Eavor Technologies | The First Scalable Form of Clean Baseload Power

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all right we're here today with ever Technologies we've got Anna Rogers she is Geo mechanic specialist and we've got Chris Chang he's a senior development engineer they're up in Calgary and they're going to tell us how they have some way to make energy that isn't solar and it isn't wind all right all right hey how you guys doing hi miss you doing really good all right so uh what do you guys do at ever Technologies so I guess what we're trying to do is develop a new type of geothermal energy so I'm not sure if you're familiar with traditional geothermal at all um yeah you know um you got geysers yeah volcanoes and we're even putting geothermal in here at the house right so I'm assuming somewhere between volcanoes and uh you know drilling boreholes or digging up your your lawn and putting in some piping and it just makes electricity you just plug it in right that's actually like those two and members are a really good starting place because what we're trying to do is almost a combination of both of those so you have your really hot high temperature geothermal like in Iceland or New Zealand where you're Drilling and you're finding that hot water where you can produce for heater electricity and then like you're saying you have those really shallow systems which are kind of interconnected pipes which you can then off take for heat what we're trying to do is actually drill very deep weld Wars and then connect them underground and circulate fluid through them but it's not interacting with the rock at all but the fluid just naturally heats up as it's circulating and then we can pull it up and then produce it for a heater electricity so it's just a really big scale of your at-home system so talk to me about how Iceland's systems work because I mean I've seen you know they show beautiful Iceland and then there's like a couple of buildings and there's a bunch of steam and it and then crypto miners are making money in Iceland and I don't know how they are making electricity so could you walk us through how that works and then talk about you know however is different than that so Iceland I would say is yeah you're more conventional geothermal system where you're targeting that really hot shallow Rock because it's all very new there yeah it's at the rift Zone basically in the Atlantic Ocean the Mid-Atlantic Rift and so those really hot new rock and you have a lot of fractures in the ground and there's fluids that are filled with those Rock in those fractures and you're basically just producing up that really hot water that's trapped underground and then once it comes to surface then you can produce the electricity and Chris as an engineer knows a lot more about that than I do yeah so in Iceland you're either producing a really hot brine so that's still liquid water or you're producing Steam and that might happen and I said I'm not sure but that's happening in in the geysers in California and then as you and your viewers probably know that that uh hot fluid is either flashed off to spin a turbine and we make electricity with steam as we do all around the world doesn't matter what your heat source is um how is ever different well geothermal really doesn't have a whole lot of global penetration and that's because these types of geologically unique zones such as in Iceland in Turkey Indonesia they only have it in a few places in the world you have to find those hot aquifers that are either filled with steam or hot water and there's really just not that many places in the world that have those types of systems so whatever is doing differently is we know for example that the Earth is hot in the core it's about 6000 degrees Celsius and that heat is basically radiating outwards into space so it's conductively passing through all the various layers of the Earth's crust and then and then exiting the ground so as long as you drill deep enough you're going to find heat and with our closed loop system and traditional geothermal is what we call an open loop system with our closed loop system we're basically just drilling a giant radiator under the ground and our value proposition is really geothermal anywhere so we're helping jurisdictions countries become energy Independent by saying hey all this heat is beneath you you don't need to find the hot water or the hot steam as long as you use our technology and go deep enough you're going to find that heat and you're going to be able to produce that energy that belongs to your land okay so if I had a really long drill bit and I went into my backyard and just started drilling um you're saying that I'm probably not going to find the conditions that you're finding in Iceland where the water is already underground and all I have to basically do is hook up some pipes and you know so the water is underground how's the water underground again how did it get there is it just a big lake or is it a is it a big pot a circle yeah so um how it's trapped is actually in very very very small I guess permeable or pore spaces so in this new volcanic rock normally it's very fractured normally so I guess there's open open zones that are smaller than what you'd expect effect for how much water it can hold but they're all very interconnected and so it's yeah that's a really good point so I wouldn't think of it necessarily as a massive underground Lake but it's a lot of connected rock that can hold a lot of volume of water so why can't Jesse and I just go do what you guys are doing you just gave it away You're Just drilling a really deep hole so why don't we just go get a drill rig and put them out of business uh you could definitely attempt to do that and certainly we have competitors first of all the rock that we're drilling into to get to that deep it's it's very hard so um a lot of us that work at ever come from the oil and gas industry and typically we're used to Drilling in what we call sedimentary basins so Sansone's limestones carbonates that sort of thing these are sort of the uh the type of rock that is typically used to contain oil and gas or or your typical actually your traditional geothermal reservoirs over there too we're actually going beneath those sedimentary basins into metamorphic rock or the granitic basement so number one the rock that we're drilling is quite hard much harder than what typical Drillers are used to drilling so we're developing a lot of technology that enables us to economically drill that hard rock and the other thing too is because we're going so deep that the rock is very hot so it is hot and hard and a lot of the instruments that are available today they're not necessarily rated to work in those types of temperatures so we're doing a lot of innovation and r d to try and make sure that we're able to do that with um modifying or inventing new technologies so we're really breaking new ground so to speak um good one good one um I also noticed on your video that you it looks like your hole then turns 90 degrees which I don't think Jesse and I are capable of doing and then it fans out um and so how are you able to do that like you make an underground like radiator thing that's really actually um off the shelf technology that we're borrowing from the oil and gas industry so um there's a lot of fixed costs in just drilling that initial vertical sections so we call that multilateral drilling where you take a single vertical well and then you fan it out and so that's something that's been pioneered here in Alberta in our in our oil and gas industry that we're basically borrowing that type of technology and just applying it for a different resource so that's probably probably one of the easier challenges that we're looking at I mean nothing's easy but it's it is one of the easier challenges to drill that underground radiator yeah and I think that's something that's really great about our technology is we're not necessarily inventing a lot of brand new systems as we're repurposing and integrating things that have already been done and so that makes it a lot more I guess feasible that we think we can do this well we have we have done one of them but in the long run we think we can make commercial systems because it's being done in different areas of the world we just need to combine them now yeah and just to add on to that you know in oil and gas you know thousands of kilometers of Wells have been drilled you know uh the U.S uh Shale Revolution is a really good example of that because to date geothermal has been so niche really there hasn't really been I think like that engineering rigor or geoscientific rigor that's been applied because it's always been this bespoke installation that only happens in very rare places what we're trying to bring to the table is bring that oil and gas discipline of a manufacturing resource play and turn that into and bring that into the geothermal industry well that's kind of my question then if we're so good at Drilling and we've been doing it for a long time and I get it you know it was just oil down there that was great to get but why weren't we also being like hey there's also free hot water down there and so in free heat down there why didn't we go for this before why now so I would say you know you bring up a really good point and I would say that um traditional geothermal where it's done is a very established technology it's a really reliable resource and it's it's where they do it it's done very very well but like Chris was saying it just can't be done in that many places and so I guess the difference that what we're trying to do is um in conventional geothermal they use that hot water that's sitting there and that's called a convective hot water system but what we're trying to do is we're not looking for that permeability of course so we're looking for a conductive heat source so the rock is hot and it conductively heats up the fluid that's flowing through our well bores but um before we tested our ever ever light system I don't know if you're familiar with everlight or if we should go through our everlights our prototype that we have in Rocky Mountain House yeah yeah tell us about that okay yeah so I guess yeah that's a good segue so when we first drilled upper light this was in 2019 um we were trying to prove three things because this closed loop system where really one of the first companies that's trying to make this into a commercial scale the first thing that we were really trying to prove is what you're saying is kind of the thermodynamic model is can we drill these radiators and can we predict the amount of heat we're going to get from the ground and then therefore can we predict how much electricity we can produce and so we did show that when we drilled upper light and we circulated it we we were able to predict the temperature output to 0.2 degrees Celsius so it was very very great job for engineers for how they designed that thermodynamic modeling the next thing that we were trying to prove is actually the I guess the drilling of it is the easiest way to say it so the the multilateral sections like you're saying in the intersection and just really making that radiator and then the third one was also in engineering but it was just kind of sealing those wild Wars making sure we're not connecting to any underground rocks or water sources it was just making sure that we can safely and reliably circulate this ever light so as soon as we did that we then gained it gained a lot of credibility in our system and so I think the reason that it's not done everywhere it really hadn't been done that much before we did it and so we are kind of doing something new in this space just elaborate on that um with our Pilots um in terms of connecting the multilaterals to complete that closed loop system that's again using off-the-shelf oil and gas technology you know these instruments that we run in to make that intersection was previously used to actually avoid collisions so when we're drilling oil and gas Wells we actually don't want them to connect but we want them to maintain a certain distance apart so really we're just getting the opposite outcome we're using these same instruments to say okay we actually want the wells to collide and in the past no one annoying guys would want to want to do that right they're they're very Niche instances where you would in terms of um uh fixing blowouts things like that but you know 99.9 of the time you don't want those as well as the client so we're just using those instruments for the opposite uh outcome so I want to talk about that because yeah I'm seeing a lot of drilling stuff where it like connects up or it you know goes and then another one comes and hits it that seems really hard to do because I remember you know the channel you know the the the tunnel that goes under the English Channel like the the French side of the English side and they were coming together and they were off by you know oh it was only a couple inches but your your tubes I'm assuming are not the same diameter as the tunnel so like you can't be off by like seven inches or you'd miss it completely and and I but also also technology that's supposed to you know keep stuff away that's not the same as Precision guided hitting exactly where you want to hit so they're ha they really had the technology already available to just say oh you want to hit that we'll hit it simply speaking I would say yes the Precision is incredibly good when you think about like our pilot it's two and a half kilometers on the ground our hole size is six inches so you're that far away think of but there's no one under there there's no one under there and I know you can't like look and say well we'll get we'll mine in that direction so there's not you know uh Minecraft Steve with his diamond pickaxe you know going at it and trying to line stuff up but so everyone's standing on the surface looking at a computer monitor and you're able to connect those two things up I mean I mean it's not Apples to Apples but I would say the level of precision there you know I you know you guys are big Elon fans but it's similar to like re-landing that first stage right like it's it's this tiny skinny thing your kilometers away you know and uh you're still able to do something that precise that's just sort of the level of science that exists today which is actually pretty amazing and yeah Chris was talking about it kind of comes back to the fact that we can have these tools down whole and so it's not that we're doing it Blind by any means but we have these tools that are in each of our wells that help guide us to these to basically the intersection so it's kind of developing and improving on those tools so that we can do this at deeper and hotter depth so then I just also want to talk about how deep are we going roughly and then how hot is the stuff that we're getting up temperature wise so how deep and first so looking at our technology roadmap what we have right now is ever is our everlight system and it's about two and a half kilometers deep and two and a half kilometers wide and so that's actually considered a small system that's not our commercial system and just for I guess a reference point globally the average geothermal gradient is approximately sorry I'm going to speak in um non-us units for a second but it's approximately 25 to 30 degrees Celsius per kilometer and and so if you're getting down to two kilometers that's approximately let's say 50 degrees C and so if you're but if you're targeting an area that's specifically hot like the Western U.S for example can be quite hot you can get up to maybe 60 60 yeah 60 degrees Celsius per kilometer so every kilometer that you go down you get an extra 60 degrees and so our base case plan right now is approximately four and a half kilometers in some of our designs But ultimately we'd like to go deeper than that but I have a problem because okay so you're getting 50 or 60 degree celsius water and that's warm water that's not cold or anything but I mean that's not gonna spin a turbine because it's not boiling so how do you get hot warmish water and turn it into electricity if it's not smoking hot I thought that was the whole point of anything that's going to spin a turbine it's got to be boiling it's got to be steamed yeah you bet uh so there's really two parts of that question number one our Pilots has really meant not to generate electricity so our commercial products will never only be 2 two kilometers deep because as you said that is too shallow to make electricity so our commercial project that we're looking at in Germany for example is about four and a half kilometers deep so our bottom hole temperature there is about I don't know like 130 Celsius I think once you work out all the math um again because we're conductively heating we're not actually producing the liquid at 130 because you still need a temperature differential to so you don't maybe your water comes up at 110 or 115. now we use uh our heat to power units is a is a buy and recycle unit so we use organic reconcycle units so what that means is we're actually flashing off a fluid that has a lower boiling temperature than water so typically that would be propane or butane oils at 70 or 80 degrees Celsius so we're able to use what we call a lower quality or lower grade heat and vaporize a a different fluid and organic fluid which is why it's called the organic Rankin cycle and then when that fluid vaporizes that fluid spins a turbine it gets recondent so it um enables us to use lower lower grade heat to still make electricity and yeah and just to the comment of 60 degrees so it's 60 degrees per kilometer so I guess once you get down to the the deeper depths that we're ultimately planning between 100 200 300 degrees C ultimately that's going to be within the temperatures that we're targeting so it gets quite hot quite quickly okay so if anyone you know putting in a geothermal heat pump like at their house and stuff they know that you have to pump the fluid um and you know geothermal heat pumps at people's houses they're really kind of small compared to what we're talking about here the amount of energy that you must have to spend to move a ton of fluid from the surface of the Earth all the way down kilometers and kilometers and then pump it all the way back up that's got to take a lot of energy I mean maybe you're going to be making some but doesn't that take a lot of energy so yeah that's one of our advantages as well for a closed loop technology so if you look at a typical open loop technology all that fluid typically doesn't want to come up to surface on its own so you have to expend a lot of energy with bottom little pumps to pump that fluid out now what's special about our closed loop technology is that um because everything is connected in in a circular fashion uh we're actually relying on what we call the thermocyton effect and what the thermostat really is it's really just like a density difference so as we circulate cold water down our injection well that fluid column is more dense than the hot water coming out so that natural density difference actually produces a pressure drive that forces everything to circulate so one of the things that we wanted to demonstrate and show because it does seem really hard to believe is that the thermostat fin effect is real so our pilot has been basically circulating passively bringing up heat passively for two and a half years without any type of external pumping so yeah when you say passively you mean that the pumps aren't working hard to move that fluid around they're just not on at all they're not on they're not on at all and so the way that it works is you know I think we all learned convection currents in school right you have the the cold air or cold water in a pot or the cold working fluid in your system wants to go down and in this case into the Earth and then the hot working fluid wants to come up and so if you just had it sitting there if you just had just topped it off it's not moving yet because it would want to come up on both sides but once you start it that's why it's like a siphon so once you start moving it then it's going to want to continue to move exactly so we actually have a very tiny pump on Surface and it's almost just like rolling a ball down a hill as soon as you give that little nudge and you create that temperature and density difference it's going to want to circulate on its own indefinitely so like worst case scenario right the whole grid goes down in you know one of those blackouts that they do on the Discovery Channel where they're talking about the end of the world kind of thing you would St the the fluid would still be moving it wouldn't be like oh no we didn't think uh what was it at the end of uh or the end of the first season of uh Walking Dead where they ran out of diesel and the generators at the CDC and if only we had had solar panels but in this case it the sun could have been blotted out by a giant super volcano you want to rename their company like Apocalyptica an interesting thing to think about this would keep flowing no matter what it's like wow that's why they're called I see okay so we so we call that as you guys probably know Black start capable so we're actually able to if the grid were to fully go down like um as you know Texas almost did a couple of times now um yeah we we can be the one that actually starts the grid going again to provide we don't need any outside electricity to get everything going again I feel like Texas should be one of your customers I know right we're certainly uh looking around in there for sure and they have a strong oil and gas industry and where uh it's very um complementary to what we do so we can we can steal all the Drillers and their Rigs and and drill for geothermal instead of oil and gas us and our viewers were pretty good by now knowing like what a wind turbine can do and what some solar panels on your roof can do we kind of understand that scale but I am completely lost I got to admit when I'm talking about the scale of your ever Technologies because I don't know if this is like powering one house or a city uh so can you give us some idea of the scale that we're talking about here yeah we're typically more on the industrial side of things so when you know when people typically think geothermal they're thinking ground Source heat pumps which is relatively small Tech I guess we're we're still looking at installations at the megawatt scale so anywhere from 2 to 10 megawatts which is you know uh you know the ability to power you know thousands of homes are heat to thousands of homes so I'll also mention here you know we've kind of focused mainly on power generation but another you know geothermal literally means heat from the earth and a lot of uh our addressable Market is actually on the heat side of things too so when people think Renewables they don't necessarily think that but we can also displace you know a lot of natural gas consumption uh you know Europe is a really good example of that we can heat homes and um use direct heat so it's not just a electricity thing so we have a slight Advantage amongst other things uh above when in solar as well because that that desire to stay warm is something that solar and wind have a harder time doing is this going to replace solar and wind is this going to work complementary to it how does this go is this cheaper than solar and wind I would say right now uh we're still coming down that cost curve because we're still relatively early in our technology development cycle at the end of the day I think we're gonna um complement solar and wind the reason is you know someone with our intermittent geothermal the heat is underneath you at all times so we can be like a firm a firm resource the other Advantage we have that makes us very good compliments a solar wind is that because we're closed loop unlike an open geothermal system we can actually control our flow rate so to the point where we can actually stop the everloop during the wind and solar peak hours and run it let's say the other 16 hours of the day and as our everlube is actually stopped that water is still hasn't reached equilibrium so it's actually still collecting heat from the ground as it stops and then we can actually flow it faster for those other 16 hours so in a way you're not really like losing that opportunity cost so we kind of think of our technology also as a like a little small Earth battery so we can do like intraday load following as well another one of our competitive advantages of being closed loop so who are your customers are they utility companies are they large commercial installations are they cities great question uh it's a little bit of everything so um we have uh District heating or District energy networks that are interested in us because they want to decarbonize their heat system so right now they may combust natural gas to provide heat and then send that hot water to various residences or they may capture waste heat from coal plants or biomass plants and send that to the residents we're replacing those as as those are getting wound down so our customers can be uh utilities for small cities and towns basically any City over like 50 000 people for example in Europe generally have the district energy provided and then we're also working with Sovereign governments so we're working with the government of Saint Vincent right now they're importing diesel to produce electricity and uh you know for me that's uh that's one of my goals is it decarbonize places like that where there's there's a really high carbon footprint to meet their energy needs but that entire country is basically a volcano so they have all that sheets underneath them so anywhere from cities to Sovereign government to what we call behind the fence users so like we're looking at certain mining companies that you know using electricity to refine their ore and those are in the several hundred megawatt scale we can provide what we call behind the fence for them to use so that they can they don't have to buy electricity from the from the grid okay but there's got to be some downsides to this right I mean you're going to hit something down there there's got to be you know some kind of ancient alien technology that's going to be you know this is the start of a movie guys you know where you know they're we're gonna anger some yeah so are you just saying basically like how do we know what we're gonna hit once we start drilling these really deep Wells yeah well I mean I suppose there's an unproven technology I I don't know I want to know you know a lot of people like they do not like fracking I get that this is not fracking um there's sort of there is a way that you could do kind of a fracking like uh geothermal but that's you're doing uh you're doing a closed loop so I like that I think that that's good um but you know going down really deep are we gonna is lava gonna be coming up out of some of these by accident you know well I do have a question though when you're doing these uh holes in I assume it's uh like granite or something like that you're assuming that do you find these or are you assuming that nothing's going to escape such a good question so using either remote sensing data like gravity or magnetics or seismic data to try to predict what we're going to see so you predict and then you can drill a test well or use offset data and so that is a big part of the job is trying to predict that ahead of time now I would say there aren't that many Ultra deep Wells on land in the world but there are a couple offset datas that we can look at and we can use for experience but I would say that one of the deepest wells in the U.S for example is in Oklahoma Bertha Rogers I think it was I'm going to say between seven and nine kilometers I don't know the number off the top of my head but they drill down and they hit molten sulfur for example so there can be surprises but something that we do very carefully is try to choose areas that we have a predictable geology and we know what we're going to hit basically to a reasonable extent my other question then would be um we're going to do all this geothermally kind of stuff aren't we going to cool down the earth eventually aren't we gonna make it so that the Earth is a big snowball and then we're all going to freeze to death I've actually done the math on that at a very high level I think the heat death of the Sun beats us to it really so the sun will engulf the Earth before it solidifies like Mars I think I might have to use it at math but I think he definitely son wins first if that's how we got all of our electricity if like everyone's house had a seven kilometer deep uh well and we're generating just tons of electricity from it and heating all the Earth and we've made every place up here not not even using greenhouse gases like we're trying to anyway um you know the Architects are nice and and slip and slides and sort of stuff I think the short answer is there's a ton of heat in the center of the earth and even if we were to power like all of humanity it would negatively accelerate the cooling down yeah didn't I see on your website it said one section of the Earth's crust and then it showed just a very small I don't know like one kilometer section could power Humanity for hundreds of thousands of years that's what you said on your website so that's true that like Earth Earth is that has that much energy stored up in it yes yes yes the short answer there's your answer okay all right so we don't have to worry about it for five billion years yeah yeah there's a lot of energy in the earth okay all right I mean we're gonna run out of oil way before then right and uh we're gonna run out of that whatever are they going to be drilling for oil all these drills are gonna be sitting around yeah and they should just come work for us they're perfect and one of these times they're going to hit something good down there like gold yeah do you ever hit something cool um I don't know if I've ever said anything that was not expected that's what they would tell us you know so the no dinosaurs or diamonds tonight typically your dinosaurs are in pretty young Rock they're you know they're they're trapped in those Lake beds and whatnot that are fairly shallow so we're going actually probably geologically much much deeper okay all right so I'm I'm watching on this disruptive investing Channel right now I'm getting pretty excited because I haven't heard of this kind of energy before I'm like this is a young company I could invest in them maybe uh where are you at in your in terms of funding rounds or is it going to be any kind of crowdfunding I can get into or an IPO in the future so right now we're sort of looking at our our second funding round we completed our first um you know we've raised about 100 million dollars Canadian over the last you know we've only been a corporation since uh 2017 so I think we've done pretty well for now typically uh most of our investors are like strategic and institutional so we have uh investments from British Petroleum and Chevron uh as well as some Singaporean Venture firms as well so um for now I would say uh we're definitely open to it I'm not saying no but I would say reach out to us and if you're um you know a potential investor we're definitely going to take your call but uh like it won't be on Kickstarter anytime time soon okay gotcha so we can't like uh put 500 down to get my name on a well kind of thing that's not probably not going to happen okay not yet but we have thought of that that's interesting to hear that big energy companies are interested in this because this is energy and what's the time frame that we're talking about here so I mean I know you guys are still kind of testing out everlight um when are we going to get to like maybe one of the first times when you're going to have this in a real world situation yeah I mean ever light's been running since 2019 and um it's been running great I mean it hasn't gone down unless we've wanted to run some science experiments on it we're actually about to start another deeper pilot actually imminently like by the end of this month which is very exciting for us uh drill as deep and as hot as possible and and show that we can do that um in terms of commercial projects our first one is likely going to be in Germany they have a very um renewable friendly jurisdiction there and probably look for us in coming on stream in like 2024 with construction starting in uh middle or early next year yeah so things are happening it's pretty exciting that is exciting if people want to learn more about your company where can they go uh they can check us out at www.ever.com uh we're also pretty active on LinkedIn is probably where we're most active so um yeah we post all our updates there and just follow us on sort of our website and our socials and there's a full virtual tour of our everlight system it's not as cool as being able to go up there and put your hand on the inlet and Outlet well and feel the hot water coming up but it's neat that that's available if anyone wanted to learn more about the engineering up there oh cool so like we're talking virtual goggles right like yeah or you can go on the site and play like play like a video game like you can just walk around and see our Engineers explain it to you but uh yeah you guys are welcome to come up in the middle of winter and see how we keep everything warm up there too nice cool nice that sounds like a lot of fun guys thank you so much for hanging out with us today and explaining all this for my very dumb questions I really appreciate it and I feel like I have a better understanding of it now so thank you thank you all right I'm surprised at myself because I thought I knew all the different ways that you could make energy and I already knew about geothermal because we're getting it here at the house so I thought like you can't stump me well and I mean hey I took a college course on um all sorts of energy generation so I thought that I had every trick in the book because I was learning about wave power and I thought that I was going to be set for the next 20 years yeah you thought you stumped them when you got to the oh you need a big pump I thought I thought that I was gonna something at multiple different points um really cool that basically you can have the same sort of geothermal systems that you could have in like Iceland and just have it just anywhere you want practically and I'm really glad I learned this because I thought that Iceland that was the way you do geothermal and it's cool to see that no there's different Technologies different ways to do it that's one way this is another way and I thought to myself why does Iceland always get to do it did she explained why because they have young Rock right and it's and it has all the conditions that are it's like stumbling upon um you know a hot spring right where you're like oh it's a hot spring whereas like if anyone else wants to take a bath anywhere else in the world it's a heck of a lot more work I'm bummed to hear that you know us little investors probably can't get in on this I know they said that investors could reach out to them but this is Mega scale when you hear about a company that on their first round gets 100 million dollars from Chevron and P it means that the little guy is never going to be allowed in and that's a little disappointing but it does show you that their technology has been vetted these big players do not pump in money like that unless they know it's going to work and the fact that they've been doing everlight for a few years and showing that it works I mean there's a few pieces here that was not sure it was going to work I want to point out one of them you drill a hole and even if you can do it accurately and make your whole radiator the fact that you're looping within the Rock and you can't lose any of that water that's untested and they tested it now and then the fact that this runs without a pump and in theory it should work but they weren't sure if it worked in practice that also works yeah so it's exciting to see that this is coming true and I mean when all those people out there say like we can never have just renewable energies this is a company that a few years ago no one even thought was a possibility you're one of the first in the world to hear about it and that's why I think we're so lucky to be part of this community so if you want to support us head on down to that little subscribe button it doesn't cost you anything hit it as that number goes up more of these companies will actually talk to us and will join us with smart people like Anna and Chris who are working on the future solutions to energy and if you want to support us even more we're going to be talking a little bit more about our thoughts about ever over on our patreon investor Club bonus stories so you can check that out you can head over to patreon.com now you know sign up at the 10 level which is our investor Club level if you're an investor we've got our slack Channel which uh has over 1800 members on it we're talking about all sorts of different companies lots of them sustainable and lots of companies on like this one unfortunately that you can get money into and can invest in um so definitely check that out I will see you over there thank you so much for joining us on disruptive investing
Channel: Disruptive Investing
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Id: n2P2stuQ_KY
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Length: 34min 12sec (2052 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 30 2022
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