Edge Computing Introduction

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hello again as you know I am Eli the computer guy today we are going to be having a class on computing introduction edge computing introduction now if you don't know why I'm focusing on the computing portion of this title it's because my wife has gotten an addicted addicted to this Netflix television show called orange is the new black and we just finished up season one and if you've watched that show you will understand why I am focusing on the computing here the computing because just to be clear so what are we talking about when we're talking about edge computing basically today what we're going to be talking about is this is the idea of what is called pushing intelligence to the edge of the network so back in the old days back in the old days all the computing power was done by a main server so really back in the old days you had mainframes with with dumb clients dumb terminals those dumb terminals basically were simply a screen and an input device every all the computational stuff actually happened back at the main server right you then fast-forward you know into it in the 1990s and we get into the whole idea of client-server architecture once you getting the idea of client-server architecture the clients have have more intelligence but still a lot of the processing power is still done on the server itself so the server is really where all that intelligence is now we get into the modern world we get into the 2015/2016 going into the future when we have a world of the Internet of Things or the internet of everything now we have just thousands and thousands millions and billions of devices and if they try to send all the data back to a central server for computations to happen it just functionally wouldn't work there would not be enough bandwidth to allow all these devices to communicate constantly with servers the server's themselves would get overloaded it would be a big problem so a number of years ago there was the idea of pushing the intelligence to the edge so instead of having main servers do all the processing why don't we have all of these edge devices devices do computational stuff and then only send the results back to the server so whereas before basically all the devices sent all the data back to the server the server then dealt with all of that data and created some kind of output you know put it into a log file put it into a video file did something with it now the idea is that these edge devices they're actually doing their own processing and computations and then they only send their their output from those computations so let's say before let's say if we had digital surveillance cameras right so digital surveillance cameras is something good for edge computing so before we had dumb surveillance cameras they were out there on the you know wherever they were and they constantly sent data back to the DVR digital video recorder or MIT possibly in VR network video recorder then in that video recorder there was a setting that stated when video should actually be saved to the hard drive so 24 hours a day seven days a week all the video is getting streamed back to the server and then the server decides what to do with it that video not too bad back in the old days but now as we start to get so many surveillance cameras out there there is so much data coming back to the server there was the idea of what if we could actually put that intelligence into the surveillance camera itself so instead of surveillance cameras streaming data 24 hours a day seven days a week why don't we put intelligence in the surveillance camera so the surveillance camera only sends data when there's motion so before it was the server would only record video when there is motion now the camera will only send video when there's motion once you get into this once you start putting that intelligence on the edge of the network then allows you to to be able to put many more devices on the network without having so much load on your systems to actually have everything come crashing down because again even in the modern world I mean the modern world is a lot nicer than it used to be because gigabit per second connections are very easy very inexpensive to get 10 gig 40 gig 100 gig connections or even out there for your network but even at 100 gigs you do run out of bandwidth at some point right it may be a lot of video cameras maybe like a lot of video cameras are a lot of devices but some companies have a lot of video cameras or a lot of devices if you have a super high definition like 4k video surveillance cameras and you're in a major campus so let's say you're Harvard or let's say you're you know Johns Hopkins you have a large facility and surveillance cameras you may sit there and go you know Oh 100 gigabit per second connection you know it would take it would take a thousand you know high-definition cameras to saturate that and then you go and you look and you're like oh well they've got two thousand right and so by pushing that intelligence to the edge basically then what happens is that the devices themselves start to have intelligence so they can decide when to send data or not to send data and that makes everything a lot easier so this is a class and this is what we're going to be talking about today now of course before we get into the class sponsors are what pays the bills and again our sponsors are very good for you guys because uh the only sponsors I get are actually useful again you don't see me doing uh trying to sell audiobooks on here I've got a couple of good spotting sponsors today the first one a lot of you guys be interested in is bugcrowd calling all security researchers and pen testers bug crap bug crowd pays up to $15,000 per bug in top tech companies joining the hunt and learn more at bug crowd comm school e Mitchell school II Mitchell's purpose is to increase clients profit by reducing telecom cost using software and processes at no risk we only share savings Schooley matured Mitchell comm Blitzer with scrutinize er and flow data users can determine what traffic is on the network who is originating the traffic and who is receiving it click sir comm Spiceworks the best online community for IT professionals to help solve your tech problems community dot Spiceworks comm and finally gillware data recovery and backup solutions Gil where's partner programs help computer repair and IT professionals make money by offering data recovery and backup services to their customers Gil we're not and as I always say I do not care if you subscribe to my channel I do not care if you thumb me up thump me down and give me a comment what I do care about is those sponsored links in the bottom down there click a lot of those I tell you guys what I want and what I want you to do is click on the links follow through download play with learn about these are all good tech companies definitely take a look at them and with that let's get into what is edge computing so again as I was talking about before the basic concept of what edge computing is is we are pushing intelligence to the edge of the network so those devices that are out on your network now are actually intelligent so back of it if you had devices on your network they were essentially stupid they were dumb they were dumber than dumb they were like dumb and then they had a frontal lobotomy and then somebody beat him over the head and dropped him off a cliff or something right these were like there was no intelligence and devices of way back when right so if you dealt with a printer remember back in the day when printers were just printers like in order to make a printer do anything other than a self-test and you had to plug it into something else in order to front function you have printers you have again you have surveillance camera so surveillance cameras back in the day used to be an analog single analog signal over a coax cable there was no and tele what happened with surveillance cameras back in the day is you put them on they put them on the wall or whatever you made sure they were in focus you might set a couple of things like brightness and auto iris and all that kind of stuff and then that was it and then once once they were turned on once you put the power in they were streaming video 24 hours a day 7 days a week there was no intelligence there surveillance cameras telephones right so telephones not that long ago digital or analog telephones that were sitting on your desk no intelligence now the idea is that since we've come to a converged world right so I thought about convergence before so everything is on tcp/ip everything's on the ethernet standard that now all these little devices actually have little computers built into them since they have IP addresses anyway the I thought is well can we put some more stuff in here since they already have to have an IP address and they also they basically all have to have a little tiny web server in order to be able to access them what other stuff can we layer on top and now it's really cool with this is the price of computing has come down so much that actually pushing the telecoms to the edge is is an economically viable thing so when I first start here about pushing economicus the edge this was back in the day when like atom processors were brand new and so you know atom chips you know Intel Atom chips I mean they still cost like 30 bucks apiece just for that little the little chip so the idea of you know adding at least a $30.00 on to these devices you know it just seemed like a ridiculous thing it's like yeah okay again even if you could put some the telogen suit of a surveillance camera if you're gonna be putting out you know 100 200 cameras do you really want to increase the price by you know thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars screw it I'll just take a dump camera well the thing is now the the price of computational hardware has come down to the point that you can go out and buy a Raspberry Pi see most people know what a Raspberry Pi is they're little very low-cost computers and they have an ATM I Karl my nearest well they have the $35 version and then they have the $25 version and now they have the $5 version it's like you know one gigahertz processor on this thing with 512 RAM different stuff and for five dollars five dollars so what's interesting about this idea of pushing the TEL against to the edges originally the concept was okay well we'll offload a couple of things onto these devices right so if you have a surveillance camera you know the surveillance camera with very little intelligence can can see if there's any motion going on and then if there is motion it will send video and if there isn't motion it won't right so it's like okay you know eight eight nine years ago that that's something one of these little devices can do well the really cool thing now is is since the the computational power has has has gone up so much and the cost has gone down is that you can now have them start to do some really really really cool things so like with the surveillance cameras now they can actually process things like facial recognition so not massive databases of facial recognition but let's say that you know there's some kind of crime that happens and you have a picture of a criminal you can scan that that the picture of the criminal and that gets turned into a biometric map and that can just get sent to all of these different devices all these different surveillance cameras on the network and then when the surveillance camera sees something that matches that biometric print at that point it will signal back again you know if you're dealing with five or six cameras this doesn't seem like a big deal but for dealing with us someplace like London right London has like a hundred thousand cameras or something like that being able to offload this work all that onto those devices can be very useful I've seen things such as like color wear where you can actually have color detection and all of this different stuff and again so the idea is that these devices now are actually doing real intelligent work and then sending their output back to the main server now when you're thinking about this you're kind of thinking like well okay that seems nice but again even five extra dollars on a device why does this really matter as I've been kind of talking about you know this is kind of the history you know this is the this is how things looked not that long ago this is how things looked you know five ten years ago as far as things like surveillance cameras or telephone systems or any of that you have your server and then you have a few cameras so like when we're going out there we're installing surveillance cameras you know you might have a 16 camera operation you might have a 32 camera operation but it was all it was relatively small just with all the technology and the cost and all that kind of stuff and so again all the computation and all the processing can be done on the one server because it's no big deal the issue is nowadays is there's just so many devices again we're we're a reasonable size building they could have a hundred surveillance cameras plus access control systems plus all of these different devices and so just with the current situation is we're getting more and more and more and more of these devices and again even on good network connections at a certain point you're gonna saturate that the pipe right at a certain point the pipe cannot support any more data and so as you keep adding stuff on you start running into to issues and like even like Oh what is it Cisco uh said spied like something like 2020 or 2025 or something is gonna be like 50 billion 50 billion networking devices again even if they're all just sending text files 24/7 that that really causes a lot of issues so why add computing is important is the big thing is it reduces load on your network so again for most of you guys where you most of you guys are gonna see edge computing really isn't surveillance camera surveillance cameras is the big use case for edge computing the one reason is it just functionally it's just the thing you know again I said biometric scanning and license-plate scanning all this kind of stuff it's one of those places where it just makes a lot of sense and then too it's because they also they send so much data back to the server if you if you have a high definition stream what is it a 4k stream is 25 Meg's per second again you've got once one camera streaming back to a server that's no big deal you got a hundred of those or a thousand of those and you don't want that going 24/7 again even if even if you have like a hundred gig pipe you're still gonna be running into issues so why is the big thing with it with edge computing is that it reduces the load on the network the next thing is then of course it reduces the load on the servers so if the servers don't have to do all the processing they can do just individual to like so the output from the device goes to the server and then the server only has to deal with that output it's a lot easier to deal with on the server again even if you've got a four socket motherboard you know with 12 cores per socket with 500 gigs around again if you if you just have just all these streams just pumping into that one server you're going to run into issues at some point you saturate your resources at some point you saturate your resources and so again reducing a load on the server can be a very significant thing and the final deal with that with the edge computing is it offers a lot of new functionality that you may have simply not had before so again if you're thinking about things like like telephone systems where they can have intelligence again built into the telephone system so they can have their address books built into the telephone system they can have they can have different different functionality built in and so that's one of the things that really makes the edge computing very interesting because since the the devices themselves have intelligence then you can start you can start programming what the device should do kind of cool stuff their problems with that computing and so one of the questions is like wow okay well this is good we're going into computing Eloi Eloi we're going engine no we're not going engine no no sorry what is wrong with Millennials ah you know until I saw I saw orange is the new black you know how it's all good with Millennials and then I saw that I saw the first first season of orange is the new black and I've like lost all my faith it's gone anyway problems with edge computing the biggest problem with that computing I would say is that bad configurations are a hell of a lot easier to do the reason is is because now you can go in and you can have really find grained configurations for all of these different devices again it might be five devices or 50 devices or hundred devices or a thousand devices and the problem is any technology professional knows is the more fine-grained you can make the configuration in a lot of ways that can make things a lot better but it's also one more checkbox that you might forget to check right you know if you've got if you've got 50 check boxes and you got all these different options and you do something improperly it's gonna be bad again like I say is does it you know when does it record scheduling all of these kind of configuration things and if you screw up on those configurations like before when you had a dumb camera sending the video back to the server the server delt is a pretty simple setup it was pretty simple now every single camera every single device has their own configurations and just think about it how easy would it be to just not check the right box or to screw up this guy you don't need to say to say that the camera should record you know in the middle of the night to record during the day or something stupid like that the next thing is hack ting that hacking vector is massively increased with this whole idea of pushing intelligence to the edge because think about it these devices are themselves now computers so so you can go there's there's like a the Google of surveillance cameras now online where you can actually go there's website and it's all like the cracked surveillance cameras all around the world I also may be thinking about is now you have surveillance cameras that have intelligence and now that you have phones that have intelligence and now they have all these different devices and things that have intelligence again they have web servers built into them they have this program unit stuff built into them and so that's now a vector for attack and not only can somebody compromised your PC not only can somebody compromised your server but now somebody can compromise your surveillance camera and again that's something you guys need to be thinking about from a security standpoint is how would you know if a surveillance camera on your network was distributing malware how would you know if a surveillance camera on your network somehow had subterfuge installed and was stealing all your credentials how would you know that okay so this is one of the things you have to really think that's a nice way you know the old dumb analog cameras it's either on or it's off it's either in focus or it's out of focus that's about it right with these new devices you really do run into problems where again they could be hacked it can be compromised all that kind of stuff the final thing as far as educating is concerned is something you have to think about is licensing cost so again one of the things I keep beating into your guys's heads is money money money money money money money money money right and again if you don't like money if you don't like dealing with money I completely understand go off and be a philosopher and go off the floors to go off and do some other profession and our profession a technology oppression it all revolves around money it's not moral it's not ethical yes how it is and so one of the issues you get into an edge computing is you start running into licensing costs so bright before if you had let's say a surveillance camera and you've bought the surveillance camera you stuck it on the wall that surveillance car camera cost you a hundred bucks or three hundred bucks or a thousand bucks once you bought it you're done right Wow with all this new functionality that's built into all these edge devices you may buy that device for $200 but in order to get the motion sensing component of the software that'll cost you another fifty dollars in order to allow both local and remote storage it'll cost you another fifty dollars in order for this to happen and that to happen another thing to happen is you know you may find out that you literally double the cost of the hardware in the licensing because all you know as soon as you have a computer now you can start doing this whole thing with licensing codes so if you have the licensing code that function works and if you don't have it it doesn't then you have to be very careful about perking this purchasing this stuff because you go out and you look at the spec sheet and the spec sheet says this camera or this device does all of these things and it's really easy to miss it does all of these things if you pay an extra ten bucks for this and extra twenty-five bucks for this the next year or $50 for this per frickin device and again once you go out then you start doing enterprise installs it's not $50 you know for three devices it's $50 for a hundred or five hundred so licensing costs when we start getting into edge computing is a huge thing and this is a big deal for anybody that that's moving into a converged network coming coming from the old telephone systems coming from the old surveillance systems coming from the old access control systems those old systems it was pretty simple you purchased the hardware you purchased all the devices and that was it like with telephone systems you may have to buy some ports for for their voice mail cost you next a couple hundred bucks but that would that was really really about it there wasn't a lot of licensing you how to deal with you come into this new converged world of edge computing and all that kind of stuff a licensing can just become a complete just cluster insanity so keep that in mind now everything about migrating to edge computing which really is the way to go whether it's now or whether it's in a couple of years the first thing that I would say is make sure you have centralized man big deal big deal big deal because again you have all these little devices and they have all these little configurations and so the question is is how are you going to maintain them and manage them and update configurations if you have to login to every single device in order to get it done that's gonna suck it's good Microsoft came up with Active Directory for a reason right well now they don't come up they stole Active Directory for a reason but it's on story right there is a reason why why is system administrators use Active Directory because it makes life a hell of a lot easier to sit down at one server and be able to administer all the user accounts and all the computer accounts and all that kind of stuff if you have to go to any individual computer to do the configurations that sucks same is true in the edge computing world if you have to go to every single surveillance camera to do an update you know to take your configuration or update firmware or something like that guess what it's not gonna happen if you have to log into a hundred different surveillance cameras in order to do something it's just not gonna happen again is you know part of being a technology professional is understanding the failings of being human and this is one of the failings of being human if you have to log into a hundred different devices to do something it's most likely not going to get done or at least not get done in a timely manner so you want some kind of centralized management system for any of this kind of edge computing so again you can sit down at one console and you can say okay I need to update the firmware and all these different devices and go it does it right the next thing is the interoperability of equipment one thing to realize with edge computing is that computing isn't really bleeding-edge but it's still a little cutting edge as far as technology goes and so the standards are aren't really solid they're pretty solid it's like the standards are kind of like putting the solid you know I'm saying like it's solid if you if you push on it yeah there's some pudding there yeah it pushes back a little bit but if you push too hard it kind of goes through does that make sense you know I'm saying like like there are a lot of standards out there there's a lot of good interoperability and a lot of people know what's going on but you can still get into a bit of a mess you can still get into a lot of weird issues where some devices don't talk to other two as some things don't talk to other things so on and so forth so when you're gonna be going out there and you're gonna be purchasing your equipment really look at the interoperability what devices talk with them what other devices what protocols are used what are the licensing requirements all of these kind of things because because again you know you look at - you look at two devices and one's a hundred bucks and ones two hundred dollars and you go oh of course and you look at the the spec sheet and you're like the hundred dollar one and the two hundred dollar one look identical as far as the spec sheet is concerned so of course I know about the 100 dollar one well you don't look at is that $200 one has been like authorized or approved or whatever by 50 other different hardware vendors that there's all of this other stuff that goes into it and so that's one of the things you need to be thinking about API is and extendibility again with a lot of these uh these these edge devices you can actually do things like upgrade to them you can actually tie you can have you can have different software be able to talk to them and do different things so like with access video cameras surveillance cameras you can actually install software on to the surveillance cameras a couple extra bucks of course but you can so again pushing that intelligence to the edge you know we think about client software you know word outlook and web browsers anything about server software Microsoft Exchange or SharePoint or something like that now we have these edgy device software again you know biometric software or color determining software license place reading software so if the devices that you buy allow you to upload and install new functionality or have api's so other servers and things can communicate with it that will be good all the way around and then finally the the final question need to be thinking about migrating is how much you trust the support and updates so this is a huge problem right now with a lot of these a lot of the devices that got deployed you know five and ten years ago where companies simply are not creating new firmware they're not creating new updates for these devices so these are devices that are sitting on the network that are vulnerable to attack and people simply have decided to not maintain any security updates for him that sucks all right again especially in an enterprise we're all in an enterprise world when you're dealing with you know cyber espionage we're dealing with a lot of these issues you want to know that whatever company you purchase this stuff from you know what is their plan for maintaining all of the security updates for maintaining firmware updates and all that kind of stuff because if they don't have a plan or if you don't trust it I want to put it into my network so really the final thoughts are yeah computing is good at your computing is one of those things it's it's a really good thing I would warn you when you're thinking about using edge computing in your infrastructure again and computing is a little bit like quality of service where people think like like quality service of educating are gonna fix all the issues for your network so let's say your network is a little slow you don't want to do a massive bill down so you're like oh okay well it's not I'm doing a massive build out on the network what we'll do is we'll start having these intelligent devices so they'll have less of a load on the network the problem that you run into is that there is still gonna be a load there is still going to be a low on your network again if you put out high-definition 4k video cameras or whatever and then they're only sending back video when they need to most of the time that's fine let's say most of the time only one or two cameras are sending video back to the server no big deal right you got you got 20 cameras up only one or two is sending back your net your 10100 or your gig network is working great but then what happens is let's say they only send back video when there's motion and then what happens if there's a big storm you know let's say there's a big storm and it comes through and all the trees are moving and stuff is doing all kinds of wacky stuff now all 20 cameras are now registering motions so that means now all 20 cameras are sending video back to your server what happens at that point so that's kind of one of those issues that you have to think about a lot of people are looking for like cure-all bad days I do this one thing and that I don't have to worry about all the other issues again remember as an IT professional you have to be looking at the big picture you have to look at everything that's going on figure out what your risk tolerance is all that kind of stuff and then build out your infrastructure as needed but overall again I would say with edge computing one is generally a very good thing generally a very good thing and it's where the future is going regardless so your ear on this ride whether or not you like it but there are a lot of things that you need to be thinking about as an IT professional with it again I mean it's just infrastructure requirements what are the infrastructure requirements what are the security requirements the licensing requirements the configuration management all of this kind of stuff because realistically I mean like a lot of you know a lot of IT departments you still think about the devices you still think about the computers under your care so you know I have a department with a hundred computers I have an ugly Department with a thousand computers but with the Internet of Things the computing devices that you are going to be responsible for could double quadruple even go up to ten times right so so now it's not simply that you have to manage all of your your your computers and your laptops oh now the cell phones and now the tablets and now the surveillance cameras ooh now the now the the telephone systems and telephones and oh now the access control and then oh look you know the bosses figured out some other thing that needs to come in and so this is something you have to be thinking about again with us whole converged world and edge computing and all that kind of stuff how are you going to manage all this you know when you've got when you when you go from dealing with a hundred computers where you have to worry about antivirus updates and that kind of stuff to 2000 devices where you have to worry about firmware updates and compliance and all that kind of stuff it's a different mindset on how you deal with this technology and it's just one of those things that you got to be thinking about so again overall concept educating is great unless you screw it up if you screw it up you can screw it up it's like oh you can go bad real quick but if you set it up right this should be good now as far as you know I do have other as far as you may or may not know I do have other projects in case you want to see my other videos or talk with me or meet with me in real life so I have my failed normal YouTube channel if you want to see me do vlogging I have the Eloi computer guy live YouTube channel for question-and-answer videos I do silicon discourse comm meet uh Skype meetings so if you want a Skype meeting with me we get on we do a 15 minute Skype meeting I've done like 200 or so of those so far they've all gone very well and then the Baltimore area Meetup I just started doing a Baltimore a meet-up in the Baltimore area or basically you get to sit down with me and you can ask you know whatever questions that you're having about your business or your career development or any that kind of stuff and we do it in a group setting so everybody can learn from everybody else's stuff so that should be good if you want to show up to that and then sponsors of course as I say please click on the links below because it's what keeps everything going and finally finally I haven't given up I have not given up on our on a gray day for YouTube president hopefully hopefully sometime soon he will he will become president of our great nation state of YouTube yeah but make YouTube great again and with that I will call it a day as always I have to go taking this class and I look forward to seeing the next one you
Channel: Eli the Computer Guy
Views: 53,510
Rating: 4.8278766 out of 5
Keywords: Eli, the, Computer, Guy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 52sec (1972 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 14 2016
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