Educational videos for kids | Giant surprise egg w GooGoo & GaaGaa | Learning Shapes | BabyFirst TV

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[Music] baby first click the subscribe button below an enormous golden surprise egg and here comes google wow what's in the egg what do you think it's so big it's bigger than you huh it's the best surprise in the world don't touch do you want to know what's in the egg let's play a game one two three four hidden surprise eggs four are you ready to go and find them gugu okay do you see that white egg you need what's inside okay how are you going to get up [Music] it's high [Music] good goo climb the wall so you can open the white egg [Music] what's inside [Music] a whistle you'll need that whistle to blow and open the golden egg not yet goo goo you want to open the golden egg goku but there are three more eggs left [Music] so now you have to find a ladybug where is it where do you think it is you think the ladybug is in there but how will you get it down google do you have an idea what is that it looks like a catapult what are you going to do with a catapult [Music] a bouncy trampoline [Music] a trampoline and a catapult and the surprise egg what are you going to do google's flying in the air catch the egg and again oh so close try and catch it this time there you got it let's open the egg the ladybug you found it well done gugu that was a clever idea gugu not yet gugu you still have two eggs to find look behind you you see that bath of eggs there's an egg in there with a chicken side don't find the chick which egg has got the chicken side is that the chick a camera is that the chick a bouncy rubber toy oh what is that which egg has the chick google [Music] a dinosaur a baby dinosaur where's the chick is it in that big blue egg yeah you think so you found the chick well done you got it the chick is walking by himself [Music] you're nearly ready to open the golden egg just one more hidden egg oh you think it's under the sand but if there's an egg in there how will you get it out google a spade that's a good idea [Music] spades are good for digging sand hmm but you've still got to get the cover off the sand wow look at that beautiful sand i wonder if there's a surprise egg inside [Music] [Music] what is it is that a surprise egg it is it's a surprise egg a silver surprise egg you were right gugu the egg was buried in the sand open the egg gugu what's inside gold coins you found all the surprise eggs now you can open the golden egg blow the whistle and open the egg let's see what's inside oh the egg is cracking whistle again it's gaga a friend goo a friend is the best [Music] with a friend you can dance together you can sing together and you can play together it's so much fun to have a friend [Music] first your child's app for the complete learning experience numbers letters colors and more dozens of games videos and activities are all waiting for your little one to learn and enjoy first the complete learning experience search for bf-100 on the app stores [Music] my week has seven days monday tuesday are good for you wednesday thursday friday two saturday relax and rest and sunday funday is the best did you get it too confusing let's repeat it it's so amusing monday tuesday are good for you wednesday thursday friday too saturday relax [Music] monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday sunday monday tuesday are good for you wednesday thursday friday two saturday relax and rest and sunday the best monday tuesday are good for you wednesday thursday friday too saturday relax [Music] [Applause] where are you [Music] hello [Music] you are inside a triangle a triangle has three sides one two three [Music] look how many triangles this is also a triangle one two three [Music] you're right google these snacks are triangles now you're inside a circle [Music] our planet is a circle a ball is a circle of course a donut is a circle too and the sun is a circle bubbles do you know what else is a circle goo-goo's [Music] am i a circle too no hug so what am i one two three four you're shaped like a rectangle what rectangle has four sides one two three four look how many rectangles [Music] and that is a square it also has four sides but they're equal one two three four a square [Music] you're right gaga these items are squares wow now let's see you try where is the triangle [Music] no this is a circle no this is a rectangle that's right this is a triangle do you know where the circle is no [Music] that's right good job let's see if you know where the rectangle is [Music] wow yes well we're done [Applause] [Music] bye [Music] first your child's app for the complete learning experience numbers letters colors and more dozens of games videos and activities are all waiting for your little one to learn and enjoy first the complete learning experience search for bf-100 on the app stores [Music] where are you here i am here i am how do you do finger move finger where are you here i am here i am how do you do yellow finger yellow finger where are you here i am here i am [Music] [Applause] [Music] finger where are you here i am here i am how do you do [Music] here i am here i am how do you do [Music] here i am here i am how do you do yellow finger yellow finger where are you here i am here i am [Music] here i am here i am how do you do [Music] who's that hiding from the sun it's gaga hello gaga it's ice cream time yum yummy do you want some ice cream gaga yes who wants some ice cream [Music] look at that yummy ice cream [Music] harry is serving ice cream to goo and gigs yum yum yum yum [Music] google has got some green ice cream gaga loves ice cream gaga wants to eat some ice cream too gaga is going to join her friends at the ice cream stand gaga has got an empty ice cream cone [Music] what happened something is stopping gaga gaga can't get to the ice cream what is it oh it's a big glass wall it's so hot on the beach and gaga wants ice cream gaga's friends are eating ice cream but they can't hear her through the glass wall hush gaga push it looks so yummy but no one can hear her gaga's got an idea gaga's going to jump over the wall oh the wall is too high so what are you going to do gaga all that ice cream and you just can't get to it gaga's got to think of an idea think gaga think [Music] you've got an idea what are you going to do hmm it looks like gaga is going to build a sand castle so she can climb up over the wall fill it up with sand good gaga good maybe this way you'll be able to get to the ice cream get ready everybody gaga is coming okay pull it out oh no the sand is too soft to build a sand castle that idea didn't work did it what are you going to do now a ladder that's a good idea gaga climb up over the wall up you go up up up yes you're nearly over whoa whoa it's so high you're getting dizzy it's too high to jump down isn't it gaga you better climb back down gaga has got another idea a ball yeah try and bounce over the wall well done gaga you've got so many great ideas today bounce higher a little higher nearly no the wall is too high how are you going to make your friends hear you you've got another idea a bubble shooter what are you going to do with a bubble shooter [Music] gaga is shooting bubbles over the wall it's raining bubbles gaga is trying to call her friends with the bubbles look at all these bubbles where are they coming from it's working gaga carry on shoot the bubbles over the wall hey guys there's gaga looks like gaga wants to play with us with bubbles yay gaga well done they saw you at last your friends can see you let's get our bubble shooters and play with gaga yes i want to play with kaka google wants to play with gaga too gaga's friends think she wants to play but gaga wants help to get over the wall and have some ice cream hey everyone don't you see that there's a glass wall there oh where did gaga go i can't see her look guys there's a wall let's see if gaga's on the other side harry is wiping the bubbles away there's gaga on the other side look she wants some ice cream can you hear us what are you doing over there they can't hear each other through the glass gaga can you hear me which flavor of ice cream do you want gaga has got to choose which ice cream she wants the red one purple green blue gaga wants the blue ice cream mmm yummy giggs is preparing some blue ice cream for gaga your friends made you ice cream gaga but how are you going to get to it the glass is still in the way it won't move okay guys we have got to think of an idea how to help gaga get her ice cream let's stick a tunnel in the scent with the ice cream spoon oh no the sand is too soft the hole keeps filling up again i'm sorry gaga gaga's friends really want to help her get her ice cream don't give up harry think of another idea goku's got an idea what are you going to do gugu what are you doing with those ice cream cones look gaga gugu has built some stairs are you going to climb up those stairs google one two three hold on google don't fall oh google fell down that was fun all the ice cream cones crumbled but gaga still hasn't gotten her ice cream what is she going to do i've got an idea let's float over the wall with the balloons let's take this balloon and harry is flowing in the air with the balloon he's going over the wall let's float over to gaga's side let's float over and there goes gigs geeks is also floating over the wall to gaga's side but what about the ice cream gaga didn't get any ice cream cucoose remembered the ice cream but how are you going to carry it to gaga gugu gugu is floating over with the ice cream whoa but the ice cream might be too heavy for the balloon to carry oh no will google be able to get it over yay he did it google did it google got the ice cream that looks really tasty gaga i hope you like your ice cream gaga is very happy now she's also got some ice cream [Music] first your child's app for the complete learning experience numbers letters colors and more dozens of games videos and activities are all waiting for your little one to learn and enjoy first the complete learning experience search for bf-100 on the app stores [Music] [Music] came the sun and dried up all the rain again [Music] again [Music] [Music] up all the is and the itsy bitsy spider fallen [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] little boy blue alone in his room no one to play with and nothing to do yawn yawn yawn he's so bored but then there from his corner what did he spy a great big door with a handle up high where does it go what does it hide what's the surprise on the other side he reached for the handle with all of his might he jumped from the left and he jumped from the right but for one little child it was way too high for one little child it was as high as the sky [Music] sweet baby pink alone in her room no one to play with and nothing to do yawn yawn yawn she's so bored help me please said little boy blue to open a door i want to get through the door she asked what an earth for it's probably a cupboard and nothing more no no said boy blue i'm pretty sure it's better than a boring cupboard door but i need your help it's handle i can't reach i think it may open to a day at the beach the beach the beach wow wow we the sand and the sun and the waves in the sea i wish i had a door i'm sure it's all that i need so they jumped for the handle with all of their might they jumped from the left and they jumped from the right but for two little children it was way too high for two little children it was as high as the sky [Music] little white bunny alone in his room no one to play with and nothing to do yawn yawn yawn he's so bored help us help us said sweet baby pink to open the door what do you think a door he exclaimed i think i don't dare what if it's dark and scary in there no listen she said no noise and no knock if it was scary inside there would be a lock i think it opens to something grand i think it's a door to a fantasy land a fantasy land wow with castles and rainbows unicorns pink trees i wish i had a door i'm sure it's all that i need [Music] so they jumped for the handle with all of their might they jumped from the left and they jumped from the right but for three little children it was way too high for three little children it was as high as the sky [Music] big orange fellow alone in his room no one to play with and nothing to do yuan yawn he's so bored help cried white bunny we need someone tall we'll stand on your shoulders and try not to fall the door is closed he remarked that's why it's a door to keep people out that's what a door is for no no said white bunny i don't think you see if that was the case a wallet would be this kind of door don't judge so soon this is a door straight to the moon the moon the moon with aliens and craters stars and galaxies i wish i had a door i'm sure it's all that i need so little boy blue climbed on sweet baby pink and sweet baby pink climbed on white bunny and white bunny stood on big orange fellow they reached for the handle with all of their height they swayed to the left and they swayed to the right and four little friends reached for the sky they grabbed the door handle with all of their might the door swung wide open and what did they find [Music] first your child's app for the complete learning experience numbers letters colors and more dozens of games videos and activities are all waiting for your little one to learn and enjoy first the complete learning experience search for bf-100 on the app [Music] it clap your stores if you're happy and you know it then your face will surely show it if you're happy and you know it clap your hands if you're happy and you know it then your face will truly show it if you're [Music] clap your hands if you're happy and you know it pull your [Music] ears will surely show it if you're happy you're here [Music] if you're happy and you know it raise your hand if you're happy and you know it raise your hand if you're happy and you know it then your face will surely show it if you're happy and you know it raise your hands [Music] [Applause] you know it if us [Music] if you're happy [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] wow [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] ugh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] baboon [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] oh [Music] ow rabbit baboon [Music] bye [Music] first your child's app for the complete learning experience numbers letters colors and more dozens of games videos and activities are all waiting for your little one to learn and enjoy first the complete learning experience search for bf-100 on the app stores [Music] [Music] soon wow is it soon already no hug it's not soon yet when is soon soon will be soon maybe now no no not yet and no no no no and no no no yes [Music] who knew i'll catch you [Music] come on ouch [Music] oops what are we going to do now we've got to save the lake from the trash okay who knows how to swim i can't get wet i'm a plush you lost it hug so you have to get it back okay you're right [Music] it might be cold [Music] you can do it google hey where's gaga wow faster no no this is the wrong direction a little bit to the right teeny tiny little bit to the left push everyone push [Music] [Applause] [Music] i got it wow that was awesome now the park is beautiful i think we have more work to do [Music] this is for paper this is for glass this is for metal oh this is for plastic [Music] paper [Music] metal [Music] glass good job everyone please please please can i eat now yes [Music] huh [Music] [Music] wow [Music] white tiger [Music] hit hmm [Music] oh [Music] gorilla [Music] hmm [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] lemur [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] koala bear [Music] [Music] white tiger gorillas lemur koala bear [Music] bye bye [Music] first your child's app for the complete learning experience numbers letters colors and more dozens of games videos and activities are all waiting for your little one to learn and enjoy first the complete learning experience search for bf 100 on the app stores [Music] somebody's asleep [Music] gugu it's playtime google loves playtime yay he wants to play with his friends too there they are it looks like so much fun there's gaga and harry on the seesaw up down up down google wants to play too he's gonna join them in the playground oh what happened again what is that google can't get to the playground google doesn't know what's stopping him huh there's a big glass wall nobody in the playground can hear him it looks like so much fun but nobody can hear goku [Music] okay google's got an idea he's not gonna give up google's running and he jumps but oh no it's too high well that didn't work yeah push goo goo push you can do it push harder push oh the wall is just too big and heavy for googu it won't move even a little bit but google's always got another idea where's he going into his room what's that is that a spade google no one can hear you still that's a good idea spades are for digging holes in the ground are you going to dig a tunnel and go under the wall dig goo goo dig yeah dig a hole no it's not working is it what's this coming oh it's google again i wonder what he's doing [Music] it's so high google catch hold on google hold on oh no no that idea didn't work either okay google's got to think think hard google think hard he's got another idea well done gugu lots of ideas [Music] lots and lots of balls to play with are you going to play by yourself [Music] it looks like google's trying to call his friends can he get the ball over yay at last gaga has seen [Music] him oh [Music] where did you go gaga is that google over there gaga is calling harry yeah i can see all his friends have come to see him but he's still on the other side of the wall and they can't hear him can't hear you listen everybody we've got to think about a way to get google across push push all together push harder they're trying to push the wall down let's get the wall down careful don't squash goo goo [Music] i wonder what's happening now okay we go they're making a tower hold on what clever friends google's got oh they all fell down no it didn't work did it go [Music] come on gaga it's heavy it's really heavy but why are you bringing the seesaw gaga in harry gugu is still on the other side of the glass wall he can't play with you wait a minute google [Music] [Music] hold on gaga hold on what's that big thing coming google is everybody push oh all his friends are pushing something [Music] don't they want to see him anymore gugu looks sad [Music] here we go one two are you coming gaga three four here they come [Music] hey come on he can't jump high enough gaga no it's just too high [Music] somebody's got an idea [Music] yay go and get it gaga go on bring it here yay [Music] come on google catch the rope catch the other end of the rope and we'll pull you up they're sending you a rope gugu what a great idea yeah let's go up whoa here he comes here he comes yay you've got him come on at last you're with us come and play with us it's gonna be so much fun yay everyone's together [Music] first your child's app for the complete learning experience numbers letters colors and more dozens of games videos and activities are all waiting for your little one to learn and enjoy first the complete learning experience search for bf 100 on the app stores [Music] hello friends and welcome to google and gaga's cooking show today we will make a delicious pizza the ingredients are one bag of flour water eggs tomato sauce and cheese the toppings are onion olives pineapple tomato broccoli and pepperoni we mix the flour eggs and water together in the mixer until we get a nice dough first the eggs one [Music] two way goo are still more ingredients water and flour [Music] no google not yet [Music] you look very funny the dough seems to be ready now it's time to flatten yay hey cuckoo with your hands [Music] oh hey guys the dough is supposed to be smooth without any marks [Music] great job guys now spread the tomato sauce on the dough [Music] wow gaga very beautiful now you can put the cheese on the pizza [Music] great now it's time to choose what toppings do you want on your pizza we have onion olives pepperoni tomato broccoli and pineapple what would you like do you like pineapple gugu gugu doesn't like pineapple do you like onions cucumber yay [Music] [Applause] [Music] now google you choose what you like wait google gaga doesn't like pepperoni choose a different topping [Music] is [Music] okay what do we have here onion broccoli tomato and olives sounds delicious the last step is to put the pizza in the oven but be very careful it's very hot [Music] now we wait 50 minutes until the pizza is ready you can set the timer so you won't forget [Music] it's cleanup time [Music] hey gaga the timer hasn't rung yet the pizza is not ready please be patient what are you doing another pizza oh cookies that's a good idea [Music] oh the pizza is ready let's take it out [Music] [Music] i smell something delicious [Music] wow what is this wonderful smell hello can i have a piece yay yes [Music] this is good thank you [Music] what do i smell here what is that smell hello friends hello harry it's the pizza gaga and gugu made [Music] can i taste it please yes of course [Music] wow thank you bye [Music] wow your pizza must be really good your friends really liked it but now you must be hungry too have a piece oh no there is no pizza left everyone eat it all don't be sad i know wait a second ah did somebody order pizza i did [Music] a whole pizza just for you guys bon appetit [Music] first your child's app for the complete learning experience numbers letters colors and more dozens of games videos and activities are all waiting for your little one to learn and enjoy first the complete learning experience search for bf-100 on the app stores [Music] what are you doing you're drawing very nice a saxophone cool what color do you want to color it oh you don't have any colors hmm that's a problem wait look behind you [Music] what are those colored buttons try pressing one of them [Music] yellow wow what is that a yellow color [Music] look at this saxophone it's yellow now [Music] what are you drawing kakao [Music] a tambourine in which color do you want to color it green [Music] wow a green tambourine [Music] hey google gaga what are you doing hello hug gugu is playing the saxophone and gaga is playing the tambourine so cool i want to play with you too but i don't have an instrument you need to draw an instrument first what would you like oh i want the guitar [Music] that's it what now press the button with the color you would like to color it [Music] [Music] oh no you pressed two colors oops [Music] blue red [Music] wow look red and blue make purple together [Music] purple [Music] i hear music oh hey friends what are you doing is playing the green tambourine cuckoo is playing the yellow saxophone and i am playing the purple guitar do you want to play too yes do you have an instrument for me you need to draw an instrument first what would you like i want a xylophone [Music] xylophone has so many colors press the buttons of the colors you would like [Music] red orange [Music] yellow white blue [Music] [Music] do [Music] whoa [Music] look you can start a bed now you have a green tambourine a yellow saxophone a purple guitar and a colorful xylophone play something together yay [Music] baby first click the subscribe button below
Channel: BabyFirst Learn Colors, ABCs, Rhymes & More
Views: 1,035,785
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: babies, baby channel, baby first, baby first toys, baby first tv, baby first tv full episodes, baby shows, babyfirst, babyfirst tv, blippi, children, children videos, color crew, eggs hunt, giant egg surprise, giant surprise eggs, goo goo baby first, goo goo gaga baby, kids, kids toys, learning shapes for toddlers, play doh, shapes for kids, surprise egg, surprise toys, toddlers, toy animals videos, toy babies, toys for kids, unboxing, videos for babies, videos for toddlers
Id: LJ7hj7hwq30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 9sec (4209 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 23 2021
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