix and I went to Bill and said here's here's a marketing and advertising proposal and and I didn't want to buy a and the core I wanted a fast but reasonably priced sports car and at the time the Acura Integra was the fastest and and the most reasonably priced sports car that we get so and the act actress part of the Honda families here so I went to Bill and and said look and here's what we can do and we can duplicate the car we can take you to SEMA which we did for three or four years and it just turned out to be a great project bill was easy to work with Randy post was wonderful and so we basically took his car number and and all the parts that a e/m had are that the new speed had also AEM and and polk audio and and the momo seats and then we made a show race car out of it right right so you were doing it mostly for shell right mimosa's we never raced it because you got too much money into a horse yeah and I and I wanted it to look like a show car not a race car that looks good from 12 feet away and it was an interesting story when we went to Universal Pictures to see if they even wanted to use the car Rob Cohen looked at me and he looked at the car and he said and he kind of frowned at me and he said that's your car and I said yeah I said I sold guys can do this too you know you don't have to be a teenager so he just he fell in love with it and so I we were lucky enough to get into the movie yeah so as I recall he basically looked at it and said this is edwin's car yes yeah yes yeah he he ride right away said Edwin's car which is we all know was driven by ja Rule the the famous rap artist so yeah it was it was exciting so how did you feel about that what I mean what was going through your mind when they said we're gonna take this car and make it a movie car and we it was still called redline at the time of course so yeah we didn't know what this was gonna be so how did it feel Mazzilli exciting I was just a little bit nervous whether they were going to drive where they're gonna make some duplicates in just in case they crashed the car or where they're gonna drive my car which they did did some up but it was just excited to be part of the whole whole thing because I've never been part of a movie or scene the real-life action of making a very interesting and exciting movie so we know that there was at least one other Integra because it carried over to too fast too furious and in Florida and was painted dark red but the VIN list that we have those evolutions of the VIN lists there some of them are incomplete from the first movie you don't have like the third page of the VIN list so I don't know if there was three Integra's or or two we know there were two for sure but the VIN list only shows one so it's pretty interesting so fast forward a bit the car gets cast and then it goes to set and there's a bunch of pictures that you provided to the new owner Gabriel Tremblay fast and furious integrin on Instagram and he's got all these pictures on set that no one's ever seen before and so you were clearly on set taking pictures what was that experience like being on set what kind of things did you see on set we got a chance to meet all the actors and all the producers and and and watch them watch them filming and it was just really to me it was exciting and a great experience that very few people ever get a chance to to see or experience so I wasn't there every night so when they did the drag race the four-way drag race you were there that night right yeah I was there every night that they filmed they filmed that the drag race with with the four main cars maybe just so how much of your car did they use I I think they used my car for I think most of that of that drag race you've got to you got to meet the actors and the actresses is a picture of you standing behind rob coen and the girl you know the menage a scene and all that so there's a picture of you the picture that you took of the back end of that that Gabriel is gonna get to man think I've already posted but so you're standing or watching all this all night and you're hanging out with all these young people what was the reception to the cars on set was just real experience for somebody who's never been around a movie never been around the Hollywood scene it was so you got to hobnob with the actors and all that and then also we did the press junket before that so we have the cat we have the screening for us to private screening for us the car owners and a few select people then we have the cinema showing at Santa Monica for cast and crew then we have the Hollywood premiere but just before that there was an event called the press junket it was about two weeks before a week before and all the journalists came to the back lot at Universal Studios do you remember this yeah so you were there RJ was there all the car owners were there all the cars were there and the cars were parked in an alley and the actors would come over and sit and talk to different press there so they actually interviewed me about the car there and and asked about some of the modifications and who built this and where did it come from and what was the background in history and and that that was an all-day event which was really exciting because there you got to meet the actors and actresses in in a low-key setting so you could actually talk to him as opposed to just being able to say hi for two seconds we all you know we sat down in the mess tent you know there that could look the food tantor catering 10:00 or whatever they call it so we all got to hang out and there's pictures of us sitting at a table and right behind us as Paul Walker or that kind of stuff so it's like you said for I think every all of us that was there it was just a surreal experience I don't think we all appreciate it what it was at the time because candidly we didn't know if this thing was going to go straight to DVD so then how old was your son at the time I'm sorry how old was your son at the time 30 okay so then the movie comes out right and you still have your car when the movie came out is that right okay so the movie comes out and it's a runaway hit what was your what was your feeling about that how did you react I was I was really excited about that because it was a successful project it's something we all got to participate in the the car was in the movie ja Rule drove it Rob Cohen was extremely nice and and cordial to me and to the other car owners and and I just realized that here's here's an opportunity to to take this car and and then and then sell it after the movie came out at auction because I realized if I didn't sell it right away where it was hot and people had a lot of interest then I'd lose a lot of the value that we put into the car yeah and so that you know that now it's come full circle again you know after in the mid-2000s the movie just kind of fell off the map a little bit and they you know Tokyo Drift it kind of went up different paths and the value started to go down on these cars and then I was only recently more recently after Paul died that the value is just shot up so but after the movie you're driving around in this movie car and a lot of people see it so they have sorry so you're driving around in this movie car and you know you're not the typical acura integra GS are with with graphics on the side kind of owner right just like I wasn't when my super driving around nothing what was the reaction when young people pull up next to you what kind of was your funniest experience people would look at me at that point I was 60 years old and and just wonder you know who is this guy this old guy if you want it's got this teenage car and well looked like a like a race car so everybody wanted to race everybody wanted to see it and it was just it was an exciting experience what did your wife that did she ever drive around in the car and you go somewhere and you get mobbed by a bunch of kids no because once once we put the racing seats in the car and everything else I mean my wife lost interest in it almost right away that you couldn't drive it yeah you can't get in the over the high bolsters in a racing seat that kind of thing so do you regret selling it do you miss it at all a little but you know you got to move on and you can if if you keep it too long then you lose the value in it because people people forget about about the movie and but yeah I miss not having it but you know it's in good hands with Gabriel and and so what does it sell for word auction do you remember yeah I think we sold for about 35 around 35,000 well Wow so cheap so so so cheap yeah and obviously I had a lot more in it but I had great sponsors from Newspeak a.m. Polk Audio Momo and Elliott I forget which one and Pirelli tires and and so I got a lot of help and and and and it went to SEMA for 44 years and displayed in new speech and and polk audio and and most booth so that was another exciting experience so you had it for four years after the movie or before before the movie okay just want to be cooked as people gonna ask that question for sure because the car was in 1996 I I bought it right here and at Tustin Acura here in Orange County and then the movie came out in 2001 was it so I had it for like four years and it's and the deal was that we made with Bill Newman a news feed up in Camarillo was it will build it and what it will immediately take it and put it in his booth at the SEMA show in Vegas yeah that thing was a fixture I've never seen it every year and so this is a whole other generation now getting excited about it so it's got to make you feel good that you were a part of that so does that come up in conversation with friends like well bill here had the integra Ja Rule's car in the movie what are those conversations like yeah I have several friends that know I had the car and I know that that I had this this movie car and so that everyone will ask where's the car house what's it doing and you know it's just and what's really exciting we were in the first of the Fast and Furious movies so we were there from the beginning we didn't continue on through all the other others but you were there for the very first one and that's what's really important and you can never get that back because that's the first that's the og baby the Original Gangster Yeah right alright so was there any nitrous on your car no there's no nitrous on this car there was no turbocharger on the car tell everybody there wasn't no turbocharger again other than some cams and and the headers and a few parts like that the engine was stock it was still extremely fast but I didn't go to nitrous or turbo charging because I still wanted to be able to drive it on the street yeah that's the thing and it was a high revving motor and it sounded great it was just it was indicative of what we see at the car shows seen some of the other kids did some crazy stuff on the cars and of course those cars mostly don't exist anymore they've been sold multiple times over all right bill thanks so much man that has been great you're welcome crying I'm glad to share my experience with you and and give you a little information about the car personally thank you very much for having me great to see you again man that's it for this episode thanks for watching everybody if you're liking the videos I've been producing be sure to subscribe and share them with your friends thanks again everybody talk to you next time
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Views: 127,121
Rating: 4.9466171 out of 5
Keywords: the fast and the furious, fast and furious, ja rule, paul walker, vin diesel, acura integra, dc2 integra
Id: hSzSZgCacjI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 24sec (864 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 22 2019
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