Edgerrin James: A Football Life

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foreign [Music] [Applause] [Applause] it's a 1975 Chevy Caprice Classic it's one of one just like myself I love it I love it [Applause] hey everybody hey can everybody be on my social media right quick and I walk in the room I'm not gonna be loud but you gonna know Edge was here you're gonna be a football player when you grow up today is the best day of your life greatest leader I've ever known [Music] my career started with gold teeth and ended with this gold jacket from Immokalee Florida to the U to a Hall of Fame career every step in edger and James's life has been taken with a purpose The Edge has forged his own unique Journey [Music] [Music] I don't care who you are or where you from go back to watch some of the films and you'll see why EJ is one of the best running backs ever to play in high school college and the NFL [Music] fine [Applause] free tree [Music] it's like Roger Craig Franco Harris and Tony 171. a little battery in there too very very smooth cutting it back James is still on his feet number one he's exceptionally smart to his vision is exceptional it's better jump Cuts than Martin Scorsese an incredible desire to finish every run the thing that always stood out to me about Edge was he never went backwards well when you had he's going to give you a hundred yards every game but the most important thing that I think is overshadow by Legend he's going to block you can ask Peyton Manning I guarantee he's one of his top blockers and he wanted to be more than just a running back he took pride in his past protections who to block say this over and over again I think he's the best teammate I ever had and at the end of the day I'm not sure you can pay someone a bigger compliment it was authenticity to him that was unique great football player but the way that he connected with people and how real he was is really what always separated Edge yeah you never hear Edwin's name in the news you never got in trouble but he had dreads that's really is a mentality and the mentality doesn't mean Mischief it's just the way you attach everything James is still attacking only now it's not opposing Defenders but a desire to live his best life it's a mindset that was formed in Florida I grew up in Immokalee Florida it's one of the poorest cities in the U.S right here in America like we're living like we're in a third world country we didn't have no help everything we get in here is off the muscle [Music] we would have two rooms I lived in the front they lived in the back you know this is where this is where it all started that was our unit right there number five wasn't no bathrooms inside so anytime you had to go take a shower and you walk right there like a community bathroom those were the things that that make you get a greater appreciation for where you're at it'll make you dig deep this right here with the football field I know it seems small it's actually hard to get from here to here that's where you start learning a lot of your move you started learning toughness you got to start learning a lot of angles when you're in that little confined spot but you're also dealing with bigger people they like get out of here little boy you ain't supposed to be out here you know but you're like no I belong I think that's one of the things that motivated me too like you started earning people respect as you start doing things with the big boys you know it's like I was built for football my whole body was designed for that you can throw me into a wall and and the wall gonna have a mark you know [Applause] ever since 10th grade I think I've been this size I was actually digging a lot of my offensive lineman you know a lot of times when you're in a place like Immokalee a lot of people try to say you're not going to make it if you stay here and my mom she made it real clear that if you're gonna make it somewhere you're gonna make it right up out of here if you're good enough they'll come get you [Applause] the tale of an opponent James did it all in Immokalee high it's still the same thing man it's like I'm trying to get from here to here and I gotta go through you go beneath you on top of you on the side of you I gotta do what I gotta do to get to the other side that's the game are you coming from a situation where it's uncommon you have to go out and do uncommon things to actually be great oh it was the Adrian James show I'm telling you he never was Joey and cocky and I used to tell him your performance I'll show what you really are my mom the best mom is the foundation of my life that always been my why I'm gonna make sure that this lady don't never have to look to nobody else yeah I wasn't even thinking about college with my financial means I was like boy if I can get him through high school I'd be so happy up next not only can this guy run but he can block him he can catch him on time running back you will EJ my number one [Music] I'm a South Florida person I grew up an hour from here and University of Maine was like the pro team for us the way they carry themselves where you can be yourself really made me like it [Applause] was the Swagger that led to their winner during the 80s the Miami Hurricanes talked to talk and walked the walk with the very best they want national titles but probation sent this program really in 1995 the University of Miami was punished by the NCAA and lost 24 football scholarships that did not deter edger and James from enrolling the following year he looks like he's going to be a real good one as a freshman James averaged 6.3 yards per carry in a limited role the next season he changed his jersey number and began to put himself in the conversation as the greatest back in hurricane history [Music] look at this place though man thing is totally different but I came with a purpose you know what I'm here for I'm here to get to the pros I ain't they cool all that man I'm if I got to I go but man it's strictly about playing ball whoa this is nice look at that how you gonna miss workouts yeah they tell my two dudes didn't make their workouts I'm like dude when it got beat up we came in we was already on probation so it was only a handful of us you looked at DJ he built that Foundation I see what he's doing I see what he producing that's what I want to be that's how I want to do it I ain't never tell you this but everything that you do dog like I used to sit back and watch like that give Daddy and James touchdown Miami I love you so much man well I still do because everything you do man strategically yeah I appreciate it 20 years later you know what I mean yeah still strategic man the first time I met EJ man I was doing something I guess I wasn't supposed to be doing I was sitting on the couches and freshmen wasn't allowed to sit on the couch so and I got surrounded as one person that came to me and said hey man you can't sit on the couch and that was EJ and I think he's just say first that's all you had to say that's all you needed to do that was my first time meeting EJ and you know what from that point on bro we we developed a bond yeah we all hung out together when you first quit University of Miami you're gonna go have fun but it's not for the week and if you don't have no discipline you can't make it at this school [Applause] met EJ is Rookie year at um meet him and Luke got a lot DJ remain humble put him away early and get ready for our next game for 15 years I never seen him drink nowadays I might talk him into taking a shot but he wouldn't even drink he'll drink a ball damn Chaser all the pineapple orange juice in the cranberry juice a little bit they'd be trying to be the best of the best everything you had to do has to be aligned with that I don't think drinking I don't think smoking are going to enhance anything I can go out I just don't want to drink I don't want to do nothing to affect this well it's coming because the gift goes to hedger and James I'm off the porch everybody said damn Edge is pretty good I put so much energy into the off season of the junior season so I'm expecting to go kill it you know and then things just not happen James a couple of yards up to the 20th nothing is going right and he's so disappointing yourself and you know the coach was about to put me on the bench and I'm like this that's not what's up [Applause] [Music] stays relax and then all of a sudden things just start falling in place [Applause] saw him grow and get better and not lose focus Andrew and James the only back in Miami history to him you could easily pressed when it wouldn't go on your way you could have just kind of went in the tank wouldn't transfer board yeah you did yeah last couple of games it started going its way we fed off of it game started slowly but finished his junior year with the best rushing season in school history you asked for a lot of things and then when it's given to you A lot of people sit back and say oh I ain't really want this much you know me I was like yeah I asked for it let me show you that I'm gonna do something with this it is Miami I think his legacy here is everything that was a Mount Rushmore of this place his head is one of the heads that's on there coming up now who is Andrew and James you know Bill pulley has lost his mind this is why the Colts stink [Music] we have all six of the expected draft picks up on the stage when it came to the NFL draft and I really didn't talk to too many teams I didn't have no spokesman do you remember nobody knows Adrian James all I had was the work I did on the field and that's the beauty of it all I wasn't the popular guy and so in certain situations I was just baked Philadelphia Eagles they just had me fly up there I kind of sat on the curb but it made the paper Edwin James is in town I was the guy who took players around at the Jets Adrian was one of those guys picked him up at the airport it was hard not to like it was definitely at that time between the gold teeth and the dreads you know there was a perception about him uh through probably most of the buildings they try to make him a thug first he come from the University of Miami add that to the fact he's from Florida Immokalee Florida a place that they never heard of so they just assumed he got a drug dealing background that they just assumed that some type of way he was gonna get in trouble the Colts had no trouble at running back in 1998. 1998 I was drafted by the Colts Marshall Faulk was the starting running back Marshall Faulk finds a hole Dukes of the 40. you know at the time got Marshall Faulk Marvin Harrison figured we could probably play together for I don't know six seven eight years we felt we were in good shape but soon found out that there were contractual impediments that were a problem next thing you know we're trading Marshall Faulk to the Rams even the players were kind of wondering what are we going to do to replace Marshall Faulk right there was nobody on the depth chart that we were just going to promote the the fact that we had the fourth pick in the draft was that God sent the Press immediately said well okay it's going to be Ricky Williams Williams breaks a home Williams I thought we were probably going to take Ricky Williams just because all the attention that he had gotten media they were fixated on Ricky not not edger the players are here in New York I was back in Immokalee it was bigger than just me getting selected you know this is for the whole area we're all together we don't know what's going to happen no question Chris when you look at the top five Ricky Williams number one player overall despite the rankings the top three picks of the 1999 draft were all quarterbacks this you would think with Indianapolis may be the spot for a running back you would think it would be Ricky Williams out of nowhere I get this phone call and everything takes off from there with the fourth choice in this draft the Indianapolis Colts select edger and James running back University of Miami foreign on the radio they announced that the culture just drafted edger and James these disc jockeys were having a field day with it you know who is Andrew and James you know Bill Pullins lost his mind this is why the Colts stink the public relations director came in and said this is an exceedingly unpopular pick we're getting telephone calls about it and the local columnist got on me pretty good now is there a need to justify this pick to your fans well I don't think so I don't know how you can justify it other than what happens on the field uh talk is cheap what happens in the fall is what counts when Engine came you know right away I can just tell that you know the type of work ethic that he had and then he had the Miami uh Swagger with him he had a very unique look with the dreads and the gold teeth but that's not what jumped out to me what jumped out to me was his confidence he didn't say a lot but the way he cared himself the way he went about his business in the weight room on the field you saw earlier this guy was a little bit different edger and James entered the NFL as a father to daughter quisha with his childhood girlfriend andya Wilson he was 20 years old but he was extremely wise he wanted to find out what's the most amount of money that I can possibly make so we told him well you're gonna have to kind of bet on yourself a little bit so we're gonna have to take a little bit of a haircut on the signing bonus but we could put in some incentives that if you reach him will make you the highest paid rookie ever so his contract had incentives in it so I think the first one was 700 yards rushing if he would hit 700 yards rushing he'd get x amount of dollars so it started at 700 then it went to a thousand then 1250 then 1500 yards rushing breaking down the open he may go he has great change of direction to Nate skills an instinct he has power edger and James is as complete a running back as we've seen coming to this league in quite some time he was on a mission and maybe that's how he was late all his life where he was like that in Miami but when he came he was serious I'm not going to break down I'm not going to come out the game I'm going to give it to you first down second down third down [Applause] mind you I'm coming from nothing so what I got his signing bones I'm gonna be good regardless but the incentives I really didn't understand how hard it was going to be and so I broke everything down I created this chart and I would say Okay week one all the way through 16 I would have everything that I have everything I need and after every game as soon as the game over I'm plugging in that's what I need he gives that answer turns the corners to 40. looks for a block down to the 35 down to the 30 down they're 25. breaks it back into the 20. the greatest common I could play Adrian was I'd hand off to him I was supposed to carry out my faith the other way and I'd hand off and watch and my coach would be like you gotta carry out your face I'm like you understand I have the greatest view of what this guy is doing like I wanna I wanna watch him make this safety miss or run over this linebacker [Music] I remember he had a great run against the Giants Dragon guys down the sideline there goes [Music] and he's still on his feet very great one-handed catch against Washington he's got a showed you that he can do more than just run the ball James slips a tackle and is in for the touchdown Edge had 2139 yards from scrimmage his first year only 73 yards behind Eric Dickerson's record for the highest total by a rookie in NFL history he reached every single escalator there was in that contract in his rookie year every single year he was the first rookie to lead the NFL in rushing in 16 seasons and helped the Colts to their most wins in 31 years the Colts have won the AFC East foreign year we exceeded so many expectations I developed a great relationship with Payton privilege with Ma and we did things that everybody didn't expect and we weren't prepared for the playoffs [Applause] Tennessee in their first game of the 1999 playoffs for years [Music] me being a real Street guy there was two people that changed Sports yeah Iverson and basketball and heads and football she played for people like me when you go out and do your thing is the best so when I see an edge on TV you made me like that's me [Music] people call me the edge you look at Andrew and James and he says the ant people have told them if he changes as hell if he got his gold teeth cap then he could make five million dollars a year as an ad spokesman he said it's too hard being someone else I probably left millions of dollars on the table but I was cool with that I never set out to be popular when you have to be this goody two shoes or you can't really be who you are that's boring to me I'm thinking that's when she was almost like a trendsetter he was one of the first athletes that said hey this is who I am like it or not I don't like to do something for nothing you know and I'm not a volunteer football player true perception reality right like reception is this guy stays out late and party's on not reality is he's not drinking and like he can lift weights at three in the morning that's when he's kind of up but you kind of had to get to know him to kind of learn that yeah though they possibly could have the wrong impression but if you know him and you talk to him for five minutes yeah Edge gets along with everyone I remember when I was a freshman at the University of Miami that didn't go too well but our first day in the league it was the same ish that I met in 1997 that was still leader of a team as a young puppy and he was still at Workhorse you still that dude that was smart as hell everybody respected him it was just like I was back in Miami it's from you to the Horseshoe baby [Music] I'm playing a different game from other people they don't understand I always stuck to my purpose [Music] edger and James again led the NFL in rushing in 2000 and entered his third season as arguably the League's best back I was off to my best season I prepared for that I would be at the University of Miami in that 100 degrees weather training for those Seasons I just let the league two years in a row I got a better relationship with Peyton as far as understanding what he's thinking man the game was a really a joke it was like like this is too easy I really felt untouchable [Applause] my knee just went back and and then it was like bam dude I was devastated you know how hard a guy works every single off season I hated it just a bullet in the heart of the franchise because Edgemont was a heartbeat you know and everyone knew that there's no way that I'm not going to continue killing this game but it gave me another challenge instead of rehabbing with the Colts Edge headed back home to Immokalee Florida this right here is what I call it the fun house you know in 2001 when I got hurt you know I had to find somewhere to rehab so I bought these two buildings this one I made a weight room and this was just a hangout for kids any kid could come there you know I was going to gyms and the gym would close at a certain time I found my best workouts came in the middle of the night so I would come up here in this area I would see anybody out there that's um hanging out you know I don't know if they're going for bad or not but I recruit them and I would have them come in and help spot me it was an ACL engine you know that was a threaded injury back then so everybody's saying you can't come back so I took it upon myself to make it a challenge there were some differences in opinions on what the doctors and what edrin wanted to do I mean I didn't worry about it because I knew who he was I knew he wasn't sitting on the couch once again Adrian just kind of did things a little different way but it didn't mean it was the wrong way it was the right way for him which was good with him it was good with me and then I got a chance to actually be around the kids too I would have the kids come here they can come hang out all the kids in the neighborhood came after school came during the summer he let them meet NFL players that they would have never met in their life These are little kids that was never leaving that block let alone that time and EJ knowing he was running for Markley and he was running for his family he knew that God put him on his Earth not to drop him off right there the 2001 Colts finished Sixth and ten and missed the playoffs for the only time in the Manning James Harrison era oh it's new the next year they hired Tony Dungy and James returned to the team Adrian absolutely ran over Ray Mickey and he continued on for the next three seasons James averaged over 1400 yards rushing per year [Applause] we considered ourselves a very elite passing team that if you played man-to-man we could beat you but you don't get man-to-man unless you got a great running back thank you Mr Andrew he's going to throw it in Reggie touchdown Manning takes the snap gives it Edgerton up the middle breaks into the outside he's at the five he's driving touchdown injuring James it really kind of started you know with Ezra in his presence back there they are simply all focused on stopping the Run boom we have this one-on-one outside the safety is up there and want to pass the ball to Harrison I really think Adrian took a lot of pride in that an 04 and 05. he did everything that's what was special to me about him yes 1500 yards yes all these catches all these touchdowns but that attitude of whatever it takes for us to win I'm gonna do it Colts won 48 regular season games in the four years after James returned from injury but each season ended in disappointment [Music] the popular sentiment was that no one could stop the Colts well someone just did it was always the New England Patriots they just had our numbers [Applause] they're knocking on the door and we're doing something right uh we got to figure out how to do it a little bit better you should have been you know in the big dance at least one of those I'll tell you what 2005 to me was the best team that I played on in Indianapolis I mean we had it all right up the middle touchdown you know we just uh felt a little short dick is on its way that took us long enough High Enough that was kind of like how the story always ended when we had Edge that's the beauty of the game of football you know you can work as hard as you want to work it's going to happen when it happens so you have to continue to work coming up she got sick it really took something out of him he said all this money I got and I can't save the love of my life [Music] 2005 we talking and all of a sudden he's telling me he got his house for sale like bro why you got your house for sale said bro it's gonna come down between me and you who they gonna keep they ain't gonna resign me I just got that feeling we know we've got a great team edrin's contract is going to come up we can pay Adrian we can keep everything together but if we do we will not be able to resign Reggie Wayne Dallas Clark and Dwight Freeney it was hard I'm at peace with my decision you know that organization is good to me when they drafted Joseph would die I made sure that I extended an open invitation that anything you didn't know about this offense any way I can help you because it's like my family this this team birthed me like I don't want them to lose because that's my team the year after leaving Indianapolis as a free agent edger and James watched the Colts make the Super Bowl was able to do it and uh yeah it's been great if he was a part of it remember the Super Bowl was in Miami he's in Miami and he's telling me like y'all win I'm gonna be waiting on you and I'm like hey man you supposed to be here steps up steps up in the pocket rolls away throws one down for your Reggie stand got it that's ready [Applause] for the first time it hurt you know after that game we go and meet up with him and he was the first one they like you know good job I'm telling you how much he'd meant to this team into this organization owner Jim Mercy gives him a ring anyway he's the only player that's ever received a Super Bowl ring that wasn't on the roster and that's because he meant so much to us while the Colts were winning a championship James rushed for over 1100 yards for the Arizona Cardinals a team that had never come close to a Super Bowl you know everybody from Arizona don't go to Arizona [Applause] the losing his franchise in the last 50 years not a lot of people expected success I'm telling you I made a good decision by going here I saw nothing but some good players and I'm like man it can be some winning over here I knew there was going to be something that he was going to bring that was going to help us [Applause] and I was not disappointed with what edger and James brought to the table Edge rushed for over 1200 yards his second year in Arizona and the improving Cardinals finished eight and eight I get myself together but then you have personal things that come in you know my kids mom get diagnosed with leukemia Andrea Wilson who James had known since middle school and who was the mother of four of his children was diagnosed with cancer in 2008. after she got sick it really took something out of him and he said all this money I got and I can't save the love of my life and that was really sad every weekend or every time we got time off I would quietly get on the plane fly to Tampa to the office and I sleep in the office Center and then I get up go back to Arizona because this is bigger than playing football he would come to work and you would never know anything was going on in his personal life you know he was always locked in when he came in the building I understood the pain he was going through you know that was part of the reason he'd have all his kids out on a Saturday it was very important to him that they were happy and and having fun we knew what was going on it's a tough situation the latter half of that season he didn't play as much he had other things that were you know keeping him out of it so I got things I got to take care of I don't want to be where it's an issue they put me on the bench the way he handled it with class of dignity was able to keep our team together you know if he would have been pouty and acted out in any way you know that really could have affected a really young teen and he didn't do that at all James since losing his job has only played in five of their last eight games in those eight games a total of 11 carries in the last game of the regular season the cards brought edge off the bench as he had done throughout his football life he delivered in the last game of the year for a team that can't run a lick he rips off a hundred for the 57th time well I always knew what I was capable of doing it just a matter of the team going in a different direction but when it got Sears they came and got the dog it got me off the bench the Cardinals entered the 2008 playoffs with the longest odds to win the Super Bowl we were the worst running team in the National Football League but in the playoffs we got better running the football edger and James over the last two weeks looks like a completely different individual a lot of people might look at Edge and might look at the numbers and say oh he didn't have that big of an effect his value to what we needed to do was so important how about the running game entering James was huge the question is can the Cardinals do that again we're 14 point under dogs like Carolina and I looked at Edge and I'm like this guy's had an unbelievable Hall of Fame career he deserves to play in bigger games and I pulled them into the circle and I said let's let's do this for this guy [Applause] Arizona Cardinals will play for the national football conference Championship next week and then we had to do it again Kurt falls down but got the handoff to James up the middle big hole and look at the little burst by Ezra and James [Music] I want to get there for Edge I want to give this guy something that he so deserves because of everything that he's done the Arizona Cardinals are going to their first Super Bowl Tampa Bay here we come the first time we're ever in the playoffs next thing you know we win the championship game and I really did appreciate you know what he had done for us in the team all right you didn't let any of that stuff get in the way all right thank you that was like the icing on the cake to say man look I told you I didn't make a bad decision I went to Arizona amazing the Super Bowl it's so crazy like we make it to the Super Bowl the Tampa stadium is right next to the market so it's like I've been coming here all year so it's been prepping me for coming here so it was important for him to take her to that game and she was strong enough that she was able to go to the game [Music] [Applause] in his 10th with his family in attendance in his home state edger and James finally played in a Super Bowl we had a couple hundred people come so everything came full software and it was actually pretty cool I just wish we could have got the wind that would have been that would have been icing on the cake and this Pittsburgh Steelers squint and thrilling come from behind fashion about three months she died April 14th the same year that's in the man of top hands you know the thing you always is for your children you know you always think more of your children than anything [Music] doing Special Teams period we find each other so for 20 minutes every day instead of Wendy talked about life after football not having as much as you would like to have had when you were young we always just said we're never going to be in that situation again the good thing I was able to come into some money I didn't know buying the building we ain't gonna be broke ever I'm like no no it's not even an option to be brutal guys I'm always trying to make sure that it's business I'm making money I want to have fun but we try to make sure the fun actually bring funds on the business side of this side of it the fact that he's done well doesn't surprise me at all because of his intelligence and his Drive but the part that sticks out for me is the family he's a devoted father that's my son hey buddy you met my son yes sir get into the NBA he's a very proud dad man he is the ultimate dad the role he took on as a father he took that role on the same way he took on football all right Mr James let me get you to look right here the oldest is quisha graduated from UDC she's past the bar hey money that's my future plastic surgeon other one is Yana Yana is my singer I have three boys the oldest is eating he's a freshman at Howard University [Applause] [Music] [Applause] middle son call him Jizzle man heavily recruited one of the top players in the nation I'll be committed to the University of Cincinnati if he really wants it he'll make it to the NBA without a doubt and then my youngest is Euro he's coming into his own and so he's like a blank canvas out there let's Dynamite I see your fix don't nobody know now the best thing is like you get to relive your life through them and the mistakes or the obstacles or the situations that occur you have an answer for you are this Superman I've always embraced that challenge while his children are on their way to accomplishing great things Edge earned his final football accomplishment in 2021 when he went into the Pro Football Hall of Fame alongside teammate Peyton Manning it was special to go in on the same weekend with him had a great party at my kids there kept them up way too late but you know Adrian's party didn't start until like you know two is the car working did you check it you're gonna go with it I saw it it looks real good Edge made sure to put his unique imprint on his Hall of Fame weekend [Music] that was my first ever speech but I've always said if I give a speech it'll be at the hall of fame and I'm gonna kill it they're gonna know that edge was here this is a special moment for me my family and those close to me I want to thank my hall of fame for Center Mr Jim Murray State one of the greatest Hall of famous speeches ever I mean he's a renaissance man he's a poet through my mama we're here I didn't even see that coming no blueprint no manual and most importantly no man I'm Your Man to my children you all made me proud to be your dad watching and helping y'all pursue your dreams is a beautiful thing you're so impressed with this guy and his ability to fight through adversity in a lot of different ways I pulled my son in the room and I said you watch this speech this guy's unbelievable what he fought through to become one of the great players of all time that's why you know I was sitting there balling like a baby people looked at my gold teeth and dreads and was shot and surprised I had never been on the rest or spent time in jail so many people told me that you can't have dreads and gold teeth and be accepted in the NFL but I never listen I always knew who I was a great football player a great father a proud black man a lion and this was my main [Music] this beat made me cry as a matter of fact look at my Pro Football Hall of Fame bust rocking the same dress they said I shouldn't and to all those who have been judged prematurely because of their appearance the way they speak where they come from and in the minds of many should be locked up in prison I represent us I'm for every more lives locked up in the County Correctional Institution [Applause] [Music] inmate number two number three Football Hall of Fame my career started with gold teeth and ended with this gold jacket good night and God bless the speech was awesome it put great thought and that was him who he was the edge of speech is one for the books this speech was powerful and that was probably the perfect line that that's who I am and that will never leave me we all know the impact that he had on the field success with different organizations but to me it's going to be more about those people that got to know him [Applause] you know you listen to his Hall of Fame speech I think you get a sense of what his legacy is all about doesn't matter what you look like it's about who you are and to be able to step across some of those barriers that we've all had for years in this country's had for years and go just just get to know me and you know let's get to know each other let's put all that other stuff aside and just say who are you I grew up in Immokalee Florida it's one of the poorest cities in the U.S this is how we started out I've always brought home with me no matter where I went the beauty of the game of football you know it doesn't matter where you're coming from what you do how you grow up the football is what matters a lot of times people paint this picture of what you're supposed to be when the world is wide open man the world is receptive to so many things and so many people I think the world wants more real people and people afraid to be real and it takes a person to say man I'm just going to be myself and I'm willing to accept what comes with it I think you got to keep going it's just aware of the world yeah you live that you live that I always celebrate the small victories you gotta make sure that you let everybody know like it's possible jacket
Channel: Gomez Addams
Views: 134,520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gomez Addams, Philip Hughes, Edgerrin James, NFL, Indianapolis Colts, Arizona Cardinals, Peyton Manning, Tim Hightower., Kurt Warner, Pro Football Hall of Fame, Jim Irsay, Bill Polian, Josh Charles, A Football Life, Marvin Harrison, University of Miami, Larry Fitzgerald, Tony Dungy, Trick Daddy, Super Bowl, NFL Films, Reggie Wayne
Id: dxFvxeJS-Xo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 29sec (2609 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 19 2022
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