Easy Szechuan Chicken Recipe!

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hey guys Jeremy here from school Covent Garden you know who we are you know who I am it's walk Wednesday and this week it's six school walk this sick one chicken so you gonna start with little bit of onion and red pepper some reason we have massive onions in the school say I'm just gonna go for a quarter here if you had a small onion one small onion will do fine the general gist of know Chinese style presentation of food is if one thing sliced everything else needs to be sliced I'm a chicken is sliced not diced so I'm going for slices of onion and pepper and this is kind of like a slightly Western if I'd style sit one chicken but it we've been doing this since day one in the school and it just works an absolute treat some red pepper again the onion sliced peppers gonna slice as well I'm just setting up my wok clock of ingredients here so starting at 12 o'clock with my first ingredient is gonna hit the wok and then following round I've got some dry red chilies here now your dry red chilies it's a low beep of course it's one chillies or sit on these chilies but it actually originated from Central America but the reason why it works so well with citron is cuisine is because of the actually because of the actual citron peppercorns themselves and Szechuan peppercorns although the cord peppercorns they're actually berries that come off like an ass bush and it's got really tingling almost monthly tasting and it leaves it's very sort of tingling feeling on the tip of your tongue one of those love-hate sort of flavors I think amateur Chinese called mala and it comes from here so I'm gonna just start to compile my spices with that we're gonna add a bit of garlic and some chili it's got more chili I've got a couple of bird chilies it's gonna make it pretty spicy of course you could go for less if you weren't so keen on the spice a couple of cloves of garlic you can either just slice this or finely chop it up to you it doesn't really matter I'm feeling like slicing today so I'm just going to keep it in nice thin slices of garlic so that's going to go along with my chili system peppercorns then my soaked dry red chilies to go with that all I have to do now is marinade my chicken I've got chicken thigh so it's got that nice bit of marbling and fat in there we're gonna start to marinate it very simply with a little bit of light soy sauce it's about a tablespoon of light soy sauce - the sesame oil pinch of sugar the Chinese believe that everything we cook has its own sweetness you trying to accentuate or amplify that sweetness with that sugar and then a pinch of five-spice to go with that you don't need a lot of five-spice five-spice has got some really strong flavors in there you know your star anise and your cinnamon your clove so just a little pinch just to give it that sort of sweet aroma now with this I'm gonna put sort of heaped teaspoon of corn flour into that and that corn flour in the meat once it sort of massage through within sipping - the stir-fry sauce and we'll get that nice sort of silky finish you want enough corn flour so it makes a sort of creamy texture around the pieces of chicken right my chicken is ready to stir-fry all I have to do now is make up my sauce so the sauce made up of the following ingredients we've got some herb and Jiang or some chili bean sauce so 1 to 2 teaspoons depending on how spicy you like it a little bit more like soy sauce with saltiness so a tablespoon and a half let's go for rice wine now thin that out so shouting rice wine and I actually put a little bit of hoisin sauce into this just to balance out the saltiness and thicken up the sauce now caramelize nicely give that good mix around now you don't need an excessive amount of sauce for this what I want is just enough sauce to wrap around the chicken and give it that nice a caramelized finish so my sauce at the end of the stir-fry so we've got my wok clock ready onions first your peppers I'm not gonna put the chicken here just so we don't choke everyone up and then the garlic chili and citron peppercorns go in after that last but not least some cashews to add a bit of crunch from here on in it's easy guys it's all about what cooking knowing when to sort of move your walk around change your heat so I'm gonna start it off on a nice high heat onions in much like all my actual walk Wednesdays got to move that heat around and move that what hey that walks air around the right way I don't know over cook the onions or the peppers because the chicken is going to take a few minutes to cook through when it gets into the wok as well so just push that to the back and then get your peppers in I'm not gonna add any oil to this yet until the chicken goes in the constant movement of the wok is really important you can either stir fold give it a wok toss or later on a little bit of a tummy in the head so round and round and back and forwards with your wok to keep that wok moving at this point rather push everything to the back if there's enough space or you can take that first bit of veg out of the wok and then bring your chicken in I think I've got enough space there so well in ready for my chicken smoking hot lay that chicken into that hot oil I'm just going to start to press into that chick in here and bring my onions and peppers over the top so they don't burn and for the first sort of 30 seconds or so you want to just press into that chicken to sear nicely once you get a good sear on that chicken then give it a turn [Applause] and sear the other side you can see quite a lot of smoke coming out of the wok right now I am sort of jigging it around to bring that smoke out of the wok just to make sure that my meat doesn't burn my chickens kind of half cooked right now and it's got a nice sort of color around the edge of the piece of the chicken which is good so to me I can start to bring in the rest of the flavor if you can still hear me because that is really sizzling away so I'm just going to push that to the back last little bit of oil here just for the spices so my garlic and chilies and Sichuan peppercorns can go in together bring that chicken over the top again so that doesn't burn and that flavor will really start to pack in quite quickly now the sauce is going to come in as the wok is really smoking hot you can see it's building up some smoke and heat now just pour that around the edge you can see it's immediately bubbling away tell me that it's really that chilly and the sister of peppercorn hit me pretty high give that a good flick through y-yeah real what cooking that you've cashews going last because we want to keep their crunch now I'm just going to cook this to a point where all that sauce is just wrapping around the chicken nicely okay that's done so I'm just gonna take a little bit out for a bit of taster so what you want from a good stir fry the meat is a slight char get a bit of smokiness that will work well with the chili a deep savory and spicy flavor off that I'm getting the tingle on the tongue now guys if you want to learn how to make some serious Asian cooking don't forget to describe to our Channel
Channel: School of Wok
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Keywords: szechuan chicken recipe, szechuan chicken recipe chinese, school of wok, wok wednesdays, #wokwednesdays, sichuan chicken recipes, szechuan chicken, sichuan spicy chicken, spicy chicken recipe, chinese spicy chicken, chinese chicken recipe, easy chicken recipes, easy chinese chicken recipes, chinese recipes, szechuan recipe, chinese stir fry chicken, chinese stir fry, chinese stir fry recipes, sichuan chicken recipe, kung pao chicken, chinese food recipes, chicken recipes
Id: D_xL8TxxX2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 57sec (597 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 06 2019
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