Eden's Promise V3.0 (Savage) - Boss VFX + BGM
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Channel: Noel Bear
Views: 2,539
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: new raid, new trial, new boss, ff14 new boss, ff14 new raid, ffxiv, white page, point of view, pov, ff14, final fantasy 14, ultimate, savage, extreme, final fantasy xiv, boss vfx, boss effects, music, bgm only, bgm and sounds effects, sound, soken, yoshi-p, shadowbringers, shb, white mage pov, white mage point of view, strats, boss guide, new boss guide, world first, world second, eden's promise, edenscape, eden savage, eden's promise savage, final fantasy 8, ff8, fatebreaker, lion
Id: UYtrlSR9KDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 42sec (762 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 20 2021
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