Easy Paywalls and Experiments Using RevenueCat

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hello it's Chris here quick question which pay  wall do you think generates more Revenue by the   way this is an app called Emoji me sticker  maker the answer is paywall a it generates   50% more conversions than paywall b now if you  want to check out more of these tests go to the   app Master's YouTube channel but I'll let you in  on a little secret just because someone got this   result doesn't mean that it'll work exactly the  same way for your app I mean there are so many   different variables different industry different  audience perhaps different platform and the list   goes on if you want results like these for your  app you have to run your own experiments on your   own pay walls and that's why I was so excited when  Revenue cat asked if I wanted to cover their new   pay walls and experiments features finally an easy  way to deploy High converting pay walls and to run   split tests on them special thanks to revenue cat  for sponsoring this tutorial Revenue cat helps you   generate more revenue from your app and they do  this in several ways making it easy to add inap   purchases and subscriptions to your app giving  giving you accurate analytics across platforms   and helping you optimize your Revenue through AB  testing and in today's video we're checking out   their latest feature to help you make more money  pay wall and pay wall experiments let's Dive Right   In hey check this out I was able to customize my  pay wall in the dashboard and then with one line   of code display that pay wall in my app I'll show  you how to do this but before that we need to take   a step back in order to sell something on your pay  wall you have to have something to sell right so   here's the setup that I've done before creating my  pay wall so first I set up the products I want to   sell inside App Store connect and in this case I  have an annual a discounted annual and a monthly   subscription next I created my free revenuecat  account over at revenue cat.com and then I linked   my Revenue cat account to my App Store connect  account and this is just done by pasting a secret   key from App Store Connect into my Revenue Cat  Project next I created Revenue cat products that   map to the products in app store connect and I  reference it by the App Store connect product ID   and then I created a pro tier inside Revenue cat  and they call this an entitlement but essentially   it's something that buying those products can  grant access to so then I linked up the three   Revenue cat products to this entitlement that  means that if you buy any one of them it will   unlock this Pro tier entitlement next I created  three offers in Revenue cat so an offer is what   gets presented on a pay wall one offer is the  standard everyday pricing the other offer is   for sales and the last offer is something that I  wanted to test by offering multiple durations of   subscriptions and this is something we'll get to  in the later part of the video next in each of my   offers I created product slots they actually call  them packages but I think of them as slots on my   offer where you can attach the products that you  want in that offer finally I assigned the products   into the appropriate slots in my three offers and  now I'm ready to create a pay wall for each offer   by the way I've got a video showing how to do all  of this configuration step by step just check out   the video right over here now let's take a look at  how easy it is to create a pay wall in Revenue cat   so here I am in my Revenue cat dashboard looking  at my project as you saw in the slides before we   have three offers and you can create a pay wall  for each of them so I'm going to go ahead and   create a pay wall for my standard offer which  is a single option of an annual subscription so   click on ADD pay wall and we can select one from  the gallery as a starting point for customization   there are three currently but there will be more  in the future so this one is good for if you have   several different options this one is good for  if you have a single option this one is also a   single option this one seems more visual I like  that one I'm going to stick with this one as a   start starting point and there are don't be fooled  there are a lot of fields here but not all of them   are necessary are absolutely required so first of  all I'm going to change the photo here I have one   prepared on my computer I think yeah this one  right here and just in case you are wondering   I got these illustrations from icons8.com so that  changes that and actually this placeholder content   is not too far off from what my image suggests  so I'm going to go ahead and type the title as well all right so there's the title there's a  little blurb that you can show you can customize   any of the colors and you can even show um you  can select different colors for dark mode so up   here in this preview you can select dark mode like  that and you can see what that would look like and   customize the colors for that as well so I'm going  to change it back to light mode for now and let's   take a look at what package means so as I alluded  to in the slides before a package is kind of like   a slot for a pay wall since this pay wall displays  one purchase option I have the ability to select   one thing and in um this pay wall for my standard  offer offing only has one package anyways that's   why there's no selection here if my offering had  the monthly and the annual option then I would   be able to make multiple selections here so I'm  going to go ahead and select this button for my   annual plan and then this package details is  basically it's this text up here and you can   see in the watermark it says full access for just  and then there's these two squiggly brackets that   is a dynamic variable so you can insert ERT  information about your packages pricing and   different things like that actually in the revenue  cat documents for creating a pay wall it lists all   these different variables that you can insert into  that text so I'll link to this document in the   description below the video but we will probably  use let's see here we'll probably use this one   which is what they suggest in the placeholder  as well so let me go ahead and copy and paste   and get full access for only and then you have to  have these opening squiggly brackets paste in my   variable close the squiggly brackets now you might  think you typed it in wrong because in the preview   it shows this it shows the variable name right  but if you go up here into display settings you   have to check this variable preview values and  it will substitute that variable for the actual   data you're trying to insert so that you can see  what you're doing see how it's going to look like   if you have an introductory offer like a sale or  something like that you could type that here as   well but we don't have that for this particular  package and then for the call to action you can   change the color for light mode and dark mode I'm  going to leave it as green here and you can also   um fill this out like enroll now for example if  you have a trial that's where you would put that   call to action there and then for footer links  you can put your terms of service or privacy URLs   here and then you're done don't forget to hit  save though or create pay wall in this case so   what you're doing here essentially is designing  how your pay wall is going to look now typically   this is done in a piece of design software such as  figma and then you're going to have to translate   that design into code and then to uh integrate  that in your xcode project however with Revenue   cat you don't have to do any of that let's take  a look at how easy it is to deploy your pay wall   inside your app so right here I'm looking at at my  excode project I have not integrated any Revenue   cat stuff just yet I want to show you how easy it  is to do this so first of all we have to install   the revenue cat libraries or SDK into our exco  project if we take a look at the docs again and we   scroll all the way up to installing the SDK let's  click on iOS I want to show you how easy this is   and that's why I'm going through this with you we  can use Swift package manager to install it and   we just copy this URL go up to file go up to add  package dependencies and then we just search for   it and that's the one let's click on ADD package  and wait for this to go for what we're doing we   don't need this one and we don't need this one so  Revenue cat this is the core functionality Revenue   cat UI this is some of that pay wall stuff that  you're going to see all right so now that that's   added here in my app entry point I can import  Revenue cat and then inside the initializer so   let's do that here we are going to connect our  app to our Revenue cap project by adding our API   key here uh configure with API key let's go and  grab that from here uh so we're going to have to   get out of there for a second I'm going to grab my  API key here just going to paste that in here and   then we also want to set the log level to debug  and this is going to be very helpful as we are   configuring and building our app and just testing  the inapp purchases and speaking of debugging Rue   cat actually has this really helpful tool for  developers this debug Revenue cat overlay if we   just attach this to our root View and I run this  this is going to give us all sorts of information   such as whether or not it can actually um connect  to our Revenue Cat Project and fetch the data so   that you're not wrestling with those issues so  you can see right away that when I launch my   app I see all of this information SDK version  status is okay that's connected and everything   like that so this is super duper handy so now we  are actually ready to go we have installed the   SDK and now we're ready to present our paywall  simply as easy as that so I'm going to get rid   of this debug overlay for a second and with one  line of code I can show a pay wall present pay   wall if needed here and there are actually two of  them here so this one I can control by passing in   a Boolean whether or not it should present  the payall but this one is even more handy I   can just specify the entitlement and that I've  specified as the pro tier you saw this earlier   when we were going through the diagram right  whenever someone buys any product it entitles   them to unlock this Pro tier so here using this  second option and you specify the identifier of   that entitlement it will basically do the checking  to see if the user has the pro entitlement or not   and if it doesn't it will present the pay wall  because if that user has already unlocked that   Pro entitlement it shouldn't show the pay wall  that is going to do the detection for you so   that is the single line of code I'm going to run  the app and it's going to display the pay wall for   me just like that I don't even have to code this  up right all I did was customize it through the   dashboard right here now this isn't the only way  to display your pay wall you can also integrate   it as part of your own custom pay wall design  let's take a look at how we can do that so if   we don't want to show it as a full screen pay  wall what we can do is instead integrate it as   part of our Custom Design so I'm going to get rid  of this modifier for just a second here and inside   content view right now I just have a scroll View  but I have um just put together a simple pay wall   a custom one here which I will show you let's put  an instance of that right there and if we take a   look at the preview here is what it looks like so  it's got a whole bunch of uh placeholder text but   that's okay for the purpose of this demonstration  because I want to show you how you can add uh the   pay wall functionality to this custom View and  oh at the top first you have to make sure you   import Revenue cat UI so that you can access this  modifier and this is just pay wall footer that's   it this modifier right here and it just adds  that down there so let's take a look at what   this looks like so here is our custom pay Wall  Part and this part is supplied by Revenue cat   you don't have to even write any code to handle  the purchasing or anything like that all done   for you and don't forget you always have the  option of retrieving the offer data yourself   and displaying your own buttons but at that point  you're pretty much building your own pay wall and   you're losing many of the cool features such as  ease of deployment and this next feature that I'm   going to talk to you about which is customizing  your pay walls dynamically this is one of my   favorite features let's go back to the full screen  pay wall I am going to remove this stuff here   we're going to go back to the app entry point and  we are going to display the full screen pay wall again okay and then now we can go into  the dashboard and we can change some of   the information here and it will be reflected  in the app without having to change any code   in there so that is really cool you could  for example change the image so why don't   we change it to this one change it it to that  one right there and then let's also change this text all right okay don't forget to save it and  then if we go back to the app and rerun it we   should see the changes so if you imagine your  app is in the App Store and you can change up   how your pay wall looks the copy the images  without submitting any updates without going   through the review process again all of it done  dynamically from the revenue cat dashboard super   awesome so let's say you're happy with your pay  wall how can you be sure that you're maximizing   the lifetime value or LTV of your users would not  offering a monthly option be better or perhaps   offering a trial would up your conversions and  hopefully people stick afterwards and become   paying customers well to answer these questions  we can run Revenue cat experiments let's see   how a revenue cat experiment lets you pit two  offers against each other to see which offer   would generate a higher lifetime value for your  customer and it does this by showing one offer to   half of your new users and the other offer to  the other half of your users then Revenue cat   will track the revenue generated by these users  over time so that you can determine which offer   is ultimately better now before you start an  experiment you really need to decide what you   want to test first if you're not sure they have  some ideas for you to try in this article Link in   the description below now once you know what  you want to test you need to create a second   offer with the change that you want to test and  Associated pay wall for that the original offer is   called the control and the one you're testing is  called the treatment and they have a great article   here for things to keep in mind when creating the  treatment offer again link to this article in the   description below so now you're ready to start  an experiment so inside inside the revenue cat   dashboard first of all actually I want to explain  to you what my offers are and what I want to test   so my standard offering is one annual plan so  you saw my pay wall it's just a single button   that says enroll now but I'm wondering if we  offer a monthly plan as well on that pay wall   would that ultimately generate more lifetime value  per customer on average or would sticking with my   standard offering be better so that is what I  want to test this offer versus this offer now   I should go into pay walls and I should create  a pay wall for that uh treatment offer right so   you go ahead and click on ADD pay wall and this  one would be a good one because this one shows   multiple plans and tiers right so I'm not going to  go through that again but you can create the pay   wall there and once you have a pay wall for your  control offer and your treatment offer you can go   into this experiments Tab and create your first  first experiment now just a note if you're not on   the pro tier plan of Revenue cat you need to be in  order to run experiments however the pro tier plan   is free up until you are making at least $2,500  with your app per month if you are not making   that much money with your app don't worry about it  pro tier is still free you just get to use all of   these features and play with them and test them  out for free if you are making more than $2,500   per month mon with your app then I believe Revenue  cat takes about 1% as a fee for the pro tier so   let's go ahead and create the new experiment and  there are honestly not a lot of fields to fill out   here so let's give your experiment a name so I'm  going to say annual versus annual and monthly and   the control is my standard offer and the treatment  which is the thing I want to test it against uh is   the annual and monthly offer and then down here I  just have to select my segmenting criteria that is   what portion or segment of my users do I want to  enroll into this experiment first of all you have   to select which apps you want to be part of this  experiment since I only have one app that's fine   which countries so this is users users from which  country do you want to involve all countries uh   what amount of those users so 100% would be  every single new user would either see like   they would be part of this experiment and half of  them would see the control the other half would   see the treatment if you say let's say I know 50%  that means that this 50% of users is not going to   be part of this experiment they're only going to  see the standard offer but the other half that is   enrolled in this experiment half of that is going  to see uh the control pay wall and the other half   is going to see the treatment pay wall so that's  25% and 25% essentially a quarter of your users   going to see this another quarter is going to  see that and then this 50% right here they're not   involved this in this experiment so they'll just  see whatever you have set just the standard and   then you can go ahead and click create experiment  now I have I don't have any running experiments   and because they take time time to see results  I am just going to show you what results would   look like in this uh documentation so you're going  to see a chart that looks like this which tracks   re like actual Revenue that has been realized by  users over time so users um from pay wall a will   be one color users from payall B will be another  color and you're going to see this Revenue which   one's going to be higher easy to see but there are  also in addition to this graph some useful metrics   and charts to look at so you're going to see  something like this this tracks conversion rate   like how many people actually sign up through the  pay walls from your control versus your treatment   has the change been positive or negative and  then paying customers so there is a difference   between conversion and paying customers simply  because conversion could mean trial conversion   but that doesn't actually mean a pay Pay customer  right so paying customers has uh the control work   better to generate paying customers or has the  treatment pay wall worked better and then this   one is probably the most important one is actual  realized Revenue which pay wall has generated   more revenue for you don't underestimate this  feature guys this is super duper important and   can make a significant impact to your app this  summer I attended the mobile growth Summit here   in Toronto and I listened as expert took to the  stage and shared their wisdom about growing app   businesses I watched as the head of marketing of  multiple big apps and companies such as wealth   simple Tim Hortons and more talk about how they  run experiments and run tests to figure out what   converts the most users and what generates them  the most Revenue they test things like which   signup incentives work better which pay walls work  better when to show the pay walls should we offer   trials or not all of those questions they test  and test than test my takeaway was that if you   are not running these tests yourself to collect  this data and figure out these questions you're   probably leaving a lot of money on the table  and that's why I'm so excited about these new   Revenue cat features because it gives us Indie  developers the power to play alongside the big   cats so here's how you can get started using  Revenue cat pay walls and experiments just go   to revenue cat.com click on get started  and sign up for a free account pay walls   are on the free tier experiments are on the pro  tier which is also free until you hit $2,500 in   Revenue a month now if you like this tutorial  and you want me to dive deeper into Revenue   cat and explore more of the features that can  help you make more money please drop a comment   below with the text more Revenue cat thanks so  much for watching I'll see you in the next video
Channel: CodeWithChris
Views: 4,093
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Make an App, How to Create an App, How Build a Mobile App, Xcode, Swift, iOS, Coding, Programming, iOS Development
Id: t-BO0BvAU3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 18sec (1338 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 11 2023
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