Edinburgh to London NON-STOP in an ELECTRIC CAR? Tesla Model S Long Range v 420 miles

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is it possible to drive an electric car this tesla from edinburgh to london with one single charge i.e not stopping on the way for any charge i don't think it's ever been done before it's very easy to stop on the way and charge we've done that loads of times one charge is plenty and usually battle range easily needs more but i want to do this for the challenge like i said i don't think it's actually been done before it's just over 400 miles edinburgh to london let's give this a try and see if it can be done okay so i need to top up the charge but why are we doing this well i wasn't planning it at all this morning i just came to pick up this model s long range which i just bought to put in our showroom but i was most of the way here i was thinking of what we could do to film the exceptional range of this car this has got the longest range of any electric vehicle in production today um and i was thinking let's do 300 miles and that's quite easy that's what we can do day to day with these cars now 300 miles so let's push the boundaries a bit 400 miles and then the obvious 400 mile journey is edible to london it's quite a famous route just over 400 miles and there's a couple of different routes you can take but they're usually just over 400 miles so i thought let's give this a try it could even be a record i don't know so here i am now i'm at edinburgh tesla service center i'm obviously just topping up the charge a little bit here to get it right to 100 and brim it i'm uh edinburgh airport is just over there about one mile as the crow flies and the city center just a little bit further along and i think what i'll try and do is drive to either the north side of london or maybe london heathrow airport so edinburgh airport to london heathrow airport on a single charge an electric car without stopping for recharging that kind of makes sense isn't it so i'll have a look at the map in a minute but i think that's again going to be just over 400 miles whichever way you go so let's give it a try and the reason it just i'm not i'm not a professional video maker at all but i make use of opportunities because i'm often collecting delivering cars driving testers around and such like and this is just one of those days like i say it wasn't planned i collected this car from the northwest of england but the conditions today there's no wind which is really unusual it's not too warm it's not too cold so conditions for an electric car pretty favorable this isn't going to be a real world test we know that you're not going to get this maximum range in the kind of driving at 70 miles per hour all the time but it's a good test anything and i think if a car can do this journey without stopping london's edinburgh over 400 miles at the end of the day that is what tesla rate this car can do we know that it's really hard to get to rated distances but that's what it is rated to do so i'm going to give it a damn good try and try and get there um it's going to be a long day long evening into the night obviously i've got to drive a bit slower than normally would um i can probably have the air conditioning off for a bit but we'll see as we get going so wish me luck i'm gonna finish charging have a look at the map plan a bit of a route and then crack on with it okay so where are we at we're just topping off the charge here now so 10 minutes to get to 100 we're showing 363 miles so i think this is the plan here edinburgh where we are now to london heathrow airport so edinburgh airport london airport look at that exactly 400 miles 400 miles now 364 miles of range 400 miles a day so if i just drive how the car expects it'd be minus 12 i wouldn't make it but about 400 miles is what tesla do put as a rated range 100 down to when the car literally can't drive anymore with some very efficient driving conditions now let's just show you here i'm going to go down the west coast is what the car is saying it's a nice round 400 miles so that's the goal let's do that let's go through some of the car settings so this has got the adaptive suspension that the raven has this is a 2020 long range so it has the newer uh more efficient motor and adaptive suspension and it's 100 kilowatt battery by the way so let's put it in comfort and default the ride height to low the lowered it is the more aerodynamic it is um i'm going to keep that on that regen braking well let's keep it a standard you can have a standard load doesn't matter too much it's just how it feels on the motorway and i can switch this when i'm just cruising some people say low regen is better on a motorway but i'm used to balancing the throttle i'll put range mode on which again just helps with efficiency but given the temperatures today i think i can probably live with the climate control off for most of it which will help with efficiency quite a lot we've got autopilot um so those systems on there in the vehicle here um yeah that's all fine display well i tend to prefer in percentage so we're at 99 now which was given a distance of 364 miles so let's put it in percentage we're nearly there we can go soon okay that's it charging complete it's been a while in that last bit just sort of cell balancing but it's completed charging now i'm going to show you my phone here so charging complete 100 and it's 4 24 in the afternoon let's do this okay charges in the dock there we go i'm departing just confirmed the time what's the time for 4 me 425 and where am i just to prove i'm not lying edinburgh very good can i use this in the video very good thank you very much wish me luck authentication required there we go let's go come on well let me drive that's not in plan is it let's unlock it with the app then 2 000 years later there we go let's woke it up now right 427 closes windows for aerodynamic that was an aeroplane going overhead from edinburgh airport and that's the office calling hi sophie can i call you back in a minute just literally the part in edinburgh [Music] i've traveled 300 meters i'm in a traffic jam this is how far i've come before i've hit traffic you can see now because of the traffic it's actually rerouting me 418 miles so the target goes up okay let's see what we can do maybe this isn't going to go into plan after all it's 4 30 in the afternoon not shower traffic as i'm stationary i can open the window at some airing because the sun is quite warm but as soon as we're moving i will close that to keep the aerodynamics of the car anyway let's hope the rest of it's a bit smoother a bit of a nightmare already it's taken 10 minutes just to kind of get out onto the open road a little bit but i'm just trying to break out of the city now but my average water house tomorrow 560 in 1.3 miles that has taken me to kind of wiggle out onto the main roads but hopefully now we can sort of settle down into a sort of steady cruise and that will balance out and i'll start getting an idea of really just what i can achieve it's brilliantly warm uh it's been really cold at night but at the moment the car is reading is 21 degrees celsius i've done off the top of my head what that is in fahrenheit some people have to do that i'm afraid sorry u.s viewers um actually it's dropped now 20 degrees celsius it feels like it's probably about 16 17 outside so i think it's just where the car was sat and it's warm but we're now on the m8 coming out of edinburgh heading west so we're getting on the west coast route just because it's kind of consistent smooth uh road it still kept this routing that's a little bit longer 480 miles of trip because there's kind of a roads sort of getting congested with the rush hour traffic but if we just sit steady on a cruise hopefully we can settle the economy down and uh give us a good chance of making this so i'll keep you updated as we go of course temperatures are expected to probably fall quite a lot this evening so that could hinder i could be sitting here really cold let's find out and uh let's see here we go uh i've got a sun on me the car's already 19 degrees outside it's pretty warm in here now because i've got the air conditioning off to give us the best chance here i don't think air conditioning uses particularly large amount but um i want to kind of get into a pattern it's sort of settled in where i know kind of what i can achieve and then i can start turning bits on or speed up what i don't want to do is go silly slow on the motorway it's just dangerous i'd have to just call it quits if i can't do that but i've kind of pulled up behind a truck traffic's a little bit heavy anyway cruising at 56 miles per hour and my economy's starting to come down now 282 watt hours tomorrow after 12 miles still got better to do but it is starting to fall as we get into a steady cruise now i'm hoping you can see from this window here there's a whole lot of wind turbines and it started turning now and they're all facing this way so i'm actually driving into a breeze now it's great to see these obviously these are producing electricity that i've probably just put in this car the mixture of uh green energy in this country is increasing it needs to be 100 of course but the old arguments well you've got to burn kyle to make electricity to drive an electric car what's the point well that's all nonsense complete rubbish so increasingly we've got more and more green energy but yeah as i still had started westbound before i can actually head south just to keep on this kind of steady motorway journey i'm actually going slightly into a little bit of wind at the moment so due to the traffic it's re-routed longer route the winds against me a little bit so far i'm not reaching the economy i need to reach so it's not a brilliant start so far and hopefully uh it will improve i'll keep trying see if i'll get out the car if nothing else get the most i can out of the car in the today's conditions tomorrow be a different day and that could affect everything completely but it's about what this car can do on this day my back is wet my legs are wet we swear it's a good job you can't smell for the camera i'm gonna have to give myself some air conditioning i'm gonna have to i'm just too hot i don't know oh oh that's beautiful stuff tell me when air conditioning was invented and who did it god that's good doesn't make all the difference in the world i'm going to treat myself to a minute of air conditioning and off it goes again i can't have it using too much energy yo how about is that today is earth day and um just listen to the news there with the summit and what people want to do and how i have to try and do a test like this and show exactly what electric cars these days can do okay this car is kind of right at the pinnacle of where we're at today but it's changing so quickly range is increasing charging speeds are increasing we know already it's long journeys it's so easy the old arguments of i want a car that can do hundreds of miles without stopping and then i think about electric cars it's out of date silly so um yeah earth day there we go didn't even realize that until this afternoon should have known shouldn't i really should have said i'm doing this because it's earth day damn i think i'll restart the video i don't know if you can see from here but um that means i've used 10 of the battery and i've got a 39.7 miles that's not enough it's not enough i need to get 41 miles out of every 10 it's a total 410 ish miles to do the journey i've averaged 224 watt hours per mile and that however is enough in theory because that's more than four miles per kilowatt hour times by a hundred it should be four hundred miles so we're there they're about i'm sat behind a truck which you can probably see on this display as well uh doing the legal limit for trucks in the uk of 56 miles per hour covered 60 miles i've got 85 left still got 358 miles to go so it shows here the current path though improving what the car would expect so on the current trajectory i would arrive at minus one percent so even traveling at the moment 50 60 miles per hour i don't think we're quite there yet um i do have some ventilation on just because it's pretty warm otherwise air conditioning itself is off but i'm allowing it to just blow cool air through so it's certainly going to be very very tight i'm not quite there yet i have to try and find some efficiency gains maybe a more aerodynamic truck give you a bit of an update just covered 101 miles now and i have a 77 percent battery left so on target really the car still wants me to stop it says estimated no percent charging needed to reach destination but if we do the math is i can keep it that simple 100 miles i had needed to have at least 75 i've got 77. there's not a great deal in it but i'm cruising along i'm doing 58 miles an hour behind the kind of trucks and you know so between 55 and 60 miles an hour ventilation on um without the air conditioning that's turned off but just ventilation on it has cooled down to 15 degrees celsius outside now there's a slight breeze but sort of basically no wind really um so it's going all right so far just taking a long time because you're going a bit slowly but i think we stand a reasonable chance sunset lake district 20 past seven in the evening 66 battery 270 miles to go arriving with minus four percent but it's very pretty i don't know how much of it you can see from the camera but this area the lake district is stunning and especially on an evening like this it is beautiful what a lovely lovely drive this is [Music] past the halfway mark as in come at 210 miles i have 210 miles to go how am i going obviously i need 50 percent battery at least well 53 heating's on headlights are on losing the sun now radios on so i'm not trying too hard i think we're okay with this and i'm just cruising along at between 55 and 60 miles an hour actually about 60 most of the time feeling reasonably confident i've got to keep an eye though because it's going to be getting colder and colder the heat headlights on yeah you know we're going to be using a bit more energy so it's not quite a done deal yet it could all go very wrong at last minute we'll find out right so i've covered now [Music] 296.4 miles so nearly 300 miles i'm just coming past birmingham in the midlands and my i've set a destination now to be um tesla west strait and their their head office and um that's next to london heathrow and it's inside the n25 so it's definitely london and now i'm due to get there with two percent so it's looking okay i've got heating on got music on i'm not trying too hard again 55 60 miles an hour going past a few of the trucks and just being quite sensible but relaxing autopilot on most of the time and that's that's good so it's all looking quite good to be honest however the temperature is falling now it's 11 degrees celsius it's due to keep dropping so my only concern is really you know i'm not gonna have to turn the heating off to sit here and and try and make it happen but i'm fairly confident of making this happen now um but fingers crossed in the meantime this model s long range raven 2020 car it's now covered 8 300 miles and it really reminds me um well it hasn't really changed much i started driving a model s my first one was in 2015 and it hasn't really changed much since it has just been tweaked over years and it's just better and better and better another tester just got past me and orange um this one's got the adaptive damping which i have to say i've got set to comfort and that's proven to be very good and it's just a very nice place to be good stereo it's more of a fine cruise than the model 3 so i'm very much enjoying it i could see myself keeping this car for a little bit it's going to go in the showroom but i don't know i can picture myself keeping this for a little bit no doubt it's the best one yeah can you imagine next year the new testament comes out what that's going to be like well in america you'll be getting that very soon hopefully so it's getting better and better so anyway i'm going to carry on save a bit battery for the end just to try and prove that i've made it which i hope it will but it's not quite definite yet could get traffic we'll see i'm on the final stretch of the journey now really so 90 odd miles to go 90 odd miles of range i think i've got a couple in the bag i'm cruising at 60 miles per hour on autopilot it's now 10 39 in the evening so motorways are pretty quiet so i'm doing 60 miles per hour which is 97 kilometers per hour by the way so um that's been a pretty consistent cruise speed now the only thing i would say temper temperatures dropped away it was down to five degrees celsius just now which is 43 degrees fahrenheit so i do have the heating on i'm in range mode i've got the heating on i listen to music so i'm trying to stay comfortable just keeping an eye whether the colder temperature is going to affect my range too much in which case as ever just pull back the speed a little bit but i'm going to try and hold this 60 miles per hour 97 kilometers an hour for the rest of the m40 motorway down into london different temperature makes we've just gone right to the end of this journey now so i'm down to the six percent left you can see since the left so i averaged 209 watt hours from marble it's got colder and colder it's five degrees celsius and you can see now the last 30 miles my consumption has gone up so it's now 240 watt hours miles so right at the last hurdle i'm cutting it really fine i've got 11 miles still to go through town to get to tesla west straight and six percent so it's going to be really really tight it'd be a shame if it all comes apart at the end of it really exit on the left that's it for motorways now we're inside the m25 we're in london just got to get to that charger so it's now through london at uh eight minutes past midnight he left to stay on park road now keep left to stay on a long night it's a shame when things don't go quite to plan isn't it i'm now at the side of the road so i was prepared to sacrifice speed have the heating off have music off have the screen off to try and make this journey and uh sometimes things just don't go to plan do they because i've got four percent the car drives fine and i'm at the chargers easy peasy no problem at all so what i've done here i'll pull the camera around to show you before i plug in so this is tesla west rayton in west london just next to heathrow airport this is a kind of uk uh registered address and head office let's uh pull this camera down show you what we've got shall we i'd love for anybody to try and beat this record so i hope you can see here seven hours 53 minutes of driving 421.1 miles covered averaging 208 watt hours per mile now i did it in one go just to add extra bladder stress i did have to pull over at one point and a bottle of apple juice over there is not apple juice but i didn't want that timer to um to go because when you get out the car back in it then lose how long i've been driving for and the reality was that was all pretty easy after the first sort of third of the journey according to the journey i was quite comfortable with the range the only thing was it did get colder um and so i was thinking well i got to turn the heating off whoops but i've had the heating on i've had the music on start some warming here um so average speed i haven't worked that out yet but um if you do a little bit of speed equals distance over time i'm sure we can work that out and put it in the comments and description 421.1 mars in seven hours 54 minutes so edinburgh to london in under eight hours that's edinburgh nope that's edinburgh airport to london heathrow airport which is just basically one mile from here in under eight hours so i've got four percent left so based on what this car has been doing um efficiency wise without any contingency so let's use 87.6 kilowatt hours 100 kilowatt hour battery maybe a little bit of degradation maybe not quite usable but it'd be pretty close we've still got a few kilowatt hours in there so what would this do probably still do another 20 miles maybe 30 miles with the console contingency i could get this car 450 miles and yes it took a bit of caution yes it took a little bit of effort let me just turn this fan down in case it's making a noise um it did take a bit of effort but not by much i could have had everything off waited for warmer temperatures it could have been even better than that but actually it's done pretty well i mean edinburgh to london non-stop no charging i don't think you can argue with that now don't try this at home i'm a professional idiot i drive a lot and i've got an extended bladder so the reality is you wouldn't normally stop i did count by the way as we were going along i passed what i think is 15 supercharger locations on the way here so there's 15 opportunities where i could stop for a quick wii there got out the car supercharged for 10 minutes topped it up um so 15 that's just tesla there's all the others charges as well but i went past 15 just tesla supercharged locations on the way here as well so long distance travel it's not a thing in the future it's here and now it hasn't cost me anything because i've got some free supercharging miles on my account and if you look in the description below if you're thinking of buying a tesla click through the link and you'll get some free charging as well um what an incredible car it's been comfortable i mean i've been in the car for eight hours i haven't got out of this car for eight hours now and actually i've been fine it's uh what's time 24 minutes past midnight and now and i feel absolutely fine so here we are in london let's just zoom out to show you probably could have made that even easier actually just sort of get into the outer edge of london the m25 probably would have counted um this is tennis round so there's london this is the m25 orbital road and we are here next to heathrow airport to get to central london here i do have the range i could go right into central london now um but it's been a long enough day as it is it's half past midnight and by the way i still have to drive over 100 miles just to get back home and then i need to do the school run and be in the office in the morning really i still gotta get down here yeah so i'm gonna do a bit of a charge now and then continue driving but what a pleasure so um i think we're signing off for now hopefully i've documented everything for the proof there 25 past midnight 421.1 miles four percent of range still remaining 208 watt hours per mile 87 kilowatt hours used edinburgh to london in under eight hours there we go i hope everyone's pleased with that i'm quite pleased it has been a long day but it's been totally worth it i think it's fantastic thank you all for watching um please like and follow our facebook and instagram pages we'll put little bits of extra posts up there all the time as well um if you're feeling generous check out in the description below my favorite charity seesaw feel free to make a little donation as a reward for all my efforts perhaps here but it's been a pleasure i loved it i want to get some charge and go home bye for now [Music] um just as a quick follow-up really i've stopped on these chargers here for 27 minutes and these are only 130 kilowatt charges here this car can take more than that but um they're 130 kilowatt charges but nonetheless in 27 minutes the car is now back up to 57 so that means in under half an hour of charging not even on the fastest charge this car can take um we've got another 200 miles of range if you wanted it to be not bad is it not bad at all so um anyway i need another 100 110 because i'm heading off home so that's more than enough for me one o'clock in the morning time for me to drive back bye it's gonna take my car out the bottle no
Channel: RSymons RSEV
Views: 72,444
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ofJ6tAwN6O0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 29sec (1709 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 26 2021
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