Eaten alive by mosquitos in this crypt - Poggioreale Naples Part 5 🇮🇹

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[Music] down this SL nothing I don't even know if I'm halfway through this place yet it's absolutely massive [Music] wow it's so peaceful isn't it [Music] look at the design of this Mo be so unusual think I've been up there let's go up here Angel over there the slightly Egyptian Rosine the victorians loved oh look at this loved the Egyptians the Egyptian style more steps let's SC look at this guy oh God more steps or do we just keep going up and up and up pretty cool this have a look oh very clean Scala Scala family well this section seems nice compared to the other bits we've seen so far this panels missing look at that cherub look at the detail Hill Monaco family surprised I've not bumped into anybody yet look at the doors on this one with the amount of bodies look You' think someone would be visiting especially in these big columbariums there's one look it's huge there of portraits down here at that one I'll go check out this uh see if we can go in this one there's a little hole up to pop you through see how far back it goes candles are creepy aren't they so here they seem to have um bulb holders in the um um Crips that are on the wall and they have the lights on running on batteries it's not actually candles nearly everyone's got um a little hole for a candle and a bulb oh a it's fascinating learning the um different burial cultures Traditions at different countries it's pretty plain in there oh somebody up there look let's go see if this one's open we are near I think another collapse it was the second column bearing that collapsed I don't know if it's this one but I think we're near it doesn't look in great condition does it look at that the amount of bodies that are in here and this is just one of them there must be about 50 in this symmetry that are this size more people out here look hoping nothing collapses when I'm here and apparently the collapse is due to that they're building a new Metro Tunnel right underneath there a door there look right underneath this Cemetery which is obviously the vibrations a disturbing the ground which was a terrible idea wasn't it to build a big tunnel under a cemetery let's have a look down this little forgotten section think is a dead end one mosum here yep it's a dead end look at these reliefs onto the ivy jeppy some body and jepi todano and his wife can have a little peek in this one oh my God look at the bodies oh mosquitoes loads of them that one looks like loads of maybe different body parts in there maybe that's crazy got to go there's too many mosquitoes is this one for Martinez oh no too many there even more mosquitoes in that one no thanks God knows what was in there this one do seem too bad Arina what was that I'm covered in mosquitoes all over my legs not kidding I've got about 20 mosquito bites on my legs alone and a few of my arms it's better down here oh wow look at husband and wife Panos stunning another huge columbarium can't even see into the uh Blackness there unusual style like it though look at that I don't think it's got to left too long left to stand though this one's got no door at all they're blowing the bloody doors off m uglier like a little chapel I think I've been down that way at the size of this one absolute Beast Angello empty at this spooky sculpture so sad isn't it somebody hiding in the bush up there look look how big this place is that's just a central bit it's like a city on its own is it weird that I'd love a mosum just the hang around in all day this was my family's mosum we here brushing it up every weekend cleaning it get a few chairs in here just chill out and relax be with your family the cost some of these there's probably not any family members left I should rent them out to Weirdos like me shouldn't they Airbnb mosum and you know what i' definitely book it cuz that's how weird I am maybe not this one it's too small and a come down a dead end for
Channel: Dead Good Walks
Views: 43,304
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: crypt, mausoleum, abandoned, discovery, columarium, cemetery, graves, grave, dead, death
Id: r_D3DWvtDco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 18sec (1098 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2024
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