Easy Recipes to Make You Thin

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chef AJ here how you doing if you're unfamiliar with me of my work I have been following a plan the exclusive diet for nearly 42 years I'm actually the most recent inductee into the vegan Hall of Fame I'm the author of three books including on process the secrets to ultimate weight loss and assumed to be released a date with dessert and today I'm going to be showing you eight recipes that will help you lose weight and feel great using vinegar great quality vinegar from California balsamic and this video was inspired by an email from Adriana you see she had seen some of the previous recipe videos I have done using these wonderful vinegars and she ordered a bunch of them and she loved them and then she emailed me saying that she had to have a major abdominal surgery and then she was no longer able to ingest any raw vegetables and so since she couldn't eat salad she didn't know what to do with the vinegars and she offered so generously to send them to me and that is so kind of you Adriana and I hope you heal very quickly from your surgery but you inspired me to make this video because even if you can't eat raw vegetables there's so many other wonderful things you can do with these wonderful reduced vinegars so I am going to show you a simple easy delicious healthy recipes using them that will help you lose weight and feel great and I hope you enjoy so the first thing I am going to make is roasted vegetables because she did say she could still eat vegetables if they were cooked so what I'm gonna do and you can do this with any vegetable anytime I'm a rancher look forward to teaching and by the way I'm booked there next January 4th if you'd like to take hands-on cooking with me beautiful spot in the world we go out to the garden and we pick whatever is in season whether it's brussel sprouts or turnips butternut squash cauliflower this works on every single vegetable but since I have a bag and a crockery that's one of many so I'm just gonna put it in a bowl and then I'm gonna pick some flavors so I sort of like vinegar Alchemist so I sort of like to mix that and I love but I love all of them but I love the teriyaki I like it a little bit hotter so I'm gonna use a little bit of sweet heat and all you do is take an equal amount of mustard and I like the salt free Westray mustard which I get on Amazon and actually gets delivered the same day so I just take an equal amount and truthfully I really don't measure and I'm using the bottle because there's some in there and there's no point in wasting this will just help me access it so equal amounts of mustard and vinegar if you don't like mustard still try this because I don't like mustard either or vinegar until I had this recipe maybe them like Brussels sprouts until I have this recipe but you seriously could do this which is the vinegar you don't need to use the mustard if you don't want to it just gives it a nice flavor mustards are very different like I like Grey Poupon but I love this Westray it's not spicy so I just put it on the broccoli or whatever vegetable I am missing and I just kind of stir it cut this a little bit smaller and I am going to add a little bit more vinegar because well that's good you can't have too much of this stop isn't this a beautiful spoon Tammy creamer over that make no point but gave it to me as a housewarming present not not just the spoon whole set it is so beautiful it's purple it's my favorite color and people think you can't roast without video well that's not you can most roast vegetables with nothing you don't even need so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna use the airfryer because it's here and it goes a lot quicker than the oven also I live in the desert now so it's really hot here so I don't want to turn my oven on so I'm going to use the airfryer the Breville is already being used for another recipe I'm gonna be just use this go wide and I'm just gonna put my broccoli in there so one down and seven to go now another way you can use vinegars is not even just for vegetables but for breakfasts for desserts and so I'm gonna show you a few really cool ways and also for beverages so what I'm gonna do is make it shy about pudding I she sees have a weird kind of gummy texture to me then they're great for thickening things so I like to put a little bit of boats in my chia pudding cuz it just makes it more twosome and less kind of weird to me but you could do it without the oats but first I'm going to make the milk and so I like when I'm doing a sweeter recipe I like to make my own milk and I'm gonna make banana milk if you want to know how to make milk from just anything like a nutburger grain I have many recipes in my first book on process in many free videos on YouTube I believe it's episode six and ten of the chef and the dietitians showing you how to do this so to make my banana milk I'm going to take 1 cup of water and 1 banana and make sure your bananas right because if it's not it's not going to be sweet I'm gonna put it in the blender and then I'm going to blend this might be a little loud I apologize I don't know how to the one you like and then to that I'm going to add three tablespoons chia seeds that already measured out chia seeds our omega-3 fatty acids people seem to worry about but you don't need to and I'm going to add some spices I've got a half a teaspoon of ground cinnamon and one sixteenth teaspoon of cardamom so now what I'm going to do is a bit of shake it off it's not gonna be thick right away chia seeds are amazing for thickening things now how am I gonna use vinegar in here well we're my palette this was sweet enough I don't require sweeteners anymore even though for forty three years that's pretty much all I ate was sugar so traditionally chia pudding will have some kind of sweetener and a couple of tablespoons of maple syrup or even date syrup but the problem is are pretty cool Oregon for people that are suffering from sugar addiction I don't even recommend date syrup even dates could be too caloric or triggering for them all sugars about 16 calories a teaspoon so a tablespoon of any sweetener is about 60 calories but a tablespoon of balsamic vinegar is about 30 it's about half and has less grams of sugar not that you have to worry about the sugar in balsamic vinegar it's just for the grace but what I did to play off the blueberry and the cardamom as I took one of my favorite flavors of California balsamic called simply lemon I showed you how to use this before in one of the videos making Italian sodas and using it on asparagus more broccoli but it goes so well in here and just two tablespoon provides just that amount of oomph and sweetness and junus a quality this you can tell that I really use this flavor because hits it's empty now and then I'm going to add two cups of blueberries if you can get fresh blueberries there I just love them in here but I like frozen blueberries if I'm doing oats and other things but for for this kind of thing I love the big old fresh organic blueberries I got these at Trader Joe's I've also seen them at Costco and then I'm gonna add the two cups of blueberries and this is basically and I'm gonna show you what one that I made yesterday looks like because you can see that this is not at all now this is the recipe but as I said it's got a weird texture to me chia seeds so just to make it a little bit more toothsome I am going to add a half a cup of gluten-free oats just because I like it now this is different than overnight oats where I would add probably two cups of oats but just enough to make it I'm gonna stir that up I'm gonna stick it in the refrigerator overnight and tomorrow I will have this delicious pudding and this is very rich you know chia seeds are very high in fats or old so I would say that this for me this is probably two to three servings depending on when I use a piece of lemon squeezy some other flavors that might I wouldn't do teriyaki or sweet heat in there but peach would be good pair would be good let me show you what I've finished one looks like when you turn it over it doesn't even move it's nice and thick and delicious real easy okay - now and six to go so next I am going to show you one of my favorite summer this is called the creamy caramel cooler so what happened is my friend Maxie and I don't dislike cantaloupe I don't dislike any fruit to be honest it's just not my favorite I like honey better better to do a normally like cantaloupe all that much unless is the sugar kiss so when in doubt blended or dehydrated or airfreight so what I do is make this Ruby kill me beverage that I'm going to show you right now but first I want to show you how to cut a cantaloupe because a lot of people don't know that how you cut things is important when I taught the blind students at the Braille Institute teaching this stabilizing cup was really important because it's hard to cut round things because they're moving so you always have to make a cut of something round so that it's not round anymore and always your hand is like the cloth so if you didn't cut yourself hopefully you wouldn't so you just cut a little bit off on one end so now you're taking a round object and now it's not round anymore so this is how chefs Bravo taught me to cut melon anymore because I've worked there every Christmas for about ten years and there's a lot of fruit to cut up a lot of big watermelons in honey mousse so basically what you do is you just go around like this now don't worry I'm not wasting anything because the truth is if there is any goodness to eat here I'll leave it a little bit later I'm not going to throw it away but this is really just the quickest way that I know of to get the peel off don't worry I don't know so you just go all the way around and you do the same thing if you're doing a watermelon if you're doing the honeydew they actually have a melon at Trader Joe's it's quite fascinating it's a honey-do and cantaloupe hybrid so yes I probably could have done that you know and had a little more thrush but I believed it so don't worry and then cut it together see you know truthfully you could blend the seats I mean I don't think there would be anything wrong with eating [Music] creamers that everyone is a different confidence so beautiful so again this would be a small candle because for this recipe I'm not looking for the big usually I buy the biggest one especially if they're all the same price but for this I'm just getting you know rather small cantaloupe I'm putting it in my blender and I'm going to add 12 ounces of club soda now it is my hope that very soon I'll have something called a SodaStream machine so that I don't have to have any more recycling and worry about that but for now I am going to use a either a can or a bottle so I just want you to get one that doesn't have any sistema or artificial those natural flavors no but just get a clean one like one that's just club soda but I'm going to use this one because it's really good as from Trader Joe's there's no salt there's nothing it says carbonated water ginger juice in organic lime juice that's it or lemon juice excuse me because it really does lend itself well to this recipe and I'm going to pour it into the blender I'll tell you a story in a minute how this recipe came to be it happened to because of a transit stroke in a sentence I thought of it but first I want to add my next ingredient and I am going to be using the peach this peach vinegar from California balsamic in this recipe is amazing peach and cantaloupe are just a natural complement to each other and again two tablespoons so you see that when I'm using these vinegars a little goes a long way because they're so flavorful the reason my bottles are empty is because I eat them everyday with my salads and vegetables and his sauces but you can see two tablespoons in each recipe that's a very very reasonable amount now I am going to blend this so again cover your ears this is going to make it really thick and creamy and delicious and this is why it's so great to have a high powered blender so that you can do things like this so just taking a few now when I made this last week for my certified ultimate weight loss educator course this served all six of us we can't there's two of us here so what I do is I take this little silicone ice cube moment that I got at Bed Bath & Beyond you can get them on Amazon and I'm gonna fill this up and what this is going to do is these are going to make really nice delicious treats you could use this in a popsicle mold if you have like the Tupperware one that I showed once on a Tupperware show and the other thing I do is the next time that I make this instead of using ice this is going to be my ice cube so it's going to be double strength something that is reasonable in just a moment so then you grab the prettiest glass you can find and this you would swear this has dairy in it it's just like unbelievable prettiest less that you can find and I'm looking for my straw I always use a glass straw it's purple I can't find it right now but to your health I promise to tell you how so many years ago close to 25 years ago when Charles and I first got married we were visiting San Francisco and it was one of the hottest days of the year over 100 and there was a transit strike and we were just we were vegan we weren't sugar free oil to be salt free that but but we just wanted something to drink other than water so we stopped at Ben & Jerry's and they did have a vegan Shugart and they made this drink where they actually took club soda and a lime sherbert and it was delicious and it always stuck with me so there we go I think I've done three represents RepA sodas on recipe episode three I've got a few to go okay so so I decided to make one of my favorite dishes tomato so I made these in the Breville and I'm gonna be honest hey most of them already but these are amazing all these are our rutabagas which are a non starchy vegetable I cut them into fried I've put nothing on them I put them in the air fryer at 400 for about you know thirty minutes or so and I like them a little more well done but you would swear that you're actually eating just like potatoes and they look like potatoes yeah they're non starchy the thing is is I like my potatoes I've always liked my potatoes not with ketchup but with barbecue sauce and I've showed you on a few youtubes there's a couple recipes in my book where I make my own barbecue sauce from my own ketchup the problem is is it calls for either a can on the fire roasted tomatoes or tomato paste both of which I was out of as luck would have it I had something very similar this is a great product by the way it's an organic crushed Tomatoes and so what I'm gonna do is and again this is to taste I'm gonna do a couple tablespoons of this which looks like ketchup by itself but I wanted to taste like barbecue sauce so I'm adding one of my truly favorite flavors the smoked Hickory balsamic and so I'm going to do an equal amount and again this will be to taste some people like it more tomatoey some people like it more barbecue sauce II if I just use the vinegar by itself it would taste good but it really wouldn't be thick enough for dipping so there you have a very quick and easy easy barbecue sauce that you can use for all your fries and baked potatoes super easy super delicious now there's other flavors will go well in here so if you didn't have the smoked Hickory the sweet heat or the blazing habanero would be amazing so we'll just put that over there so there four out of eight ways to use balsamic vinegar other than using them on wall salad maybe okay ah well this one's super easy Italian sodas you know there are more people addicted to soda I think than just about anything else both sugar-free and regular and it's just such a waste of calories liquid calories are never favorable for weight loss it's a waste of money and it's just not good for you but people want something other than water and so what I recommend is the balsamic vinegars so we'll take our club soda this is playing again I'm really going to get a SodaStream but in the meantime I'm just taking half the bottle and I actually had a housewarming party recently there was about 50 people there and what was interesting is people know me they know that whoo we can't keep plants alive so everybody brought me balsamic vinegar and we literally just had like a bar full of every flavor and people made their own sodas and so all the flavors are good but the one I'm really going to recommend many of the fruity ones would be good in sodas black cherry is amazing peach the black berry would be great the strawberry would be great the pear is phenomenal but you know what I really love is the wild blueberry wild blueberry soda now two tablespoons was the agreed upon amount for the masses in this party and then a little bit of ice some people thought one was enough and there was one person that needed three but this person was like a real sugar addict but two tablespoons it's still half as many calories as if you were getting a soda pop and it's delicious to your health so Italian soda five down three to go oh yes okay so now we are going to make an amazing dressing that I actually just made up yesterday so I recently got back from a vegan influencer Leadership Conference than the balance for life place in Florida where dr. Frank Sabatino is the medical director if you're not on my mailing list consider signing up its chef AJ website.com because next year is my 60th birthday on Sunday March 22nd and on Sunday March 22nd myself dr. Dunn Lila jean-pierre and other guests to be announced are going to have a retreat there at the balanced for life and I'll have a discount code for you save at least $400 if you'd like to come and spend my 60th birthday with me but this last week they had an amazing salad dressing at lunch and it was called Apple they've mustard well it was made by the hotel and maidens want to tell me how they made so I figured it out to end it's phenomenal ingredients I actually made a batch yesterday and it looked and here it is it looked and tasted just like the one from blowjob and what I love about this is what I love about a lot of my recipes is they're easy ingredients they're simple I don't try these complicated ingredients and I try to never use more than seven ingredients this one has only three so what we're going to do is we're going to take an apple now when you're using fruit as I always do through the whole fruit nothing but the whole fruit your yield of the recipe will only be as sweet as the fruit which is why I make sure that my bananas are always right before I freeze them the end the Apple is called the envy apple because it's the envy of all apple it's really the sweetest invest Apple it's better than Honey Crisp Jonagold or Jonathan don't use a green apple in here they're great but not for this so you want the sweetest Apple even come on so I because I was a real chef in Russia and a pastry chef I did everything by weight so I want 10 ounces of apples that's how I roll and I know that this is 11 ounces because I weighed it store and when I take out this core it's not going to be that much so taking the largest and the Apple that I can find putting it in the blender don't worry my blender is only dirty from that banana milk take 1/4 cup of the mustard I showed you before the west race all three and 1/4 cup of the fig balsamic I thought about using fresh or dried figs but I just wanted to be able to make this all the time Oh perfect this is these bottles are great I'm going to talk a little bit about this vinegar when I'm done with the recipes but perfect three ingredients we have it Apple mustard fig vinegar and this is what I made yesterday it's thick it's delicious it will knock your socks off it'll make a salad eating delicious I promise six now two to go okay I need to it's getting hot in here under the lights I need to actually make one more recipe I well that's good because luckily I've got this beautiful carrot future its shade of evening I'm gonna put this in here so that I can use the blender again how do you like that that is the Brussels sprouts we'll get to those in a minute if you don't mind [Music] so haven't found a potato salad recipe I love also I have the problem that Charles just doesn't like potato salad he eats my way but there's just a few things he doesn't like like quinoa well he's allergic actually and potato salad so I made it up myself so what I'm gonna do is get the ingredients first and already prepped that saves a lot of time when you make recipes if you prep everything in advance and this is going to be featuring the newest flavor from California bail solvent which is called dill mussels and it's fabulous it's gonna fly off the shelves I know it so first I'm going to show you how to do the self-park of it I'm going to show you how to make a dress now mustard seed will not be available until early June only a few weeks away so you'll have to hold out so the first thing I did was I see one and a half pounds of potatoes the bag was one and a half pounds and I cut them into quarters and I chilled them so I'm just gonna put them in the bowl then I steamed it in this wonderful Tupperware microwave cooker for 15 minutes if you want one just email Kurt and Pat it productions at yahoo.com these are fabulous and you can travel with them so then I'm going to add my secret ingredient instead of celery it's Pennell 1 cup finely chopped and red onion 1 cup whoops all over the counter finely chopped fine chopped I use this tool that was $20 at Bed Bath young alright so now how do I make the sauce right here I have 12 ounces of colorful that I steamed into every to where I go [Music] you gotta shake this one up because they use real real herbs and I'm going to add I can find my measuring cup 1/2 a cup of the dill mustard and so what it does is I'm actually making a cauliflower kind of kind of almost like a cream and this is going to be very much like mayonnaise but when I add the dill investor to blender going on [Music] this is just like a mail but the flavor is incredible because we're using California balsamic dill mustard and what's great about the California balsamic you don't feel all the troublemaker recipe just use them over a veggie rice bowl this absolutely phenomenal last night I gave it to one of my neighbors here I have some arugula and some purslane and what I'm gonna do is I'm going to put a scoop or two on of course you want to chill it afterwards then I just like to sprinkle it with a little bit of fresh dill and there you have it a very healthy delicious dressing and potato salad okay last recipe we are going to make dessert so another way Adriana that you can use the California balsalmic winters is as a sundae time so what we're gonna do is we're gonna make banana ice cream so I'm using the Champion Juicer company that is the best machine up it makes the creamiest unparalleled you turn the machine on again I learned that when I was a respiratory therapist that's a funny story I can tell you a long time it go [Music] [Applause] [Music] do this with any frozen fruit I did it with jackfruit class wheels amazing cherries are amazing [Music] [Music] and now what you do if we had some fresh fruit it would be green on top you take your very favorite flavor of California balsamic I like the blackberry on here and you just drizzle it over the top and you have a sundae it doesn't show up color wise that color the blueberry would probably show up a little bit better and now you have a very very delicious sundae so there you have it Adriana eight ways to use California balsamic vinegars without even having a raw vegetable if you would like a free sample and remember it's free sample with purchase only simply go to the website California balsamic comm and put my name chef AJ in the leave us a message box and Thomas Allen wonderful owner will let you choose two free samples of these small 1.8 ounce bottles these five right here are the chef AJ sampler these are my favorite savory flavors the 3 ounce bottles are wonderful because you can get them through TSA so there you have it thank you so much for watching I'm chef AJ and I truly believe you can have the health and the body you so richly deserve and California balsamic vinegars is one way to help you get there take care bye
Channel: CHEF AJ
Views: 37,706
Rating: 4.9051151 out of 5
Keywords: balsamic vinegar, california balsamic, apple fig mustard dressing, italian soda, cantaloupe cooler, banana nice cream, dill potato salad, roasted vegetables, oil free recipes, sugar free recipes, sos free recipes, food addiction recipes, easy meals to make you thin, vegan recipes, chia seeds, chia pudding, blueberry chia pudding, chia oat pudding, envy apple recipe, westbrae mustard, salt free recipes
Id: 3OZshuwp8tI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 44sec (1904 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2019
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