Echo PB250 Leaf Blower Running Erratic Repair

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thank you [Music] hey guys double wide six and today I'm going to be working on repairing a leaf blower now you might notice this sweet swag that I'm wearing it was provided to me from HIPAA and if you're not familiar with them they make equipment such as carburetors and repair kits for lawn mowers and small engines So today we're going to be working on a leaf blower this is the leaf blower I'll be repairing it's an Echo PB 250. the problem with this leaf blower is that it keeps stalling it doesn't run right it's very intermittent so we're just going to go through and replace the carburetor and hopefully get a good running leaf blower so here's the kit I got it's [Applause] g758-bf1473 and this is an entire kit to repair the leaf blower let's see what's in it the cool thing about HIPAA right now is that they're offering a 9.90 repair kit and their kits are pretty good because they come with pretty much everything you need so we got a spark plug foreign two air filters it's pretty nice and they're not just like little sponges they look pretty decent got a fuel filter this is the vent tube all the fuel lines The Grommet and in here it looks like we have the carburetor so that's what you get with the kit and look there's some other goodies in here we have some extra gaskets and some extra primers or Purge bulbs and these tend to crack over time so it's nice to have some spares there so as I said all these kits are going to be 9.90 and I'll link it below in the description it's really a good deal for all the parts you get this leaf blower has sat for a couple years it was old fuel in it I just want to go through and check everything to make sure we have a good running unit good compression good spark before we get going we are just replacing the whole carburetor it's very easy to do you should be able to follow this video and fix your own Small Engine equipment you know it's a lot different than taking apart the carburetor and rebuilding it and you know price wise it's it's very cheap to just replace it so first thing I want to do is check for spark so the first thing I want to do is check for spark I have a little clip-on spark tester so we're going to use this to uh make sure we have good spark this is easy to do you just clip it on the spark plug right now there's a light on it the light is red we'll turn the switch for the ignition on and we'll give her a pull and there's a green blinking light there indicating that we the next track I'm going to do is just make sure the machine has good compression to do that I'm going to pick up the Machine by The Recoil and it should just about hold itself you can see how I can pick it up that's telling me I have good compression you can get a compression tester and put that in the spark plug hole if you don't have a fancy spark tester like I do you can pull the spark plug so I'll remove the boot here I'm going to be changing the spark plug anyhow so we'll pop the plug and you can see it looks like it's running a little bit Rich it's kind of dark and sort of oily like I said it's been sitting so it's a good idea to replace the plug plus our kit comes with a plug so we'll put in a new spark plug bpmr 8v looks pretty good this should be gapped at 20 000. and if you want to check your spark without a spark tester you could touch the end of the spark plug to metal so there's the block right in here if you just touch that and pull um you should be able to see some Spark I don't know how well you guys will see that but we have uh spark there the next thing I want to do is remove the fuel as I said this has been sitting a while so we're going to take all this fuel out because we don't know the condition of it and we will get rid of that the next thing we're going to do is clean out the fuel tank a little bit so I'm going to be using a hemostat and these are available on Amazon I'll put a link to these down below you can reach in here this is a broken part of the gas cap it just kind of keeps the gas cap but we don't want that floating around and there's a little bit of I don't know sediment it almost looks like Pepper or whatever but we're gonna blow that out with some compressed air now we have the tank cleaned out a lot of times you get oil and debris around your old carburetor and dust so I'm gonna use a little bit of brake clean and I just keep it in this spray bottle so we'll spray that off a little just to knock some of that off and then we'll follow up with some compressed air that just prevents any dust from getting inside your engine or in the new carburetor so now we're ready to remove our carburetor start by removing the air filter cover so you got your air filter cover and I'm going to need to get a Torx screwdriver for that a lot of the manufacturers use fancy bolts so this is a Torx screwdriver this is a t27 you're going to want to make sure that you have one of these guys otherwise you're going to have trouble taking it apart sometimes you could put a Phillips or a flathead screwdriver you can kind of wedge it in there if you don't have the right tool so I'm going to remove this thing in sections we're going to slip off the air cleaner cover and this gasket came with it with the studs so we'll remove that and I want to show you how the fuel lines go and also the throttle cable so the throttle cable runs through here and there's this little cable you can just kind of pop out you see it has like a bead on the end we can just uh pop that out of there and then this should pull right through that little mechanism and pop out so we'll leave that right in place that's the top part of the carburetor so for the bottom of the carburetor if we look at the new carburetor we have a bigger port on the right hand side so over here this side is for the fuel filter and over here this is for the primer or The Purge bulb so as you pump this it brings fuel into the carburetor once that fills up and the carburetor has fuel it redisperses it back into the fuel tank so I'm going to unhook these hoses on this carburetor now and the only other hose is the vent hose and this just goes into the tank to vent it and it has this air filter or vent so I'm just gonna snip these guys off pull them off if they pull off foreign there we go and that's all it takes to remove the old carburetor it's a pull cord and I wrapped it around a handle just to get it out of the way so you guys can see but sometimes that is in your way and that's a good way just to get it out of the way I'll also remove the fuel cap just so that we can see in there we want to make sure that we don't get any dirt in there so now we're looking at The Grommet which is this rubber thing that the fuel lines go through and a lot of times these crack and this one actually does have a crack and if that's the case the leak fuel or the let air in and that will affect your fuel mixture so I'm just reaching in with a screwdriver and trying to pop that out looks like I got it and then the fuel filter should fit through that hole this thing doesn't look like it has the right fuel filter so I'm gonna snip this off except those don't cut I want to get something that cuts and I will reach in there with the hemostats do a little fishing and pull that out so let me grab my hemostats foreign I'll pull that out yeah you can see this this one doesn't have the right fuel filter there's much bigger than it should be now we're on to putting our fuel line assembly in through the tank hole and before I do anything I'm going to Mark the line that has the fuel filter so I'm using a paint marker and above the fuel grommet I'll put a little white pane on that line so that we know that that one is the one that has the fuel filter and the one that has the vent already has the vent on it so we don't have to worry about that and the other line is going to be for The Purge bulb so before I put the grommet in I'm going to take a little bit of brake clean and I'm going to clean the area where it goes through little dirt got in there foreign so the next step is to get this rubber grommet through here so we're going to start by putting a little bit of oil on it and I have a sort of like a specialty screwdriver this is just a flathead screwdriver and if we look really closely at the tip it's rounded over and it has a flat spot it's not going to work for putting in a screw anymore but I use that because it kind of has that soft Edge because you got to work these grommets in so first thing to go through is our fuel filter see how that one fits through so we got the right fuel filter now and then we're going to put through our lines and then we're going to apply some pressure and we're going to steadily work The Grommet through the hole there's like a little Barb on the bottom and these always are tight and kind of hard to fit so I'm just going to work on this so it always takes a little work to get that in there but if you work at it you'll get it worst case scenario if you can't get that to go in you can remove the fuel lines and then push them through later so you probably need a hemostat to grab the lines from underneath and then pull them through but that'll work as well so the old gasket fell off the intake manifold so our kit comes with the gasket okay so you want to make sure that you get this part going down because that that little pill shaped hole lines up with a hole on here so it goes on that way and our carburetor is going to go on like this so I have that gasket on the back and then I'm going to take our air filter and we need to put our gasket on there which came with the kit as well now one of the nice thing about both these gaskets I'm noticing is that they have you see the four holes going around that Circle this can go on anyway you can't really screw that up so that's a nice little feature so we'll slip this guy down these studs let me show you I've got this gasket on here and we're going to take the entire carburetor assembly line it up with the studs we'll drop it down and then we'll put this gasket on and while we're doing this we want to get our throttle cable run through here so we're going to push this through the back just like that and then you move this little lever and I'm going to just turn that a hair so I can fit this through there we go and then if you pull on the cable that little ball should lock in here so I'm just going to twist this there we go so that's how that cable goes there's a close-up look of the cable you can see it's locked into this brass pin right here and the other end has that ball on it now we're going to take our carburetor and we're gonna mount it might try and put this bowl through first hook that there so that's done and I can turn this little metal flap so I'll do that the little metal flap here is meant to guide The Wire and you can turn it so it's oriented properly with the cable for the throttle it's kind of tight so you might need some pliers just to get in there and move it something like that should be good now we'll take the carburetor everything's in place we're not worried about the fuel lines yet and we're just going to line it up carefully and screw it down with our t27 we're now going to remove the old air filter and as I said earlier they give you the air filter with the kit I'm going to blow this out with compressed air I'm also going to seal up my gas tank so nothing gets in there foreign place and we can go ahead and attach that air filter is actually a pretty good fit some of these aftermarket kits they have parts that are a close fit but not exact so far this this particular kit has been fitting very nice so the last thing that we need to do is we're going to take the fuel line that we painted and we're going to push that on the Barb of the carburetor so slide that all the way up and then the line that's not painted goes on the other Barb for the primer for Purge bulb and then the vent there's a spot where this sits right over this way it's going to lock up in here I just got to pull the line a little bit see if I can get that there we go this should lock in right up there so we're going to add fuel to it this is two cycle fuel I usually use this opti-2 mix this is great because it works for any ratio of two-cycle engine so I already have that pre-mixed here so we'll add some fuel that way we know that we have good fuel most the problems come from the ethanol in the fuel the ethanol breaks down and turns into water and then you get carburetor problems we're just about ready to start so we're going to check the operation see how that throttle goes back and forth very nicely and springing back so that's good next thing that we want to check is The Purge bulb so we'll press the purge bulb and we should be able to draw up some fuel there it goes so we're primed up we're ready to try and start it so we have it on choke it's primed let's see what we got choke off well guys I'm double wide six hopefully you enjoyed this video and you can fix your own equipment at home it's not that hard and it's not that expensive don't forget you can get these carburetors for 9.90 and remember it's not just the carburetor you get the spark plug you get the gaskets you get the fuel lines you get the fuel filter they send you all these accessories so that you can repair your equipment and it's not that hard so give it a shot I'd like to thank HIPAA for sponsoring today's video it seems like they have a very well thought out and engineered product that fits the equipment properly and works well thank you
Channel: doublewide6 Repairs LLC
Views: 3,538
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diy, lawn, replace, cut, tutorial, help, broken, garden, fix, learn, hedge, start, basic, easy, generator, mower, riding, blower, chain, saw, weed, eater, trimmer, grass, install, blade, bar, tips, tricks, efficiently, stihl, husqvarna, husky, echo, honda, diagnose, save, money, tech, clogged, bogging, idle, weedeater, leaf blower, lawnmower, how to, two stroke, four stroke, troubleshooting, outdoor power equipment, pressure washer, hand held, still, height adjustment mechanism, doublewide6, echo pb250, hipa, carburetor rebuild
Id: qbUSHCzjYqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 28sec (1288 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 20 2023
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