Easy Poached Egg | Kenji's Cooking Show

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every it's Kenji uh I'm going to quickly show you how I'm poaching some eggs I'm making a lunch for my kids I I just uh reheated some of this gon I had so beef rice bowls um I'm going to add a couple of poached eggs to it to uh sort of bulk it up now the way I do this here's my trick for poaching eggs you know the difficult part of poaching eggs is that you know egg eggs have well they obviously have a white and a yolk but if you look carefully the whites are actually kind of in their own little sort of sack you know um the yolks are obviously in their own sack but the whites also are and so there's some amount of the white that's within that sack um and then there's some amount of the egg white which is kind of loose and kind of just floats around uh inside the shell and so the idea is that you want to separate that loose white from the um from the more firm white and so to do that I take a fine mesh stainer and I just pour the eggs right into it and what you'll see is the loose whites will drip through but the uh the the more sort of enclosed whites the parts that are really more nicely shaped will stay inside that strainer almost like a water balloon all right so once they're strained out put them right back into a bowl so now I have two eggs that are free of the loose whites you can of course save that um the loose whites and use them for something like an egg white omelette or whatever um all right so I have a little pot of water going to add some salt to it you don't need to add vinegar or anything to it vinegar will um make the egg whites set a little bit faster and so that's good if you have a lot of those loose whites that's sort of a a work around for that um but if you've separated the whites already you don't need to add the vinegar and I think it come comes out with better texture and better flavor if you don't uh add vinegar to the water so just salt in that water and I'm going to very gently lower these eggs in all right now once they're in there let me grab a spoon uh so I've got this uh slotted spoon here this is actually specifically a spoon uh for poaching eggs this was designed by Michael ran who is a wonderful food writer um in fact one of the people who sort of inspired me to become a food writer in the first place uh and he wrote a book about eggs and he also designed this egg spoon so this spoon you can actually take a single egg crack it into there it'll strain out those liquid whites and then you can use it to lower it into your water um so I'm not going to do like a a heavy vortex if you if I was doing a bunch of eggs at a time if I really really wanted like a sort of perfect torpedo she shape without any flatness on the bottom like you know if I was doing this out of restaurant I would make a Vortex and then kind of put the eggs into the center of it and let their motion um create the shape uh but in this case I'm I'm you know I'm just going to put these on top of a beef Rice Bowl they're going to get broken up I don't really care too much if they're uh you know my kids aren't paying uh you know $18 for these uh Poached Eggs they're getting it for free so they'll take what they can get but you see how nice and clean these eggs come out I am going to flip them once just to uh make sure that they cook evenly and that you don't sort of end up overcooking the bottom cuz obviously the bottom of the pan is going to be hotter than the liquid at the top of the pan so any part that's in contact with the metal is going to cook a little bit more so poach TS you generally do want to flip them at least once in the process all right and that's about it I don't know how long they've been in there you can put them you know up up to up to a few minutes if you want them like a little bit more set I like them nice and loose Loosey Goosey I'm going to put these onto my beef bowl here garnish it up with some scallions and even though I know my kids are going to want to break these I'm going to break one of them just to show you just to show you how nice and perfectly poached these eggs came out so you see how nice the shape is Right none of that loose white at all really nice and easy and then of course I'm going to let's see how the uh inside is Boom liquid yolk just set white exactly the way I like it all right Poached Eggs everyone real simple guys GS non binary Pals I'll see you next time byebye no
Channel: J. Kenji López-Alt
Views: 463,505
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Id: S60GxA9JpLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 41sec (281 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 26 2023
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