ECOs in Vault Professional | Autodesk Virtual Academy

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good morning everyone and welcome to today's session of Khateeb Autodesk Virtual Academy I'm Nigel Oh Mike and today I'm joined by Jose Friday this awesome from conceived as dwell I'll actually meet Jose started here obviously Oh black yeah so it was really cool that we're anyways um for those of you who today is your first ABA definitely welcome to our community we'd love to share our knowledge with everyone and that's why we have people you know hundreds if not thousands of people coming back every week watching these videos on GoToWebinar YouTube Facebook Twitter as YouTube after the fact so definitely thank you all for being a part of this community it is you know the viewers that keep us going every week so with that let's go ahead and take a look at the top today so today we're going to be going over eCos involved professional as you see on your screen there a CEO staying for engineering change order sometimes referred to as also change requests so you know those might be some common things you hear around your facility or office and Vault professional has a way to complete these tasks electronically it gives you ability to control change orders kind of follow them through the process and make sure the right people see you know the right locations at the right time so you're not waiting for signatures you're not walking paper around you're not walking well it's not just paper right sometimes you've got sheets you know hundreds of sheets of documentation that you need someone to sign off on ok males they are it's just a lot of things that you know about fault can actually help facilitate for you guys if your files already in there you might as well have your change orders go through there as well so hose is gonna go over a little bit about that today if you have any questions go ahead and type them into the chat panels of your respective program whenever possible if you are watching this on YouTube after the fact definitely just leave a comment on the video and we'll make sure that that question gets answered with that I'll pass on Tuesday and let's get started yeah so thanks Nigel so today we're gonna talk about ecl's like Nigel said ecr's are engineering change requests or something else that they're related to eCos basically they come before eCos and they decide whether the change will go through but ecl's in vaults why are we talking about them they actually add a little more security to your revision process making those change orders you know going through them you want to make sure that not everyone can make these changes of course they they work with your existing life cycles I know Erik Paul did an ABA on life cycles I believe it was two weeks ago couple weeks ago a couple weeks ago so you know if you have questions on life cycles to begin with go go watches a VA but they'll work hand in hand with those and we'll see that during the demonstration portion here traceability and that one is a big one in for a lot of our customers like making sure that we know who did the changes who approved these changes who looked at these changes what recommendations were done during or suggested during the actual review process of these engineering changes that can all be seen in Vault professional and you can actually look at the actual markups that were done during the review process anything like that it's it's all you know related to the items and the files in their final part is yes it's built into bolts but you know we're used to our form we're used to to what our process looks like all the properties and all the fields that are in there volt professional with the eCos involve professional allow you to add your own properties customize what you see on that front page which will which will see right now and create an ECL and you can basically make it look like you need it to so you have a you know a familiar interface in a way so we move forward again talking about eCos is to change order process many of our customers have it most of our customers have it actually it's just different in each in each process it like I said it works with existing life cycles it has that little extra protection on there there's actually we'll see in a bit but there's there's an option where eCos will force the user to create an e c.o in order to actually move it out of a life cycle state there are two different routes here and we'll look at the main one in a little bit but you can have two different approval or review States in your SEO process we'll look at the one without a check state in a bit but you can always add that extra stage if you need other departments or other people to to review it and again final point very very important traceability if you a lot of our customers if you get audited you have to you know prove all this documentation then there with vault as long as you know you're maintaining everything you'll be able to point exactly to all the locations of the documents that you need looking through file cabinets so on and so forth that's right yeah different states of an ECL like I was saying there are there's a whole process built interval now with life cycles if you watched Eric Paul's a VA he mentioned that they're very customizable you can choose which way one one state can go to another or who can do it and everything like that in the case of an ECL this is the process that you get the only edit or change that you can make like I mentioned earlier is actually that you can put a check state or an additional review state between work and review here and what that allows you to do is send it to to the checks they have someone review it and be able to send it back to work so it creates a mini cycle here from between the engineer and the reviewer that that can go quickly otherwise if it gets to this state like we'll see you later on it'll be going in a larger loop so I'm just gonna go through these through these states here create state speaks for itself there it'll be basically when we initiate the EC oh like Nigel mentioned earlier they'll already be an EC are created for it weather and it'll approve it'll be either approved or denied whether the EC Oh will will be created so in this state basically we're filling out the forms all the information that is needed for this change order any information that the engineer will need as well as anybody reviewing the file once it's created we actually go into the open state he here is where and well I'll start throwing out some of the some of the roles in this ECL process a change administrator which more than likely if you're using an ECL process you already have someone that's in charge of distributing these jobs closing them out making sure that everything is going right this is in the open state is where the the change administrator would actually be doing some of those things they'll be assigning an engineer they'll be assigning a reviewer and approver stuff like that they'll go ahead and do that in this open State if there's any information that someone forgot to include in the EC Oh at first the the change administer has the power to go ahead and edit the form at that time from open there's two ways that this can go the if the change administrator decides hey this is just um something that can be fast-tracked and completely approved automatically like it's we're releasing a drawing and it doesn't need to be reviewed by anyone it was already reviewed at some point before that which I mean technically you should be doing it through this process but if it's some just a quick release initial release the change Minister has option to actually just force that approval and send it all the way to the approved state basically to be closed at that point once it's in the approved state all the files are locked or it started the engineering change order is locked and no other changes can happen to it but in most cases like I said it'll actually go into the work State here where the engineer will go in and start working on the drawings the parts or anything that needs to be created at that point and and basically modifying making the modifications that are needed one other option that the change administrator has actually from here is say the ECR was approved the e Co is created and then something else comes up where the e Co has to be put on hold or is no longer valid what happens in that point the the change administrator has the option to send it into what's called the cancelled state where it's basically there are there are two only two states in this ECL process where the e c.o is completely done and finished one is that canceled state and the second one is that closed state which we saw after approved so unless the e Co is in one of these two prostates it is considered open still so you know if the change administrator actually change decides to send it into work this is where the change in sorry the the responsible engineer actually gets a notification saying hey there's actually something that needs your attention you need to work on go ahead and check it out they'll they'll go ahead and do their work and then submit it for approval again it can be submitted for fast-track approval by the change administrator that at that point if it doesn't need to go through review and to the approval process it can also be sent back again to the open state if there are any changes that the responsible engineer feels needs to be done to the e Co in order to make it valid once it's set into the review state there are a couple of options here it can either be rejected if the whoever's reviewing it sees any issues with what the work that was done it can be rejected at which case they will give their reasons for the rejection and it again it is the change of initiators job to decide whether the reasons that were given by the reviewer or the approver are valid enough to cancel the e CEO or if they're valid enough to to send it back into the work state just make some minor changes to what's being requested of the work and send it back to the responsible engineers oh sorry but in most cases you know once once the work is done and it's approved the approver will send it into these disapprove state here where the files are placed into into what is a release state and we'll go through that in a little bit again touching on what Eric did a couple of weeks ago and and like I said it is in the proof state it's pretty much all done but it still needs to be placed into the closed state in order for it to finish out but what we're gonna do right now is actually jump into the vault and as you can see a lot of you have your project Explorer here we're gonna go into the home workspace and if you're not using change orders in vaults you may notice that you see the change ordered list down there but you haven't really dug into it mine's pretty empty I did a change order the other day but there are a couple of ways to create a new change order involved one would be to either select the item or file that you're using and that's right you heard idem and file with eCos depending on it doesn't matter which which environment you're working in some of our customers basically use file control with their lifecycles some of our customers use item controls both of them will work with the change orders you'll go ahead and add them to the change order to make sure that you're affecting the the proper the proper files or items so in here we're actually going to go ahead and right-click on an item this is an item that I was working on earlier it's my ABA assembly and I'm gonna go ahead and add to a change order again there are two ways you can do it one you can create the change order earlier it'll be empty there won't be any associated files in it or you can create the e c.o and automatically assign what you're trying to change so this time we know it's the item I want to change we're gonna add it to a new easy Oh that brings up the SEO interface here like I said if there are properties that you're used to if there are fields that you're used to this is where you'll go ahead and see them you'll have your basic ones in here which are change order title always important you want to make sure that you have an appropriate title in there too to differentiate your your eCos oh you have an ECL number now this this number numbering scheme is is editable well to certain prefix that you use or so only certain numbers that you use that can be set up within within vaults so it's a fit your needs again change order title you'll need detailed description possibly one of the the most important things within the ECL process you want to be able to tell your engineer exactly what they need to do or as well as possible without having to physically interact with them so as much detail as you can provide can be placed into the detailed descriptions due dates you'll have to pick when this is due by one just this is needed by in the ECL process it usually already is defined how urgent the change has to be made so you just go ahead and decide it is it does allow to make it do as soon as that they the same day that it's created so one thing keep in mind is be careful with that would change administrators the way that they will see everything is basically by due date so mmm it's something you want to keep in mind if it you know if you know it's not that urgent then go ahead and give it some D time otherwise you know you've run into issues where everyone is saying that there's you know is the most urgent matter and it just clutters up the change in finish here down here that that part we were talking about where you want to have a familiar form you can customize it however you want these properties right here they're what called what are called user-defined properties within vault professional and I just created these yesterday you know for this purpose is this for a VA I made it a true/false yes it is for a VA are you sure textbox yep I'm sure whatever fields you have whatever information you need on your EC o form you can create within both if it's a list if it's true false if it's a number it can all be incorporated into your to your form second tab here is called the records tab basically this tells you what what you are affecting in this case I since I created the ECL from an item it automatically adds it here but I can go ahead and add more here and go ahead and hit the Add button here and I can just search through items I know there is one more than it's related to it or so if I search my items I don't have that many I know what I'm searching for this item down here this one I know it's related to to this to this item because it's an assembly but instead what I can do is actually right click on the item and hit add related this will bring up a brand new window it'll show you the bill of materials for this item which is a neat thing about it and it'll show me the related items here so if I I know that that item we were looking at is in here I can go ahead and add them I want to be able to control both of them at the same time in case they're in this case let's say I want to make changes to the child as well as the parent assembly in part I can go ahead and add it just hit OK and now it sees that both of them are related comments tab in here is basically you can go ahead and add comments you can go ahead and add some files that you may think are important you know the previous tab AB is basically for files that you will be changing or controlling in here you can add a comment with a file attached that may have some relevant information too so whatever the changes the reason behind the change anything like that we can go ahead and add a comment it'll pop up a window here and you can go ahead and add attachments any files that you need like I said one little thing here is any files that you attach throughout the ECL process as well will have to be in the vault already so if you have a PDF that's lying on your desktop make sure you place that into the vault and and know where it is or you know use the search function to be able to get to it but any comments you make will appear here throw out the whole SEO process any time it makes a transition which we'll see in a bit a automatically creates a comment telling us what was what was done as far as the transition goes and who made it so sometimes excuse me some of these attachments could be things like like RMA forms say for example you get more I may fall back from a customer and then they found out hey this thing is faulty we need to make a change those are things you can add there as attachments just kind of giving you ideas of possible things you can add in there right emails maybe talk about the female function of the piece things along that nature he means actual emails I'm not sure if all of our customers or viewers are aware there is actually a false ad in for your outlook so if you're saving emails into volt you can attach them afterwards and use them you know in your SEO process or what have you at that point the same thing with Word documents spreadsheets all that that good stuff or pictures even if you're pretty much anything can be stored in there so that's the Comments tab very important actually what we'll go through why that is in a little bit when we go actually go through the e c.o files as you saw we added items previously basically the records where the items but we're actually able to look at the files inside the items we can preview them and you have this very neat tool bar up here and actually it's a touch on that some of our users have had an issue with viewing this toolbar it looks like there are some windows permissions that need to be changed for it to appear but if you have been working with eCos and haven't seen this toolbar or have wondered where it went you headed at some point and it didn't show up afterwards give us a call we know how to how to fix that we know how to help you but what this toolbar does is it allows you to make the markups and and place them in inside the ecl so this is the files routing very important part so routing like I said the change administration usually in charge of seeing saying who the responsible engineer is who the the approver will be and what have you after that the necessary people you have an option to set predefined routings let's say 90% of the time it will go to a certain person as a responsible engineer and a certain approver at that point if that's the case let's say and in this case my administrator is a change administrator my approver has the approval role surprise surprise and the engineer is a responsible engineer now these are all the users as you can see on the left hand side these are the users in your case it will be actual people not me signing in with three different roles but when you change the routing it basically assigns these roles to the appropriate people and it's a quick way to like I said if 90% of time it is these people that are making the changes the only time you'll have to change anything would be during that 10% and the last time here is the status tab depending on where the e c.o is in the process you'll always be able to look at the status tab and check what happened yep and just real quick while we're on the routing don't want to go back to yeah I started the status which shows the total routing of this whole thing um to reiterate um what's built in here there are two options right you have this this flow chart and then there's one other one that Jose mentioned where there is another review state before the review state check state yeah there's a check state before the review State um if you want to customize this yourself Jose do you want to explain what the best way to do that is yeah let me go ahead and go through that I'll just have to recreate this a little bit but that's fine yeah actually no I can save this so I'll save this this EC oh here should be fine we'll use it in a little bit we'll go back to the change order workspace there but if under tools of course you'll need administrator privileges to do this so under tools administration and global settings you'll get your your your window here under change orders you can select the workflow that you'll be using like Nigel was saying the check State will go ahead and add an additional stay in that process so once we go to this change order list here we're gonna go ahead and create a blank one like we were saying earlier as you can see when you created in that space there are no automatic related items but if we go to the status you'll see that we now have a check state in there yep but if you need to blow this whole thing up and add all your own custom States and stuff you cannot do that with involved professional natively there are some talks into creating some cool custom stuff if that's something you're interested in doing possibly creating your own custom ECL flow here maybe you have something very specific for your company talk to us about it and we'll be able to help you figure out what the best course of action is well professional might not be the solution for you there might be another solution keep in mind is like a full product life cycle process in a PLM tool so if that's something you need to do you need a customized ratio like crazy just you know have like instead of the ten states here have like 15 20 states if you know you got to go through like 17 approvers I've seen that happen sometimes let us know there's another tool for that and we can help you figure out if it's gonna be worth it for you guys yeah yeah that's true and since we're here just to reiterate that that state it can go from directly from work to check and back and forth basically as many times as it needs to be reviewed once it's a proof though it will have to go in the bigger loop but for this aba what we did is just used this one right here as you can see it's still in the create state which means you know whoever's creating it or in this case if we look at routing here you can see that a sign when I hit save whoever hit save gets this role here called change requester and basically they become a viewer in this in this ECL process they'll be able to set check on it to see what state it's in basically on giving them read access to this SEO the requester of change so requester of change it is but this request interchange has one job here once it's ready once he knows all the information is in there that is needed he can go ahead and right-click on the ECL and respond to it submit it into what's called the open state or he can go ahead and view and respond it'll open up the the bigger interface here and then hit the button up here so we're gonna go ahead and hit submit and like I was mentioning earlier it automatically creates a comment here it's saying that ECL 22 was submitted to open you have the option to add additional information for a VA and then you have to hit OK I said earlier was mandatory if I go ahead and hit cancel nothing happens it's literally still in the create state it won't let me go through it needs to create this comment so I'm gonna go ahead and add my comment here hit OK you can see it automatically updates it's now in the open state it's now in the hands of the change administrator for him to do what he needs to do as you can see since I myself was the requester in the change administrator I have the option to submit it now I can submit to enforce approval like I was saying it will take this track and that's another neat thing here you if you hover over these options they'll tell you what track you're taking so cancel relates to this track down here and it'll tell you you're sending it to the cancelled State submit will send it to work if you hover over submit and then submit enforce approval is also here that that's the options again you can right click and hit respond but in this case I'm just gonna right click it hit edit I want to make sure that the routing is right right now it shows administrator engineer and approver with their respective roles let's say that's not what I wanted I can also hit edit and go ahead and remove engineer add Nigel remove approver add if on that as a different role I can go also go ahead and change the roles of in this case the engineer he has the role of responsible engineer I can give him a proven role if that's something that needs to be done but the the change administrator would have all these powers excuse me and just to go over here the roles that we have which we haven't touched on much approver is essentially the user that will be in charge of approving the EC oh and the changes in the review state to go from review to approve yeah so approver will will get a notification once the ECU goes into review State and I mean it'll show up on their work list that they need something they have something to do so approver will be in charge of the reinstate responsible engineer is in charge of the work state they'll be able to make changes to the files they'll be able to you know do work or add files to these items and then change administrators pretty much in charge in the open approved and rejected States they'll pretty much have the power to to and/or move this this e Co along we'll go back here change the administrator change requester like I said once whoever creates in some myths well whoever creates and saves the e Co will automatically get this this role basically to be able to follow along notification user let's say this is a very big SEO and you just want to be notified when anything changes in the SEO or anything happens you can add a certain person in here let's say nigel is very very invested in this ECL I can go ahead and add him as a notification user and he'll be able to just not really participate in ECL but be able to keep tests on it I'll watch from inside the glass window and then reviewer not it's kind of confusing here reviewer is not going to be in charge of the review state of reviewers basically if you need someone to be able to take a look at it and make some markups they'll be able to to give in this role and then work on it so I'm gonna go ahead and add Nigel here it he won't actually have any work to do but he'll be able keep an eye on it and I'm actually as a change of Minister I'm satisfied with with the the routing all the files look good my description is amazing as well as my title there's the imagine that they're there right yeah and then what kind of forever I'm thinking whatever and I'm gonna go ahead and submit it very important thing obviously I still forget it a lot of our users probably do as well I made changes to this routing I made changes to the ECL description and title data was modified do I want to save it yes and then it'll go ahead and create this comment on this it ok and now it is in the work state so I'm gonna do something really cool here if you look at my work list here under change order list you'll see that I had that ECL we created it's saying hey you have something I need your attention if I hit refresh still here oh because funny thing because I am the requester it'll keep it on my worthless saying hey this ezo still open but I'm gonna go over here so my other window I'm signed in as engineer here nothing on my work list refresh and now the EC oh that was put into work state is now there for me to work on I'm gonna go ahead and click on it it automatically takes me to the ECL I'm gonna go ahead and edit here if we're gonna pretend we made a bunch of changes yeah well we're actually gonna Rev bump this by highlighting these two items and changing the state we're gonna send it to the work in progress state here and they're not gonna work work work work work I'm gonna work work work work like Rihanna and then I'm going to just make make the changes to the files make updates to the items something always to keep in mind if you're working in an item environment you can make all the changes you want to your files if the item itself is not updated this item here or item in the item master won't see any of those new versions of your files and I'm gonna do something here that that again is something that you can set up with eCos is yes I did all my work it's still a work in progress all right I'm gonna go ahead and submit it to review I get this message here items in change orders cannot be in the work-in-progress State when moving out of change order state something you don't want is someone going into this this ECL going into a review process and your file still being open and not locked up and someone going in there making changes so now what happens is whoever's approving this is reviewing something that you didn't do something that you didn't want to prove so in order to avoid that there is an option in here to not allow this SEO to move into the review state if the items are still in excuse me in in a work in progress so what we have to do is actually go into the items change the state again we're gonna send it in to review it okay in the review in in review the items are locked which means the files can't can't go ahead and be changed anymore and now we can go ahead and submit this to review any changes you have mad changes and changes that means a lot of changes if you don't know slag now it's in review if i refresh here it's no longer on my work list and now it's gonna be in the approvers worthless it is so what we're gonna do is gonna go in here for over yes my password is very secure and you can see it's on on the provers worthless here is gonna go in here and he's gonna do a few respond it's gonna look at the files he's gonna say oh this drawing yeah you don't have any information here so what he's actually going to do is you'll notice that that toolbars not in here um what he's going to do is actually right click and do what's called a markup going here he'll click on the drawing that he is no good he'll be able to do whatever he wants in here and I'm gonna where's the stuff yeah there is no infor mation click out of here and I'm gonna zoom in here cuz my sheets are pretty big but I'm gonna zoom in here and you'll see that there are some changes in here you also have the option to scribble or do whatever what have you add some stamps that you need in here we're gonna say this is rejected and then what after you made all your markups or your changes you're gonna go ahead and hit the Save button in here there are a couple options one is to allow all the users to pick where they want to save their markups in my case what I did is I picked I'm creating a markup folder and I made it so that any markups that are made are automatically saved in there so as you can see I had a markup in there from a previous ECL but for this e Co ECL 22 it tells me it's a markup and it tells me who created it so it goes you can always edit this and change it as you need but by default these are the how it goes to name it and as you can see it automatically assigned or yeah attaches it to the EC Oh will see the EC Oh down here and it allows me to create a comment added markup it ok and if I click on this on this uh defects here you can see that it shows the drawing with all the modifications that I made so when I go in here and I'll go ahead and save this close out of here and I'm gonna go ahead and reject this because it needs to go back into work-in-progress make changes we're gonna talk about it here again Bobby there's our engineer Oh fun fact I'm so used to working in that check state that I forgot that when I reject it here it doesn't actually go back to my uh responsible automatically it actually goes back to me because now if we look at the status of this EC oh it's in a rejected state again change administrator has the power here let's say he reviews it he says all right those changes are valid we're gonna go ahead and open it up again you start back yeah you start from the beginning at this point he's gonna go ahead and edit the description you know say what else needs to be done and submitted again so to work we're gonna go back to a responsible engineer here refresh it'll be back on his worthless it's gonna go in here and then we're gonna pretend that he actually did all this work he's gonna submit it again for a review refresh again I always like showing that it will get off his work list and right now what I've been doing this manually refreshing the window just hitting f5 but the cool thing about eCos is actually that worthless will refresh itself after a couple minutes automatically so you know users you know some some users won't won't be able to have the excuse like oh it was under window I just didn't refresh it so I never got the notification that I had the ECL put it there a few minutes yep prove er here it's gonna again going to go ahead and look at the files see his changes see the new files obviously they're very very different and he's like yeah this is what we need he's gonna go ahead and approve it it ok and now as you can see the e Co itself is locked no more changes can be made to it and if you want to look at what happened during that ECU if you wanna jump back Jose oh yeah he can go in and respond but like Nigel was saying if you want to see what's been going on just go into the comments tab you'll be able to see who did what I submitted to open and then to work for the engineer to submitted to it tells you what was done who did what time it's it's a great way to keep track of exactly what's going on and I know the question is going to come how is there a way to get metrics out of this be able to do it unfortunately there is no way to do it directly from here what we have done in the past though so it's a little work around here is being able to export these comments out to an excel sheet or stereo workbook and being able to do your calculations from there so I just note if you want to do anything special there are ways to do it yeah maybe not involve professional there are some other lifecycle management tools various that will be able to do them so if you need to do some really really really really fancy stuff let us know we'll show you that uh it is possible just maybe not inside a vault again so sorry it's an approved state it's in the hands of the change manager change administrator sorry and we're gonna go ahead and close this change order before actually before I do that I'm going to go ahead and show why it's important to close these change orders let's say right now the records that show are these two items here I'm gonna go to the item I'm gonna go ahead and try to create a new item or two new change order and lo behold we can't that's because an item or file cannot be part of to change orders at the same time because you do not want to be making two different changes at the same time so that's why it's important let's say even right now that change order is done it's approved but it's not closed it won't let us make another change until it's officially closed so we're gonna go ahead and right click respond to it and we're gonna close this change order again we get our our comment window gonna hit OK and what we also get and that's really nice is this window here it was in review when we approved it but we needed to be released vault gives us automatically this window and gives us the chance to send it to release and make sure that that it's in the state that we needed to be unfortunately if you are working with files you know this is a manual step in that case it only automatically pops this window up if you are working with items so we're going to send it to release hit OK and our SEO is closed again if we go over here to our item now it gives us the option to add it to a change order but traceability right I've been talking about how we can see what everyone else is doing when it was done and stuff like that but if you click on an item and then the tab of change order you'll see what change orders it was actually a part of you'll be able to go to the change order and actually see what's going on it maintains them linked it's a great way to keep track of all the changes keep track of when they were done and keep track of who was doing them again great tool that's actually all I have right now but any questions that you guys have comments concerns we're always here to answer them and there's a lot I think it'll be really valuable for a lot of people to stay and listen to a lot of these questions there are a lot and they are all pretty relevant so excuse me let us move through the list like I mentioned if you do have any questions go ahead and type them in and we will go ahead and address those so let's go ahead and start here really quickly what would be the workflow of obsoleting an item through an e c.o same process that you were watching over there in that case what would happen is it would go into let me go ahead and bring up vault again but in that space the change administrator if it's just being obsolete 'ok if it has to be reviewed by someone to make sure hey yes this can be obsoleted it'll still go through the regular process of open work review and everything tzedakah city of proof state in which case the change administrator would have to go in to those files or to the items and change their life cycle state to obsolete again touching on Erick Paul's webinar last couple a couple weeks ago you can set up obsolete state with your life cycles and make sure that you can place your your items or files into this state and with items it's really easy like Jose showed that the change state dialog came up immediately once he closed the EC oh so that's an opportunity for you to be able to use those items and then just change it to obsolete when Jose changed it to released so that's good thing let's see here ok we answered a couple of these questions while we're going through so yeah you can create eCos for locked slash released files like hose they did he had to unlock the file to be able to make the edits as the responsible engineer before he moved it through the ECL process so makes sense let's see how do you manage when a file goes into multiple projects and how you indicate that using properties marcelo let us answer that offline um I think I have an idea for that I know you're a very specific situation I'm in regards to using a file in multiple places let me see if we can come up with something for that so uh Jose myself or maybe like a Jorge will reach out to you after this let's see here I'm from David my company has or does not have change administrators Engineers do everything whew it makes for a lot of routing lists if they don't select their own routing and create they get locked out any suggestions for that um they don't select their own right you can okay so what I would say that to that is make the default routing like it I'm assuming what you mean is they forget to change the routing to the proper one where they'll be or the assigned is the engineer or change administrator make the default one the most common one the one where you know if odds are hey I forgot to change the routing this person is actually in the office hey can you help me out you know change this change make me change the ministry like that that would be one of my suggestions the other thing is like at that point really the best in that scenario it really would be best-case scenario to enable one of the engineers or maybe someone like a manager level person to be able to become that change administrator is having engineers just like having one person go in and do everything kind of defeats the purpose of having a reviewer for their stuff if they're reviewing their own items then why are they reviewing anyways I'd really look into that workflow and maybe enable some other people to be other roles in that process so it's one of those things submit and the submit to Forks submit and submit to force parole buttons are the same I think they are and that's just something that vault has in there they might be a little bit different I know the screen is kind of small when we're all looking at it I'm not hundred percent sure if those buttons are completely identical but they're very similar well they're they're actually yeah I can't tell based on the the grayed out they might be the same that's just how it's been like Jose mentioned if you hover over it it'll tell you what it's doing or if you right-click on the e c.o you can choose submit to with force approval right let's see is our friend Mario how's it going Mario it's been a while can you add item disposition such as infield on order and in stock properties stating use rework or scrap so you can't add custom properties like he has here on the screen what's highlighted there at the bottom I think that's the most customization you can do in regards to that you can create a list having you know item disposition as one of those properties and then having a list of all the possible outcomes or outcomes I guess possible states that that particular item is in so that's one way to do it if you have any questions about that Mario just reach out and we'll figure out what you're trying to do what you're trying to accomplish and we'll find the best way to get there the next question about preventing closing an e c.o with an items to the review unfortunately it will be I'm hoping not too much of a learning curve or the change administrator to be able to place that item back into release state when the window pops up you know hopefully the the window popping up is a trigger kind of that change to release state yeah but if it is closed and you have that that setting in place where the change the state of the item cannot change unless it's in a change order you'll have to create another ECL get that move it so it's basically moving into release date at that point what you can do is just force that approval it's one of the scenarios we were talking about earlier and just send it straight in to release yeah so I guess the best scenario would be remember um and if you don't remember make another SEO do a fast approval on the just bumps the rev or not two bumps the route that closes out the files yeah basically last Mountains released exactly um is our standard workflow to ensuring SEO has been implemented make sure you hit the submit button to ensure the ECL has been implemented once so what happens at that point you're editing these files here you're making them the most for the most up-to-date version as soon as you hit release it becomes the most recent up-to-date released version so your work your workshop anybody who is only allowed to see released versions they will they will be able to see the the new version as soon as it's released I'm assuming that's what you mean if there's any clarification that you need to make just go ahead and reach out to us again and we can talk more about that implemented by downstream users such as manufacturing yeah so just make sure you hook the files and then people may factoring who can only see left files will be able to see those things once they're made what's their endeavour these state and changed through the e Co second key that's that's what your users will see again this can be ensured for the lifecycle States go ahead and take a look at Eric pause a VA - that goes pretty hand-in-hand with this with this e Co changes definitely um let's see there's no way to get an eto number from vault and populated with in the revision table on the IDW i guess or DWG if that's the case itself I believe that hasn't been implemented Bryan and also the name of using the vault login is what appears within the revision table rather than the username from with an inventor um you might be able to write to that table need a few maps of properties correctly using the inventor username Brian shoot us an email we'll figure out what you have in here I think I know what you mean we might have to call you figure that one out but uh we'll figure that out yes does the same process for obsoleting applied to uh knob sleeting yeah if you need to bring it out of obsolete state again in most cases you'll need to make a engineering change order but uh you know make sure that it's a valid item that you're bringing back in some cases when it's obsolete it's because a manufacturer doesn't uh you know doesn't make it anymore you can't obtain it anymore you know sometimes that'll stop companies or customers from using it but yeah you'll go ahead and put it through the through the easier process in that case yeah when you sit obsoleting is a little different when you set an obsolete state you want to make sure that only certain people can even see it in the vault you'll just have to make sure that the change administrator is one of those people and I can see it and that can can make changes to it and make changes to and then you have to make sure that there is the ability to go from obsolete to released because if you don't have that transition in your vault then you can't do it yeah make sure the transition exists so you can do it it happens sometimes you're working on it I'm obsolete this why and they just make sure that the workflow exists able to get it out of that state I guess it is called an obsolete ik I wonder if there's actually a formal term for that that's not just adding a prefix to all right um caution good question what person would typically fill the role of change administrator is it the project engineer is it you know the project manager in this case um it really depends on the situation right um change admin we've seen you know the engineering managers do it we've seen um we've seen people in the manufacturing floor do it we've seen people in like our mas right when people send things back for warranty issues um things along those those lines it really depends on what kind of scenario you have what kind of changes that need to be made and who's initiating those changes it might be a project engineer might be someone the shop floor it might be it could be a salesperson you never really know consensus does need to be the final approval on whether you know it's what the customer wants or anything like that so yeah honestly depends on your situation yep and yeah it really depends on the situation it really depends on what kind of changes need to be made and were they originated from I think is is saying that in short is it could be anybody just not someone who has no vault access Oh my guess that came straight in good so cool I think that Oh actually so touch on that real quick both access something I'm pretty important to mention I think you're using well professional users are in charge of making these changes but let's say the reviewer is not an engineer is not someone that actually uses CAD so you don't want to go ahead and purchase a full-blown vault professional license for them they won't be using it for anything else what can be done is both office licenses will allow the users not only to check in and check out Word documents or any non CAD files they'll be able to participate in the ECL process so that's sometimes like people like Doc management right they don't necessarily need to look at CAD files per se they're looking at things like PDFs or maybe you know they're putting emails and stuff in there they're putting RMA forms in write to a lot of these I know a lot of electronics companies they have a whole department that gets RMA s back from customers who's you know items might be DOA or they just malfunctioned if they need for those RMA forms inside of the vault they don't know if a license right so yeah and apparently I'm thank you all for being here thank you all for being part of our three community please fill out the survey at the end it does make a big difference to figure out what we want to do next yeah [Music]
Channel: KETIV Technologies
Views: 2,106
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: autodesk, autodesk vault, vault professional, autodesk vault professional, vault basic, autodesk vault basic, vault 2018, vault 2019, vault professional 2019, change orders, autodesk webinar, lifecycles, design, computer aided design, engineering, manufacturing, computer aided engineering, help with vault, help with vault professional, help with vault basic, how to vault, how to vault basic, akn_include, help with ecos, ketiv ava, ketiv academy, ketiv autodesk academy
Id: k2eIcmP8DRw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 56sec (3236 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 09 2018
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