Easy To Sew Quilt - Use Scraps - String Quilt - Fast Quilt - Quilt Tutorial

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hi I'm dye with sister chicks quilting and welcome to my Channel today you know I have to tell you I've been doing a lot of cleaning lately the spring cleaning bugs hitting me and that bug has found its way into my sewing room and there's a lot of things I could use cleaned up for instance I have this drawer do you have one of those drawers anyway I only have part of it out but this was all in it there's a bunch of layer cakes this look at this six and a half inches of five inch squares from all of my projects so literally there's a little bit of one and a little bit of another and then I have this do you have one of these look what it says on it scraps and this is little pieces of scraps I have so many scraps and you know they seem to be multiplying do your scraps multiply today I'm going to help you with your scrap just a little bit because I'm going to make a scrappy Quilt Project let me show you what my inspiration is this was from another video that I did it is all selvages but nonetheless it's inspiring me to do a string quilt just out of little tiny bits of scraps that are so pretty you hate to throw them away I'm going to show you what we need to get going when I work with scraps I like to choose the colors I've picked two analogous colors blue and green now you're going to get a kick out of this this block has got those two analogous colors in it so does this one can you see the blue and the green now the blue does happen to be aqua but you've got blue and green nonetheless in there and I threw in a complimentary color you can see it can't you it's the orange and I put these blocks together truthfully it's because I had quite a bit of this and I love the green and the orange together and I just felt like it needed some aqua which is on the blue Spectrum and look at these Aquas so I've been busy making these string blocks out of my scraps I'm going to teach you how to make a string block today with a tool that I bet none of you have ever tried what do you think of this foreign this is a child's coloring book I stole it from Hazel I pulled out pages and I cut them six inches Square so I have a stack of pages from a child's coloring book why because they're so easily pierced and they come out so easily let me show you the back of my string quilt I have this nice and starch so you can see it's pulled off of the back and I did not plan on sewing this quilt together with the paper in it I'm taking them off of each individual block that's just the way I'm doing it today I know there's a hundred different ways to do it but that's the way I'm doing it today let's get started making a string block with a child's coloring book cut into a six by six inch square before we start sewing let's talk about Stitch length this is the setting that I normally have my machine on for quilting just on this side of the two but for this project can you see that the top Stitch length is the normal setting and the bottom one see how tight those stitches are so I'm going to move this down almost halfway between one and two oh that's right to get that Stitch length and if you don't have a juki tl2010q you can get one I love love love this machine it's made such a difference in my quilting let's get started on those blocks let me show you how easy it is to construct one of these blocks now if you noticed on my blocks I had a white strip down the center of each one of them and that's a design choice you don't have to do it however when I put these up on the quilt wall you're going to think that was a pretty cool design Choice well maybe I don't know I'm going to lay a white strip of fabric and it can be any width this one happens to be I think an inch and a quarter but I'm going to lay it right on the corner like so and I'm going to come up with another color that I want to put on that is this long enough new new new new let's try this orange I'm just going to sew it right along the quarter inch line of the orange piece [Music] now I have this tail and I'm just gonna very technically just whack it off like that the next thing I want to do is to press you can press with an iron or you can press this way with a roller one of these days I'll get a set up with an iron next to my machine wouldn't that be nice so I have a nice white and an orange and I probably want to put a green strip in I don't know that I want one as wide as that orange and this one is so I'm going to trim it right before your very eyes [Music] and again this is Scrappy so nothing really has to match [Music] okay there's my aqua [Music] did you notice that I don't put it all the way to the end of the white right here it does have to be on the other side of the paper however [Music] thank you [Music] definitely need an orange and this orange is a little bit red I'm not in love with that do I want to go a bold orange or that oh I kind of like that orange it has red dots in it look at this orange it has pink in it I don't like that I'm going to go with this Orange [Music] that's too much orange don't you think so here's what I'm going to do I'm going to fold it off the paper and trim it to what I want it to be hmm this one is an inch I don't want this one to be an inch I'm going to make it smaller so I'm going to trim it look at that that's nice and skinny and then I'm going to fold my paper back over so I can sew another piece foreign [Music] do you notice that I never pick up my presser foot on my juki that it just automatically raises I'm doing that with my knee and I've gotten so used to doing that oh my gosh it makes sewing a breeze and then I always use the thread cutter as well think I'm going to put another really bright orange on this true orange and there's enough of this this is just a little teeny tiny scrap but I think there's just enough to do this piece right here [Music] oh snap look at that darn it not enough to do that piece let me see if there's a little scrap of that anywhere [Music] so I'm going to put it just barely on the line and this one barely on the line and fold over and I think that will do it okay [Music] here we go ready cross your fingers close enough for government work there we go look at that just barely made it okay and I think a bright bright Aqua right there something really bright like this [Music] okay [Music] I like that now what do we want a green or an orange on this side and orange [Music] this is getting in the way a little bit so I'll take that piece off and I'm going to put a green on the end and I'd really like a dark green I wonder if I have one in my scrap basket I do I do there you go why did I throw that away my goodness that's going to be gorgeous on there in fact I'm going to make this Orange I'm going to put it down here so more of the green shows and less of the Orange shows we have a finished block Let's uh trim it up so this is how you do it [Music] I am just putting this right next to the edge of that six inch piece of coloring book and I will have a tada moment look at that block isn't that the coolest I think this is such a fun way to do with your big pile of scraps and just go at it so I have three blocks I'm going to take the iron and press I want to show you how easy this coloring book paper is to tear out of your stitching and I pressed it right with the paper in but I use my stiletto and just kind of start tearing and look at that I get it under there and there it goes it comes off faster than you can believe I am going to show you some ways to take these blocks and make a gorgeous quilt and this is your first option or I should say my option because I'm making it right what gives you the design is that white strip that I put in and again you don't have to do The White Strip it could be another color or it could be no strip at all [Music] what do you think of that here it is fully done [Music] okay let's try it another way this will be fun [Music] what do you think of this layout let me show it to you with all the squares in it [Music] pretty cool isn't it now let me show you the way I want to lay the quilt out I think you'll like this [Music] this is the design that I've chosen to lay the quilt out with here it is with all of the blocks I've made [Music] isn't this a fun quilt [Music] [Music] isn't this a great block to make and it has been so much fun and so easy and you have such fantastic looks with this quilt when you're all done here's my takeaways I like doing the same strip down the middle it can be whatever you want that's just how sister chick likes to do it because that gives me this great design I also like coordinating my scraps we have so many scraps you know how I pick these colors I had a lot of them and I wanted to use a lot and my last takeaway don't make it too hard grab your grandchild's color book rip it out of their hands [Music] and use the pages so you can put it on the back of your block and then tear it up and throw it away we deserve it right anyway sorry I didn't mean to be so cruel but whatever if you like my video I would love it if you would subscribe share my link or give me a thumbs up and or make a comment I'd love to hear your comments thanks for tuning in next week I have a super exciting video and it has to do with leftover scraps see you then bye [Music]
Channel: Sister Chicks Quilting
Views: 19,614
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: easy to sew quilt - use scraps - string quilt - fast quilt - quilt tutorial, easy to sew quilt, string quilt, sister chicks quilting, Quilt tutorial, quilting tutorial, scrap quilt block, quick quilt, scrappy quilt block, string quilt block, free string quilt pattern, easy string quilt design, quick easy quilt block, use scraps to make a quilt block, How to quilt and sew videos, diy quilts, quilt made from fabric scraps, fast quilt, fast string quilt, use my scraps, scrap
Id: V6ErNUz1CaE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 7sec (1087 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 25 2023
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