Economic Update: Capitalism's Worst Nightmare

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Good historical perspective and analysis from Wolff on the current crisis, and some predictions on what might be to come from a historical perspective.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/Lilyo 📅︎︎ Nov 02 2020 🗫︎ replies

Watch him often. He is a good source.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/car23975 📅︎︎ Nov 02 2020 🗫︎ replies

Quite good but … Wolff does not take into account that one of the most deadly consequences of the last decades of capitalism is the destruction of our one and only home: the Earth. We have set it off, and now it's unstoppable. It's too late. And it's just getting started. We are only seeing the beginnings of it. Very soon, living conditions on Earth will be such that we won't have the opportunity or time needed to design new systems to replace capitalism. That will never happen.

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/pessimistic_human 📅︎︎ Nov 02 2020 🗫︎ replies

Excellent, thanks — very useful historical perspective, and a half-hour well spent.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 03 2020 🗫︎ replies
Welcome, friends, to another  edition of Economic Update,   a weekly program devoted to the  economic dimensions of our lives:   jobs, debts, incomes — our own and our  children's. I'm your host, Richard Wolff. I want to devote the entire program today to  responding to a series of questions many of you   have sent to me. They boil down to this: Where are  we going? What is happening to the United States   is so profound, so deep in what it means and  what its implications are, that the assumption   of many of you — and I think you're quite  right — is that this will have long-lasting,   history-making effects. And I want not only  to reinforce your insight on this point but   to try to spell it out, to try to use history —  because that's all we have — to make an educated   guess about where we're going, what some of the  major outcomes of this crisis we're going through   are likely to be, to enshape our own  coping, planning, and understanding. So let me begin by underscoring something I hope  many of you have already understood. We are living   through what really should be called capitalism's  worst nightmare. What do I mean? Well, capitalism   has a problem, as we've discussed on this program  many times: It is an extremely unstable system.   Everywhere where capitalism has settled, every  four to seven years, on average, it has an   economic downturn. Millions of people lose their  jobs, thousands of businesses collapse, cities   and towns don't have the revenue or the government  to help us at a time when we especially need it.   It's a disaster. It's very, very unstable. We've  had three so far in this century — one every six   and a half years, on average, in this century  — so we're right on target with the history. That's bad enough. But the worst nightmare  comes in when capitalism has to worry that   there might be a coincidence in time between  one of these recurring periodic downturns and   some sort of non-economic crisis. If that  were to happen at the same time, it's your   worst nightmare. What do I mean? Well, you could  have a war at the same time that your economy   tanks, or you could have a climatic disaster — a  spectacular flood, a spectacular drought — and all   of these things have happened. And there's another  kind of non-economic crisis you could have: a   health disaster. You know, like a viral pandemic.  That's why we're in capitalism's worst nightmare,   because we have as bad an economic downturn  as we've ever had — on a par with the Great   Depression of the 1930s — and at the same time  a global health catastrophe, the COVID-19 virus. So let's be clear that we are going  through something spectacular,   and not to downplay it, and not to pretend  that, you know, a solution is around the   corner. It isn't. This is as bad as this kind  of crisis for capitalism can get. And that   means that some of the mechanisms that help us  get through economic crises on other occasions   won't work now. They're not big enough.  They don't act fast enough. They can't cope   with something this bad. That's why all the  money being pumped in by the Federal Reserve   just isn't doing it. And that's why whatever  is being done about our public health   isn't really doing it. We're trying. It's  better than nothing. But we are in trouble. And we can't rely on what the system has also  done, which is a tragedy, but I have to speak to   you about it. Capitalism has been unable, having  tried throughout its history, to cope with its   recurring crises. Capitalists with half a brain  have always known that their worst nightmare could   happen, that you could have one of these downturns  at the same time as you had a non-economic crisis,   and then where would you be? And the answer is:  where we are now. They knew, but they didn't deal   with it. They couldn't solve the instability;  they never could. That's why we have it again. So what they did was kind  of a second-best for them,   which is to take a part of the population and  say, you're going to be where the instability   of capitalism hurts the most. You're going to be  the shock absorber for this system's periodic,   every-four-to-seven-year shocks. And you  know who those people were; you really   do. They're the African-American community,  they're the Latino community, they're women,   and they are immigrants — people who you hire when  things are good, and then you fire them the minute   things turn south, which, as we know, is every  four to seven years. You throw the immigrants   back to where they came from. You throw the women  out of the labor force back into the household,   to be the wives, and the mothers, and the  caretakers. And you throw African-Americans   into the pool of the unemployed. I mean,  we do know that is our history as a nation. But our crisis now, being capitalism's  worst nightmare, is too big for all of   that. Women are returning to the household,  immigrants have been thrown out of the country,   and brown and black people are suffering  disproportionately during this crisis,   both from the virus and from the  unemployment. So, true to form,   we're doing everything we can do, but it is  not enough, because this crisis is too big. So what sense can we make? How can I do  what this program today is designed to   do — give you a sense of where we're going —  when we are, in a sense, at such a critical   moment in this crisis-ridden system? And  here's where the history comes in. Can we find   an earlier period when there was a comparable  collapse — a worst nightmare, if you like — and   can we see what happened, and then ask,  well, could that happen again? Or could some   form of it happen again? And luckily — not  for the folks then, but for us — there was.   I've mentioned it before, but I want to  spend a little time with you on it today. I want us to go back to the 14th century —  long time ago, 14th century — in Europe. And   there they had a combination, yep, of an economic  catastrophe, a collapse of a different economic   system — it wasn't capitalism; it was feudalism,  the system of lords and serfs — and they had it   together in the 14th century with the worst public  health disaster that Europe had experienced,   as far as we know. It was called — it had  two names — the “Black Death,” or the bubonic   plague. It was a disease, a virus, carried  by fleas that in turn lived on rats, and the   rats spread it across Europe. It is reputed to  have killed — get ready for this — one third   of the population of Europe at  that time. Unspeakable disaster. Who died? Huge numbers of people. Who were  they? Let's go through it. The serfs — the mass   of people who died were serfs, like the mass of  people who are dying now are working-class people.   Not employers; employees. Well, it wasn't lords  who were the major people who died, although many   of them did; it was the serfs. And when the  serfs died or got sick, they couldn't work,   which means that the feudal manor, where all  kinds of agriculture was produced, and all   kinds of food, and clothing, and crafts  — and all of the production of the feudal   society — couldn't continue. That's why the  economic downturn was fed by the disease. But it worked the other way too.  Part of the reason the disease was so   terrible was that feudalism was having  more and more problems in Europe   already in the century before. Food couldn't  be raised, partly because they did not know   about soil fertility, and they couldn't  raise crops and animals the way they had.   The yield per acre was just shrinking, while the  population was going up. And that made people   hungry, it made people ill, it made people weak.  So that when the virus came, they were vulnerable,   just as today. If you take a look at who  gets sick and who dies from the virus,   it tends to be people with pre-existing health  conditions because of our society's tendency   to have people with bad diets, to have people  with diabetes, obesity. Same parallel then. Lords in large numbers died, so there was no one  to run the manor, where the serfs were already   sick and couldn't function. The system fell  apart. There were cities developing in Europe at   that time, and they also suffered the Black Death.  The people in the cities weren't lords and serfs;   they were small craftspeople and merchants. They  died too. So there was a disintegration of feudal   society, just as I would argue we are in early  stages of the disintegration of our capitalism. So now comes the interesting  part. What did feudal Europe do?   Well, it had to do something. The serfs  were not keeping the manors going. The serfs   were running away from the manors where  they and their parents and grandparents   had been born and lived. You know the stories  of serfs who ran away into the forest to escape   the feudal system that was collapsing around them.  In the forest they made bands of outlaws, one of   whom became real famous. We call that the story  of Robin Hood, which is exactly what that was:   escaped serfs in the English countryside. So  the lords couldn't hold onto the serfs. The   lords were sick. The serfs were dying. They were  running away. The whole feudal system was shaking. Many people ran to the cities to get away  from the disease in the countryside, only   to discover that the cities had it too. And so  the merchants, who had hired people in the city,   were losing their employees. So they couldn't  move product from one area to another,   which is what merchants did.  The system was falling apart. So what did they do? Well, in the time  remaining for the first half of the show,   I'm going to tease you by telling you one  of the things they did. And then we'll talk   about the second one, and how capitalism  is now looking to go down a similar road. The first thing that the feudals did —  that shaped the whole last century of   European feudalism — was to say, we have got to  re-establish order in our feudalism. We have to   stop the disintegration of the system, and we have  to do it even though millions of serfs are dead,   even though huge numbers of lords, and merchants,  and city dwellers are dead or sick. And the way   we're going to do it is, we're going to change  feudalism. Up until that time, feudalism — from   the end of the Roman Empire, roughly 500 ad,  to this point in the14th century — feudalism   had been a remarkably decentralized  system. A lord here with his servants,   the lord over there — no central government.  They had gotten rid of the Roman Empire,   which was a central government, and everybody  for centuries had been decentralized. Well, when decentralized feudalism fell apart,  it decided, we need centralization. We need to   have a powerful government sitting on top of our  society. And they did that. They took one of the   bigger lords and they made him the super lord, the  lord over all the other lords. And they gave him   a name. They called him the “king.” And that's  the beginning of this kind of monarchy system   that then became the so-called absolute  monarchies of late feudalism. Keep that   thought in mind: A powerful state is  a response to a disintegrating system. We've come to the end of the  first part of today's show.   Before we move on, I want to remind you that we  recently published my third book for Democracy   at Work. It's called The Sickness Is the  System: When Capitalism Fails to Save Us   From Pandemics or Itself. It's a compilation  of essays that aims to explain how and why   capitalism is the sickness we need to worry  about. Please stay with us; we will be right back. Welcome back, friends, to the second half of  today's Economic Update. Before the break I was   explaining that we have a model, if you like, an  example from the collapse of feudalism that can   give us some guidance as to where we are going,  now that our capitalist system is tottering the   way that it is as we go through this crisis. And  I had gotten to the point of beginning to explain   one of the two major reactions that happened in  European feudalism, when their system collapsed   as a consequence of the Black Death,  the bubonic plague of the 14th century. The decision of the feudal society, accumulated  slowly over time, was to go from a decentralized   system to a highly centralized system. From a  feudalism that from the 5th to the 14th century   had been very dispersed — very little contact  between the lord and serfs over here and the   lord and serfs over there. Relatively little  trade between, say, Poland in the north   and Portugal in the south. There even weren't  places like Poland and Portugal, because those   are nation states, and they didn't have that.  They had a dispersed feudal society, a kind of   reaction to the centralization of the Roman Empire  that came before feudalism took over in Europe. And so they decided that they  needed to re-establish order,   that they needed to re-establish the dominance of  the lord, the subordination of the serfs. In the   collapse of feudalism, lords had turned on each  other. They had to stop that. And, by the way,   if you're ever interested in understanding  how lords fight with one another in feudalism,   read Shakespeare's plays. Half of them are all  about that. It was a disaster to that society,   as it was in Shakespeare's time as well,  for feudalism, and order had to be brought.   And the way you did that, they decided, was to  give one lord a superposition: the super lord,   the lord who lorded it over the other lords and  had so much concentrated strength that he could   protect all the other lords from fighting with one  another, and from trouble from their serfs below,   and could keep the cities from becoming  dangerous in a way I'll explain in a moment. And they made that super lord the king. He  became the monarch, the most powerful lord   and the dominating controller of society. So at  the last of what we call late feudalism — the   14th, 15th, 16th, 17th centuries — this  was what evolved in European feudalism:   highly controlled states, led by an  emperor, or a czar, or a kaiser, or a king.   These images some of you know from your  history, or if not from that, from the movies. But there was a second thing that happened as  feudalism fell apart. The effort to save it   was accompanied by an effort to go beyond it. The  whole structure of lord and serf was more and more   unacceptable. The serfs understood that they  hadn't been fed properly, that they didn't live   properly, that they had been decimated by disease  — in part because of a system that wasn't prepared   to handle the disease, that hadn't fed them,  or clothed them, or sheltered them in ways that   could enable them to survive. Feudalism looked  lousy to large numbers of people, and they left.   They could because feudalism was falling apart.  And they went to the cities. And in the cities   they were no longer on the land. They no longer  had a feudal lord. They were just “citizens.”   And now they were free from the barriers  and the limits of life in the countryside. And a new system developed. Those who had a  little bit of wealth approached those who had   nothing and said, hey, we'll make you a deal. You  come and work with and for me, and I will give   you a certain amount of money at the end of the  week. We'll call it a wage. And you come and work   for me, and everything you produce while you're  working for me is mine. And that's the deal. I get   from you the fruits of your labor, and I give you  a wage. And the reason I'm willing to do it is,   the value to me of the fruits of your labor  is greater than the wage I have to pay you.   So I'm going to accumulate wealth by doing this.  The person who worked for a wage had a choice:   work for a wage or starve to death. So  that was easy too. And they got together. But that's a different system. That's  not feudalism — lord and serf. That's   capitalism — employer and employee. And that  system began to grow, inside feudalism, in this   town, in that city — decentralized, all over the  place. And in some cases, it couldn't survive.   Lords would come in, and were frightened  by this new system, and could destroy it. It took a long time, but slowly capitalism  got stronger, until by the 18th century,   it wasn't willing to live under a feudal king  anymore. And so the mass of workers in the city —   employees — together with their bosses,  turned on what was left of feudal society.   You know what happened here in the United  States: We got rid of King George Ⅲ.   We didn't just get rid of England as the colonial  master. We could have done that and had our own   king here. But we didn't want kings. Kings  were no good anymore. We wanted the new   employer-employee system of capitalism. No kings.  And the French did the same thing, only there they   took it a step further and literally cut off the  king's head, as we all know, with the guillotine. So you had two reactions to the collapse of  feudalism that happened in the 14th century,   the disintegration of the economic system, made  much worse by the Black Death, the bubonic plague:   You had the strong development of powerful  states, instead of decentralized feudalism.   And you had the growth of a new  system inside the shell of the old. So now let's do the work. Let's see what  part of this applies now. Here we go.   Capitalism is in deep trouble. It's  capitalism that has made so many people   poor, diabetic, overweight, obese, with inadequate  medical care, inadequate — you figure it out.   It makes them, therefore, very vulnerable  to a pandemic. You have a system that   didn't prepare. It didn't have the hospital  space ready to go, it didn't have the tests,   it didn't have the masks, it didn't have — it  wasn't prepared, as it could have been. This is   not the first pandemic we've ever had. This  is not the first economic downturn. We know   what the worst nightmare of capitalism always  was, and we knew a year ago, but we didn't do,   as a society, what was necessary. So capitalism  has got a bad reputation, which it deserves. So what are we seeing? Interestingly, the  failure of capitalism, which is global,   was less pronounced where — here we go — the  government was active and strongly involved.   And it was worse, this pandemic and  this crash, where the government   wasn't. The more decentralized capitalism,  the more laissez faire capitalism, the more   libertarian capitalism, the more the government  kept a distance because the private capitalists   didn't want the government, the more  devastating the collapse has been.   Look at Boris Johnson in England, look  at Donald Trump in the United States,   look at Bolsonaro in Brazil, look at Modi in  India. These are people who are buyers into   the notion that we don't need the government, that  private capitalism is an engine of efficiency. And   all of that storytelling meant that they weren't  prepared. And they're not used to having the   government come in and play a major role. They're  advocates of the government playing a minor role. And that's going to be reversed now,  just like they did in feudalism.   We're going to demand that the government get us  ready for the next economic downturn, get us ready   for the next pandemic, get us ready for the  worst nightmare of their happening together.   You're going to see a return to a government  actively involved — which for Americans won't   be that much of a new thing. Because the  last time capitalism started to crumble,   in the 1930s, you know what we got? The Roosevelt  New Deal, which was a massive increase of the   government's intervention in the economy because  capitalism was shaking. That's the lesson. But it's not the only lesson. Remember I  told you that there were two big responses   within feudalism to the Black  Death, the bubonic plague.   One was a powerful state apparatus  emerging, playing a much more powerful role.   But the other one was a development of a new  economic system. As people saw that it wasn't just   the black plague, it was the feudalism that made  the plague so bad. And it was the feudalism that   left the society unprepared for that plague.  And that the system was as much a problem  as ever the Black Death was. And so  there was a running away from feudalism,   to the city, to this new system of  employer-employee called capitalism.   And around the world, we see something  parallel too. We see a growing interest,   as you know from this program, in worker co-ops.  In a new economic system that has neither lord nor   serf, or employer-employee, but a  radical, different system that says   work should be a community affair, that we  should do it communally — one person, one vote.   A democratic community that understands  that it has to be prepared for droughts,   for pandemics, and it has to run an economic  system that isn't so unstable in the first place.   A worker-co-op economy would never allow  unemployment because it is so irrational.   Unemployment means people want a job, and  society needs what those people can help to   produce. So obviously they should be working,  because that's a win-win. Why in the world   would we ever let people be unemployed? In the  United States today, to be very blunt with you,   we have something called a “capacity utilization  rate.” It's a measurement of how much of the   machines and equipment, and factory  and office and storage space   is being utilized, and how much is  sitting gathering rust and dust.   Well, today, as I'm speaking to you, the capacity  utilization rate in the United States is about 70,   71 percent. You know what that means?  Thirty percent of the capacity to produce   is not being used. You know why? Because we have  30-plus million people not using it. And therefore   we don't have the output that could rebuild  our cities, that could make us ecologically   independent of the damage we've been doing to  the environment, that could deal with our poverty   and therefore our social divisions. We could make a great society. It's the   capitalists who hold us back. They don't want the  government to come in and give everybody a job   because what does that make them look like? Well,  people are seeing this, and they want a different   economic system, just as, in their way, the  serfs of feudalism voted with their feet,   to go to the cities and to get out of the  lord-serf relationship. And that pressure built.   And it didn't take all that long,  historically — a couple of hundred years,   because things went slower then — to get to the  point where the new system threw the old one   into the dustbin of history. So we're in for what — solution?   conclusion? We're going to move towards  the state having a much more powerful role   dealing with the crisis that capitalism could not  handle. And we're going to have growing interest   in alternative, non-capitalist economic systems,  because capitalism proved it's not a reliable way   to produce what we need and secure the public  health. And more than that you can't say.   An economic system is measured by how well it  takes care of our health. That's number one.   I hope you found this analytic interesting  as a way to understand the longer-term   implications of this capitalist nightmare we  are living through. This is Richard Wolff,   and I look forward to speaking  with you again next week.
Channel: Democracy At Work
Views: 94,397
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Richard Wolff, democracy, work, labor, economy, economics, inequality, justice, capitalism, capital, socialism, wealth, income, wages, poverty, yt:cc=on
Id: sXYvFk9I9hY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 55sec (1795 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 02 2020
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