ECOVACS DEEBOT T20 OMNI Review: 14 Data-Driven Tests

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the ecova deot T20 Omni is a robot mop combo that is fantastic to use across the majority of our tests the T20 showcased exceptional results in addition it has a few but important improvements made from the earlier T10 Omni that enhances the user experience this video is sponsored by nap laab nap laab is our sister Channel where we put mattresses to the test we test mattresses through our battery of nine different tests to create the most objective transparent and helpful reviews possible if you're in the market for a new Maness and need help visit us over at or on our Channel at YouTube first let's talk about what the T20 does best first foremost it has excellent debris removal across all floor types moving 5% more debris than our testing average to date of 92.3% furthermore the mop pads raise and lower to avoid getting carpet or rugs wet while cleaning not only does this enhance you visbility but the M pads work well they removed a healthy amount of dirt and debris in our tests finally the T20 has a robust stocking station that manages the robot for you in addition it uses hot water to wash the mop pads however no robot vacuum is perfect let's talk through the important consideration points for the T20 while pet hair wasn't a major issue long hair was it struggled keeping long hair from tangling around the brush roll having 67% of the strands remained around the axle in addition it comes with the latest and greatest features but a high asking price at modern Castle we test robot vacuums with 14 different tests that impact the performance build quality and usability of the vacuum on screen now is a complete list of our testing categories and their performance cleaning performance was excellent for the T20 it struggled more with hair types especially long hair however across all debris tests the T20 showed case fantastic results to test the debris remove performance of the T20 we put it through a series of 12 different cleaning tests consisting of three different floor types and four different debris types we measure half an ounce of each debris type laying it on the floor for the vacuum to clean next we run the T20 over the debris on the highest suction power with a single forward and backward pass after we measure how much of the B Remains by weight and compare it to the starting amounts to determine cleaning performance performance overall debris removal performance was excellent in our debris test the T20 Omni was able to remove 97.3% of debris by weight this is 5.0% more debris than the average of 92.3% based on all of our tests to date I will note that the T20 Omni took a considerable amount of time to clean our testing Lane especially on high pal carpets that said row vacuums tend to not navigate optimally in our enclosed space most likely there shouldn't be an issue for most users as the RO will be cleaning full homes and not trapped in a box debris remove performance on the hardwood flooring was fantastic for the T20 what remained on hardwood was only the smallest debris sugar and kitty litter due to the spinning side brush debris can occasionally be swept away from the vacuum causing it to disperse to other areas of the floor in most cases the robot will later cover the areas removing the debris from the floor but on the rare occasions it can be missed I suspect this is the likely CA cause of the missing debris as mentioned previously as our testing Lane can cause robots to navigate a little differently than they would in a normal floor regardless 97.1% debris removal is excellent and I can only foresee that improving in a more natural setting low pal carpet showed the best performance from the T20 in our low pile carpet test the T20 was able to remove 98.1% of debris by weight this is 8.6% more debris than the average of 89.5% based on all of our tests the date in general we find robot vacuums tend to struggle on carpets especially low Pile in contrast the T20 had its best debris removal score across all three floor types it had little issue with all debris only leaving behind a small amount of sugar and kid overall we were impressed with the low pal carpet performance High pal carpet was the worst performing category for the T20 but only by a small amount again robot vacuums tend to struggle more on carpets so this is expected however the T20 had a difference of 1.3% to be removal across all floor types even at 96.8% to be removal I would consider it an excellent performance from the T20 to test how well the T20 manages long hair and avoids Tangles we pitted against 1.0 G of long hair We Lay the strands on a hardwood floor and run the vacuum on max power after cleaning we check the floor for hair and the brush roll for Tangles long hair performance was not great for the T20 in our long hair test the T20 had 66.6% of the long hair Tangled by weight this is 12.1% more hair Tangled than the average of 54.5% based on all of our long hair tests to date practically all of the hair got tangled around the brush roll with a few strands that caught on the spinning side brushes the real issue was the hair getting wound around the axle of the brush roll this is a common issue among raw vacuums and something that is prevalent with a T20 as well that said it is relatively easy to clean the hair from the brush roll which is a huge Plus for our pet hair test we embed 1.0 G of pet hair into hial carpet next we let the T20 perform two full cleaning Cycles finally we measure the amount of remaining pet hair in the carpet the amount that got tangled and compare it to the starting amount to determine performance in our pet hair test the T20 removed 84% by weight this is 16% more than the average of 65.0% based on all of our pet hair tests to date seeing the this level of performance is fantastic especially considering how the previous eax robots we've tested haven't performed as well both the X1 Omni and the T10 Omni were able to remove 61% of the pet hair so this is a massive Step Up in performance for the T20 for our Edge cleaning test we test to see how close to the edge the T20 is able to clean to test this we place 0.6 oz of sugar kitty litter and a little bit of rice directly along the edge of the wall about 4 in away from the wall we then run the vacuum over the debris towards the wall on the highest suction power with a single cleaning cycle finally we measure in inches how close the robot was able to clean in proximity to the wall and how much of the debris was removed by weight the T20 showed great results in this test eex has designed as mod pads to reach slightly beyond the body of the robot this allows it to reach into edges or Corners by slowly rotating its body when went against the wall this type of navigation worked well allowing the robot to reach all the debris right along the edge Howard thanks to the spinning side brush it swept some of the debris away from the edge this is what caused the T20 to only remove 83.2% of the debris in this test as stated in our debris test I suspect this wouldn't be an issue in a more natural home setting to test the crevice cleaning capabilities of the T20 we filled crevices in our tile testing Lane with 0.3 o of sugar next we let the rubber complete a single cleaning cycle on the highest suction power and check how much of the sugar remained by weight the T20 had practically no issues with this test 96.7% of all debris was removed by weight leaving only Trace Amounts left behind on the floor keep in mind this test was performed with the mop off having the mop would ensure the plush material the mop pads would sink down into the crevices removing more of the debris to test the mobing capabilities of the T20 we check how well it can remove small scale stains and remove move dirt on a broader scale in our mob test the T20 showcased excellent performance on average based on all of our robot mob devices we've tested the date we find they have slightly worse performance than the T20 despite multiple cleaning cycles of our office and Studio space the T20 was able to remove a healthy amount of dirt and debris however I wouldn't trust any substantial mess to the robot as it seems more suited towards lighter and more maintenance type mopping the robot uses two spinning mop pads that have the ability to rais and lower to avoid getting carpet or rugs wet this is a major improvement from the T10 and X1 which instead fully avoids carpets and rugs while the mod pads are attached how well a robot vacuum can navigate and clean the home can greatly impact the overall user experience to check how well the T20 Omni navigates we focus on three key factors our cleaning speed test showed the T20 was able to clean our 1000t office space in 50 minutes the average cleaning speed we find based on all our our Robot vacuum tested to date is 64 minutes the T20 is 14 minutes faster than average in addition the vacuum has access to recharge and resume features for extended cleaning operation to test the obstacle avoidance to the T20 we place four objects on the floor and send the robot to clean around them we observe the cleaning cycle checking to see how well the robot navigates the space and whether or not it can avoid the objects the T20 Omni had exceptional obstacle performance in our test on average based on all of our robot vacuums we've tested to date robots struggle the most with avoiding cords and our mug in both cases the T20 performed better however the T20 Omni did have some partial contact with the cord it wasn't the core we had laid down in the testing area but a different core that was connected to one of our studio lights even in this case the contact wasn't enough to displace the cord or get stuck we also test how well the T20 cleans on a broader scale we have the reg performance multiple cleaning Cycles in our office and Studio space focusing on Three core requirements can it fully clean the space can it not get stuck and can it return to base the T20 Omni had exceptional navigational performance in our test on all fronts Ro was able to fully clean the space and returned to base successfully every time this is in spite of a floor that is commonly being changed with new products and otherwise cluttered with film and testing equipment in our noise test the T20 Omni generated 65.9 DB of noise on Max suction power this is 3.0 DB lower than the average of 68.9 DB based on all of our noise tests to date that said it isn't much louder than the average Robot vacuum in addition the dock generates 80.1 DB of noise while self-empty this is louter than the average dock we test which generates 75.6 DB of noise if noise is a concern you can utilize the scheduling tool or do not disturb modes to avoid cleaning during quiet hours here's the T20 sounds like in each mode and here's what it sounds like while the self emptying is going on across the board usability on the T20 is excellent it builds upon features available with its predecessors and improves the overall design most notably the lifting mop pads on previous eax models we've tested the robot would avoid Carpenter rugs while the mops were attached this meant you needed to remove the mop pads if you wanted the robot to clean the carpet however this isn't the case with the T20 the mop pads can raise or lower to avoid getting carpets dirty or damp this in combination with all the other great features available make the T20 Omni an incredibly hands-off device the T20 Omni has an estimated yearly maintenance cost of $56 a year on screen now is the table showcasing the major maintenance task for the T20 like many high-end robot vacuums released today the docking station for the T20 Omni is robust it automatically empties the debris from the robot refills the water supply and washes and dries the mop paths the new twist added by eax is the ability to wash the M pads with hot water it uses the water provided by the Clean Water Supply Heats it up internally and washes the M pads with that water providing a more effective self-cleaning that said the base plate of the dock is not removable in a way that makes cleaning the cleaning sink easy instead the docking station can fill the cleaning sink with water allowing the user to use the provided brush to scrub away the grime and debris well this is a nice addition and in theory it beneficial you still have to get on your hands and knees to actually clean the station it would be much better off to have a removable cleaning sink that you can just take to your kitchen to clean the size of the T20 Omni is about average compared to other robot vacuums we've tested the docking station however is fairly large and hosts a 4 L water tank for both clean and dirty water so is the T20 Omni right for you it's an excellent high-end robot mop combo with fantastic results across the board it removed 97.3% of all debris in our cleaning test function well as a daily mopping device and remove 84% of hair from carpets thanks to improvements made with the sensors object recognition and map creation the T20 Omni navigated well it never got stuck avoided most objects completely and returned to the base every time the overall build quality is excellent and usability is incredible thanks to a robust docking station it automatically empties the robot's Dustbin washes the mod pads with hot water dries mod pads and refills the water supply overall it does have a high asking price but the performance and bleeding edge usability features cannot be overstated well guys it for this video I hope helpful coms questions pleas those notes down below if you're interested in buying the T20 we've got a link in the description for more from Mod Castle be sure to get subscribe ring that Bell and visit us over at modern as always thank you so for watching
Channel: Modern Castle
Views: 5,219
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ECOVACS DEEBOT T20 OMNI, Robot Vacuum, Smart Cleaning, Home Automation, Vacuum Mopping Combo, Advanced Navigation, Automated Dirt Disposal, Hands-free Cleaning, App-Controlled Vacuum, Smart Home Devices, High-Efficiency Filter, Pet Hair Removal, Floor Cleaning, AI Technology, Voice Control Compatible, Battery Life, Smart Home Ecosystem, Cordless Convenience, Cleaning Gadgets, Multi-Surface Cleaning
Id: krg1iTf9QhE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 33sec (873 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 08 2023
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