Eden Streak #49 - Hutts Streams Afterbirth+

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kind of a big deal see here are we doing this right eating hard 49 s go oh wait mods no mods on that could have been bad could it'll have the like reset our stream or reset the the streak number I mean you run eating hard go let's see here gotta prepare for life what's up you guys I don't know if someone I don't know if you're trolling it's not gonna last long it's not bothering me if you are I mean of course it always just doesn't feel good at someone's just purposely being a dick my volume was like too loud over here better there we go I can't hear you guys can you guys hear the music through my microphone or is everything sound okay let's go nuts 20 20 starting off with a troller and the chat nice gotta love it it's been over a month and a half so gruelling without you I was on an extended trip to Europe a song ruling that sounds awesome let's see here we have kamikaze we haven't all stats up we still have bad fire right like really really bad 17s not good at all like 12 is not good but 17 let's open that pray for a bomb and the interview with this item it's still not I don't feel like it's that good even still like the the radius like that we have to get that close to the enemies with this thing best health bad tears good damage not on Excel I would say best health is probably starting with two red hearts and ones so hard excluding any like health upgrades you could start with five minutes from I eat always on first of all boy manners what's up with there's more stuff Zen eyes are for the amazing tier 3 song 33 3 3 3 3 3 Happy New Year my huts but and boy man is a hub it's been a whole decade since I last watched one of your screens it's a new deck it hasn't been a whole decade okay now you're literally saying it's been ten years it's a new decade you can say that you're right kidding I mean kind of not but thank you for the bangs I'm not mad at you hey hots hope you have a good 20 20 and wish the best of luck for eatin streaks gl hoof Kermit the Kermit three bits appreciate that up Ignite BM 17 what's up he's gonna celebrate with my parents but they fell asleep that sounds about right I fell asleep not a good joke no K 11 months is up could almost see your also loved your house flipping video and that was like a random random thing that I did exactly sure why I did it our speeds great I'm able to outrun these guys it's nice as long as I give money it's okay I've heard that joke the whole like see you next decade thing effort required hundred bits high hats Happy New Year what up Evan guy eight months guess who's back the real dingdong daddy asked a question glad to be back after my Europe trip but I missed just about everything since the Dark Souls remastered backseat challenge anything major happened since we did terraria probably should have gone to the item room first or even just try to find a bomb Larry juror Larry senior goes down hard with a bomb or he just walk in front of him yeah that sounds good solid penny hooking us up I'm Reese our five cent mark try to focus in the game too and I have like a really itchy nose really itchy nose I'm gonna want to scratch it for me I'm not responsible for any boogers you get on your finger though who says even use my finger Kermit what's up Karma the crime it hunter bits I've been watching your channel for so long I'm glad to finally be able to afford the bits it's wonderful for me thank you did you 100 percent terraria I killed all bosses which was the only thing I really wanted to do super bandage good with the soul heart protection here but blah blah blah blah how's the me at the music volume are your ears bleeding they're not I turn it up so that your ears are bleeding yeah whoo that's close bonk bonk bonk bonk bonk bonk bonk bonk bonk bonk bonk Popeye Popeye bonk bonk pop pop pop punk dancing time now line it up what that's what my New Year's Eve looked like without the voice crack though mmm Draco ducks 11 Happy New Year wish you successful year huts appreciate that Yas with the hunter bits all the best 20 20 also finish watching Zelda hunts - great series for entertainment hell yeah which one though it's more go back to the hole in a game was access the question I know I've heard you talk about what you used to do but I can't remember what did he do before YouTube and twitch also thanks to the great videos and streams never had a dull moment watching you play anything I did electrical engineering at a tech company I wrote a lot of code and [ __ ] [Music] louder larger is it not even that loud for you guys I can't hear myself think over here [Applause] we need louder it is loud hey that's good I thought I thought that is good I thought that that is good dinner that that please no can't hear you I can't hear you're typing what [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] need the music for the good Dodge [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] no just feel the music gotta feel the music I'm the only one I'll plot up watt iPod up off the music's dead we're dead melt we're screwed it was all the power of the music is that honey mustard what's up 33 I'll read the message I say yeah we did it I mean we're doing it it's not speak too soon to that cut our chickens before they're hatched yes I am an old man bad puns sorry I'm minute this dreams lately but I wanted to make sure I stopped to resell bloody huts welcome back come back you can find some time with that sort come from I just dropped in the floor this is good because we get double the payouts here with swallowed peen I wish I didn't say that magic it was the music the soul doesn't give you random soul hearts it doesn't work that way doesn't work that way yes is good this is super good cuz like I said we get the double payout so no reason not to roll what is lean with it and possibly rock with it if use it to negate damage to if I can like walk over creep I could just use the IV bag or going into the curse room going into the curse room our fire rate is just so [ __ ] bad though oh my god oh my god I've never taken this long to fight these guys ever with zero bombs swaiiow this is actually pretty frustrating just waiting to take damage but it's me so you know it probably won't happen pin start off 2020 with some better fire rate 2020 is testing me right now it's like you can pass this you can pass anything dodge or red filling the rest medicine what's up Madusa n-- like Medusa three months back for more hello there what up my news Andrey subs gets trolls bomb coincidence mmm I'm sure mods better ban just in case just to be safe we've got a wrench you can dodge a ball dodge a wrench you can badge my balls where can you fun to exit the gungeon fund it you can send a check directly to no it's on Apple arcade mobile than my evil plan all along gonna do that it's always worth it just hit the TNT barrel just to see if you can get a black heart or card no plagues please and finish our conversation that we're talking about quick do a dodge roll Ripper doodles thumb melt oh this is just like I can't even fight the spiders fast enough to even get to though ok freezing we're back on we're back online that's probably just glitch in the matrix when ed hacks my game most likely familiar is actually gonna be incredibly helpful in this case I'm gonna probably use that more than anything use your blanks no this is poetry Oh bat whoa aah hey aah Oh you can touch those guys you can touch those guys you can touch them since when can you touch booters you want to touch my what's that it's trying to give you a worse fire rate no don't touch them I just did I walked into it what am I missing here that's what ed hacked oh good works for me let's leave all the mods live in huts basement didn't I just touch it you can't touch my pooter mods better ya better do as another safe ban there you leave my pooter alone says mallet ah've I don't like this room at all you get pinched real quick it's real quick [Music] oh wow wow hey Wow no no no get in there get in there fly thank you Plus as a hostage in his basement how did we get to that maybe this soul pushed the puter of that that's true maybe it wasn't us that touched him and moved them the soul does repel enemies you're onto something there the most sensible answer I've heard so far can't remember what everything does you guys come on it's not this is my job or something couple lock Penny's in there I just want loads of money and if we got a Steam sale as well so we're looking at some pretty spicy shops some potentially spicy shops here Seger home to the right or sicker I'm to the left take your guests I'm gonna say to the right personally check this wall over here could be the left though both I could definitely be there right is always right right well I got three bombs so I swore I was gonna guess here but [ __ ] yeah raids still work on your house huts oh yeah I just started ripping upstairs at 3 in the morning this morning I had a late night because I was kind of offset because I stayed up and tell us like 8:00 p.m. or 8:00 a.m. rather on New Year's I'm thinking top-secret room here this morning's mantel of just right here this guy it does not get smarter than this this is peak human smart and Spartan Asst smarter ease and feel the blood coursing through my smart arees I don't know the heart it's just another brain so smart SM Martine [Music] yeah buddy I don't even need the health now well that's good though cuz the the devil deal okay Wow am I gonna use that we can totally combine a Fame and our IV bag the two of those things kind of synergize out Flay are gifting a sub design a night warrior thank you so much my friend very generous welcome zion aight let's do this fire rates what about fire right how was your day my day was long like i said a 3 in the morning i was doing some demolition work i also sanded down my my railings so i got a paint those why i've got about 80% of my railings white shoes that I got a tears down pill it's not gonna be good news but I kind of want to go for pills goat-face go to for pills don't want it I don't want it what was that white and blue what color was that Hey look at that [ __ ] that was really good any bombs oh yes look at my a same play [Music] you see this [ __ ] here black carts this way and we're not but we totally could yeah buddy that's what I'm talking about [Applause] massive brain it doesn't get any bigger it's just hanging at the back of my head that's all you can't see it that's why you never see the back of my head blue and white he breaks everything the D lock 510 what's up shamrocks thanks for putting some color into the cup a big brain time is it a mod is what a mod my super-awesome smart brain no they say that people only use what 10% of their brain most people know the 10% of what Isaac can do with my other 90% of my brain out and locked the other 90% of the game great honestly there's too much red health in here your take it slow and essentially walk away from the enemies we can deflect all the bullets as well smartest men love speed up max speed boy actually max speed is not that good when you're trying to hit people with your orbitals I said a little dicey but hide behind here and just take them out I got a [ __ ] dime for that too I'm gonna go bop butt out get this I'm excited yep oh good horf health up no speed up doesn't matter no gaming for months it's a cool format squad but what but I don't use my brain I use only 1% of my brain was just being modest right you know what intimidate people right the game if you had chop refresh if you open that door and only opened the one at the bottom uh this is historically awful with low fire rate just awful so let's take it I always do that though don't on like this is terrible we should never take this and then I'm like Ewing 12 was not like the worst fire rate we can handle this let me just sit here and not worry about getting hit by single enemies anymore it takes a load off took a load of your Bob with these duds $0.69 spiffs 3 bucks hey that's my first time donating I'm happy to say that it was to support you I've been watching your content for two years now and you brought me back into Isaac and introduced me to slay the spire hope you have a wonderful rest of your day to you as well thank you for that I appreciate that very much Bob that you enjoy my stuff a bad the Habad ii six months what's up just doesn't get better this is peak performance I'm not gonna say the joke you might not like it of course of course you like it of course you're super amazingly impressed to the max this is peak performance in its yeah random leap perthro yeah I don't really need it well I mean I could have just kept it outside the room if I might you know perthro here but I'll see ya orbital was a good good play here ooh good one fan get them hate it so much but probably like double my freaking damage though I'm not against using my per throw up give me a lump of coal here and then allow me to use my per throw on brother Bobby it's by the way because we have the the rune bag right we'll get another per throw or a yarrow or something else good literally like my orbital does most of the damage here yeah good good oh yeah [Music] and get that black hearts we will go to the curse room what is the best familiar rotten baby little brim delirium little monstro the nickel behind son-of-a-bitch it's fine we have plenty of money mm mom's undies Incubus succubus right thank you this for sure I almost don't even count Incubus as a familiar because like to say familiar is already like a negative tone and I don't want to associate Incubus with the rest of this [ __ ] you know I mean and he was or succubus there are their own tear just want to get my fly in there that was my bad that was also super my bad well I'll get just Black Card I'm away [Music] I'm pretty sure my a same laser ring I got the black card back though the laser ring was blocking and stopping the bombs because of my lost contacts so they were exploding immediately inside of my own face once we get the health back I'm totally on board with using this more under burr wunderbar my numbers when they crash the game with nothing but suck you want to do what to me yeah not for many people use the theme this way I'd have to venture a guess [Music] [Music] for three damage now alec immediately got hungry that's not good news hoes eating something right now what is it was it the best snack currently have a snack off go clock what up 44 months double fours that looks good here's the 44 more appreciate you Scooby Snacks you're eating dog food okay vitamin gummies bad chips I'm not bad I'm not super into chips on that I really don't like popcorn either marzipan potatoes I don't know that as fried err Snickers grilled cheese if I'm super hungry and I have candy I don't feel very good I think that's that's my age talking today old cold pizza you know that's honestly looking like the best thing here a Nutter Butter snack me off pizza from the local pizza shop really your age was that like your age or your age we get that huh what do you say [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] your rate I've just got some [ __ ] [ __ ] you're so much money I don't know what to do with it so mashed potaters honestly a little bit of mashed potato sounds pretty good I will have chips though if there's like a really good like sour cream and onion or top the tater dip they go for a baked potato with some top - tater right now truffle Parmesan fries I think we have a winner crab legs and I've had crab was like a crab cake um I've never had crab just by itself I think we've had this conversation that before I've had lobster but only like cut up and like like a lobster like pasta thing which is good for the first time ever I had those like sheets of seaweed not a fan not a fan it wasn't the worst thing and I want anymore of it though straight-up parmesan and not gaytown parmesan I don't know the keys for that [ __ ] Lind or truffles I hate seaweed I don't like touching it if it's like in a sushi roll great right like do you think like if you got to wrap that [ __ ] up works great but by itself [Music] candy you took from a baby secret room bro did one open up oh it did oh I did oh well I forgot that he did the downward laser I'm out of practice do-do-do-do do-do-do-do-do crab crab brave now see this opened up right here one of those ipecac shots could have bottomed that guy well I'll take this ladder to get the stone chests do have the ladder now no I get this key I mean I could get it if I let's see here let's lob a bomb down that way we're not okay [ __ ] you first of all and max speed I should be able to just [ __ ] eat the [ __ ] out of that thing anyways I believe that was a proper use of the term yeet right I don't know why I'm taking health out pills you know what yeah [ __ ] it help down go back away I just dumped a black heart off for nothing no a US coal that said you eat he's a cool kid now okay boomer can we start placing okay boomer in with leg eat already because I feel like they're both pretty crunchy unless you totally get a Boomer like for real okay eater eat boomers haagen-dazs ice cream something I have not had and probably yet it really grabs me there probably I would say over a year a solid years ice cream and replenish my black hearts here I can get these five luck already nice haha so wait [Music] suck on that heart best use of ladder I've ever seen you know what [ __ ] it what's our range like bad range is bad obviously but especially for a lump of coal the further the better but it's totally fine still 5 fire rate with our blocking tiers it's gonna be phenomenal whoa almost walked over the spikes leave it to me walking two fires walk over spikes these science tears are grapes [Music] face of chubs let's see here we could do something I'm feeling it feel like this with my extra-large brain here I'll [ __ ] a little low yeah we're fine we're fine we're loaded on bombs call number one plus kidney stone your mega brain remember how we used to be able to cheat the blue fires and then edhead spies say like what does huts do how does he break the game let's stop that all of it anything that he does we're gonna hate this room dude oh wow lousy router clauser Bowser oh can I shoot the science tears at those turrets and get rid of them good old days rip blue fire oh good more money that's what I needed I'm gonna buy the red heart here [Music] how's volume you guys Oh Oh all right fine all right fine you win piece of [ __ ] that's one I want to I want to get rid this one though no come on come on volume is good toxic inferno five bucks say hot Sun 14 let me content been watching for about three years now and I'm showing you to my showing you my gratitude for helping me out when I was in the hospital for committing suicide in fact I live in Minnesota as well logged content stay lucky here's the here's the better days huh there's no better 2020 don't do that [ __ ] I want you around thanks for joining the stream appreciate you say thanks to the five bucks seriously had you fun celebrating New Year's Eve Hut's had I fun yeah I know it was a really good time I got Josh some new beam lights for his DJ set up and then Ryan bought a smoke machine so beam lights plus smoke machine good stuff kill the Stoney boys [Music] got a good feeling about where the top Seagram is nope nope josh is a DJ question mark yeah I mean I don't he's never made money doing it but it's definitely a hobby of his I mean he was always like the the group DJ anyways right with the music mixes and such now he's got a little bit more control over it ready to go necro one top secret first maybe never been to a party like that would love to I mean it was just like at his place so it wasn't anything like crazy but honestly that's why I prefer that personally close-knit group I get back to that night sense where'd you get that tie Amazon [Music] it's worth it to waste of Blackhearts to get in there to do more damage see I told you we have too much health where's my deals of the devil I don't want Huberty cuz they don't want the health health down good there that solves that what was this blanket is pretty good golf pill potentially better [ __ ] it was a per throw I really wish I would have used it first but then I wouldn't I didn't know I was gonna get a golf pill and want to keep it along clip-on ties or mom's satanic work where is the trinkets what drink it could use more trinkets game Adam not gonna solve that one in fishies egg big big big big whip there I really did actually want to take guys those perfect perfect timing will leave the gulp on the floor we'll come back if we need it my goodness [Music] you know what wouldn't be a bad trinket to find right now oddly enough one that I don't ever wish for blindfold more iframes so when I pop this and get my fame working we can just kind of mow through the enemies for even longer I'm gonna bomb this guy I'm just gonna not deal with it save my health and bomb in fish head would be good that's very true fish heads definitely already on the list of like that's pretty good better than nothing this is one of its shining moments though if we could find any of trinkets at all game please to speed that room can't even handle it when these nights can't handle my super shot are nice is that how nice is that [Music] just shoot them until they're the void shot don't waste my time all right fly get them then are you know what fly fine anazao blank room oh yeah with this fire rate Mulligan absolutely yar absolutely [Music] I don't think that the blank rune ever black runes right why doesn't have a black rune lucky pennies are they mind I mean I'm I'm really gonna use my stuff here I don't know I've tried it blacker in here for a purse row a den suppose and so dole raises even let's not really better though it makes a ton of sense to go at they'll raise urban up to give up health well we can only does it once per two rooms he did use a blank as it's black not black because they're funny you guys is so funny I'm I select penny that's not a luck penny what is a bit jar on the right side of the screen do every time that I do something amazing and genius it fills up magically I don't even know how it works it's weird no one truly understands it oh good oh good I'm gonna go back honestly and just get my IV [ __ ] asshole's you want to deal what - who's what miss back [Music] so much money that's is not being spent our shops have been an absolute bust as has been our deal the devil's just absolute hot sexy steaming garbage water smokey save your hundred bits whatup must Phil he's doing that thing again I don't even know what it is top secret huh cool good top secret room I liked a lot house down nah we're gonna deal with a devil is it all garbage sexy this message brought to you by Grouch Oscar the Grouch I mean the Grouch somebody's crafting up a fanfic right now of Oscar the Grouch and garbage well that's convenient all this health finally got something to spend it on games like hot sexy garbage huh huh unholy boom chicken prime sub what up marsh ello Cruz ask a question if you are our dad who is our mom she left there go get cigarettes juju d-19 what's up welcome back jealous steam jealous 9 headless teen 2 dollars came in just to tell you that you are looking handsome today I hope you have a wonderful stream friend well thank you for that ladies and you ruined it thousand bits appreciate that from Sarah B thank you oops oops oops let's not mess it up the to the max speed here makes it a little difficult to get this narrowed down this is generally nice to me better range worst luck I'm fine with both of those things this kind of you know shoots us in the foot here as far as using our IV bag especially since we are now looking down to double damage floors but we have health up pills in the rotation so / R agape we don't really need it mom left I just killed her didn't you see it but arranged and less effective range though shot speed and range up shot speed down I think is actually good for our lump of coal as you'll notice they're pretty big at the end there so I'll take it another gulp remember there's a gulp here if I ever get a good trinkets as a ruin there that I missed I'll go back for it looking pretty good here piercing would be something that I would say would increase this run possibly the most as far as non special items go let's say like that just let me grab my goddamn thing and go ones looking pretty sexy whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa hey now remember that I've got flight now as well noise noise that bombs our key merav yeah pretty good complaining about how short we were on keys it solved that issue didn't it spear of the night that's what I want spirit of the night me rename gulp pillow - slurp sounds more like shhhhh Milt was a positive thing I don't know how that guy launched bullets through the turret if I can't shoot through the turret then you can't shoot to the turret don't [ __ ] hack Edmund rip stone boy I'm just I'm like trying to do extra rooms here to try to find a trinkets or we just sign about I'm gonna say something important and I totally forgot what it was Alexia 25 total 25 in my life is still a dump ears - better 20/20 Cheers - what ya know if 2020 I believe I can feel it Alexei I can feel it for all of us it's up for that one guy you know what I mean as far as you amigo 2020 it's gonna be our year such a nice-looking number two Roaring Twenties still makes me uncomfortable when people say that black rune potentially better [Music] what me I'm roarin for the 20s I am that one guy fine is a place to live in things would be great and things that's so materialistic you suckle help is nice thank you for that like literally one more heart would allow us to pop our IV bag and get some black cards at this point in time I definitely wish I did have the what the [ __ ] where the hell did you come from nowhere I wish I had the thought the thing the other thing you know the other thing dole razor you know what I was trying to say why'd you make me say it got to $2 unholy boom chicken just got here what what I miss hurts also you luck in this game is amazing best of luck in 2020 blessed be what I miss oh this is the first run so not much you missed me being hungry we had a snack off you want to hear you fail odds t13 two months much love daddy this doesn't roll off the tongue it just doesn't not mine at least I like a bag blow the bests mukbang stream you want to do what with me the chest that didn't gets I don't really care about anything else I should have totally I don't know why I didn't black her in that but if we do end up saving it for the the chest itself so very good there what does mukbang stream of you eating very popular and no it is it Korea China unicorn poop four months what's up gross the eating thing or unicorn poop has ever say that commercial where the unicorn is pooping and it's actually like rainbow ice cream it's what squatty potty all is that let's see let's definitely play this guy like I my plan one one heart a time I don't need the money so we should get some parts out of these you don't need the money [ __ ] showers I'm going to blow does it make anybody uncomfortable the fact that I have a mouth as a nose anyone making me a little bit uncomfortable imagine a cat that doesn't have a nose and said I has a mouth it is squatty potty that sent him out that's a nose now you can see the teeth crappie nose mouth t13 the 13th hour not the same person two months daddy hope happy 2020 from a long time couple of hots butts who are wishing you all the best for the future here's to your success much love thanks for that all the good 20/20 wishes you guys sending two harnesses power like a nuclear reactor like the sleigh from elf one any cool but there was like actually some sort of way that like there was like a real - meter like the more of my emotes who using chat or something there's like a bar on the side that's like and it plays brain power when it's the top of course that would just lead to massive spamming but the only way to really it sucks because the only way to really get rid of that spamming aspect is to puts like like let's say we had only in donations right but now it's this weird thing where like I'm I now begging for is that weird I don't know every donation the meter goes up and gets closer to brain power I'm [ __ ] Mel already plays brain power $100 so the mods would hate we just had you guys spam all the time Hudson Doris's spam I don't want any of these but I do want that other black ruins so we wait till the room is over every sub every follow subs and follows follows someone could his unfollow reef all o unfollow reef although there's always a way to ruin it for everybody else and people find it subs yeah but that's the same thing as donations no kind of that's not very different though from a Sabbath on which we have done only once like it went well but can't penny tears spawn luck pennies I don't just I don't really care I'm being honest I'd rather just have the good stuff now plus 2 lakh plus two damage limit the emotes to one of every email per person if you can do that I don't think I can they'd have to I mean it would just have to be like a nightbot thing probably but then it would just timeout like everybody else and it would be even worse spam for you guys because for every one message there'd be you know two or three lines of nightbot coming in being like hey I did this thing yura so you really kind of dig in your own hole here it's getting worse --mode only no that's just guaranteeing the spam that's just saying like hey this meter is gonna go off and people the whole chats gonna be nothing but [ __ ] we do we went backwards again there when a black earn something here probably end up being doesn't say the boss item but there is no boss item look after you beat the heart enough it should just stop this it should start dropping normal items right that works all right no actually want the health oddly enough for this point in time I guess I don't want more than four what is littlehorn do the black horn that I have bars out the void tear that travels through enemies killing everything in its path piercing unless it's a boss I call it science because the tagline says science the world one only way to kill Stoney bros kill the bum dead top secret run potentially here no what is that like a room like this the long hallway it's his asking to be there say he told you I [ __ ] knew it was there yep smart I like to game prime sub but it's up and I took snowflake first snow flak tier 1 sub welcome any hats eyes your day been mrs. hunter good pretty good see your own matter wow that could be an item what's your favorite Marvel character mine is Aquaman mine is Barnacle Boy for sure way better kidding me Aquaman you seen barnacleboy's thighs not thick not thick but still rockin it's not thick he's skinny guys never seen the show all right for real though devil deal with spirit of the night please they in thick they juicy they just a snack Judah's suppose at bone suppose so we're black currents gonna be wasted he'd been looking like a snack snack that smiles back another one not helpful just kind of looking for an item here somewhere did we get the demon beggar to pay out I don't think we did I don't think so so we could just tank some black carts and make that happen make that happen shut you out though the news would you just hurry up though sir sir sir then we have a gulp pill somewhere jogiya while shits I'm not using the Joker we've already worked we just in the deal the devil moonshine ninja two months three total finally cada stream yards again welcome back friends appreciate it [Music] remember that name you can void money you can void a lot of things but it doesn't do anything for you to my knowledge nothing happens spun that's phenomenal glob that he didn't void that and I'll get the help back Ashley I don't know I was gonna say we could dark Judas first but now this here Emperor Joker like if I if I block her in these things so they turn into flies it's like it doesn't we're copy there's no shortage of flies don't be silly chat black runs consumables just give flies oh uh school this waters not cutting it oh I've got pretzel nuggets right here could say to me this would be satiated is that the proper term it would say to me I could say it would say she ate me won't be hots without pretzel nugs Pegasus 30 months damn it's been a while the last couple of months have been quite stressful but I'm happy to finally be able to catch one of your streams again welcome back 3-0 what a good number three zero and two zero two zero sate is a verb yes but is it the same thing as satiate sate versus satiate there we go it's the first thing that popped up as verbs the difference between satiate and sate is that satiate is to fill to satisfaction to satisfy while sate is to satisfy the appetite or desire of to fill up or sate can be dated sit it's not sit no one says that I say to the chair to fill the satisfaction or to satisfy the appetite they're pretty much the same thing but it's it sounds like sate is specifically regarding w specifically regarding your appetite does thou seitan the chair how many people here like that's the first time I've ever heard either of those words I like I like big words I'm not gonna lie I like big words so like brevity those of you guys like I don't know what that means classic Shakespeare I'm gonna say it was like I've read somewhere or heard something that's like that's something on a Shakespeare quote but brevity is the soul of wit which is basically saying brevity is using less words to describe what you're trying to describe so if you can say the exact thing that you want and as few words as possible I'll be brevity I like small words like egg eggs are delicious there's no substitute five eggs like almost every day from Hamlet never said maybe it wasn't that quote it was something with like that what everyone thought it was like this super well nor then maybe as I am an Einstein quote probably nine sign quote Shakespeare Einstein same thing I mean what's the difference there's our adult heart and our hair in the back of our head and our beard that's a pretty nice bear I hate eating eggs they taste like ass either you've never had an anger you've never had ass or who's ever asked you're having nice the wash up needs to scrub that area out let's taste them like eggs either way something is wrong farts can smell like eggs that's for sure salty plant 49 went up who eats ass that's freaky well do you go down on either any person because the thing that you're going down on at that point in time is where the other waste comes out so we're gonna talk about the other day and I you know I'm in the camp where you just I really don't think it's surprising at all do I I use this it still takes hearts Yeah right eggs do come from my but once again no well you could say it is the butt of the chicken if you're just talking about the entire backside I suppose but they are not but babies it's a vag why are we talking about this so babies come from asses well you guys did that's why the blood babies all right guys go can i leave i don't think there's anything that I need to do its importance we could totally dark you to spill a it's over a long time those see huts a basket une journée rocket ICU when a chicken in a hand love each other very much and a holy bloom checking hundred bits now you have all three donate seven bits the Trinity Trinity Jinnah T gotta love it eggs do not come out of a vag it's a vent piss [ __ ] and egg well okay but then you now you're saying that that piss doesn't come out of the vagina but that does right unless it literally is a separate okay cuz right cuz it's like the two things are separate on all female things sort of urine comes out above the vagina yeah but the I mean that term just kind of doesn't it just tell you about the whole thing you know I mean it's siding with the whole thing you're not talking about the uterus that's specific okay piss doesn't come out of the uterus okay just do i I didn't think I needed to go through this you guys but if I do there's probably something you guys should know okay and if you didn't get it somewhere else and goddamn it you're gonna get it here this comes out of the mouth pee is starting the ball see now that is correct thank you as long as we all understand that baby cannon I don't know who taught you that but they sound [ __ ] rad very simple stuff you guys very simple stuff okay P is stored in the egg I don't want that [Music] what exploded there did I miss something three dollar bill looking sometimes get the ipecac we should not have taken that or could give fire minds and our range is so terrible right now that upon getting fire mind we're in trouble oh my god why the worst items you guys all know him right though that's the weird thing it was like that's weird but he's technically yes grog dog you know that there's somebody out there right now chat that's like okay this is actually important information I did not know that and I saved them the embarrassment of the first time they get a boyfriend or girlfriend to be like is this the wait I thought this happened and then that person is like oh my god you actually thought that I'm tweeting about how stupid you are it out yeah you're welcome I saved you from that although it would have been really cool because your partner would have tweeted it out and then somebody would have screen capped that and put it on Reddit and gotten a bunch of internet points of which you got none because it was a screen cap of your comment but that's you know that's how life works welcome it's how it speaks from personal experience I'm writing it all down today I learned how much karma do you have I don't know it's a good question 10,000 could have more honestly everyone go up fall it all my comments place what did I miss about vagine - 9000 karma this is garbage this is so garbage I'm just gonna pop my thing I think I don't want to deal with this anymore Stream is good to have in the background for drawing pixel art hey there's my piercing compound fractures also delicious dead bird just like super good buddy metal plate I like it oh I'm excited oh hello can't see these guys you need some like reflective tape or something we do have Guppies tail right so we should be getting tons of chests tons more ish [Music] he's gonna complain about that making me hurt myself and then it gave me health [Music] [Applause] most store-bought eggs don't have embryos that's not true what are you talking about now most eggs are unfertilized which is weird that it still has the AG [ __ ] that's gonna open have a double chest room therefore the black room but I got nothing it was try speed tech another silent 18 having caught one in a while glad to be back glad to see you cheers 2020 hmm which is a better fly Conquest fly gives me two flies per room I think there's no door over there Comcast fly [Music] your trial period has one ounce we now charge $8.99 per fly their introductory period that's pretty spicy tractor-beam I like tractor beam a lot hardly ever a time when I'm not excited about it so handy for so many things happy new years you guys as well [Music] book shows where the boss is cool rock is secretly a chicken in disguise yoke that the it's the yolk that develops into the chicken not that clear it's not the yolk o'clock it's like a tiny speck that's on the yolk pressure the yolk is a food source as snail said yes jinx it's kind of like a seed in the seed casing that's like like the fruit welker secret in the baby chicken eats the yolk egg is stored in the seven piss you want mine either way it's still have to clear okay I don't think there's a chance for Judas at this point in time Judas was never an option sorry but next sorry but but that was pegboard nerds yeah another nine lives I'd like to keep my health so I'm just not even gonna touch it black tooth algae's a range oh yeah good just wanted good done here [ __ ] dead to me sixty nine lives challenge eggs are the work of the devil
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 7,535
Rating: 4.9763312 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Afterbirth, afterbirth+, the binding of isaac afterbirth+, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock, fogotten, booster pack
Id: kAmBgmsBUnA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 0sec (4620 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 05 2020
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