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how's it going everybody is uh what is it is it Friday yeah Friday night obviously yeah we just finished doing balloon buck spam braided my hair on the live stream see we're still set up here we got all the balloon box debris we got the Kimmi we got the key me we got the doggie that she's so cute hi Kimmy oh yeah that's the thing about when we do like a live show there's always some sort of clean up after it seems that way anyway pretty much every week but um sales have been excellent the past 24 hours we sold quite a few things last night and then also today at least for our standards I mean we've got like got like six things going out tomorrow I'm gonna ship them out and Pam's gonna be going yard saling hopefully this week unfortunately I have to work I had most of this week off but we ended up being short-staffed so I had to go in and work today and then I have to work tomorrow which that's okay not a big deal but that means I'm gonna miss garage sales but hopefully Pam can go and hit some we'll see what hopefully she can but we are going to pull the orders real quick that sold last night and today like I said they're they're decent sales they were actually really really good so we need to do that right now real quick let's see what we got first thing that's sold I know what's here somewhere right here this is this is it it's a Sony Handycam we picked this up at a garage sale we couldn't paid more than 10 bucks for it for the charger and everything and I listed this I think it was on Wednesday I listed this and it sold last night for $100 plus shipping so that was a killer sale I tested it I plugged it in actually kind of a funny story there was a tape in it already there was like a blank cassette tape in it and I played it well I was in a blank obviously because it was it was used a little bit but I played it and to see what was on it and there was like this like there was this funeral on there like a military funeral that somebody filmed which is kind of cool I saved the tapes in case I ever want to like kind of figure out whose it is cuz they might want that it was kind of a really interesting video I watched it for a while and I was trying to figure out like if they would say if they said any of the names in it or the if they said the name that of the person that died and I didn't hear any other names but I'm gonna save the tape nonetheless and keep it and go through it maybe in the future and see if I can find the rightful owner because obviously they wanted to film that that person's funeral and it was probably really important to them and who knows how it got in my hands you know like I might have bought this this from the person who didn't even know who that person was and the tape was just still on the camcorder I don't know but I had the tape right on my desk there and I don't know I was thinking of maybe trying to find out the rightful owner because you know that's just like it really I would say like priceless keepsake of a soldier or somebody that was in the military that died in their funeral like they actually filmed the whole thing it was really cool but anyway hundred dollars plus shipping on that really good really really good sale there I was pumped and we sold that so the next thing that sold was an Atari game from this big Atari lot that we bought we separated out the games the consoles all the accessories and stuff kind of made different Lots on our eBay store and this game we actually sold alone because it was like a little bit special it's kind of like a well known game a viewer told me one time that this game is kind of the game that killed Atari because it was so bad I don't know but anyway et for Atari 2600 the cartridge and also the little manual here you guys can see that got it in a bundle deal of Atari stuff at a garage sale this sold today for $19.99 plus shipping so I will take that I listed this as untested and no idea if it works but that's how I listed it so listed it as is and it's that's what sold for so I am not complaining there that's good for just one Atari game in my opinion I think that's a that's a really good price next thing that sold was this LEGO Friends Lego set right here glad to get this out of here this is a space taker wrapper this sold for $50 plus shipping we picked it up at a garage sale for $10 so that was a great score there definitely a great great sale these sold like both last night it was like $150 in sales just last night it was great I was excited next order actually went to a viewer Jennifer Jennifer has actually bought from us a buck she bought from us I believe like a couple weeks ago which is awesome so thank you Jennifer for your continued support and your continued business but we sold a couple things first thing is right here is this right here this Green Bay Packers little purse bag thing she said that she is a Green Bay Packers fan as well Pam is a Green Bay Packers fan so we have something in common there that is super cool she bought that and then she also bought a game this little baby beyblade game right here so Thank You Jennifer for your order we really appreciate it we will ship that right out to you tomorrow so that is awesome I'm not sure when you're watching this if this will be this week after we shipped it or not but uh but yeah Jennifer thank you for your order and we really really appreciate the business then the next thing that's sold I had to pull this actually off the top shelf there in that box I couldn't remember where I put it at first then I realized is this little Skylanders figure here it's a Toys R Us exclusive not big money at all by any means definitely expected this to be worth more money when I picked it at a garage sale I can't even remember how much I had into it whoa and there it goes no it's okay I can't remember how much I head into it at five dollars and fifty cents plus shipping into this so not a big sale but glad to move it anyway and then finally we sold a dvd/vhs combo which is amazing I'm so glad to get these things out of here oh it's this one right it's not this one but someone below it it's a Toshiba Toshiba dvd/vhs combo and it's it's like the higher-end one with the HDMI let's see right there in port we had I can't even remember how much we had into this it wasn't it wasn't a whole lot anyway we picked it up at a picked up at a antique store actually and in a it's sold for not crazy money a little lower than I would have thought that it would have sold for and it sold for forty one dollars and 99 cents plus shipping of course and it's not super heavy and it's not super big like you can see it's not like a really wide one which is really good a lot of these things are really wide so I think they fit it in a somewhat normal sized box but yeah so that is what sold those six things sold it's been a very very good sales day for a Friday here while and ending of Thursday hey everybody is Saturday now and we're back here in the eBay room we just got back from running a few errands and we went garage saleing today well I kind of have went Pam actually did a lot of the garage saleing and you guys probably already saw that video no she did a great job she did really good and and then I also did garage saling we went to a few sales together once I get out of work but anyway we're back home now it's Saturday afternoon and some more sales have been rolling in which is great Pam mailed out the sales that we showed you earlier in this video and she mailed those out this morning so that was great but yes sales have been not really great lately and I'm not sure why I'm not sure like really what the reason is because we've been listing well I've been listing a little bit this week but I wouldn't say I want to say we've been listing like crazy like I've just been kind of lackadaisical II puttin listings up I've been starting with kind of our higher end or like higher dollar sort of items and getting those up first and then worrying about the little stuff after but um but yeah so I'm actually in the process of listing this Sony Handycam right now these things sell awesome as you saw earlier in this video we sold one I sold one within a day I couldn't believe how fast it sold I don't know if this one's worth quite as much I think it's a little bit of an older model because it doesn't have the digital option on it the other one had the one that I sold the other day had a digital option so it had you know the cassette tech for the cassette tapes but it also had let me know how you open this the other one flipped up anyway it also had the digital option so I had like a memory card slot where you could record digitally but this one does not have that so I'm assuming that this one probably is not going to be worth quite as much I need to comp it but nonetheless I'm really excited because if these are priced well they do move obviously the other one I might have under priced a little bit I don't know I figured $100 plus shipping was very fair for it because it was just the camera the charger in a case that's pretty much all that came with it and a few AV cables actually but still I couldn't leave how fast it sold it's really really good so keep an eye out for older sony handycams some of them can be worth some decent money but anyway let's get in - what else has sold this Saturday first of all we sold I think we sold four things so far today which is nice first thing we sold was oh that's right we sold some blank media guys we just listed this blank media the other day Pam actually found this at a garage sale I think it was the week before our wedding so you haven't even had this that long and these are some really really nice Maxell tapes these are high-end ninety-minute ones and yeah these these if you ever see these Maxell XL - - s they are all blank media's good but this blank media it's a little bit more of high-end I'm and it's worth some money so we had nine of these tapes here and I listed them for $80 plus shipping with the little container because I just figured I'd I'd saw the container with it so $90 plus shipping and they sold it within a day so super awesome definitely really good fine Pam actually found these at a garage sale for $2 so that was a that was a great score for sure next thing we sold was a pair of cleats and I believe they are over here they these were these were a retail find and there's some red I think hmm I don't know are those them let me look here make sure oh they're maroon the maroon ones Nike Vapor Untouchables so they Mehreen see I know they right here somewhere nope that's not them there they are I don't know if we have two pairs on one pair of these okay we've got two pair of these what's the size of these these are seven the half's and these are also so k so they're both the same so Nike Vapor cleats size men's size seven and a half so they're very small they're football cleats as you can see there they're really nice I get that cool Sparkle swish on there like I said I've been saying it for a few weeks we've been doing really well with some football cleats lately oops so I retail find that we had $20 into these cleats here and we ended up getting I believe it was $50 plus shipping let me look forget see ya $49.99 plus shipping so awesome they're sweet sweet flip we sold a tank top here um one of these project rocks where is it size small got a bunch of them here they're still sitting here cuz I just listed them the other day I didn't fog them up and put them into any poly bags yet it's a size small project rock tank top right there I'm actually wearing one right now I probably one of my size I had to keep it because I like I really like this tank top so I kept one for myself but this sold right here we had 12 dollars into this and we got $29.99 free shipping on that so not bad I just listed that the other day and then finally we sold it's just a little sale here we sold a GameCube game and I put the GameCube games over here it's right here on top look at that we sold Lord of the Rings it's just a loose GameCube game Lord of the Rings Return of the King and if you haven't seen our channel you might not know but we have all these loose GameCube games right here that we got in a huge at a garage sale and now we've been selling through them fairly consistently I would say but yeah so we sold this Lord of the Rings Return of the King so that'll go first class in a little bubble mailer I'm sure but we got what do we get you got see three dollars and ninety cents plus shipping so not a very big sale but I mean it all adds up because from this bundle big giant lot deal I just threw a bunch of stuff in an Ikea bag and that was one of the things that was in there that we found when we got home because there's so much stuff we didn't know what we really had fully until we got home but we're already in majorly in profit in that deal so yeah it's a little sale but all those little sales add up because technically we don't have anything into it anymore so that's pretty good those are the sales that are going to be going out Monday they'll be going out Monday because it is Saturday right now and can't ship till to Monday because uh post office is closed but anyway just finished uploading a video to YouTube as well the garage sale video from this weekend and then now I'll probably do a little bit of listing I want to get that Sony Handycam up I want to list some other stuff I get access to analyze here I get the Rosetta Stone that we picked up I'm going to list that on Macari because as you guys probably know rosetta stone is Vairo on eBay and you cannot list it because it's copyrighted or something I don't know but listen you don't get taken down anyway or you possibly can get suspended if you try to sell it but anyway so I'm gonna try to list that on to mark Ari because those sell very well but anyway I think that should pretty much do it here me to bring you guys out to paint him she could say bye to you guys she's out there we're getting ready to do some cooking - I'm gonna cook on the grill tonight make some steak tip make some sausage maybe have all kinds of delicious things what are you doing watching Netflix are watching Netflix with anybody hello yes you too you too Kimmy you a good girl go say hi to everybody YouTube YouTube dad yeah alright well thank you guys so much for watching and we will see you soon goodbye [Music]
Channel: Thrift Mine
Views: 4,733
Rating: 4.8548388 out of 5
Keywords: what sold on ebay, ebay what sold, what sold on ebay 2019, what sold on ebay july, what sold on ebay july 2019, ebay reseller, electronics on ebay, profitable ebay items, profitable ebay niches, selling used electronics on ebay, selling electronics on ebay, flipping electronics on ebay, best electronics to sell on ebay, what sold on ebay this week, ebay sold comps, ebay sold listing, ebay sold items, selling on ebay 2019, selling on ebay tips
Id: -7di7558rTE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 29sec (1049 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 16 2019
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