Editing: Why Game On & Citation Needed Take So Long

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just do the intro I I'm I'm I'm job and we're on a park bench still at Ally Pally geez you can tell because the sun's gone from there to there it's setting it's behind us as well so who knows what this will look like but it's fine cuz we can fix it in post I can go to the Edit ah see what I did that yes I have a completely what we were gonna talk about that fine actually editing editing with several people asked us a lot of time for citation needed you begin they go you filmed it ages ago why isn't out yet when's it coming when's it coming with your coming and the answer is always oh baby you don't set me on what you want just like that editing why is it taking so long editing editing yes um it takes a long long time provided anything with any kind of quality to it I love anything with multiple cameras yeah so obviously these these coming up pretty fortunate is that traffic yeah we just chopped out the bit where we're being or if I'm saying I actually do have to cut that actually it I do have to cut you saying that that was the intention yeah which means I sit down I run through it once I like chopped out bits I put it together add the app intro and outro and by that point you've sent me the audio from this so it sounds good and the thing goes out but anything more complicated takes a long time and why do we have to edit because we sit here and talk for half an hour and you get a 15 minute video of it yeah well sometimes we kippa sometimes nineteen ninety percent of bench makes it but for citation needed ah what a third of what we say in the room makes it into the final like maybe even half of a being we will record for about 45 minutes yes maybe 40 minutes maybe 35 it depends how easily we can talk crap about the topic yeah and then we you know you see it's like 16 to 20 minutes yeah generally I which makes me a bit worried if we do this live show cuz I don't know what the hood we're gonna have to manage audience expectations on that one um and for game on so yeah we should talk about day oh yeah game on it because we haven't talked about that in a bunch yet so we were in YouTube studios yeah in January filming it yep um it came out I've been wanting to do something like this rages on one of the first ideas that came out was was doing Matt versus Tom oh yeah yeah and then we realized a couple things firstly know it secondly that is just ant vs. deck from Saturday night takeaway Oh God ha ha ha which one am I my deck and you're on oh you're on the left you aren't oh yeah um you're also the taller one yeah you're totally and yep yep yep um so realized that I wouldn't quite I think tees down tees empties out and we worked out that what we actually do is get youtubers from a different skills play games let's let's see if this works and it's always an experimental format like this and it's always weird to try a new format on a channel when I've gained loads subscribers from from tech explanation science videos they go what the hell is this this is something different uh yeah which is exactly what happened the first one is what the hell is this is something different but as ever anyone who doesn't like it doesn't tune in for the second episode which is fine that is exactly what you do like no one's forcing you do it Jennifer you're only watching this because you enjoy I assume because otherwise he's some kind of masochist as its aiders doc I never know masochist musk is right you know Zach so that's why clear thumbnails clear description I'm not gonna try and fool anyone watching something like that but you know what we've got we've got a good number of people watching I'm happy with that and I always pilot new stuff cuz otherwise you end up being tight stuck in a run thing you end up being the guy who does that Sean Bean different thing though because you know he gets he gets paid a lot of money for being shown me yeah everybody's a good pilot but what you generally see for most most sit for any TV series no old school TV new-school internet stuff is you start with this is a good idea that's oh there's the one where it gets popular and then it's just diminishing returns on things you might not know will end at some point because it's gonna have that that diminishing returns on the format um so you keep trying new stuff until something else what that's where this came along from that's why citation needed came from yeah that's where a lone sir there's this stuff I've killed off in the past this stuff there's like two or three series I think that have got unlisted at some points it didn't work out what what would it because it didn't work out bottom an interesting game on besides okay and I Feliz gonna be a hit and we right aiming for good production valleys with that right so this is this is why the Edit takes so long on that and citation needed because production values and it will talk about some other point and the pre-production for that was huge as well you in David David wrote I think he researched and wrote are about twelve games in total we play tested some of them we made crops for all of them and the play testing footage is wonderful and we'll never make it to every so I'm not editing that but we've spent an entire day before we filmed the real thing with yeah some of the people who came along to help yeah in latest yeah in YouTube studios which like YouTube studios amazing they said that setup it looked wonderful and then a you deal you do peed all but in which Doug big studio we had one two three four or five finally having five cameras and me and then a Joshua's assisting me yeah there are bits that are out of focus such a really annoying but not an either versus in front of that camera yeah five cameras one camera rock it's like very very low budget trying to make it look as TV as possible as opposed as nice as possible yeah so this is why citation eaters filmed with GoPros is because it's very hard it worries because if you shoot for the moon and miss people go well this is a terrible panel show if you just point GoPros people don't have that expectation it's going to be this this wonderful thing I think we were lucky with the the episode receive series we saw it the series of citation needed we shot in a studio yeah with the black background we actually had big fancy cameras rolling on them yes be memory cuts corrupted and we couldn't use that we put the GoPros there as a backup and I think it looks better because of that yes it does eight cameras we would have looked like we were doing a terrible job of looking good yet other than a good job of looking like we fit on YouTube yeah but game on was was like we've got a proper set we've got five cameras and then we've got an enormous amount of footage to add yes because each game actually took maybe one and a half to two times as long as you see on screen there's a load of pre-roll load of post roll also explain the rules yeah there's all the time when there was a new dication decision that you won't see um so fortunately III know a wonderful editor called Michelle Martin who I thoroughly recommend for your editing work um who gave me a good rate on editing the episodes down so she did the rough cut she professional editor so she watched everything again having been there in multiple cameras we spent an entire day filming yeah and that means there is an entire day's worth of footage on five cameras so it's five days worth of footage it's about a quarter of a terabyte of footage something like that and it's a lot and to know whether you need to use that bit or not you have to watch it yeah you can and you have to work out so she was making edit notes we went along well this is the plot here that's happened oh that's a callback to that so that when she came back to it she go right we need that bit that bit that bit that bit that bit now we have to make all the dialogue makes sense now we have to make sure that the audio matches so even after that rough cut then it comes to me and I tweak it and I add the graphics and then I send it to you Industrie trick well I think of it you're editing if a camera shot changes yeah sometimes to cover up things oh oh yeah yeah yeah because people get hungry at me when I do the tech exploration videos to camera I get so why do you have a second camera why do you keep cutting back we don't we know we don't have that short attention span you could you can absolutely just stay on one camera so on YouTube you can jump jump cut yes oh if you're a vlogging kind of thing like this you can just jump cut as in just chop the stuff out and it jumps I hate jump cuts it is the only place where that works is YouTube it's you know we have taken quite a bit of getting used to doing it on this because it is so odd for us because we come from a mob and I don't like to do me do it and I don't like doing it so I set up a second camera and that's like not always because you in order to keep it in the viewers mind you have to do a cut to it every so often but frequently if I flubbed a line I will stop rewind myself about five seconds like match position everything like that say the line again do it right and hide that by cutting to the other camera for a bit and you'll see that yeah in everything you won't you won't see that in fact in everything because unfrequently I will cut the audio at a different point yeah the audio cut will not be when the video cuts it'll be seconds later because I've matched my mouth movement suggest if you want to read up on that's called el cuts and Jacobs yes and it's what everyone I mean even the flash cuts on here a slight tail cut if it seems more natural and you'll see how the YouTube is doing that you'll see the start of their sentence yeah going before they've cut it it's I'll cut the jacket so that one of the first things you learn for making video didn't you good so ah that's the cut so you have you have Michelle does the rough yeah you do the I do I tweak fine cut unlock the video down and I do the graphics which take ages but the there is a in third ones this one coming out the black hole one which will have come out by now the the graphic effects and everything like that took took a good while to do but it's it's gotta what you've got to make those graphics work I did oh it's finicky it takes ages and then I pass it to him and at this point the cut is what's called locked yeah because to do the audio edit they've been working in Adobe Premiere and the way we know how to do it is to export that separately yeah and I get the audio is lots of different clips like he's gotten his thing and then I make it sound like one complete thing rather than lots of different cuts yeah which so we record it on two mics we had one pointing at the these really young one pointing at the contestants one pointing at the sofa and then we had the one point was in the comedy booth because we could not locate a proper close-up - so that's why the audio sounds a bit weird on that one you've done your damnedest and then as we say we do it all for free without each you can provide us on the day yeah and stuff like that there's air conditioning on in the background of Irish is going by yeah yeah so I go through and make it sound like one homogeneous thing yes which can take a while the song can take okay the first one takes the longest I can create loads of presets I know what each make mic like what each mic needs EQ eyes congressional eyes just to make it all dogs everywhere it's what we get for filling in a park it's fine it's just a rough cut ruff-ruff so in audition I can drag in his video I'm just ignoring that terrible directly and I can watch the video as idea together and then I bounce it out to a stereo worth yep and I pull that back into the project and then it goes out and that's it and that is such a job where actually I would have liked a few more weeks to do it but we said it was gonna be out in February and otherwise it would never got out so we're actually editing these as we go so there's a constant I'm gonna get this one I don't got to get this we we've had a couple of weeks where we have seen nothing we have haven't lost contact with each other for any more than my egg ours kind of annoying yeah we filmed it and we've got we're doing the bench yeah which takes a lot of time and planning and then we went to Estonia young before and after Estonia we've been editing that yeah I'm on and then you've been off in Hong Kong and I'm going off to Germany and also coming one so what's ours where we can yeah good and then we'll get home and he'll send the audio to me and I'll in the video the point is editing something like that takes so much time and the reason that we cut between them is to hide cutters cut things down um citation needed again so much gets cut out of that that wide shot yeah I know the whole point of that wide shot I'm speeding up our reactions this is the secret but the reason that I mean sometimes Gary really is that fast yeah like genuinely I'm not not lying all the time about that he's really fast yeah but the very first gag when I read out the the title and then you immediately turns into a Dodger actually you just do immediately titles dodgy but that's immediate but like the Garen Gary's songs been a couple of times when Garrick apologies for the nation of Chile formal apologies to them yes Chile um but before that he also the too much cheese will kill you song um which was entirely like that but there was about a four or five second pause between each one because we cut out the laughter and it which gave him time to think of it we cut out a lot of our laughter because you don't use a lot I've seen us on here well that's just the two is you can see how long we can laugh for and you even see the cut point for there I thought there are four all four of us together yes we give each other the giggles just by looking at each other trying not to laugh there is so much of us trying not to laugh all gets cut cuz that's not entertained and this stuff like thought this citation needed format came off the Trivial Pursuit based on which came off a game we were playing in the pub yeah it is just like a pub copy it is exactly what we what we talked about in the pub so we have like everyone else does in the social situation the lull you've been talking for a few minutes then you just and then you carry on but do you have to that was quite nice sorry we have got a lovely view yeah we have London is sunset yeah sorry do carry on hunt mister we dig bits like that and this is over so yeah we'll cut out or where we go and it generally gets cut citation either gets cut down everything gets cut down this make it makes it more interesting to watch it that's how TV works that's how everything like this thing works apart from the vloggers who will just do a 30-minute our piste camera without editing which has its place but the reason jump cuts came in is because that is if you've got minimal tools and yep minimal experience also as the easiest way to edit it and that's yeah that's come about and we try and do one better most of the time yeah other times we just smash cut something else ah why did you think that don't even know what I think no I don't cuz he hasn't done it I can just look at enjoy the view yeah it's good view
Channel: Matt and Tom
Views: 152,492
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tom Scott, Matt Gray, Matt and Tom, Park Bench, Editing, post production
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 5sec (905 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 07 2016
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