EDH | Phyrexian Tribal | Atraxa, Praetors' Voice | DECK TECH

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atraxa is probably the most popular Commander there is at least according to EDH wreck which makes sense as she gives access to a lot of colors and she can be built in a lot of different ways ranging from Super Friends to plus one plus one counters decks to Dedicated in fact or even something like the sagas or maybe just a mix of all of those today we're trying something a little different which is phyrexian tribal it's a tribe that needless to say has gotten a lot of support lately and I think we're now at the point where we got enough phyrexian matter stuff to build a super solid deck the proliferate trigger we get from the traxxa in the end step will still be super relevant as there will of course be poison counters flying around as a lot of the good phyrexian cards just happen to have either toxic or infect also the incubate mechanic works really well with proliferate as well as some other stuff we'll get to later in the video I also want to mention in case it flew under your radar that when they first created the creature type phyrexian with Warren Clay's monstrous Raider that got printed in caltime they made a bigger Rider and added the creature time to a lot of old cards including the commander of this deck atraxa as well as a few other cards that are in the list now let's move to the 99 foreign [Music] butcher as our new two Mana Lord which is way above rate considering what you can usually expect out of such a card to Perfection is an Anthem for phyrexians that also incubates two essence of Orthodoxy incubator 2 when it itself or any other phyrexian enters the battlefield and note that this does not say non-token which means that even something like a little might will trigger this and phyrexian sensor is a sweet little hate Bear for the tribe preventing a lot of strategies from going off before this is dealt with blade splicer vencer corpse puppet malkitore Purity overseer dark steel splicer skrels hype viscress to Doom hype vyrexian swarmlord and Nissa ascended animus are all really solid ways of developing multiple phyrexian bodies on the battlefield and as you can see we got a little bit of a secondary tribe with all these Golem synergies and the amount of Golems you can make particularly with dark steel splicers just absurd since it also gives the Golems indestructible meaning your opponents will have to go through this before they can sweep the board of Golems Nissa can also be a pretty good repeatable disenchant effect but we're really not playing her for the ultimate as we're obvious playing a lot of non-forest lands in our fall color deck however it can probably end a game from time to time we also play a few big bad paraders with some new one old Elish norn and children alongside worm Grail engine as they're just super solid phyrexians in terms of overall card quality we're of course also playing some of the tribal payoffs that work with any tribe with actions of the chosen Harrelson dwarf Destinies and vanquish's Banner proliferate encounters on the door of Destiny can get out of hand pretty quickly we also got power of Heroes for some tribal parting to find our best fractions for a given situation and lastly we got breach the Multiverse as our big splashy fairyxian finisher super powerful effect also gotta give props for the flavor on this card [Music] as I alluded to in the intro proliferate is also going to play a role in the deck as a lot of the good phyrexian creatures make it matter first we got a few creatures that apply poison counters with venerated Rod priests bloated contaminator Eco rats and contaminant grafter Rod priest punishes spot removal contaminator is a big beater that also proliferates when it connects icarats just throws poison counters on everyone and contaminant graft is kind of bloated contaminators Big Brother as it makes any creature connecting proliferate while also providing both ramp and cart draw if corruption is online then there are also a handful of cards with the new incubate mechanic with progenitor exarch nonsinquisitor bloated processor LS norn brimmas plaid vareskas and glissa Herald of predation as mentioned this mechanic works great with proliferation we also got just a little bit of a plus one plus one counter theme with nonsense and Bloated processor and alishorn is obviously absurdly strong if you get to flip her into the Saga hop I mean that's probably just gonna end the game but I think the front side's actually stronger than people give her credit for it actually punishes a lot of things if you think about it and glass is looking really scary not just because she can flip all the incubators which is of course a very strong ability but giving all our forexians death touch and First Strike I mean that's a pretty nutty combination of keywords that seems incredibly strong we also have filigree vector and defiler of vigor that can put plus one plus one counters on the whole team multiple times in the case of defiler also we do have a few artifacts that care about having charge counters on them the only battle in the deck is invasion of new Kapena which is also a way of putting counters on all the pyrexians if we can defeat it that is the front sights also okay I mean we can sacrifice a might or an incubator and it will be a fine removal spell but it's definitely here for the backside Arch fiend of the dross is another card that first and foremost is a big phyrexian that punishes any kind of sacrifice oriented strategy but of course at the price of you know eventually losing the game unless of course you proliferate the oil counters so that never happens we also have a number of backup proliferators in thrummingbird non-square master and Raska betrayal sting as well as some proliferate doublers with technotal inquiry Dominus vorenclix monstrous Raider and doubling season a doubling season also works pretty well with all the Golem token generators and also having either doubling season or boring Plex in play as you cast the veraska lets you combo kill one of your opponents immediately as Raska will be able to Ultimate right away [Music] we're playing EDH so we need some Card roll trying to stay on theme we got most of it attached to some phyrexian bodies with realm Walker Giggs yorkmuth Prater a series stalker of spheres and attracts a grand unifier we mostly a creature deck but we do also have an okay spread of card types so we can expect a good amount of card draw out of bigger tracksa as mentioned we even got the one battle in here we also got black market connections which does everything you want including pumping out 3-2 changelings that of course also counts as virexians and then we got Guardian Project which is just really good in any creature oriented EDH Deck with access to Green we're aiming to cast some pretty expensive pyrexins so we're gonna need some ramp armored scrap Corner might not seem like the strongest Mana dog in EDH but it's a faraxian and it comes with additional utility in the form of graveyard head and then we got some Mana rugs the glistening sphere is yet another way of proliferating and if corrupted is online it suddenly Taps for a lot of Mana astral Cornucopia is probably the Mana rock with the highest ceiling here considering all the ways we got of upping the amount of charge counters on it which can lead to some absurd amounts of Mana produced and then lastly we got some green land ramp with Nature's law fosseek and three visits these are really good at color fixing and they're not weak to artifact removal like the Mana rocks foreign we're not playing a whole lot of interaction as our primary goal is to be the player that needs to be interacted with but we do have a few slots dedicated to this again we're trying to stay on theme so most of our interaction comes attached to a varexian we got the radiant corrupter and Canker Bloom as our disenchant effects I mean corruptor is obviously just a worse Reclamation Sage but we want all the fabric scenes we can get we also have a square of Defector might mostly to protect our important creatures from opposing interaction but also works well as another phyrexian creature with proliferate Synergy and then we have white Sun's Twilight as our only sweeper that's gonna leave us with a bunch of erection mites on the battlefield and lastly we're playing swords to plowshares this is the one removal spell I pretty much always include in any Deck with access to white as it's just so efficient at what it does alright thanks a lot for watching I really hope you enjoyed the video and found it useful for your own deck building if you did I would very much appreciate it if you'd consider liking the video and subscribing to the channel it's an easy and free way of supporting me in my content creation Endeavors by the way if you're interested in the full Tech list there'll be a link in the description where you can check out the Mana base I built for the deck you can also copy the list and make your own adjustments if you're planning on building a version of this deck if that's your plan I'd very much like to hear what you think of the list and what you might do differently in the comments down below again thanks a lot for the view until next time [Music]
Channel: CeaselessMTG
Views: 7,115
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Magic the Gathering, mtg, magic, edh, edh deck, edh deck tech, deck tech, deck building, mtg deck, mtg deck tech, commander, mtg commander, commander deck, commander deck tech, tribal deck, phyrexian tribal, phyrexian tribal edh, phyrexian tribal edh deck, phyrexian tribal edh deck tech, atraxa, atraxa praetors voice commander deck, atraxa praetors voice, atraxa praetors voice edh, atraxa commander deck, atraxa commander, atraxa edh
Id: P7lVOobzL38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 43sec (583 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 18 2023
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