Easy Stylized Grass in Unreal Engine 5

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hello in this video I'm going to be taking you through the process of building some stylized grass inside Unreal Engine we're going to be doing it completely from scratch so we're going to start with using the modeling tools inside unroll engine to make our base geometry then we'll cover how to make a basic stylized material for that grass that includes some grass wind then I will show you how to create a PCG graph using that grass and I will show you my secret for creating much more naturalistic looking graph scattering across your landscape so we have a lot to cover so let's get into it okay so I'm going to be starting with this level all of the project files that I'm using for this tutorial you can go ahead and download from the link in the description if you'd like to either follow along with me or use this grass that I'm modeling here in some of your projects you can go ahead and grab it from the link below but I'm going to be starting with this level here and we're going to be doing all of our modeling for the grass in this empty level here the first thing I'm going to do is add something into the level to use as a scale reference to model next to because when I'm modeling the grassp I don't always know how big it is and so I need something to model it next to so that I can actually kind of get a feel for how big it should be how tall how wide is just really helpful as I'm modeling so I'm going to come over here to the engine content folder and if you don't see this folder you can just enable it from going to the settings on the right side here and choosing show engine content here once you do that it should show up here in the bottom left corner and you're going to click on engine in the content browser and we're going to type in character which should bring up this very simple mannequin character I'll drag in one of these into my level to use as a starting point for a scale and then we can go ahead and jump into our modeling tools which you will find up here in the top left corner in the drop- down where it says select mode we're going to go ahead and click on that and come to modeling if you do not see the modeling mode in this dropdown it means you need to enable it as a plugin so you can just come up here to the edit dropdown come to plugins and type in modeling and we're going to just be choosing this modeling tools editor mode once you have that enabled you should see it here in the dropdown so we're going to go ahead and select that I'm not going to go into every part of the modeling mode I'll just be showing you the particular tools that we're going to be using to model the grass in this case so we're going to start with this create section here these are all divided by theme or step in the process of modeling and the first one being create so we're going to start in the create mode here and these are all the basic shapes or tools for making shapes that you can start with when modeling in Unreal Engine and we are going to be using the rectangle tool if you want to make more realistic grass you can use maybe a cone or something that has a little bit more more geometry to it but we're going to be doing something that's super stylized and super efficient and optimized so I'm going to be starting with a rectangle here so click on that and this will give me a tool to create a rectangle which I can make by clicking Somewhere in My Level here and I'm just going to zero everything out so it's the standard thing you should see I'm going to go ahead and click Somewhere in My Level to place the geometry that I'm making and I'll just go ahead and move it up here and I can go ahead and use some of these to model the shape of it but I don't really need to do that in the modeling section here I'm just going to do that as I go is I'll just kind of rotate it into the position that I think I'll need for my grass translate it up here okay that looks good so I'll go ahead and hit accept and that will go ahead and make the starting mesh for my grass so now it's way too big so I'll I'll come in here and move it down and scale it down like this maybe is a good starting point so now we need to start modeling the actual shape of the grass out of this plane I will go to the modeling section here it just says model but it has a bunch of modeling tools and we will go to the poly group edit there's a bunch of different ways of modeling the shape we'll use this one for this example and there's a bunch of tools here for modeling the one we're going to do here is under shape edits we're going to go ahead and choose insert Edge Loop and this is how we can start to add some density to our mesh you could also do that in the create step St but I just wanted to show you this so you can you know it gives you a little bit more power as you're modeling to kind of add or remove geometry as you're working insert Edge Loop is going to add a division in our geometry in whichever direction we hover over here and click in and I'm going to add one in the up and down the vertical so I'll go ahead and click and that's going to separate the geometry like that to add a subdivision so that we can use that to model then I'm going to go ahead and add one here and here and here that should be enough but you can see we can use this tool to add more if we need to so go ahead and hit done and now our mesh has been divided a few times so we can use it to model so now if I just drag over some of these vertices vertices are these points that make up the mesh we have vertices which are points we have edges which connect those vertices and we have polygons which are faces that fill in that shape that's all the modeling terms you need to get started here so we're going to be selecting the vertices and these which are these points and I can start moving them around and this will help me actually model my shape so I'm going to create a Bend shape to This Grass I'm also going to grab this verticy in the middle and drag it up because I want to create a pointy shape to the grass I'll move these down grab these other vertices and move them down and we'll grab the middle string of vertices and we'll also pull it out a little bit to give the grass just a slight bit of Bend to it of concave and uh we'll just continue to shape this until we get a shape that we like I'm going to go ahead and make it even thinner drag over the vertices drag it in here this might take a little bit of time to get a good bended shape that you'd like okay I think something like this will work this is really where you decide the style of the grass itself whether it's really straight and pointy whether it has a lot more Bend or wiggling shapes to it whether it twists and curls this is really where you get to have fun and decide what kind of shape and thickness and overall bend that your grass shape has we're really just trying to get our first generic grass blade here so once we have a shape that we like here we can go ahead and uh hit accept Okay that looks pretty good I'm going to actually just scale it down even more okay that looks great don't worry about disappearing when you look behind it we're going to fix that in our actual material it will be a double-sided material so we won't have to worry about that but let's take this geometry here and let's go ahead and create a clump out of it now this is a process you could do by actually taking this geometry holding alt to drag off of it to create a duplicate you could go ahead and make another grass here and make it smaller and and start to duplicate these around and create a different shaped Clump with this grass that's completely valid you could do that if you want to I'm going to show you a trick for we doing it a lot quicker and that is to come over here to the X form section with our geometry selected here we can go and choose pattern this is going to create a pattern with the geometry and there's a few different options for us to start with here it's you can see by default just duplicating it in a line we can under shape here choose a different shape that we want it to use I'm going to actually use a grid so now it's creating the grass sort of in a grid shape and now we need to start modifying the parameters to give us a look that looks more natural and clumpy I'm going to come to the grid pattern X and grid pattern Y which is X and Y of this grid here and I'm going to lower the extent X and extent y here and that's going to squish these grasses a little closer together so lower that extent X and extent y until they are in Clump like that and uh you can use the count X and count y to choose how many blades are you know in a little row here just determine how many grasses we'll start with when building our Clump this could be you know a small little tough or it could be a denser Clump I'm going to make a denser Clump because I find that's a little bit easier to kind of scatter over a landscape and and get it to look dense enough maybe even make a few different options with this so we'll start with this grid here and the next next thing I'm going to come down to here is the rotation translation and scale options the option we want to switch on is called Jitter so if we switch on the Jitter under rotation we can come to the x y and zv value zv value is spinning it around like this so we want to add a Jitter in the zv value and you can see it's starting to twirl the grasses around and give them some random kind of spinning look so they're now pointing in different directions okay and we can also come and add some translation Jitter we can mess with the X here add some positioning Jitter and some the Y here so now you can see it's starting to look like a more rounded Clump and we can also add some scale Jitter so switch that on and if we increase it it will add some Randomness to the grass now this is showing me something a mistake actually that I made which is that I did not change the pivot point of the grass before I added it to this Clump so let's actually go ahead and do that first because I want to be able to have some random scale on the grass and right now it's scaling the grass from the middle of the grass so it's scaling it up and down like this so you can see it has some it's creating some like floating grass so we'll go ahead and hit cancel and thankfully it saves all of our settings in the tool so when we come back to it it'll just zap it back to those changes we just did which is kind of nice we can see here the pivot point is in the center of the grass so I am going to come to the under the same section here under X form there's an edit Pivot Point tool okay so when I click that on I can go ahead and drag my Pivot Point down to the base of the grass like that that is what I want so now I go ahead and hit accept and now my Pivot Point is in the right place where I want it okay so now we can come back to our pattern tool and we can see it's scaling all the grass correctly so we need to play with this to you know not push it too far so they still look like natural shapes maybe something like .5 or 6 works pretty well that has a nice blend of different heights at this point we could also modify the overall size of our grass blades because these are way too big right now and so we can use the starting scale here to also affect that so we drop that starting scale down pretty low and then maybe like 05 and then have our Jitter be let's say 0.5 as well or maybe something like3 that gives us some much more naturally heighted grass okay okay and it's not quite looking good here yet because now it's kind of not looking super dense so we can just come back here to the count and increase the number of the count until we get a clump that looks better to us and this is just trial and error so you're going to get different kind of looks to the grass depending on how you how much Jitter you add in the X and Y how much scale Jitter you add just play around with these till you get a look that you like I think this looks pretty good for now so if we go ahead and hit accept that will make our first grass Clump now you can see that this Clump here has been made from this single blade of grass but the single blade of grass still is there so if we wanted to go ahead and pull this to the side and go ahead and hit pattern again make a new one with some different settings here for the shape of the grass we could go ahead and do that very easily so you can make you know like three different size clumps if you want I'll just stick with one for now for Simplicity but it's very easy to do that to experiment to get to try out different looks one final thing I'll show you here is that I like this clumping but I think that it will give it a more natural look if we have the grass on the outsid of the clump be a little bit shorter and the grass on the inside of the clump be a little bit taller and we can achieve that by using a lattice a lattice is a way of modifying a geometry with a simpler lattice around it so it's kind of like a simpler geometry around the more complicated geometry and when we modify that simpler geometry it kind of morps the the internal geometry in a way that feels a little more organic so I can come over here to the deform section here I can't actually choose the lattice which is right here because this is not technically a piece of geometry yet we come over here to the right side we can see it's still a pattern says pattern Z here if we look at the geometry that Unreal Engine makes in our content browser by default when we make a piece of geometry using the modeling toolkit you can find that under the generated folder here in your content browser under generated there's should be your name I think it's based on your kind of your login when you log in with your epic games account so this will show your name which is all the meshes that you've generated so if you click on that you can see I've done previous versions of the graphs as well so these are all the meshes that I've made and I don't actually see this new Clump here it doesn't show up here yet until I come over here to the X form section with my pattern here selected and I go ahead and hit merge when I hit merge it's going to make a new object and we can actually come here to the name and name it something so I'll just call it grass Clump and when we go ahead and hit accept it creates a piece of geometry from our grass and we can see here it showed up in our generated meshes and this is important so we can access it as a mesh for our PCG graph later on okay so come back to the content browser and I can come back here to my deform section and now with the grass Clump selected I have the ability to choose a lattice you can see is Switched in my content in my outliner here from the pattern to the grass Clum name that I used to combine it so this is an actual mesh now so I can go over here to the lattice and choose it and you can see the lattice has been made a round it and in the settings here I can go ahead and lower or increase the complexity of the lattice and this is just for me how simple it is to use I'll use something like this and I'll go ahead and shift select the points the vertices in the top here here so that I can drag up the center and make the center a little bit taller and I will do the opposite with the vertices on the outside here I'll just push them down a little bit these vertices as well and you can see it's created a much more kind of rounded shape to the grass where the taller grass is in the center and the smaller grass is on the outside this gives a more natural feel to the grass when you have you know a grass Clump next to an area in the ground that doesn't have grass if it's super tall I mean it really depends on the style that you're going for but often if it's super Tall Grass next to just flat it doesn't look that natural because the grass will kind of like naturally blend and get smaller as it gets away from the larger grass you know more powerful grass areas and then it'll sort of like slowly blend out into the ground and it'll get smaller and and less strong Blades of grass they'll be smaller they'll be a little off on their own and so this kind of gives that feeling a little bit when you have a grass Clump next to a a non-g grassy area if you make your clumps have a little bit of this variation in height it just helps it feel a little more natural I hope that makes sense so I'll go ahead and hit accept here and this is a great grass Clump so we are ready now to jump into making a material for this grass I'm going to go ahead to the modeling tools here and come back to the selection mode I've made a materials folder but go ahead and do that if you haven't I'm going to open that materials folder up and we're going to right click in the empty space and make a material we will call it mcore grass Clump we'll double click on that to open it okay so this grass is going to be super simple and it's going to be all based around a ramp and this is super useful for stylized grass because kind of all that it is depending on the style but often the stylized grass is what it is is a ramp it has a slightly darker or Browner color at the bottom and then it Blends up to a lighter color at the top so what we'll do is create a linear ramp and we will use it as a mask to blend between two different colors we will also use that mask for wind so it's going to be super efficient little material here I'll right click in the empty space and create our ramp and the ramp is called a linear gradient so I'll type in linear gradient go ahead and choose that by default this linear gradient has a u gradient and a VG gradient so that's like the up and down gradient direction or the side to side gradient direction we're actually going to be using the V gradient which is up and down in UV space which will make more sense in a minute but what I'm going to do is create a lurp node which will be a blend between two colors so I'll type in lurp also known as linear interpolation and we'll plug the alpha into the V gradient so it's going to be a mask and we can also see what this looks like on a Plane by coming over here to the 3D viewport in our materials view here and choosing the plane option which we don't see anything cuz we haven't plugged it in yet I'll plug this into the base color and we can see we have a gradient from top to bottom okay so this will be our mask so let's create two different colors also hold down three and click in the empty space to create a color and uh we'll make this just kind of a lighter green color something like this we'll plug that into a and we'll go ahead and duplicate that and this one we will make something like this so just ever so slightly darker and we'll plug that into B and so you can see we have just this nice kind of slight gradient from light to dark I'll go ahead and create parameters out of these so we can make a material instance of it later so I'll right click and convert it to a parameter and I'll just call it grass color grass color 01 same for the other one convert to it parameter and call it grass color 02 okay so let's go ahead and hit save and we'll come back to our grass here what we want since we're going to use this mesh in a PCG graph we need to assign the material to the original mesh asset for this grass inside our content browser which you'll remember is under the generated folder so go hit the generated folder under my name and find my grass Clump and I'll double click click on it to open it and this way we can add the actual material to the mesh so we'll go ahead and type in mcore Grass Clump let's go ahead and make an instance of it real quick instead of using the master material sorry about that let's come here to the materials right click on it create a material instance so we need to change that later so I'll call it miore grass Clump come back to the geometry and type in Grass Clump and choose the material instance and we can can see we have our nice grass material working here something we want to double check really quick before we continue is the UVS of this grass now when I select this geometry if we come back over to the modeling tools there is a UV section here if we click on that we can come to the UV editor and if we click on that it will show our grasses in the UV space here our ramp is up and down in Direction and so our grass geometry here is actually flipped or rotated 90° in the side you have option of editing this these UVS now since they're all the same geometry so it doesn't matter or you can you know when you make that first original blade of grass you can go ahead and create the UVS for that blade of grass that's probably a more efficient way to do it either way it doesn't matter because they're all the same mesh here so whether you do it then when you create your first blade of grass or now when you have your clump just go ahead and select that geometry we'll go ahead make sure we drag Over All of them not just one and we can rotate it 90° here and put it here in the UV space and I'll actually squish it a little bit as well to match our actual grass geometry if we want to actually check what's the top of the grass and what's the bottom of the grass we can zoom in here to the grass and kind of hover over some of the faces and check are they showing up on the bottom you can see this is the bottom of the grass here right here and the top of the grass here we can see it showing up as well or you know we can come up here and and go ahead and select those vertices and we can see them reflected on the mesh so this UV editor I'm not going to go into Super a lot of depth with it with this particular tutorial but it's just important to know because the ramp and also the grass wind which we're about to add is going to be based on this UV space so it's important that you modify these UVS to make sure that the grass blade is sticking up and down has the right side up the right side down okay so I'm going to go ahead hit save on that and go ahead and hit save on the mesh asset and come back to our material okay so our color is working on our grass now we need to add in our grass wind what we're going to add is called a simple grass wind node which we can select here and the simple grass wind is going to plug into our same gradient because it's going to be a mask for which part of the grass should be waving in the wind because we don't want the bottom of the grass to wave around because then it looks like it's just like floating on the surface of the ground we just want the top of the grass so we can use this ramp to tell the grass wind just like be stronger on the top of the grass and leave the bottom of the grass and don't move it so we can use this ramp for both purposes however let's set it up I'll show you there's something we need to do to the ramp in order to make it work but let's go ahead and set this up first we're going to plug the result into the world position offset here you'll get an error by default and that's just because we need to plug in some generic values into the grass wind in order for it to know what to do so I will go ahead and create a parameter a few parameters by holding down s which will create a Flo parameter automatically and I will call This Grass wind intensity okay plug that into wind intensity by default let's make it 0 2 go ahead and do that again hold down s and click in the empty space this one we will make grass wind speed we'll plug that into the wind speed make that 8 by default we'll just make a float by pressing one holding down one and clicking and plug that into this additional World position offset which is nothing no additional World position offset so we'll just plug in a zero there and that should remove the error okay so let's go ahead and hit save and look at our grass so this mesh here didn't get updated so we'll go ahead and delete it and come back to our generated folder here and drag in our new updated grass mesh here and you'll see something funny which is that it's affected by the wind but it's unfortunately the wrong uh part of the grass it's the bottom so we want it to flip and have the top of the grass be wiggling and not the bottom so let's come back to our material here and where we're using this gradient we just need to flip it so we'll use what's called a one minus node so we'll type in minus and plug that into the VG gradient and then the other end into the wind height instead or the wind weight here and that will flip it so now what was Black was white what's white was black and now that will give us the effect we are looking for so now you can see the top of the grass is moving correctly with the wind and now we can go ahead and jump into our grass Clump material instance and we want to mess with probably the intensity and the speed here so I will actually lower the intensity here to 0.1 and the grass wind speed maybe .5 that looks a little more natural to me okay so now we're ready to take that grass asset that we've made and add it to a PCG graph to scatter it organically across our landscape I will go ahead and make a new PCG graft here so I'll right click in the content browser come to PCG and choose PCG graph here if you don't see PCG graph or any PCG options inside Unreal Engine it means you need to enable it as a plugin so you can come up here to the edit drop down come to plugins and type in PCG and we want to enable this procedural content generation framework plugin go ahead and enable that and restart the engine if it prompts you so I've made this new PCG graph I will go ahead and call it PCG uncore grass Clump and we'll go and drag it into our level and expand it to be over top of the whole landscape okay I'll double click on that to open it and let's go ahead and right click in the empty space and create a get landscape data node this is what we'll use to get the points that are scattered across our landscape in order to start spawning grass we'll drag off of that to sample those points we'll create a surface sampler right after that let's go ahead and make a static mesh spawner here okay we'll plug that in and now we will add that grass Clump mesh that we made under the mesh entries we'll go ahead and hit the plus button we'll expand the index zero and the descriptor and we'll come to the static mesh entry here and we'll go ahead and type in Grass Clump to bring up the grass Clump asset that we made and here it is at the top so if we go ahead and hit save and look at what that does gives us a a nice evenly spaced sampling of grid points next let's add a little bit of Randomness to these points we won't want them all to be the same size and exactly the same rotation so we'll make a transform points node so I'll right click create a transform points node put that in between here and here in the transform points node we will add a rotation Max in the Z value in this third box here which it it goes XYZ so this is z so it'll be rotating around the up up and down axis so we'll make it minimum of zero and a maximum of 360 so it could be rotating in any direction that's good and now we'll add some random scale between let's say .5 and 1.5 so now we have some random scale and random rotation at this point you might be thinking okay well this is starting to look pretty good but I need a lot more grass so I need a lot more density so you might be tempted to come back here to the surface sampler and start increasing the points per square meter but this is not really what we want to do do we want to actually keep this points per square meter at 0.1 and do a few other things instead that are going to be a lot more efficient and give us a more natural look the first thing is to lower the points extense this is important because it's telling on real engine how big these pieces of grass are and right now it's way out of whack it said it's being it's 100 by 100 points this is not going to really give us the type of points that we need if we go ahead and select our surface sampler and tap the D key to show how big the points are you can see they're they're much bigger than our our grass clumps here so I'm going to actually lower that down to 10 even though it's a little bit smaller than our grasses are themselves that's actually okay because I kind of want some of these grasses to overlap with each other having a slightly smaller bounds to your points that are spawning grass meshes isn't always a bad thing okay so now we have a smaller set of points I'm going to stop debugging that okay so next let's start adding some density to this grass and the way we want to add density is to mimic a type of thing that happens in nature let's say these are the first grasses that get planted in this field there's maybe a single seed or a few seeds that land in this little area where this clump of grasses over time we'll just say seeds for lack of a butter term slowly spread out from the grass and you'll start to create these clumps and the clumps will be biggest and strongest in the center where the first grass was planted and then over time it will just start extending and extending out from that point this will give a lot more of a natural look to the grass clumping instead of having it randomly spread in a noise pattern across a landscape and you'll see what I mean in a minute so now we have our first grasp points I'm not actually going to get any more points from the surface sampler but I'm going to use the points in the surface sampler to spawn a point grid and the point grid is going to simulate this thing that happens in nature that the points are going to be spreading out from that starting point in that first grass so we'll right click and create a create Point grid okay and we want this point grid to be spawned at the location of these original points so we'll create a copy points node this copy points node will plug the source into the points grid and the target into the surface sampler let's go ahead and debug what this looks like okay so they're a little bit huge but you can kind of see there's a block of points that's been simulated around those starting grass points let's go ahead and modify this create points grid a little bit so that the points are smaller so we'll come to the grids extent we'll lower it down to 250 by 250 and we don't actually need it to spawn a grid in the Z Direction just kind of a flat spread of points so we'll go ahead and lower the Z grid extent down to one okay so you can see now there's some squares which are really just a stacking of white points in this case that are around our starting point for our grass now we're going to create a few more points this works the same way that the surface sampler does in that the points extents if we have a really high points per square meter if the points extents are small it's going to spawn like like a ton more points so we'll just come over to this and lower our cell size which is the individual points in this grid down to 50 so you can't really tell from the display here but this has increased the number of points in this grid by lowering the size of the points and then it'll just fill in more points in those gaps okay so we have a good number of points and we have a good spread to the points now we need to actually start modifying them so we can use them to spawn additional grass Geo okay the first thing I'm going to do is shrink down the size of each of these points a little bit more and I'm not going to do that in the creates points grid because if I strink the cell size down it's just going to keep creating more points what I don't want to do is create more points in this case if I do that it might crash my computer to be honest what I do want to do is actually take those original points that I've spawned and lower the extents of them or Shrink the extents of those points and I can do that with a bounds modifier so I'll drag off of this copy points and create a bounds modifier for the bounds minimum we will go ahead and Shrink that down to 0.5 let's go ahead and debug that press D to stop debugging our copy points and go ahead and press D to debug our bounce modifier and we can see I've Shrunk The Point size down quite a bit so now we can actually see the divisions between some of these grass points okay next let's add some Randomness to their scale and rotation so we'll make another transform points here we'll add that 360 rotation in the rotation Max as well and we'll come over here to the offset for the points and we want to kind of like spread them out a little bit so they don't look like they're in such of a grid pattern so I'll add 100 in the maximum X and 100 in the maximum y let's UND debug our balance modifier and debug our transform points we can see we've added a lot of Randomness to those spread or that original grid of points now they're rotating now they're expanding out from the center this is great now the final thing we want to add in here is a to modify the points by distance in order for us to simulate that these grass are growing over time and so the grasses that are farther away from that Central origin clump of grass should be smaller so they should gradually get smaller because they're younger in age as they get away from the central Clump so what we're going to do is add a distance measurement node so I'll come right click in the empty space make a distance node I will plug the source into the transform points these points that we've got and we'll plug the target into that original surface sampler node so it's taking that original point and measuring the distance between that original point and these other points that we've added in that distance node we want to make sure that we check on set density and we'll lower the max distance down to something like 200 let's go ahead and debug what that looks like so we can see it's it's given us and we can even increase and decrease this maximum distance to see what it's doing it's at adding a gradient in color starting from the Middle where that original grass Clump started going out from there so I'll keep it at 210 for now something like that so now we need to take that density data this black and white data and scale the points down based on it we'll right click and create a execute blueprint node plug that in and in that execute blueprint node we're going to access a scale by density function so we'll type in scale and find scale by density let's go ahead and debug that node and you'll see nothing because we can see that we've have our scale Min and scale Max here are zero and zero so we don't want that we want them to be either one in scale Min or one in scale Max I'm not actually sure which is which so I'll just try one in scale Max so it's using the black values as the zero and the scale Min and the scale Max it's adding one to as its scale value to the white squares okay so we actually want to flip that so I'll come over here and make the scale Min one and instead of having it scale all the way down to zero on the outside I'll just scale it down to 0.5 we still have grass in those outer areas but they're just at .5 scale all right that's looking really good and has a nice natural feel to it the last thing I'm going to do here is use a projection nodee because these are grid points it's a little hard to tell on this landscape but they're kind of like flat plates of points getting put down on the landscape so I kind of want to project those points down so that they can fall more naturally into the crevices and and raised and lower areas of your landscape if you have like more of a mountainous region this will not quite look right it'll just kind of look like these plates of Point clumps and they won't really be matching the full topology so we're going to add a project node or projection node to add that in create a projection node and we'll plug that into the out from the scale by density and the projection Target is our landscape so we'll go ahead all the way here from our landscape dat and drag that over to our projection Target here we do want it to in this case project positions and rotations let's go ahead and see if our points look correct they do like I said it's a little hard to tell on this landscape but they're actually matching the ups and downs of the landscape a lot more now than they were before all right so now we're add ready to add our actual meshes into this point structure and see how it looks so I'll go ahead and stop debugging these points and we'll come and grab this IC mesh spawner that we have down here I'll disconnect it I'll bring it over to the end of this string of nodes we've just made and connect it up and there we go now we have a much more natural and dense spread of grass and we're really only using the standard .1 points per square meter in our surface sampler here and we're getting all of this grass and it's a lot more efficient than just blasting your whole landscape with a ton of points and we can even lower the density of our grass right now we we can come to our surface sampler and actually just lower it down to 05 even and you'll still see quite a dense placement of grass and you can see it has this really natural kind of clumping that's going on we could add even a little bit more Randomness Now by coming and adding another transform node in between here and adding some random scale which we didn't actually add before so add maybe .5 by 1.2 now it looks even more random one side note is that as I was working on this I was noticing a few times when I was starting to simulate my grass and add the mesh grass to the end of it that it didn't show up right away or it disappeared until I kind of zoomed my camera around a few times in and out and then it it showed up there you have it I hope you found this video helpful if you did shoot me a thumbs up or a comment to let me know and if there's anything you'd like for me to cover in the future if you are really interested in this process of building stylized procedural environments with stuff you model inside the engine these kind of like low poly stylized look I have a procedural stylized art master class which you can find a link to below this video otherwise I will see you in the next one
Channel: Aziel Arts
Views: 2,836
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pPNsGrfuaCc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 8sec (2228 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2024
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