Easy Crafts FIDGET Toys 🌈 Satisfying Antistress DIY From Paper & Clay by Imagine PlayWorld

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nothing watched out oh come on sh me chedds how should I solve this I don't I won't I don't want to study no all right I'm done studying is impossible Samantha hurry up we have to rescue Sammy fast Yoo Sammy look what we have here hop hop and check this out a awesome that's better where did you get all that we've made these new dress even toys come on we'll show you everything let's get started come on sizzy bring in the details hi I captain you C everything out great Sammy will you help me with my part we Sam's got to stick together indeed [Music] hey I'm working here and you're having fun not there Susan we're almost done don't be so grumpy we're just having fun take a look Sam why are you throwing them at me paper spow battle oh haha okay you won and here the next stage of crafting begins and hop we Slide the paper strip through the section of the cube like this oh can like 8 9 12 F but what f to make a fidget toy fold and unfold you'll understand everything soon but until then look carefully thank you and now it's my turn let's place it this way now we'll pull a baker strip through the slat up and we'll get another row great hey Sam here's one more cute I'm better at crafting than Sam thumbs up hey siy rise and shine huh what is it my CH already we're already getting something cool but just to be safe let's fix our construction with a rubber band now we can start painting come on now Susan draw oh we need a lot of colors [Music] that monster alter of yours okay let's see 5 * 5 I have to focus oh I forgot everything again help me I found it here hey hey Sammy look here do you see how the pictures change so cool I seem to understand the answer is uh 25 right yay you're right Sammy we believe in woohoo wow this to is really stress relieving somehow I so e right now look at that it's like we've hypnotized him hey Sammy hello whoops we need a little break we'll be back soon people and once again hello everyone I came out of hypnosis and we can continue soona will show us how to build another fidget toy love origami give us a thumbs up who will do it better let's see how they'll C with be up to go uhhuh hey that's not fair s H fell into his own trap care to help me no need to ask I've already fed like a gazillion of orami someone here likes to brag come on this s now and I can also use different tools look I see you're out there having fun without me I'll quickly overtake you well we'll see about that sister TAA and yet we're finished at the same time hey I brought you more details I'm like an origami Sensei hey what's going on so origami Sensei where did you bury my oh there it is let's start assembling uhhuh and I'll work with Mine by myself here we go uhuh one more [Music] F and like this so Sammy are you ready to see our craft huh catch me snake oh no you take it whoops Sammy you scared her off it seems that today I make crafts all alone maybe I'll be the main character here hey we were working too we were just danting the crap here I helped okay I can't p on you for too long this is how I look at the first stage come on secure them here and here Samantha and this is me after the second stage of glue and the CBE [Music] I'm finala can you help our assistant and we already have a base of the third craft also made of cubes and fastened with an elastic band it's like having two pairs of hands now let's add some pictures we better to it quickly wow this is so cool well let's see it's like a real Kaleidoscope slime S as days when everything goes upside down me CHS nothing goes right but the antistress Kaleidoscope Cube fix everything no problems with it a Sammy who's going to clean up this mask that's fun and everything is so bright I just love it more fidget toys are yet to come don't go anywhere well this is finally my turn to start crafting we'll make origami again hey Susan take it easy I can't really follow don't follow join in that one just passed me thanks Sue I'll continue for you look you need to bend this piece like a really long Cobble and here's the result that's easy what else can you do Sam huh easy you say well then look let's unfold it a bit like this then we'll do this what do you say now wow do more show me more and I'll post it and if we unfold it like this we'll get the letter M mozzarella let me see closer I'm fine don't worry let show this pie to Susan may I Samantha now let's bend it right here and we'll get a w cool right we need more of these Sammy easy peasy H so now let's glue them all together we're going to need a lot of glue fine take two parts of different colors and put them together hey Sam looks great huh it's a oh I just wanted to glue the other pieces here you are well Samantha is as fly as I am do you agree give us your thumbs ups and watch how the Pieces come together oh wow it remains only to connect the ants and the craft is ready when to Samantha wait wait I guess I've come up with another fidget toy believe it or not but to make it we only need an ordinary paper napkin and a cute character then me just bendon it with a piece of tape I'm stuck it's okay Sammy I'll just take a new piece of it the idea is good though give me just one more second I'll take it from here H these are cut out which means we should put them [Music] together la la oh what's happening is it snow I'm sorry Sammy I just couldn't resist it oh yeah well then I'm going to give it on to Susan well done Sammy now we can fill up our toy let me just seal the opening and done another stress relieving toys ready come on let me try whoopsie thanks so oh oh it really do help all right it's so cool to hold it in your hands po po and someone has two of them I'm the luckiest here yay you didn't even think of giving one to the wild dessert slime okay I still have my own puppet here look what happened to it you ruined it yourself while doing the homework last week but it's okay we can make our own poppet right now oh what is that a hat let me try it on let me try it on does it sit me no these will be pineapple puppet Parts look oh sounds interesting first will'll glue them into the cardboard and foam paper base like this let me speed up a little H now we're talking we'll glue exactly the same part from the other side will you help me out Sam of course and now we need to close it with a side piece like your real puppets have neatly hey I think something's missing here way everything is in its place see uh-huh but you forgot about the Green Top let me grow it for you like this go quickly grow faster like this see this is exactly what I was talking about wo you're a gardener Sammy turn it over again uh-huh like that uh-huh hey wait for me oh that is so cool can you play with it [Music] aha wow now Susie May I have a word with you sure Sammy what's up uh may I have a word with you in private it's just us Samantha's out no no in private without without the dolls and all okay what is it Susie I urgently need to make a couple of stylish accessories really small like this yes right also they should be trendy and stylish and and useful oh unicorns school supplies unicorns are always trendy unicorns school supplies sure no problem hooray guys do you like unicorn style stuff to guest your ideas and we're off to create hey guys Sam even made a list here of what he wants to make today well I don't mind especially since these are all unicorn crafts yes yes and your best unicorn craft assistant is already here tell me assistant why do you need all these items from the list well it's for a slime charity uh fair oh what I didn't know they had fairs like that okay then let's get at it we'll start with a cute mini backpack you'll need a zipper for this backpack I'll get it I'll be right back oh yeah you're right thanks I guess Sam really needs these unicorn crafts h i wonder guys do you have any unicorn items comment and tell me what you've got so we're making our backpack out of craft foam and in order to shape it we need to trace the lines with some tool that's not very sharp slide take this see here's a zipper you're like a zipper yourself Sammy you picked a very nice color thank you I tried very hard oh no why are you cutting it well we want it to match the size of our mini backpack oh okay then Sammy tell me more about this slime charity Fair what Fair all right the fair oh there's nothing to tell about by the way it's a unicorn craft right then I'll go make ears in the horn oh great Sammy and I'll cut off all the excess we only need to glue this part to the backpack B guys do you believe Sam and this slime charity fair business it sure sounds suspicious to me agreed at least he never mentioned it to me before h [Music] so the zipper is glued now we can easily unzip our backpack and zip it back up now let's decorate our backpack with this pretty golden cord oh you need it too here you go then creating cops with Sam is twice as interesting subscribe to our Channel and no craft will ever seem boring to you ever again I guarantee it there just a little bit more and and great my parts are great too wow they're beautiful let's glue them in place 1 2 and three and we'll decorate the horn with these cute flowers here they make unicorns even prettier you don't mind do you Sammy no no it looks awesome let me add the Final Touch there ready wonderful Sammy it's not the final touch though it's not well how will you wear it let's glue these golden straps to it oopsie yes sure the accessory should be practical so we need to fasten the straps in the holes really well be careful like this there now we'll do the same with the second strap it's ready Sammy [Music] wow it's beautiful Susie even better than I expected now she'll definitely she well okay then so next we're going to make a unicorn pen well that's easy we already made one it was full size remember give a thumbs up if you saw that unicorn video so we need to recreate this design in a mini size now there you go mini inod great Sammy remember how we made that big [Laughter] pen of of course I do it's Unforgettable and cool everyone needs to hurry up and watch that video I think after you recommended it everyone will be sure to watch it and this is going to be our ice cream cone here's our next phase even two awesome Sammy I do everything faster here with your help well yeah I really want to present it to her this mysterious her again H I wonder what that's all about who are we making all these crafts for any ideas guys okay so this is our base time to decorate yes Sammy you're right on time by the way tell me who are we making these crafts for no one it's unicorn practice because we love unicorns yeah so it's not for the Slime charity Fair anymore here you are this is the horn and nail polish you'll finish here with all the details okay and I'll go prepare stuff for the next craft I forgot what's next okay okay right Sam's behavior is getting curiouser and curiouser this is the pen we made [Music] [Music] so Susie I brought you a full set here for our next craft wow Sammy it's a whole rainbow sure what else can you draw rainbow with you funny girl Sam's right you know our next craft is a mini pencil case with a fun pattern it's very important sure Sammy and while you're busy working I'll make mini pencils oh wow cool and our craft foam pencil case will be like this now we need to carefully glue our pencil case together on the sides nice and slow it's very [Music] small the same on the other side and for the most interesting part guys we need to make a pattern on our pencil case [Music] look how cool it came out what came out cool there oh it is cool I think she'll love it she again Sammy uh well the Unicorn the one you're drawing yeah right like I'm going to believe you oh you Sammy all we have to do is add some shine to the eyes and of course the Golden Horn right here [Music] here's some stuff to put in our pencil case oh this cord will come in handy too oh it's even more beautiful now and now let's fill our pencil case with neat pencils made out of toothpicks they're so cool right Kudos Craftsman [Music] Sam we'll definitely need paper to make a notebook look here guys I divided this narrow strip of paper into 2.5 cm wide sections and now I'm bending them as a result we have this kind of snaky thing snaky you think she's probably afraid of snakes Sam oh I'll go get the cover for the notebook you know what we'll finish our last craft and then I'll be sure to learn what it's all about as for our strips we need to glue them together first this way and now to turn our little snake into notebook Pages we need to glue the sides together see this way we get pages suy I found a cool cover oh lovely why does it look so familiar because it was lying on your desk all right I forgot all about it it's so great you you found it it is so perfect for this I brought some decorations here too oh colored beads Sammy you are being truly amazing today I can't recall the last time you were so eager to make crafts uh well it's a special occasion is that you'll tell me all about uh yes yes sure are you done here already we only need to decorate our notebook with our cord there care on the sides and [Music] done stop looking at it and put it here uh [Music] Sammy hi NAU well I'll just get going guys let's follow Sam and see what he's up to H he's heading to the Barbie dolls Sammy what's going on E you shouldn't scare me like that come on Sammy out with it okay okay you know how much I like Barbie dolls right uhuh but this one's my favorite so I wanted to give her a present do something nice for her what about all the other Barbies though you think they'll enjoy being left out no come there's enough for all of them here [Music] well I hope you're happy now my favorite Barbie girl loved what I did and she agreed to go out with me well let's get going sure go ahead guys if you liked our mini unicorn crafts give a thumbs up and subscribe to our Channel bye now [Music] hello everyone are you ready for an ay party we're in the party P it's the perfect place for a party so let's get a it's the mini makers [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hello my friends now let me ask you are you feeling Arty let's party here we go we going to have a party and look who I've invited the shapes that's he's so excited all the mini makers are partying too but most importantly we invite you are you you ready 5 4 3 2 1 let's go let's get ay everybodyy come everyone let's gety everybody party are you ready 5 4 3 2 1 let's go hello scraps it's great to see you my friend now what shall we make our party of about today you ever think about it have you got any ideas come on Mini makers over here my friend that's it have a look at the screen now we're going to show you some Clues see if you can guess what our party's going to be about today what's that oh oh yes a monster hand and then a a dragon and who oh it's another monster and what's that everyone monster and I'll give you one last clue mini makers watch what's our party going to be about mon that's right today we're going to have a monster party where scraps there you are very funny then again I've always thought of you as a little [Music] monster so my friends let's make a monster Arty party picture what should we use today do you think stickers called glue stick well done mini maker some fantastic ideas there and in fact it's just giv me a brilliant idea let's get aarty at our party and make a funny furry monster with spoon ears and plastic Jewel eyes but first we'll need some things [Music] from that's right we'll need some colored card or paper and some fun fur some stickers and some fun foam [Music] shapes plastic spoons plastic jewels and tin [Music] foil a picture of a monster that's not a monster that's me when I woke up this morning doodle tube honestly and we'll need some scissors and some glue okay mini makers let's get started and first of all we're going to bring in some nice background paper or card and now we're going to make our monster let's take some fun fur like this and we can stick it down let have some glue there we go lots of glue on the back here we are and now let's stick it down like that I think our monster needs some ears so why don't we use these spoons now these should stick in with the glue that we've already put down for the fun fur let's put the other one in for the monster's ears and what else does our monster need eyes eyes that's right let's use some nice round stickers here's one circle shaped sticker and there's the other one and we could also make eyelids so let's take this circle of fun foam I'm going to very carefully cut this circle in half but I must be careful scissors are Shar that's right I'm going to put some glue on the back of them and stick them on and how about sticking on plastic Jewels for pupils and now we need to make a a nose and for that thank you we are going to scrunch some foil very carefully so it makes a nose shape let's put some glue on here we are bit of glue and let's stick it on and now our monster just needs a mouth and for that we're going to use some card and some scissors and I'm going to very carefully cut triangle shapes out of the card great our Monster's got some nice sharp teeth Thomas can you put some glue on that for me thank you very much Thomas and now let's stick it on there do you like our monster everyone yeah fantastic well now you're going to get to make your very own Arty party picture but first you need to put on your R cuz it's time to start the [Music] art sopia has made a marvelous monster how did you make the eyes I I stuck on the white circles and then I stuck on the triangles wow it looks brilliant and what's your monster called shapy shapy well done Sophia you keep making my friend and I Wonder has anyone else ever had any monster Arty ideas let's find out Salvador darly was a very famous artist born in Spain he was known as a surrealist artist a surrealist is someone who likes to paint unusual pictures many people thought that darly was able to turn strange dreams into incredible works of art painting is my dream job one of his pictures shows monster elephant creatures with incredibly long giraffe-like legs and one of his most famous paintings was very strange indeed as well as making strange art some people say that salv or darly did some odd things in everyday life too once he drove a car through Paris covered in cauliflowers what everyone loves flowers cauliflowers that is he was scared of creepy crawlies and he was afraid to show anyone his feet can I have my slippers back darling no fantastic but now no more Dilly daring around let's get back to our own monstrous [Music] art now Megan what do your friends call you at school megie monster megy monster is making a monster and it's very Smiley you've got small green pipe cleaners here on the nose what are they boies Bo [Music] G Kia what's your monster called George George and what's George got on top of his head ears made out of buttons ears made out of buttons that is a great idea I can hear snoring everyone it sounds like someone's asleep at our party who is it everybody [Music] [Applause] that's right it's the shapes and I think we should wake them up so after three ready one 2 3 [Applause] [Music] wait here we go come on I am a sh I am a sh I am a sh scrubs let's [Applause] party come on Mini makers let's all dance with the shapes I am a circle spin around spin around in a circle on the ground I am a triangle clap your hands in the air triangles everywhere I am a square everybody draw a square draw it here draw it there everybody draw sare I am a rectangle bounce everybody bounce like you just don't care what's it going to be wait till we will see a shap for you and me I [Music] am look at these two pictures how many differences Can you [Music] spot wow two three that's right there are three differences well done rectangle it's time to get back on the Shelf [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Imagine PlayWorld
Views: 2,741
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: P61Uvf0OYSU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 54sec (1974 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 01 2024
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