Easy LEVEL CREATION in Unity with Octave3D - The Prefab Level Building Tool!

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what's up guys justin here with the realtimeessentials.com back with another unity asset tutorial for you so as a lot of you know creating levels inside of unity can be a little bit tricky there's just a lot of like copying and moving different things around things like that so i've always had trouble doing this quickly and easily so i thought what i'd do is i'd try out a tool in the unity asset store that's supposed to make this a lot easier so let's go ahead and just jump into it alright so in today's video we're going to check out the octave 3d level design tool this is basically a tool that's designed in order to make creation of levels with prefabs really easy so it's basically an asset that gives you a tool set that helps you snap and paint everything together so that you can quickly create levels inside of 3d note that this is currently on sale in the unity asset store for 50 off as a part of their black friday deal i will link to this in the notes down below if you want to check it out but what we want to do is we want to jump over into unity first of all and we want to make sure that we've enabled but first off you want to make sure that you've enabled the octave 3d level design tool so you want to make sure you import that you want to make sure that you download that and import that into unity what that's going to do is that's basically going to add a folder right here called the octave 3d world builder and what you can do is you can double click on this documentations and open up this pdf file and that's going to basically give you all of the hotkeys that are involved with this tool and so it is worth you going through and learning the hotkeys in here because they're going to make your life a whole lot easier when you're actually placing objects inside of unity note that this is a tool for placing prefab assets so you do need to make sure that you have prefab asset packs in order to place these so we're going to use the dark fantasy asset pack because it has a number of different prefabs in here that we can use in order to set up our scenes so it's got walls floors other things like that i will link to this in the notes down below you could use other packs as well we're just going to use this one for simplicity's sake and so what we want to do is we want to start by creating a new scene so we're going to go to file new scene and then what we want to do is we want to add an empty right here and when you add an empty we're just going to call this octave in order to enable this what you want to do is you want to add a component to this and we just want to search for octave 3d world builder and so when you attach this what that's going to do is that's going to turn on the octave 3d world builder notice how this gives you a number of different options in here for placing objects inside your scene so we look at this the first thing you're going to notice is these big graphics right here these big graphics indicate the different tools that you have available to you notice how when you click on a different one of these the options down below change as well so um you've basically got object placement tools object selection tools object erase tools and then object snapping tools so the object snapping tools are going to adjust the the way that objects snap together inside of octave but what we want to do is we want to set this up to add different objects and so the way this works is you basically set up prefab libraries inside of octave 3d in order to place objects so so we want to do is we want to click on this button right here for prefabs notice what this does is this opens up a tab called prefab management that you can use in order to control which prefabs are available and so if you look at this notice that there's different categories in here or there will be when you create them right now there's just a default category but let's say for example that we wanted to create a category for walls so what we can do is we can click in here and we're just going to create a walls category so we're just going to click right here in order to create this notice how now you have different categories in here right you can select default you can select walls well then what you do is you want to drop prefabs and prefab folders in here to populate this so what that's going to do is that's going to give you options for things that you can place inside of your scene well in this situation what we want to do is we want to drag over some of the prefabs from the dark fantasy asset pack so let's go into the assets folder and we're going to prefabs prefabs and then wall and so notice how there's a number of different kinds of walls in here so what you could do is you could drag these in here one at a time right like this so notice how there's a ton of different windows and other walls in here and so when we drag those over those are going to show up inside of this folder right here and so what that's going to do is that's going to give us the ability to add these objects to our scene from inside the octave 3d world builder so notice how now if i select one of these objects and then mouse over my scene that wall is going to show up in here like this so then i can click in order to create the wall right just like this so you can click click click if i want to add a different prefab i can just select that prefab and then click on that right here so notice how that makes adding things into your scene really easy we'll talk more about that in a second but for now what we want to do is we want to focus on the fact that we can actually drag complete folders in here as well so i don't want to drag all of these walls in here at once i want to drag the entire folder in here so we're just going to go back into wall and instead of adding the walls in there one by one we're just going to drag the folder for walls in here and so what that does is that adds all of the objects that are in there as walls just like this so now i can select any of these and add them to my scene and so because we already have a wall folder in here we don't need the walls that we created so we can just right click in here remove active category so what that's going to do is that's going to remove that from this list so you can use this in order to quickly populate this so let's say for example that i wanted to add my floors so we'll go over into the floor options right here and i actually want to just drag the entire floor folder in here like this so when i drag the whole floor folder in here what that's going to do is that's going to add all of the subfloors or subfolders that are in here as well so notice how for example this had folders for checker cobblestone all of that well all of those that were in the folder got created in here so that i can quickly and easily add these into my scene just by selecting them like this and so notice that you can also filter by name so if we were to go back into our wall folder for example and we wanted only the corridor items what we could do is we could just type in the name corridor and here and that's actually going to filter this out so what that's going to do is that's going to allow us to quickly find objects inside of octave alright so i'm going to dock this back down here and what we want to do now is let's create a new scene so i'm going to go to file new scene and what we want to do is we want to take a look at the way that we can use this octave 3d world builder in order to add objects to our level we're going to add an octave 3d world builder window over here one thing to know is even though i'm recording my screen you might want to think about opening up the prefab management in another monitor if you have that it's just going to give you more screen space over here all right so let's go ahead and let's add some floors so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to go to the floor uh we'll go with the floor checker option right now and so what i want to do is i'm going to start adding these into my scene so i can do that by just clicking on them and then clicking in my scene right here like this and so notice what's happening with these is these are currently snapping to the grid that's inside of the scene like this and so you can see how because we have that grid in here placing those can be really easy even with the different sides because it's snapping to the right locations and so notice how you can adjust the rotation of objects by using the x y and z keys so notice how if i um do the y for example this is rotating this um 90 degrees every time i hit the y key um if i tap the x key it's going to rotate this on the x axis and if i tap the z key it's going to rotate it on the z axis so we can use this in order to quickly rotate those objects you can also hold shift and y or x in order to fine rotate this object like this so you can use it in order to quickly rotate objects this way or let's say that you wanted to rotate this up a little bit maybe you wanted like a ramp or something like that so you do like a shift x and you can rotate that in order to get that ramp look in here so shift x shift y shift z is going to allow you to do that and again notice how it's going to be really important to pay attention to that manual so the manual is going to allow you to quickly shift between these different tools in here so for example notice how you can toggle the different placement modes by using the one two three and four keys on your keyboard and so notice if you type the one key this is going to put you in decor placement mode meaning it doesn't really snap to anything in here you can just kind of place this wherever two is going to put you in point and click placement mode so that's where this is basically going to snap to the grid and allow you to place objects like this so three is going to put you in path placement mode so path placement mode is going to allow you to set points by clicking and then it'll place the object in a path when you're done you can just do the shift left mouse button and it's going to place those objects in here so you can use that in order to quickly place objects along a path inside of your scenes and then four on your keyboard is going to put you in block placement mode that's going to allow you to quickly create a block of objects inside of your scenes you can single click then click again in order to place a block of objects in here and so let's say we wanted to add some walls to this object so we just go into our wall group right here and a ton of different options in here but let's select one of these shorter walls right here you want to make sure that we tap the 2 key to make sure that we're in point and click placement mode but what we can do is is we can tap the y key in order to rotate this so that we can place it along our floor object right here so then we can come in here on this grid and just really quickly create these objects like this or alternatively probably a faster way to do this is you could also drop this into place or a path mode just by tapping the three key and then clicking but then if i do a shift mouse button and click right here that's going to place those objects really quickly so one tool that i find really useful in this tool set is notice so notice how this is built around the pivot points of your objects right and so right now this is snapping to the central pivot point well what you can do is you can tap the j key in order to adjust the pivot point that you're using right here so when you adjust that pivot point that you're using what that's going to do is that's going to allow you to set objects based on different points on the wall in this situation for example i can use the corner point right here and then one other thing is you can also tap the k key to adjust the grid in here to basically be the size of the object that you have selected so what that means is that means that now you don't have to mess around with trying to find the different pivot points in here this is going to create a grid that you can automatically snap to in order to quickly add these walls in here so when you do that notice how it's really fast in order to bring these in because the pivot point or the snap points are exactly the size and the location you need them to be so you can place these objects in your scene so if you're interested in this tool i will leave a link to it on this page let me know in the comments down below what you think about it as always thank you so much for taking the time to watch this and i will catch you in the next video thanks guys
Channel: The RealTime Essentials
Views: 298
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unity, unity software, unity 3d, unity 2020, unity 2021, unity Octave3D, unity Octave, unity octave tutorial, unity level asset, unity create level, unity Octave3d tutorial
Id: 5K6AG8B8H9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 26sec (746 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 24 2021
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