EASY Loose Sketch Technique | Ink & Watercolour

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This is great. Thanks for sharing. You made that seem so easy and approachable. Saving this so I can reference again and check out your work.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/SundriedDates 📅︎︎ Nov 03 2020 🗫︎ replies
hi everyone it's taria here from urbansketchingworld.com in this video i wanted to show you um a bit more of one of the techniques that i use to help me achieve a loose feel to my income watercolor sketches um so the response to my last video was really cool um it was a kind of a showdown video where i took a reference image of a house that i found on pinterest and i did one sketch in quite a tight neat kind of illustration style and i did the second one in like a much looser kind of splashier style just to see you know what happened really and what the differences were and then throw it out to to you guys just to see which ones see which one um you you kind of liked the most and by far um most people preferred the loose sketch um to the type one and that was both here on youtube as well as on instagram it was an overwhelming vote um for for the loose sketch so i found that like really interesting a super interesting experiment um but off the back of that video a lot of people said they'd like to kind of learn that like way of um you know sketching or they'd like to improve their kind of loose sketching ability and i think it's quite difficult it's quite it's the difficult thing to kind of define loose sketching because it kind of means different things to different people but um you know and people sketch really loosely in such a variety of different ways so i've got a couple of um posts over on urban sketching world about loose sketching one of them is just a general like how to loosen up what does it mean how do you do that and the second post is more of an inspiration post so it's more like here's some examples of some loose sketching and um how you might achieve those kind of looks you know so anyway on this video i thought i would specifically focus in on the loose sketching technique that i did in the previous video so if you haven't seen the previous video whether it was one house two different sketching styles um type tight sketch versus loose sketch i'm linking to it up in the corner right now so um you can either go watch that right now or watch it after this one but i'm gonna focus in on that specific technique that i used um to do the loose sketch on that video as you can see i started out with my hanamila sketchbook um and i actually thought i'd try something a little bit different which was to spray the page with a bit of water out of us like a spray bottle um not really sure if that was a good idea or if i really needed to do that to be honest but i just thought i wonder if it would help the paint bleed a bit more but i think it what it did was just make it take much longer to dry to be honest because too much water on the page so that's fine um and then i used the kind of daler rowney aquafine mop brush which i've had sitting around for ages and i never use so um i'm kind of forcing myself to use at the moment just to you know i obviously bought it because i wanted it and then i haven't used it so i always feel bad when that happens so um yeah i'm forcing myself to use it but it actually as it turns out is awesome for this technique um so i've got the i've got a reference picture up in the corner again it's just a cool house i found on pinterest i seem to be like into that at the moment um so i just basically put down like very kind of loose um splashes of color that are vaguely where the colors are in the house to be honest that is basically the strategy to start off with so you know towards the top is a bit of a gray for the that roof bit and then as working down there's like the orangey reds for the bricks um to the side there's a bit of green for the for the foliage um and then the bottom right there was a bit of darker as well but like gray paint gray so just keeping it loose like letting the colors merge into each other um and then once that's done i obviously just have to step away for a little while just to let it dry um as i said there was a bit too much water on the page so it took a while but um it was really hot here as well so um it wasn't too bad but if you're in a colder wetter climate just uh be careful how much water you put down um because you can get the same effect with less and it will take less time to dry as well um so yeah once that was dry i grabbed my fountain pen today i'm using the lamy all-star which is in this really nice kind of bronzy coppery color really like it and it's got the extra fine nib on it i do prefer generally the other fountain pen i have which is the tusabe eco but um again i've got this one so i'm trying to make myself use it and i used it on the sketch and i was like actually i do really like it so why aren't i using it you know um but those pens as well as everything else i'm using is linked in the description below so um yeah i'm just going over the sketch um and just doing kind of a bit of a line drawing really of um what i'm seeing in the photo um just here and there i'm adding in some some bricks and like the pattern of the stained glass window and stuff so i suppose you could argue in some ways it is like a bit you know there are loose elements to it and then there are tighter like elements to it but i think it works nicely together um and then in this one i've i've got these faber-castell pit artist pens and they have india ink in them so they do not bleed through the page which is the one thing i really really like about them um whereas i've got some other alcohol markers and obviously it just ruins the page beneath it especially if you're just using watercolor you know it's kind of um bleeds through the page so it's kind of annoying but these are perfect because they don't um and while when you put them down they sort of are a bit streaky and they're not as smooth as alcohol markers if you're just using them in small areas like on this kind of sketch they work really nicely and they play really well with waterproof with watercolor paint so yeah again it's another thing i have um and i just wanted to check them out really um so this is the pack of six grey brush markers so not the soft brush but these are just the brush tips and there's three cold grays and three warm grays in the pack so yeah i've been really enjoying them actually i bought them mainly to use in a gray toned sketchbook um but yeah i thought i'd just use them on top of the watercolor here and just sort of see what happens seeing as there was quite a lot of grey going on in this picture with the window frames and the door frames and stuff like that um i thought i'd have a bit more control uh using these pens which i know is kind of funny things we're discussing loose sketching but um i think it's more the uh the effect of kind of the loose kind of sketching feel that i like in this in this kind of picture so you can see in some areas like where the steps go up to the door i drew outside the paint and then in some areas i just decided to stop where the paint stopped which is what i did in the in the previous video and i thought it achieved quite a nice effect but i also like how the right side of this sketch kind of comes down the page and on the left side it kind of goes up you know like kind of gives like a nice balance to the overall sketch so at the moment i'm just using a 0.2 copic multiliner and i am just going in and doing um some of the bricks because i do really like the effect of this i like how it comes out um i'm not doing all of the bricks across the whole house just that front section just to kind of really make it pop and then on the left and that bit on the right where the door is at the top i just kind of left it without too much detail and then i'm using a 0.7 just to kind of go and outline some certain bits again to make it pop because that middle tall section of the house is is much further forward than some of the other parts so i want to try and kind of create that effect um and here then i'm just going in with my dagger brush which is the rosemary and co travel brush that i have i really love this brush you can use the point to kind of get some really nice details um so i'm just kind of going in and sort of layering in areas again just to make it a bit more bold a bit more vibrant and add just some more splashes of color and then also most importantly is just to add in the kind of shadows really just to really give the sketch that depth you know this is as you can see it's starting to kind of really come off the page a bit um this is just like the most important thing you can do to make your your sketch jump off the page is like go in and add add all the shadows and stuff so i'm going in with a white posca pen um now um again it's not something i tend to use but it's lying around and i saw it there and in the picture uh the windows were quite white with the curtains and stuff so i thought i'd go in and use that kind of posca pen although i had a bit of an accident with it because i pumped it um on the page and then loads of paint came out so on on the left side of that front window so i was trying to not smudge that everywhere um but yeah from now it's just sort of going back in and just adding finishing touches really just adding maybe more um darker colors where the shadows are just try and make everything pop a bit more and it's just all those little finishing details really that make make the sketch kind of stand out so guys i really hope you enjoyed um watching this kind of brief run-through of that particular technique and it's something that i've repeated a few times now and i'm quite confident it always produces quite an interesting result so definitely try it for yourself you know laying down those colors um and drawing over the top and then just kind of building up the layers and you know if you do if you do try out um do tag me on instagram if if that's where you share your pictures um at urban sketching world um it'd be great to great to see your kind of versions of this um and please do check out the blog over on urbansketchingworld.com you can see here i'm just sort of scrolling through the homepage here that's just a handful of posts i've got um that i've recently posted but um if you navigate around you'll find loads and loads of stuff there including the stuff about loose sketching um loads of inspiration posts you know examples and like how ideas for what you can sketch and all that kind of thing it really is i think personally a bit of a gold mine for anyone who's into urban sketching travel sketching or income watercolor illustration that kind of thing um and then secondly um guys i do have a an e-book out um it's a collection of over 130 of my watercolor and ink um illustrations um from the last three years of my travels across 15 countries and four different continents um most most of which were all done on location and got some super interesting locations in there like iran and ethiopia south africa australia germany uk all those kind of things even somalia so um do check it out um the disc the link is in the description below and if you use the discount code usk world you get 20 off as well um so thanks very much for watching this video guys again i really hope you enjoyed it and i hope that always through my one of my techniques for a nice loose looking sketch is super helpful to you um and i'm looking forward to bringing you some more videos cheers see you in the next one
Channel: Taria's Sketchy Adventures
Views: 1,111,980
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Keywords: line and wash watercolor, line and wash watercolor tutorial, line and wash techniques, line and wash tutorial, line and wash watercolor painting, ink and watercolor, ink and watercolor tutorial, ink and watercolor illustration, ink and watercolor painting, ink and watercolor architecture, ink and watercolor sketching, ink and watercolor techniques, loose sketching, loose sketching techniques, loose ink sketching with watercolor, loose ink sketching, loose urban sketching
Id: kq9Flps3aFM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 02 2020
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